Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Adrin Lpez Gonzlez <> * Julin Surez alfonso <> * * This file is part of GameDefender. * * GameDefender is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GameDefender is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with GameDefender. If not, see <>. */ package; import presentation.abstraction.AStage; import presentation.concretion.LoadingScreen; import service.InputGame; import; import; import service.resources.ResourceHeros; import service.resources.ResourcesHUD; import service.resources.ResourcesMenus; import service.resources.ResourcesWorld; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application.ApplicationType; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Touchpad; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Drawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.TextureRegionDrawable; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import domain.heros.Hero; /** * * * @version Apr 28, 2013 * @author Adrin Lpez Gonzlez * @author Julin Surez alfonso * */ public class HUD extends AStage { /* CONSTANTS */ private static final float DURATION_MOVE = 0.5f; /* Fields */ // Tables private Table tAvatar, tFaceHero, tLife, tMagic, tCreation, tTower, tSp1, tSp2, tSp3, tPauseButton, tCenter, tLeft, tLeftButtons, tRight, tRightButtons, tTutorials, tArrowRight, tArrowLeft; // Buttons private ImageButton buttonPause, buttonTutorials, buttonHome, buttonRetry, nextTutorial, prevoiusTutorial; /* Fields To Mobile Phone */ private Touchpad control; private ImageButton buttonAttack, buttonJump; // Auxiliary fields private int numberOfTutorial, tempNumberOfTutorial; private boolean isPasued = false; private float timeToClearPauseButtons; private int totalLife, totalMagic, totalCreation, totalLifeTower; private int life, magic, creation, lifeTower; @Override public void draw(float delta) { stage.act(delta); stage.draw(); this.clearPauseScreen(delta); this.updateTutorials(); } @Override protected void initStage() { this.stage = new Stage(); InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().addProcessor(stage); } /** * HUD constructor. */ public HUD() { this.initStage(); this.initComponents(); this.registerListeners(); if (SettingManager.isMobile) { this.initComponentsMobilePhone(); this.registerListenersMobilePhone(); } } private void initComponents() { Drawable imageUp, imageDown; // --------------------------------- // AVATAR // --------------------------------- tAvatar = new Table(); tAvatar.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tAvatar); imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.avatar); Image avatar = new Image(imageUp);; tAvatar.add(avatar); // Faces of hero tFaceHero = new Table(); tFaceHero.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tFaceHero); // Life tLife = new Table(); tLife.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tLife); // Magic tMagic = new Table(); tMagic.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tMagic); // Creation tCreation = new Table(); tCreation.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tCreation); // Tower tTower = new Table(); tTower.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tTower); // --------------------------------- // SPECIAL BUTTONS // --------------------------------- // SP1 tSp1 = new Table(); tSp1.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tSp1); // SP2 tSp2 = new Table(); tSp2.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tSp2); // SP3 tSp3 = new Table(); tSp3.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tSp3); // --------------------------------- // PAUSE, WIN OR LOSE // --------------------------------- // TABLES tCenter = new Table(); tCenter.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tCenter); tLeft = new Table(); tLeft.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tLeft); tLeft.left(); tLeftButtons = new Table(); tLeftButtons.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tLeftButtons); tLeftButtons.left(); tRight = new Table(); tRight.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tRight); tRight.right(); tRightButtons = new Table(); tRightButtons.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tRightButtons); tRightButtons.right(); // Button Pause. tPauseButton = new Table(); tPauseButton.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tPauseButton); tPauseButton.bottom(); imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonPauseUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonPauseDown); this.buttonPause = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); tPauseButton.add(this.buttonPause); // Button Tutorials imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonTutorialsUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonTutorialsDown); this.buttonTutorials = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.arrowNextUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.arrowNextDown); nextTutorial = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.arrowBackUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.arrowBackDown); prevoiusTutorial = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); tTutorials = new Table(); tTutorials.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tTutorials); tTutorials.setVisible(false); tArrowLeft = new Table(); tArrowLeft.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tArrowLeft); tArrowRight = new Table(); tArrowRight.