Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial

List of tutorials for Photoshop Text Neon

How to create an Impressive New Year 2012 card with Neon text in Photoshop CS5 Photoshop,28 Images, 638 words

If you want to learn how to create an impressive card for the holiday, then we have an awesome tutorial for you. I'm going to show you how use brushes and Layer styles in Photoshop CS5 to create eye catching digital illustration with neon text effect..

Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial

Create a fancy neon text effect Photoshop,14 Images, 359 words

Create a fancy neon text effect using adobe photoshop. This tutorial is very short but the outcomes looks sweet! Create new document 1280px x 700px 72dpi. Background color:#000 Now we will add a brick wall to our image. Google search for a brick wall..

Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial

Photoshop Pink Neon Text Effect Photoshop,23 Images, 657 words

In this Photoshop text effects tutorial, we're going to learn how to use Photoshop's Layer Styles to easily make text look as if it's made out of Pink Neon. To create the effect, we're going to be using some "contours" that we'll be loading in, since..

Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial

Neon Text Photoshop,13 Images, 450 words

Title: Neon Text This tutorial will explain how to make an amazing neon text effect. This tutorial works best with a colored background. 1. Create any size document big enough to support the size of your text that you want. Make sure that you make th..

Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial

Photoshopping Neon Text Photoshop,1 Images, 340 words

Neons were invented by accident over 300 years ago when a scientist shook a test tube. At the time though, their discovery was useless because they had no understanding of electricity. It took another 200 years for the concept to be rediscovered, and..

Photoshop Text Neon Tutorial