Java tutorial
/* * AnyPlace: A free and open Indoor Navigation Service with superb accuracy! * * Anyplace is a first-of-a-kind indoor information service offering GPS-less * localization, navigation and search inside buildings using ordinary smartphones. * * Author(s): Lambros Petrou, Kyriakos Georgiou * * Supervisor: Demetrios Zeinalipour-Yazti * * URL: * Contact: * * Copyright (c) 2016, Data Management Systems Lab (DMSL), University of Cyprus. * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the Software?), to deal in the * Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, * modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the * following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS?, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ package controllers; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import datasources.DatasourceException; import datasources.ProxyDataSource; import db_models.*; import oauth.provider.v2.models.OAuth2Request; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Http; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.Results; import utils.*; import*; import; import; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; public class AnyplaceMapping extends Controller { private static String verifyOwnerId(String authToken) { String gURL = "" + authToken; String res = null; try { res = sendGet(gURL); } catch (Exception e) { LPLogger.error(e.toString()); return null; } if (res != null) { try { JsonNode json = (ObjectNode) JsonUtils.getJsonTree(res); return json.get("user_id") == null ? null : json.get("user_id").textValue(); } catch (IOException ioe) { return null; } } return null; } private static String appendToOwnerId(String ownerId) { return ownerId + "_google"; } // HTTP GET request private static String sendGet(String url) throws Exception { URL obj = new URL(url); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con.setRequestMethod("GET"); int responseCode = con.getResponseCode(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream())); String inputLine; StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } in.close(); return response.toString(); } public static Result getRadioHeatmap() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::getRadioHeatmap(): " + json.toString()); try { List<JsonNode> radioPoints = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getRadioHeatmap(); if (radioPoints == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("radioPoints", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(radioPoints)); return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all radio points!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result getRadioHeatmapByBuildingFloor() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::getRadioHeatmap(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); String floor = json.path("floor").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> radioPoints = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getRadioHeatmapByBuildingFloor(buid, floor); if (radioPoints == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("radioPoints", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(radioPoints)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all radio points!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result deleteRadiosInBox() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::deleteRadiosInBox(): " + json.toString()); try { if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteRadiosInBox()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building already exists or could not be added!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Success"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Adds a new building to the database * * @return the newly created Building ID is included in the response if success */ public static Result buildingAdd() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingAdd(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "is_published", "name", "description", "url", "address", "coordinates_lat", "coordinates_lon", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); try { Building building; try { building = new Building(json); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building coordinates are invalid!"); } //System.out.println(building.toValidCouchJson()); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().addJsonDocument(building.getId(), 0, building.toCouchGeoJSON())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building already exists or could not be added!"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("buid", building.getId()); return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully added building!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result buildingUpdateCoOwners() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingUpdateCoOwners(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "access_token", "co_owners"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } Building building = new Building(stored_building); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(building.getId(), 0, building.appendCoOwners(json))) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated building!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result buildingUpdateOwner() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingUpdateCoOwners(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "access_token", "new_owner"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); String newOwner = json.path("new_owner").textValue(); newOwner = appendToOwnerId(newOwner); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } Building building = new Building(stored_building); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(building.getId(), 0, building.changeOwner(newOwner))) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated building!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Update the building information. Building to update is specified by buid * * @return */ public static Result buildingUpdate() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingUpdate(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } // check for values to update if (json.findValue("is_published") != null) { String is_published = json.path("is_published").textValue(); if (is_published.equals("true") || is_published.equals("false")) stored_building.put("is_published", json.path("is_published").