List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements
public Iterator<JsonNode> elements()
From source
public static ObjectNode elasticSearchFlowJobs(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) { ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject(); Long count = 0L;//from w w w. j a v a2s. co m List<FlowJob> pagedFlows = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject(); queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size); queryNode.put("size", size); JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateFlowJobAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt); if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) { queryNode.set("query", searchNode); } Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS .url(Play.application().configuration().getString(SearchDAO.ELASTICSEARCH_FLOW_URL_KEY)) .post(queryNode); JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson(); resultNode.put("page", page); resultNode.put("category", "Flows"); resultNode.put("isFlowJob", true); resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size); if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) { JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits"); if (hitsNode != null) { if (hitsNode.has("total")) { count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong(); } if (hitsNode.has("hits")) { JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits"); if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements(); if (arrayIterator != null) { while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode node =; if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) { FlowJob flowJob = new FlowJob(); if (node.has("_source")) { JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source"); if (sourceNode != null) { if (sourceNode.has("app_code")) { flowJob.appCode = sourceNode.get("app_code").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("app_id")) { flowJob.appId = sourceNode.get("app_id").asInt(); } if (sourceNode.has("flow_id")) { flowJob.flowId = sourceNode.get("flow_id").asLong(); } if (sourceNode.has("flow_name")) { flowJob.flowName = sourceNode.get("flow_name").asText(); flowJob.displayName = flowJob.flowName; } if (sourceNode.has("flow_path")) { flowJob.flowPath = sourceNode.get("flow_path").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("flow_group")) { flowJob.flowGroup = sourceNode.get("flow_group").asText(); } = "#/flows/name/" + flowJob.appCode + "/" + Long.toString(flowJob.flowId) + "/page/1?urn=" + flowJob.flowGroup; flowJob.path = flowJob.appCode + "/" + flowJob.flowPath; flowJob.schema = sourceNode.toString(); } } pagedFlows.add(flowJob); } } } } } } } resultNode.put("count", count); resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size))); resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedFlows)); return resultNode; }
From source
public static ObjectNode elasticSearchMetric(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) { ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject(); Long count = 0L;// w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m List<Metric> pagedMetrics = new ArrayList<>(); ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject(); queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size); queryNode.put("size", size); JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateMetricAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt); if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) { queryNode.set("query", searchNode); } Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS .url(Play.application().configuration().getString(SearchDAO.ELASTICSEARCH_METRIC_URL_KEY)) .post(queryNode); JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson(); resultNode.put("page", page); resultNode.put("category", "Metrics"); resultNode.put("isMetrics", true); resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size); if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) { JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits"); if (hitsNode != null) { if (hitsNode.has("total")) { count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong(); } if (hitsNode.has("hits")) { JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits"); if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements(); if (arrayIterator != null) { while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode node =; if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) { Metric metric = new Metric(); = node.get("_id").asInt(); if (node.has("_source")) { JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source"); if (sourceNode != null) { if (sourceNode.has("metric_name")) { = sourceNode.get("metric_name").