Java tutorial
/* * The Seventh * see license.txt */ package seventh.client; import; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Stack; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.input.Cursor; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application.ApplicationType; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import com.badlogic.gdx.backends.lwjgl.LwjglApplication; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controller; import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.Controllers; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.TimeUtils; import seventh.ClientMain; import seventh.client.gfx.Art; import seventh.client.gfx.Canvas; import seventh.client.gfx.GdxCanvas; import seventh.client.gfx.Terminal; import seventh.client.gfx.Theme; import seventh.client.gfx.effects.BlurEffectShader; import seventh.client.gfx.effects.FireEffectShader; import seventh.client.gfx.effects.LightEffectShader; import seventh.client.gfx.effects.RippleEffectShader; import seventh.client.inputs.Inputs; import seventh.client.inputs.KeyMap; import; import seventh.client.screens.AnimationEditorScreen; import seventh.client.screens.LoadingScreen; import seventh.client.screens.MenuScreen; import seventh.client.screens.Screen; import seventh.client.screens.ShaderEditorScreen; import seventh.client.sfx.Sounds; import; import seventh.shared.Command; import seventh.shared.CommonCommands; import seventh.shared.Cons; import seventh.shared.Console; import seventh.shared.StateMachine; import seventh.shared.TimeStep; import seventh.ui.UserInterfaceManager; /** * @author Tony * */ public class SeventhGame implements ApplicationListener { private static final String HEADER = "=============================================================================\n" + " \n" + " === The Seventh === \n" + " 5d Studios (c) \n" + " \n" + " \n" + "=============================================================================\n" + " \n"; private static final String VERSION = "v0.1.3.0-BETA"; public static final int DEFAULT_MINIMIZED_SCREEN_WIDTH = 1024; public static final int DEFAULT_MINIMIZED_SCREEN_HEIGHT = 768; private StateMachine<Screen> sm; private ClientSeventhConfig config; private Terminal terminal; private Console console; private Theme theme; private Canvas canvas; private InputMultiplexer inputs; private KeyMap keyMap; private final ClientConnection connection; private boolean isVSync; private Stack<Screen> screenStack; private UserInterfaceManager uiManager; private MenuScreen menuScreen; private TimeStep timeStep; private long gameClock; private double currentTime; private double accumulator; private static final double step = 1.0 / 30.0; private static final long DELTA_TIME = 1000 / 30; /** * @param config */ public SeventhGame(ClientSeventhConfig config) throws Exception { this.console = Cons.getImpl(); this.timeStep = new TimeStep(); this.terminal = new Terminal(console, config); this.inputs = new InputMultiplexer(); Cons.println(HEADER); Cons.println("*** Initializing " + VERSION + " ***"); Cons.println("Start Stamp: " + new Date()); this.config = config; this.keyMap = config.getKeyMap(); this.connection = new ClientConnection(this, config, console); this.screenStack = new Stack<Screen>(); = new StateMachine<Screen>(); this.theme = new Theme(); setupCommand(Cons.getImpl()); // Can't set this up here because the // Gdx context hasn't been created yet // this.menuScreen = new MenuScreen(this); } private void setupCommand(Console console) { CommonCommands.addCommonCommands(console); Command exit = new Command("exit") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { console.println("Exiting the game..."); shutdown(); } }; console.addCommand(exit); console.addCommand("quit", exit); console.addCommand(new Command("clear") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { terminal.clear(); } }); console.addCommand(new Command("name") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { String newName = this.mergeArgsDelim(" ", args); config.setPlayerName(newName); if (connection.isConnected()) { PlayerNameChangeMessage msg = new PlayerNameChangeMessage(); = newName; connection.getClientProtocol().sendPlayerNameChangedMessage(msg); } } }); console.addCommand(new Command("connect") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { if (args.length < 1) { console.println("<usage> connect [IP/DNS] \n Ex. connect"); } else { try { String host = args[0]; String p[] = host.split(":"); host = p[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(p[1]); setScreen(new LoadingScreen(SeventhGame.this, host, port, true)); } catch (Exception e) { console.println("*** Error attempting to connect: \n" + e); } } } }); console.addCommand(new