Java tutorial
//====================================================================================== // Copyright 5AM Solutions Inc, Yale University // // Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. // See for details. //====================================================================================== package gov.nih.nci.caarray.web.action.project; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.file.InvalidFileException; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.project.FileProcessingResult; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.project.FileUploadUtils; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.application.project.FileWrapper; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.dao.FileDao; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.domain.file.CaArrayFile; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.injection.InjectorFactory; import; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.util.CaArrayUsernameHolder; import gov.nih.nci.caarray.web.fileupload.MonitoredMultiPartRequest; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.text.StrBuilder; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.validation.SkipValidation; import com.fiveamsolutions.nci.commons.web.struts2.action.ActionHelper; import; import; import; import; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Preparable; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.ExpressionValidator; import com.opensymphony.xwork2.validator.annotations.Validations; /** * Action Class to handle Upload File functionality. */ @Validations(expressions = @ExpressionValidator(message = "Files must be selected for this operation.", expression = "!selectedFiles.empty")) public class UploadProjectFilesAction extends AbstractBaseProjectAction implements Preparable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UploadProjectFilesAction.class); /** * Maximum total uncompressed size (in bytes) of files that can be * downloaded in a single ZIP. If files selected for download have a greater * combined size, then the user will be presented with a group download * page. */ static final String UPLOAD_IN_BACKGROUND = "uploadInBackground"; static final String IMPORTING_FILES_KEY = "project.inconsistentState.importing_files"; static final String UPLOADING_ERROR_KEY = "errors.uploading"; static final String FILE_CONFLICT_ERROR_KEY = "experiment.files.upload.filename.exists"; static final String ZIP_UPLOAD_ERROR_KEY = "errors.uploadingErrorWithZip"; static final String FILE_ADD_ERROR_KEY = "errors.uploadingErrorWithAdding"; static final String PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR_KEY = "project.permissionDenied"; static final String FILE_UPLOADED_MSG_SUFFIX = " file(s) uploaded."; private FileUploadUtils fileUploadUtils; private FileDao fileDao; private List<String> selectedFilesToUnpack = Lists.newArrayList(); private List<File> upload = Lists.newArrayList(); private List<String> uploadFileName = Lists.newArrayList(); private Long chunkedFileSize; private String chunkedFileName; /** * */ @Override public void prepare() { super.prepare(); final Injector injector = InjectorFactory.getInjector(); setFileUploadUtils(injector.getInstance(FileUploadUtils.class)); setFileDao(injector.getInstance(FileDao.class)); } /** * Uploads all of the files in the request. * * @return the string matching the result to follow */ @SkipValidation public String upload() { StringBuilder errorString = new StringBuilder(); try { if (validateUpload()) { initChunkedUploads(); FileProcessingResult uploadResult = fileUploadUtils.uploadFiles(getProject(), getFileWrappers()); handleConflicts(uploadResult, errorString); if (!uploadResult.isPartialUpload()) { updateUploadMessage(uploadResult); } } } catch (InvalidFileException e) { handleInvalidFileException(errorString, e, selectedFilesToUnpack); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unable to upload file: " + e.getMessage(), e); addErrorMessage(errorString, UPLOADING_ERROR_KEY); } finally { /* * Bit of a hack. Data File Uploads do not use the Progress Monitor, * but it uses the MonitoredMultiPartRequest. Thus, we need to * release the progress monitor here. */ MonitoredMultiPartRequest.releaseProgressMonitor(ServletActionContext.getRequest()); } if (this.hasErrors()) { errorString.append(getActionErrorsAsString()); } writeJsonOutputToResponse(getUploadFileName(), errorString.toString()); return NONE; } private void updateUploadMessage(FileProcessingResult uploadResult) { int totalUploadCount = uploadResult.getCount(); List<String> msgs = ActionHelper.getMessages(); if (msgs != null) { Iterator<String> it = msgs.