Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 EaseMob Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import; import; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.activeandroid.query.Select; import com.easemob.EMCallBack; import com.easemob.EMConnectionListener; import com.easemob.EMError; import com.easemob.EMEventListener; import com.easemob.EMNotifierEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.easemob.exceptions.EaseMobException; import com.easemob.util.EMLog; import com.easemob.util.HanziToPinyin; import com.igexin.sdk.PushManager; import com.tencent.smtt.sdk.QbSdk; import com.tencent.smtt.sdk.WebView; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import de.greenrobot.event.EventBus; import retrofit.Callback; import retrofit.RestAdapter; import retrofit.RetrofitError; import retrofit.client.Response; import retrofit.http.GET; import retrofit.http.Path; import retrofit.http.QueryMap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class MainActivity extends HXBaseActivity implements EMEventListener { /** * logger */ protected static final String TAG = "MainActivity"; /// ? private static final long DIALOG_SHOW_TIME = 8 * 1000 + 1250; /** * unread label */ private TextView unreadLabel; private TextView tv_newbangbi; public static String startTime; public static String endTime; /** * unread address label */ private TextView unreadAddressLabel; /** * button for tabs */ private Button[] mTabs; /** * contactListFragment */ // private ContactlistFragment contactListFragment; /** * chat history fragment */ public ChatAllHistoryFragment chatHistoryFragment; /** * setting fragment */ private SettingsFragment settingFragment; /** * index fragment */ private IndexFragment indexFragment; // private SurroundingsFragment surroundingsFragment; // private PeripheryFragment peripheryFragment; private NewSurroundingFrg newSurroundingFrg; /** * me fragment */ private MeFragment meFragment;// /** * array for fragment */ private Fragment[] fragments; // private List<Fragment> fragments; public static int index; private RelativeLayout[] tab_containers; private TextView tv_notifycount; /** * tab index */ private int currentTabIndex; //private NewMessageBroadcastReceiver msgReceiver; /** * login other where */ public boolean isConflict = false; private boolean isNetwork = false; private boolean isVersionUpdate = false; public boolean isX5WebViewEnabled = false; /** * view pager */ private ViewPager viewPager; private String username; private String password; private String groupId; private ChatAllHistoryFProvider mChatAllHistoryFProvider; private UserInfoDetailBean userInfoBean; /** * viewpager adapter */ class PagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter { public PagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) { super(fm); } @Override public int getCount() { return fragments.length; } @Override public Fragment getItem(int arg0) { return fragments[arg0]; } } public void onEvent(NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent event) { if (event != null) { Log.d(TAG + " onEvent", "NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent is not null "); int refreshCode = event.refreshCode; if (handler != null) { // if(indexFragment!=null){ // indexFragment.getLifeCircleCount(handler); // Log.d(TAG+" onEvent","NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent indexFragment getLifeCircleCount "); // // indexFragment.refreshIndexMenu(); // Log.d(TAG+" onEvent","NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent indexFragment refreshIndexMenu "); // // }else{ // Log.d(TAG+" onEvent","NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent indexFragment is null "); // } } else { Log.d(TAG + " onEvent", "NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent handler is null "); } } else { Log.d(TAG + " onEvent", "NewRefreshIndexMenuEvent is null "); } } /** * ? */ @Override public void onEvent(EMNotifierEvent event) { switch (event.getEvent()) { case EventNewMessage: // ? { EMMessage message = (EMMessage) event.getData(); String from = message.getFrom(); Log.i("onion", "mainActivity?" + message.getFrom()); // ?id // if (offlineUser.contains(from)) { // XJMessageHelper.loadOffLineMessage(EMChatManager.getInstance().getConversation(from)); // offlineUser.remove(from); // Log.i("onion", "?"); // } else if (XJMessageHelper.getOrderModel(message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_serial, ""), 201) != null || XJMessageHelper.getOrderModel(message.getStringAttribute("welfareId", ""), 601) != null || XJMessageHelper.getOrderModel(message.getStringAttribute("welfareId", ""), 602) != null) { Log.i("debbug", "?message"); EMConversation conversation = EMChatManager.getInstance().getConversation(message.getFrom()); conversation.removeMessage(message.getMsgId()); EMChatDB.getInstance().deleteMessage(message.getMsgId()); return; } if (!XJMessageHelper.operatNewMessage(getmContext(), message)) { Log.i("onion", "Main??" + message + message.isUnread()); XJContactHelper.saveContact(message); } else { Log.i("onion", ""); refreshUI(); refreshNewBangBiUI(); updateUnreadLabel(); return; } if (message.getChatType() == ChatType.GroupChat) { GroupHeader header = new Select().from(GroupHeader.class).where("group_id = ?", message.getTo()) .executeSingle(); if (header == null || header.getNum() < 10) GroupUtils.getGroupInfo(message.getTo()); } // 2014-10-22 ?????????bug if (ChatActivity.activityInstance != null) { if (message.getChatType() == ChatType.GroupChat) { if (message.getTo().equals(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) return; } else { if (from.equals(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) return; } } // //todo ? // bottom bar? // ??? if (message.getChatType() == ChatType.Chat || !PreferencesUtil.getUnNotifyGroupS(XjApplication.getInstance()).contains(message.getTo())) HXSDKHelper.getInstance().getNotifier().onNewMsg(message); //TODO refreshUI groupId = message.getTo(); refreshUI(groupId); break; } case EventOfflineMessage: { List<EMMessage> offlineMessages = (List<EMMessage>) event.getData(); Log.i("onion", "offlineMEssage" + offlineMessages.toString()); XJMessageHelper.loadOffLineMessages(getmContext(), offlineMessages); refreshUI(); break; } case EventDeliveryAck: { EMMessage message = (EMMessage) event.getData(); Log.i("onion", "??:" + message.getIntAttribute(Config.EXPKey_CMD_CODE, 0) + message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_serial, "") + message.getBody()); // if(message.getIntAttribute(Config.EXPKey_CMD_CODE,0)!=0&&!message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_serial,"").isEmpty()){ // XJMessageHelper.saveMessage2DB(message.getMsgId(),message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_serial,""),message.getIntAttribute(Config.EXPKey_CMD_CODE,0)); // } break; } case EventConversationListChanged: { refreshUI(); break; } default: break; } } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); if (!EventBus.getDefault().isRegistered(this)) { EventBus.getDefault().register(this); } } @Override public void onStop() { EMChatManager.getInstance().unregisterEventListener(this); HXSDKHelper sdkHelper = (HXSDKHelper) HXSDKHelper.getInstance(); sdkHelper.popActivity(this); // EventBus.getDefault().unregister(this); super.onStop(); } private int selectNewNotifyCount() { return new Select().from(XJNotify.class).where("emobid = ? and read_status = ?", PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this) ? PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getEmobId() : "-1", "no") .execute().size(); } //? private XJNotify selectNewNotify() { return new Select().from(XJNotify.class).orderBy("timestamp DESC").executeSingle(); } // This method will be called when a MessageEvent is posted public void onEvent(NewNotifyEvent event) { initNotifyCount(); } private void initNotifyCount() { int count = selectNewNotifyCount(); if (count != 0)// { tv_notifycount.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); tv_notifycount.setText("" + count); } else { tv_notifycount.