Java tutorial
/* * CPAchecker is a tool for configurable software verification. * This file is part of CPAchecker. * * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * * CPAchecker web page: * */ package; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Configuration; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Option; import org.sosy_lab.common.configuration.Options; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManager; import org.sosy_lab.common.log.LogManagerWithoutDuplicates; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.defaults.SingleEdgeTransferRelation; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.AbstractState; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.ConfigurableProgramAnalysis; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.Precision; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.core.interfaces.StateSpacePartition; import; import; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.CPATransferException; import org.sosy_lab.cpachecker.exceptions.UnrecognizedCodeException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.annotation.Nullable; @Options(prefix = "cpa.threading") public final class ThreadingTransferRelation extends SingleEdgeTransferRelation { @Option(description = "do not use the original functions from the CFA, but cloned ones. " + "See cfa.postprocessing.CFACloner for detail.", secure = true) private boolean useClonedFunctions = true; @Option(description = "allow assignments of a new thread to the same left-hand-side as an existing thread.", secure = true) private boolean allowMultipleLHS = false; @Option(description = "the maximal number of parallel threads, -1 for infinite. " + "When combined with 'useClonedFunctions=true', we need at least N cloned functions. " + "The option 'cfa.cfaCloner.numberOfCopies' should be set to N.", secure = true) private int maxNumberOfThreads = 5; @Option(description = "atomic locks are used to simulate atomic statements, as described in the rules of SV-Comp.", secure = true) private boolean useAtomicLocks = true; @Option(description = "local access locks are used to avoid expensive interleaving, " + "if a thread only reads and writes its own variables.", secure = true) private boolean useLocalAccessLocks = true; public static final String THREAD_START = "pthread_create"; protected static final String THREAD_JOIN = "pthread_join"; private static final String THREAD_EXIT = "pthread_exit"; private static final String THREAD_MUTEX_LOCK = "pthread_mutex_lock"; private static final String THREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK = "pthread_mutex_unlock"; private static final String VERIFIER_ATOMIC = "__VERIFIER_atomic_"; private static final String VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN = "__VERIFIER_atomic_begin"; private static final String VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END = "__VERIFIER_atomic_end"; private static final String ATOMIC_LOCK = "__CPAchecker_atomic_lock__"; private static final String LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK = "__CPAchecker_local_access_lock__"; private static final String THREAD_ID_SEPARATOR = "__CPAchecker__"; private static final Set<String> THREAD_FUNCTIONS = Sets.newHashSet(THREAD_START, THREAD_MUTEX_LOCK, THREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK, THREAD_JOIN, THREAD_EXIT); private final CFA cfa; private final LogManagerWithoutDuplicates logger; private final ConfigurableProgramAnalysis callstackCPA; private final ConfigurableProgramAnalysis locationCPA; private final GlobalAccessChecker globalAccessChecker = new GlobalAccessChecker(); public ThreadingTransferRelation(Configuration pConfig, CFA pCfa, LogManager pLogger) throws InvalidConfigurationException { pConfig.inject(this); cfa = pCfa; locationCPA = new LocationCPA(pCfa, pConfig); callstackCPA = new CallstackCPA(pConfig, pLogger, pCfa); logger = new LogManagerWithoutDuplicates(pLogger); } @Override public Collection<ThreadingState> getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge(AbstractState pState, Precision precision, CFAEdge cfaEdge) throws CPATransferException, InterruptedException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(cfaEdge); ThreadingState state = (ThreadingState) pState; ThreadingState threadingState = exitThreads(state); final String activeThread = getActiveThread(cfaEdge, threadingState); if (null == activeThread) { return Collections.emptySet(); } // check if atomic lock exists and is set for current thread if (useAtomicLocks && threadingState.hasLock(ATOMIC_LOCK) && !threadingState.hasLock(activeThread, ATOMIC_LOCK)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } // check if a local-access-lock allows to avoid exploration of some threads if (useLocalAccessLocks) { threadingState = handleLocalAccessLock(cfaEdge, threadingState, activeThread); if (threadingState == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } } // check, if we can abort the complete analysis of all other threads after this edge. if (isEndOfMainFunction(cfaEdge) || isTerminatingEdge(cfaEdge)) { // VERIFIER_assume not only terminates the current thread, but the whole program return Collections.emptySet(); } // get all possible successors Collection<ThreadingState> results = getAbstractSuccessorsFromWrappedCPAs(activeThread, threadingState, precision, cfaEdge); return getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge0(cfaEdge, threadingState, activeThread, results); } /** Search for the thread, where the current edge is available. * The result should be exactly one thread, that is denoted as 'active', * or NULL, if no active thread is available. * * This method is needed, because we use the CompositeCPA to choose the edge, * and when we have several locations in the threadingState, * only one of them has an outgoing edge matching the current edge. */ @Nullable private String getActiveThread(final CFAEdge cfaEdge, final ThreadingState threadingState) { final Set<String> activeThreads = new HashSet<>(); for (String id : threadingState.getThreadIds()) { if (Iterables.contains(threadingState.getThreadLocation(id).getOutgoingEdges(), cfaEdge)) { activeThreads.add(id); } } assert activeThreads.size() <= 1 : "multiple active threads are not allowed: " + activeThreads; // then either the same function is called in different threads -> not supported. // (or CompositeCPA and ThreadingCPA do not work together) return activeThreads.isEmpty() ? null : Iterables.getOnlyElement(activeThreads); } /** handle all edges related to thread-management: * THREAD_START, THREAD_JOIN, THREAD_EXIT, THREAD_MUTEX_LOCK, VERIFIER_ATOMIC,... */ private Collection<ThreadingState> getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge0(final CFAEdge cfaEdge, final ThreadingState threadingState, final String activeThread, final Collection<ThreadingState> results) throws UnrecognizedCodeException, InterruptedException { switch (cfaEdge.getEdgeType()) { case StatementEdge: { AStatement statement = ((AStatementEdge) cfaEdge).getStatement(); if (statement instanceof AFunctionCall) { AExpression functionNameExp = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getFunctionNameExpression(); if (functionNameExp instanceof AIdExpression) { final String functionName = ((AIdExpression) functionNameExp).getName(); switch (functionName) { case THREAD_START: return startNewThread(threadingState, statement, results); case THREAD_MUTEX_LOCK: return addLock(threadingState, activeThread, extractLockId(statement), results); case THREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK: return removeLock(activeThread, extractLockId(statement), results); case THREAD_JOIN: return joinThread(threadingState, statement, results); case THREAD_EXIT: // this function-call is already handled in the beginning with isLastNodeOfThread. // return exitThread(threadingState, activeThread, results); default: // nothing to do, return results } } } break; } case FunctionCallEdge: { if (useAtomicLocks) { // cloning changes the function-name -> we use 'startsWith'. // we have 2 different atomic sequences: // 1) from calling VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN to exiting VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END. // 2) from calling VERIFIER_ATOMIC_X to exiting VERIFIER_ATOMIC_X where X can be anything final String calledFunction = cfaEdge.getSuccessor().getFunctionName(); if (calledFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN)) { return addLock(threadingState, activeThread, ATOMIC_LOCK, results); } else if (calledFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC) && !calledFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END)) { return addLock(threadingState, activeThread, ATOMIC_LOCK, results); } } break; } case FunctionReturnEdge: { if (useAtomicLocks) { // cloning changes the function-name -> we use 'startsWith'. // we have 2 different atomic sequences: // 1) from calling VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN to exiting VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END. // 2) from calling VERIFIER_ATOMIC_X to exiting VERIFIER_ATOMIC_X where X can be anything final String exitedFunction = cfaEdge.getPredecessor().getFunctionName(); if (exitedFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END)) { return removeLock(activeThread, ATOMIC_LOCK, results); } else if (exitedFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC) && !exitedFunction.startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN)) { return removeLock(activeThread, ATOMIC_LOCK, results); } } break; } default: // nothing to do } return results; } /** compute successors for the current edge. * There will be only one successor in most cases, even with N threads, * because the edge limits the transitions to only one thread, * because the LocationTransferRelation will only find one succeeding CFAnode. */ private Collection<ThreadingState> getAbstractSuccessorsFromWrappedCPAs(String activeThread, ThreadingState threadingState, Precision precision, CFAEdge cfaEdge) throws CPATransferException, InterruptedException { final Collection<ThreadingState> results = new HashSet<>(); // compute new locations Collection<? extends AbstractState> newLocs = locationCPA.getTransferRelation() .getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge(threadingState.getThreadLocation(activeThread), precision, cfaEdge); // compute new stacks Collection<? extends AbstractState> newStacks = callstackCPA.getTransferRelation() .getAbstractSuccessorsForEdge(threadingState.getThreadCallstack(activeThread), precision, cfaEdge); // combine them pairwise, all combinations needed for (AbstractState loc : newLocs) { for (AbstractState stack : newStacks) { results.add(threadingState.updateLocationAndCopy(activeThread, stack, loc)); } } return