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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.ReadyCheckingSideInputReader;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.SideInputReader;
import org.apache.beam.runners.core.TimerInternals.TimerData;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.runners.AppliedPTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.PTransform;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.BoundedWindow;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.windowing.Trigger;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.WindowedValue;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollection;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionView;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PValue;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.WindowingStrategy;
import org.joda.time.Instant;

 * The evaluation context for a specific pipeline being executed by the {@link DirectRunner}.
 * Contains state shared within the execution across all transforms.
 * <p>{@link EvaluationContext} contains shared state for an execution of the {@link DirectRunner}
 * that can be used while evaluating a {@link PTransform}. This consists of views into underlying
 * state and watermark implementations, access to read and write {@link PCollectionView
 * PCollectionViews}, and managing the {@link DirectExecutionContext ExecutionContexts}. This
 * includes executing callbacks asynchronously when state changes to the appropriate point (e.g.
 * when a {@link PCollectionView} is requested and known to be empty).
 * <p>{@link EvaluationContext} also handles results by committing finalizing bundles based on the
 * current global state and updating the global state appropriately. This includes updating the
 * per-{@link StepAndKey} state, updating global watermarks, and executing any callbacks that can be
 * executed.
class EvaluationContext {
     * The graph representing this {@link Pipeline}.
    private final DirectGraph graph;

    /** The options that were used to create this {@link Pipeline}. */
    private final DirectOptions options;
    private final Clock clock;

    private final BundleFactory bundleFactory;
    /** The current processing time and event time watermarks and timers. */
    private final WatermarkManager watermarkManager;

    /** Executes callbacks based on the progression of the watermark. */
    private final WatermarkCallbackExecutor callbackExecutor;

    /** The stateInternals of the world, by applied PTransform and key. */
    private final ConcurrentMap<StepAndKey, CopyOnAccessInMemoryStateInternals> applicationStateInternals;

    private final SideInputContainer sideInputContainer;

    private final DirectMetrics metrics;

    private final Set<PValue> keyedPValues;

    public static EvaluationContext create(DirectOptions options, Clock clock, BundleFactory bundleFactory,
            DirectGraph graph, Set<PValue> keyedPValues) {
        return new EvaluationContext(options, clock, bundleFactory, graph, keyedPValues);

    private EvaluationContext(DirectOptions options, Clock clock, BundleFactory bundleFactory, DirectGraph graph,
            Set<PValue> keyedPValues) {
        this.options = checkNotNull(options);
        this.clock = clock;
        this.bundleFactory = checkNotNull(bundleFactory);
        this.graph = checkNotNull(graph);
        this.keyedPValues = keyedPValues;

        this.watermarkManager = WatermarkManager.create(clock, graph);
        this.sideInputContainer = SideInputContainer.create(this, graph.getViews());

        this.applicationStateInternals = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
        this.metrics = new DirectMetrics();

        this.callbackExecutor = WatermarkCallbackExecutor.create(MoreExecutors.directExecutor());

    public void initialize(Map<AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?>, ? extends Iterable<CommittedBundle<?>>> initialInputs) {

     * Handle the provided {@link TransformResult}, produced after evaluating the provided
     * {@link CommittedBundle} (potentially null, if the result of a root {@link PTransform}).
     * <p>The result is the output of running the transform contained in the
     * {@link TransformResult} on the contents of the provided bundle.
     * @param completedBundle the bundle that was processed to produce the result. Potentially
     *                        {@code null} if the transform that produced the result is a root
     *                        transform
     * @param completedTimers the timers that were delivered to produce the {@code completedBundle},
     *                        or an empty iterable if no timers were delivered
     * @param result the result of evaluating the input bundle
     * @return the committed bundles contained within the handled {@code result}
    public CommittedResult handleResult(@Nullable CommittedBundle<?> completedBundle,
            Iterable<TimerData> completedTimers, TransformResult<?> result) {
        Iterable<? extends CommittedBundle<?>> committedBundles = commitBundles(result.getOutputBundles());
        metrics.commitLogical(completedBundle, result.getLogicalMetricUpdates());

        // Update watermarks and timers
        EnumSet<OutputType> outputTypes = EnumSet.copyOf(result.getOutputTypes());
        if (Iterables.isEmpty(committedBundles)) {
        } else {
        CommittedResult committedResult = CommittedResult.create(result,
                completedBundle == null ? null
                        : completedBundle.withElements((Iterable) result.getUnprocessedElements()),
                committedBundles, outputTypes);
        // Update state internals
        CopyOnAccessInMemoryStateInternals theirState = result.getState();
        if (theirState != null) {
            CopyOnAccessInMemoryStateInternals committedState = theirState.commit();
            StepAndKey stepAndKey = StepAndKey.of(result.getTransform(),
                    completedBundle == null ? null : completedBundle.getKey());
            if (!committedState.isEmpty()) {
                applicationStateInternals.put(stepAndKey, committedState);
            } else {
        // Watermarks are updated last to ensure visibility of any global state before progress is
        // permitted
                result.getTimerUpdate().withCompletedTimers(completedTimers), committedResult,
        return committedResult;

    private Iterable<? extends CommittedBundle<?>> commitBundles(Iterable<? extends UncommittedBundle<?>> bundles) {
        ImmutableList.Builder<CommittedBundle<?>> completed = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (UncommittedBundle<?> inProgress : bundles) {
            AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> producing = graph.getProducer(inProgress.getPCollection());
            TransformWatermarks watermarks = watermarkManager.getWatermarks(producing);
            CommittedBundle<?> committed = inProgress.commit(watermarks.getSynchronizedProcessingOutputTime());
            // Empty bundles don't impact watermarks and shouldn't trigger downstream execution, so
            // filter them out
            if (!Iterables.isEmpty(committed.getElements())) {

    private void fireAllAvailableCallbacks() {
        for (AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> transform : graph.getPrimitiveTransforms()) {

    private void fireAvailableCallbacks(AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> producingTransform) {
        TransformWatermarks watermarks = watermarkManager.getWatermarks(producingTransform);
        Instant outputWatermark = watermarks.getOutputWatermark();
        callbackExecutor.fireForWatermark(producingTransform, outputWatermark);

