Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2016 THALES GLOBAL SERVICES. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.sirius.ext.base.Option; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DAnalysis; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DRepresentation; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DSemanticDecorator; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.DView; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.Messages; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.SiriusPlugin; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.ViewpointFactory; import org.eclipse.sirius.viewpoint.description.Viewpoint; import; import; import; /** * An extension of the basic {@link ControlCommand} to handle both the semantic * model and the corresponding Sirius representations. Also handles session * state and modification-tracking management. * * @author <a href="">Esteban Dugueperoux</a> */ public class SiriusControlCommand extends ControlCommand { /** The session containing the models to modify. */ private final Session session; /** * The representations which must be controlled in addition to the semantic * element. */ private final Set<DRepresentation> representations; /** * The URI of the <code>.aird</code> resource in which to move the * representations. */ private final URI representationsDestination; /** * A boolean to set if the session should be save at the end of this * command. */ private final boolean shouldEndBySaving; private IProgressMonitor monitor; /** * Create a new {@link SiriusControlCommand}. * * @param semanticRoot * the semantic element to control. * @param semanticDest * the URI of the resource in which to control the semantic * element. * @param representations * the set of representations to control in addition to the * semantic element. * @param representationsDest * the URI of the <code>.aird</code> resource in which to move * the representations. * @param monitor * a {@link IProgressMonitor} to show progression of control * operation * @deprecated use the other constructor instead, which requires mentioning * explicitly whether or not to save the session as part of the * command (most code should do the saving themselves outside of * the command). */ @Deprecated public SiriusControlCommand(final EObject semanticRoot, final URI semanticDest, final Set<DRepresentation> representations, final URI representationsDest, IProgressMonitor monitor) { this(semanticRoot, semanticDest, representations, representationsDest, true, monitor); } /** * Create a new {@link SiriusControlCommand}. * * @param semanticRoot * the semantic element to control. * @param semanticDest * the URI of the resource in which to control the semantic * element. * @param representations * the set of representations to control in addition to the * semantic element. * @param representationsDest * the URI of the <code>.aird</code> resource in which to move * the representations. * @param shouldEndBySaving * A boolean to set if the session should be save at the end of * this command. * @param monitor * a {@link IProgressMonitor} to show progression of control * operation */ public SiriusControlCommand(final EObject semanticRoot, final URI semanticDest, final Set<DRepresentation> representations, final URI representationsDest, final boolean shouldEndBySaving, IProgressMonitor monitor) { super(semanticRoot, semanticDest); this.session = SessionManager.INSTANCE.getSession(semanticRoot); this.representations = Sets.newHashSet(representations); this.representationsDestination = representationsDest; this.shouldEndBySaving = shouldEndBySaving; this.monitor = monitor; } /** * Executes the control command. */ @Override protected void doExecute() { try { monitor.beginTask(Messages.SiriusControlCommand_controlResourceMsg, 3); super.doExecute(); // Control the semantic model monitor.worked(1); markContainerResourceAsModified(semanticObjectToControl.eContainer()); createNewRepresentationsFileAndMoveRepresentations(); monitor.worked(1); notifySessionAboutControlledModel(); if (shouldEndBySaving) { SubProgressMonitor(monitor, 1)); } } finally { monitor.done(); } } private void markContainerResourceAsModified(final EObject obj) { EObject rootContainer = getRootContainer(obj); if (obj != null && rootContainer != null) { Resource rootContainerResource = rootContainer.eResource(); if (rootContainerResource != null) { rootContainerResource.setModified(true); } } } /** * Get root container of specified object.<br> * Default implementation consists in getting the resource container i.e the * first parent container serialized in its own resource. * * @param eObject * the current EObject. * @return should not be <code>null</code> */ protected EObject getRootContainer(EObject eObject) { return new EObjectQuery(eObject).getResourceContainer(); } /** * Create a new representations resource if needed : * <UL> * <LI>some representations must be moved</LI> * <LI>or the preference to create empty representations file is set to true * </LI> * </UL> * then move the representations to this new resource (if there are some * representations to move). */ private void createNewRepresentationsFileAndMoveRepresentations() { boolean emptyAirdFragmentOnControl = Platform.getPreferencesService().getBoolean(SiriusPlugin.ID,, false, null); if (representations.isEmpty() && !emptyAirdFragmentOnControl) { return; } final Resource newRepresentationsFile; if (representations.isEmpty() && emptyAirdFragmentOnControl) { // It is allowed to