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("name") != null) { stored_building.put("name", json.path("name").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("bucode") != null) { stored_building.put("bucode", json.path("bucode").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("description") != null) { stored_building.put("description", json.path("description").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("url") != null) { stored_building.put("url", json.path("url").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("address") != null) { stored_building.put("address", json.path("address").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("coordinates_lat") != null) { stored_building.put("coordinates_lat", json.path("coordinates_lat").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("coordinates_lon") != null) { stored_building.put("coordinates_lon", json.path("coordinates_lon").textValue()); } AbstractModel building = new Building(stored_building); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(building.getId(), 0, building.toCouchGeoJSON())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated building!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Delete the building specified by buid. * * @return */ public static Result buildingDelete() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingDelete(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { // we need to download the pois/floors/connections and all its connections and delete them all List<String> all_items_failed = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteAllByBuilding(buid); if (all_items_failed.size() > 0) { // TODO - THINK WHAT TO DO WHEN DELETION FAILS ON SOME ITEMS // TODO - MARKING THEM INSIDE THE DB APPENDING A FLAG IN ORDER A TO MAKE THEM // TODO - ELIGIBLE FOR ANOTHER SERVICE THAT RUNS EVERY HOUR AND DELETES EVERYTHING ObjectNode obj = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); obj.put("ids", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(all_items_failed)); return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(obj, "Some items related to the deleted building could not be deleted: " + all_items_failed.size() + " items."); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } // delete all the floor plans String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getRootFloorPlansDirFor(buid); try { File buidfile = new File(filePath); if (buidfile.exists()) HelperMethods.recDeleteDirFile(buidfile); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO - what to do on failure return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "] while deleting floor plans." + "\nAll related information is deleted from the database!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully deleted everything related to building!"); } /** * Retrieve all the buildings. * * @return */ public static Result buildingAll() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString()); try { List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildings(); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result buildingGetOne() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingGet(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); try { JsonNode building = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (building != null && building.get("buid") != null && building.get("coordinates_lat") != null && building.get("coordinates_lon") != null && building.get("owner_id") != null && building.get("name") != null && building.get("description") != null && building.get("puid") == null && building.get("floor_number") == null) { ((ObjectNode) building).remove("owner_id"); ((ObjectNode) building).remove("co_owners"); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("building", building); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!"); } } return AnyResponseHelper.not_found("Building not found."); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result buildingAllByOwner() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); if (owner_id == null || owner_id.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } try { List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsByOwner(owner_id); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } public static Result buildingByBucode() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingAll(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "bucode"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String bucode = json.findValue("bucode").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsByBucode(bucode); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Retrieve all the buildings that are inside the bounding box of the specified coordinates. * * @return */ public static Result buildingCoordinates() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::buildingCoordinates(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "coordinates_lat", "coordinates_lon"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } try { List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getAllBuildingsNearMe( Double.parseDouble(json.path("coordinates_lat").textValue()), Double.parseDouble(json.path("coordinates_lon").textValue())); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("buildings", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all buildings near your position!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Adds a floor to the building denoted by buid * * @return */ public static Result floorAdd() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::floorAdd(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "is_published", "buid", "floor_name", "description", "floor_number", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } String floor_number = json.path("floor_number").textValue(); if (!Floor.checkFloorNumberFormat(floor_number)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor number cannot contain whitespace!"); } try { Floor floor = new Floor(json); //System.out.println(floor.toValidCouchJson()); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().addJsonDocument(floor.getId(), 0, floor.toValidCouchJson())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor already exists or could not be added!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully added floor " + floor_number + "!