Example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter on

List of usage examples for com.google.common.base Splitter on


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter on.


public static Splitter on(final Pattern separatorPattern) 

Source Link


Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching pattern to be a separator.


From source file:google.registry.tmch.SmdrlCsvParser.java

/** Converts the lines from the DNL CSV file into a data structure. */
public static SignedMarkRevocationList parse(List<String> lines) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, DateTime> revokes = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();

    // First line: <version>,<SMD Revocation List creation datetime>
    List<String> firstLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(0));
    checkArgument(firstLine.size() == 2,
            String.format("Line 1: Expected 2 elements, found %d", firstLine.size()));
    Integer version = Integer.valueOf(firstLine.get(0));
    checkArgument(version == 1, String.format("Line 1: Expected version 1, found %d", version));
    DateTime creationTime = DateTime.parse(firstLine.get(1)).withZone(UTC);

    // Second line contains headers: smd-id,insertion-datetime
    List<String> secondLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(1));
    checkArgument(secondLine.size() == 2,
            String.format("Line 2: Expected 2 elements, found %d", secondLine.size()));
            String.format("Line 2: Expected header \"smd-id\", found \"%s\"", secondLine.get(0)));
            String.format("Line 2: Expected header \"insertion-datetime\", found \"%s\"", secondLine.get(1)));

    // Subsequent lines: <smd-id>,<revoked SMD datetime>
    for (int i = 2; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        List<String> currentLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(i));
        checkArgument(currentLine.size() == 2,
                String.format("Line %d: Expected 2 elements, found %d", i + 1, currentLine.size()));
        String smdId = currentLine.get(0);
        DateTime revokedTime = DateTime.parse(currentLine.get(1));
        revokes.put(smdId, revokedTime);
    }/*from   w  ww  .j  a v a 2 s. c o m*/

    return SignedMarkRevocationList.create(creationTime, revokes.build());

From source file:org.apache.phoenix.hive.util.ColumnMappingUtils.java

public static Map<String, String> getColumnMappingMap(String columnMappings) {
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Column mappings : " + columnMappings);
    }/* w w  w . j  a  va 2s  . c  o m*/

    if (columnMappings == null || columnMappings.length() == 0) {
        if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
            LOG.info("phoenix.column.mapping not set. using field definition");

        return Collections.emptyMap();

    Map<String, String> columnMappingMap = Splitter.on(PhoenixStorageHandlerConstants.COMMA).trimResults()

    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Column mapping map : " + columnMappingMap);

    return columnMappingMap;

From source file:org.jclouds.docker.compute.features.internal.Archives.java

public static File tar(File baseDir, String archivePath) throws IOException {
    // Check that the directory is a directory, and get its contents
    checkArgument(baseDir.isDirectory(), "%s is not a directory", baseDir);
    File[] files = baseDir.listFiles();
    File tarFile = new File(archivePath);

    String token = getLast(Splitter.on("/").split(archivePath.substring(0, archivePath.lastIndexOf("/"))));

    byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
    int len;//  ww w  .  j  a  v  a 2s.co m
    TarArchiveOutputStream tos = new TarArchiveOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tarFile));
    for (File file : files) {
        TarArchiveEntry tarEntry = new TarArchiveEntry(file);
        tarEntry.setName("/" + getLast(Splitter.on(token).split(file.toString())));
        if (!file.isDirectory()) {
            FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file);
            BufferedInputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(fin);
            while ((len = in.read(buf)) != -1) {
                tos.write(buf, 0, len);
    return tarFile;

From source file:com.palantir.typescript.services.language.ScriptElementKindModifier.java

public static ImmutableList<ScriptElementKindModifier> parseList(String kindModifiers) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<ScriptElementKindModifier> kindModifiersBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();

    if (kindModifiers.length() > 0) {
        for (String kindModifier : Splitter.on(',').split(kindModifiers)) {
        }//from  w w  w . ja v  a2  s  .c  o m

    return kindModifiersBuilder.build();

From source file:org.apache.james.utils.SMTPSendingException.java

private static String sanitizeString(String lastServerMessage) {
    List<String> lines = Splitter.on("\r\n").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(lastServerMessage);

    return Joiner.on("\n").skipNulls().join(lines);

