Photoshop Text Green Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Text Green
Mystery Green Text Effect in Photoshop Photoshop,24 Images, 318 words
Step 2:- Open the forest image mentioned above. And paste it on our main file. Step 3:- Now create a new layer, for this click on layer> New> Layer. Then select the 'Soft round brush? with 2px size. Now make small stars randomly with color #ffffff. S..

Movie Credits (Green Lantern) Text Effect Photoshop,9 Images, 671 words
In this tutorial we'll try to recreate the end credits from the Green Lantern movie. First, let's get the resources we need. For the purposes of this tutorial, I downloaded the free Boris Black Bloxx font from dafont. If you want to match the results..

Green Text Effect Photoshop,11 Images, 229 words
First off make some text, make sure that it is large and bold like the image below. Now take your text tool and right click and choose rasterize type Hold Ctrl and click on your text layer on your layer pallet to select an outline of your text Now ta..

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