Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:com.digitalpebble.storm.crawler.filtering.URLFilters.java

public void configure(Map stormConf, JsonNode jsonNode) {
    // initialises the filters
    List<URLFilter> filterLists = new ArrayList<>();

    // get the filters part
    String name = getClass().getCanonicalName();
    jsonNode = jsonNode.get(name);// w  w w . j  av a  2s.  com

    if (jsonNode == null) {
        LOG.info("No field {} in JSON config. Skipping", name);
        filters = new URLFilter[0];

    // conf node contains a list of objects
    Iterator<JsonNode> filterIter = jsonNode.elements();
    while (filterIter.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode afilterNode = filterIter.next();
        String filterName = "<unnamed>";
        JsonNode nameNode = afilterNode.get("name");
        if (nameNode != null) {
            filterName = nameNode.textValue();
        JsonNode classNode = afilterNode.get("class");
        if (classNode == null) {
            LOG.error("Filter {} doesn't specified a 'class' attribute", filterName);
        String className = classNode.textValue().trim();
        filterName += '[' + className + ']';

        // check that it is available and implements the interface URLFilter
        try {
            Class<?> filterClass = Class.forName(className);
            boolean interfaceOK = URLFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(filterClass);
            if (!interfaceOK) {
                LOG.error("Class {} does not implement URLFilter", className);
            URLFilter filterInstance = (URLFilter) filterClass.newInstance();

            JsonNode paramNode = afilterNode.get("params");
            if (paramNode != null) {
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, paramNode);
            } else {
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, NullNode.getInstance());

            LOG.info("Loaded instance of class {}", className);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Can't setup {}: {}", filterName, e);

    filters = filterLists.toArray(new URLFilter[filterLists.size()]);

From source file:com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler.protocol.selenium.NavigationFilters.java

@Override//from   w  ww . j ava  2 s  .  c o  m
public void configure(Map stormConf, JsonNode filtersConf) {
    // initialises the filters
    List<NavigationFilter> filterLists = new ArrayList<>();

    // get the filters part
    String name = getClass().getCanonicalName();
    filtersConf = filtersConf.get(name);

    if (filtersConf == null) {
        LOG.info("No field {} in JSON config. Skipping", name);
        filters = new NavigationFilter[0];

    // conf node contains a list of objects
    Iterator<JsonNode> filterIter = filtersConf.elements();
    while (filterIter.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode afilterConf = filterIter.next();
        String filterName = "<unnamed>";
        JsonNode nameNode = afilterConf.get("name");
        if (nameNode != null) {
            filterName = nameNode.textValue();
        JsonNode classNode = afilterConf.get("class");
        if (classNode == null) {
            LOG.error("Filter {} doesn't specified a 'class' attribute", filterName);
        String className = classNode.textValue().trim();
        filterName += '[' + className + ']';
        // check that it is available and implements the interface
        // NavigationFilter
        try {
            Class<?> filterClass = Class.forName(className);
            boolean subClassOK = NavigationFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(filterClass);
            if (!subClassOK) {
                LOG.error("Filter {} does not extend NavigationFilter", filterName);
            NavigationFilter filterInstance = (NavigationFilter) filterClass.newInstance();

            JsonNode paramNode = afilterConf.get("params");
            if (paramNode != null) {
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, paramNode);
            } else {
                // Pass in a nullNode if missing
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, NullNode.getInstance());

            LOG.info("Setup {}", filterName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Can't setup {}: {}", filterName, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't setup " + filterName, e);

    filters = filterLists.toArray(new NavigationFilter[filterLists.size()]);

From source file:com.digitalpebble.storm.crawler.parse.ParseFilters.java

@Override//from w w w .  j a v  a  2  s.com
public void configure(Map stormConf, JsonNode filtersConf) {
    // initialises the filters
    List<ParseFilter> filterLists = new ArrayList<>();