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tArrowRight); // Button Home imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonHomeUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonHomeDown); this.buttonHome = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); // Button Retry imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonRetryUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonRetryDown); this.buttonRetry = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); } @Override protected void registerListeners() { // PAUSE this.buttonPause.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); // Paused game. if (!isPasued) { processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.PAUSE); } // Resume game. else { processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.CONTINUE); buttonPause.setDisabled(true); } } }); // HOME this.buttonHome.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().clear(); buttonAudio.setY(0); buttonAudio.setX(0); nextScreen = new LoadingScreen(false); } }); // RETRY this.buttonRetry.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().clear(); nextScreen = new LoadingScreen(true); return true; } }); // TUTORIALS this.buttonTutorials.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { if (!tTutorials.isVisible()) { tempNumberOfTutorial = -1; numberOfTutorial = 0; tTutorials.setVisible(true); tTutorials.toFront(); tArrowLeft.toFront(); tArrowRight.toFront(); } else { tTutorials.setVisible(false); tTutorials.clear(); tArrowRight.clear(); tArrowLeft.clear(); tempNumberOfTutorial = -1; numberOfTutorial = 0; } return true; } }); this.nextTutorial.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { numberOfTutorial++; } }); this.prevoiusTutorial.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { numberOfTutorial--; } }); } private void updateTutorials() { if (buttonPause.isPressed()) { tTutorials.clear(); tArrowRight.clear(); tArrowLeft.clear(); } if (tTutorials.isVisible() && tempNumberOfTutorial != numberOfTutorial) { tempNumberOfTutorial = numberOfTutorial; tTutorials.clear(); tArrowRight.clear(); tArrowLeft.clear(); Image tutorial; if (numberOfTutorial == 0) { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutSistemGame); tTutorials.add(tutorial); tArrowRight.add(nextTutorial).pad(420, 650, 0, 0); } else if (numberOfTutorial == 1) { if ( == ApplicationType.Android || == ApplicationType.iOS) { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutBasicControlsMobile); } else { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutBasicControls); } tTutorials.add(tutorial); tArrowRight.add(nextTutorial).pad(420, 650, 0, 0); tArrowLeft.add(prevoiusTutorial).pad(420, 0, 0, 650); } else if (numberOfTutorial == 2) { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutSpecialAttacks); tTutorials.add(tutorial); tArrowRight.add(nextTutorial).pad(420, 650, 0, 0); tArrowLeft.add(prevoiusTutorial).pad(420, 0, 0, 650); } else if (numberOfTutorial == 3) { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutHud); tTutorials.add(tutorial); tArrowRight.add(nextTutorial).pad(420, 650, 0, 0); tArrowLeft.add(prevoiusTutorial).pad(420, 0, 0, 650); } else if (numberOfTutorial == 4) { tutorial = new Image(ResourcesMenus.tutItems); tTutorials.add(tutorial); tArrowLeft.add(prevoiusTutorial).pad(420, 0, 0, 650); } } } /** * Update life of hero. * * @param life * is the life of hero. */ public void updateLife(int life) { totalLife = totalLife == 0 ? life : totalLife; if ( != life) { = life; tAvatar.toFront(); Image img; // Update face (if life is less than 20% of total life change face) img = life <= 20 * totalLife / 100 ? new Image(ResourceHeros.heroFace2) : new Image(ResourceHeros.heroFace1); tFaceHero.clear();; tFaceHero.add(img).padTop(45).padLeft(50); // Update life; tLife.clear();; life = life > 0 ? (int) ResourcesHUD.lifeBar.getWidth() * life / totalLife : 0; TextureRegion t = new TextureRegion(ResourcesHUD.lifeBar, 0, 0, life, (int) ResourcesHUD.lifeBar.getHeight()); img = new Image(t); tLife.add(img).padTop(100).padLeft(155); } } /** * Update magic of hero. * * @param magic * is the magic of hero. */ public void updateMagic(int magic) { totalMagic = totalMagic == 0 ? magic : totalMagic; // Update button if (this.magic != magic) { this.magic = magic; Image img; tAvatar.toFront(); tFaceHero.toFront(); // Update Special buttons. this.updateSpButtons(); // Update magic bar. tMagic.clear();; magic = magic > 0 ? (int) ResourcesHUD.magicBar.getWidth() * magic / totalMagic : 0; TextureRegion t = new TextureRegion(ResourcesHUD.magicBar, 0, 0, magic, (int) ResourcesHUD.magicBar.getHeight()); img = new Image(t); tMagic.add(img).padTop(125).padLeft(150); } } private void updateSpButtons() { // Sp1 if (magic >= Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP1) { tSp1.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp1Up); ImageButton sp1 = new ImageButton(image); tSp1.add(sp1); sp1.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); return processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.SP1); } }); } else if (magic < Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP1) { tSp1.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp1Down); ImageButton sp1 = new ImageButton(image); tSp1.add(sp1); } // Sp2 if (magic >= Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP2) { tSp2.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp2Up); ImageButton sp2 = new ImageButton(image); tSp2.add(sp2); sp2.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); return processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.SP2); } }); } else if (magic < Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP2) { tSp2.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp2Down); ImageButton sp2 = new ImageButton(image); tSp2.add(sp2); } // Sp3 if (magic >= Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP3) { tSp3.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp3Up); ImageButton sp3 = new ImageButton(image); tSp3.add(sp3); sp3.