Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:org.kiji.rest.resources.RowsResource.java

 * POSTs JSON body to row(s): performs create and update.
 * The input JSON blob can either represent a single KijiRestRow or a list of KijiRestRows.
 * For example, a single KijiRestRow:/*from   w w w.j  a v  a  2  s .c o m*/
 * {
 *   "entityId":"hbase=hex:8c2d2fcc2c150efb49ce0817e1823d46",
 *   "cells":{
 *       "info":{
 *          "firstname":[
 *             {
 *                "timestamp":123,
 *                "value":"John"
 *             }
 *          ]
 *       },
 *       "info":{
 *          "lastname":[
 *             {
 *                "timestamp":123,
 *                "value":"Smith"
 *             }
 *          ]
 *       }
 *    }
 * }
 * A list of KijiRestRows:
 * [
 *    {
 *       "entityId":"hbase=hex:8c2d2fcc2c150efb49ce0817e1823d46",
 *       "cells":{
 *          "info":{
 *             "firstname":[
 *                {
 *                   "timestamp":123,
 *                   "value":"John"
 *                }
 *             ]
 *          }
 *       }
 *    },
 *    {
 *       "entityId":"hbase=hex:acfbe1234567890987654321abcfdega",
 *       "cells":{
 *          "info":{
 *             "firstname":[
 *                {
 *                   "timestamp":12312345,
 *                   "value":"Jane"
 *                }
 *             ]
 *          }
 *       }
 *    }
 * ]
 * Note that the user-formatted entityId is required.
 * Also note that writer schema is not considered as of the latest version.
 * @param instance in which the table resides
 * @param table in which the row resides
 * @param kijiRestRows POST-ed json data
 * @return a message containing the rowkey of interest
 * @throws IOException when post fails
public Map<String, List<String>> postRows(@PathParam(INSTANCE_PARAMETER) final String instance,
        @PathParam(TABLE_PARAMETER) final String table, final JsonNode kijiRestRows) throws IOException {
    // We intend to return a JSON blob listing the row keys we are putting to.
    // i.e. {targets : [..., ..., ...]}
    final List<String> results = Lists.newLinkedList();

    final Iterator<JsonNode> rowIterator;
    if (kijiRestRows.isArray()) {
        rowIterator = kijiRestRows.elements();
    } else {
        rowIterator = Iterators.singletonIterator(kijiRestRows);

    // Put each row.
    while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
        final KijiRestRow kijiRestRow = mJsonObjectMapper.treeToValue(rowIterator.next(), KijiRestRow.class);
        final Map<String, String> result = postRow(instance, table, kijiRestRow);

    final Map<String, List<String>> returnedResults = Maps.newHashMap();
    returnedResults.put("targets", results);
    return returnedResults;

From source file:com.tango.elasticsearch.rest.action.unique.UniqueTermsAction.java

 * Parse date request information and validates that request has expected format
 * <p/>/*from  w  w  w  . java  2s  .  c  o m*/
 * Example of input:
 * <code> {"facets": { "terms": { "terms": { "field": "@fields.uid", "size": 10000000, "order": "count", "exclude":
 * [] }, "facet_filter": { "fquery": { "query": { "filtered": { "query": { "bool": { "should": [ { "query_string": {
 * "query": "*" } } ] } }, "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from": 1395275639569, "to":
 * "now" } } }, { "fquery": { "query": { "query_string": { "query": "@fields.tracer.service.name:(\"Like\")" } },
 * "_cache": true } }, { "terms": { "@fields.tracer.ip.country.name": ["UNITED STATES"] } } ] } } } } } } } },
 * "size": 0} }
 * </code>
 * @param requestSource source of request
 * @return parsed information
 * @throws IOException
protected RequestParamsInfo getRequestInfo(String requestSource) throws IOException {
    RequestParamsInfo result = null;
    if (requestSource != null) {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(requestSource);
        JsonNode facets = jsonNode.findValue("facets");
            if (facets.isMissingNode()) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No facets found in requests");
            Iterator<String> iterator = facets.fieldNames();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                String facetName = iterator.next();
                if (!TARGET_FACET_NAME.equals(facetName)) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected facet name: " + facetName);
        JsonNode terms = facets.path(TARGET_FACET_NAME);
        if (terms.isMissingNode()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    String.format("No facet with name '%s' found in requests", TARGET_FACET_NAME));
        JsonNode range = jsonNode.findValue("@timestamp");
        if (range.isMissingNode()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No @timestamp found in requests");
        String from = range.path("from").asText();
        String to = range.path("to").asText();
        if (from.length() > 0 && to.length() > 0) {
            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long fromLong = "now".equals(from) ? currentTime : Long.parseLong(from);
            long toLong = "now".equals(to) ? currentTime : Long.parseLong(to);
            Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = range.elements();
            while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            result = new RequestParamsInfo(fromLong, toLong, objectMapper.writeValueAsString(jsonNode));
    return result;

