Photoshop Design Camouflage Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Design Camouflage
Auto Generated Camouflage Tutorial Photoshop,30 Images, 485 words
:: RGB color mode is used for on Screen product such as Website Design or Desktop Wallpaper, CMYK is used for printing product :: Create a Solid Color Layer by clicking on New Fill or Adjustment Layer icon at Layer Pallete Colour Picker Pallete will ..

Digital Camouflage (Photoshop) Photoshop,5 Images, 689 words
What's up everybody, this is the first tutorial I've ever posted anywhere. Let me know what you think. This digital camo tutorial isn't perfect, but there aren't too many good versions that I've found online. Step 1. Create a new Grayscale document a..

Thermoptic Camouflage Photoshop,11 Images, 901 words
Thermoptic camouflage, commonly known as the technology which allows the 'Predator' to become virtually transparent in the eponymous series of films, has been a popular component of sci-fi ever since it was first shown off in 1987. Whilst modern inte..

Simple Camouflage Photoshop,6 Images, 251 words
From the murky depths of the deepest forests to the frosty desolation of the Siberian wilderness, camouflage is invaluable for breaking up the human silhouette, allowing stealthy approaches towards your prey. It is, however, also deceptively simple ..

Creating Good Camouflage Photoshop,2 Images, 411 words
Creating Camouflage Create your own camouflage using Photoshop's Cloud filter. By Ryan Foss This tutorial explores the methods to make quick and easy camouflage, similar to the image on the right. This image was created in under 15 minutes, and once ..

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