List of usage examples for Splitter on
@CheckReturnValue @GwtIncompatible("java.util.regex") public static Splitter on(final Pattern separatorPattern)
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public void init() throws IOException { Inode root = vfs.getRootInode();/*from www. j a va 2 s . c om*/ for (FsExport export : exportFile.getExports()) { String path = export.getPath(); Splitter splitter = Splitter.on('/').omitEmptyStrings(); Inode inode = root; for (String s : splitter.split(path)) { Inode child; try { child = vfs.lookup(inode, s); } catch (NoEntException e) { child = vfs.create(inode, Stat.Type.DIRECTORY, s, Subjects.ROOT, 0777); } } } }
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@Override @Nullable// ww w .j ava2s . c om protected String findErrorMessage(@NotNull Throwable rootCause, @NotNull NotificationData notification, @NotNull Project project) { String text = rootCause.getMessage(); List<String> message = Splitter.on('\n').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(text); int lineCount = message.size(); String firstLine = message.get(0); String newMsg = null; if (isNotEmpty(firstLine) && firstLine.endsWith("Java heap space")) { newMsg = firstLine + "."; } else if (isNotEmpty(firstLine) && lineCount > 1 && firstLine.startsWith("Unable to start the daemon process")) { String cause = null; for (int i = 1; i < lineCount; i++) { String line = message.get(i); if ("Error occurred during initialization of VM".equals(line)) { // The cause of the error is in the next line. if (i < lineCount - 1) { cause = message.get(i + 1); break; } } } if (cause != null && cause.startsWith("Could not reserve enough space for object heap")) { firstLine = trimEnd(firstLine, "."); if (!cause.endsWith(".")) { cause += "."; } newMsg = firstLine + ": " + decapitalize(cause); } } if (isNotEmpty(newMsg)) { newMsg += "\nPlease assign more memory to Gradle in the project's file.\n" + "For example, the following line, in the file, sets the maximum Java heap size to 1,024 MB:\n" + "<em>org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1024m</em>"; if (rootCause instanceof OutOfMemoryError) { newMsg = "Out of memory: " + newMsg; updateUsageTracker(OUT_OF_MEMORY); } else { updateUsageTracker(); } return newMsg; } return null; }
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public static MachineNameOrIdAndNicSlot fromString(String machineNameOrIdAndNicSlotString) { Iterable<String> splittedString = Splitter.on(SEPARATOR).split(machineNameOrIdAndNicSlotString); checkState(Iterables.size(splittedString) == 2); String machineNameOrId = Strings.nullToEmpty(Iterables.get(splittedString, 0)); String nicSlotString = Strings.nullToEmpty(Iterables.get(splittedString, 1)); checkArgument(!nicSlotString.startsWith("+"), "Unparseable slot number: %s", nicSlotString); try {//w w w .j av a 2 s . com long slot = Long.parseLong(nicSlotString); checkArgument(isValidSlot(slot), "Slot number out of range: %s", nicSlotString); return new MachineNameOrIdAndNicSlot(machineNameOrId, slot); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unparseable slot number: " + nicSlotString); } }
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/** * Given a file and a project, return the Module corresponding to the containing Gradle project for the file. If the file is not * contained by any project then return null *///from w w w. j a v a 2 @Nullable public static Module getContainingModule(File file, Project project) { VirtualFile vFile = VfsUtil.findFileByIoFile(file, false); if (vFile == null) { return null; } Module bestMatch = null; int bestMatchValue = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) { GradleFacet facet = GradleFacet.getInstance(module); if (facet != null) { GradleModuleModel gradleModuleModel = facet.getGradleModuleModel(); assert gradleModuleModel != null; VirtualFile buildFile = gradleModuleModel.getBuildFile(); if (buildFile != null) { VirtualFile root = buildFile.getParent(); if (VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(root, vFile, true)) { String relativePath = VfsUtilCore.getRelativePath(vFile, root, '/'); if (relativePath != null) { int value = Iterables.size(Splitter.on('/').split(relativePath)); if (value < bestMatchValue) { bestMatch = module; bestMatchValue = value; } } } } } } return bestMatch; }
