Example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter on

List of usage examples for com.google.common.base Splitter on


In this page you can find the example usage for com.google.common.base Splitter on.


public static Splitter on(final Pattern separatorPattern) 

Source Link


Returns a splitter that considers any subsequence matching pattern to be a separator.


From source file:org.apache.isis.core.metamodel.facets.object.membergroups.annotprop.MemberGroupLayoutFacetProperties.java

static String[] asGroupList(Properties properties, final String key) {
    final String property = properties.getProperty(key);
    if (property == null) {
        return new String[0];
    }/*from w  w w .ja v  a2s .com*/
    final Iterable<String> split = Splitter.on(',').split(property);
    return Iterables.toArray(
            Iterables.filter(Iterables.transform(split, StringFunctions.TRIM), StringPredicates.NOT_EMPTY),

From source file:org.robotframework.ide.eclipse.main.plugin.launch.remote.RemoteConnectionStatusTracker.java

private static String indentMessage(final String message) {
    final List<String> msgLines = Splitter.on('\n').splitToList(message);
    return "\t" + String.join("\n\t", msgLines);

From source file:ilcc.ccgparser.utils.Utils.java

public static CCGJNode parseDrivString(String treeString, CCGJSentenceChart sent) {

    sent.setCcgDeriv(treeString);//w  ww  .ja  v a2  s .  c  o m
    Stack<CCGJNode> nodes = new Stack<>();
    Stack<Character> cStack = new Stack<>();
    char[] cArray = treeString.toCharArray();
    boolean foundOpenLessThan = false;
    int id = 0;

    for (Character c : cArray) {
        if (c == '<') {
            foundOpenLessThan = true;
        } else if (c == '>') {
            foundOpenLessThan = false;

        if (c == ')' && !foundOpenLessThan) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            Character cPop = cStack.pop();
            while (cPop != '<') {
                cPop = cStack.pop();
            // pop (
            String nodeString = sb.toString();
            // (<L (S/S)/NP IN IN In (S_113/S_113)/NP_114>)
            if (nodeString.charAt(1) == 'L') {
                CCGJNode node = new CCGJNode(id + 1, nodeString);
            } else if (nodeString.charAt(1) == 'T') {
                // (<T S/S 0 2> (<L (S/S)/NP IN IN In (S_113/S_113)/NP_114>)
                ArrayList<String> items = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(CharMatcher.anyOf("<> ")).trimResults()
                CCGJNode node = new CCGJNode();
                int childrenSize = Integer.parseInt(items.get(3));
                int headId = Integer.parseInt(items.get(2));
                while (childrenSize > 0) {
                    node.addChild(nodes.pop(), 0);
                String rescatstr = items.get(1);
                CCGcat rescat;
                childrenSize = Integer.parseInt(items.get(3));
                if (childrenSize == 1) {
                    CCGcat lcat = node.getChild(0).getCCGcat();
                    rescat = CCGcat.typeRaiseTo(lcat, rescatstr);
                    if (rescat == null)
                        rescat = CCGcat.typeChangingRule(lcat, rescatstr);
                } else {
                    CCGcat lcat = node.getChild(0).getCCGcat();
                    CCGcat rcat = node.getChild(1).getCCGcat();
                    rescat = CCGcat.combine(lcat, rcat, rescatstr);
        } else {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(nodes.size() == 1, "Bad Tree");
    CCGJNode root = nodes.pop();
    return root;

From source file:es.upm.oeg.oaipmh.analyzer.writer.CsvWriter.java

public CsvWriter(Mode mode, File directory, String name) throws IOException {

    this.header = true;

    // Create directory
    directory.mkdirs();//from   www .jav a 2  s  .c o  m

    // Create an empty file
    File csv = new File(directory, name + ".csv");

    // Initialize file writer
    this.writer = new FileWriter(csv);

    // Get dc:terms
    this.terms = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings()
            .split("abstract , accessRights , accrualMethod , accrualPeriodicity , accrualPolicy , "
                    + "alternative , audience , available , bibliographicCitation , conformsTo , contributor , "
                    + "coverage , created , creator , date , dateAccepted , dateCopyrighted , dateSubmitted , "
                    + "description , educationLevel , extent , format , hasFormat , hasPart , hasVersion , identifier , "
                    + "instructionalMethod , isFormatOf , isPartOf , isReferencedBy , isReplacedBy , isRequiredBy , issued , "
                    + "isVersionOf , language , license , mediator , medium , modified , provenance , publisher , references , "
                    + "relation , replaces , requires , rights , rightsHolder , source , spatial , subject , tableOfContents , "
                    + "temporal , title , type , valid");

