Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.distantshoresmedia.keyboard; //import; import org.distantshoresmedia.translationkeyboard20.R; import org.distantshoresmedia.utilities.TKIMESettings; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import; import android.inputmethodservice.InputMethodService; import; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.Vibrator; import android.preference.PreferenceActivity; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import android.text.ClipboardManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.util.PrintWriterPrinter; import android.util.Printer; import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.inputmethod.CompletionInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedText; import android.view.inputmethod.ExtractedTextRequest; import android.view.inputmethod.InputConnection; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; /** * Input method implementation for Qwerty'ish keyboard. */ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodService implements ComposeSequencing, BaseKeyboardView.OnKeyboardActionListener, SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private static final String TAG = "PCKeyboardIME"; private static final boolean PERF_DEBUG = false; static final boolean DEBUG = false; static final boolean TRACE = false; static Map<Integer, String> ESC_SEQUENCES; static Map<Integer, Integer> CTRL_SEQUENCES; private static final String PREF_VIBRATE_ON = "vibrate_on"; static final String PREF_VIBRATE_LEN = "vibrate_len"; private static final String PREF_SOUND_ON = "sound_on"; private static final String PREF_POPUP_ON = "popup_on"; private static final String PREF_AUTO_CAP = "auto_cap"; private static final String PREF_QUICK_FIXES = "quick_fixes"; private static final String PREF_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS = "show_suggestions"; private static final String PREF_AUTO_COMPLETE = "auto_complete"; // private static final String PREF_BIGRAM_SUGGESTIONS = // "bigram_suggestion"; private static final String PREF_VOICE_MODE = "voice_mode"; // The private IME option used to indicate that no microphone should be // shown for a // given text field. For instance this is specified by the search dialog // when the // dialog is already showing a voice search button. private static final String IME_OPTION_NO_MICROPHONE = "nm"; public static final String PREF_SELECTED_LANGUAGES = "selected_languages"; public static final String PREF_INPUT_LANGUAGE = "input_language"; private static final String PREF_RECORRECTION_ENABLED = "recorrection_enabled"; static final String PREF_FULLSCREEN_OVERRIDE = "fullscreen_override"; static final String PREF_FORCE_KEYBOARD_ON = "force_keyboard_on"; static final String PREF_KEYBOARD_NOTIFICATION = "keyboard_notification"; static final String PREF_CONNECTBOT_TAB_HACK = "connectbot_tab_hack"; static final String PREF_FULL_KEYBOARD_IN_PORTRAIT = "full_keyboard_in_portrait"; static final String PREF_SUGGESTIONS_IN_LANDSCAPE = "suggestions_in_landscape"; static final String PREF_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT = "settings_height_portrait"; static final String PREF_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE = "settings_height_landscape"; static final String PREF_HINT_MODE = "pref_hint_mode"; static final String PREF_LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT = "pref_long_press_duration"; static public final String PREF_RENDER_MODE = "pref_render_mode"; static final String PREF_SWIPE_UP = "pref_swipe_up"; static final String PREF_SWIPE_DOWN = "pref_swipe_down"; static final String PREF_SWIPE_LEFT = "pref_swipe_left"; static final String PREF_SWIPE_RIGHT = "pref_swipe_right"; static final String PREF_VOL_UP = "pref_vol_up"; static final String PREF_VOL_DOWN = "pref_vol_down"; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS = 0; private static final int MSG_START_TUTORIAL = 1; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE = 2; private static final int MSG_VOICE_RESULTS = 3; private static final int MSG_UPDATE_OLD_SUGGESTIONS = 4; // How many continuous deletes at which to start deleting at a higher speed. private static final int DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT = 20; // Key events coming any faster than this are long-presses. private static final int QUICK_PRESS = 200; static final int ASCII_ENTER = '\n'; static final int ASCII_SPACE = ' '; static final int ASCII_PERIOD = '.'; // Contextual menu positions private static final int POS_METHOD = 0; private static final int POS_SETTINGS = 1; // private LatinKeyboardView mInputView; private LinearLayout mCandidateViewContainer; private CandidateView mCandidateView; private Suggest mSuggest; private CompletionInfo[] mCompletions; private AlertDialog mOptionsDialog; /* package */KeyboardSwitcher mKeyboardSwitcher; private UserDictionary mUserDictionary; private UserBigramDictionary mUserBigramDictionary; //private ContactsDictionary mContactsDictionary; private AutoDictionary mAutoDictionary; private Resources mResources; private String mInputLocale; private String mSystemLocale; private LanguageSwitcher mLanguageSwitcher; private StringBuilder mComposing = new StringBuilder(); private WordComposer mWord = new WordComposer(); private int