List of usage examples for Iterables contains
public static boolean contains(Iterable<?> iterable, @Nullable Object element)
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/** Replies the elements of the given map except the pairs with the given keys. * * <p>The replied map is a view on the given map. It means that any change * in the original map is reflected to the result of this operation. * * @param <K> - type of the map keys. * @param <V> - type of the map values. * @param map - the map to update.//from w ww . j a v a 2s. c o m * @param keys - the keys of the pairs to remove. * @return the map with the content of the map except the pairs. */ @Pure public static <K, V> Map<K, V> operator_minus(Map<K, V> map, final Iterable<?> keys) { return Maps.filterKeys(map, new Predicate<K>() { @Override public boolean apply(K input) { return !Iterables.contains(keys, input); } }); }
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/** * Get the resource that contains the analysis which has the specified * object as main models references./*from w w w. jav a 2 s. com*/ * * @param object * The object to search. This object must be a root of a semantic * model. * @return the corresponding resource if found, false otherwise. */ protected Resource getAirdResourceWithAnalysisOn(final EObject object) { for (final Resource anResource : session.getAllSessionResources()) { for (final DAnalysis analysis : getAnalyses(anResource)) { Set<EObject> releventModels = new DAnalysisQuery(analysis).getMainModels(); if (Iterables.contains(releventModels, object)) { return anResource; } } } return null; }
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public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == null || !(o instanceof Tile80)) return false; if (o == this) return true; Tile80 t = (Tile80) o;/*w w w.j ava 2 s . c o m*/ if (t.getId().equals(this.getId()) && t.getPos().equals(this.getPos())) { for (String tag : t.getTags()) if (!Iterables.contains(this.getTags(), tag)) return false; for (String tag : this.getTags()) if (!Iterables.contains(t.getTags(), tag)) return false; return true; } return false; }
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/** Search for the thread, where the current edge is available. * The result should be exactly one thread, that is denoted as 'active', * or NULL, if no active thread is available. * * This method is needed, because we use the CompositeCPA to choose the edge, * and when we have several locations in the threadingState, * only one of them has an outgoing edge matching the current edge. *///w w w. j av a2s . c om @Nullable private String getActiveThread(final CFAEdge cfaEdge, final ThreadingState threadingState) { final Set<String> activeThreads = new HashSet<>(); for (String id : threadingState.getThreadIds()) { if (Iterables.contains(threadingState.getThreadLocation(id).getOutgoingEdges(), cfaEdge)) { activeThreads.add(id); } } assert activeThreads.size() <= 1 : "multiple active threads are not allowed: " + activeThreads; // then either the same function is called in different threads -> not supported. // (or CompositeCPA and ThreadingCPA do not work together) return activeThreads.isEmpty() ? null : Iterables.getOnlyElement(activeThreads); }
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public static void addMixin(@Nonnull Tree tree, @Nonnull String mixinName, @Nonnull Tree typeRoot, @CheckForNull String userID) throws RepositoryException { Tree type = typeRoot.getChild(mixinName); if (!type.exists()) { throw new NoSuchNodeTypeException("Node type " + mixinName + " does not exist"); } else if (getBoolean(type, JCR_IS_ABSTRACT)) { throw new ConstraintViolationException("Node type " + mixinName + " is abstract"); } else if (!getBoolean(type, JCR_ISMIXIN)) { throw new ConstraintViolationException("Node type " + mixinName + " is a not a mixin type"); }// www. ja va 2 s . com List<String> mixins = Lists.newArrayList(); String primary = getName(tree, JCR_PRIMARYTYPE); if (primary != null && Iterables.contains(getNames(type, NodeTypeConstants.REP_PRIMARY_SUBTYPES), primary)) { return; } Set<String> subMixins = Sets.newHashSet(getNames(type, NodeTypeConstants.REP_MIXIN_SUBTYPES)); for (String mixin : getNames(tree, NodeTypeConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES)) { if (mixinName.equals(mixin) || subMixins.contains(mixin)) { return; } mixins.add(mixin); } mixins.add(mixinName); tree.setProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES, mixins, NAMES); autoCreateItems(tree, type, typeRoot, userID); }
