List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get
public JsonNode get(String paramString)
From source
public final static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); // DefaultHttpParams.getDefaultParams().setParameter("http.protocol.cookie-policy", CookiePolicy.BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY); // httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ClientPNames.COOKIE_POLICY, CookiePolicy.BEST_MATCH); try {/* w ww.j a v a2 s .c om*/ // HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet("http://localhost/"); HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet( ""); // httpget.setHeader("Accept", ""); httpget.setHeader("Accept", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8"); httpget.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate, sdch"); httpget.setHeader("Accept-Language", "zh-CN,zh;q=0.8"); httpget.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); httpget.setHeader("Connection", "keep-alive"); httpget.setHeader("Referer", ""); httpget.setHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/40.0.2214.93 Safari/537.36"); System.out.println("Executing request httpget.getRequestLine() " + httpget.getRequestLine()); // Create a custom response handler ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new ResponseHandler<String>() { public String handleResponse(final HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (status >= 200 && status < 300) { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); return entity != null ? EntityUtils.toString(entity, "utf-8") : null; } else { throw new ClientProtocolException("Unexpected response status: " + status); } } }; String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler); System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); System.out.println(responseBody); //showLocation&&showLocation({"status":0,"result":{"location":{"lng":112.25009284837,"lat":32.229168591538},"precise":0,"confidence":14,"level":"\u533a\u53bf"}}) System.out.println("----------------------------------------"); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); // mapper.readValue(responseBody, AddressCoord.class); JsonNode root = mapper.readTree( responseBody.substring("showLocation&&showLocation(".length(), responseBody.length() - 1)); // String name = root.get("name").asText(); // int age = root.get("age").asInt(); String status = root.get("status").asText(); String lng = root.with("result").with("location").get("lng").asText(); String lat = root.with("result").with("location").get("lat").asText(); String level = root.with("result").get("level").asText(); System.out.println(String.format("'%1$s': [%2$s, %3$s], status: %4$s", level, lng, lat, status)); } finally { httpclient.close(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Parser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("r", "repo", true, "Repository type to search: local|central"); options.addOption("c", "client-concurrency", true, "Max threads to allow each client tester to run tests, defaults to 10"); options.addOption("t", "test-concurrency", true, "Max client testers to run concurrently, defaults to 5"); options.addOption("m", "max-time", true, "Max time (in minutes) to allow tests to complete, defaults to 10"); options.addOption("v", "version", false, "Print version and exit"); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "This help text"); CommandLine commandLine = parser.parse(options, args); if (commandLine.hasOption("h")) { System.out.println(options); System.exit(0);//w ww . j a va 2 s .c o m } if (commandLine.hasOption("v")) { System.out.println("How the hell should I know?"); System.exit(0); } // 1. Find all testers in given repos List<RepoSearcher> repoSearchers = new ArrayList<>(); for (String repo : commandLine.getOptionValues("r")) { if ("local".equals(repo.toLowerCase())) { repoSearchers.add(new LocalRepoSearcher()); } else if ("central".equals(repo.toLowerCase())) { repoSearchers.add(new CentralRepoSearcher()); } else { System.err.println("Unrecognized repo: " + repo); System.err.println(options); System.exit(1); } } int clientConcurrency = 10; if (commandLine.hasOption("c")) { try { clientConcurrency = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("c")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println( "client-concurrency is not a valid integer: '" + commandLine.getOptionValue("c") + "'"); System.exit(1); } } int testConcurrency = 5; if (commandLine.hasOption("t")) { try { testConcurrency = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("t")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println( "test-concurrency is not a valid integer: '" + commandLine.getOptionValue("t") + "'"); System.exit(1); } } int maxMinutes = 10; if (commandLine.hasOption("m")) { try { maxMinutes = Integer.parseInt(commandLine.getOptionValue("m")); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { System.err.println("max-time is not a valid integer: '" + commandLine.getOptionValue("m") + "'"); System.exit(1); } } Properties clientProps = new Properties(); clientProps.setProperty("client.concurrency", String.valueOf(clientConcurrency)); File baseRunDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/run"); baseRunDir.mkdirs(); File tmpDir = new File(baseRunDir, "jars"); tmpDir.mkdirs(); List<ServerRunner> serverRunners = new ArrayList<>(); List<ClientRunner> clientRunners = new ArrayList<>(); for (RepoSearcher searcher : repoSearchers) { List<File> jars = searcher.findAndCache(tmpDir); for (File f : jars) { ServerRunner serverRunner = new ServerRunner(f, baseRunDir); System.out.println("Found tester: " + serverRunner.getVersion()); serverRunners.add(serverRunner); clientRunners.add(new ClientRunner(f, baseRunDir, clientProps)); } } // 2. Start servers and collect ports System.out.println(); System.out.println("Starting " + serverRunners.size() + " servers..."); for (ServerRunner server : serverRunners) { server.startServer(); } System.out.println(); List<TestCombo> tests = new ArrayList<>(serverRunners.size() * clientRunners.size()); for (ServerRunner server : serverRunners) { for (ClientRunner client : clientRunners) { tests.add(new TestCombo(server, client)); } } System.out.println("Enqueued " + tests.size() + " test combos to run..."); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 3. Run every client against every server, collecting results BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(serverRunners.size() * clientRunners.size()); ThreadPoolExecutor service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(testConcurrency, testConcurrency, 5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, workQueue); service.prestartAllCoreThreads(); workQueue.addAll(tests); while (!workQueue.isEmpty()) { Thread.sleep(1000); } service.shutdown(); service.awaitTermination(maxMinutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long totalTimeSecs = Math.round((endTime - startTime) / 1000.0); for (ServerRunner server : serverRunners) { server.shutdownServer(); } System.out.println(); System.out.println("======="); System.out.println("Results"); System.out.println("-------"); // print a summary int totalTests = 0; int totalSuccess = 0; for (TestCombo combo : tests) { String clientVer = combo.getClientVersion(); String serverVer = combo.getServerVersion(); String results = combo.getClientResults(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory()); JsonNode node = mapper.reader().readTree(results); JsonNode resultsArray = node.get("results"); int numTests = resultsArray.size(); int numSuccess = 0; for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++) { if ("success".equals(resultsArray.get(i).get("result").asText())) { numSuccess++; } } totalSuccess += numSuccess; totalTests += numTests; System.out.println(clientVer + "/" + serverVer + ": " + numSuccess + "/" + numTests + " succeeded - took " + String.format("%2f", combo.getRunningTime()) + " seconds"); } System.out.println("-------"); System.out.println( "Overall: " + totalSuccess + "/" + totalTests + " succeeded - took " + totalTimeSecs + " seconds"); FileWriter out = new FileWriter("results.json"); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out); // 4. Output full results pw.println("{\n \"results\": ["); for (TestCombo combo : tests) { combo.emitResults(pw, " "); } pw.println(" ],"); pw.println(" \"servers\": ["); for (ServerRunner server : serverRunners) { server.emitInfo(pw, " "); } pw.println(" ],"); pw.close(); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Testing Begin"); try {/*from w w w.j av a2 s .c o m*/ String accessLogFolder = "/Users/herizhao/workspace/accessLog/"; // String yqlFileName = "json_cmp/test1.log"; // String yqlpFileName = "json_cmp/test2.log"; String yqlFileName = "tempLog/0812_yql.res"; String yqlpFileName = "tempLog/0812_yqlp.res"; ReadResults input1 = new ReadResults(accessLogFolder + yqlFileName); ReadResults input2 = new ReadResults(accessLogFolder + yqlpFileName); Integer diffNum = 0; Integer errorCount = 0; Integer totalIDNum1 = 0; Integer totalIDNum2 = 0; Integer equalIDwithDuplicate = 0; Integer beacons = 0; Integer lineNum = 0; Integer tempCount = 0; HashMap<String, IDclass> IDarray = new HashMap<String, IDclass>(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream( "/Users/herizhao/workspace/accessLog/json_cmp/cmp_result.txt"); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); FileOutputStream consoleStream = new FileOutputStream( "/Users/herizhao/workspace/accessLog/json_cmp/console"); OutputStreamWriter consoleOSW = new OutputStreamWriter(consoleStream); BufferedWriter console = new BufferedWriter(consoleOSW); while (true) { input1.ReadNextLine(); if (input1.line == null) break; input2.ReadNextLine(); if (input2.line == null) break; while (input1.line.equals("")) { lineNum++; input1.ReadNextLine(); input2.ReadNextLine(); } if (input2.line == null) break; if (input1.line == null) break; lineNum++; System.out.println("lineNum = " + lineNum); String str1 = input1.line; String str2 = input2.line; ObjectMapper mapper1 = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectMapper mapper2 = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode root1 = mapper1.readTree(str1); JsonNode root2 = mapper2.readTree(str2); JsonNode mediaNode1 = root1.path("query").path("results").path("mediaObj"); JsonNode mediaNode2 = root2.path("query").path("results").path("mediaObj"); if (mediaNode2.isMissingNode() && !mediaNode1.isMissingNode()) tempCount += mediaNode1.size(); //For yqlp if (mediaNode2.isArray()) { totalIDNum2 += mediaNode2.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaNode2.size(); i++) { ObjectNode mediaObj = (ObjectNode) mediaNode2.get(i); mediaObj.put("yvap", ""); JsonNode streamsNode = mediaObj.path("streams"); //streams if (streamsNode.isArray()) { for (int j = 0; j < streamsNode.size(); j++) { ObjectNode streamsObj = (ObjectNode) streamsNode.get(j); changeStreamsPath(streamsObj); ChangedHost(streamsObj); //if(streamsObj.path("h264_profile").isMissingNode()) streamsObj.put("h264_profile", ""); if (streamsObj.path("is_primary").isMissingNode()) streamsObj.put("is_primary", false); } } //meta if (!mediaObj.path("meta").isMissingNode()) { ObjectNode metaObj = (ObjectNode) mediaObj.path("meta"); changeMetaThumbnail(metaObj); if (metaObj.path("show_name").isMissingNode()) metaObj.put("show_name", ""); if (metaObj.path("event_start").isMissingNode()) metaObj.put("event_start", ""); if (metaObj.path("event_stop").isMissingNode()) metaObj.put("event_stop", ""); //if(metaObj.path("credits").path("label").isMissingNode()) ((ObjectNode) metaObj.path("credits")).put("label", ""); } //Metrics -> plidl & isrc changeMetrics(mediaObj); } } //For yql if (mediaNode1.isArray()) { totalIDNum1 += mediaNode1.size(); for (int i = 0; i < mediaNode1.size(); i++) { JsonNode mediaObj = mediaNode1.get(i); ((ObjectNode) mediaObj).put("yvap", ""); //Meta //System.out.println("meta: "); if (!mediaObj.path("meta").isMissingNode()) { ObjectNode metaObj = (ObjectNode) mediaObj.path("meta"); changeMetaThumbnail(metaObj); metaObj.put("event_start", ""); metaObj.put("event_stop", ""); FloatingtoInt(metaObj, "duration"); if (metaObj.path("show_name").isMissingNode()) metaObj.put("show_name", ""); //System.out.println("thub_dem: "); if (!metaObj.path("thumbnail_dimensions").isMissingNode()) { ObjectNode thub_demObj = (ObjectNode) metaObj.path("thumbnail_dimensions"); FloatingtoInt(thub_demObj, "height"); FloatingtoInt(thub_demObj, "width"); } ((ObjectNode) metaObj.path("credits")).put("label", ""); } //Visualseek //System.out.println("visualseek: "); if (!mediaObj.path("visualseek").isMissingNode()) { ObjectNode visualseekObj = (ObjectNode) mediaObj.path("visualseek"); FloatingtoInt(visualseekObj, "frequency"); FloatingtoInt(visualseekObj, "width"); FloatingtoInt(visualseekObj, "height"); //visualseek -> images, float to int JsonNode imagesNode = visualseekObj.path("images"); if (imagesNode.isArray()) { for (int j = 0; j < imagesNode.size(); j++) { ObjectNode imageObj = (ObjectNode) imagesNode.get(j); FloatingtoInt(imageObj, "start_index"); FloatingtoInt(imageObj, "count"); } } } //Streams //System.out.println("streams: "); JsonNode streamsNode = mediaObj.path("streams"); if (streamsNode.isArray()) { for (int j = 0; j < streamsNode.size(); j++) { ObjectNode streamsObj = (ObjectNode) streamsNode.get(j); FloatingtoInt(streamsObj, "height"); FloatingtoInt(streamsObj, "bitrate"); FloatingtoInt(streamsObj, "duration"); FloatingtoInt(streamsObj, "width"); changeStreamsPath(streamsObj); ChangedHost(streamsObj); // if(streamsObj.path("h264_profile").isMissingNode()) streamsObj.put("h264_profile", ""); if (streamsObj.path("is_primary").isMissingNode()) streamsObj.put("is_primary", false); } } //Metrics -> plidl & isrc changeMetrics(mediaObj); } } //Compare if (mediaNode2.isArray() && mediaNode1.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < mediaNode2.size() && i < mediaNode1.size(); i++) { JsonNode mediaObj1 = mediaNode1.get(i); JsonNode mediaObj2 = mediaNode2.get(i); if (!mediaObj1.equals(mediaObj2)) { if (!mediaObj1.path("id").toString().equals(mediaObj2.path("id").toString())) { errorCount++; } else { Integer IFdiffStreams = 0; Integer IFdiffMeta = 0; Integer IFdiffvisualseek = 0; Integer IFdiffMetrics = 0; Integer IFdifflicense = 0; Integer IFdiffclosedcaptions = 0; String statusCode = ""; MetaClass tempMeta = new MetaClass(); if (!mediaObj1.path("status").equals(mediaObj2.path("status"))) { JsonNode statusNode1 = mediaObj1.path("status"); JsonNode statusNode2 = mediaObj2.path("status"); if (statusNode2.path("code").toString().equals("\"100\"") || (statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"400\"") && statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"404\"")) || (statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"200\"") && statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"200\"")) || (statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"200\"") && statusNode1.path("code").toString().equals("\"403\""))) statusCode = ""; else statusCode = "yql code: " + mediaObj1.path("status").toString() + " yqlp code:" + mediaObj2.path("status").toString(); } else {//Status code is 100 if (!mediaObj1.path("streams").equals(mediaObj2.path("streams"))) IFdiffStreams = 1; if (!tempMeta.CompareMeta(mediaObj1.path("meta"), mediaObj2.path("meta"), lineNum)) IFdiffMeta = 1; if (!mediaObj1.path("visualseek").equals(mediaObj2.path("visualseek"))) IFdiffvisualseek = 1; if (!mediaObj1.path("metrics").equals(mediaObj2.path("metrics"))) { IFdiffMetrics = 1; JsonNode metrics1 = mediaObj1.path("metrics"); JsonNode metrics2 = mediaObj2.path("metrics"); if (!metrics1.path("beacons").equals(metrics2.path("beacons"))) beacons++; } if (!mediaObj1.path("license").equals(mediaObj2.path("license"))) IFdifflicense = 1; if (!mediaObj1.path("closedcaptions").equals(mediaObj2.path("closedcaptions"))) IFdiffclosedcaptions = 1; } if (IFdiffStreams + IFdiffMeta + IFdiffvisualseek + IFdiffMetrics + IFdifflicense + IFdiffclosedcaptions != 0 || !statusCode.equals("")) { String ID_str = mediaObj1.path("id").toString(); if (!IDarray.containsKey(ID_str)) { IDclass temp_IDclass = new IDclass(ID_str); temp_IDclass.addNum(IFdiffStreams, IFdiffMeta, IFdiffvisualseek, IFdiffMetrics, IFdifflicense, IFdiffclosedcaptions, lineNum); if (!statusCode.equals("")) temp_IDclass.statusCode = statusCode; IDarray.put(ID_str, temp_IDclass); } else { IDarray.get(ID_str).addNum(IFdiffStreams, IFdiffMeta, IFdiffvisualseek, IFdiffMetrics, IFdifflicense, IFdiffclosedcaptions, lineNum); if (!statusCode.equals("")) IDarray.get(ID_str).statusCode = statusCode; } IDarray.get(ID_str).stream.CompareStream(IFdiffStreams, mediaObj1.path("streams"), mediaObj2.path("streams"), lineNum); if (!IDarray.get(ID_str).metaDone) { IDarray.get(ID_str).meta = tempMeta; IDarray.get(ID_str).metaDone = true; } } else equalIDwithDuplicate++; } } else equalIDwithDuplicate++; } } bw.flush(); console.flush(); } //while System.out.println("done"); bw.write("Different ID" + " " + "num "); bw.write(PrintStreamsTitle()); bw.write(PrintMetaTitle()); bw.write(PrintTitle()); bw.newLine(); Iterator<String> iter = IDarray.