List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode get
public JsonNode get(String paramString)
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public static StartedTask getStartedTask(JsonNode node) { return new StartedTask(node.get("instanceName").asText(), LocalDateTime.parse(node.get("startDateUtc").asText(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)); }
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/** * Deserializes areas variable.//from w ww .j a v a 2 s.c o m * * @param location Location object * @param node JSON node that contains the data */ public static void deserializeAreas(Location location, JsonNode node) { List<Area> areas = new ArrayList<Area>(); // Does areas node exist if (node.path("areas") != null) { // Parse areas Iterator<JsonNode> ite = node.path("areas").elements(); // Iterate notes while (ite.hasNext()) { // Get next area JsonNode temp =; // Parse id int areaId = temp.get("id") == null ? 0 : temp.get("id").intValue(); // Parse x1 int x1 = temp.get("x1") == null ? 0 : temp.get("x1").intValue(); // Parse y1 int y1 = temp.get("y1") == null ? 0 : temp.get("y1").intValue(); // Parse x2 int x2 = temp.get("x2") == null ? 0 : temp.get("x2").intValue(); // Parse y2 int y2 = temp.get("y2") == null ? 0 : temp.get("y2").intValue(); // Parse angle int angle = temp.get("angle") == null ? 0 : temp.get("angle").intValue(); areas.add(new Area(areaId, x1, y1, x2, y2, angle, location)); } } // Set areas location.setAreas(areas); }
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public static <T> Event<T> wrapperJsonToEvent(ObjectMapper mapper, JsonNode wrapperJson, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException { assert (mapper != null); assert (clazz != null); final JsonNode path = wrapperJson.get("path"); final String collection = path.get("collection").textValue(); final String key = path.get("key").textValue(); final String eventType = path.get("type").textValue(); final String ref = path.get("ref").textValue(); final long timestamp = path.get("timestamp").longValue(); final String ordinal = path.get("ordinal").asText(); final JsonNode valueNode = wrapperJson.get("value"); final T value = jsonToDomainObject(mapper, valueNode, clazz); String rawValue = null;// www.j a v a2 s.c o m if (value != null && value instanceof String) { rawValue = (String) value; } return new Event<T>(mapper, collection, key, eventType, timestamp, ordinal, ref, value, valueNode, rawValue); }
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public static TaskExecutionResult getTaskExecutionResult(JsonNode node) { JsonNode subTaskRunIdNode = node.get("subTaskRunId"); return new TaskExecutionResult(TaskExecutionStatus.valueOf(node.get("status").asText().toUpperCase()), node.get("message").asText(), getMap(node.get("resultData")), ((subTaskRunIdNode != null) && !subTaskRunIdNode.isNull()) ? new RunId(subTaskRunIdNode.asText()) : null,/*from ww w .java2s . c o m*/ LocalDateTime.parse(node.get("completionTimeUtc").asText(), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)); }
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public static boolean evaluate(final JsonNode filterNode, final JsonNode elementNode, final ObjectTransformer transformer) throws ObjectTransformerException { // contains only supports string type String fieldValue, likeValue; boolean result = false; JsonNode filterArguments = filterNode.get(ArrayFilter.$; if (elementNode.isObject()) { // compare objects fieldValue = transformer.transformValueNode(elementNode, filterArguments).asText(); } else {/*from w ww . j a va2 s .c o m*/ // compare values fieldValue = elementNode.asText(); } likeValue = filterArguments.path(ArrayFilter.ARGUMENT_WHAT).asText(); if (fieldValue.contains(likeValue)) { result = true; } return result; }
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private static String imageInfo(final String path) { final JsonNode node; try {//from w ww . j av a 2 s .c o m final String json = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path))); node = Json.readTree(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } final JsonNode imageNode = node.get("image"); return (imageNode == null || imageNode.getNodeType() != STRING) ? null : imageNode.asText(); }
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public static boolean hasLine(String line, Context context) { String bufferString = Util.stringFromJsonAssets(context, "stations/" + filename); JsonNode actualObj = Util.stringToJsonNode(bufferString); JsonNode lines = actualObj.get("timetable"); String[] sublines = line.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { JsonNode lineJson = lines.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < sublines.length; j++) { if (lineJson.get("line").asText().equalsIgnoreCase(sublines[j].trim())) { return true; }//from www . j av a2 } } return false; }
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private static JsonNode getRequiredField(JsonNode node, String fieldName) throws IllegalArgumentException { JsonNode child = node.get(fieldName); if (child == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Missing required field '%s'", fieldName)); return child; }
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public static List<Friend> all() { ObjectNode jsonData = Json.newObject(); jsonData.put("email", session().get("email")); JsonNode response = UserService.getUserByEmail(jsonData); Application.sessionMsg(response);//from ww w . j a va2 s . c o m String userID = response.path("userId").asText(); JsonNode allfriends = UserService.getAllFriends(userID); Iterator<JsonNode> it = allfriends.get("friends").iterator(); List<Friend> friends = new ArrayList<Friend>(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode now =; friends.add(new Friend(now.get("userName").asText(), now.get("userId").asInt())); } /* JsonNode postsNode = APICall .callAPI(GET_POSTS_CALL); if (postsNode == null || postsNode.has("error") || !postsNode.isArray()) { return posts; } for (int i = 0; i < postsNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode json = postsNode.path(i); Post post = new Post(json.path("image").asText(),json.path("text").asText(),json.path("title").asText()); posts.add(post); } */ return friends; }
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public static List<Friend> allSubscribe() { ObjectNode jsonData = Json.newObject(); jsonData.put("email", session().get("email")); JsonNode response = UserService.getUserByEmail(jsonData); Application.sessionMsg(response);/*from www .j av a 2 s. c om*/ String userID = response.path("userId").asText(); JsonNode allfriends = UserService.getAllFriends(userID); Iterator<JsonNode> it = allfriends.get("subscribeUsers").iterator(); List<Friend> friends = new ArrayList<Friend>(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode now =; friends.add(new Friend(now.get("userName").asText(), now.get("userId").asInt())); } /* JsonNode postsNode = APICall .callAPI(GET_POSTS_CALL); if (postsNode == null || postsNode.has("error") || !postsNode.isArray()) { return posts; } for (int i = 0; i < postsNode.size(); i++) { JsonNode json = postsNode.path(i); Post post = new Post(json.path("image").asText(),json.path("text").asText(),json.path("title").asText()); posts.add(post); } */ return friends; }