List of usage examples for Iterables isEmpty
public static boolean isEmpty(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
public static Expression binaryExpression(LogicalBinaryExpression.Type type, Iterable<Expression> expressions) { requireNonNull(type, "type is null"); requireNonNull(expressions, "expressions is null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(!Iterables.isEmpty(expressions), "expressions is empty"); // build balanced tree for efficient recursive processing Queue<Expression> queue = new ArrayDeque<>(newArrayList(expressions)); while (queue.size() > 1) { queue.add(new LogicalBinaryExpression(type, queue.remove(), queue.remove())); }//from ww w .j av a2s . c o m return queue.remove(); }
From source
private List<String> formatScriptValues() { String values = getEditTextValue(; Iterable<String> iterable = Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(values); if (Iterables.isEmpty(iterable)) { return Lists.newArrayList(values.trim()); } else {//from ww w. ja v a 2s .co m List<String> scripts = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String s : iterable) { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(s.trim())) { scripts.add(s); } } return scripts; } }
From source
/** * Return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty *///from w ww . j a va 2s .c o m public static long maximumLength(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { checkNotNull(ranges); if (Iterables.isEmpty(ranges)) { return -1L; } return Ordering.natural().max(lengths(ranges)).longValue(); }
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private void maybePrintRules(ModelNode model, StyledTextOutput styledTextoutput) { Iterable<ModelRuleDescriptor> executedRules = uniqueExecutedRulesExcludingCreator(model); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(executedRules)) { printNestedAttributeTitle(styledTextoutput, "Rules:"); for (ModelRuleDescriptor ruleDescriptor : executedRules) { printNestedAttribute(styledTextoutput, " " + ruleDescriptor.toString()); }//from w w w . jav a 2 s . c om } }
From source
/** * * @param gcBefore//from w w w.j a va2 s. c om * @return */ private synchronized List<SSTableReader> getNextBackgroundSSTables(final int gcBefore) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(cfs.getSSTables(SSTableSet.LIVE))) return Collections.emptyList(); Set<SSTableReader> uncompacting = ImmutableSet .copyOf(filter(cfs.getUncompactingSSTables(), sstables::contains)); // Find fully expired SSTables. Those will be included no matter what. Set<SSTableReader> expired = Collections.emptySet(); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastExpiredCheck > options.expiredSSTableCheckFrequency) { logger.debug("TWCS expired check sufficiently far in the past, checking for fully expired SSTables"); expired = CompactionController.getFullyExpiredSSTables(cfs, uncompacting, cfs.getOverlappingLiveSSTables(uncompacting), gcBefore); lastExpiredCheck = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { logger.debug("TWCS skipping check for fully expired SSTables"); } Set<SSTableReader> candidates = Sets.newHashSet(filterSuspectSSTables(uncompacting)); List<SSTableReader> compactionCandidates = new ArrayList<>( getNextNonExpiredSSTables(Sets.difference(candidates, expired), gcBefore)); if (!expired.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("Including expired sstables: {}", expired); compactionCandidates.addAll(expired); } return compactionCandidates; }
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@Override public IJSApplication build(Collection<ICompilerProblem> problems) { buildStarted();//from www. ja v a2 s . co m try { Iterable<ICompilerProblem> fatalProblems = getFatalProblems(); if (!Iterables.isEmpty(fatalProblems)) { Iterables.addAll(problems, fatalProblems); return null; } Set<ICompilationUnit> compilationUnitSet = new HashSet<ICompilationUnit>(); Target.RootedCompilationUnits rootedCompilationUnits = getRootedCompilationUnits(); Iterables.addAll(problems, rootedCompilationUnits.getProblems()); compilationUnitSet.addAll(rootedCompilationUnits.getUnits()); buildAndCollectProblems(compilationUnitSet, problems); List<ICompilationUnit> reachableCompilationUnits = project .getReachableCompilationUnitsInSWFOrder(rootedCompilationUnits.getUnits()); IJSApplication application = initializeApplication(reachableCompilationUnits); // ISWF swf = initializeSWF(reachableCompilationUnits); // // // make main frame for DoABC tags // final SWFFrame mainFrame = new SWFFrame(); // swf.addFrame(mainFrame); // // // Add definitions. // for (final ICompilationUnit cu : compilationUnitSet) // { // // ignore externals // if (isLinkageExternal(cu, targetSettings)) // continue; // // // ignore any resource bundles // if (cu instanceof ResourceBundleCompilationUnit) // continue; // // // Create a DoABC tag per compilation unit. // // // Please add this API to SWFTarget. Thx. // // protected Boolean addToFrame(ICompilationUnit cu, SWFFrame mainFrame) throws InterruptedException // // final boolean tagsAdded = cu.getSWFTagsRequest().get().addToFrame(mainFrame); // final boolean tagsAdded = addToFrame(cu, mainFrame); // if (!tagsAdded) // { // ICompilerProblem problem = new UnableToBuildSWFTagProblem(cu.getAbsoluteFilename()); // problems.add(problem); // } // } // // createLinkReport(problems); return application; } catch (BuildCanceledException bce) { return null; } catch (InterruptedException ie) { return null; } finally { buildFinished(); } }
From source
private IScope createCsticScope(Iterable<Class> classes) { Class cls = Iterables.getFirst(classes, null); Iterable<Class> restClasses = Iterables.skip(classes, 1); if (cls.getSuperClasses().isEmpty() && Iterables.isEmpty(restClasses)) { return Scopes.scopeFor(cls.getCharacteristics()); } else {/*from w w w . j a va 2s . co m*/ return Scopes.scopeFor(cls.getCharacteristics(), createCsticScope(Iterables.concat(cls.getSuperClasses(), restClasses))); } }
From source
/** * Turns a list of names from the management model into a human readable enumeration wrapped in quotes and * separated with commas. The last name is separated with the specified conjunction. * * @return The list of names as human readable string or an empty string if the names are null or empty. *//*from w ww . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ public String enumeration(Iterable<String> names, String conjunction) { String enumeration = ""; if (names != null && !Iterables.isEmpty(names)) { int size = Iterables.size(names); if (size == 1) { return QUOTE + label(names.iterator().next()) + QUOTE; } else if (size == 2) { return QUOTE + label(Iterables.getFirst(names, "")) + QUOTE + SPACE + conjunction + SPACE + QUOTE + label(Iterables.getLast(names)) + QUOTE; } else { String last = Iterables.getLast(names); LinkedList<String> allButLast = new LinkedList<>(); Iterables.addAll(allButLast, names); allButLast.removeLast(); enumeration = -> QUOTE + label(name) + QUOTE) .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); enumeration = enumeration + SPACE + conjunction + SPACE + QUOTE + label(last) + QUOTE; } } return enumeration; }
From source
@Inject public SitePaths(@SitePath Path sitePath) throws IOException { site_path = sitePath;//from w w w . java 2 s . c om Path p = sitePath; bin_dir = p.resolve("bin"); etc_dir = p.resolve("etc"); lib_dir = p.resolve("lib"); tmp_dir = p.resolve("tmp"); plugins_dir = p.resolve("plugins"); db_dir = p.resolve("db"); data_dir = p.resolve("data"); logs_dir = p.resolve("logs"); mail_dir = etc_dir.resolve("mail"); hooks_dir = p.resolve("hooks"); static_dir = p.resolve("static"); themes_dir = p.resolve("themes"); index_dir = p.resolve("index"); gerrit_sh = bin_dir.resolve(""); gerrit_war = bin_dir.resolve("gerrit.war"); gerrit_config = etc_dir.resolve("gerrit.config"); secure_config = etc_dir.resolve("secure.config"); ssl_keystore = etc_dir.resolve("keystore"); ssh_key = etc_dir.resolve("ssh_host_key"); ssh_rsa = etc_dir.resolve("ssh_host_rsa_key"); ssh_dsa = etc_dir.resolve("ssh_host_dsa_key"); peer_keys = etc_dir.resolve("peer_keys"); site_css = etc_dir.resolve(CSS_FILENAME); site_header = etc_dir.resolve(HEADER_FILENAME); site_footer = etc_dir.resolve(FOOTER_FILENAME); site_gitweb = etc_dir.resolve("gitweb_config.perl"); boolean isNew; try (DirectoryStream<Path> files = Files.newDirectoryStream(site_path)) { isNew = Iterables.isEmpty(files); } catch (NoSuchFileException e) { isNew = true; } this.isNew = isNew; }
From source
/** * Return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty *///from w ww.j a v a 2 s. co m public static long maximumLength(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { checkNotNull(ranges); if (Iterables.isEmpty(ranges)) { return -1L; } return Ordering.natural().max(lengths(ranges)); }