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Update floor information ( floor name, description, is_published ) * * @return */ public static Result floorUpdate() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::floorUpdate(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } String floor_number = json.path("floor_number").textValue(); if (!Floor.checkFloorNumberFormat(floor_number)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor number cannot contain whitespace!"); } try { String fuid = Floor.getId(buid, floor_number); ObjectNode stored_floor = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(fuid); if (stored_floor == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } // check for values to update if (json.findValue("is_published") != null) { stored_floor.put("is_published", json.path("is_published").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("floor_name") != null) { stored_floor.put("floor_name", json.path("floor_name").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("description") != null) { stored_floor.put("description", json.path("description").textValue()); } AbstractModel floor = new Floor(stored_floor); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(floor.getId(), 0, floor.toValidCouchJson())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated floor!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Delete the floor specified by buid and floor_number. * * @return */ public static Result floorDelete() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::floorDelete(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); String floor_number = json.findPath("floor_number").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { // we need to download the pois/connections and all its connections and delete them all List<String> all_items_failed = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteAllByFloor(buid, floor_number); if (all_items_failed.size() > 0) { // TODO - THINK WHAT TO DO WHEN DELETION FAILS ON SOME ITEMS // TODO - MARKING THEM INSIDE THE DB APPENDING A FLAG IN ORDER A TO MAKE THEM // TODO - ELIGIBLE FOR ANOTHER SERVICE THAT RUNS EVERY HOUR AND DELETES EVERYTHING ObjectNode obj = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); obj.put("ids", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(all_items_failed)); return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(obj, "Some items related to the deleted floor could not be deleted: " + all_items_failed.size() + " items."); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } // delete the floor plan String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorPlanFor(buid, floor_number); try { File floorfile = new File(filePath); if (floorfile.exists()) HelperMethods.recDeleteDirFile(floorfile); } catch (IOException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "] while deleting floor plan." + "\nAll related information is deleted from the database!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully deleted everything related to the floor!"); } /** * Retrieve all the floors of a building. * * @return */ public static Result floorAll() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::floorAll(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> buildings = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().floorsByBuildingAsJson(buid); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("floors", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(buildings)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all floors!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Inserts a new Point of Interest at the coordinates passed in * * @return the newly created POIS ID is included in the response if success */ public static Result poisAdd() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poisAdd(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "is_published", "buid", "floor_name", "floor_number", "name", "pois_type", "is_door", "is_building_entrance", "coordinates_lat", "coordinates_lon", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { Poi poi = new Poi(json); //System.out.println(poi.toValidCouchJson()); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().addJsonDocument(poi.getId(), 0, poi.toCouchGeoJSON())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Poi already exists or could not be added!"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("puid", poi.getId()); return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully added poi!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Update the Point of Interest - specified by PUID - information * * @return */ public static Result poisUpdate() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poisUpdate(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "puid", "buid", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String puid = json.path("puid").textValue(); String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { ObjectNode stored_poi = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(puid); if (stored_poi == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } // check for values to update if (json.findValue("is_published") != null) { String is_published = json.path("is_published").textValue(); if (is_published.equals("true") || is_published.equals("false")) stored_poi.put("is_published", json.path("is_published").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("name") != null) { stored_poi.put("name", json.path("name").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("description") != null) { stored_poi.put("description", json.path("description").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("url") != null) { stored_poi.put("url", json.path("url").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("pois_type") != null) { stored_poi.put("pois_type", json.path("pois_type").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("is_door") != null) { String is_door = json.path("is_door").textValue(); if (is_door.equals("true") || is_door.equals("false")) stored_poi.put("is_door", json.path("is_door").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("is_building_entrance") != null) { String is_building_entrance = json.path("is_building_entrance").textValue(); if (is_building_entrance.equals("true") || is_building_entrance.equals("false")) stored_poi.put("is_building_entrance", json.path("is_building_entrance").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("image") != null) { stored_poi.put("image", json.path("image").