Photoshop Character Makeup Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Character Makeup
Ultimate Makeup Photoshop,24 Images, 3024 words
Every photographer who makes portraits or takes photographs of people, be it a wedding or event photographer, at some point in time encounters a need to retouch the photograph - to make people look better. In this article I will guide you through a s..

How to Apply Eye Makeup Photoshop,8 Images, 702 words
This photoshop tutorial will show you how you can add eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara to any model easily with Photoshop CS. Step1: Open your photo, go to the layer pallete. Create a new layer by clicking the new layer button on your layer pallete, t..

How to Create This Mystical Scene and Add Makeup to a Girl in Photoshop Photoshop,21 Images, 486 words
Learn how to create this artwork of a mysterious lady in desolate environment with Photoshop! This tutorial will teach you how to place a model into a mystic landscape, apply makeup to her, and add mystic lighting effects. Open the model's file and u..

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