List of usage examples for Iterables contains
public static boolean contains(Iterable<?> iterable, @Nullable Object element)
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private Set<IProject> getProjectsToRefresh(Session session) { Set<IProject> projectsToRefresh = Sets.newHashSet(); if (session != null) { Iterable<Resource> resources = Iterables.concat(session.getAllSessionResources(), session.getSemanticResources()); if (session instanceof DAnalysisSessionEObject) { resources = Iterables.concat(resources, ((DAnalysisSessionEObject) session).getControlledResources()); }//from www.j a v a 2s . co m // Can occurs during session close : the previous lists were already // emptied. if (!Iterables.contains(resources, session.getSessionResource())) { resources = Iterables.concat(resources, Collections.singletonList(session.getSessionResource())); } for (Resource res : resources) { try { if (res.getURI() != null && res.getURI().isPlatformResource()) { IFile file = WorkspaceSynchronizer.getFile(res); if (file != null && file.exists() && file.getProject() != null) { projectsToRefresh.add(file.getProject()); } } } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // In case cdoView is closed } } } return projectsToRefresh; }
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private void messageOverrideMemberTypeConflict(RedefinitionType redefinitionType, TMember overriding, TMember overridden, Result<Boolean> result, MemberMatrix mm) { String message;/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m*/ String code; String redefinitionTypeName =; if (redefinitionType == RedefinitionType.implemented && Iterables.contains(mm.implemented(), overriding)) { redefinitionTypeName = "consumed"; } String overridingSource = ""; if (redefinitionType == RedefinitionType.implemented && Iterables.contains(mm.inherited(), overriding)) { overridingSource = "inherited "; } String extraMessage = cfOtherImplementedMembers(mm, overriding, overridden); if (overriding.isField() && overridden.isField()) { code = CLF_REDEFINED_TYPE_NOT_SAME_TYPE; message = getMessageForCLF_REDEFINED_TYPE_NOT_SAME_TYPE( overridingSource + validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overriding, overridden), redefinitionTypeName, validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overridden, overriding), extraMessage); } else if (overriding.isMethod() && overridden.isMethod()) { code = CLF_REDEFINED_METHOD_TYPE_CONFLICT; message = getMessageForCLF_REDEFINED_METHOD_TYPE_CONFLICT( overridingSource + validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overriding, overridden), redefinitionTypeName, validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overridden, overriding), validatorMessageHelper.trimTypesystemMessage(result), extraMessage); } else { code = CLF_REDEFINED_MEMBER_TYPE_INVALID; message = getMessageForCLF_REDEFINED_MEMBER_TYPE_INVALID( overridingSource + validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overriding, overridden), validatorMessageHelper.descriptionDifferentFrom(overridden, overriding), redefinitionTypeName, validatorMessageHelper.trimTypesystemMessage(result), extraMessage); } addIssueToMemberOrInterfaceReference(redefinitionType, overriding, overridden, message, code); }
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public CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseType createNetworkInterface(final CreateNetworkInterfaceType request) throws EucalyptusCloudException { final CreateNetworkInterfaceResponseType reply = request.getReply(); final Context ctx = Contexts.lookup(); final AccountFullName accountFullName = ctx.getUserFullName().asAccountFullName(); final String subnetId = Identifier.subnet.normalize(request.getSubnetId()); final String privateIp = request.getPrivateIpAddress() != null ? request.getPrivateIpAddress() : request.getPrivateIpAddressesSet() != null && !request.getPrivateIpAddressesSet().getItem().isEmpty() ? request.getPrivateIpAddressesSet().getItem().get(0).getPrivateIpAddress() : null;/*w w w. j a v a 2s. c o m*/ final Supplier<NetworkInterface> allocator = new Supplier<NetworkInterface>() { @Override public NetworkInterface get() { try { final Subnet subnet = subnets.lookupByName(accountFullName, subnetId, Functions.<Subnet>identity()); final Vpc vpc = subnet.getVpc(); final Set<NetworkGroup> groups = request.getGroupSet() == null || request.getGroupSet().groupIds().isEmpty() ? Sets.newHashSet(securityGroups.lookupDefault(vpc.getDisplayName(), Functions.