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("coordinates_lat") != null) { stored_poi.put("coordinates_lat", json.path("coordinates_lat").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("coordinates_lon") != null) { stored_poi.put("coordinates_lon", json.path("coordinates_lon").textValue()); } AbstractModel poi = new Poi(stored_poi); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(poi.getId(), 0, poi.toCouchGeoJSON())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Poi could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated poi!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Delete the Point of Interest denoted by the requested POIS id * * @return */ public static Result poisDelete() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poiDelete(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "puid", "buid", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); String puid = json.findPath("puid").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { // we need to download the pois/floors/connections and all its connections and delete them all List<String> all_items_failed = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteAllByPoi(puid); if (all_items_failed.size() > 0) { // TODO - THINK WHAT TO DO WHEN DELETION FAILS ON SOME ITEMS // TODO - MARKING THEM INSIDE THE DB APPENDING A FLAG IN ORDER A TO MAKE THEM // TODO - ELIGIBLE FOR ANOTHER SERVICE THAT RUNS EVERY HOUR AND DELETES EVERYTHING ObjectNode obj = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); obj.put("ids", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(all_items_failed)); return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(obj, "Some items related to the deleted poi could not be deleted: " + all_items_failed.size() + " items."); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully deleted everything related to the poi!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Retrieve all the pois of a building/floor combination. * * @return */ public static Result poisByFloor() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poisByFloor(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); String floor_number = json.findPath("floor_number").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> pois = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().poisByBuildingFloorAsJson(buid, floor_number); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("pois", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(pois)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all pois from floor " + floor_number + "!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Retrieve all the pois of a building/floor combination. * * @return */ public static Result poisByBuid() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poisByBuid(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> pois = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().poisByBuildingAsJson(buid); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("pois", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(pois)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all pois from building."); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Adds a new connection between two valid Points of Interest - denoted by the pois_a and pois_b - * * @return */ public static Result connectionAdd() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::connectionAdd(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "is_published", "pois_a", "floor_a", "buid_a", "pois_b", "floor_b", "buid_b", "buid", "edge_type", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid1 = json.path("buid_a").textValue(); String buid2 = json.path("buid_b").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid1); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid2); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } String edge_type = json.path("edge_type").textValue(); if (!edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_ELEVATOR) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_HALLWAY) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_ROOM) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_OUTDOOR) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_STAIR)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Invalid edge type specified."); } String pois_a = json.path("pois_a").textValue(); String pois_b = json.path("pois_b").textValue(); try { // Calculate the weight of the connection double weight = calculateWeightOfConnection(pois_a, pois_b); ((ObjectNode) json).put("weight", Double.toString(weight)); if (edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_ELEVATOR) || edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_STAIR)) { // TODO - maybe we must put weight zero // TODO - or we must calculate the paths in each floor separately } Connection conn = new Connection(json); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().addJsonDocument(conn.getId(), 0, conn.toValidCouchJson())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Connection already exists or could not be added!"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("cuid", conn.getId()); return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully added new connection!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Updates the edge_type of the connection between two Points of Interest - specified by pois_a and pois_b - * * @return */ public static Result connectionUpdate() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::connectionUpdate(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "pois_a", "pois_b", "buid_a", "buid_b", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid1 = json.path("buid_a").textValue(); String buid2 = json.path("buid_b").