Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Design Apple
How to create singing Apple Photoshop,23 Images, 515 words
In this tutorial you will learn how to make an apple, already listen to the music, sing. In order for it to sing it needs to have a mouth. So let's create a mouth for our music-loving apple! Open the image with the apple in Photoshop. Open the second..
![Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/c/csscreme_com_tutorials_photoshop_tutorials_singing_apple_photoshop_tutorial.jpg)
Green Apple Style Design Photoshop,8 Images, 267 words
Learn in this tutorial how to create interesting and modern wallpaper. Start working by creating a new file (File>New) with 1280 1024 px and 300 dpi. Next we'll select the Rectangle Tool (U) to create the background of the picture we want finally to..
![Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/a/adobetutorialz_com_articles_2970_1_green_apple_style_design.jpg)
An orange inside an apple Photoshop,10 Images, 583 words
Start with a white 1024x849 dokument and color the background by drawing a gradient from the bottom to the top. I used #818181 as foreground color and #ebebeb as background color. This gives the image a nice depth. Cut out the apple using what ever m..
![Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/p/pxleyes_com_tutorial_photoshop_1349_put_an_orange_inside_an_apple_with_zipper_html.jpg)
How to Draw an Ultra Clean Apple Keyboard with Photoshop Photoshop,32 Images, 472 words
Today, we'll be creating a photo-realistic Apple wireless keyboard in Photoshop! In this tutorial, we'll whip-up the main keyboard in a few simple steps and then finish off the image by creating the keys, duplicating them, and adding icons on them! L..
![Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial Photoshop Design Apple Tutorial](../../../PhotoshopImage/p/photoshoptutorials_ws_photoshop_tutorials_drawing_how_to_draw_an_ultra_clean_apple_keyboard_with_photoshop_.jpg)
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