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); return processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.SP3); } }); } else if (magic < Hero.MAGIC_SPEND_SP3) { tSp3.clear();; Drawable image = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonSp3Down); ImageButton sp3 = new ImageButton(image); tSp3.add(sp3); } } public void updateCreation(int creation) { totalCreation = totalCreation == 0 ? creation : totalCreation; // Update button if (this.creation != creation) { this.creation = creation; Image img; tAvatar.toFront(); tFaceHero.toFront(); // Update creation bar. tCreation.clear();; creation = creation > 0 ? (int) ResourcesHUD.creationBar.getHeight() * creation / totalCreation : 0; TextureRegion t = new TextureRegion(ResourcesHUD.creationBar, 0, 0, (int) ResourcesHUD.creationBar.getWidth(), creation); t.flip(false, true); img = new Image(t); int diff = (int) ResourcesHUD.creationBar.getHeight() - creation; tCreation.add(img).padLeft(12f).padTop(diff); } } /** * Update life of tower * * @param life * is the life that remind to tower. */ public void updateTower(int life) { totalLifeTower = totalLifeTower == 0 ? life : totalLifeTower; if (this.lifeTower != life) { this.lifeTower = life; Image img; // Put icon of tower img = new Image(ResourcesWorld.towerIcon); tTower.clear();; tTower.add(img); // Calculate life. String l = String.valueOf(life); for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) { int num = Integer.parseInt(l.charAt(i) + ""); img = num == 0 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num0) : img; img = num == 1 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num1) : img; img = num == 2 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num2) : img; img = num == 3 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num3) : img; img = num == 4 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num5) : img; img = num == 5 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num4) : img; img = num == 6 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num6) : img; img = num == 7 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num7) : img; img = num == 8 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num8) : img; img = num == 9 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num9) : img; tTower.add(img); } // Put total life img = new Image(ResourcesMenus.slash); tTower.add(img); l = String.valueOf(totalLife); for (int i = 0; i < l.length(); i++) { int num = Integer.parseInt(l.charAt(i) + ""); img = num == 0 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num0) : img; img = num == 1 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num1) : img; img = num == 2 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num2) : img; img = num == 3 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num3) : img; img = num == 4 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num5) : img; img = num == 5 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num4) : img; img = num == 6 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num6) : img; img = num == 7 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num7) : img; img = num == 8 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num8) : img; img = num == 9 ? new Image(ResourcesMenus.num9) : img; tTower.add(img); } } } /** * Pause game. */ public void pauseGame() { this.isPasued = true; Drawable dImage; Image image; // Text and background. dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.pausedBackground); tCenter.setBackground(dImage); dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.paused); image = new Image(dImage); tCenter.add(image); tCenter.toFront(); // Aside bars. // left dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.asideBarLeft); image = new Image(dImage); tLeft.add(image); tLeft.setX(-image.getWidth()); tLeft.addAction(Actions.moveTo(0, 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tLeft.toFront(); // right dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.asideBarRight); image = new Image(dImage); tRight.add(image); tRight.setX(image.getWidth()); tRight.addAction(Actions.moveTo(0, 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tRight.toFront(); // Buttons // left super.createAudioButton(); buttonAudio.setVisible(true); tLeftButtons.add(buttonAudio).pad(0, 20, 50, 0); tLeftButtons.row(); tLeftButtons.add(buttonTutorials).pad(50, 20, 0, 0); tLeftButtons.setX(-image.getWidth()); tLeftButtons.addAction(Actions.moveTo(0, 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tLeftButtons.toFront(); // right tRightButtons.add(buttonHome).pad(0, 0, 50, 20); tRightButtons.row(); tRightButtons.add(buttonRetry).pad(50, 0, 0, 20); tRightButtons.setX(image.getWidth()); tRightButtons.addAction(Actions.moveTo(0, 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tRightButtons.toFront(); // Change z-index of specific elements. tLife.toFront(); tMagic.toFront(); tCreation.toFront(); tAvatar.toFront(); tFaceHero.toFront(); tPauseButton.toFront(); } /** * Resume game. */ public void resumeGame() { this.isPasued = false; tCenter.clear(); Drawable img = null; tCenter.setBackground(img); tLeft.addAction(Actions.moveTo(-stage.getWidth(), 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tLeftButtons.addAction(Actions.moveTo(-stage.getWidth(), 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tRight.addAction(Actions.moveTo(stage.getWidth(), 0, DURATION_MOVE)); tRightButtons.addAction(Actions.moveTo(stage.getWidth(), 0, DURATION_MOVE)); } private void clearPauseScreen(float delta) { timeToClearPauseButtons += !isPasued ? delta : 0; if (timeToClearPauseButtons >= DURATION_MOVE) { tLeft.clear(); tLeftButtons.clear(); tRight.clear(); tRightButtons.clear(); buttonPause.setDisabled(false); timeToClearPauseButtons = 0; } } /** * Win game. */ public void winGame(GameScore score) { // Save the score SettingManager.DAO.setScore(SettingManager.temporalWorld, score); SettingManager.DAO.setScore(SettingManager.temporalWorld + 1, GameScore.UNBLOCKED); // Clear buttons tPauseButton.clear(); tSp1.clear(); tSp2.clear(); tSp3.clear(); if (SettingManager.isMobile) { control.remove(); buttonAttack.clear(); buttonJump.clear(); } // Create Win screen. Drawable dImage; Image image; // Text and background. dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.winBackground); tCenter.setBackground(dImage); dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(; image = new Image(dImage); tCenter.add(image).pad(0, 100, 0, 0); // Stars. tCenter.row(); Table stars = new Table(); tCenter.add(stars); Drawable dStar = new TextureRegionDrawable(; Drawable dnoStar = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.noStar); switch (score) { case STAR1: image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image).padLeft(70); image = new Image(dnoStar); stars.add(image); image = new Image(dnoStar); stars.add(image); break; case STAR2: image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image).padLeft(70); image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image); image = new Image(dnoStar); stars.add(image); break; case STAR3: image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image).padLeft(70); image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image); image = new Image(dStar); stars.add(image); break; default: break; } // buttons tCenter.row(); Table buttons = new Table(); tCenter.add(buttons); buttons.add(buttonHome).padLeft(70); buttons.add(buttonRetry).padLeft(20); if (SettingManager.temporalWorld < SettingManager.DAO.getWorldsLength() - 1) { Drawable imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.buttonArrowNextUp); Drawable imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesMenus.buttonArrowNextDown); ImageButton buttonNext = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); buttons.add(buttonNext).padLeft(20); buttonNext.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { SettingManager.temporalWorld = SettingManager.temporalWorld + 1; nextScreen = new LoadingScreen(true); } }); } tCenter.toFront(); // Change z-index of specific elements tLife.toFront(); tMagic.toFront(); tCreation.toFront(); tAvatar.toFront(); tFaceHero.toFront(); } /** * Lose game. */ public void gameOver() { // Clear buttons tPauseButton.clear(); tSp1.clear(); tSp2.clear(); tSp3.clear(); if (SettingManager.isMobile) { control.remove(); buttonAttack.clear(); buttonJump.clear(); } // Create game Over screen Drawable dImage; Image image; // Text and background. dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.loseBackground); tCenter.setBackground(dImage); dImage = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.lose); image = new Image(dImage); tCenter.add(image).pad(0, 100, 0, 0); // buttons tCenter.row(); Table buttons = new Table(); tCenter.add(buttons); buttons.add(buttonHome).padLeft(70); buttons.add(buttonRetry).padLeft(20); tCenter.toFront(); // Change z-index of specific elements tLife.toFront(); tMagic.toFront(); tCreation.toFront(); tAvatar.toFront(); tFaceHero.toFront(); } /** * Get spriteBatch of this stage. * * @return the sprite batch of this stage. */ public SpriteBatch getSpriteBatch() { return this.stage.getSpriteBatch(); } // ------------------------------------------- // APP IN MOBILE PHONE // ------------------------------------------- private void initComponentsMobilePhone() { // Define Tables Table tMControl = new Table(); tMControl.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tMControl); Table tMButtons = new Table(); tMButtons.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(tMButtons); // Touch pad. tMControl.bottom().left().padLeft(100); TextureRegionDrawable backgroundDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.bakgroundControl); TextureRegionDrawable knobDrawable = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.knobControl); control = new Touchpad(10, new Touchpad.TouchpadStyle(backgroundDrawable, knobDrawable)); control.setBounds(15, 15, 300, 300); tMControl.add(control); // Buttons tMButtons.bottom().right(); Drawable imageUp, imageDown; imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonAttackUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonAttackDown); this.buttonAttack = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); tMButtons.add(this.buttonAttack).padRight(50); imageUp = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonJumpUp); imageDown = new TextureRegionDrawable(ResourcesHUD.buttonJumpDown); this.buttonJump = new ImageButton(imageUp, imageDown); tMButtons.add(this.buttonJump).padRight(50); } private void registerListenersMobilePhone() { // Control this.control.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { int x = Math.round(control.getKnobPercentX()); Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); processors.peek().touchDown(x, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.PAD); } }); // Attack this.buttonAttack.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); return processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.ATTACK); } }); // Jump this.buttonJump.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Array<InputProcessor> processors = InputGame.getInputMultiplexer().getProcessors(); return processors.peek().touchDown(0, 0, 0, InputGame.Keys.JUMP); } }); } public boolean onBackPressed() { if (!isPasued) { this.buttonPause.toggle(); } else { this.buttonHome.toggle(); } return true; } }