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid1); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid2); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } try { String pois_a = json.path("pois_a").textValue(); String pois_b = json.path("pois_b").textValue(); String cuid = Connection.getId(pois_a, pois_b); ObjectNode stored_conn = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(cuid); if (stored_conn == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Connection does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } // check for values to update if (json.findValue("is_published") != null) { String is_published = json.path("is_published").textValue(); if (is_published.equals("true") || is_published.equals("false")) stored_conn.put("is_published", json.path("is_published").textValue()); } if (json.findValue("edge_type") != null) { String edge_type = json.path("edge_type").textValue(); if (!edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_ELEVATOR) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_HALLWAY) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_ROOM) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_OUTDOOR) && !edge_type.equals(Connection.EDGE_TYPE_STAIR)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Invalid edge type specified."); } stored_conn.put("edge_type", edge_type); } Connection conn = new Connection(stored_conn); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(conn.getId(), 0, conn.toValidCouchJson())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Connection could not be updated!"); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated connection!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Deletes the connection between two Points of Interest - denoted by pois_a and pois_b - * * @return */ public static Result connectionDelete() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poiDelete(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "pois_a", "pois_b", "buid_a", "buid_b", "access_token"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); String buid1 = json.path("buid_a").textValue(); String buid2 = json.path("buid_b").textValue(); try { ObjectNode stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid1); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } stored_building = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(buid2); if (stored_building == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Building does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } if (!isBuildingOwner(stored_building, owner_id) && !isBuildingCoOwner(stored_building, owner_id)) { return AnyResponseHelper.unauthorized("Unauthorized"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } String pois_a = json.path("pois_a").textValue(); String pois_b = json.path("pois_b").textValue(); try { String cuid = Connection.getId(pois_a, pois_b); // we need to download the pois/floors/connections and all its connections and delete them all List<String> all_items_failed = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().deleteAllByConnection(cuid); if (all_items_failed == null) {"AnyplaceMapping::connectionDelete(): " + cuid + " not found."); return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("POI Connection not found"); } if (all_items_failed.size() > 0) { // TODO - THINK WHAT TO DO WHEN DELETION FAILS ON SOME ITEMS // TODO - MARKING THEM INSIDE THE DB APPENDING A FLAG IN ORDER A TO MAKE THEM // TODO - ELIGIBLE FOR ANOTHER SERVICE THAT RUNS EVERY HOUR AND DELETES EVERYTHING ObjectNode obj = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); obj.put("ids", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(all_items_failed)); return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(obj, "Some items related to the deleted connection could not be deleted: " + all_items_failed.size() + " items."); } return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully deleted everything related to the connection!"); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } /** * Retrieve all the pois of a building/floor combination. * * @return */ public static Result connectionsByFloor() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::poisByFloor(): " + json.toString()); List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.findPath("buid").textValue(); String floor_number = json.findPath("floor_number").textValue(); try { List<JsonNode> pois = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().connectionsByBuildingFloorAsJson(buid, floor_number); ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("connections", JsonUtils.getJsonFromList(pois)); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedJSONOk(res.toString()); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res.toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully retrieved all pois from floor " + floor_number + "!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } private static double calculateWeightOfConnection(String pois_a, String pois_b) throws DatasourceException { double lat_a = 0, lon_a = 0, lat_b = 0, lon_b = 0; NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH); JsonNode pa = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(pois_a); if (pa == null) { lat_a = 0.0; lon_a = 0.0; } else { // everything is ok try { lat_a = nf.parse(pa.path("coordinates_lat").textValue()).doubleValue(); lon_a = nf.parse(pa.path("coordinates_lon").textValue()).doubleValue(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } JsonNode pb = ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(pois_b); if (pb == null) { lat_b = 0.0; lon_b = 0.0; } else { // everything is ok try { lat_b = nf.parse(pb.path("coordinates_lat").textValue()).doubleValue(); lon_b = nf.parse(pb.path("coordinates_lon").textValue()).doubleValue(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } } return GeoPoint.getDistanceBetweenPoints(lat_a, lon_a, lat_b, lon_b, "K"); } /** * Returns the floor plan (png) for the requested building floor in binary format. * Used by the Android client - NOT ANYMORE * * @param buid Building id * @param floor_number floor number inside the above building * @return the file or an error */ public static Result serveFloorPlanBinary(String buid, String floor_number) { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlan(): " + json.toString()); String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorPlanFor(buid, floor_number);"requested: " + filePath); try { File file = new; if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request( "Requested floor plan does not exist or cannot be read! (" + floor_number + ")"); } InputStream a = new FileInputStream(file); return ok(a); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // cannot get in here i think cause of the check if canRead() return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Could not read floor plan."); } } /** * Returns the floor plan tiles in a .zip file for the requested building floor. * Used by the Android client. * * @param buid Building id * @param floor_number floor number inside the above building * @return the file or an error */ public static Result serveFloorPlanTilesZip(String buid, String