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("metric_description")) { metric.description = sourceNode.get("metric_description").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("dashboard_name")) { metric.dashboardName = sourceNode.get("dashboard_name").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("metric_group")) { = sourceNode.get("metric_group").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("metric_category")) { metric.category = sourceNode.get("metric_category").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("urn")) { metric.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText(); } if (sourceNode.has("metric_source")) { metric.source = sourceNode.get("metric_source").asText(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(metric.source)) { metric.source = null; } } metric.schema = sourceNode.toString(); } } pagedMetrics.add(metric); } } } } } } } resultNode.put("count", count); resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size))); resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedMetrics)); return resultNode; }
From source
@Before public void before() throws Exception { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(new JsonFactory()); String resourcePath = "internal/api/1.3/steering.json"; InputStream inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); if (inputStream == null) { fail("Could not find file '" + resourcePath + "' needed for test from the current classpath as a resource!"); }// w w w .j av a2 s . c om Set<String> steeringDeliveryServices = new HashSet<String>(); JsonNode steeringData = objectMapper.readTree(inputStream).get("response"); Iterator<JsonNode> elements = steeringData.elements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode ds =; String dsId = ds.get("deliveryService").asText(); steeringDeliveryServices.add(dsId); } resourcePath = "publish/CrConfig.json"; inputStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); if (inputStream == null) { fail("Could not find file '" + resourcePath + "' needed for test from the current classpath as a resource!"); } JsonNode jsonNode = objectMapper.readTree(inputStream); deliveryServiceId = null; Iterator<String> deliveryServices = jsonNode.get("deliveryServices").fieldNames(); while (deliveryServices.hasNext()) { String dsId =; if (steeringDeliveryServices.contains(dsId)) { continue; } JsonNode deliveryServiceNode = jsonNode.get("deliveryServices").get(dsId); Iterator<JsonNode> matchsets = deliveryServiceNode.get("matchsets").iterator(); while (matchsets.hasNext() && deliveryServiceId == null) { if ("HTTP".equals("protocol").asText())) { final boolean sslEnabled = JsonUtils.optBoolean(deliveryServiceNode, "sslEnabled"); if (!sslEnabled) { deliveryServiceId = dsId; deliveryServiceDomain = deliveryServiceNode.get("domains").get(0).asText(); } } } } assertThat(deliveryServiceId, not(nullValue())); assertThat(deliveryServiceDomain, not(nullValue())); assertThat(httpsOnlyId, not(nullValue())); assertThat(httpsOnlyDomain, not(nullValue())); Iterator<String> cacheIds = jsonNode.get("contentServers").fieldNames(); while (cacheIds.hasNext()) { String cacheId =; JsonNode cacheNode = jsonNode.get("contentServers").get(cacheId); if (!cacheNode.has("deliveryServices")) { continue; } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(deliveryServiceId)) { int port = cacheNode.get("port").asInt(); String portText = (port == 80) ? "" : ":" + port; validLocations.add("http://" + cacheId + "." + deliveryServiceDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); validLocations.add("http://" + cacheId + "." + deliveryServiceDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(httpsOnlyId)) { int port = cacheNode.has("httpsPort") ? cacheNode.get("httpsPort").asInt(443) : 443; String portText = (port == 443) ? "" : ":" + port; httpsOnlyLocations.add("https://" + cacheId + "." + httpsOnlyDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(httpsNoCertsId)) { int port = cacheNode.has("httpsPort") ? cacheNode.get("httpsPort").asInt(443) : 443; String portText = (port == 443) ? "" : ":" + port; httpsNoCertsLocations.add("https://" + cacheId + "." + httpsNoCertsDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(httpAndHttpsId)) { int port = cacheNode.has("httpsPort") ? cacheNode.get("httpsPort").asInt(443) : 443; String portText = (port == 443) ? "" : ":" + port; httpAndHttpsLocations.add("https://" + cacheId + "." + httpAndHttpsDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); port = cacheNode.has("port") ? cacheNode.get("port").asInt(80) : 80; portText = (port == 80) ? "" : ":" + port; httpAndHttpsLocations.add("http://" + cacheId + "." + httpAndHttpsDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(httpToHttpsId)) { int port = cacheNode.has("httpsPort") ? cacheNode.get("httpsPort").asInt(443) : 