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String msg =; int endIndex = msg.lastIndexOf(FILE_UPLOADED_MSG_SUFFIX); if (endIndex > 0) { totalUploadCount += Integer.parseInt(msg.substring(0, endIndex)); it.remove(); } } } ActionHelper.saveMessage(totalUploadCount + FILE_UPLOADED_MSG_SUFFIX); } /** * Checks for an existing partial upload of a file. * @return the size of the file, if it exists. */ @SkipValidation public String partialUploadCheck() { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); if (chunkedFileName != null && chunkedFileSize != null) { CaArrayFile file = fileDao.getPartialFile(getProject().getId(), chunkedFileName, chunkedFileSize); if (file != null) { result.put("size", file.getPartialSize()); } try { ServletActionContext.getResponse().setContentType("text/plain"); ServletActionContext.getResponse().getWriter().write(result.toString()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Swallowed exception - Cannot write to the response", e); } } return NONE; } private void initChunkedUploads() { if (chunkedFileName != null) { setUploadFileName(Lists.newArrayList(chunkedFileName)); } } private void handleConflicts(FileProcessingResult uploadResult, StringBuilder sbf) { for (String conflict : uploadResult.getConflictingFiles()) { addErrorMessage(sbf, FILE_CONFLICT_ERROR_KEY, conflict); } } private void addErrorMessage(StringBuilder errorBuffer, String key, Object... params) { String errorMsg = getText(key, Arrays.asList(params)); ActionHelper.saveMessage(errorMsg); errorBuffer.append(errorMsg).append("; "); } private void handleInvalidFileException(StringBuilder sbf, InvalidFileException e, List<String> fileNamesToUnpack) { Object[] messageParams = new Object[] { e.getFile(), getText(e.getResourceKey()) }; String errorKey = fileNamesToUnpack.contains(e.getFile()) ? ZIP_UPLOAD_ERROR_KEY : FILE_ADD_ERROR_KEY; addErrorMessage(sbf, errorKey, messageParams); } private void writeJsonOutputToResponse(List<String> filenames, String errors) { List<Map<String, Object>> uploadsList = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String filename : filenames) { Map<String, Object> result = Maps.newHashMap(); result.put("name", filename); result.put("error", errors); uploadsList.add(result); } String jsonString = JSONArray.fromObject(uploadsList.toArray()).toString(); ServletActionContext.getResponse().setContentType("text/plain"); try { ServletActionContext.getResponse().getWriter().write(jsonString); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Swallowed exception - Cannot write to the response", e); } } private String getActionErrorsAsString() { StrBuilder sbf = new StrBuilder(); sbf.appendWithSeparators(getActionErrors(), "; "); for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : this.getFieldErrors().entrySet()) { sbf.appendWithSeparators(entry.getValue(), "; "); } return sbf.toString(); } /** * validates user permissions and required file for upload. * * @return true if validation passes */ private boolean validateUpload() { return validatePermissions() && getUpload().size() > 0; } /** * validates user permissions. * * @return true if validation passes */ private boolean validatePermissions() { if (CaArrayUsernameHolder.getUser().equals(SecurityUtils.ANONYMOUS_USERNAME)) { ActionHelper.saveMessage(getText("upload.session.expired")); return false; } if (!getProject().hasWritePermission(getCsmUser())) { ActionHelper .saveMessage(getText(PERMISSION_DENIED_ERROR_KEY, Lists.newArrayList(getText("role.write")))); return false; } return true; } private List<FileWrapper> getFileWrappers() { List<FileWrapper> files = new ArrayList<FileWrapper>(); for (int i = 0; i < getUpload().size(); i++) { File file = getUpload().get(i); FileWrapper wrapper = new FileWrapper(); String fileName = getUploadFileName().get(i); wrapper.setFile(file); wrapper.setFileName(fileName); wrapper.setCompressed((Iterables.contains(selectedFilesToUnpack, fileName))); if (getChunkedFileSize() != null) { wrapper.setTotalFileSize(getChunkedFileSize()); } else { wrapper.setTotalFileSize(file.length()); } files.add(wrapper); } return files; } /** * Action for displaying the upload in background form. * * @return the string matching the result to follow */ @SkipValidation public String uploadInBackground() { if (getProject().isImportingData()) { ActionHelper.saveMessage(getText(IMPORTING_FILES_KEY)); } return UPLOAD_IN_BACKGROUND; } /** * uploaded file. * * @return uploads uploaded files */ public List<File> getUpload() { return this.upload; } /** * sets file uploads. * * @param inUploads * List */ public void setUpload(List<File> inUploads) { this.upload = inUploads; } /** * returns uploaded file name. * * @return uploadFileNames */ public List<String> getUploadFileName() { return this.uploadFileName; } /** * sets uploaded file names. * * @param inUploadFileNames * List */ public void setUploadFileName(List<String> inUploadFileNames) { this.uploadFileName = inUploadFileNames; } /** * @return the total size of the file being uploaded. */ public Long getChunkedFileSize() { return chunkedFileSize; } /** * @param chunkedFileSize the total size of the file being uploaded. */ public void setChunkedFileSize(Long chunkedFileSize) { this.chunkedFileSize = chunkedFileSize; } /** * @return the name of the file being uploaded */ public String getChunkedFileName() { return chunkedFileName; } /** * @param chunkedFileName the name of the file being uploaded */ public void setChunkedFileName(String chunkedFileName) { this.chunkedFileName = chunkedFileName; } /** * @return the selectedFilesToUnpack */ public List<String> getSelectedFilesToUnpack() { return this.selectedFilesToUnpack; } /** * @param selectedFilesToUnpack * the selectedFilesToUnpack to set */ public void setSelectedFilesToUnpack(List<String> selectedFilesToUnpack) { this.selectedFilesToUnpack = selectedFilesToUnpack; } /** * @param uploadUtils * . */ public void setFileUploadUtils(FileUploadUtils uploadUtils) { this.fileUploadUtils = uploadUtils; } /** * @param fileDao the fileDao to set */ public void setFileDao(FileDao fileDao) { this.fileDao = fileDao; } }