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /** * onCreate * @param savedInstanceState */ @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.getBoolean("isConflict", false)) { // T??home???appcrash // fragment?? finish(); // startActivity(new Intent(this, LoginActivity.class)); startActivity(new Intent(this, LoginDialogActivity.class)); return; } setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); IntentFilter mFilter = new IntentFilter(); mFilter.addAction(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION); registerReceiver(myNetReceiver, mFilter); initView(); // MobclickAgent.setDebugMode(true); // MobclickAgent.updateOnlineConfig(this); // EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions().setShowNotificationInBackgroud(false); if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("conflict", false) && !isConflictDialogShow) showConflictDialog(); inviteMessgeDao = new InviteMessgeDao(this); // userDao = new UserDao(this); // fragment??? // chatHistoryFragment = new ChatHistoryFragment(); // ?fragment chatHistoryFragment = new ChatAllHistoryFragment(); // contactListFragment = new ContactlistFragment(); settingFragment = new SettingsFragment(); indexFragment = new IndexFragment(); mChatAllHistoryFProvider = new ChatAllHistoryFProvider(getApplicationContext()); // surroundingsFragment = new SurroundingsFragment(); // peripheryFragment = new PeripheryFragment(); newSurroundingFrg = new NewSurroundingFrg(); meFragment = new MeFragment(); // fragments = new Fragment[]{indexFragment, chatHistoryFragment, // surroundingsFragment, meFragment}; fragments = new Fragment[] { indexFragment, chatHistoryFragment, newSurroundingFrg, meFragment }; tv_notifycount = (TextView) findViewById(; // ? viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; viewPager.setAdapter(new PagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager())); viewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit(3); viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int arg0) { mTabs[currentTabIndex].setSelected(false); // ?tab? mTabs[arg0].setSelected(true); currentTabIndex = arg0; switch (arg0) { case 0: indexFragment.getLifeCircleCount(handler); break; case 2: Log.i("debbug", "0"); PreferencesUtil.saveCrazySalesCount(MainActivity.this, 0); unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); // indexFragment.eventService("" + 18, ""); newSurroundingFrg.updateUI(); // peripheryFragment.updateUI(); case 3: Log.i("meFragement tags ", ""); PreferencesUtil.saveIsUnReadTagsChange(MainActivity.this, false); break; } } @Override public void onPageScrolled(int arg0, float arg1, int arg2) { } @Override public void onPageScrollStateChanged(int arg0) { } }); /* IntentFilter offlineMessageIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(EMChatManager.getInstance() .getOfflineMessageBroadcastAction()); offlineMessageIntentFilter.setPriority(6); registerReceiver(offlineMessageReceiver, offlineMessageIntentFilter); // ?BroadcastReceiver msgReceiver = new NewMessageBroadcastReceiver(); IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(EMChatManager .getInstance().getNewMessageBroadcastAction()); intentFilter.setPriority(3); registerReceiver(msgReceiver, intentFilter); // ack?BroadcastReceiver IntentFilter ackMessageIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(EMChatManager .getInstance().getAckMessageBroadcastAction()); ackMessageIntentFilter.setPriority(3); registerReceiver(ackMessageReceiver, ackMessageIntentFilter); // ??BroadcastReceiver IntentFilter cmdMessageIntentFilter = new IntentFilter(EMChatManager .getInstance().getCmdMessageBroadcastAction()); cmdMessageIntentFilter.setPriority(3); registerReceiver(cmdMessageReceiver, cmdMessageIntentFilter);*/ // ?BroadcastReceiver //EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions().setNotifyText(new OnMessageNotifyListener() { // @Override // public String onNewMessageNotify(EMMessage message) { // operatNewMessage(message); // return message.getBody().toString(); // } // // @Override // public String onLatestMessageNotify(EMMessage message, int i, int i2) { // return null; // } // // @Override // public String onSetNotificationTitle(EMMessage message) { // return message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_nickname,""); // } // // @Override // public int onSetSmallIcon(EMMessage message) { // return R.drawable.me_arrow; // } //}); // setContactListener??? EMContactManager.getInstance().setContactListener(new MyContactListener()); // ??listener EMChatManager.getInstance().addConnectionListener(new MyConnectionListener()); // ?listener EMGroupManager.getInstance().addGroupChangeListener(new MyGroupChangeListener()); // sdkUI ??receiverlistener, ??broadcast EMChat.getInstance().setAppInited(); AppLoginInfoBean.Info info = (AppLoginInfoBean.Info) getIntent() .getSerializableExtra(Config.IsLoginOtherApp); if (null != info) { showLogoutDialog("" + StrUtils.getTime4Millions(info.getLoginTime() * 1000L) + "\nid:" + info.getEquipment()); } checkPushUpdate(); // UpdateUtils.initUpdate(getmContext()); // getRecords(getContentResolver()); //// 2015/11/11 // if(TimeUtils.isNeedShowRPTopList(this)){ // startActivity(new Intent(this, LastWeekRPValueTopListActivity.class)); // } //// // handler.postDelayed(checkAppUpdate, new Random().nextInt(5) * 1000); initUpdate(); //// ? , , , // PreferencesUtil.setFirstOpen(getmContext(), true); if (PreferencesUtil.isFirstOpen(getmContext())) { fetchCommunityCategoryData(); } //// ??? 2016/1/6 if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this)) { long communityId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getCommunityId(); String emobId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getEmobId(); getGroupMsgsCall((int) communityId, emobId); } /// X5WebCore // if(!isX5WebViewEnabled){ // preinitX5WebCore(); // } } /** * X5preinit?? * X5webviewpreinit???webview? * ??X5?X5????? */ private void preinitX5WebCore() { if (!QbSdk.isTbsCoreInited()) {// preinit?????view QbSdk.preInit(MainActivity.this, myCallback);// X5??? // ?true? } } private QbSdk.PreInitCallback myCallback = new QbSdk.PreInitCallback() { @Override public void onViewInitFinished() {// X5webview ??? new WebView(MainActivity.this); MainActivity.this.isX5WebViewEnabled = true; } @Override public void onCoreInitFinished() { } }; private void checkPushUpdate() { String emobid = PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this) ? PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getEmobId() : PreferencesUtil.getTourist(this); if (xjpushManager != null) { xjpushManager.registerPushService(emobid); } else { xjpushManager = new XJPushManager(this); xjpushManager.registerPushService(emobid); } } private otherAppLogin; public void showLogoutDialog(String content) { builder = new; View view = View.inflate(this, R.layout.otherapplogin, null); final TextView cancle = (TextView) view.findViewById(; cancle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { otherAppLogin.dismiss(); } }); ((TextView) view.findViewById(; otherAppLogin = builder.create(); otherAppLogin.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0)); otherAppLogin.setView(view); otherAppLogin.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true);; } //// oncreate public void initUpdate() { String emobId = null; int communityId; if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this)) { emobId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getEmobId(); communityId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getCommunityId(); } else { communityId = PreferencesUtil.getCommityId(this); if (PreferencesUtil.getTouristLogin(this)) { emobId = PreferencesUtil.getTourist(this); } else { emobId = PreferencesUtil.getlogoutEmobId(this); } } Log.d("checkAppUpdate", "checkAppUpdate is running ... "); NetBaseUtils.getAppUpdateInfoV3(getmContext(), communityId, emobId, new NetBaseUtils.NetRespListener<CommonRespBean<UpDateApp.Info>>() { @Override public void successYes(CommonRespBean<UpDateApp.Info> commonRespBean, Response response) { PreferencesUtil.saveCheckTime(getmContext(), new Date().getTime()); String version = ""; try { version = UserUtils.getVersion(getmContext()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (equalsVersion(commonRespBean.getData().getVersion(), version)) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Log.d("isVersionUpdate", "isVersionUpdate VISIBLE "); new UpdateManager(MainActivity.this, commonRespBean.getData().version, "false", commonRespBean.getData().url, commonRespBean.getData().detail); // new