Command("help") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { console.println("\n"); console.println("The console is a means for executing commands. The set of available commands "); console.println("differ given the current game context (i.e., in-game, main-menu, etc.). To "); console.println( "get a list of available commands type: 'cmdlist'. The console supports TAB completion. "); } }); console.addCommand(new Command("v_reload_shaders") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { BlurEffectShader.getInstance().reload(); FireEffectShader.getInstance().reload(); RippleEffectShader.getInstance().reload(); LightEffectShader.getInstance().reload(); } }); console.addCommand(new Command("v_reload_gfx") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { Art.reload(); } }); // console.addCommand(new Command("v_reload_animation") { // @Override // public void execute(Console console, String... args) { // try { // Art.debugAnimations(new Leola()); // } catch (Exception e) { // console.println("*** Error loading animations: " + e); // } // } // }); console.addCommand(new Command("animation_editor") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { pushScreen(new AnimationEditorScreen(SeventhGame.this)); } }); console.addCommand(new Command("shader_editor") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { pushScreen(new ShaderEditorScreen(SeventhGame.this)); } }); console.addCommand(new Command("mouse_sensitivity") { @Override public void execute(Console console, String... args) { seventh.client.gfx.Cursor cursor = uiManager.getCursor(); if (args.length == 0) { console.println(cursor.getMouseSensitivity()); } else { try { float value = Float.parseFloat(args[0]); cursor.setMouseSensitivity(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { console.println("Must be a number between 0 and 1"); } } } }); } /** * Hide the Mouse cursor * * @param visible */ private void setHWCursorVisible(boolean visible) { if ( != ApplicationType.Desktop && instanceof LwjglApplication) { return; } try { /* make sure the mouse doesn't move off the screen */ Gdx.input.setCursorCatched(true); Cursor emptyCursor = null; if (Mouse.isCreated()) { int min = org.lwjgl.input.Cursor.getMinCursorSize(); IntBuffer tmp = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(min * min); emptyCursor = new org.lwjgl.input.Cursor(min, min, min / 2, min / 2, 1, tmp, null); } else { Cons.println("Could not create empty cursor before Mouse object is created"); } if (/*Mouse.isInsideWindow() &&*/ emptyCursor != null) { Mouse.setNativeCursor(visible ? null : emptyCursor); } } catch (LWJGLException e) { Cons.println("*** Unable to hide cursor: " + e); } } /** * Shuts down the game */ public void shutdown() {; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#create() */ @Override public void create() { ClientMain.logSystemSpecs(console); ClientMain.logVideoSpecs(console); Art.load(); Sounds.init(config); this.uiManager = new UserInterfaceManager(); seventh.client.gfx.Cursor cursor = this.uiManager.getCursor(); float sensitivity = config.getMouseSensitivity(); if (sensitivity > 0) { cursor.setMouseSensitivity(sensitivity); } Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this.inputs); // Gdx.input.setCursorCatched(true); initControllers(); videoReload(); this.menuScreen = new MenuScreen(this); goToMenuScreen(); } /** * @return the menuScreen */ public MenuScreen getMenuScreen() { return menuScreen; } /** * Navigates to the {@link MenuScreen} */ public void goToMenuScreen() { setScreen(menuScreen); } private void initControllers() { Cons.println("Detecting controllers..."); for (Controller control : Controllers.getControllers()) { Cons.println("Found: " + control.getName()); } Cons.println("Completed checking for controllers"); } private void videoReload() { Gdx.input.setCursorPosition(getScreenWidth() / 2, getScreenHeight() / 2); setHWCursorVisible(false); this.inputs.addProcessor(new Inputs() { @Override public boolean keyUp(int key) { if (key == Keys.GRAVE) { Gdx.input.setCursorCatched(!terminal.toggle()); return true; } return false; } }); this.inputs.addProcessor(this.terminal.getInputs()); setVSync(config.getVideo().isVsync()); this.canvas = new GdxCanvas(); try { this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/Courier New.ttf", "Courier New"); this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/Consola.ttf", "Consola"); this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/Army.ttf", "Army"); this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/Napalm Vertigo.ttf", "Napalm Vertigo"); // this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/Bebas.ttf", "Bebas"); this.canvas.loadFont("./assets/gfx/fonts/future.ttf", "Futurist