create an aird fragment with no representation Resource firstAird = session.getSessionResource(); newRepresentationsFile = firstAird.getResourceSet().createResource(representationsDestination); // Creation of a DView for each session // viewpoint. This way, we will be able to open the empty aird // fragment with the viewpoints properly set DAnalysis newDAnalysis = getDAnalysis(newRepresentationsFile); for (Viewpoint viewpoint : session.getSelectedViewpoints(false)) { DView createDView = ViewpointFactory.eINSTANCE.createDView(); createDView.setViewpoint(viewpoint); newDAnalysis.getOwnedViews().add(createDView); newDAnalysis.getSelectedViews().add(createDView); } } else { newRepresentationsFile = getOrCreateChildResource(getParentAird(), representationsDestination); } final DAnalysis newDAnalysis = getDAnalysis(newRepresentationsFile); // Add the new semantic root to the models reference of the new analysis newDAnalysis.getSemanticResources().add(new ResourceDescriptor(controlledResource.getURI())); // Update the referencedAnalysis according to the new analysis updateReferencedAnalysisReferences(newDAnalysis); // Move the selected representations to the new analysis moveRepresentations(newDAnalysis); // Update the models references of all representations files (except the // representations file of the new analysis that will be updated during // the moveRepresentations) of this session according to the // representations updateModelsReferences(newDAnalysis); } /** * The new analysis is added to the referencedAnalysis of the first parent * representations file and the children analysis of this first parent * representations file are analyzed to be eventually moved.<BR> * <UL> * <LI>Take the root of the resource container the parent of the controlled * semantic element</LI> * <LI>For each analysis that have this root as first models:</LI> * <UL> * <LI>If the controlled semantic element contains the first models of a * referencedAnalysis of the current analysis, then move this one in the new * analysis (this corresponds to a fragmentation of intermediate level). * </LI> * <LI>Add the new analysis to the referencedAnalysis references</LI> * <UL> * </UL> * * @param newDAnalysis * The new analysis */ private void updateReferencedAnalysisReferences(final DAnalysis newDAnalysis) { EObject semanticParentRoot = getRootContainer(semanticObjectToControl.eContainer()); Set<DAnalysis> referencers = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); for (Resource aird : session.getAllSessionResources()) { DAnalysis currentAnalysis = getDAnalysis(aird); Set<EObject> releventModels = new DAnalysisQuery(currentAnalysis).getMainModels(); if (Iterables.contains(releventModels, semanticParentRoot)) { List<DAnalysis> referencedAnalysis = new ArrayList<DAnalysis>( currentAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis()); for (DAnalysis childrenAnalysis : referencedAnalysis) { Option<EObject> optionalChildrenMainModel = new DAnalysisQuery(childrenAnalysis).getMainModel(); if (optionalChildrenMainModel.some() && new EObjectQuery(optionalChildrenMainModel.get()) .isContainedIn(semanticObjectToControl)) { currentAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis().remove(childrenAnalysis); newDAnalysis.getReferencedAnalysis().add(childrenAnalysis); } } referencers.add(currentAnalysis); } } if (!referencers.isEmpty() && session instanceof DAnalysisSession) { // Let the session set the reference and add adapters (visibility // propagator, semantic cross referencer, representation change // adapter, ...) ((DAnalysisSession) session).addReferencedAnalysis(newDAnalysis, referencers); } } /** * Move the selected representations from this session to another analysis. * The models references of the target analysis are updated according to the * moved representations. * * @param targetAnalysis * The analysis in which the representations must be moved. */ private void moveRepresentations(final DAnalysis targetAnalysis) { for (final DRepresentation representation : representations) { ((DAnalysisSession) session).moveRepresentation(targetAnalysis, representation); } } /** * Update the models references of all representations files of this * session. * * @param analysisToIgnore * The models references of this DAnalysis will not be updated. */ private void updateModelsReferences(DAnalysis analysisToIgnore) { for (Resource resource : ((DAnalysisSession) session).getAllSessionResources()) { for (EObject content : resource.getContents()) { if (content instanceof DAnalysis && !content.equals(analysisToIgnore)) { for (final DView view : ((DAnalysis) content).getOwnedViews()) { DAnalysisSessionHelper.updateModelsReferences((DAnalysis) content, Iterators.filter(view.eAllContents(), DSemanticDecorator.class)); } } } } } /** * Returns the current resource containing the representations to move. */ private Resource getParentAird() { return representations.iterator().next().eResource(); } /** * Returns the first DAnalysis among the roots of the specified resource. * Creates and adds a new one if none is found. */ private DAnalysis getDAnalysis(final Resource aird) { for (EObject root : aird.getContents()) { if (root instanceof DAnalysis) { return (DAnalysis) root; } } final DAnalysis newAnalysis = ViewpointFactory.eINSTANCE.createDAnalysis(); aird.getContents().add(newAnalysis); return newAnalysis; } private void notifySessionAboutControlledModel() { if (session instanceof DAnalysisSession) { ((DAnalysisSession) session).notifyControlledModel(controlledResource); } } }