Photoshop Text Neat Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Text Neat
Create a Quick, Neat Text Effect in CS5 Photoshop,15 Images, 481 words
Now with apply a gradient overlay blending option to your texture layer (settings below): Now create some central text in your canvas. I used Arial, 132pt, -25 kerning, a1feff: Now go to blending options for this layer and apply an outer glow, bevel ..

How to Make Neat Text Paths Photoshop,17 Images, 748 words
Lets begin this tutorial by creating a new document in photo shop. File > New > width: 581 pixels Height: 297 Resolution: 72 Background -transparent Click O.k. With the new document created, make sure you have "Layer 1" selected and color it black wi..

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