List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get
public JsonNode get(String paramString)
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/** * Gets an long value from a node./*ww w. j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param node The parent node. * @param key The key. * @param defaultValue The default value. * @return The value or default value. */ public static long getLongField(final JsonNode node, final String key, final long defaultValue) { JsonNode field = node.get(key); if (field != null && field.canConvertToInt()) { return field.longValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } }
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/** * Gets a double value from a node.//from w ww .j a va 2s .co m * @param node The parent node. * @param key The key. * @param defaultValue The default value. * @return The value or default value. */ public static double getDoubleField(final JsonNode node, final String key, final double defaultValue) { JsonNode field = node.get(key); if (field != null && field.isNumber()) { return field.doubleValue(); } else { return defaultValue; } }
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public static Pair<String, Object> getDeserializeObject(BeakerObjectConverter parent, JsonNode n, ObjectMapper mapper) {// www . j a va 2 s . com Object o = null; String subtype = null; try { List<List<?>> values = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getValues(parent, n, mapper); List<String> columns = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getColumns(n, mapper); List<String> classes = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getClasses(n, mapper); if (n.has("subtype")) subtype = mapper.readValue(n.get("subtype").asText(), String.class); if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.DICTIONARY_SUBTYPE)) { o = getValuesAsDictionary(parent, n, mapper); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.LIST_OF_MAPS_SUBTYPE) && columns != null && values != null) { o = getValuesAsRows(parent, n, mapper); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.MATRIX_SUBTYPE)) { o = getValuesAsMatrix(parent, n, mapper); } if (o == null) { if (n.has("hasIndex") && mapper.readValue(n.get("hasIndex").asText(), String.class).equals("true") && columns != null && values != null) { columns.remove(0); classes.remove(0); for (List<?> v : values) { v.remove(0); } o = new TableDisplay(values, columns, classes); } else { o = new TableDisplay(values, columns, classes); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception deserializing TableDisplay ", e); } return new ImmutablePair<String, Object>(subtype, o); }
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public static Predicate<AvroPayload> isEnum() { return new Predicate<AvroPayload>() { @Override//from w w w .j ava 2 s .c o m public boolean apply(final AvroPayload input) { final JsonNode node = schemaNode(input); final Set<String> set = Sets.newHashSet(node.fieldNames()); set.retainAll(KNOWN_KEYWORDS); if (!set.equals(ImmutableSet.of("enum"))) return false; // Test individual entries: they must be strings, and must be // the same "shape" as any Avro name for (final JsonNode element : node.get("enum")) { if (!element.isTextual()) return false; if (!isValidAvroName(element.textValue())) return false; } return true; } }; }
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public static Collection parseCollectionFromJSON(JsonNode collectionJSON) { /*communities list//from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m copyrightText countItems handle id introText items list ids license logo name provenance shortDescription sidebarText type entityReference, entityURL, entityId */ Collection collection = new Collection(); = collectionJSON.get("id").asLong(); = collectionJSON.get("name").asText(); collection.handle = collectionJSON.get("handle").asText(); if (collectionJSON.has("copyrightText")) { collection.copyrightText = collectionJSON.get("copyrightText").asText(); } if (collectionJSON.has("numberItems")) { collection.countItems = collectionJSON.get("numberItems").asInt(); } if (collectionJSON.has("logo")) { JsonNode logoNode = collectionJSON.get("logo"); if (!logoNode.isNull()) { collection.logo = Bitstream.parseBitstreamFromJSON(logoNode); } } //@TODO Is it comm.introductoryText and coll.introText ? List<String> introductoryText = collectionJSON.findValuesAsText("introductoryText"); if (!introductoryText.isEmpty()) { collection.introText = introductoryText.get(0); } List<String> shortDescription = collectionJSON.findValuesAsText("shortDescription"); if (!shortDescription.isEmpty()) { collection.shortDescription = shortDescription.get(0); } List<String> sidebarText = collectionJSON.findValuesAsText("sidebarText"); if (!sidebarText.isEmpty()) { collection.sidebarText = sidebarText.get(0); } JsonNode commNodes = collectionJSON.get("parentCommunityList"); if (commNodes != null) { for (JsonNode comm : commNodes) { Community community = Community.parseCommunityFromJSON(comm); collection.parentCommunities.add(community); } } JsonNode itemNodes = collectionJSON.get("items"); if (itemNodes != null) { for (JsonNode itemNode : itemNodes) { Item item = Item.parseItemFromJSON(itemNode); collection.items.add(item); } } return collection; }
