List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get
public JsonNode get(String paramString)
From source
/** * Util method to write a rest row into Kiji. * * @param kijiTable is the table to write into. * @param entityId is the entity id of the row to write. * @param kijiRestRow is the row model to write to Kiji. * @param schemaTable is the handle to the schema table used to resolve the KijiRestCell's * writer schema if it was specified as a UID. * @throws IOException if there a failure writing the row. *///from w w w. j ava 2 s.c om public static void writeRow(KijiTable kijiTable, EntityId entityId, KijiRestRow kijiRestRow, KijiSchemaTable schemaTable) throws IOException { final KijiTableWriter writer = kijiTable.openTableWriter(); // Default global timestamp. long globalTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { for (Entry<String, NavigableMap<String, List<KijiRestCell>>> familyEntry : kijiRestRow.getCells() .entrySet()) { String columnFamily = familyEntry.getKey(); NavigableMap<String, List<KijiRestCell>> qualifiedCells = familyEntry.getValue(); for (Entry<String, List<KijiRestCell>> qualifiedCell : qualifiedCells.entrySet()) { final KijiColumnName column = new KijiColumnName(columnFamily, qualifiedCell.getKey()); if (!kijiTable.getLayout().exists(column)) { throw new WebApplicationException( new IllegalArgumentException("Specified column does not exist: " + column), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } for (KijiRestCell restCell : qualifiedCell.getValue()) { final long timestamp; if (null != restCell.getTimestamp()) { timestamp = restCell.getTimestamp(); } else { timestamp = globalTimestamp; } if (timestamp >= 0) { // Put to either a counter or a regular cell. if (SchemaType.COUNTER == kijiTable.getLayout().getCellSchema(column).getType()) { JsonNode parsedCounterValue = BASIC_MAPPER.valueToTree(restCell.getValue()); if (parsedCounterValue.isIntegralNumber()) { // Write the counter cell. writer.put(entityId, column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), timestamp, parsedCounterValue.asLong()); } else if (parsedCounterValue.isContainerNode()) { if (null != parsedCounterValue.get(COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY) && parsedCounterValue.get(COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY).isIntegralNumber()) { // Counter incrementation does not support timestamp. if (null != restCell.getTimestamp()) { throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException( "Counter incrementation does not support " + "timestamp. Do not specify timestamp in request.")); } // Increment counter cell. writer.increment(entityId, column.getFamily(), column.getQualifier(), parsedCounterValue.get(COUNTER_INCREMENT_KEY).asLong()); } else { throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException( "Counter increment could not be parsed " + "as long: " + parsedCounterValue + ". Provide a json node such as {\"incr\" : 123}."), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } else { // Could not parse parameter to a long. throw new WebApplicationException(new IllegalArgumentException( "Counter value could not be parsed as long: " + parsedCounterValue + ". Provide a long value to set the counter."), Response.Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } else { // Write the cell. String jsonValue = restCell.getValue().toString(); // TODO: This is ugly. Converting from Map to JSON to String. if (restCell.getValue() instanceof Map<?, ?>) { JsonNode node = BASIC_MAPPER.valueToTree(restCell.getValue()); jsonValue = node.toString(); } Schema actualWriter = restCell.getWriterSchema(schemaTable); if (actualWriter == null) { throw new IOException("Unrecognized schema " + restCell.getValue()); } putCell(writer, entityId, jsonValue, column, timestamp, actualWriter); } } } } } } finally { ResourceUtils.closeOrLog(writer); } }
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public Boolean apply(JsonNode json) { return json.get("data").size() > 0; }
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@Override public BaseEntity deserialize(JsonNode root) { String type = root.get("type").asText(); String id = root.get("id").asText(); return new BaseEntity(type, id); }
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protected String uuid(JsonNode node) { return node.get("@id").asText(); }
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public Boolean apply(WS.Response response) { JsonNode json = response.asJson(); return json.get("errors").size() == 0; }
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public static Result assignCommentToColumn(int datasetId, int columnId) { ObjectNode json = Json.newObject();// w w w . java2s . co m ArrayNode res = json.arrayNode(); JsonNode req = request().body().asJson(); if (req == null) { return badRequest("Expecting JSON data"); } if (req.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < req.size(); i++) { JsonNode obj = req.get(i); Boolean isSuccess = DatasetsDAO.assignColumnComment(obj.get("datasetId").asInt(), obj.get("columnId").asInt(), obj.get("commentId").asInt()); ObjectNode itemResponse = Json.newObject(); if (isSuccess) { itemResponse.put("success", "true"); } else { itemResponse.put("error", "true"); itemResponse.put("datasetId", datasetId); itemResponse.put("columnId", columnId); itemResponse.set("commentId", obj.get("comment_id")); } res.add(itemResponse); } } else { Boolean isSuccess = DatasetsDAO.assignColumnComment(datasetId, columnId, req.get("commentId").asInt()); ObjectNode itemResponse = Json.newObject(); if (isSuccess) { itemResponse.put("success", "true"); } else { itemResponse.put("error", "true"); itemResponse.put("datasetId", datasetId); itemResponse.put("columnId", columnId); itemResponse.set("commentId", req.get("commentId")); } res.add(itemResponse); } ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); result.putArray("results").addAll(res); return ok(result); }
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protected String uuid(JsonNode node) { return node.get(EJS_UUID_ANNOTATION).asText(); }
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public FieldMatcher(String fieldName, JsonNode schema) { _field = schema.get(fieldName); _fieldName = fieldName; }
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@Override public String deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { JsonNode node = jp.readValueAsTree(); return node.get(VALUE).textValue(); }
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public Document getDocument(JsonNode aNode) { File aFile = new File(aNode.get("file").asText()); String aPauID = aNode.get("pauID").asText(); String aPauTitle = aNode.get("pauTitle").asText(); String aSourceDoc = aNode.get("sourceDoc").asText(); List<String> aParagraphs = getParagraphs(aNode); return new Document(aFile, aPauID, aPauTitle, aSourceDoc, aParagraphs); }