From source file:clearfacts.cds.JsonDataSource.java

public void moveFirst() throws JRException {
    if (jsonTree == null || jsonTree.isMissingNode()) {
        throw new JRException("No JSON data to operate on!");
    }//from  w  w  w .  j a  v a2s .  c  o  m

    currentJsonNode = null;
    JsonNode result = getJsonData(jsonTree, selectExpression);
    if (result != null && result.isObject()) {
        final List<JsonNode> list = new ArrayList<JsonNode>();
        jsonNodesIterator = new Iterator<JsonNode>() {
            private int count = -1;

            public void remove() {

            public JsonNode next() {
                return list.get(count);

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return count < list.size() - 1;
    } else if (result != null && result.isArray()) {
        jsonNodesIterator = result.elements();

From source file:org.apache.olingo.commons.core.serialization.JsonDeserializer.java

protected String setInline(final String name, final String suffix, final JsonNode tree, final ObjectCodec codec,
        final LinkImpl link) throws IOException {

    final String entityNamePrefix = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(suffix));
    if (tree.has(entityNamePrefix)) {
        final JsonNode inline = tree.path(entityNamePrefix);
        JsonEntityDeserializer entityDeserializer = new JsonEntityDeserializer(version, serverMode);

        if (inline instanceof ObjectNode) {

        } else if (inline instanceof ArrayNode) {

            final EntitySet entitySet = new EntitySetImpl();
            for (final Iterator<JsonNode> entries = inline.elements(); entries.hasNext();) {
                entitySet.getEntities()/*from   w w  w  .ja  v a2  s  .co m*/

    return entityNamePrefix;

From source file:controllers.AnyplaceMapping.java

private static boolean isBuildingCoOwner(ObjectNode building, String userId) {

    JsonNode cws = null;

    if (building != null && (cws = building.get("co_owners")) != null) {
        Iterator<JsonNode> it = cws.elements();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            if (it.next().textValue().equals(userId)) {
                return true;
            }//  ww w.ja  va 2 s. c  o m

    return false;

From source file:tests.SearchTests.java

public void searchViaApiShort() {
    running(TEST_SERVER, new Runnable() {
        @Override/*  w w w. ja v  a 2 s . c om*/
        public void run() {
            final JsonNode jsonObject = Json.parse(call("resource?author=abraham&format=short"));

From source file:org.apache.olingo.client.core.serialization.JsonDeserializer.java

protected String setInline(final String name, final String suffix, final JsonNode tree, final ObjectCodec codec,
        final Link link) throws IOException {

    final String entityNamePrefix = name.substring(0, name.indexOf(suffix));

    Integer count = null;/*from www  .  jav a 2s .co  m*/
    if (tree.hasNonNull(entityNamePrefix + Constants.JSON_COUNT)) {
        count = tree.get(entityNamePrefix + Constants.JSON_COUNT).asInt();

    if (tree.has(entityNamePrefix)) {
        final JsonNode inline = tree.path(entityNamePrefix);
        JsonEntityDeserializer entityDeserializer = new JsonEntityDeserializer(serverMode);

        if (inline instanceof ObjectNode) {

        } else if (inline instanceof ArrayNode) {

            final EntityCollection entitySet = new EntityCollection();
            if (count != null) {
            for (final Iterator<JsonNode> entries = inline.elements(); entries.hasNext();) {

    return entityNamePrefix;