    // get the filters part
    String name = getClass().getCanonicalName();
    filtersConf = filtersConf.get(name);

    if (filtersConf == null) {
        LOG.info("No field {} in JSON config. Skipping", name);
        filters = new ParseFilter[0];

    // conf node contains a list of objects
    Iterator<JsonNode> filterIter = filtersConf.elements();
    while (filterIter.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode afilterConf = filterIter.next();
        String filterName = "<unnamed>";
        JsonNode nameNode = afilterConf.get("name");
        if (nameNode != null) {
            filterName = nameNode.textValue();
        JsonNode classNode = afilterConf.get("class");
        if (classNode == null) {
            LOG.error("Filter {} doesn't specified a 'class' attribute", filterName);
        String className = classNode.textValue().trim();
        filterName += '[' + className + ']';
        // check that it is available and implements the interface
        // ParseFilter
        try {
            Class<?> filterClass = Class.forName(className);
            boolean subClassOK = ParseFilter.class.isAssignableFrom(filterClass);
            if (!subClassOK) {
                LOG.error("Filter {} does not extend ParseFilter", filterName);
            ParseFilter filterInstance = (ParseFilter) filterClass.newInstance();

            JsonNode paramNode = afilterConf.get("params");
            if (paramNode != null) {
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, paramNode);
            } else {
                // Pass in a nullNode if missing
                filterInstance.configure(stormConf, NullNode.getInstance());

            LOG.info("Setup {}", filterName);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Can't setup {}: {}", filterName, e);
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't setup " + filterName, e);

    filters = filterLists.toArray(new ParseFilter[filterLists.size()]);

From source file:org.apache.drill.exec.store.http.HttpRecordReader.java

private void parseResult(String content) {
    String key = scanSpec.getResultKey();
    JsonNode root = (key == null || key.length() == 0) ? JsonConverter.parse(content)
            : JsonConverter.parse(content, key);
    if (root != null) {
        logger.debug("response object count {}", root.size());
        jsonIt = root.elements();
    }/*from   w w w  .  ja v a2s. c  om*/

From source file:org.apache.olingo.commons.core.data.AbstractJsonDeserializer.java

protected void value(final JSONPropertyImpl property, final JsonNode node) {
    final EdmTypeInfo typeInfo = StringUtils.isBlank(property.getType()) ? null
            : new EdmTypeInfo.Builder().setTypeExpression(property.getType()).build();

    final ODataPropertyType propType = typeInfo == null ? guessPropertyType(node)
            : typeInfo.isCollection() ? ODataPropertyType.COLLECTION
                    : typeInfo.isPrimitiveType() ? ODataPropertyType.PRIMITIVE : ODataPropertyType.COMPLEX;

    switch (propType) {
    case COLLECTION:
        property.setValue(fromCollection(node.elements(), typeInfo));
        break;/*from  ww w  .  j  av  a  2 s  . c  om*/

    case COMPLEX:
        if (node.has(Constants.JSON_TYPE)) {
            ((ObjectNode) node).remove(Constants.JSON_TYPE);

    case PRIMITIVE:
        if (property.getType() == null) {
        property.setValue(fromPrimitive(node, typeInfo));

    case EMPTY:
        property.setValue(new PrimitiveValueImpl(StringUtils.EMPTY));

From source file:com.alliander.osgp.shared.usermanagement.KeycloakClient.java

private boolean useSessionIdForClients(final JsonNode clientsObject) {
    final Iterator<JsonNode> clientNameNodeIterator = clientsObject.elements();
    while (clientNameNodeIterator.hasNext()) {
        final JsonNode clientName = clientNameNodeIterator.next();
        if (clientName == null || !clientName.isTextual()) {
            LOGGER.warn("value in clients is not a JSON text node with a client name");
        }// w w  w  .  j a v  a  2  s . c o m
        if (clientName.textValue().equals(this.loginClient)) {
            return true;
    return false;

