Photoshop Character Wrinkle Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Character Wrinkle
Realistic Wrinkled Paper In Photoshop Photoshop,23 Images, 1152 words
In this weeks tutorial I'll be walking you through the process of creating a realistic wrinkled paper effect. Create a new (Ctrl + N) document 800 x 600 pixels with a white (#ffffff) colored background. Right click your background layer and select "L..

Reducing Wrinkles With The Healing Brush In Photoshop Photoshop,17 Images, 1988 words
Written by Steve Patterson. In this tutorial, we'll look at the Healing Brush, by far the best photo retouching tool in all of Photoshop, and how we can use it to easily reduce distracting skin wrinkles in an image. Notice how I said "reduce", not "r..

Wrinkle Removal Photoshop,6 Images, 466 words
Expensive creams and potions from cosmetics companies pledge to remove years from your face, but rarely fully deliver upon their promises. Photoshop, however, comes with several tools that really can make you appear MUCH younger... and they are free ..

Removing Wrinkles and Blemishes Photoshop,6 Images, 326 words
In this tutorial, we will be using the healing brush to remove wrinkles from a photo. This technique can also be used to remove blemishes.. Start by opening the photo you want to remove the wrinkles from. In this photo im using, I want to remove some..

Dramatic Wrinkles Photoshop,3 Images, 139 words
Everyone's trying to mimic this popular Photography trend of grungy photos of old or homeless people. Find out the secret Photoshop technique that makes wrinkles look dramatic and sculptured. [...] : HERE dramatic-wrinkles, effect, effect-works, phot..

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