<NetworkGroup>identity())) : Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(request.getGroupSet().groupIds(), RestrictedTypes.resolver(NetworkGroup.class))); if (groups.size() > VpcConfiguration.getSecurityGroupsPerNetworkInterface()) { throw new ClientComputeException("SecurityGroupsPerInterfaceLimitExceeded", "Security group limit exceeded"); } if (!Collections.singleton(vpc.getDisplayName()) .equals(Sets.newHashSet(Iterables.transform(groups, NetworkGroup.vpcId())))) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(new ClientComputeException("InvalidParameterValue", "Invalid security groups (inconsistent VPC)")); } final String identifier = Identifier.eni.generate(); if (privateIp != null) { final Cidr cidr = Cidr.parse(subnet.getCidr()); if (!cidr.contains(privateIp)) { throw new ClientComputeException("InvalidParameterValue", "Address does not fall within the subnet's address range"); } else if (!Iterables.contains(Iterables.skip(IPRange.fromCidr(cidr), 3), PrivateAddresses.asInteger(privateIp))) { throw new ClientComputeException("InvalidParameterValue", "Address is in subnet's reserved address range"); } } final String mac = NetworkInterfaceHelper.mac(identifier); final String ip = NetworkInterfaceHelper.allocate(vpc.getDisplayName(), subnet.getDisplayName(), identifier, mac, privateIp); return, vpc, subnet, groups, identifier, mac, ip, vpc.getDnsHostnames() ? VmInstances.dnsName(ip, DomainNames.internalSubdomain()) : null, firstNonNull(request.getDescription(), ""))); } catch (VpcMetadataNotFoundException ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(new ClientComputeException("InvalidSubnetID.NotFound", "Subnet not found '" + request.getSubnetId() + "'")); } catch (ResourceAllocationException ex) { throw Exceptions .toUndeclared(new ClientComputeException("InvalidParameterValue", ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception ex) { final NoSuchMetadataException e = Exceptions.findCause(ex, NoSuchMetadataException.class); if (e != null) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared( new ClientComputeException("InvalidSecurityGroupID.NotFound", e.getMessage())); } throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } }; reply.setNetworkInterface(allocate(allocator, NetworkInterface.class, NetworkInterfaceType.class)); return reply; }
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/** * Appends a new local comment to the list of local instruction comments associated with the given * instruction./*from www . j a v a 2 s .co m*/ * * @param instruction The instruction to which the appended comment will be associated. * @param commentText The comments text. * @return The list of local instruction comments associated to the {@link INaviInstruction * instruction}. * * @throws CouldntSaveDataException if the information could not be saved to the database. * @throws CouldntLoadDataException if the comment information could not be loaded from the * database. */ public synchronized List<IComment> appendLocalInstructionComment(final INaviInstruction instruction, final INaviCodeNode node, final String commentText) throws CouldntSaveDataException, CouldntLoadDataException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(instruction, "IE01246: Instruction argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(node, "IE02560: node argument can not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(Iterables.contains(node.getInstructions(), instruction), "Error: instruction does not belong to the specified node"); return appendComment(new InstructionCommentingStrategy(instruction, node, CommentScope.LOCAL), commentText); }
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@Primitive public static boolean inherits(SEXP exp, StringVector what) { StringVector classes = getClass(exp); for (String whatClass : what) { if (Iterables.contains(classes, whatClass)) { return true; }/*from www. j a v a 2s .c o m*/ } return false; }
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@Primitive public static boolean inherits(SEXP exp, String what) { return Iterables.contains(getClass(exp), what); }