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@Override public Map<String, Object> homePageInfo() { Map<String, Object> homePageInfoMap = Maps.newHashMap(); homePageInfoMap.put("namesvrAddrList", Splitter.on(";").splitToList(rMQConfigure.getNamesrvAddr())); homePageInfoMap.put("useVIPChannel", Boolean.valueOf(rMQConfigure.getIsVIPChannel())); return homePageInfoMap; }
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@Override protected int execute() { for (String nodeSpec : nodes) { if (nodeSpec.contains("=")) { Iterable<String> parts = Splitter.on('=').split(nodeSpec); if (Iterables.size(parts) != 2) { System.err.println("Invalid node specification: " + nodeSpec); return 1; }// www . ja v a2 s.c o m String containerName = Iterables.get(parts, 0); Iterable<String> ports = Splitter.on(';').split(Iterables.get(parts, 1)); if (Iterables.size(ports) != 3) { System.err.println("Invalid port specification: " + nodeSpec); } int peerPort = Integer.parseInt(Iterables.get(ports, 0)); int electionPort = Integer.parseInt(Iterables.get(ports, 1)); int clientPort = Integer.parseInt(Iterables.get(ports, 2)); System.out.println(createNode(containerName, peerPort, electionPort, clientPort)); } else { int id = Integer.parseInt(nodeSpec); String containerName = ZooKeeperNodes.containerName(id); int peerPort = ZooKeeperNodes.peerPort(id); int electionPort = ZooKeeperNodes.electionPort(id); int clientPort = ZooKeeperNodes.clientPort(id); System.out.println(createNode(containerName, peerPort, electionPort, clientPort)); } } return 0; }
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private static Map.Entry<String, Integer> getColumnMapEntry(String column, int i) { if (column.contains(":")) { Iterable<String> tokens = Splitter.on(':').split(column); String col = Iterables.getFirst(tokens, null); Integer pos = Integer.parseInt(Iterables.getLast(tokens)); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(col, pos); } else {//w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(column, i); } }
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public CompilationUnitFileTree(Iterable<CompilationUnit.FileInput> inputs) { // Build a directory map from the list of required inputs. for (CompilationUnit.FileInput input : inputs) { String path = input.getInfo().getPath(); String digest = input.getInfo().getDigest(); putDigest(path, digest);/*from w ww .jav a2s . co m*/ StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String dir : Splitter.on('/').split(PathUtil.dirname(path))) { pathBuilder.append(dir); putDigest(pathBuilder.toString(), DIRECTORY_DIGEST); pathBuilder.append('/'); } } }
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@Override @Nullable/*ww w. j a va2s.c om*/ protected String findErrorMessage(@NotNull Throwable rootCause, @NotNull NotificationData notification, @NotNull Project project) { String text = rootCause.getMessage(); List<String> message = Splitter.on('\n').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().splitToList(text); String firstLine = message.get(0); if (isNotEmpty(firstLine) && firstLine.contains("The newly created daemon process has a different context than expected.") && message.size() > 3 && "Java home is different.".equals(message.get(2))) { String expectedAndActual = parseExpectedAndActualJavaHomes(text); if (isNotEmpty(expectedAndActual)) { updateUsageTracker(); return firstLine + "\n" + message.get(2) + "\n" + expectedAndActual + "\n" + "Please configure the JDK to match the expected one."; } } return null; }
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public String clientAddressFor(HttpServletRequest request) { ImmutableList.Builder<String> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Enumeration<String> e = request.getHeaders("X-FORWARDED-FOR"); e != null && e.hasMoreElements();) { String forwardedFor = e.nextElement(); builder.addAll(Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(forwardedFor)); }/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (request.getRemoteAddr() != null) { builder.add(request.getRemoteAddr()); } String clientAddress = null; ImmutableList<String> clientAddresses =; for (String address : Lists.reverse(clientAddresses)) { try { if (!trustedNetworks.containsAddress(InetAddresses.forString(address))) { clientAddress = address; break; } clientAddress = address; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { break; } } if (clientAddress == null) { clientAddress = request.getRemoteAddr(); } return clientAddress; }