Photoshop Text Fade Tutorial

List of tutorials for Photoshop Text Fade

Unique Color Fade Text Effect Photoshop,14 Images, 196 words

Let's start out by creating a new file. I used a 900x500 pixels canvas set at 72dpi, and I filled my background with a black color. Now create a new layer set and name it 'Text Design'. Select the Horizontal Type Tool and set the font family to Georg..

Photoshop Text Fade Tutorial

Seamless Text Fade Photoshop,8 Images, 184 words

Here's a handy trick to create eye pleasing, seamless blending of text into a textured background. 1. Next, create a simple texture, following these steps. Set foreground ('Black') background ('White'). Then, go to 'Filter/Render/Clouds' (You should ..

Photoshop Text Fade Tutorial