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private Iterable<DateTime> getNextScheduledInvoiceEffectiveDate(final Iterable<UUID> filteredSubscriptionIds, final InternalCallContext internalCallContext) { try {//from w ww .j a v a2 s . c om final NotificationQueue notificationQueue = notificationQueueService.getNotificationQueue( DefaultInvoiceService.INVOICE_SERVICE_NAME, DefaultNextBillingDateNotifier.NEXT_BILLING_DATE_NOTIFIER_QUEUE); final Iterable<NotificationEventWithMetadata<NextBillingDateNotificationKey>> futureNotifications = notificationQueue .getFutureNotificationForSearchKeys(internalCallContext.getAccountRecordId(), internalCallContext.getTenantRecordId()); final Collection<DateTime> effectiveDates = new LinkedList<DateTime>(); for (final NotificationEventWithMetadata<NextBillingDateNotificationKey> input : futureNotifications) { final boolean isEventForSubscription = !filteredSubscriptionIds.iterator().hasNext() || Iterables.contains(filteredSubscriptionIds, input.getEvent().getUuidKey()); final boolean isEventDryRunForNotifications = input.getEvent() .isDryRunForInvoiceNotification() != null ? input.getEvent().isDryRunForInvoiceNotification() : false; if (isEventForSubscription && !isEventDryRunForNotifications) { effectiveDates.add(input.getEffectiveDate()); } } return effectiveDates; } catch (final NoSuchNotificationQueue noSuchNotificationQueue) { throw new IllegalStateException(noSuchNotificationQueue); } }
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/** * Create the Passed Binding edges and join nodes between all introducers and their corresponding consuming heads. *//* ww w. j ava 2s. com*/ private void createBindings() { for (Region region : getCallableRegions()) { if (region instanceof RootRegion) { continue; } // // Single-node head groups contribute a corresponding consumed class provided the // class is part of the input model and is not an internal convenience. // for (List<Node> headNodes : region.getHeadNodeGroups()) { Node headNode; if (headNodes.size() == 1) { headNode = headNodes.get(0); } else { headNode = selectBestHeadNode(headNodes); } if (/*headNode.isLoaded() &&*/ !headNode.isInternal()) { createBinding(headNode); } } // // Bind the non-navigable predicated nodes too // for (NavigationEdge predicatedEdge : region.getPredicatedNavigationEdges()) { Node predicatedNode = predicatedEdge.getTarget(); if (predicatedEdge.isNavigation() && !predicatedEdge.isCast()) { // FIXME isCast does not need to be isNavigation now that it can be isNavigable PropertyDatum propertyDatum = getPropertyDatum(predicatedEdge); List<NavigationEdge> realizedEdges = producedPropertyDatum2realizedEdges.get(propertyDatum); if (realizedEdges != null) { Property predicatedProperty = predicatedEdge.getProperty(); List<Node> realizingNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (NavigationEdge realizedEdge : realizedEdges) { Node realizedNode; if (realizedEdge.getProperty() == predicatedProperty) { realizedNode = realizedEdge.getTarget(); } else { assert realizedEdge.getProperty() == predicatedProperty.getOpposite(); realizedNode = realizedEdge.getSource(); } if (!realizingNodes.contains(realizedNode)) { realizingNodes.add(realizedNode); } } boolean isCast = false; boolean isOther = false; boolean isRecursion = false; for (Edge outgoingEdge : predicatedNode.getOutgoingEdges()) { if (outgoingEdge.isCast()) { isCast = true; Node castNode = outgoingEdge.getTarget(); assert !castNode.isConstant(); assert !castNode.isLoaded(); Connection predicatedConnection = getConnection(realizingNodes, castNode.getClassDatumAnalysis()); if (!Iterables.contains(predicatedConnection.getTargets(), castNode)) { predicatedConnection.addUsedTargetNode(castNode, false); } } else if (outgoingEdge.isRecursion()) { isRecursion = true; } else { isOther = true; } } if (isOther || !(isCast || isRecursion)) { // Iterable<Connection> passedConnections = predicatedNode.getIncomingPassedConnections(); // Connection usedConnection = predicatedNode.getIncomingUsedConnection(); // boolean isNew = (usedConnection == null) && Iterables.isEmpty(passedConnections); // if (!isNew) { // FIXME could be multiple // isNew = (usedConnection == null) && Iterables.isEmpty(passedConnections); // } // FIXME could be multiple Connection predicatedConnection = getConnection(realizingNodes, predicatedNode.getClassDatumAnalysis()); if (!Iterables.contains(predicatedConnection.getTargets(), predicatedNode)) { predicatedConnection.addUsedTargetNode(predicatedNode, false); } } } } // if (!predicatedNode.isLoaded() && !predicatedNode.isConstant() && !isOnlyCastOrRecursed(predicatedNode)) { // } } } }