From source file:com.ebay.pulsar.analytics.datasource.loader.DynamicDataSourceConfigurationManager.java

public static void activateDataSource(DBDataSource datasource) {
    String databaseName = datasource.getName();
    String endPoints = datasource.getEndpoint();
    DataSourceTypeEnum dataSourceTypeEnum = DataSourceTypeEnum.fromType(datasource.getType());
    if (dataSourceTypeEnum == null) {
        throw new DataSourceConfigurationException("Unsupported dataSourceType:" + datasource.getType());
    }/*from ww  w . j a  v a 2 s. c  o m*/
    DataSourceConfiguration configuration = new DataSourceConfiguration(dataSourceTypeEnum, databaseName);
    Properties clientProperties = datasource.getClientProperties(Properties.class);
    if (clientProperties != null) {
    long refreshTime = getDBRefreshTime(datasource);

    DataSourceMetaRepo.getInstance().addDbConf(databaseName, configuration);


From source file:eu.artist.reusevol.repo.common.util.ArtefactId.java

public static ArtefactId of(String fullId) {
    PackageName pack;/*  w w w.  ja  v  a 2 s .  c  o m*/
    ArtefactName prj;
    Version v;
    Iterator<String> segments = Splitter.on("!").split(fullId).iterator();
    if (segments.hasNext()) {
        pack = PackageName.of(segments.next());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or missing package id in '" + fullId + "'.");
    if (segments.hasNext()) {
        prj = ArtefactName.of(segments.next());
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid or missing artefactPart id in '" + fullId + "'.");
    if (segments.hasNext()) {
        v = Version.of(segments.next());
    } else {
        return ArtefactId.of(pack, prj);
    return ArtefactId.of(pack, prj, v);

From source file:org.sonar.server.util.RubyUtils.java

public static List<String> toStrings(@Nullable Object o) {
    List<String> result = null;
    if (o != null) {
        if (o instanceof List) {
            // assume that it contains only strings
            result = (List) o;//from  ww  w  .  j  ava  2  s  .co  m
        } else if (o instanceof CharSequence) {
            result = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().split((CharSequence) o));
    return result;

From source file:com.google.javascript.jscomp.newtypes.QualifiedName.java

public static QualifiedName fromNode(Node qnameNode) {
    if (qnameNode == null || !qnameNode.isQualifiedName()) {
        return null;
    }//from ww w  .  j ava  2 s.  com
    return qnameNode.isName() ? new QualifiedName(qnameNode.getString())
            : new QualifiedName(ImmutableList.copyOf(Splitter.on('.').split(qnameNode.getQualifiedName())));

From source file:google.registry.tmch.ClaimsListParser.java

 * Converts the lines from the DNL CSV file into a {@link ClaimsListShard} object.
 * <p>Please note that this does <b>not</b> insert the object into the datastore.
 *///from w  w w . ja  va  2s. c o  m
public static ClaimsListShard parse(List<String> lines) {
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, String> builder = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();

    // First line: <version>,<DNL List creation datetime>
    List<String> firstLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(0));
    checkArgument(firstLine.size() == 2,
            String.format("Line 1: Expected 2 elements, found %d", firstLine.size()));

    Integer version = Integer.valueOf(firstLine.get(0));
    DateTime creationTime = DateTime.parse(firstLine.get(1));
    checkArgument(version == 1, String.format("Line 1: Expected version 1, found %d", version));

    // Second line contains headers: DNL,lookup-key,insertion-datetime
    List<String> secondLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(1));
    checkArgument(secondLine.size() == 3,
            String.format("Line 2: Expected 3 elements, found %d", secondLine.size()));
            String.format("Line 2: Expected header \"DNL\", found \"%s\"", secondLine.get(0)));
            String.format("Line 2: Expected header \"lookup-key\", found \"%s\"", secondLine.get(1)));
            String.format("Line 2: Expected header \"insertion-datetime\", found \"%s\"", secondLine.get(2)));

    // Subsequent lines: <DNL>,<lookup key>,<DNL insertion datetime>
    for (int i = 2; i < lines.size(); i++) {
        List<String> currentLine = Splitter.on(',').splitToList(lines.get(i));
        checkArgument(currentLine.size() == 3,
                String.format("Line %d: Expected 3 elements, found %d", i + 1, currentLine.size()));

        String label = currentLine.get(0);
        String lookupKey = currentLine.get(1);
        DateTime.parse(currentLine.get(2)); // This is the insertion time, currently unused.
        builder.put(label, lookupKey);

    return ClaimsListShard.create(creationTime, builder.build());