UpdateManager(MainActivity.this, Object.getInfo().version, "false", "", Object.getInfo().detail); UpdateManager.showNoticeDialog(MainActivity.this); isVersionUpdate = true; } else { /// ,? updateBangZhuNews(); } } @Override public void successNo(CommonRespBean<UpDateApp.Info> commonRespBean, Response response) { PreferencesUtil.saveCheckTime(MainActivity.this, System.currentTimeMillis()); } @Override public void failure(RetrofitError error) { Log.i("onion", "" + error.toString()); } }); } /** * ? */ private void initView() { unreadLabel = (TextView) findViewById(; unreadAddressLabel = (TextView) findViewById(; tv_newbangbi = (TextView) findViewById(; mTabs = new Button[4]; mTabs[0] = (Button) findViewById(; mTabs[1] = (Button) findViewById(; mTabs[2] = (Button) findViewById(; mTabs[3] = (Button) findViewById(; /** * set first label selected */ mTabs[0].setSelected(true); } /** * button * * @param view */ public void onTabClicked(View view) { switch (view.getId()) { case index = 0; refreshIndexUI(); break; case if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(MainActivity.this)) { refreshUI(); index = 1; } else { Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, RegisterLoginRelationActivity.class); startActivity(intent); } break; case index = 2; PreferencesUtil.saveCrazySalesCount(MainActivity.this, 0); unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); // indexFragment.eventService(""+17,""); //// // eventServiceUtils.postClickEvent(currentPagerUUID,"17"); eventServiceUtils.postScheduleClickEvent(currentPagerUUID, "17"); break; case refreshNewBangBiUI(); index = 3; break; } if (currentTabIndex != index) { viewPager.setCurrentItem(index); } mTabs[currentTabIndex].setSelected(false); /** * set current lab selected */ mTabs[index].setSelected(true); currentTabIndex = index; } public void refreshIndexUI() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (indexFragment != null) { indexFragment.refreshIndexMenu(); } } }); } public void refreshUI() { Log.i("onion", "refreshUI"); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { //mChatAllHistoryFProvider.getGroupInfo(); // bottom bar? updateUnreadLabel(); // ?????? if (chatHistoryFragment != null) { chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); } } }); } public void refreshUI(final String groupId) { // Log.i("onion","refreshUI"); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { mChatAllHistoryFProvider.getGroupInfo(groupId); // bottom bar? updateUnreadLabel(); // ?????? if (chatHistoryFragment != null) { chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); } } }); } public void refreshNewBangBiUI() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // ??? updateNewbangBi(); } }); } ConnectivityManager mConnectivityManager = null; NetworkInfo netInfo = null; private BroadcastReceiver myNetReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public synchronized void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); if (action.equals(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION)) { mConnectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); netInfo = mConnectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); if (netInfo != null && netInfo.isAvailable()) { if (!isNetwork) { isNetwork = true; // PushUtil.isActive(MainActivity.this); // AdminUtils.askAdmin(MainActivity.this, "service", null, null); //TODO } Log.i("onion", ""); startService(new Intent(context, StatisticAsyncService.class)); ///////////// String name = netInfo.getTypeName(); if (netInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) { /////WiFi } else if (netInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET) { ///// } else if (netInfo.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) { /////////3g } } else { isNetwork = false; //////// Log.i("onion", ""); } } } }; class HomeWatcherReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { private static final String LOG_TAG = TAG; private static final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_KEY = "reason"; private static final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_RECENT_APPS = "recentapps"; private static final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_HOME_KEY = "homekey"; private static final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_LOCK = "lock"; private static final String SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_ASSIST = "assist"; @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "onReceive: action: " + action); if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS)) { // android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS String reason = intent.getStringExtra(SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_KEY); Log.i(LOG_TAG, "reason: " + reason); if (SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_HOME_KEY.equals(reason)) { // Home Log.i(LOG_TAG, "homekey"); startService(new Intent(getmContext(), StatisticAsyncService.class)); } else if (SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_RECENT_APPS.equals(reason)) { // Home activity? Log.i(LOG_TAG, "long press home key or activity switch"); } else if (SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_LOCK.equals(reason)) { // ?? Log.i(LOG_TAG, "lock"); } else if (SYSTEM_DIALOG_REASON_ASSIST.equals(reason)) { // samsung Home Log.i(LOG_TAG, "assist"); } } } } private HomeWatcherReceiver mHomeKeyReceiver = null; private void registerHomeKeyReceiver(Context context) { Log.i(TAG, "registerHomeKeyReceiver"); mHomeKeyReceiver = new HomeWatcherReceiver(); final IntentFilter homeFilter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS); context.registerReceiver(mHomeKeyReceiver, homeFilter); } private void unregisterHomeKeyReceiver(Context context) { Log.i(TAG, "unregisterHomeKeyReceiver"); if (null != mHomeKeyReceiver) { context.unregisterReceiver(mHomeKeyReceiver); } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); unregisterHomeKeyReceiver(this); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { super.onBackPressed(); Log.d(TAG, "onBackPressed : " + this.getClass().getName()); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(currentPagerUUID)) { Log.d(TAG, "onBackPressed : " + this.getClass().getName() + " currentPagerUUID : " + currentPagerUUID); if (eventServiceUtils != null) { //// eventServiceUtils.postScheduleExitEvent(currentPagerUUID, this.getClass().getSimpleName()); } } } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); Log.i("MainActivity", "onDestroy"); if (myNetReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(myNetReceiver); } if (conflictBuilder != null) { conflictBuilder.create().dismiss(); conflictBuilder = null; } if (homeDialogTimer != null) { homeDialogTimer.cancel(); } if (myCommunityCategoryDialog != null) { myCommunityCategoryDialog.dismiss(); myCommunityCategoryDialog = null; } } /*@Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); // try { unregisterReceiver(msgReceiver); } catch (Exception e) { } try { unregisterReceiver(cmdMessageReceiver); unregisterReceiver(ackMessageReceiver); } catch (Exception e) { } try { unregisterReceiver(offlineMessageReceiver); } catch (Exception e) { } if (conflictBuilder != null) { conflictBuilder.create().dismiss(); conflictBuilder = null; } }*/ /** * ? */ public void updateUnreadLabel() { int count = getUnreadMsgCountTotal(); if (count > 0) { unreadLabel.setText(String.valueOf(count)); unreadLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { unreadLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } /** * ??? */ public void updateNewbangBi() { boolean newBangBi = PreferencesUtil.getNewBangBangBi(this); if ((!newBangBi) && (!isVersionUpdate)) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } Log.d("updateNewbangBi", "newBangBi) &&(!isVersionUpdate" + ((!newBangBi) && (!isVersionUpdate))); //// ????. if (tv_newbangbi.