floor_number) { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanTilesZip(): " + json.toString()); if (!Floor.checkFloorNumberFormat(floor_number)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor number cannot contain whitespace!"); } String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesZipFor(buid, floor_number);"requested: " + filePath); try { File file = new; if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request( "Requested floor plan does not exist or cannot be read! (" + floor_number + ")"); } InputStream a = new FileInputStream(file); return ok(a); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // cannot get in here i think cause of the check if canRead() return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Could not read floor plan."); } } /** * Returns the floor plan tiles .zip file LINK for the requested building floor. * Used by the Developers API. * * @param buid Building id * @param floor_number floor number inside the above building * @return the file or an error */ public static Result serveFloorPlanTilesZipLink(String buid, String floor_number) { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanTilesZipLink(): " + json.toString()); if (!Floor.checkFloorNumberFormat(floor_number)) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor number cannot contain whitespace!"); } String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesZipFor(buid, floor_number);"requested: " + filePath); File file = new; if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { return AnyResponseHelper .bad_request("Requested floor plan does not exist or cannot be read! (" + floor_number + ")"); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); res.put("tiles_archive", AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesZipLinkFor(buid, floor_number)); return AnyResponseHelper.ok(res, "Successfully fetched link for the tiles archive!"); } /** * Returns the file requested from inside the floor plan folder * for the requested building floor. * Used by web-clients. * * @param path The file to download * @return the file or an error */ public static Result serveFloorPlanTilesStatic(String buid, String floor_number, String path) { // OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); // if( !anyReq.assertJsonBody() ){ // return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); // } // JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody(); //"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanTilesStatic(): " + json.toString());"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanTilesStatic(): " + buid + ":" + floor_number + ":" + path); if (path == null || buid == null || floor_number == null || path.trim().isEmpty() || buid.trim().isEmpty() || floor_number.trim().isEmpty()) { return notFound(); } String filePath; if (path.equals(AnyPlaceTilerHelper.FLOOR_TILES_ZIP_NAME)) { filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesZipFor(buid, floor_number); } else { filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorTilesDirFor(buid, floor_number) + path; }"static requested: " + filePath); try { File file = new; if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { return AnyResponseHelper.not_found("File requested not found"); } InputStream a = new FileInputStream(file); return ok(a); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // cannot get in here i think cause of the check if canRead() return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Could not read floor plan."); } } /** * Returns the floorplan in base64 form. Used by the Anyplace websites * * @param buid * @param floor_number * @return */ public static Result serveFloorPlanBase64(String buid, String floor_number) { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceMapping::serveFloorPlanBase64(): " + json.toString()); String filePath = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.getFloorPlanFor(buid, floor_number);"requested: " + filePath); File file = new; try { if (!file.exists() || !file.canRead()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request( "Requested floor plan does not exist or cannot be read! (" + floor_number + ")"); } try { String s = encodeFileToBase64Binary(filePath); try { // if (request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding") != null && request().getHeader("Accept-Encoding").contains("gzip")) { return gzippedOk(s); // } // return AnyResponseHelper.ok(s); } catch (IOException ioe) { return ok(s); } } catch (IOException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request( "Requested floor plan cannot be encoded in base64 properly! (" + floor_number + ")"); } } catch (Exception e) { // cannot get in here i think cause of the check if canRead() return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Unknown server error during floor plan delivery!"); } } private static String encodeFileToBase64Binary(String fileName) throws IOException { File file = new File(fileName); byte[] bytes = loadFile(file); byte[] encoded = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes); String encodedString = new String(encoded); return encodedString; } private static byte[] loadFile(File file) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); long length = file.length(); if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // File is too large } byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length]; int offset = 0; int numRead = 0; while (offset < bytes.length && (numRead =, offset, bytes.length - offset)) >= 0) { offset += numRead; } if (offset < bytes.length) { throw new IOException("Could not completely read file " + file.getName()); } is.close(); return bytes; } /** * Uploads a floor plan file and stores it at the server system. * If another floorplan exists for this floor we overwrite it. * <p> * Needs a field: * floorplan: the floor plan file * json: The json document * * @return */ public static Result floorPlanUpload() { OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); Http.MultipartFormData body = anyReq.getMultipartFormData(); if (body == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Invalid request type - Not Multipart!"); } Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart floorplan; floorplan = body.getFile("floorplan"); if (floorplan == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot find the floor plan file in your request!"); } Map<String, String[]> urlenc = body.asFormUrlEncoded(); String json_str = urlenc.get("json")[0]; //System.out.println("json: " + json_str); if (json_str == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot find json in the request!"); } JsonNode json = null; try { json = JsonUtils.getJsonTree(json_str); } catch (IOException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot parse json in the request!"); }"Floorplan Request[json]: " + json.toString());"Floorplan Request[floorplan]: " + floorplan.getFile().getAbsolutePath()); //// Request has the required parts so now process the json data List<String> requiredMissing = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "buid", "floor_number", "bottom_left_lat", "bottom_left_lng", "top_right_lat", "top_right_lng"); if (!requiredMissing.