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/** * Reads the options from a Json string representation. The options for the * SetAlgebra consist in a specification of the universe and the * interpretations of the atomic concepts. For instance, the following * string says that "sleep" is a binary relation with the single element * (e,r1), whereas "rabbit" is a unary relation containing the elements r1 * and r2.<p>//from w w w . j a v a 2s . com * * {"sleep": [["e", "r1"]], "rabbit": [["r1"], ["r2"]], "white": [["r1"], * ["b"]], "in": [["r1","h"], ["f","h2"]], "hat": [["h"], ["h2"]] } * * * @param optionReader * @throws Exception */ public static FirstOrderModel read(Reader optionReader) throws Exception { FirstOrderModel model = new FirstOrderModel(); String optionString = StringTools.slurp(optionReader); Map<String, Set<List<String>>> atomicInterpretations = new HashMap<String, Set<List<String>>>(); if (!optionString.trim().equals("")) { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode root = mapper.readValue(optionString, JsonNode.class); if (!root.isObject()) { throw new Exception("Invalid universe description: should be a map"); } else { Iterator<String> preds = root.fieldNames(); while (preds.hasNext()) { String pred =; Set<List<String>> tuples = new HashSet<List<String>>(); JsonNode child = root.get(pred); if (!child.isArray()) { throw new Exception("Invalid universe description: Entry '" + pred + "' should be a list."); } else { int childIndex = 0; for (JsonNode tuple : child) { List<String> tupleElements = new ArrayList<String>(); childIndex++; if (!tuple.isArray()) { throw new Exception("Invalid universe description: tuple " + childIndex + " under '" + pred + "' should be a list."); } else { for (JsonNode tupleEl : tuple) { tupleElements.add(tupleEl.textValue()); } } tuples.add(tupleElements); } } atomicInterpretations.put(pred, tuples); } } } model.setAtomicInterpretations(atomicInterpretations); return model; }
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private static void handleEmbeddedContent(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) { final JsonNode embeddedNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_VALUES_NODE); // This is a fix for when we are already in an embedded node. The Json unfortunately // keeps sibling nodes in this child, which has FieldType embedded, while we're actually already in // that node's Values final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME); if (embeddedNode != null) { final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator = embeddedNode.elements(); while (embeddedIterator.hasNext()) { addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, embeddedIterator); }/* w w w .j av a 2s . c om*/ } else { final Iterator<JsonNode> currentFieldElements = currentField.elements(); while (currentFieldElements.hasNext()) { addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, currentFieldElements); } } }
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public static Meeting createMeeting(String userID, Meeting m) throws IOException, MalformedURLException { // Server URL setup String _url = getBaseUri().appendPath(userID).build().toString(); // establish connection URL url = new URL(_url); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("POST"); addRequestHeader(conn, true);/*from w w w . j a va2 s.c om*/ // prepare POST payload ByteArrayOutputStream json = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // this type of print stream allows us to get a string easily PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(json); // Create a generator to build the JSON string JsonGenerator jgen = JFACTORY.createGenerator(ps, JsonEncoding.UTF8); // Build JSON Object jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.User.ID, userID); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Meeting.TITLE, m.getTitle()); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Meeting.LOCATION, m.getLocation()); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Meeting.DATETIME, m.getStartTime()); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Meeting.OTHEREND, m.getEndTime()); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.Meeting.DESC, m.getDescription()); jgen.writeArrayFieldStart(Keys.Meeting.ATTEND); // TODO: Add attendees to meeting // for (String attendee : m.getAttendance()) { // if (attendee.isAttending()) { jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeStringField(Keys.User.ID, userID); jgen.writeEndObject(); // } // } jgen.writeEndArray(); jgen.writeEndObject(); jgen.close(); // Get JSON Object payload from print stream String payload = json.toString("UTF8"); ps.close(); // send payload int responseCode = sendPostPayload(conn, payload); String response = getServerResponse(conn); // prepare to get the id of the created Meeting JsonNode responseMap; m.setID(404); Meeting created = new Meeting(m); /* * result should get valid={"meetingID":"##"} */ // String result = new String(); if (!response.isEmpty()) { responseMap = MAPPER.readTree(response); if (responseMap.has(Keys.Meeting.ID)) created.setID(responseMap.get(Keys.Meeting.ID).asText()); } // if (!result.equalsIgnoreCase("invalid")) // created.setID(result); conn.disconnect(); return created; }