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { updateBangZhuNews(); } //// ????,? if (tv_newbangbi.getVisibility() != View.VISIBLE) { updateMyTagsChanges(); } } /** * ? */ private void updateMyTagsChanges() { boolean isUnreadTagsChange = PreferencesUtil.getisUnReadTagsChange(this); if (isUnreadTagsChange) { Log.d("updateMyTagsChanges", ",??. " + isUnreadTagsChange); if (tv_newbangbi != null) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } } /** * ?? */ public void updateBangZhuNews() { String currentTimeStamp = PreferencesUtil.getCurrentBangZhuNewsTimeStamp(this); ////? boolean bangzhuNews = PreferencesUtil.getCurrentBangzhuNewsReadStatus(this, currentTimeStamp); //// ?? if (PreferencesUtil.getBangzhuUnReadStatus(this) || PreferencesUtil.getInvitedNeighborsUnReadStatus(this)) { Log.d("updateBangZhuNews", "getBangzhuUnReadStatus " + PreferencesUtil.getBangzhuUnReadStatus(this)); Log.d("updateBangZhuNews", "getInvitedNeighborsUnReadStatus " + PreferencesUtil.getInvitedNeighborsUnReadStatus(this)); Log.d("updateBangZhuNews", "??"); if (tv_newbangbi != null) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } return; } Log.d("currentTimeStamp", "" + currentTimeStamp); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(currentTimeStamp) || TextUtils.equals(currentTimeStamp, "-1")) {/// new?,? if (tv_newbangbi != null) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } Log.d("currentTimeStamp", "tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE) "); } else if (bangzhuNews) { //// ??? Log.d("bangzhuNews", "??? " + bangzhuNews); if (tv_newbangbi != null) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } else { /// ,??. Log.d("bangzhuNews", ",??. " + bangzhuNews); if (tv_newbangbi != null) { tv_newbangbi.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } } /** * ? */ public void updateUnreadAddressLable() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { int count = getUnreadAddressCountTotal(); if (count > 0) { unreadAddressLabel.setText(String.valueOf(count)); unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } }); } /** * ? */ public void updateUnreadLabel(final int count) { if (count > 0) { unreadLabel.setText(String.valueOf(count)); unreadLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { unreadLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } /** * ?? * * @return */ public int getUnreadAddressCountTotal() { int unreadAddressCountTotal = 0; if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this) && XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList() != null && XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList().get(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME) != null) unreadAddressCountTotal = XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList() .get(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME).getUnreadMsgCount(); return unreadAddressCountTotal; } /** * ?? * * @return */ public int getUnreadMsgCountTotal() { int unreadMsgCountTotal = 0; if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(getmContext())) { unreadMsgCountTotal = EMChatManager.getInstance().getUnreadMsgsCount(); //// ??? unreadMsgCountTotal += getAllUnHandleNumsNewFriends(); Log.d("getUnreadMsgCountTotal ", "unreadMsgCountTotal added " + unreadMsgCountTotal); } unreadMsgCountTotal += PreferencesUtil.getWelfareSuccessMsgCount(getmContext()); Log.d("getUnreadMsgCountTotal ", "unreadMsgCountTotal " + unreadMsgCountTotal + "welfaremsg count : " + PreferencesUtil.getWelfareSuccessMsgCount(getmContext())); return unreadMsgCountTotal; } ArrayList<String> offlineUser = new ArrayList<>(); // return true ? false? /** * ? */ private class NewMessageBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // ????????chat? String from = intent.getStringExtra("from"); // ?id String msgId = intent.getStringExtra("msgid"); EMMessage message = EMChatManager.getInstance().getMessage(msgId); if (offlineUser.contains(from)) { XJMessageHelper.loadOffLineMessage(getmContext(), EMChatManager.getInstance().getConversation(from)); offlineUser.remove(from); updateUnreadLabel(); Log.i("onion", "?"); return; } else if (!XJMessageHelper.operatNewMessage(getmContext(), message)) { XJContactHelper.saveContact(message); Log.i("onion", "?"); } else { Log.i("onion", ""); chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); updateUnreadLabel(); return; } if (message.getChatType() == ChatType.GroupChat) { GroupHeader header = new Select().from(GroupHeader.class).where("group_id = ?", message.getTo()) .executeSingle(); if (header == null || header.getNum() < 10 || !new File(header.getHeader_id()).exists()) GroupUtils.getGroupInfo(message.getTo()); } chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); // if(XJMessageHelper.operatNewMessage(message)){abortBroadcast();return;} /* try { String strUserInfo = message.getStringAttribute("xj");"xj is :" + message.getStringAttribute("xj")); Gson gson = new Gson(); UserInfoBean userInfoBean = gson.fromJson(strUserInfo, UserInfoBean.class);"nickname is :" + userInfoBean.getUserInfo().getNickname());"avatar is :" + userInfoBean.getUserInfo().getAvatar()); } catch (EaseMobException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ // 2014-10-22 ?????????bug if (ChatActivity.activityInstance != null) { if (message.getChatType() == ChatType.GroupChat) { if (message.getTo().equals(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) return; } else { if (from.equals(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) return; } } // ?ChatActivity abortBroadcast(); // //todo ? // if(!from.equals("admin")){ notifyNewMessage(message); // bottom bar? updateUnreadLabel(); // } // if (currentTabIndex == 1) { // // ?????? // if (chatHistoryFragment != null) { // chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); // } // } } } /** * ?BroadcastReceiver */ private BroadcastReceiver ackMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { abortBroadcast(); String msgid = intent.getStringExtra("msgid"); String from = intent.getStringExtra("from"); EMConversation conversation = EMChatManager.getInstance().getConversation(from); if (conversation != null) { // message EMMessage msg = conversation.getMessage(msgid); if (msg != null) { // 2014-11-5 ????????bug if (ChatActivity.activityInstance != null) { if (msg.getChatType() == ChatType.Chat) { if (from.equals(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) return; } } msg.isAcked = true; } } } }; private static String title = "";//?? private String content = ""; private int timestamp = 0; /** * ??BroadcastReceiver */ private BroadcastReceiver cmdMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { abortBroadcast(); // EMLog.d(TAG, "??"); //?cmd message String msgId = intent.getStringExtra("msgid"); EMMessage message = intent.getParcelableExtra("message"); //??body CmdMessageBody cmdMsgBody = (CmdMessageBody) message.getBody(); String action = cmdMsgBody.action;// ?action //? ? try { title = message.getStringAttribute("title"); content = message.getStringAttribute("content"); timestamp = message.getIntAttribute("timestamp"); } catch (EaseMobException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // if("200".equals(code)){ // Intent it=new Intent(MainActivity.this,CommentActivity.class); // startActivity(it); // code=""; // } Log.i(TAG, "form--" + message.getFrom() + " to--" + message.getTo()); } }; /** * ?BroadcastReceiver sdk ????clientreceiverUI * ??? UI ???? */ private BroadcastReceiver offlineMessageReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // XJMessageHelper.loadNativeMessage(); // abortBroadcast(); String[] users = intent.getStringArrayExtra("fromuser"); String[] groups = intent.getStringArrayExtra("fromgroup"); Log.i("onion", "users" + users); if (users != null) { for (String user : users) { // XJMessageHelper.loadOffLineMessage(EMChatManager.getInstance().getConversation(user)); offlineUser.add(user); } } Log.i("onion", "groups" + groups); if (groups != null) { for (String group : groups) { GroupHeader header = new Select().from(GroupHeader.class).where("group_id = ?", group) .executeSingle(); if (header == null || header.getNum() < 10 || !new File(header.getHeader_id()).exists()) GroupUtils.getGroupInfo(group); } } // chatHistoryFragment.refresh(); // updateUnreadLabel(); // if (groups != null) { // for (String group : groups) { // System.out.println("group?" + group); // } // } } }; private InviteMessgeDao inviteMessgeDao; //private UserDao userDao; /** * ??listener */ private class MyContactListener implements EMContactListener { @Override public void onContactAdded(List<String> usernameList) { // ?? Map<String, User> localUsers = XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList(); Map<String, User> toAddUsers = new HashMap<String, User>(); for (String username : usernameList) { User user = setUserHead(username); // ??added if (!localUsers.containsKey(username)) { // userDao.saveContact(user); } toAddUsers.put(username, user); } localUsers.putAll(toAddUsers); // ui // if (currentTabIndex == 2) // contactListFragment.refresh(); } @Override public void onContactDeleted(final List<String> usernameList) { // Map<String, User> localUsers = XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList(); for (String username : usernameList) { localUsers.remove(username); // userDao.deleteContact(username); inviteMessgeDao.deleteMessage(username); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // ?? if (ChatActivity.activityInstance != null && usernameList.contains(ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername())) { Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, ChatActivity.activityInstance.getToChatUsername() + "?", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); ChatActivity.activityInstance.finish(); } updateUnreadLabel(); // ui if (currentTabIndex == 2) { // contactListFragment.refresh(); } else if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); } }); } @Override public void onContactInvited(String username, String reason) { // ???