Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Design vortex
Spiral Vortex Photoshop,15 Images, 620 words
Title: Spiral Vortex In this tutorial, you will be making a spiral vortex. This spiral vortex is quite unique and in my opinion, very fun to make. The effects makes a very space like spiral, and with a feel filters it spins itself into a space vortex..
![Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/a/adobenerds_com_view_php_tut_6.jpg)
Vortex Effect Photoshop,9 Images, 141 words
Open Adobe Photoshop and create a new document with the size 400 400 pixels and a black background. Using the Brush Tool, select it from the Tools Tab, draw a shape like in the next picture, but first make another layer in the Layers Tab (set the col..
![Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/d/designtutorials_info_vortex_effect_.jpg)
Warps and Vortexes Photoshop,5 Images, 414 words
In the real world space is, as they say, the final frontier. In the Photoshop realm, however, warp speed is far easier to attain, and uses little more than a basic knowledge of the default tools and a few filters. Step 1: Create a blank 400px by 40..
![Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial Photoshop Design vortex Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/b/biorust_com_index_php_page_tutorial_detail_tutid_26.jpg)
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