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private void createBinding(@NonNull Node headNode) { List<Node> sourceNodes = null; ClassDatumAnalysis classDatumAnalysis = headNode.getClassDatumAnalysis(); ////from w w w .j av a2s . c o m // Locate viable introducers // Iterable<Node> recursionSources = headNode.getRecursionSources(); List<Node> introducingNodes = getIntroducingNodes(classDatumAnalysis); if (introducingNodes != null) { for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Node introducingNode : introducingNodes) { if (isConflictFree(headNode, introducingNode, new HashMap<Node, Node>()) && !Iterables.contains(recursionSources, introducingNode)) { if (sourceNodes == null) { sourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); } sourceNodes.add(introducingNode); } } } // // Locate viable producers // List<Node> producingNodes = getProducingNodes(classDatumAnalysis); if (producingNodes != null) { for (@SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Node producingNode : producingNodes) { if (isConflictFree(headNode, producingNode, new HashMap<Node, Node>())) { if (sourceNodes == null) { sourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); } sourceNodes.add(producingNode); } } } if (sourceNodes != null) { // // Connection up the head // Connection headConnection = getConnection(sourceNodes, headNode.getClassDatumAnalysis()); if (headNode.getNodeRole().isExtraGuardVariable()) { headConnection.addUsedTargetNode(headNode, false); } else { headConnection.addPassedTargetNode(headNode); } // // Locate the corresponding sources for each guard in each calling region. // HashMap<Node, List<Node>> predicated2availableSources = new HashMap<Node, List<Node>>(); HashMap<Node, List<Region>> predicated2missingSources = new HashMap<Node, List<Region>>(); for (Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) { Region headRegion = headNode.getRegion(); if ((headRegion != sourceNode.getRegion()) && !(headRegion instanceof CompositionRegion)) { HashMap<Node, Node> predicated2source = new HashMap<Node, Node>(); createUsedBindings(headNode, sourceNode, predicated2source); for (Map.Entry<Node, Node> entry : predicated2source.entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Node calledNode = entry.getKey(); if (!calledNode.isHead()) { Node callingNode = entry.getValue(); if (callingNode != null) { List<Node> availableSources = predicated2availableSources.get(calledNode); if (availableSources == null) { availableSources = new ArrayList<Node>(); predicated2availableSources.put(calledNode, availableSources); } availableSources.add(callingNode); } else { List<Region> missingSources = predicated2missingSources.get(calledNode); if (missingSources == null) { missingSources = new ArrayList<Region>(); predicated2missingSources.put(calledNode, missingSources); } missingSources.add(sourceNode.getRegion()); } } } } } // // Connection the available calling sources to their called guards. // for (Map.Entry<Node, List<Node>> entry : predicated2availableSources.entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Node calledNode = entry.getKey(); if (!calledNode.isLoaded() && !calledNode.isConstant()) { @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull List<Node> availableNodes = entry.getValue(); Connection guardConnection = getConnection(availableNodes, calledNode.getClassDatumAnalysis()); guardConnection.addUsedTargetNode(calledNode, false); } } for (Map.Entry<Node, List<Region>> entry : predicated2missingSources.entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("null") @NonNull Node calledNode = entry.getKey(); // @SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull List<Region> missingRegions = entry.getValue(); // for (Region missingRegion : missingRegions) { ClassDatumAnalysis classDatumAnalysis2 = calledNode.getClassDatumAnalysis(); List<Node> missingSourceNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); List<Node> introducedNodes = getIntroducingNodes(classDatumAnalysis2); if (introducedNodes != null) { missingSourceNodes.addAll(introducedNodes); } List<Node> producedNodes = getProducingNodes(classDatumAnalysis2); if (producedNodes != null) { missingSourceNodes.addAll(producedNodes); } for (int i = missingSourceNodes.size(); --i >= 0;) { Node missingSourceNode = missingSourceNodes.get(i); if (missingSourceNode.getRegion() == calledNode.getRegion()) { missingSourceNodes.remove(i); // FIXME only if a Recursion Edge } } if ((missingSourceNodes.size() > 0) && !calledNode.isLoaded()) { Connection missingConnection = getConnection(missingSourceNodes, calledNode.getClassDatumAnalysis()); missingConnection.addUsedTargetNode(calledNode, false); } // } } // FIXME guard2missingSources } }
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private static boolean hasNullKeys(final Map<?, ?> map) { return map != null && Iterables.contains(map.keySet(), null); }