List of usage examples for Iterables isEmpty
public static boolean isEmpty(Iterable<?> iterable)
From source
/** Creates an instance based on a configured target and a set of aspects. */ public static ConfiguredTarget of(ConfiguredTarget base, Iterable<ConfiguredAspect> aspects) throws DuplicateException { if (Iterables.isEmpty(aspects)) { // If there are no aspects, don't bother with creating a proxy object return base; }/* w w w.j a va 2 s . com*/ // Merge output group providers. OutputGroupProvider mergedOutputGroupProvider = OutputGroupProvider .merge(getAllOutputGroupProviders(base, aspects)); // Merge extra-actions provider. ExtraActionArtifactsProvider mergedExtraActionProviders = ExtraActionArtifactsProvider .merge(getAllProviders(base, aspects, ExtraActionArtifactsProvider.class)); TransitiveInfoProviderMapBuilder aspectProviders = new TransitiveInfoProviderMapBuilder(); if (mergedOutputGroupProvider != null) { aspectProviders.put(mergedOutputGroupProvider); } if (mergedExtraActionProviders != null) { aspectProviders.add(mergedExtraActionProviders); } for (ConfiguredAspect aspect : aspects) { TransitiveInfoProviderMap providers = aspect.getProviders(); for (int i = 0; i < providers.getProviderCount(); ++i) { Object providerKey = providers.getProviderKeyAt(i); if (OutputGroupProvider.SKYLARK_CONSTRUCTOR.getKey().equals(providerKey) || ExtraActionArtifactsProvider.class.equals(providerKey)) { continue; } if (providerKey instanceof Class<?>) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<? extends TransitiveInfoProvider> providerClass = (Class<? extends TransitiveInfoProvider>) providerKey; if (base.getProvider(providerClass) != null || aspectProviders.contains(providerClass)) { throw new DuplicateException("Provider " + providerKey + " provided twice"); } aspectProviders.put(providerClass, (TransitiveInfoProvider) providers.getProviderInstanceAt(i)); } else if (providerKey instanceof String) { String legacyId = (String) providerKey; if (base.get(legacyId) != null || aspectProviders.contains(legacyId)) { throw new DuplicateException("Provider " + legacyId + " provided twice"); } aspectProviders.put(legacyId, providers.getProviderInstanceAt(i)); } else if (providerKey instanceof Provider.Key) { Provider.Key key = (Key) providerKey; if (base.get(key) != null || aspectProviders.contains(key)) { throw new DuplicateException("Provider " + key + " provided twice"); } aspectProviders.put((Info) providers.getProviderInstanceAt(i)); } } } return new MergedConfiguredTarget(base,; }
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@Override public Iterable<LicenseDetails> getLicenses() { Iterable<String> licenseStrings = multiLicenseStore.retrieve(); if (Iterables.isEmpty(licenseStrings)) return ImmutableList.of(NullLicenseDetails.NULL_LICENSE_DETAILS); return Iterables.transform(licenseStrings, new Function<String, LicenseDetails>() { public LicenseDetails apply(@Nullable final String s) { return getLicense(s); }/*w w w .j a va2 s. c o m*/ }); }
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/** * @inheritDoc//from w ww.ja v a2s . c o m */ @Override public boolean contains(final Resource theSubj, final URI thePred, final Value theObj, final Resource... theContexts) { return !Iterables.isEmpty(Graphs.filter(this, theSubj, thePred, theObj, theContexts)); }
From source
public NestedSet<Artifact> buildAsClassPathEntry(RuleContext ruleContext) { CustomCommandLine.Builder builder = new CustomCommandLine.Builder(); // Set the busybox tool. builder.add("--tool").add("GENERATE_ROBOLECTRIC_R").add("--"); NestedSetBuilder<Artifact> inputs = NestedSetBuilder.stableOrder(); builder.addExecPath("--androidJar", sdk.getAndroidJar()); inputs.add(sdk.getAndroidJar());/* w w w . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (!Iterables.isEmpty(dependencies.getResourceContainers())) { builder.addAll("--data", VectorArg.join(RESOURCE_CONTAINER_TO_ARG.listSeparator()) .each(dependencies.getResourceContainers()).mapped(RESOURCE_CONTAINER_TO_ARG)); } inputs.addTransitive(dependencies.getTransitiveResources()) .addTransitive(dependencies.getTransitiveAssets()) .addTransitive(dependencies.getTransitiveManifests()) .addTransitive(dependencies.getTransitiveRTxt()) .addTransitive(dependencies.getTransitiveSymbolsBin()); builder.addExecPath("--classJarOutput", classJarOut); SpawnAction.Builder spawnActionBuilder = new SpawnAction.Builder(); ParamFileInfo.Builder paramFile = ParamFileInfo.builder(ParameterFileType.SHELL_QUOTED); // Some flags (e.g. --mainData) may specify lists (or lists of lists) separated by special // characters (colon, semicolon, hashmark, ampersand) that don't work on Windows, and quoting // semantics are very complicated (more so than in Bash), so let's just always use a parameter // file. // TODO(laszlocsomor), TODO(corysmith): restructure the Android BusyBux's flags by deprecating // list-type and list-of-list-type flags that use such problematic separators in favor of // multi-value flags (to remove one level of listing) and by changing all list separators to a // platform-safe character (= comma). paramFile.setUseAlways(OS.getCurrent() == OS.WINDOWS); ruleContext.registerAction(spawnActionBuilder.useDefaultShellEnvironment() .addTransitiveInputs( .addCommandLine(, .setExecutable(ruleContext.getExecutablePrerequisite("$android_resources_busybox", Mode.HOST)) .setProgressMessage("Generating R classes for %s", ruleContext.getLabel()) .setMnemonic("GenerateRobolectricRClasses").build(ruleContext)); return NestedSetBuilder.<Artifact>naiveLinkOrder().add(classJarOut).build(); }
From source
@Override public BasicVertex<I, V, E, M> resolve(I vertexId, BasicVertex<I, V, E, M> vertex, VertexChanges<I, V, E, M> vertexChanges, Iterable<M> messages) { // Default algorithm: // 1. If the vertex exists, first prune the edges // 2. If vertex removal desired, remove the vertex. // 3. If creation of vertex desired, pick first vertex // 4. If vertex doesn't exist, but got messages, create // 5. If edge addition, add the edges if (vertex != null) { if (vertexChanges != null) { List<I> removedEdgeList = vertexChanges.getRemovedEdgeList(); for (I removedDestVertex : removedEdgeList) { E removeEdge = ((MutableVertex<I, V, E, M>) vertex).removeEdge(removedDestVertex); if (removeEdge == null) { LOG.warn("resolve: Failed to remove edge with " + "destination " + removedDestVertex + "on " + vertex + " since it doesn't exist."); }//from ww w. j a v a 2s. c o m } if (vertexChanges.getRemovedVertexCount() > 0) { vertex = null; } } } if (vertex == null) { if (vertexChanges != null) { if (!vertexChanges.getAddedVertexList().isEmpty()) { vertex = vertexChanges.getAddedVertexList().get(0); } } if (vertex == null && messages != null && !Iterables.isEmpty(messages)) { vertex = instantiateVertex(); vertex.initialize(vertexId, BspUtils.<V>createVertexValue(getConf()), null, messages); } } else { if ((vertexChanges != null) && (!vertexChanges.getAddedVertexList().isEmpty())) { LOG.warn("resolve: Tried to add a vertex with id = " + vertex.getVertexId() + " when one already " + "exists. Ignoring the add vertex request."); } } if (vertexChanges != null && !vertexChanges.getAddedEdgeList().isEmpty()) { MutableVertex<I, V, E, M> mutableVertex = (MutableVertex<I, V, E, M>) vertex; for (Edge<I, E> edge : vertexChanges.getAddedEdgeList()) { edge.setConf(getConf()); mutableVertex.addEdge(edge.getDestVertexId(), edge.getEdgeValue()); } } return vertex; }
From source
private Maybe<ContentQuery> split(ContentQuery query, final Set<Class<? extends Identified>> allowedTypes, final boolean retain) { List<Maybe<AtomicQuery>> extracted = query.accept(new QueryVisitor<Maybe<AtomicQuery>>() { @Override// ww w. j a v a2s .c om public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(IntegerAttributeQuery query) { return allowed(query); } @Override public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(StringAttributeQuery query) { return allowed(query); } @Override public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(BooleanAttributeQuery query) { return allowed(query); } @Override public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(EnumAttributeQuery<?