(???)??????????? List<InviteMessage> msgs = inviteMessgeDao.getMessagesList(); for (InviteMessage inviteMessage : msgs) { if (inviteMessage.getGroupId() == null && inviteMessage.getFrom().equals(username)) { inviteMessgeDao.deleteMessage(username); } } // ?javabean InviteMessage msg = new InviteMessage(); msg.setFrom(username); msg.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); msg.setReason(reason); Log.d(TAG, username + "?,reason: " + reason); // status msg.setStatus(InviteMesageStatus.BEINVITEED); notifyNewIviteMessage(msg); } @Override public void onContactAgreed(String username) { List<InviteMessage> msgs = inviteMessgeDao.getMessagesList(); for (InviteMessage inviteMessage : msgs) { if (inviteMessage.getFrom().equals(username)) { return; } } // ?javabean InviteMessage msg = new InviteMessage(); msg.setFrom(username); msg.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); Log.d(TAG, username + "???"); msg.setStatus(InviteMesageStatus.BEAGREED); notifyNewIviteMessage(msg); } @Override public void onContactRefused(String username) { // ???,demo Log.d(username, username + "??"); } } /** * ???? * * @param msg */ private void notifyNewIviteMessage(InviteMessage msg) { saveInviteMsg(msg); // ??? EMNotifier.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).notifyOnNewMsg(); // bottom bar? // updateUnreadAddressLable(); // ??ui // if (currentTabIndex == 2) // contactListFragment.refresh(); } /** * ?msg * * @param msg */ private void saveInviteMsg(InviteMessage msg) { // ?msg inviteMessgeDao.saveMessage(msg); // 1 User user = XjApplication.getInstance().getContactList().get(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME); if (user.getUnreadMsgCount() == 0) user.setUnreadMsgCount(user.getUnreadMsgCount() + 1); } /** * set head * * @param username * @return */ User setUserHead(String username) { User user = new User(); user.setUsername(username); String headerName = null; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(user.getNick())) { headerName = user.getNick(); } else { headerName = user.getUsername(); } if (username.equals(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME)) { user.setHeader(""); } else if (Character.isDigit(headerName.charAt(0))) { user.setHeader("#"); } else { user.setHeader(HanziToPinyin.getInstance().get(headerName.substring(0, 1)).get(0).target.substring(0, 1) .toUpperCase()); char header = user.getHeader().toLowerCase().charAt(0); if (header < 'a' || header > 'z') { user.setHeader("#"); } } return user; } /** * ?listener */ private class MyConnectionListener implements EMConnectionListener { @Override public void onConnected() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // ---------------------------------------------? // chatHistoryFragment.errorItem.setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } @Override public void onDisconnected(final int error) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (error == EMError.CONNECTION_CONFLICT) { // ??dialog showConflictDialog(); // boolean flag= PushManager.getInstance().unBindAlias(MainActivity.this, PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(MainActivity.this).getEmobId()); // PreferencesUtil.Logout(MainActivity.this); } else { Log.d("test", "login error"); // chatHistoryFragment.errorItem.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); // if (NetUtils.hasNetwork(MainActivity.this)) // chatHistoryFragment.errorText.setText("???"); // else // chatHistoryFragment.errorText // .setText("???"); } } }); } } ////api/v1/communities/{communityId}/users/{emobId}/activities/messages?time={time} /** * ???, ?, */ private class MyGroupChangeListener implements GroupChangeListener { @Override public void onInvitationReceived(String groupId, String groupName, String inviter, String reason) { //? Log.i("MyGroupChangeListener ", "onInvitationReceived " + groupId + groupName + reason); for (EMGroup group : EMGroupManager.getInstance().getAllGroups()) { if (group.getGroupId().equals(groupId)) { /// ???? return; } } // // // EMMessage msg = EMMessage.createReceiveMessage(Type.TXT); // msg.setFrom(inviter); // msg.setTo(groupId); // msg.setMsgId(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // // inviter // msg.addBody(new TextMessageBody("" + groupName + "?")); // // ?? // EMChatManager.getInstance().saveMessage(msg); // // ??? // EMNotifier.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).notifyOnNewMsg(); try { String agreetxt = groupName + "?"; JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("groupName", groupName); obj.put("groupId", groupId); obj.put("inviter", inviter); obj.put("reason", agreetxt); // String n_messageId = obj.getString("n_messageId"); // String n_messageId = emobIdGroup+"_"+emobGroupOwner+"_"+userBean.getEmobId(); userInfoBean = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()); String n_messageId = null; if (userInfoBean != null) { n_messageId = groupId + "_" + inviter + "_" + userInfoBean.getEmobId(); //// GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), obj.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.JOINED); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); if (currentTabIndex == 1) { refreshUI(); } } }); } /** * @param groupId * @param inviter * @param reason * @"u_userName" : [XJAccountTool account].nickname, * @"u_userAvatar" : [XJAccountTool account].avatar, * @"n_reason" : alertView.textView.text, * @"n_messageId" : message.messageId, * @"g_groupOwerEmobId" */ @Override public void onInvitationAccpted(String groupId, String inviter, String reason) { //?? Log.i("MyGroupChangeListener", "onInvitationAccpted " + groupId + inviter + reason); // // try { // JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); // obj.put("reason",reason); // obj.put("groupId",groupId); // obj.put("inviter",inviter); // obj.put("reason",reason); // // String emobid = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()).getEmobId(); // GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(),obj.toString(), emobid,InviteMesageStatus.JOINED); // // } catch (JSONException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); // } } @Override public void onInvitationDeclined(String groupId, String invitee, String reason) { //?? // showToast("onInvitationDeclined "+ reason); // Log.i("MyGroupChangeListener","onInvitationDeclined "+ groupId + invitee + reason); // // try { // JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); // obj.put("reason",reason); // obj.put("groupId",groupId); // obj.put("invitee",invitee); // // Log.d(TAG, invitee + " ?" + groupId+ ", reason "+ reason ); // // String emobid = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()).getEmobId(); // GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(),obj.toString(), emobid,InviteMesageStatus.BEREFUSED); // // } catch (JSONException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); // } } @Override public void onUserRemoved(String groupId, String groupName) { //??? // ui runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { updateUnreadLabel(); if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); if (CommonUtils.getTopActivity(MainActivity.this).equals(GroupsActivity.class.getName())) { GroupsActivity.instance.onResume(); } } catch (Exception e) { EMLog.e(TAG, "refresh exception " + e.getMessage()); } } }); } @Override public void onGroupDestroy(String groupId, String groupName) { //? // showToast("onGroupDestroy "+ groupName); try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("groupName", groupName); obj.put("groupId", groupId); Log.d(TAG, groupName + " " + " groupId " + groupId); // // String emobid = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()).getEmobId(); // GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(),obj.toString(), emobid,InviteMesageStatus.AGREED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } // ??,demo? // ui runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); if (CommonUtils.getTopActivity(MainActivity.this).equals(GroupsActivity.class.getName())) { GroupsActivity.instance.onResume(); } } }); } /** * @param groupId * @param groupName * @param applyer * @param reason */ @Override public void onApplicationReceived(String groupId, String groupName, String applyer, String reason) { // try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(reason); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("u_userName", userBean.getNickname()); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("u_userAvatar", userBean.getAvatar()); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("n_reason", joinReason); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("g_groupOwerEmobId", emobGroupOwner); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("n_messageId", n_messageId); String joinReason = obj.getString("n_reason"); String nickname = obj.getString("u_userName"); String userAvatar = obj.getString("u_userAvatar"); String g_groupOwerEmobId = obj.getString("g_groupOwerEmobId"); String n_messageId = obj.getString("n_messageId"); obj.put("groupName", groupName); obj.put("groupId", groupId); obj.put("applyerId", applyer); Log.d(TAG, nickname + " ?" + groupName + " groupId " + groupId + " reason " + reason); //// ? GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), obj.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.BEAPPLYED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); if (currentTabIndex == 1) { refreshUI(); } } }); // // ? // InviteMessage msg = new InviteMessage(); // msg.setFrom(applyer); // msg.setTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); // msg.setGroupId(groupId); // msg.setGroupName(groupName); // msg.setReason(reason); // msg.setStatus(InviteMesageStatus.BEAPPLYED); // notifyNewIviteMessage(msg); } @Override public void onApplicationAccept(String groupId, String groupName, String accepter) { //?? Log.i("MyGroupChangeListener", "onApplicationAccept " + groupId + groupName + accepter); // aff offline group application accetpt received event for group try { //// msgId // String n_messageId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""); userInfoBean = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()); if (userInfoBean != null) { ///// String n_messageId = groupId + "_" + accepter + "_" + userInfoBean.getEmobId(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("groupName", groupName); obj.put("groupId", groupId); obj.put("accepter", accepter); Log.d(TAG, groupName + " ???" + " groupId " + groupId); GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), obj.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.BEAGREED); runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); // ui if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); } }); try { EMGroupManager.getInstance().getGroupsFromServer(); } catch (EaseMobException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } @Override public void onApplicationDeclined(String groupId, String groupName, String decliner, String reason) { // ? Log.i("onApplicationDeclined", groupId + groupName + reason + decliner); if (userInfoBean != null && TextUtils.equals(decliner, userInfoBean.getEmobId())) { return; } try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(reason); // jsonObject.put("u_userName", nickname); // jsonObject.put("u_userAvatar", userAvatar); // jsonObject.put("n_reason", declineReason); // jsonObject.put("n_messageId", n_messageId); // jsonObject.put("g_groupId", groupId); // jsonObject.put("g_groupname", groupName); // jsonObject.put("g_groupOwerEmobId", g_groupOwerEmobId); jsonObject.put("groupName", groupName); jsonObject.put("groupId", groupId); jsonObject.put("decliner", decliner); String n_messageId = jsonObject.getString("n_messageId"); Log.d(TAG, decliner + " ?" + groupName + " groupId " + groupId + " reason " + reason); GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), jsonObject.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.BEREFUSED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); // ui if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); } }); } } public int getAllUnHandleNumsNewFriends() { if (EMChatManager.getInstance() != null && PreferencesUtil.getLogin(getmContext())) { EMConversation conversation = EMChatManager.getInstance() .getConversation(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME); List<EMMessage> allMessages = conversation.getAllMessages(); int unhandleNums = 0; for (EMMessage message : allMessages) { try { String isHandle = message.getStringAttribute(Config.EXPKey_ishandle); if ("n".equals(isHandle)) { unhandleNums++; } } catch (EaseMobException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.d("getAllUnHandleNumsNewFriends ", "unhandleNums " + unhandleNums); return unhandleNums; } return 0; } /** * indexFragment.refreshIndexMenu(); * indexFragment.getLifeCircleCount(handler); */ @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!EventBus.getDefault().isRegistered(this)) EventBus.getDefault().register(this); if (!isConflict) { // updateUnreadLabel(); // updateUnreadAddressLable(); EMChatManager.getInstance().activityResumed(); refreshUI(); refreshNewBangBiUI(); } // unregister this event listener when this activity enters the // background HXSDKHelper sdkHelper = (HXSDKHelper) HXSDKHelper.getInstance(); sdkHelper.pushActivity(this); EMChatManager.getInstance().registerEventListener(this, new EMNotifierEvent.Event[] { EMNotifierEvent.Event.EventNewMessage, EMNotifierEvent.Event.EventDeliveryAck, EMNotifierEvent.Event.EventOfflineMessage, EMNotifierEvent.Event.EventConversationListChanged }); initNotifyCount(); viewPager.setCurrentItem(index); // if (Config.PHONETYPE.equals(android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER)) { //// 2015/12/2 ?? ????? XjApplication.getInstance().pool.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { startService(new Intent(getmContext(), PushPullReqService.class)); } }); // } registerHomeKeyReceiver(this); } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { outState.putBoolean("isConflict", isConflict); super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { moveTaskToBack(true); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } private conflictBuilder; conflictDialog; private boolean isConflictDialogShow; boolean progressShow; /** * ??dialog */ private void showConflictDialog() { isConflictDialogShow = true; final UserInfoDetailBean detailBean = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getApplication()); username = detailBean.getUsername(); password = detailBean.getPassword(); final XJUserInfoBean bean = new XJUserInfoBean(); bean.setInfo(detailBean); if (xjpushManager != null) { xjpushManager.unregisterLoginedPushService(); } else { xjpushManager = new XJPushManager(this); xjpushManager.unregisterLoginedPushService(); } // boolean flag= PushManager.getInstance().unBindAlias(MainActivity.this, PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(MainActivity.this).getEmobId()); // Log.i("onion","flag"+flag); XjApplication.getInstance().logout(new EMCallBack() { @Override public void onSuccess() { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshUI(); refreshNewBangBiUI(); } }); } @Override public void onError(int i, String s) { } @Override public void onProgress(int i, String s) { } }); PreferencesUtil.Logout(MainActivity.this); if (!MainActivity.this.isFinishing()) { // clear up global variables try { final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(MainActivity.this,; dialog.setContentView(R.layout.dialog_conflict); TextView tv_cancle = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(; TextView tv_relogin = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(; tv_cancle.