443; String portText = (port == 443) ? "" : ":" + port; httpToHttpsLocations.add("https://" + cacheId + "." + httpToHttpsDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } if (cacheNode.get("deliveryServices").has(httpOnlyId)) { int port = cacheNode.has("port") ? cacheNode.get("port").asInt(80) : 80; String portText = (port == 80) ? "" : ":" + port; httpOnlyLocations.add("http://" + cacheId + "." + httpOnlyDomain + portText + "/stuff?fakeClientIpAddress="); } } assertThat(validLocations.isEmpty(), equalTo(false)); assertThat(httpsOnlyLocations.isEmpty(), equalTo(false)); trustStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType()); InputStream keystoreStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("keystore.jks"); trustStore.load(keystoreStream, "changeit".toCharArray()); TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()).init(trustStore); httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create() .setSSLSocketFactory(new ClientSslSocketFactory("")) .setSSLHostnameVerifier(new TestHostnameVerifier()).disableRedirectHandling().build(); }
From source
/** * Make remote call to list all user assets, then parse and cache them. * //from w w w . ja v a 2s .com * @throws SiteWhereException */ protected ICommandResponse cacheAssetData() throws SiteWhereException { assetCache.clear();"Caching search data."); int totalAssets = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); JsonNode json = doGet(getScimUsersUrl(), JsonNode.class); try { JsonNode resources = json.get(IScimFields.RESOURCES); if (resources == null) { String message = "SCIM JSON response did not contain a 'resources' section.";; return new CommandResponse(CommandResult.Failed, message); } Iterator<JsonNode> it = resources.elements(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode resource =; PersonAsset asset = parse(resource); assetCache.put(asset.getId(), asset); totalAssets++; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new SiteWhereException("Unable to read asset response.", e); } long totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; String message = "Cached " + totalAssets + " assets in " + totalTime + "ms.";; return new CommandResponse(CommandResult.Successful, message); }
From source
private String checkLessonCountByGroup(String lessons) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException { String resultString = ""; ObjectNode rootNode1 = mapper.readValue("{\"lessons\":[" + lessons + "]}", ObjectNode.class); JsonNode lessonsNode1 = rootNode1.get("lessons"); HashMap<String, Integer> groupMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); HashMap<String, String> groupNameMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); ValueComparator bvc = new ValueComparator(groupNameMap); TreeMap<String, String> sortedGroupNameMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(bvc); groupMap.put("all", 0); if (lessonsNode1 != null && lessonsNode1.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> it = lessonsNode1.elements(); while (it.hasNext()) { JsonNode lesson =; if (lesson.get("id") != null && !lesson.get("status").textValue().equalsIgnoreCase("deleted") && lesson.get("group") != null && !lesson.get("group").textValue().isEmpty()) { if (groupMap.containsKey(lesson.get("group").textValue())) groupMap.put(lesson.get("group").textValue(), groupMap.get(lesson.get("group").textValue()) + 1); else groupMap.put(lesson.get("group").textValue(), 1); groupNameMap.put(lesson.get("group").textValue(), lesson.get("groupName").textValue()); }//from w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m groupMap.put("all", groupMap.get("all") + 1); } } sortedGroupNameMap.putAll(groupNameMap); int count = 0; for (String group : groupMap.keySet()) { if (!group.equals("all")) { count += groupMap.get(group); } } for (String group : sortedGroupNameMap.keySet()) { if (!resultString.isEmpty()) resultString += ", "; resultString += groupNameMap.get(group) + "(" + groupMap.get(group) + ")"; } resultString = "Lessons(" + count + "/" + groupMap.get("all") + "); " + resultString; return resultString; }
From source