Fixed-width"); this.canvas.setDefaultFont("Courier New", 14); } catch (IOException e) { Cons.println("*** Unable to load font: " + e); } setHWCursorVisible(false); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#dispose() */ @Override public void dispose() { Sounds.destroy(); Art.destroy(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#pause() */ @Override public void pause() { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#render() */ @Override public void render() {; double newTime = TimeUtils.millis() / 1000.0; double frameTime = Math.min(newTime - currentTime, 0.25); currentTime = newTime; accumulator += frameTime; while (accumulator >= step) { timeStep.setDeltaTime(DELTA_TIME); timeStep.setGameClock(gameClock); updateScreen(timeStep); accumulator -= step; gameClock += DELTA_TIME; } float alpha = (float) (accumulator / step); renderScreen(canvas, alpha); } /** * Pushes a {@link Screen} onto the stack. * * @param newScreen */ public void pushScreen(Screen newScreen) { this.screenStack.add(newScreen); preserveStackSetScreen(newScreen); } /** * Pops a {@link Screen} off the stack. */ public void popScreen() { if (!this.screenStack.isEmpty()) { this.screenStack.pop(); if (!this.screenStack.isEmpty()) { preserveStackSetScreen(this.screenStack.peek()); } } } /** * Pops and pushes the the current {@link Screen}, effectively * reloading it * @return true if actually reloaded a screen, false if no-op */ public boolean reloadCurrentScreen() { if (!this.screenStack.isEmpty()) { Screen screen = this.screenStack.pop(); preserveStackSetScreen(screen); return true; } return false; } /** * Preserves the stack state * @param newScreen */ private void preserveStackSetScreen(Screen newScreen) { Screen previousScreen =;; updateInputs(previousScreen); } /** * @param newScreen */ public void setScreen(Screen newScreen) { this.screenStack.clear(); pushScreen(newScreen); } /** * @return the uiManager */ public UserInterfaceManager getUiManager() { return uiManager; } /** * @return the network */ public ClientConnection getClientConnection() { return connection; } /** * @return the keyMap */ public KeyMap getKeyMap() { return keyMap; } /** * @return the theme */ public Theme getTheme() { return theme; } /** * @return the terminal */ public Terminal getTerminal() { return terminal; } /** * @return the config */ public ClientSeventhConfig getConfig() { return config; } public int getFps() { return; } /** * @return the gameClock */ public long getGameClock() { return gameClock; } /** * @return the screenHeight */ public int getScreenHeight() { return; } /** * @return the screenWidth */ public int getScreenWidth() { return; } /** * @return true if full screen */ public boolean isFullscreen() { return; } /** * @return if VSync is enabled */ public boolean isVSync() { return this.isVSync; } /** * Enable/disable vsync * @param vsync */ public void setVSync(boolean vsync) { this.isVSync = vsync;; } /** * @return the version */ public static String getVersion() { return VERSION; } private void updateScreen(TimeStep timeStep) { this.console.update(timeStep);; if (this.terminal.isActive()) { this.terminal.update(timeStep); } } private void renderScreen(Canvas canvas, float alpha) { Screen screen =; canvas.preRender(); if (screen != null) { screen.render(canvas, alpha); } if (this.terminal.isActive()) { this.terminal.render(canvas, alpha); } canvas.postRender(); } private void updateInputs(Screen previousScreen) { if (previousScreen != null) { this.inputs.removeProcessor(previousScreen.getInputs()); } Screen screen =; if (screen != null) { Inputs inputs = screen.getInputs(); //Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputs); this.inputs.addProcessor(inputs); } } /** * Adds an input listener * @param inputs */ public void addInput(Inputs inputs) { this.inputs.addProcessor(inputs); } /** * Adds an input listener to the front * @param inputs */ public void addInputToFront(Inputs inputs) { this.inputs.addProcessor(0, inputs); } /** * Removes an input listener * @param inputs */ public void removeInput(Inputs inputs) { this.inputs.removeProcessor(inputs); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#resize(int, int) */ @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { // setHWCursorVisible(false); // videoReload(); } /** * Restarts the video */ public void restartVideo() { setHWCursorVisible(false); videoReload(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationListener#resume() */ @Override public void resume() { setHWCursorVisible(false); /* the mouse gets captured, so when we * gain focus back, center the mouse so the * user can find it */ getUiManager().getCursor().centerMouse(); } /** * @return */ public Console getConsole() { return Cons.getImpl(); } }