     * Create a {@link UncommittedBundle} for use by a source.
    public <T> UncommittedBundle<T> createRootBundle() {
        return bundleFactory.createRootBundle();

     * Create a {@link UncommittedBundle} whose elements belong to the specified {@link
     * PCollection}.
    public <T> UncommittedBundle<T> createBundle(PCollection<T> output) {
        return bundleFactory.createBundle(output);

     * Create a {@link UncommittedBundle} with the specified keys at the specified step. For use by
     * {@link DirectGroupByKeyOnly} {@link PTransform PTransforms}.
    public <K, T> UncommittedBundle<T> createKeyedBundle(StructuralKey<K> key, PCollection<T> output) {
        return bundleFactory.createKeyedBundle(key, output);

     * Indicate whether or not this {@link PCollection} has been determined to be
     * keyed.
    public <T> boolean isKeyed(PValue pValue) {
        return keyedPValues.contains(pValue);

     * Create a {@link PCollectionViewWriter}, whose elements will be used in the provided
     * {@link PCollectionView}.
    public <ElemT, ViewT> PCollectionViewWriter<ElemT, ViewT> createPCollectionViewWriter(
            PCollection<Iterable<ElemT>> input, final PCollectionView<ViewT> output) {
        return new PCollectionViewWriter<ElemT, ViewT>() {
            public void add(Iterable<WindowedValue<ElemT>> values) {
                sideInputContainer.write(output, values);

     * Schedule a callback to be executed after output would be produced for the given window
     * if there had been input.
     * <p>Output would be produced when the watermark for a {@link PValue} passes the point at
     * which the trigger for the specified window (with the specified windowing strategy) must have
     * fired from the perspective of that {@link PValue}, as specified by the value of
     * {@link Trigger#getWatermarkThatGuaranteesFiring(BoundedWindow)} for the trigger of the
     * {@link WindowingStrategy}. When the callback has fired, either values will have been produced
     * for a key in that window, the window is empty, or all elements in the window are late. The
     * callback will be executed regardless of whether values have been produced.
    public void scheduleAfterOutputWouldBeProduced(PValue value, BoundedWindow window,
            WindowingStrategy<?, ?> windowingStrategy, Runnable runnable) {
        AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> producing = graph.getProducer(value);
        callbackExecutor.callOnGuaranteedFiring(producing, window, windowingStrategy, runnable);


     * Schedule a callback to be executed after the given window is expired.
     * <p>For example, upstream state associated with the window may be cleared.
    public void scheduleAfterWindowExpiration(AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> producing, BoundedWindow window,
            WindowingStrategy<?, ?> windowingStrategy, Runnable runnable) {
        callbackExecutor.callOnWindowExpiration(producing, window, windowingStrategy, runnable);


     * Get the options used by this {@link Pipeline}.
    public DirectOptions getPipelineOptions() {
        return options;

     * Get a {@link DirectExecutionContext} for the provided {@link AppliedPTransform} and key.
    public DirectExecutionContext getExecutionContext(AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> application,
            StructuralKey<?> key) {
        StepAndKey stepAndKey = StepAndKey.of(application, key);
        return new DirectExecutionContext(clock, key,
                (CopyOnAccessInMemoryStateInternals) applicationStateInternals.get(stepAndKey),

     * Get the Step Name for the provided application.
    String getStepName(AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> application) {
        return graph.getStepName(application);

    /** Returns all of the steps in this {@link Pipeline}. */
    Collection<AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?>> getSteps() {
        return graph.getPrimitiveTransforms();

     * Returns a {@link ReadyCheckingSideInputReader} capable of reading the provided
     * {@link PCollectionView PCollectionViews}.
     * @param sideInputs the {@link PCollectionView PCollectionViews} the result should be able to
     * read
     * @return a {@link SideInputReader} that can read all of the provided {@link PCollectionView
     * PCollectionViews}
    public ReadyCheckingSideInputReader createSideInputReader(final List<PCollectionView<?>> sideInputs) {
        return sideInputContainer.createReaderForViews(sideInputs);

    /** Returns the metrics container for this pipeline. */
    public DirectMetrics getMetrics() {
        return metrics;

    void forceRefresh() {

     * Extracts all timers that have been fired and have not already been extracted.
     * <p>This is a destructive operation. Timers will only appear in the result of this method once
     * for each time they are set.
    public Collection<FiredTimers> extractFiredTimers() {
        return watermarkManager.extractFiredTimers();

     * Returns true if the step will not produce additional output.
    public boolean isDone(AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> transform) {
        // the PTransform is done only if watermark is at the max value
        Instant stepWatermark = watermarkManager.getWatermarks(transform).getOutputWatermark();
        return !stepWatermark.isBefore(BoundedWindow.TIMESTAMP_MAX_VALUE);

     * Returns true if all steps are done.
    public boolean isDone() {
        for (AppliedPTransform<?, ?, ?> transform : graph.getPrimitiveTransforms()) {
            if (!isDone(transform)) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public Instant now() {

    Clock getClock() {
        return clock;