Java tutorial
/* ngs-align Sequence alignment. Copyright (c) 2014-2015 National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. > */ package org.nmdp.ngs.align; import static; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Static utility methods on alignments. */ public final class Alignments { /** * Private no-arg constructor. */ private Alignments() { // empty } // all ranges here are 0-based [closed, open) /** * Confirm that the specified range is [closed, open). * * @param range range to check, must not be null */ static void checkClosedOpen(final Range<Long> range) { checkNotNull(range); checkArgument(BoundType.CLOSED == range.lowerBoundType(), "range must be [closed, open), lower bound type was open"); checkArgument(BoundType.OPEN == range.upperBoundType(), "range must be [closed, open), upper bound type was closed"); } /** * Return the length of the specified range. * * @param range range, must not be null and must be [closed, open) * @return the length of the specified range */ public static long length(final Range<Long> range) { checkClosedOpen(range); return Math.max(0L, range.upperEndpoint() - range.lowerEndpoint()); } /** * Return the lengths of the specified ranges. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the lengths of the specified ranges */ public static List<Long> lengths(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { checkNotNull(ranges); List<Long> lengths = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Range<Long> range : ranges) { lengths.add(length(range)); } return lengths; } /** * Return the sum of lengths of the specified ranges, after merging overlapping ranges. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the sum of lengths of the specified ranges, after merging overlapping ranges */ public static long length(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { checkNotNull(ranges); RangeSet<Long> rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create(); for (Range<Long> range : ranges) { rangeSet.add(range); } long length = 0L; for (Range<Long> range : rangeSet.asRanges()) { length += length(range); } return length; } /** * Return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the maximum length in the specified ranges, or <code>-1</code> if ranges is empty */ public static long maximumLength(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { checkNotNull(ranges); if (Iterables.isEmpty(ranges)) { return -1L; } return Ordering.natural().max(lengths(ranges)).longValue(); } /** * Return the count of the specified ranges. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the count of the specified ranges */ public static int count(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { int count = 0; for (Range<Long> range : ranges) { checkClosedOpen(range); count++; } return count; } /** * Return the start/lower endpoints in the specified ranges. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the start/lower endpoints in the specified ranges */ public static List<Long> starts(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { List<Long> starts = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Range<Long> range : ranges) { checkClosedOpen(range); starts.add(range.lowerEndpoint()); } return starts; } /** * Return the end/upper endpoints in the specified ranges. * * @param ranges ranges, must not be null, must not contain any null ranges, and all ranges must be [closed, open) * @return the end/upper endpoints in the specified ranges */ public static List<Long> ends(final Iterable<Range<Long>> ranges) { List<Long> ends = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Range<Long> range : ranges) { checkClosedOpen(range); ends.add(range.upperEndpoint()); } return ends; } /** * Return true if the specified symbol is a gap symbol. * * @param symbol symbol * @return true if the specified symbol is a gap symbol */ static boolean isGapSymbol(final Symbol symbol) { return AlphabetManager.getGapSymbol().equals(symbol) || DNATools.getDNA().getGapSymbol().equals(symbol); } /** * Return true if the specified symbol represents an alignment match. * * @param symbol symbol * @return true if the specified symbol represents an alignment match */ static boolean isMatchSymbol(final Symbol symbol) { if (!(symbol instanceof BasisSymbol)) { return false; } BasisSymbol basisSymbol = (BasisSymbol) symbol; Set<Symbol> uniqueSymbols = new HashSet<Symbol>(); for (Object o : basisSymbol.getSymbols()) { Symbol s = (Symbol) o; if (isGapSymbol(s)) { return false; } uniqueSymbols.add((Symbol) o); } return (uniqueSymbols.size() == 1); } /** * Return true if the specified symbol represents an alignment mismatch. * * @param symbol symbol * @return true if the specified symbol represents an alignment mismatch */ static boolean isMismatchSymbol(final Symbol symbol) { if (!(symbol instanceof BasisSymbol)) { return false; } BasisSymbol basisSymbol = (BasisSymbol) symbol; Set<Symbol> uniqueSymbols = new HashSet<Symbol>(); for (Object o : basisSymbol.getSymbols()) { Symbol s = (Symbol) o; if (isGapSymbol(s)) { return false; } uniqueSymbols.add((Symbol) o); } return (uniqueSymbols.size() > 1); } /** * Return the gaps in the specified gapped symbol list as 0-based [closed, open) ranges. * * @param gappedSymbols gapped symbol list, must not be null * @return the gaps in the specified gapped symbol list as 0-based [closed, open) ranges */ public static List<Range<Long>> gaps(final GappedSymbolList gappedSymbols) { checkNotNull(gappedSymbols); List<Range<Long>> gaps = new ArrayList<Range<Long>>(); int gapStart = -1; for (int i = 1, length = gappedSymbols.length() + 1; i < length; i++) { if (isGapSymbol(gappedSymbols.symbolAt(i))) { if (gapStart < 0) { gapStart = i; } } else { if (gapStart > 0) { // biojava coordinates are 1-based gaps.add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(gapStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(i - 1L))); gapStart = -1; } } } if (gapStart > 0) { gaps.add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(gapStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(gappedSymbols.length()))); } return gaps; } /** * Return the alignment matches in the specified alignment pair as 0-based [closed, open) ranges. * * @param alignmentPair alignment pair, must not be null * @return the alignment matches in the alignment pair as 0-based [closed, open) ranges */ public static List<Range<Long>> matches(final AlignmentPair alignmentPair) { checkNotNull(alignmentPair); List<Range<Long>> matches = new ArrayList<Range<Long>>(); int matchStart = -1; for (int i = 1, length = alignmentPair.length() + 1; i < length; i++) { if (isMatchSymbol(alignmentPair.symbolAt(i))) { if (matchStart < 0) { matchStart = i; } } else { if (matchStart > 0) { // biojava coordinates are 1-based matches.add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(matchStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(i - 1L))); matchStart = -1; } } } if (matchStart > 0) { matches.add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(matchStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(alignmentPair.length()))); } return matches; } /** * Return the alignment mismatches in the specified alignment pair as 0-based [closed, open) ranges. * * @param alignmentPair alignment pair, must not be null * @return the alignment mismatches in the alignment pair as 0-based [closed, open) ranges */ public static List<Range<Long>> mismatches(final AlignmentPair alignmentPair) { checkNotNull(alignmentPair); List<Range<Long>> mismatches = new ArrayList<Range<Long>>(); int mismatchStart = -1; for (int i = 1, length = alignmentPair.length() + 1; i < length; i++) { if (isMismatchSymbol(alignmentPair.symbolAt(i))) { if (mismatchStart < 0) { mismatchStart = i; } } else { if (mismatchStart > 0) { // biojava coordinates are 1-based mismatches.add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(mismatchStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(i - 1L))); mismatchStart = -1; } } } if (mismatchStart > 0) { mismatches .add(Range.closedOpen(Long.valueOf(mismatchStart - 1L), Long.valueOf(alignmentPair.length()))); } return mismatches; } }