Example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements

List of usage examples for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements


In this page you can find the example usage for com.fasterxml.jackson.databind JsonNode elements.


public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() 

Source Link


From source file:com.baidubce.services.moladb.model.transform.WriteRequestListUnmarshaller.java

public List<WriteRequest> unmarshall(JsonNode root) throws Exception {
    List<WriteRequest> list = new ArrayList<WriteRequest>();
    Iterator<JsonNode> reqs = root.elements();
    while (reqs.hasNext()) {
        WriteRequestUnmarshaller unmarshaller = new WriteRequestUnmarshaller();
        WriteRequest writeReq = unmarshaller.unmarshall(reqs.next());
        list.add(writeReq);//  w ww  . j a  v  a  2 s  . c  o  m
    return list;

From source file:com.baidubce.services.moladb.model.transform.KeysAndAttributesUnmarshaller.java

private List<String> deserializeAttributes(JsonNode jsonObj) {
    List<String> attributes = new ArrayList<String>();
    Iterator<JsonNode> elements = jsonObj.elements();
    while (elements.hasNext()) {
    }//ww  w .j a v a2s .com
    return attributes;

From source file:com.baidubce.services.moladb.model.transform.KeysAndAttributesUnmarshaller.java

private List<Key> deserializeKeys(JsonNode jsonObj) throws Exception {
    List<Key> keyList = new ArrayList<Key>();
    Iterator<JsonNode> keys = jsonObj.elements();
    while (keys.hasNext()) {
        KeyUnmarshaller unmarshaller = new KeyUnmarshaller();
        Key key = unmarshaller.unmarshall(keys.next());
        keyList.add(key);// w  ww.j  a  v a2 s . c  om
    return keyList;

From source file:io.gravitee.definition.jackson.datatype.api.deser.PathDeserializer.java

public Path deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
    JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp);

    Path pathDefinition = new Path();

    if (node.isArray()) {
        node.elements().forEachRemaining(jsonNode -> {
            try {
                Rule rule = jsonNode.traverse(jp.getCodec()).readValueAs(Rule.class);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                e.printStackTrace();/*from   w w w .java  2  s.c  o m*/

    return pathDefinition;

From source file:alpine.json.TrimmedStringArrayDeserializer.java

public String[] deserialize(JsonParser jsonParser, DeserializationContext context) throws IOException {
    final List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
    final JsonNode node = jsonParser.readValueAsTree();
    if (node.isArray()) {
        final Iterator elements = node.elements();
        while (elements.hasNext()) {
            final JsonNode childNode = (JsonNode) elements.next();
            final String value = StringUtils.trimToNull(childNode.asText());
            if (value != null) {
                list.add(value);//from w  ww . j  a  va 2s  .co m
    if (list.size() == 0) {
        return null;
    } else {
        return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]);

From source file:com.enitalk.controllers.bots.FillWordsRunnable.java

public void sendCandidates(String url, Integer type) {
    try {/*from  w w w. jav  a2s  . c  o  m*/
        Response json = Request.Get(url).execute();
        String rs = json.returnContent().asString();
        JsonNode randomContent = jackson.readTree(rs);

        Iterator<JsonNode> els = randomContent.elements();
        while (els.hasNext()) {
            ObjectNode el = (ObjectNode) els.next();
            if (Character.isUpperCase(el.path("word").asText().charAt(0))
                    || StringUtils.contains(el.path("word").asText(), " ")) {
            } else {
                el.put("type", type);
                rabbit.send("words", MessageBuilder.withBody(jackson.writeValueAsBytes(el)).build());

    } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:com.github.restdriver.matchers.ContainingValue.java

public boolean matchesSafely(JsonNode node) {

    if (!node.isArray()) {
        return false;
    }//from  w ww  . ja va  2 s.  com

    Iterator<JsonNode> nodeIterator = node.elements();

    while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {

        String value = nodeIterator.next().textValue();

        if (matcher.matches(value)) {
            return true;

    return false;

From source file:la.alsocan.jsonshapeshifter.schemas.SchemaObjectNode.java

protected SchemaObjectNode withResolvedChildren(JsonNode node) {
    JsonNode props = node.get("properties");

    // untyped objects not supported
    if (props == null) {
        throw new UnsupportedJsonSchemaException("Untyped objects are currently not supported");
    }/*from   www. j ava  2s .  c om*/

    // collect required element names
    Set<String> reqSet = new HashSet<>();
    JsonNode reqs = node.get("required");
    if (reqs != null) {
        Iterator<JsonNode> itReqs = reqs.elements();
        while (itReqs.hasNext()) {

    // build children elements
    Iterator<String> itName = props.fieldNames();
    Iterator<JsonNode> itNode = props.elements();
    while (itNode.hasNext()) {
        String childName = itName.next();
        SchemaNode typedChild = buildSchemaNode(itNode.next(), childName, path + "/" + childName,
    return this;

From source file:org.fcrepo.camel.reindexing.RestProcessor.java

 * Convert the incoming REST request into the correct
 * Fcrepo header fields./*  w  ww  .  ja  va  2s. com*/
 * @param exchange the current message exchange
public void process(final Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    final Message in = exchange.getIn();

    final String path = in.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, "", String.class);
    final String contentType = in.getHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, "", String.class);
    final String body = in.getBody(String.class);
    final Set<String> endpoints = new HashSet<>();

    for (final String s : in.getHeader(ReindexingHeaders.RECIPIENTS, "", String.class).split(",")) {


    if (contentType.equals("application/json") && body != null && !body.trim().isEmpty()) {
        final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
        try {
            final JsonNode root = mapper.readTree(body);
            final Iterator<JsonNode> ite = root.elements();
            while (ite.hasNext()) {
                final JsonNode n = ite.next();
        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Invalid JSON", e);
            in.setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE, BAD_REQUEST);
            in.setBody("Invalid JSON");

    in.setHeader(FcrepoHeaders.FCREPO_IDENTIFIER, path);
    in.setHeader(ReindexingHeaders.RECIPIENTS, String.join(",", endpoints));

From source file:com.baidubce.services.moladb.model.transform.ItemListUnmarshaller.java

public List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> unmarshall(JsonNode listObj) throws Exception {
    List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> itemList = new ArrayList<Map<String, AttributeValue>>();
    Iterator<JsonNode> itemObjs = listObj.elements();
    while (itemObjs.hasNext()) {
        JsonNode itemObj = itemObjs.next();
        ItemUnmarshaller itemUnmarshaller = new ItemUnmarshaller();
        Map<String, AttributeValue> item = itemUnmarshaller.unmarshall(itemObj);
        itemList.add(item);/*from   w ww  . j  av a 2 s .c om*/
    return itemList;