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key =; bw.write(key + " "); bw.write(IDarray.get(key).num.toString() + " "); bw.write(IDarray.get(key).stream.print()); bw.write(IDarray.get(key).meta.print()); bw.write(IDarray.get(key).print()); bw.newLine(); //System.out.println(key); } //System.out.println("different log num = " + diffNum); //System.out.println("same log num = " + sameLogNum); System.out.println("Different ID size = " + IDarray.size()); // System.out.println("streamEqual = " + streamEqual); // System.out.println("metaEqual = " + metaEqual); // System.out.println("metricsEqual = " + metricsEqual); // System.out.println("visualseekEqual = " + visualseekEqual); // System.out.println("licenseEqual = " + licenseEqual); // System.out.println("closedcaptionsEqualEqual = " + closedcaptionsEqual); System.out.println(tempCount); System.out.println("beacons = " + beacons); System.out.println("equalIDwithDuplicate = " + equalIDwithDuplicate); System.out.println("Total ID num yql (including duplicates) = " + totalIDNum1); System.out.println("Total ID num yqpl (including duplicates) = " + totalIDNum2); System.out.println("Error " + errorCount); bw.close(); console.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } }
From source
private static void modifyNode(JsonNode schema) { List<JsonNode> parents = schema.findParents("items"); for (JsonNode parent : parents) { if (parent.hasNonNull("type") && parent.get("type").asText().equals("array")) { if (parent.get("items").hasNonNull("oneOf")) { ((ObjectNode) parent).put("anyOf", parent.get("items").get("oneOf")); ((ObjectNode) parent).remove("items"); }//from www. j a va 2 s. c o m } } }
From source
private static boolean isEnabled(JsonNode node) { JsonNode disabled = node.get("disabled"); return (disabled == null || !disabled.booleanValue()); }
From source
/** * Returns a specific notification present in the Json Node * * @param node Json node with notification * @return Specific notification object/*w w w . ja v a 2 s .co m*/ */ public static ApiNotification notificationFromJsonNode(JsonNode node) { String method = node.get(METHOD_NODE).asText(); ObjectNode params = (ObjectNode) node.get(PARAMS_NODE); ApiNotification result = null; if (method.equals(Player.OnPause.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) { result = new Player.OnPause(params); } else if (method.equals(Player.OnPlay.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) { result = new Player.OnPlay(params); } else if (method.equals(Player.OnSeek.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) { result = new Player.OnSeek(params); } else if (method.equals(Player.OnSpeedChanged.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) { result = new Player.OnSpeedChanged(params); } else if (method.equals(Player.OnStop.NOTIFICATION_NAME)) { result = new Player.OnStop(params); } return result; }
From source
private static Flavor parseFlavor(JsonNode node) { String name = node.get(KEY_NAME).asText(); Flavor.Builder builder = new Flavor.Builder(name, node.get(KEY_TEMPLATE_NAME).asText()); if (node.has(KEY_TYPE)) { builder.type(node.get(KEY_TYPE).asText()); }/*from w w w . ja v a 2s.c o m*/ if (node.has(KEY_DESCRIPTION)) { builder.description(node.get(KEY_DESCRIPTION).asText()); } builder.uuid(Optional.ofNullable(node.get(KEY_UUID)).map(JsonNode::asText)); if (node.has(KEY_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS)) { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> it = node.get(KEY_TEMPLATE_PARAMETERS).fields(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; builder.templateParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().asText()); } } return; }
From source
private static Object[] mungeArguments(final JsonNode node) { return new Object[] { node.get("schema"), node.get("data"), node.get("valid").booleanValue(), node.get("messages") }; }
From source
public static TypeMatcher createForSchema(JsonNode schema) { JsonNode typeField = schema.get("type"); if (typeField == null) { throw new InvalidSchemaException("The schema doesn't contain a type field"); }//w w w . j a va 2s .c o m JsonType type = JsonType.parse(typeField.asText()); switch (type) { case Integer: case Number: return new NumberTypeMatcher(type, schema); case String: return new StringTypeMatcher(schema); case Object: return new ObjectTypeMatcher(schema); case Array: return new ArrayTypeMatcher(schema); default: return new TrivialTypeMatcher(type); } }
From source
private static Object[] mungeArguments(final JsonNode node) { return new Object[] { node.get("schema"), node.get("valid").booleanValue(), node.get("messages") }; }