List of usage examples for Splitter on
@CheckReturnValue @GwtIncompatible("java.util.regex") public static Splitter on(final Pattern separatorPattern)
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public static final Set<MediaType> fromNullableCommaSeparatedString(final String str) { if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) { return ImmutableSet.of(); }//from w ww .j a v a 2 s. co m final List<String> parts = Splitter.on(",").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(str); return; }
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private static boolean inRange(String range, int fromPort, int toPort) { List<String> ports = Splitter.on('-').splitToList(range); return fromPort >= Integer.valueOf(ports.get(0)) && toPort <= Integer.valueOf(ports.get(1)); }
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private static Splitter splitter() { return Splitter.on(PATH_SEPARATOR).omitEmptyStrings(); }
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public static Iterable<String> getArrayFieldOrEnv(JsonObject config, String name, Iterable<String> defaultValue) { String envVar = formatEnvVariable(name); //USED_ENV_VARS.add(envVar); if (config.containsKey(name)) { JsonArray values = config.getJsonArray(name); if (values != null) { Iterable<String> iterable = FluentIterable.from(values).filter(Predicates.notNull()) .filter(input -> input instanceof String).transform(input -> input.toString()); log(name, envVar, name, iterable); return iterable; }// ww w . jav a2 s . co m } else { String value = System.getenv(envVar); if (value != null) { log(name, envVar, envVar, value); return Splitter.on(',').split(value); } } log(name, envVar, null, defaultValue); return defaultValue; }
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public static List<String> toList(String stringToSplit, boolean trimResults) { Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(ELEMENT_SEPARATOR); if (trimResults) { splitter = splitter.trimResults(); }/*from w w w .j a v a 2s. c o m*/ return splitter.splitToList(stringToSplit); }
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@Override public List<Map<String, String>> apply(String from) { List<Map<String, String>> maps = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String listOfKeyValues : Splitter.on("\n\n").split(from)) { if (!"".equals(listOfKeyValues)) { Map<String, String> map = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (String keyValueLine : Splitter.on('\n').split(listOfKeyValues)) { if (!"".equals(keyValueLine)) { int firstIndex = keyValueLine.indexOf(' '); String key = keyValueLine.substring(0, firstIndex); String value = keyValueLine.substring(firstIndex + 1).replace("\\n", "\n"); map.put(key, value); }/*w ww. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ } if (map.size() != 0) maps.add(map); } } return maps; }
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public static IjProjectConfig create(BuckConfig buckConfig, @Nullable AggregationMode aggregationMode, @Nullable String generatedFilesListFilename, @Nonnull String projectRoot, String moduleGroupName, boolean isCleanerEnabled, boolean removeUnusedLibraries, boolean excludeArtifacts, boolean includeTransitiveDependencies, boolean skipBuild, boolean keepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled, ImmutableSet<String> includeTestPatterns, ImmutableSet<String> excludeTestPatterns) { Optional<String> excludedResourcePathsOption = buckConfig.getValue(INTELLIJ_BUCK_CONFIG_SECTION, "excluded_resource_paths"); Iterable<String> excludedResourcePaths; if (excludedResourcePathsOption.isPresent()) { excludedResourcePaths = Sets.newHashSet( Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(excludedResourcePathsOption.get())); } else {//w ww. j a va2 excludedResourcePaths = Collections.emptyList(); } Map<String, String> labelToGeneratedSourcesMap = buckConfig.getMap(INTELLIJ_BUCK_CONFIG_SECTION, "generated_sources_label_map"); Optional<Path> androidManifest = buckConfig.getPath(INTELLIJ_BUCK_CONFIG_SECTION, "default_android_manifest_path", false); keepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled = buckConfig.getBooleanValue(INTELLIJ_BUCK_CONFIG_SECTION, "keep_module_files_in_module_dirs", false) || keepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled; return createBuilder(buckConfig).setExcludedResourcePaths(excludedResourcePaths) .setLabelToGeneratedSourcesMap(labelToGeneratedSourcesMap).setAndroidManifest(androidManifest) .setCleanerEnabled(isCleanerEnabled) .setKeepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled(keepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled) .setRemovingUnusedLibrariesEnabled( isRemovingUnusedLibrariesEnabled(removeUnusedLibraries, buckConfig)) .setExcludeArtifactsEnabled(isExcludingArtifactsEnabled(excludeArtifacts, buckConfig)) .setSkipBuildEnabled( skipBuild || buckConfig.getBooleanValue(PROJECT_BUCK_CONFIG_SECTION, "skip_build", false)) .setAggregationMode(getAggregationMode(aggregationMode, buckConfig)) .setGeneratedFilesListFilename(Optional.ofNullable(generatedFilesListFilename)) .setProjectRoot(projectRoot) .setProjectPaths(new IjProjectPaths(projectRoot, keepModuleFilesInModuleDirsEnabled)) .setIncludeTransitiveDependency( isIncludingTransitiveDependencyEnabled(includeTransitiveDependencies, buckConfig)) .setModuleGroupName(getModuleGroupName(moduleGroupName, buckConfig)) .setIncludeTestPatterns(includeTestPatterns).setExcludeTestPatterns(excludeTestPatterns).build(); }
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public static List<Function<String, String>> getTransformers(final String transformerNames) { if (transformerNames == null) { return ImmutableList.<Function<String, String>>of(); }/*from w ww. ja va 2s . c o m*/ ImmutableList.Builder<Function<String, String>> transformers = ImmutableList.builder(); for (String transformerName : Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings().split(transformerNames)) { transformers.add(forName(transformerName)); } return; }
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@Override public InetSocketAddress read(JsonReader reader) throws IOException { if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) { reader.nextNull();/*from w w w . j av a 2 s .c om*/ return null; } try { Iterator<String> split = Splitter.on(':').split(reader.nextString()).iterator(); InetAddress hostname = InetAddresses.forString(; int port = Integer.parseInt(; checkArgument(!split.hasNext()); return new InetSocketAddress(hostname, port); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } }
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@Nullable public static PsArtifactDependencySpec create(@NotNull String notation) { // Example: org.gradle.test.classifiers:service:1.0 where // group: org.gradle.test.classifiers // name: service // version: 1.0 List<String> segments = Splitter.on(GRADLE_PATH_SEPARATOR).trimResults().omitEmptyStrings() .splitToList(notation);/*from w w w . ja v a2 s. c o m*/ // TODO unify notation parsing with ArtifactDependencySpec parsing. int segmentCount = segments.size(); if (segmentCount > 0) { segments = Lists.newArrayList(segments); String lastSegment = segments.remove(segmentCount - 1); int indexOfAt = lastSegment.indexOf('@'); if (indexOfAt != -1) { lastSegment = lastSegment.substring(0, indexOfAt); } segments.add(lastSegment); segmentCount = segments.size(); String group = null; String name = null; String version = null; if (segmentCount == 1) { name = segments.get(0); } else if (segmentCount == 2) { if (!lastSegment.isEmpty() && Character.isDigit(lastSegment.charAt(0))) { name = segments.get(0); version = lastSegment; } else { group = segments.get(0); name = segments.get(1); } } else if (segmentCount == 3 || segmentCount == 4) { group = segments.get(0); name = segments.get(1); version = segments.get(2); } if (isNotEmpty(name)) { return new PsArtifactDependencySpec(name, group, version); } } return null; }