List of usage examples for Splitter on
@CheckReturnValue @GwtIncompatible("java.util.regex") public static Splitter on(final Pattern separatorPattern)
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public void loadFixtures(InputStream is, ServiceFixtureParser.PersistenceCallback callback) throws IOException { final Splitter propertySplitter = Splitter.on(':'); final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); String line;//from w w w . j ava2 s . c o m int lineNumber = 0; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { lineNumber++; int level = startIndex(line); if (line.startsWith("#") || level < 0) { continue; } final ArrayList<String> props = Lists.newArrayList(propertySplitter.split(line.substring(level))); final String name = StringUtils.trimToNull(props.get(0)).replace("<br/>", "\n"); if (name == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(" ?( ?:" + lineNumber + ")"); } final Long regCode; try { regCode = Long.parseLong(props.get(1)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new IllegalStateException( " ( ?:" + lineNumber + "): " + name); } final boolean isProc = level > 0; Row parent = getParentRow(level); if (!isProc) { long servId = callback.onServiceComplete(name, regCode); stack.addLast(new Row(level, servId)); } if (isProc && parent != null) { callback.onProcedureComplete(name, regCode,; } if (isProc && parent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( " ?( ?:" + lineNumber + "): " + name); } } }
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public static PomVersion parse(final String s) { boolean isSnapshot = false; String version = s;/*from w w w. ja va 2 s .c om*/ if (s.endsWith("-SNAPSHOT")) { isSnapshot = true; version = version.substring(0, s.length() - 9); } final Iterable<String> bits = Splitter.on(".").split(version); if (size(bits) != 3) { throw new RuntimeException("Version string format is invalid"); } try { final Integer newMajor = Integer.valueOf(get(bits, 0)); final Integer newMinor = Integer.valueOf(get(bits, 1)); final Integer newPatch = Integer.valueOf(get(bits, 2)); return new PomVersion(isSnapshot, newMajor, newMinor, newPatch); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Version portions are not numbers! " + s, e); } }
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/** * Converts the specified text into a comment block in the generated Go file. *//*www . ja va 2 s. co m*/ public Iterable<String> getCommentLines(String text) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (String line : Splitter.on(String.format("%n")).split(text)) { result.add(line.isEmpty() ? "//" : "// " + line); } return result; }
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@JsonCreator public ResourceGroupIdTemplate(String fullId) { List<String> segments = Splitter.on(".").splitToList(requireNonNull(fullId, "fullId is null")); checkArgument(!segments.isEmpty(), "Resource group id is empty"); this.segments =; }
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public static Vocabulary.Query getVocabularyQuery(RefineQuery refineQuery) { Vocabulary.Query.Builder builder = new Vocabulary.Query.Builder(refineQuery.getQuery()); if (refineQuery.getLimit().isPresent()) { builder.limit(refineQuery.getLimit().get()); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2s. c o m*/ if (refineQuery.getType().isPresent()) { builder.categories(Splitter.on(',').splitToList(refineQuery.getType().get())); } return; }
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private static Map<String, String> extractShortKeys(String rawQuery) { Map<String, String> shortKeys = new HashMap<>(); for (String pair : Splitter.on('&').split(rawQuery)) { List<String> p = Splitter.on('=').splitToList(pair); // it should be the raw query, URL decode the values try {//w ww .ja va2s .c om shortKeys.put(p.get(0), URLDecoder.decode(p.get(1),; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { Throwables.propagate(uee); } } return shortKeys; }
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@Override protected Principal determineUser(ServerHttpRequest request, WebSocketHandler wsHandler, Map<String, Object> attributes) { String query = request.getURI().toString().split("\\?")[1]; final Map<String, String> params = Splitter.on('&').trimResults().withKeyValueSeparator("=").split(query); String token = ""; if (params.get("token") != null) { token = params.get("token"); }// w ww . j av a 2 s . co m return (Principal) this.resourceServerTokenServices.loadAuthentication(token).getPrincipal(); }
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public static Endpoint fromString(String s) { Matcher matcher = hostPortPattern.matcher(s); if (matcher.matches()) { List<String> blessings = new ArrayList<>(1); // If the endpoint does not end in a @, it must be in [blessing@]host:port format. HostAndPort hostPort = HostAndPort.fromString(; if ( != null) { blessings.add(; }/*w ww . ja v a2s .c om*/ return new EndpointImpl("", hostPort.toString(), ImmutableList.<String>of(), RoutingId.NULL_ROUTING_ID, blessings, true, false); } if (s.endsWith("@@")) { s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2); } if (s.startsWith("@")) { s = s.substring(1, s.length()); } List<String> parts = Splitter.on('@').splitToList(s); int version = Integer.parseInt(parts.get(0)); switch (version) { case 6: return fromV6String(parts); default: return null; } }
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@Override public List toModelValue(final String widgetValue) { if (isNullOrEmpty(widgetValue)) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } else {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m return new ArrayList(Splitter.on(",").trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().splitToList(widgetValue)); } }
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public static SQLCalculator create(ObsDescriptor res, String sqlCode) { if (sqlCode == null) { return null; }// w ww. j a v a 2 List<String> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); //TODO: sql comment filtering for (String q : Splitter.on(';').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(sqlCode)) { ret.add(q); } SQLCalculator sc = new SQLCalculator(ret.toArray(new String[0])); return sc; }