From source file:org.apache.olingo.client.core.serialization.JsonDeserializer.java

protected void value(final Valuable valuable, final JsonNode node, final ObjectCodec codec)
        throws IOException, EdmPrimitiveTypeException {

    EdmTypeInfo typeInfo = StringUtils.isBlank(valuable.getType()) ? null
            : new EdmTypeInfo.Builder().setTypeExpression(valuable.getType()).build();

    final Map.Entry<PropertyType, EdmTypeInfo> guessed = guessPropertyType(node);
    if (typeInfo == null) {
        typeInfo = guessed.getValue();//  w ww.  j  a  va 2 s  .  co m

    final PropertyType propType = typeInfo == null ? guessed.getKey()
            : typeInfo.isCollection() ? PropertyType.COLLECTION
                    : typeInfo.isPrimitiveType() ? PropertyType.PRIMITIVE
                            : node.isValueNode() ? PropertyType.ENUM : PropertyType.COMPLEX;

    switch (propType) {
    case COLLECTION:
        fromCollection(valuable, node.elements(), typeInfo, codec);

    case COMPLEX:
        if (node.has(Constants.JSON_TYPE)) {
            ((ObjectNode) node).remove(Constants.JSON_TYPE);
        final Object value = fromComplex((ObjectNode) node, codec);
        valuable.setValue(ValueType.COMPLEX, value);

    case ENUM:
        valuable.setValue(ValueType.ENUM, node.asText());

    case PRIMITIVE:
        if (valuable.getType() == null && typeInfo != null) {
        final Object primitiveValue = fromPrimitive(node, typeInfo);
        valuable.setValue(primitiveValue instanceof Geospatial ? ValueType.GEOSPATIAL : ValueType.PRIMITIVE,

    case EMPTY:
        valuable.setValue(ValueType.PRIMITIVE, StringUtils.EMPTY);

From source file:org.apache.olingo.commons.core.serialization.JsonDeserializer.java

protected void value(final Valuable valuable, final JsonNode node, final ObjectCodec codec)
        throws IOException, EdmPrimitiveTypeException {

    EdmTypeInfo typeInfo = StringUtils.isBlank(valuable.getType()) ? null
            : new EdmTypeInfo.Builder().setTypeExpression(valuable.getType()).build();

    final Map.Entry<ODataPropertyType, EdmTypeInfo> guessed = guessPropertyType(node);
    if (typeInfo == null) {
        typeInfo = guessed.getValue();/*w w  w  .j av a 2  s .  c  o m*/

    final ODataPropertyType propType = typeInfo == null ? guessed.getKey()
            : typeInfo.isCollection() ? ODataPropertyType.COLLECTION
                    : typeInfo.isPrimitiveType() ? ODataPropertyType.PRIMITIVE
                            : node.isValueNode() ? ODataPropertyType.ENUM : ODataPropertyType.COMPLEX;

    switch (propType) {
    case COLLECTION:
        fromCollection(valuable, node.elements(), typeInfo, codec);

    case COMPLEX:
        if (node.has(jsonType)) {
            ((ObjectNode) node).remove(jsonType);
        final Object value = fromComplex((ObjectNode) node, codec);
        valuable.setValue(value instanceof LinkedComplexValue ? ValueType.LINKED_COMPLEX : ValueType.COMPLEX,

    case ENUM:
        valuable.setValue(ValueType.ENUM, node.asText());

    case PRIMITIVE:
        if (valuable.getType() == null && typeInfo != null) {
        final Object primitiveValue = fromPrimitive(node, typeInfo);
        valuable.setValue(primitiveValue instanceof Geospatial ? ValueType.GEOSPATIAL : ValueType.PRIMITIVE,

    case EMPTY:
        valuable.setValue(ValueType.PRIMITIVE, StringUtils.EMPTY);