Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Radagio * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.dd4t.databind.builder.json; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.dd4t.contentmodel.Component; import org.dd4t.contentmodel.Embedded; import org.dd4t.contentmodel.FieldSet; import org.dd4t.contentmodel.FieldType; import org.dd4t.core.databind.BaseViewModel; import org.dd4t.core.databind.ModelConverter; import org.dd4t.core.databind.TridionViewModel; import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.ItemNotFoundException; import org.dd4t.core.exceptions.SerializationException; import org.dd4t.databind.annotations.ViewModel; import org.dd4t.databind.builder.AbstractModelConverter; import org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants; import org.dd4t.databind.util.JsonUtils; import org.dd4t.databind.util.TypeUtils; import org.dd4t.databind.viewmodel.base.ModelFieldMapping; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Resource; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.ID; import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE; import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA; import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.URL; import static org.dd4t.databind.util.DataBindConstants.VALUES_NODE; /** * JsonModelConverter. * * @author R. Kempees * @since 19/11/14. */ public class JsonModelConverter extends AbstractModelConverter implements ModelConverter { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonModelConverter.class); private Class<? extends org.dd4t.contentmodel.Field> concreteFieldImpl; @Resource(name = "dataBinder") protected JsonDataBinder databinder; @Override public <T extends BaseViewModel> T convertSource(final Object data, final T model) throws SerializationException { if (!JsonUtils.isValidJsonNode(data)) { LOG.debug("No data or not a JsonNode - nothing to do."); return null; } JsonNode rawJsonData = (JsonNode) data; LOG.debug("Conversion start."); this.concreteFieldImpl = databinder.getConcreteFieldImpl(); if (model instanceof TridionViewModel) { LOG.debug("We have a Tridion view model. Setting additional properties"); setTridionProperties((TridionViewModel) model, rawJsonData); } boolean isRootComponent = true; JsonNode contentFields = null; JsonNode metadataFields = null; Component.ComponentType componentType = Component.ComponentType.UNKNOWN; if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_TYPE)) { componentType = Component.ComponentType .findByValue(rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_TYPE).intValue()); } if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.NORMAL) { if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_FIELDS)) { contentFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_FIELDS); } } else if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.MULTIMEDIA && rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA)) { contentFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.MULTIMEDIA); } if (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.METADATA_FIELDS)) { metadataFields = rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.METADATA_FIELDS); } if (contentFields == null && metadataFields == null) { isRootComponent = false; } buildModelProperties(model, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, contentFields, metadataFields, componentType); return model; } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildModelProperties(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData, final boolean isRootComponent, final JsonNode contentFields, final JsonNode metadataFields, final Component.ComponentType componentType) throws SerializationException { final Map<String, Object> modelProperties = model.getModelProperties(); try { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : modelProperties.entrySet()) { final String fieldName = entry.getKey(); LOG.debug("Key:{}", fieldName); ModelFieldMapping m = (ModelFieldMapping) entry.getValue(); if (m.getViewModelProperty().isComponentLinkUrl() && isRootComponent) { processComponentUrlField(model, rawJsonData, m); } else { processFieldMapping(model, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, contentFields, metadataFields, componentType, fieldName, m); } } } catch (IllegalAccessException | IOException e) { LOG.error("Error setting field!", e); } } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processComponentUrlField(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData, final ModelFieldMapping m) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException { final Field urlField = m.getField(); urlField.setAccessible(true); String componentId = rawJsonData.get(ID).textValue(); String resolved = ""; try { resolved = getLinkResolver().resolve(componentId); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Could not resolve a link to: " + componentId, e); } urlField.set(model, resolved); } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processFieldMapping(final T model, final JsonNode rawJsonData, final boolean isRootComponent, final JsonNode contentFields, final JsonNode metadataFields, final Component.ComponentType componentType, final String fieldName, final ModelFieldMapping m) throws IllegalAccessException, SerializationException, IOException { String fieldKey; fieldKey = getFieldKeyForModelProperty(fieldName, m); boolean isEmbedabble = false; if ((!rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY) && !isRootComponent) || (rawJsonData.