results; } /** checks whether the location is the last node of a thread, * i.e. the current thread will terminate after this node. */ static boolean isLastNodeOfThread(CFANode node) { if (0 == node.getNumLeavingEdges()) { return true; } if (1 == node.getNumEnteringEdges()) { return isThreadExit(node.getEnteringEdge(0)); } return false; } private static boolean isThreadExit(CFAEdge cfaEdge) { if (CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge == cfaEdge.getEdgeType()) { AStatement statement = ((AStatementEdge) cfaEdge).getStatement(); if (statement instanceof AFunctionCall) { AExpression functionNameExp = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getFunctionNameExpression(); if (functionNameExp instanceof AIdExpression) { return THREAD_EXIT.equals(((AIdExpression) functionNameExp).getName()); } } } return false; } /** the whole program will terminate after this edge */ private static boolean isTerminatingEdge(CFAEdge edge) { return edge.getSuccessor() instanceof CFATerminationNode; } /** the whole program will terminate after this edge */ private boolean isEndOfMainFunction(CFAEdge edge) { return cfa.getMainFunction().getExitNode() == edge.getSuccessor(); } private ThreadingState exitThreads(ThreadingState tmp) { // clean up exited threads. // this is done before applying any other step. for (String id : tmp.getThreadIds()) { if (isLastNodeOfThread(tmp.getThreadLocation(id).getLocationNode())) { tmp = removeThreadId(tmp, id); } } return tmp; } /** remove the thread-id from the state, and cleanup remaining locks of this thread. */ private ThreadingState removeThreadId(ThreadingState ts, final String id) { if (useLocalAccessLocks) { ts = ts.removeLockAndCopy(id, LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK); } if (ts.hasLockForThread(id)) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "dying thread", id, "has remaining locks in state", ts); } return ts.removeThreadAndCopy(id); } private Collection<ThreadingState> startNewThread(final ThreadingState threadingState, final AStatement statement, final Collection<ThreadingState> results) throws UnrecognizedCodeException, InterruptedException { // first check for some possible errors and unsupported parts List<? extends AExpression> params = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getParameterExpressions(); if (!(params.get(0) instanceof CUnaryExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread assignment", params.get(0)); } if (!(params.get(2) instanceof CUnaryExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread function call", params.get(2)); } CExpression expr0 = ((CUnaryExpression) params.get(0)).getOperand(); CExpression expr2 = ((CUnaryExpression) params.get(2)).getOperand(); if (!(expr0 instanceof CIdExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread assignment", expr0); } if (!(expr2 instanceof CIdExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread function call", expr2); } // now create the thread CIdExpression id = (CIdExpression) expr0; String functionName = ((CIdExpression) expr2).getName(); int newThreadNum = threadingState.getSmallestMissingThreadNum(); if (useClonedFunctions) { functionName = CFACloner.getFunctionName(functionName, newThreadNum); } String threadId = getNewThreadId(threadingState, id.getName()); // update all successors with a new started thread final Collection<ThreadingState> newResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (ThreadingState ts : results) { ThreadingState newThreadingState = addNewThread(ts, threadId, newThreadNum, functionName); if (null != newThreadingState) { newResults.add(newThreadingState); } } return newResults; } /** * returns a new state with a new thread added to the given state. * @param threadingState the previous state where to add the new thread * @param threadId a unique identifier for the new thread * @param newThreadNum a unique number for the new thread * @param functionName the main-function of the new thread */ ThreadingState addNewThread(ThreadingState threadingState, String threadId, int newThreadNum, String functionName) throws InterruptedException { CFANode functioncallNode = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cfa.getFunctionHead(functionName), functionName); AbstractState initialStack = callstackCPA.getInitialState(functioncallNode, StateSpacePartition.getDefaultPartition()); AbstractState initialLoc = locationCPA.getInitialState(functioncallNode, StateSpacePartition.getDefaultPartition()); if (maxNumberOfThreads == -1 || threadingState.getThreadIds().size() < maxNumberOfThreads) { threadingState = threadingState.addThreadAndCopy(threadId, newThreadNum, initialStack, initialLoc); return threadingState; } else { logger.logfOnce(Level.WARNING, "number of threads is limited, cannot create thread %s", threadId); return null; } } /** returns the threadId if possible, else the next indexed threadId. */ private String getNewThreadId(final ThreadingState threadingState, final String threadId) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { if (!allowMultipleLHS && threadingState.getThreadIds().contains(threadId)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException( "multiple thread assignments to same LHS not supported: " + threadId, null, null); } String newThreadId = threadId; int index = 0; while (threadingState.getThreadIds().contains(newThreadId) && (maxNumberOfThreads == -1 || index < maxNumberOfThreads)) { index++; newThreadId = threadId + THREAD_ID_SEPARATOR + index; logger.logfOnce(Level.WARNING, "multiple thread assignments to same LHS, " + "using identifier %s instead of %s", newThreadId, threadId); } return newThreadId; } private Collection<ThreadingState> addLock(final ThreadingState threadingState, final String activeThread, String lockId, final Collection<ThreadingState> results) { if (threadingState.hasLock(lockId)) { // some thread (including activeThread) has the lock, using it twice is not possible return Collections.emptySet(); } // update all successors final Collection<ThreadingState> newResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (ThreadingState ts : results) { ts = ts.addLockAndCopy(activeThread, lockId); newResults.add(ts); } return newResults; } /** get the name (lockId) of the new lock at the given edge, or NULL if no lock is required. */ static @Nullable String getLockId(final CFAEdge cfaEdge) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { if (cfaEdge.getEdgeType() == CFAEdgeType.StatementEdge) { final AStatement statement = ((AStatementEdge) cfaEdge).getStatement(); if (statement instanceof AFunctionCall) { final AExpression functionNameExp = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getFunctionNameExpression(); if (functionNameExp instanceof AIdExpression) { final String functionName = ((AIdExpression) functionNameExp).getName(); if (THREAD_MUTEX_LOCK.equals(functionName)) { return extractLockId(statement); } } } } // otherwise no lock is required return null; } private static String extractLockId(final AStatement statement) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { // first check for some possible errors and unsupported parts List<? extends AExpression> params = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getParameterExpressions(); if (!(params.get(0) instanceof CUnaryExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread locking", params.get(0)); } // CExpression expr0 = ((CUnaryExpression)params.get(0)).getOperand(); // if (!(expr0 instanceof CIdExpression)) { // throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread lock assignment", expr0); // } // String lockId = ((CIdExpression) expr0).getName(); String lockId = ((CUnaryExpression) params.get(0)).getOperand().toString(); return lockId; } private Collection<ThreadingState> removeLock(final String activeThread, final String lockId, final Collection<ThreadingState> results) { // update all successors final Collection<ThreadingState> newResults = new ArrayList<>(); for (ThreadingState ts : results) { ts = ts.removeLockAndCopy(activeThread, lockId); newResults.add(ts); } return newResults; } private Collection<ThreadingState> joinThread(ThreadingState threadingState, AStatement statement, Collection<ThreadingState> results) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { if (threadingState.getThreadIds().contains(extractParamName(statement, 0))) { // we wait for an active thread -> nothing to do return Collections.emptySet(); } return results; } /** extract the name of the n-th parameter from a function call. */ static String extractParamName(AStatement statement, int n) throws UnrecognizedCodeException { // first check for some possible errors and unsupported parts List<? extends AExpression> params = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getParameterExpressions(); AExpression expr = params.get(n); if (!(expr instanceof CIdExpression)) { throw new UnrecognizedCodeException("unsupported thread join access", expr); } return ((CIdExpression) expr).getName(); } /** optimization for interleaved threads. * When a thread only accesses local variables, we ignore other threads * and add an internal 'atomic' lock. * @return updated state if possible, else NULL. */ private @Nullable ThreadingState handleLocalAccessLock(CFAEdge cfaEdge, final ThreadingState threadingState, String activeThread) { // check if local access lock exists and is set for current thread if (threadingState.hasLock(LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK) && !threadingState.hasLock(activeThread, LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK)) { return null; } // add local access lock, if necessary and possible final boolean isImporantForThreading = globalAccessChecker.hasGlobalAccess(cfaEdge) || isImporantForThreading(cfaEdge); if (isImporantForThreading) { return threadingState.removeLockAndCopy(activeThread, LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK); } else { return threadingState.addLockAndCopy(activeThread, LOCAL_ACCESS_LOCK); } } private static boolean isImporantForThreading(CFAEdge cfaEdge) { switch (cfaEdge.getEdgeType()) { case StatementEdge: { AStatement statement = ((AStatementEdge) cfaEdge).getStatement(); if (statement instanceof AFunctionCall) { AExpression functionNameExp = ((AFunctionCall) statement).getFunctionCallExpression() .getFunctionNameExpression(); if (functionNameExp instanceof AIdExpression) { return THREAD_FUNCTIONS.contains(((AIdExpression) functionNameExp).getName()); } } return false; } case FunctionCallEdge: return cfaEdge.getSuccessor().getFunctionName().startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_BEGIN); case FunctionReturnEdge: return cfaEdge.getPredecessor().getFunctionName().startsWith(VERIFIER_ATOMIC_END); default: return false; } } }