Photoshop Character Hair Paint Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Character Hair Paint
Digital painting - part - how to paint hair Photoshop,51 Images, 357 words
So. Last week we learned to paint a face, but you know, a head with no hair on goodie xD So to day we'll go through the hair painting process :) Note, "painting". Please refer to hair drawing tutorials to learn how to draw the hair, ..

How to Paint Clothes and Hair Using Blending Techniques Photoshop,49 Images, 1951 words
Before going any further I just want to stress the importance of ALT modifier in Photoshop, especially with the brush tool. The brush tool behaves like a color picker when ALT is pressed and when released its just a brush tool. Trust me when I say it..

Hair Painting Tutorial Photoshop,20 Images, 574 words
A basic hair tutorial :) Fear my messy painting! Step 1 - Choose a fairly neutral base color to start with. Step 2 - Decide what color you want the hair to be and start to block in the general shape of your hairstyle. Step 3 - With a darker color, b..

Hair painting tutorial Photoshop,1 Images, 260 words
This is a tutorial which explains my technique to paint hair. I've made some mistakes writing it : it's the "dodge tool" instead of the "burn tool". You can also use a round soft edged brush with opacity and shape set to pen pressure to place the fir..

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