From source file:com.unboundid.scim2.common.DiffTestCase.java

private void removeNullNodes(JsonNode object) {
    Iterator<JsonNode> i = object.elements();
    while (i.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode field = i.next();//  w  w  w .  j a  va 2s. c om
        if (field.isNull() || (field.isArray() && field.size() == 0)) {
        } else {

From source file:org.opendaylight.alto.core.northbound.route.endpointproperty.impl.AltoNorthboundRouteEndpointproperty.java

@POST/*ww w. j a va 2s .co  m*/
public Response getEndpointProperty(@PathParam("path") String path, String content) {
    JsonNode filterNode = EndpointpropertyRouteChecker.checkJsonSyntax(content);
    JsonNode _properties = filterNode.get(FIELD_PROPERTIES);
    EndpointpropertyRouteChecker.checkMissing(_properties, FIELD_PROPERTIES);
    EndpointpropertyRouteChecker.checkList(_properties, FIELD_PROPERTIES);

    JsonNode _endpoints = filterNode.get(FIELD_ENDPOINTS);
    EndpointpropertyRouteChecker.checkMissing(_endpoints, FIELD_ENDPOINTS);
    EndpointpropertyRouteChecker.checkList(_endpoints, FIELD_ENDPOINTS);

    QueryInput input = prepareInput(path, _properties.elements(), _endpoints.elements());

    Future<RpcResult<QueryOutput>> outputFuture = mapService.query(input);
    QueryOutput output = null;
    try {
        output = outputFuture.get().getResult();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.warn("get output failed:", e);
    Response response = null;
    try {
        response = buildOutput(input, output);
    } catch (Exception E) {

    if (response != null)
        return response;
        return Response.status(404).build();

From source file:dao.AdvSearchDAO.java

public static ObjectNode elasticSearch(JsonNode searchOpt, int page, int size) {
    ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
    Long count = 0L;//  www.j  a  v a 2 s.c o m
    List<Dataset> pagedDatasets = new ArrayList<>();
    ObjectNode queryNode = Json.newObject();
    queryNode.put("from", (page - 1) * size);
    queryNode.put("size", size);

    JsonNode searchNode = utils.Search.generateDatasetAdvSearchQueryString(searchOpt);

    if (searchNode != null && searchNode.isContainerNode()) {
        queryNode.set("query", searchNode);
    Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise = WS
    JsonNode responseNode = responsePromise.get(1000).asJson();

    resultNode.put("page", page);
    resultNode.put("category", "Datasets");
    resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size);

    if (responseNode != null && responseNode.isContainerNode() && responseNode.has("hits")) {
        JsonNode hitsNode = responseNode.get("hits");
        if (hitsNode != null) {
            if (hitsNode.has("total")) {
                count = hitsNode.get("total").asLong();
            if (hitsNode.has("hits")) {
                JsonNode dataNode = hitsNode.get("hits");
                if (dataNode != null && dataNode.isArray()) {
                    Iterator<JsonNode> arrayIterator = dataNode.elements();
                    if (arrayIterator != null) {
                        while (arrayIterator.hasNext()) {
                            JsonNode node = arrayIterator.next();
                            if (node.isContainerNode() && node.has("_id")) {
                                Dataset dataset = new Dataset();
                                dataset.id = node.get("_id").asLong();
                                if (node.has("_source")) {
                                    JsonNode sourceNode = node.get("_source");
                                    if (sourceNode != null) {
                                        if (sourceNode.has("name")) {
                                            dataset.name = sourceNode.get("name").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("source")) {
                                            dataset.source = sourceNode.get("source").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("urn")) {
                                            dataset.urn = sourceNode.get("urn").asText();
                                        if (sourceNode.has("schema")) {
                                            dataset.schema = sourceNode.get("schema").asText();
    resultNode.put("count", count);
    resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size)));
    resultNode.set("data", Json.toJson(pagedDatasets));
    return resultNode;