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { conflictBuilder = null; dialog.dismiss(); index = 0; updateUnreadLabel(); startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.class)); // finish(); } }); tv_relogin.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { final ProgressDialog pd = new ProgressDialog(MainActivity.this, ProgressDialog.THEME_HOLO_LIGHT); pd.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false); pd.setCancelable(false); pd.setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { @Override public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) { progressShow = false; } }); progressShow = true; pd.setMessage("..."); if (pd != null && !MainActivity.this.isFinishing()); //??? // getuser((int) detailBean.getCommunityId(),detailBean.getEmobId()); UserUtils.reLoginUser(MainActivity.this, username, password, new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case Config.LoginUserComplete: if (progressShow) pd.dismiss(); dialog.dismiss(); startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.class)); isConflict = false; // boolean flag = PushManager.getInstance().bindAlias(MainActivity.this, PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(MainActivity.this).getEmobId()); PushManager.getInstance().turnOnPush(MainActivity.this); if (xjpushManager == null) { xjpushManager = new XJPushManager(getmContext()); } xjpushManager.registerLoginedPushService(); break; case Config.LoginUserFailure: if (progressShow && !MainActivity.this.isFinishing()) { pd.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "?", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } break; default: pd.setMessage(".."); break; } } }); /* UserUtils.loginEMChat(MainActivity.this, username, bean, new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case Config.LoginUserComplete: if (progressShow) pd.dismiss(); dialog.dismiss(); UserUtils.appLogin(MainActivity.this,PushManager.getInstance().getClientid(MainActivity.this), PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(MainActivity.this).getUsername()); startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainActivity.class)); isConflict=false; boolean flag= PushManager.getInstance().bindAlias(MainActivity.this, PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(MainActivity.this).getEmobId()); PushManager.getInstance().turnOnPush(MainActivity.this); break; case Config.LoginUserFailure: if (progressShow && !MainActivity.this.isFinishing()) { pd.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "?", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } break; default: pd.setMessage(".."); break; } } });*/ } }); dialog.getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(0)); dialog.setCancelable(false);; isConflict = true; } catch (Exception e) { EMLog.e(TAG, "---------color conflictBuilder error" + e.getMessage()); } } } interface GetUserService { @GET("/api/v1/communities/{communityId}/users/{emobId}") void getuser(@Path("communityId") int communityId, @Path("emobId") String emobId, Callback<XJUserInfoBean> cb); @GET("/api/v1/communities/{communityId}/labels/random") void getCommunityCategoryData(@Path("communityId") long communityId, Callback<CommunityCategoryDataRespBean> cb); } MyCommunityCategoryDialog myCommunityCategoryDialog = null; private void fetchCommunityCategoryData() { RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint(Config.NET_BASE).build(); restAdapter.setLogLevel(RestAdapter.LogLevel.FULL); GetUserService isUserExistService = restAdapter.create(GetUserService.class); Callback<CommunityCategoryDataRespBean> callback = new Callback<CommunityCategoryDataRespBean>() { @Override public void success(CommunityCategoryDataRespBean bean, Response response) { if (bean != null && "yes".equals(bean.getStatus())) { List<CommunityCategoryDataRespBean.InfoEntity> info = bean.getInfo(); if (info != null && info.size() > 0) { myCommunityCategoryDialog = new MyCommunityCategoryDialog(getmContext(), info); myCommunityCategoryDialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); myCommunityCategoryDialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { PreferencesUtil.setFirstOpen(getmContext(), false); } }); // WindowManager windowManager = getWindowManager(); // Display display = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay(); // 2015/12/18 start // WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(); // Window window = myCommunityCategoryDialog.getWindow(); // lp.copyFrom(window.getAttributes()); // // lp.width = DensityUtil.dip2px(getmContext(),360f); // lp.height = DensityUtil.dip2px(getmContext(),641f); // window.setAttributes(lp); // 2015/12/18 end // WindowManager manager = (WindowManager) getSystemService(Activity.WINDOW_SERVICE); // int width, height; // // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.FROYO) { // width = manager.getDefaultDisplay().getWidth(); // height = manager.getDefaultDisplay().getHeight(); // } else { // Point point = new Point(); // manager.getDefaultDisplay().getSize(point); // width = point.x; // height = point.y; // } // lp.width = width; // lp.height = height; // WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = myCommunityCategoryDialog.getWindow().getAttributes(); // lp.width = getmContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels; // myCommunityCategoryDialog.getWindow().setAttributes(lp);; homeDialogTimer = new CountDownTimer(DIALOG_SHOW_TIME, 1000) { @Override public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) { } @Override public void onFinish() { myCommunityCategoryDialog.dismiss(); } }; homeDialogTimer.start(); } } PreferencesUtil.setFirstOpen(getmContext(), false); } @Override public void failure(RetrofitError error) { PreferencesUtil.setFirstOpen(getmContext(), false); } }; long communityId; if (PreferencesUtil.getLogin(this)) { communityId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getCommunityId(); } else { communityId = PreferencesUtil.getCommityId(this); } isUserExistService.getCommunityCategoryData(communityId, callback); } CountDownTimer homeDialogTimer = null; private void getuser(int communityId, String emobId) { RestAdapter restAdapter = new RestAdapter.Builder().setEndpoint(Config.NET_BASE2).build(); GetUserService isUserExistService = restAdapter.create(GetUserService.class); Callback<XJUserInfoBean> callback = new Callback<XJUserInfoBean>() { @Override public void success(XJUserInfoBean bean, Response response) { PreferencesUtil.Logout(MainActivity.this); PreferencesUtil.saveLogin(MainActivity.this, bean.getInfo()); Map<String, User> map = new HashMap<String, User>(); XjApplication.getInstance().setContactList(map); } @Override public void failure(RetrofitError error) { showNetErrorToast(); } }; isUserExistService.getuser(communityId, emobId, callback); } interface GetGroupInfoMsgService { // @GET("/api/v1/communities/{communityId}/users/{emobId}/activities/messages") // void getgroupMsgs(@Path("communityId") int communityId, @Path("emobId") String emobId, @QueryMap Map<String, String> map, Callback<GroupMsgRespBean> cb); // @GET("/api/v1/communities/{communityId}/users/{emobId}/activities/messages") ////api/v3/activities/messages?emobIdUser={?ID}&time={??