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public static void deserialize(final JsonNode node, final Element parent, final String type) { final Iterator<JsonNode> cooItor = node.has(ODataConstants.JSON_COORDINATES) ? node.get(ODataConstants.JSON_COORDINATES).elements() : Collections.<JsonNode>emptyList().iterator(); Element root = null;/* ww w. j a va2s . c o m*/ final EdmSimpleType edmSimpleType = EdmSimpleType.fromValue(type); switch (edmSimpleType) { case GeographyPoint: case GeometryPoint: root = deserializePoint(parent.getOwnerDocument(), cooItor); break; case GeographyMultiPoint: case GeometryMultiPoint: root = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_MULTIPOINT); if (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Element pointMembers = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_POINTMEMBERS); root.appendChild(pointMembers); while (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Iterator<JsonNode> mpItor =; pointMembers.appendChild(deserializePoint(parent.getOwnerDocument(), mpItor)); } } break; case GeographyLineString: case GeometryLineString: root = deserializeLineString(parent.getOwnerDocument(), cooItor); break; case GeographyMultiLineString: case GeometryMultiLineString: root = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_MULTILINESTRING); if (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Element lineStringMembers = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_LINESTRINGMEMBERS); root.appendChild(lineStringMembers); while (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Iterator<JsonNode> mlsItor =; lineStringMembers.appendChild(deserializeLineString(parent.getOwnerDocument(), mlsItor)); } } break; case GeographyPolygon: case GeometryPolygon: root = deserializePolygon(parent.getOwnerDocument(), cooItor); break; case GeographyMultiPolygon: case GeometryMultiPolygon: root = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_MULTIPOLYGON); if (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Element surfaceMembers = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_SURFACEMEMBERS); root.appendChild(surfaceMembers); while (cooItor.hasNext()) { final Iterator<JsonNode> mpItor =; surfaceMembers.appendChild(deserializePolygon(parent.getOwnerDocument(), mpItor)); } } break; case GeographyCollection: case GeometryCollection: root = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_GEOCOLLECTION); if (node.has(ODataConstants.JSON_GEOMETRIES)) { final Iterator<JsonNode> geoItor = node.get(ODataConstants.JSON_GEOMETRIES).elements(); if (geoItor.hasNext()) { final Element geometryMembers = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElementNS(ODataConstants.NS_GML, ODataConstants.ELEM_GEOMEMBERS); root.appendChild(geometryMembers); while (geoItor.hasNext()) { final JsonNode geo =; final String collItemType = geo.get(ODataConstants.ATTR_TYPE).asText(); final String callAsType; if ( || { callAsType = collItemType; } else { callAsType = (edmSimpleType == EdmSimpleType.GeographyCollection ? "Geography" : "Geometry") + collItemType; } deserialize(geo, geometryMembers, EdmSimpleType.namespace() + "." + callAsType); } } } break; default: } if (root != null) { parent.appendChild(root); if (node.has(ODataConstants.JSON_CRS)) { root.setAttribute(ODataConstants.ATTR_SRSNAME, ODataConstants.JSON_GIS_URLPREFIX + node.get(ODataConstants.JSON_CRS) .get(ODataConstants.PROPERTIES).get(ODataConstants.NAME).asText().split(":")[1]); } } }
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public static Pair<String, Object> getDeserializeObject(BeakerObjectConverter parent, JsonNode n, ObjectMapper mapper) {/* w w w .ja v a2 s. co m*/ Object o = null; String subtype = null; try { List<List<?>> values = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getValues(parent, n, mapper); List<String> columns = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getColumns(n, mapper); List<String> classes = TableDisplayDeSerializer.getClasses(n, mapper); if (n.has("subtype")) subtype = mapper.readValue(n.get("subtype").toString(), String.class); if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.DICTIONARY_SUBTYPE)) { o = getValuesAsDictionary(parent, n, mapper); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.LIST_OF_MAPS_SUBTYPE) && columns != null && values != null) { o = getValuesAsRows(parent, n, mapper); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.MATRIX_SUBTYPE)) { o = getValuesAsMatrix(parent, n, mapper); } if (o == null) { if (n.has("hasIndex") && mapper.readValue(n.get("hasIndex").asText(), String.class).equals("true") && columns != null && values != null && n.has(INDEX_NAME)) { o = handleIndex(n, mapper, values, columns, classes); } else { o = new TableDisplay(values, columns, classes); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception deserializing TableDisplay ", e); } return new ImmutablePair<String, Object>(subtype, o); }