Photoshop Character Face Tutorial
List of tutorials for Photoshop Character Face
Beautiful Facial Make Up Photoshop Retouching Tutorial Photoshop,42 Images, 625 words
In this tutorial, I will show you how you can dramatically change one woman's face with simple photoshop techniques. I will try to create unrealistic woman portrait. The face will have a plastic look, and I will try to create an effect between a plas..

Create an Amazing Escher-Like Face in Photoshop Photoshop,26 Images, 1674 words
The technique of "unwinding" a face was first explored by the Dutch artist M.C. Escher, who specialized in unlikely and impossible drawings. In this tutorial, you'll start there and add a twist (pun intended) by including a ghosted version of the ori..

Photoshop Android: Mech-A-Face Tutorial Photoshop,16 Images, 1306 words
I thought it would be rude to run a Sci-Fi series here at SurrealPSD without finishing off our 'Photoshop Android' walkthrough. So, here's a tutorial guide showing you how to create an awesome mechanoid face for your android creations - better late t..

Decomposing a face in photoshop Photoshop,14 Images, 926 words
The purpose of this tutorial is to go through some advanced photo manipulation techniques; you will learn to work with masks, filters, selections, etc. This tutorial is a follow-up of 'how to change the skin texture? tutorial that I've posted last we..

Plastic Doll Face Photoshop,22 Images, 716 words
Here is a simple tutorial that uses one of my favorite filters in Photoshop: the Diffuse filter. What strikes me about this technique is the ability to turn any face or image into melting plastic or wax sculpture. And it's very simple to achieve this..

Faces Photoshop,5 Images, 187 words
This is nice, definitely something different. Will have to find a specific use for it though. But thanks for sharing this tutorial! Yer it doesnt really come in handy for much I put it up cause I thought it looks cool Thank you for showing us how to ..

Beautify a Face Photoshop,2 Images, 638 words
This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to beautify a face. The corrections that we're going to do will make the face look different, but at the same time we avoid to make the results look unnatural like we tend to see in other Photoshop tutorials...

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