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY) && (FieldType.findByValue( rawJsonData.get(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY).intValue()) == FieldType.EMBEDDED)) ) { isEmbedabble = true; } if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.NORMAL || componentType == Component.ComponentType.UNKNOWN || m.getViewModelProperty().isMetadata()) { final JsonNode currentNode = getJsonNodeToParse(fieldKey, rawJsonData, isRootComponent, isEmbedabble, contentFields, metadataFields, m); // Since we are now now going from modelproperty > fetch data, the data might actually be null if (currentNode != null) { this.buildField(model, fieldName, currentNode, m); } } else if (componentType == Component.ComponentType.MULTIMEDIA) { if (contentFields.has(fieldName)) { this.buildMultimediaField(model, fieldName, contentFields.get(fieldName), m); } } } /** * Searches for the Json node to set on the model field in the Json data. * * @param entityFieldName The annotated model property. Used to search the Json node * @param rawJsonData The Json data representing a node inside a child node of a component. Used for * embedded fields and component link fields * @param isRootComponent A flag to check whether the current Json node is the component node. If it is * the case, then a choice is made whether to fetch the metadata or the normal content * node. * @param contentFields The content node * @param metadataFields The metadata node * @param m The current model field that is parsing at the moment * @return the Json node found under the entityFieldName key or null */ private static JsonNode getJsonNodeToParse(final String entityFieldName, final JsonNode rawJsonData, final boolean isRootComponent, final boolean isEmbeddable, final JsonNode contentFields, final JsonNode metadataFields, final ModelFieldMapping m) { final JsonNode currentNode; if (isRootComponent) { if (m.getViewModelProperty().isMetadata()) { currentNode = metadataFields; } else { currentNode = contentFields; } } else { currentNode = rawJsonData; } if (currentNode != null) { if (isRootComponent || isEmbeddable) { return currentNode.get(entityFieldName); } return currentNode; } return null; } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildMultimediaField(final T model, final String fieldName, final JsonNode currentField, final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping) throws IllegalAccessException { final Field modelField = modelFieldMapping.getField(); modelField.setAccessible(true); setXPathForXpm(model, fieldName, currentField, modelField); Class<?> fieldTypeOfFieldToSet = TypeUtils.determineTypeOfField(modelField); if (fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == String.class) { modelField.set(model, currentField.textValue()); } else if (fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == int.class || fieldTypeOfFieldToSet == Integer.class) { modelField.set(model, currentField.intValue()); } } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void buildField(final T model, final String fieldName, final JsonNode currentField, final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping) throws IllegalAccessException, SerializationException, IOException { final Field modelField = modelFieldMapping.getField(); modelField.setAccessible(true); FieldType tridionDataFieldType = FieldType.UNKNOWN; if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY)) { tridionDataFieldType = FieldType .findByValue(currentField.get(DataBindConstants.FIELD_TYPE_KEY).intValue()); } LOG.debug("Tridion field type: {}", tridionDataFieldType); Class<?> fieldTypeOfFieldToSet = TypeUtils.determineTypeOfField(modelField); boolean modelFieldIsRegularEmbeddedType = FieldSet.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldTypeOfFieldToSet) || Embedded.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldTypeOfFieldToSet); final List<JsonNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<>(); if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.COMPONENTLINK) || tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.MULTIMEDIALINK)) { processLinkedFields(model, currentField, modelFieldMapping, modelField, tridionDataFieldType, nodeList); } else if (tridionDataFieldType == FieldType.EMBEDDED && !modelFieldIsRegularEmbeddedType) { handleEmbeddedContent(currentField, nodeList); } else if (tridionDataFieldType == FieldType.UNKNOWN) { // we're in the embedded scenario where there is no field type // This is where the serializer passes when it's trying to deserialize the actual field in an embedded // component. // add more info, like the embeddedschema info, XPM info here // Best thing to do may be to just add required values to // an embedded base class if (currentField.has(fieldName)) { nodeList.add(currentField.get(fieldName)); } } else { nodeList.add(currentField); } if (nodeList.isEmpty()) { LOG.debug("Nothing to do."); return; } setXPathForXpm(model, fieldName, currentField, modelField); deserializeAndBuildModels(model, fieldName, modelField, tridionDataFieldType, nodeList); } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void processLinkedFields(final T model, final JsonNode currentField, final ModelFieldMapping modelFieldMapping, final Field modelField, final FieldType tridionDataFieldType, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException { if (modelFieldMapping.getViewModelProperty().resolveLinkForComponentLinkField() && modelField.getType().