> query) { return allowed(query); } @Override public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(DateTimeAttributeQuery query) { return allowed(query); } @Override public Maybe<AtomicQuery> visit(MatchesNothing noOp) { return Maybe.nothing(); } private Maybe<AtomicQuery> allowed(AttributeQuery<?> query) { if (allowedTypes.contains(query.getAttribute().target())) { return retain ? Maybe.<AtomicQuery>just(query) : Maybe.<AtomicQuery>nothing(); } else { return retain ? Maybe.<AtomicQuery>nothing() : Maybe.<AtomicQuery>just(query); } } }); Iterable<AtomicQuery> operands = Maybe.filterValues(extracted); if (Iterables.isEmpty(operands)) { return Maybe.nothing(); } else { return Maybe.just(query.copyWithOperands(operands)); } }
From source
/** * Returns the bits for the given privilege names * @param privilegeNames the names//from www . ja va 2 s. c o m * @return the privilege bits */ @Nonnull public PrivilegeBits getBits(@Nonnull Iterable<String> privilegeNames) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(privilegeNames)) { return PrivilegeBits.EMPTY; } Tree privilegesTree = null; PrivilegeBits bits = PrivilegeBits.getInstance(); for (String privilegeName : privilegeNames) { PrivilegeBits builtIn = PrivilegeBits.BUILT_IN.get(privilegeName); if (builtIn != null) { bits.add(builtIn); } else { if (privilegesTree == null) { privilegesTree = getPrivilegesTree(); } if (privilegesTree.exists() && privilegesTree.hasChild(privilegeName)) { Tree defTree = privilegesTree.getChild(privilegeName); bits.add(PrivilegeBits.getInstance(defTree)); } else { log.debug("Ignoring privilege name " + privilegeName); } } } return bits.unmodifiable(); }
From source
private DatasourceEncryptionStrategy getProjectEncryptionStrategy(String projectName) { Project project = projectService.getProject(projectName); OpalKeyStore keyStore = projectsKeyStoreService.getKeyStore(project); DatasourceEncryptionStrategy encryptionStrategy = null; if (!Iterables.isEmpty(keyStore.listKeyPairs())) { encryptionStrategy = getDefaultEncryptionStrategy(); encryptionStrategy.setKeyProvider(keyStore); }// w ww . j a v a 2s . c om return encryptionStrategy; }
From source
@Override public JanusGraphSchemaType getSchemaTypeConstraint() { JanusGraphSchemaType constraint;//w w w .j a v a 2 s . com if (!cachedTypeConstraint) { Iterable<SchemaSource.Entry> related = base.getRelated(TypeDefinitionCategory.INDEX_SCHEMA_CONSTRAINT, Direction.OUT); if (Iterables.isEmpty(related)) { constraint = null; } else { constraint = (JanusGraphSchemaType) Iterables.getOnlyElement(related, null).getSchemaType(); assert constraint != null; } schemaTypeConstraint = constraint; cachedTypeConstraint = true; } else { constraint = schemaTypeConstraint; } return constraint; }
From source
protected void openIptablesImpl(Iterable<Integer> inboundPorts, SshMachineLocation machine) { if (inboundPorts == null || Iterables.isEmpty(inboundPorts)) {"No ports to open in iptables (no inbound ports) for {} at {}", machine, this); } else {//w w w .j a va 2s . c o m"Opening ports in iptables for {} at {}", entity(), machine); List<String> iptablesRules = Lists.newArrayList(); if (isLocationFirewalldEnabled(machine)) { for (Integer port : inboundPorts) { iptablesRules .add(IptablesCommands.addFirewalldRule(Chain.INPUT, Protocol.TCP, port, Policy.ACCEPT)); } } else { iptablesRules = createIptablesRulesForNetworkInterface(inboundPorts); iptablesRules.add(IptablesCommands.saveIptablesRules()); } List<String> batch = Lists.newArrayList(); // Some entities, such as Riak (erlang based) have a huge range of ports, which leads to a script that // is too large to run (fails with a broken pipe). Batch the rules into batches of 50 for (String rule : iptablesRules) { batch.add(rule); if (batch.size() == 50) { machine.execCommands("Inserting iptables rules, 50 command batch", batch); batch.clear(); } } if (batch.size() > 0) { machine.execCommands("Inserting iptables rules", batch); } machine.execCommands("List iptables rules", ImmutableList.of(IptablesCommands.listIptablesRule())); } }