} @GET("/api/v3/activities/messages") void getgroupMsgs(@QueryMap Map<String, String> map, Callback<CommonRespBean<List<GroupMsgInfoBean>>> cb); } private void getGroupMsgsCall(int communityId, String emobId) { int lastReqGroupInfosTime = PreferencesUtil.getLastReqGroupInfosTime(getmContext()); if (lastReqGroupInfosTime == 0) { lastReqGroupInfosTime = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } PreferencesUtil.setLastReqGroupInfosTime(getmContext(), (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)); HashMap<String, String> option = new HashMap<String, String>(); option.put("time", "" + lastReqGroupInfosTime); option.put("emobIdUser", "" + emobId); GetGroupInfoMsgService isUserExistService = RetrofitFactory.getInstance().create(getmContext(), option, GetGroupInfoMsgService.class); Callback<CommonRespBean<List<GroupMsgInfoBean>>> callback = new Callback<CommonRespBean<List<GroupMsgInfoBean>>>() { @Override public void success(final CommonRespBean<List<GroupMsgInfoBean>> bean, Response response) { if (bean != null && TextUtils.equals("yes", bean.getStatus()) && bean.getData() != null) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processingGroupMsgDuplicate(bean.getData()); } }).start(); } else { Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "info is null "); } } @Override public void failure(RetrofitError error) { error.printStackTrace(); } }; isUserExistService.getgroupMsgs(option, callback); } private void processingGroupMsgDuplicate(List<GroupMsgInfoBean> info) { Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "process start ! "); if (info == null || info.size() <= 0) { Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "info is null "); return; } if (EMChatManager.getInstance() != null && PreferencesUtil.getLogin(getmContext())) { EMConversation conversation = EMChatManager.getInstance() .getConversation(Constant.NEW_FRIENDS_USERNAME); List<EMMessage> allMessages = conversation.getAllMessages(); if (allMessages != null && allMessages.size() > 0) { Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "allMessages size is " + allMessages.size()); List<EMMessage> load = conversation.loadMoreMsgFromDB(allMessages.get(0).getMsgId(), 20); allMessages.addAll(load); processingSubMsgDuplicate(info, allMessages); } else { processingSubMsgDuplicate(info, allMessages); } } Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "process end ! "); } private void processingSubMsgDuplicate(List<GroupMsgInfoBean> info, List<EMMessage> allMessages) { long communityId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getCommunityId(); String emobId = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(this).getEmobId(); for (GroupMsgInfoBean infoBean : info) { ////TODO check ??? if (notExists(infoBean, allMessages)) { String messageContent = infoBean.getMessageContent(); String type = infoBean.getType(); if (TextUtils.equals(type, "apply")) { try { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("u_userName", userBean.getNickname()); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("u_userAvatar", userBean.getAvatar()); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("n_reason", joinReason); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("g_groupOwerEmobId", emobGroupOwner); // jsonObject = jsonObject.put("n_messageId", n_messageId); obj.put("u_userName", infoBean.getFromNickname()); obj.put("u_userAvatar", infoBean.getFromAvatar()); obj.put("n_reason", infoBean.getMessageContent()); obj.put("g_groupOwerEmobId", emobId); obj.put("n_messageId", infoBean.getMessageId()); obj.put("groupName", infoBean.getGroupName()); obj.put("groupId", infoBean.getGroupId()); obj.put("applyerId", infoBean.getEmobIdFrom()); String joinReason = obj.optString("n_reason"); String nickname = obj.getString("u_userName"); String userAvatar = obj.getString("u_userAvatar"); String g_groupOwerEmobId = obj.getString("g_groupOwerEmobId"); String n_messageId = obj.getString("n_messageId"); Log.d(TAG, nickname + " ?" + infoBean.getGroupName() + " groupId " + infoBean.getGroupId() + " reason " + messageContent); //// ? GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), obj.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.BEAPPLYED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); if (currentTabIndex == 1) { refreshUI(); } } }); } else if (TextUtils.equals(type, "accept")) { userInfoBean = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()); if (userInfoBean != null) { try { //// msgId // String n_messageId = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("-", ""); // String n_messageId = infoBean.getGroupId()+"_"+infoBean.getEmobIdFrom()+"_"+userInfoBean.getEmobId(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put("groupName", infoBean.getGroupName()); obj.put("groupId", infoBean.getGroupId()); obj.put("accepter", infoBean.getEmobIdFrom()); Log.d(TAG, infoBean.getGroupName() + " ???" + " groupId " + info); GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), obj.toString(), infoBean.getMessageId(), InviteMesageStatus.BEAGREED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); // ui if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); } }); } } else if (TextUtils.equals(type, "reject")) { userInfoBean = PreferencesUtil.getLoginInfo(getmContext()); if (userInfoBean != null) { try { JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); jsonObject.put("groupName", infoBean.getGroupName()); jsonObject.put("groupId", infoBean.getGroupId()); jsonObject.put("decliner", infoBean.getEmobIdFrom()); jsonObject.put("n_reason", infoBean.getMessageContent()); jsonObject.put("u_userName", infoBean.getFromNickname()); jsonObject.put("u_userAvatar", infoBean.getFromAvatar()); ////todo 2016/1/7 groupownerid jsonObject.put("g_groupOwerEmobId", infoBean.getEmobIdFrom()); jsonObject.put("n_messageId", infoBean.getMessageId()); String n_messageId = infoBean.getMessageId(); // String n_messageId = jsonObject.getString("n_messageId"); Log.d(TAG, infoBean.getGroupName() + " ?" + infoBean.getGroupName() + " groupId " + infoBean.getGroupId() + " reason " + messageContent); GroupUtils.createEMConversationMessage(getmContext(), jsonObject.toString(), n_messageId, InviteMesageStatus.BEREFUSED); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { updateUnreadLabel(); // ui if (currentTabIndex == 1) refreshUI(); } }); } } } } } private boolean notExists(GroupMsgInfoBean infoBean, List<EMMessage> allMessages) { if (allMessages == null || allMessages.size() <= 0) { Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "local allMessages is null notExists :" + infoBean); return true; } for (EMMessage message : allMessages) { if (TextUtils.equals(message.getMsgId(), infoBean.getMessageId())) { return false; } } Log.d("processingGroupMsgDuplicate ", "notExists :" + infoBean); return true; } @Override protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) { super.onNewIntent(intent); if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra("conflict", false) && !isConflictDialogShow) showConflictDialog(); } private boolean equalsVersion(String serviceVersion, String localVersion) { // Log.i("equalsVersion","serviceVersion"+serviceVersion); // Log.i("equalsVersion","localVersion"+localVersion); boolean b = false; int serviceint, localint; String[] serviceVersions = serviceVersion.split("\\."); String[] loaclVersions = localVersion.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < serviceVersions.length; i++) { serviceint = Integer.parseInt(serviceVersions[i]); localint = Integer.parseInt(loaclVersions[i]); // Log.i("equalsVersion","serviceint"+serviceint); if (serviceint > localint) { b = true; break; } else if (serviceint < localint) { b = false; break; } } return b; } Handler handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == 1) { Log.i("debbug", "" + PreferencesUtil.getCrazySalesCount(MainActivity.this)); if (PreferencesUtil.getCrazySalesCount(MainActivity.this) == 0) { unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else { unreadAddressLabel.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); unreadAddressLabel.setText("" + PreferencesUtil.getCrazySalesCount(MainActivity.this)); } } } }; // String records = null; // StringBuilder recordBuilder = null; // // public void getRecords(ContentResolver contentResolver) { // // ContentResolver contentResolver = getContentResolver(); // Cursor cursor = contentResolver.query( // Uri.parse("content://browser/bookmarks"), new String[] { // "title", "url", "date" }, "date!=?", // new String[] { "null" }, "date desc"); // while (cursor != null && cursor.moveToNext()) { // String url = null; // String title = null; // String time = null; // String date = null; // // recordBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // title = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("title")); // url = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("url")); // // date = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("date")); // // SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( // "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss"); // Date d = new Date(Long.parseLong(date)); // time = dateFormat.format(d); // // System.out.println(title + url + time); // } // } }