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(requiredMissing); } String buid = json.path("buid").textValue(); String floor_number = json.path("floor_number").textValue(); String bottom_left_lat = json.path("bottom_left_lat").textValue(); String bottom_left_lng = json.path("bottom_left_lng").textValue(); String top_right_lat = json.path("top_right_lat").textValue(); String top_right_lng = json.path("top_right_lng").textValue(); String fuid = Floor.getId(buid, floor_number); try { ObjectNode stored_floor = (ObjectNode) ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().getFromKeyAsJson(fuid); if (stored_floor == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor does not exist or could not be retrieved!"); } // update the Floor document in couchbase to include the floor plan's coordinates stored_floor.put("bottom_left_lat", bottom_left_lat); stored_floor.put("bottom_left_lng", bottom_left_lng); stored_floor.put("top_right_lat", top_right_lat); stored_floor.put("top_right_lng", top_right_lng); if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().replaceJsonDocument(fuid, 0, stored_floor.toString())) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Floor plan could not be updated in the database!"); } } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Error while reading from our backend service!"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // store the new floor plan on the server File floor_file; try { floor_file = AnyPlaceTilerHelper.storeFloorPlanToServer(buid, floor_number, floorplan.getFile()); } catch (AnyPlaceException e) { // TODO - I should put the old couchbase object in the database return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Cannot save floor plan on the server!"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Now we should start the tiling process in order to create the tiles for the floor plan String top_left_lat = top_right_lat; String top_left_lng = bottom_left_lng; try { AnyPlaceTilerHelper.tileImage(floor_file, top_left_lat, top_left_lng); } catch (AnyPlaceException e) { // TODO - I should put the old couchbase object in the database return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request("Could not create floor plan tiles on the server!"); }"Successfully tiled [" + floor_file.toString() + "]"); return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Successfully updated floor plan!"); } public static Result addAccount() { // create the Request and check it OAuth2Request anyReq = new OAuth2Request(request(), response()); if (!anyReq.assertJsonBody()) { return AnyResponseHelper.bad_request(AnyResponseHelper.CANNOT_PARSE_BODY_AS_JSON); } JsonNode json = anyReq.getJsonBody();"AnyplaceAccounts::addAccount():: "); // check if there is any required parameter missing List<String> notFound = JsonUtils.requirePropertiesInJson(json, "access_token", "type"); if (!notFound.isEmpty()) { return AnyResponseHelper.requiredFieldsMissing(notFound); } // get access token from url and check it against google's service if (json.findValue("access_token") == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } String owner_id = verifyOwnerId(json.findValue("access_token").textValue()); if (owner_id == null) { return AnyResponseHelper.forbidden("Unauthorized"); } owner_id = appendToOwnerId(owner_id); ((ObjectNode) json).put("owner_id", owner_id); Account newAccount = new Account(json); try { if (!ProxyDataSource.getIDatasource().addJsonDocument(newAccount.getId(), 0, newAccount.toValidCouchJson())) { return AnyResponseHelper.ok("Returning user."); } ObjectNode res = JsonUtils.createObjectNode(); return AnyResponseHelper.ok("New user."); } catch (DatasourceException e) { return AnyResponseHelper.internal_server_error("Server Internal Error [" + e.getMessage() + "]"); } } private static boolean isBuildingOwner(ObjectNode building, String userId) { // Check if owner if (building != null && building.get("owner_id") != null && building.get("owner_id").textValue().equals(userId)) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean isBuildingCoOwner(ObjectNode building, String userId) { JsonNode cws = null; if (building != null && (cws = building.get("co_owners")) != null) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = cws.elements(); while (it.hasNext()) { if ( { return true; } } } return false; } // TODO: Move to util class /** * Should check if Request Headers accept gzip encoding * <p> * Creates a response with a gzipped string. Changes the content-type. */ private static Results.Status gzippedJSONOk(final String body) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream gzip = gzip(body); response().setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); response().setHeader("Content-Length", gzip.size() + ""); response().setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); return ok(gzip.toByteArray()); } private static Results.Status gzippedOk(final String body) throws IOException { final ByteArrayOutputStream gzip = gzip(body); response().setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); response().setHeader("Content-Length", gzip.size() + ""); return ok(gzip.toByteArray()); } //solution from James Ward for Play 1 and every request: private static ByteArrayOutputStream gzip(final String input) throws IOException { final InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()); final ByteArrayOutputStream stringOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream((int) (input.length() * 0.75)); final OutputStream gzipOutputStream = new GZIPOutputStream(stringOutputStream); final byte[] buf = new byte[5000]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { gzipOutputStream.write(buf, 0, len); } inputStream.close(); gzipOutputStream.close(); return stringOutputStream; } }