    // Get dc:elements
    this.elements = Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(
            "contributor , coverage , creator , date , description , format , identifier , language , publisher , "
                    + "relation , rights , source , subject , title , type");

    // Initialize dataline


From source file:io.airlift.airship.shared.MavenCoordinates.java

private static MavenCoordinates fromGAV(String coordinates, String defaultPackaging) {
    Matcher matcher = MAVEN_COORDINATES_PATTERN.matcher(coordinates);
    if (!matcher.matches()) {
        return null;
    }/*from  w w w .  j  a va 2  s  .  c o m*/

    List<String> parts = ImmutableList.copyOf(Splitter.on(':').split(coordinates));
    if (parts.size() == 5) {
        return new MavenCoordinates(parts.get(0), parts.get(1), parts.get(4), parts.get(2), parts.get(3), null);
    } else if (parts.size() == 4) {
        return new MavenCoordinates(parts.get(0), parts.get(1), parts.get(3), parts.get(2), null, null);
    } else if (defaultPackaging != null) {
        if (parts.size() == 3) {
            return new MavenCoordinates(parts.get(0), parts.get(1), parts.get(2), defaultPackaging, null, null);
        } else if (parts.size() == 2) {
            return new MavenCoordinates(null, parts.get(0), parts.get(1), defaultPackaging, null, null);
    return null;

From source file:com.facebook.presto.execution.resourceGroups.ResourceGroupId.java

public static ResourceGroupId fromString(String value) {
    requireNonNull(value, "value is null");
    return new ResourceGroupId(Splitter.on(".").splitToList(value));

From source file:annis.gui.requesthandler.ContentRange.java

 * Parses the header value of a HTTP Range request
 * @param rawRange raw range value as given by the header
 * @param totalSize total size of the content
 * @param maxNum maximal number of allowed ranges. Will throw exception if client requests more ranges.
 * @return//from  ww  w.  ja  va2  s.  co m
 * @throws annis.gui.requesthandler.ContentRange.InvalidRangeException 
public static List<ContentRange> parseFromHeader(String rawRange, long totalSize, int maxNum)
        throws InvalidRangeException {
    List<ContentRange> result = new ArrayList<>();
    if (rawRange != null) {
        if (!fullPattern.matcher(rawRange).matches()) {
            throw new InvalidRangeException("invalid syntax");

        rawRange = rawRange.substring("bytes=".length(), rawRange.length());

        for (String partRange : Splitter.on(",").omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().split(rawRange)) {
            if (result.size() >= totalSize) {
                throw new InvalidRangeException("more ranges than acceptable");

            long from = 0;
            long to = totalSize - 1;

            Matcher m = partPattern.matcher(partRange);
            if (!m.find()) {
                throw new InvalidRangeException("invalid syntax for partial range");

            String fromString = m.group(1);
            String toString = m.group(2);

            if (fromString != null && !fromString.isEmpty()) {
                from = Long.parseLong(fromString);
            if (toString != null && !toString.isEmpty()) {
                to = Long.parseLong(toString);

            if (from > to) {
                throw new InvalidRangeException("start is larger then end");

            result.add(new ContentRange(from, to, totalSize));

    return result;

From source file:org.obm.push.bean.ServerId.java

public static ServerId of(String value) {
    Iterable<String> parts = Splitter.on(SERVER_ID_SEPARATOR).split(value);
    if (Iterables.size(parts) > 2) {
        throw new InvalidServerId("Too many parts for a serverId");
    }/*www .  ja  v a  2  s . c  o m*/
    Iterator<String> iterator = parts.iterator();
    return of(getCollectionId(iterator, value), getItemId(iterator));

From source file:org.apache.phoenix.hive.util.PhoenixUtil.java

public static String getPhoenixType(String hiveTypeName) {
    if (hiveTypeName.startsWith("array")) {
        List<String> tokenList = Lists
        return getPhoenixType(tokenList.get(1)) + "[]";
    } else if (hiveTypeName.startsWith("int")) {
        return "integer";
    } else if (hiveTypeName.equals("string")) {
        return "varchar";
    } else {//from   www  .  j  ava 2  s . c  o m
        return hiveTypeName;

From source file:com.spotify.helios.servicescommon.ManagedStatsdReporter.java

public ManagedStatsdReporter(final String endpoint, final MetricRegistry registry) {

    final List<String> parts = Splitter.on(":").splitToList(endpoint);
    checkArgument(parts.size() == 2,//from   ww w.j  ava2  s.  com
            "Specification of statsd host port has wrong number of " + "parts. Should be host:port");
    final String host = parts.get(0);
    final int port = Integer.valueOf(parts.get(1));
    statsdReporter = StatsDReporter.forRegistry(registry).build(host, port);