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(String.class.getName())) { LOG.debug("Resolving link for a component link or multimedialink field. "); if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.COMPONENTLINK)) { if (currentField.has(VALUES_NODE) && currentField.get(VALUES_NODE).hasNonNull(0)) { String componentId = currentField.get(VALUES_NODE).get(0).textValue(); String resolved = ""; try { resolved = getLinkResolver().resolve(componentId); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { LOG.error("Could not resolve link for: " + componentId, e); } modelField.set(model, resolved); } } else if (tridionDataFieldType.equals(FieldType.MULTIMEDIALINK)) { if (currentField.has(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE) && currentField.get(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE).hasNonNull(0)) { JsonNode multiMediaNode = currentField.get(LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE).get(0); if (multiMediaNode.hasNonNull(MULTIMEDIA)) { modelField.set(model, multiMediaNode.get(MULTIMEDIA).get(URL).textValue()); } } } } else { fillLinkedComponentValues(currentField, nodeList); } } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void setXPathForXpm(final T model, final String fieldName, final JsonNode currentField, final Field modelField) { if (model instanceof TridionViewModel && currentField != null && currentField.has(DataBindConstants.XPATH)) { boolean isMultiValued = false; if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) { isMultiValued = true; } String xpath = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.XPATH).asText(); ((TridionViewModel) model).addXpmEntry(fieldName, xpath, isMultiValued); } } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void deserializeAndBuildModels(final T model, final String fieldName, final Field modelField, final FieldType tridionDataFieldType, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException { if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) { final Type parametrizedType = TypeUtils.getRuntimeTypeOfTypeParameter(modelField.getGenericType()); LOG.debug("Interface check: " + TypeUtils.classIsViewModel((Class<?>) parametrizedType)); if (TypeUtils.classIsViewModel((Class<?>) parametrizedType) || databinder.classHasViewModelDerivatives(((Class<?>) parametrizedType).getCanonicalName())) { for (JsonNode node : nodeList) { if (!node.has(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) { checkTypeAndBuildModel(model, fieldName, node, modelField, (Class<T>) parametrizedType); } else { LOG.debug("not handling a schemaNode."); } } } else { for (JsonNode node : nodeList) { if (!node.has(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) { deserializeGeneric(model, node, modelField, tridionDataFieldType); } else { LOG.debug("not handling a schemaNode."); } } } } else if (TypeUtils.classIsViewModel(modelField.getType()) || databinder.classHasViewModelDerivatives(modelField.getType().getCanonicalName())) { final Class<T> modelClassToUse = (Class<T>) modelField.getType(); checkTypeAndBuildModel(model, fieldName, nodeList.get(0), modelField, modelClassToUse); } else { deserializeGeneric(model, nodeList.get(0), modelField, tridionDataFieldType); } } private static void handleEmbeddedContent(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) { final JsonNode embeddedNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_VALUES_NODE); // This is a fix for when we are already in an embedded node. The Json unfortunately // keeps sibling nodes in this child, which has FieldType embedded, while we're actually already in // that node's Values final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME); if (embeddedNode != null) { final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator = embeddedNode.elements(); while (embeddedIterator.hasNext()) { addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, embeddedIterator); } } else { final Iterator<JsonNode> currentFieldElements = currentField.elements(); while (currentFieldElements.hasNext()) { addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(nodeList, schemaNode, currentFieldElements); } } } private static void addEmbeddedNodeAndSchemaInfo(final List<JsonNode> nodeList, final JsonNode schemaNode, final Iterator<JsonNode> embeddedIterator) { ObjectNode embeddedValue = (ObjectNode); if (schemaNode != null && !embeddedValue.has(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME)) { embeddedValue.set(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME, schemaNode); } nodeList.add(embeddedValue); } private static void fillLinkedComponentValues(final JsonNode currentField, final List<JsonNode> nodeList) { // Get the actual values from the values // if the Model's field is List, grab all embedded values // if it's a normal class (ComponentImpl or similar), just get the first final Iterator<JsonNode> nodes = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.LINKED_COMPONENT_VALUES_NODE) .elements(); while (nodes.hasNext()) { nodeList.add(; } } /** * Deserializes in a Strongly Typed Model. * * @param model the model to build * @param fieldName the current field name * @param currentField the current Json node * @param modelField the model property * @param modelClassToUse the Model class * @param <T> the model class extending from BaseViewModel * @throws SerializationException serialization issues * @throws IllegalAccessException Class instantiation issues */ private <T extends BaseViewModel> void checkTypeAndBuildModel(final T model, final String fieldName, final JsonNode currentField, final Field modelField, final Class<T> modelClassToUse) throws SerializationException, IllegalAccessException { if (!model.getClass().equals(modelField.getType())) { LOG.debug("Building a model or Component for field:{}, type: {}", fieldName, modelField.getType().getName()); final BaseViewModel strongModel = buildModelForField(currentField, modelClassToUse); if (modelField.getType().equals(List.class)) { addToListTypeField(model, modelField, strongModel); } else { modelField.set(model, strongModel); } } else { LOG.error( "Type for field type: {} is the same as the type for this view model: {}. This is NOT supported" + " because of infinite loops. Work around this by creating a separate field type.", model.getClass().getCanonicalName(), modelField.getType().getCanonicalName()); } } private <T extends BaseViewModel> BaseViewModel buildModelForField(final JsonNode currentField, final Class<T> modelClassToUse) throws SerializationException { if (Modifier.isAbstract(modelClassToUse.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(modelClassToUse.getModifiers())) { // Get root element name final String rootElementName = getRootElementNameFromComponentOrEmbeddedField(currentField); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rootElementName)) { // attempt get a concrete class for this interface final Class<? extends BaseViewModel> concreteClass = databinder .getConcreteModel(modelClassToUse.getCanonicalName(), rootElementName); if (concreteClass == null) { LOG.error("Attempt to find a concrete model class for interface or abstract class: {} failed " + "miserably as there was no registered class for root element name: '{}' Will return null" + ".", modelClassToUse.getCanonicalName(), rootElementName); return null; } LOG.debug("Building: {}", concreteClass.getCanonicalName()); return getBaseViewModel(currentField, concreteClass); } else { LOG.error( "Attempt to find a concrete model class for interface or abstract class: {} failed " + "miserably as a root element name could not be found. Will return null.", modelClassToUse.getCanonicalName()); return null; } } else { return getBaseViewModel(currentField, modelClassToUse); } } private String getRootElementNameFromComponentOrEmbeddedField(final JsonNode currentField) { final String rootElementName = databinder.getRootElementName(currentField); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(rootElementName)) { return rootElementName; } if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME)) { final JsonNode schemaNode = currentField.get(DataBindConstants.EMBEDDED_SCHEMA_FIELD_NAME); if (schemaNode.hasNonNull(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME)) { String nodeTypeName = schemaNode.get(DataBindConstants.ROOT_ELEMENT_NAME).textValue(); LOG.debug("RootElementName is: {}", nodeTypeName); return nodeTypeName; } } return null; } private <T extends BaseViewModel> BaseViewModel getBaseViewModel(final JsonNode currentField, final Class<T> modelClassToUse) throws SerializationException { final BaseViewModel strongModel = databinder.buildModel(currentField, modelClassToUse, ""); final ViewModel viewModelParameters = modelClassToUse.getAnnotation(ViewModel.class); if (viewModelParameters.setRawData()) { strongModel.setRawData(currentField.toString()); } return strongModel; } private <T extends BaseViewModel> void deserializeGeneric(final T model, final JsonNode currentField, final Field f, final FieldType fieldType) throws IOException, IllegalAccessException, SerializationException { LOG.debug("Field Type: " + f.getType().getCanonicalName()); if (currentField.has(DataBindConstants.COMPONENT_TYPE)) { LOG.debug("Building a linked Component or Multimedia component"); final Component component = databinder.buildComponent(currentField, databinder.getConcreteComponentImpl()); setFieldValue(model, f, component, fieldType); } else { final org.dd4t.contentmodel.Field renderedField = JsonUtils.renderComponentField(currentField, this.concreteFieldImpl); LOG.trace("Rendered Field is: {} ", renderedField.toString()); LOG.debug("Field Type is: {}", f.getType().toString()); setFieldValue(model, f, renderedField, fieldType); } } private void setTridionProperties(final TridionViewModel model, final JsonNode rawComponent) { model.setLastPublishDate(JsonUtils.getDateFromField(DataBindConstants.LAST_PUBLISHED_DATE, rawComponent)); model.setLastModified(JsonUtils.getDateFromField(DataBindConstants.LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, rawComponent)); model.setTcmUri(JsonUtils.getTcmUriFromField(DataBindConstants.ID, rawComponent)); } public JsonDataBinder getDatabinder() { return databinder; } public void setDatabinder(JsonDataBinder databinder) { this.databinder = databinder; } }