private List<JsonSupportNode> getChildrenJsonNodes(JsonNode jsonNode) { List<JsonSupportNode> children = new ArrayList<JsonSupportNode>(); if (jsonNode.isArray() && jsonNode.equals(jsonRoot)) { // Assumption: consider the first element as a template jsonNode = jsonNode.get(0);//from ww w. j ava2s . com } Iterator<String> fieldNames = jsonNode.fieldNames(); while (fieldNames.hasNext()) { String name =; JsonNode tmpNode = jsonNode.get(name); if (tmpNode.isObject()) { JsonSupportNode child = new JsonSupportNode(); child.setNodeText(name); List<JsonSupportNode> innerChildren = getChildrenJsonNodes(tmpNode); for (JsonSupportNode innerChild : innerChildren) { innerChild.setParent(child, -1); } getJsonNodesMap().put(child, tmpNode); children.add(child); } else if (tmpNode.isArray()) { Iterator<JsonNode> elements = tmpNode.elements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode el =; JsonSupportNode child = new JsonSupportNode(); child.setNodeText(name); List<JsonSupportNode> innerChildren = getChildrenJsonNodes(el); for (JsonSupportNode innerChild : innerChildren) { innerChild.setParent(child, -1); } getJsonNodesMap().put(child, el); children.add(child); } } else if (tmpNode.isValueNode()) { JsonSupportNode child = new JsonSupportNode(); child.setNodeText(name); getJsonNodesMap().put(child, tmpNode); children.add(child); } } return children; }
From source
private void loadKeywords(JsonNode keywords) { Iterator<JsonNode> keywordsIterator = keywords.elements(); this.keywords.clear(); while (keywordsIterator.hasNext()) { this.keywords.add(; }// w ww . j a va 2s. co m }
From source
private Map<String, Double> processResponeForMetrics(String responseString, ElasticSearchRequest esRequest) throws JsonParseException, JsonMappingException, IOException { Map<String, Double> queryMetrics = Maps.newHashMap(); if (esRequest.getQueryDisplayName() != null) { String queryName = esRequest.getQueryDisplayName(); for (Metric metric : esRequest.getMetrics()) { if (metric.getJsonPathInResponse() != null) { String[] paths = metric.getJsonPathInResponse().trim().split(">"); JsonNode jsonNode = new ObjectMapper().readValue(responseString.getBytes(), JsonNode.class); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { jsonNode = jsonNode.path(paths[i].trim()); }/*from www .j a va 2s . c om*/ if (jsonNode.isNumber()) { Double metricValue = jsonNode.asDouble(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(queryName).append(METRIC_SEPARATOR) .append(buildMetricDisplayName(metric)); String metricName = sb.toString(); queryMetrics.put(metricName, metricValue); } else if (jsonNode.isArray()) { int i = 0; Iterator<JsonNode> elements = jsonNode.elements(); while (elements.hasNext()) { JsonNode elementNode =; Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> fields = elementNode.fields(); while (fields.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> entry =; if (entry.getValue().isNumber()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(queryName).append(METRIC_SEPARATOR) .append(buildMetricDisplayName(metric)); String metricName = sb.append(METRIC_SEPARATOR).toString() + i + METRIC_SEPARATOR + entry.getKey(); Double metricValue = entry.getValue().asDouble(); queryMetrics.put(metricName, metricValue); } } i++; } } } } } else { logger.error("queryDisplayName cannot be null for " + esRequest.getQuery()); } return queryMetrics; }
From source
public static void setDatabaseFieldProperties(String dbName, String field_name, String propName, ObjectNode objNode) throws IOException { InputStream jsonstream = null; try {//from ww w.j a va2 s .c o m DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(new AuthScope("localhost", 8002), new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin")); HttpGet getrequest = new HttpGet( "http://localhost:8002" + "/manage/v2/databases/" + dbName + "/properties?format=json"); HttpResponse response1 = client.execute(getrequest); jsonstream = response1.getEntity().getContent(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode jnode = mapper.readTree(jsonstream); if (!jnode.isNull() && jnode.has("field")) { JsonNode fieldNode = jnode.withArray("field"); Iterator<JsonNode> fnode = fieldNode.elements(); while (fnode.hasNext()) { JsonNode fnchild =; if ((fnchild.path("field-name").asText()).equals(field_name)) { // System.out.println("Hurray" +fnchild.has(propName)); if (!fnchild.has(propName)) { ((ObjectNode) fnchild).putArray(propName).addAll(objNode.withArray(propName)); // System.out.println("Adding child array include node" + jnode.toString()); } else { JsonNode member = fnchild.withArray(propName); ((ArrayNode) member).addAll(objNode.withArray(propName)); } } } HttpPut put = new HttpPut( "http://localhost:8002" + "/manage/v2/databases/" + dbName + "/properties?format=json"); put.addHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); put.setEntity(new StringEntity(jnode.toString())); HttpResponse response2 = client.execute(put); HttpEntity respEntity = response2.getEntity(); if (respEntity != null) { String content = EntityUtils.toString(respEntity); System.out.println(content); } } else { System.out.println("REST call for database properties returned NULL \n" + jnode.toString() + "\n" + response1.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } } catch (Exception e) { // writing error to Log e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (jsonstream == null) { } else { jsonstream.close(); } } }