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/** * Gets a boolean flag indicating whether the provided document is in this store or not. * @param document the {@code PersistentDocument} object to look for. * @return {@code true} if the document is contained in this store, {@code false} otherwise. *//*from www . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ public boolean hasDocument(PersistentDocument document) { return this.getDocuments() != null ? Iterables.contains(this.getDocuments(), document) : false; }
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private static List<FileType> resolveExecuteFileTypes() { val tasksProperty = getProperty(EXECUTE_TASKS_PROPERTY, VALID_TASKS);"Requested join tasks: {}", tasksProperty); val tasks = COMMA.split(tasksProperty); if (Iterables.size(tasks) == 1 && Iterables.contains(tasks, CLINICAL.getId())) { return emptyList(); }/*from w w w .ja v a 2 s. c om*/ val result = ImmutableList.<FileType>builder(); for (val task : tasks) { val fileType = resolveTaskFileType(task); if (fileType.isPresent()) { result.add(fileType.get()); } } return; }
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public boolean hasAttribute(String name) { return Iterables.contains(this.getAttributeNames(), name); }
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private List<FileWrapper> getFileWrappers() { List<FileWrapper> files = new ArrayList<FileWrapper>(); for (int i = 0; i < getUpload().size(); i++) { File file = getUpload().get(i); FileWrapper wrapper = new FileWrapper(); String fileName = getUploadFileName().get(i); wrapper.setFile(file);/*from w ww. j a va2 s. c om*/ wrapper.setFileName(fileName); wrapper.setCompressed((Iterables.contains(selectedFilesToUnpack, fileName))); if (getChunkedFileSize() != null) { wrapper.setTotalFileSize(getChunkedFileSize()); } else { wrapper.setTotalFileSize(file.length()); } files.add(wrapper); } return files; }
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/** * The new analysis is added to the referencedAnalysis of the first parent * representations file and the children analysis of this first parent * representations file are analyzed to be eventually moved.<BR> * <UL>/* w ww . java2 s .co m*/ * <LI>Take the root of the resource container the parent of the controlled * semantic element</LI> * <LI>For each analysis that have this root as first models:</LI> * <UL> * <LI>If the controlled semantic element contains the first models of a * referencedAnalysis of the current analysis, then move this one in the new * analysis (this corresponds to a fragmentation of intermediate level). * </LI> * <LI>Add the new analysis to the referencedAnalysis references</LI> * <UL> * </UL> * * @param newDAnalysis * The new analysis */ private void updateReferencedAnalysisReferences(final DAnalysis newDAnalysis) { EObject semanticParentRoot = getRootContainer(semanticObjectToControl.eContainer()); Set<DAnalysis> referencers = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (Resource aird : session.getAllSessionResources()) { DAnalysis currentAnalysis = getDAnalysis(aird); Set<EObject> releventModels = new DAnalysisQuery(currentAnalysis).getMainModels(); if (Iterables.contains(releventModels, semanticParentRoot)) { List<DAnalysis> referencedAnalysis = new ArrayList<DAnalysis>( currentAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis()); for (DAnalysis childrenAnalysis : referencedAnalysis) { Option<EObject> optionalChildrenMainModel = new DAnalysisQuery(childrenAnalysis).getMainModel(); if (optionalChildrenMainModel.some() && new EObjectQuery(optionalChildrenMainModel.get()) .isContainedIn(semanticObjectToControl)) { currentAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis().remove(childrenAnalysis); newDAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis().add(childrenAnalysis); } } referencers.add(currentAnalysis); } } if (!referencers.isEmpty() && session instanceof DAnalysisSession) { // Let the session set the reference and add adapters (visibility // propagator, semantic cross referencer, representation change // adapter, ...) ((DAnalysisSession) session).addReferencedAnalysis(newDAnalysis, referencers); } }