mCommittedLength; private boolean mPredicting; private boolean mEnableVoiceButton; private CharSequence mBestWord; private boolean mPredictionOnForMode; private boolean mPredictionOnPref; private boolean mCompletionOn; private boolean mHasDictionary; private boolean mAutoSpace; private boolean mJustAddedAutoSpace; private boolean mAutoCorrectEnabled; private boolean mReCorrectionEnabled; // Bigram Suggestion is disabled in this version. private final boolean mBigramSuggestionEnabled = false; private boolean mAutoCorrectOn; // TODO move this state variable outside LatinIME private boolean mModCtrl; private boolean mModAlt; private boolean mModMeta; private boolean mModFn; // Saved shift state when leaving alphabet mode, or when applying multitouch shift private int mSavedShiftState; private boolean mPasswordText; private boolean mVibrateOn; private int mVibrateLen; private boolean mSoundOn; private boolean mPopupOn; private boolean mAutoCapPref; private boolean mAutoCapActive; private boolean mDeadKeysActive; private boolean mQuickFixes; private boolean mShowSuggestions; private boolean mIsShowingHint; private boolean mConnectbotTabHack; private boolean mFullscreenOverride; private boolean mForceKeyboardOn; private boolean mKeyboardNotification; private boolean mSuggestionsInLandscape; private boolean mSuggestionForceOn; private boolean mSuggestionForceOff; private String mSwipeUpAction; private String mSwipeDownAction; private String mSwipeLeftAction; private String mSwipeRightAction; private String mVolUpAction; private String mVolDownAction; public static final GlobalKeyboardSettings sKeyboardSettings = new GlobalKeyboardSettings(); static LatinIME sInstance; private int mHeightPortrait; private int mHeightLandscape; private int mNumKeyboardModes = 3; private int mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait; private int mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape; private int mCorrectionMode; private boolean mEnableVoice = true; private boolean mVoiceOnPrimary; private int mOrientation; private List<CharSequence> mSuggestPuncList; // Keep track of the last selection range to decide if we need to show word // alternatives private int mLastSelectionStart; private int mLastSelectionEnd; // Input type is such that we should not auto-correct private boolean mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect; // Indicates whether the suggestion strip is to be on in landscape private boolean mJustAccepted; private CharSequence mJustRevertedSeparator; private int mDeleteCount; private long mLastKeyTime; // Modifier keys state private ModifierKeyState mShiftKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); private ModifierKeyState mSymbolKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); private ModifierKeyState mCtrlKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); private ModifierKeyState mAltKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); private ModifierKeyState mMetaKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); private ModifierKeyState mFnKeyState = new ModifierKeyState(); // Compose sequence handling private boolean mComposeMode = false; private ComposeBase mComposeBuffer = new ComposeSequence(this); private ComposeBase mDeadAccentBuffer = new DeadAccentSequence(this); private Tutorial mTutorial; private AudioManager mAudioManager; // Align sound effect volume on music volume private final float FX_VOLUME = -1.0f; private final float FX_VOLUME_RANGE_DB = 72.0f; private boolean mSilentMode; /* package */String mWordSeparators; private String mSentenceSeparators; private boolean mConfigurationChanging; // Keeps track of most recently inserted text (multi-character key) for // reverting private CharSequence mEnteredText; private boolean mRefreshKeyboardRequired; // For each word, a list of potential replacements, usually from voice. private Map<String, List<CharSequence>> mWordToSuggestions = new HashMap<String, List<CharSequence>>(); private ArrayList<WordAlternatives> mWordHistory = new ArrayList<WordAlternatives>(); private PluginManager mPluginManager; private NotificationReceiver mNotificationReceiver; // private VoiceRecognitionTrigger mVoiceRecognitionTrigger; public abstract static class WordAlternatives { protected CharSequence mChosenWord; public WordAlternatives() { // Nothing } public WordAlternatives(CharSequence chosenWord) { mChosenWord = chosenWord; } @Override public int hashCode() { return mChosenWord.hashCode(); } public abstract CharSequence getOriginalWord(); public CharSequence getChosenWord() { return mChosenWord; } public abstract List<CharSequence> getAlternatives(); } public class TypedWordAlternatives extends WordAlternatives { private WordComposer word; public TypedWordAlternatives() { // Nothing } public TypedWordAlternatives(CharSequence chosenWord, WordComposer wordComposer) { super(chosenWord); word = wordComposer; } @Override public CharSequence getOriginalWord() { return word.getTypedWord(); } @Override public List<CharSequence> getAlternatives() { return getTypedSuggestions(word); } } /* package */Handler mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS: updateSuggestions(); break; case MSG_UPDATE_OLD_SUGGESTIONS: setOldSuggestions(); break; case MSG_START_TUTORIAL: if (mTutorial == null) { if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().isShown()) { mTutorial = new Tutorial(LatinIME.this, mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView()); mTutorial.start(); } else { // Try again soon if the view is not yet showing sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_START_TUTORIAL), 100); } } break; case MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE: updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); break; } } }; @Override public void onCreate() { Log.i("PCKeyboard", "onCreate(), os.version=" + System.getProperty("os.version")); TKIMELogger.init(this); KeyboardSwitcher.init(this); super.onCreate(); sInstance = this; // setStatusIcon(R.drawable.ime_qwerty); mResources = getResources(); final Configuration conf = mResources.getConfiguration(); mOrientation = conf.orientation; final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); mLanguageSwitcher = new LanguageSwitcher(this); mLanguageSwitcher.loadLocales(prefs); mKeyboardSwitcher = KeyboardSwitcher.getInstance(); mKeyboardSwitcher.setLanguageSwitcher(mLanguageSwitcher); mSystemLocale = conf.locale.toString(); mLanguageSwitcher.setSystemLocale(conf.locale); String inputLanguage = mLanguageSwitcher.getInputLanguage(); if (inputLanguage == null) { inputLanguage = conf.locale.toString(); } Resources res = getResources(); mReCorrectionEnabled = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_RECORRECTION_ENABLED, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_recorrection_enabled)); mConnectbotTabHack = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_CONNECTBOT_TAB_HACK, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_connectbot_tab_hack)); mFullscreenOverride = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_FULLSCREEN_OVERRIDE, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_fullscreen_override)); mForceKeyboardOn = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_FORCE_KEYBOARD_ON, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_force_keyboard_on)); mKeyboardNotification = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_KEYBOARD_NOTIFICATION, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_keyboard_notification)); mSuggestionsInLandscape = prefs.getBoolean(PREF_SUGGESTIONS_IN_LANDSCAPE, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_suggestions_in_landscape)); mHeightPortrait = getHeight(prefs, PREF_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT, res.getString(R.string.default_height_portrait)); mHeightLandscape = getHeight(prefs, PREF_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE, res.getString(R.string.default_height_landscape)); LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.hintMode = Integer .parseInt(prefs.getString(PREF_HINT_MODE, res.getString(R.string.default_hint_mode))); LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.longpressTimeout = getPrefInt(prefs, PREF_LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT, res.getString(R.string.default_long_press_duration)); LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.renderMode = getPrefInt(prefs, PREF_RENDER_MODE, res.getString(R.string.default_render_mode)); mSwipeUpAction = prefs.getString(PREF_SWIPE_UP, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_up)); mSwipeDownAction = prefs.getString(PREF_SWIPE_DOWN, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_down)); mSwipeLeftAction = prefs.getString(PREF_SWIPE_LEFT, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_left)); mSwipeRightAction = prefs.getString(PREF_SWIPE_RIGHT, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_right)); mVolUpAction = prefs.getString(PREF_VOL_UP, res.getString(R.string.default_vol_up)); mVolDownAction = prefs.getString(PREF_VOL_DOWN, res.getString(R.string.default_vol_down)); sKeyboardSettings.initPrefs(prefs, res); // mVoiceRecognitionTrigger = new VoiceRecognitionTrigger(this); updateKeyboardOptions(); PluginManager.getPluginDictionaries(getApplicationContext()); mPluginManager = new PluginManager(this); final IntentFilter pFilter = new IntentFilter(); pFilter.addDataScheme("package"); pFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_ADDED"); pFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REPLACED"); pFilter.addAction("android.intent.action.PACKAGE_REMOVED"); registerReceiver(mPluginManager, pFilter); TKIMEUtil.GCUtils.getInstance().reset(); boolean tryGC = true; for (int i = 0; i < TKIMEUtil.GCUtils.GC_TRY_LOOP_MAX && tryGC; ++i) { try { initSuggest(inputLanguage); tryGC = false; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { tryGC = TKIMEUtil.GCUtils.getInstance().tryGCOrWait(inputLanguage, e); } } mOrientation = conf.orientation; // register to receive ringer mode changes for silent mode IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_CHANGED_ACTION); registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter); prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); setNotification(mKeyboardNotification); } private int getKeyboardModeNum(int origMode, int override) { if (mNumKeyboardModes == 2 && origMode == 2) origMode = 1; // skip "compact". FIXME! int num = (origMode + override) % mNumKeyboardModes; if (mNumKeyboardModes == 2 && num == 1) num = 2; // skip "compact". FIXME! return num; } private void updateKeyboardOptions() { //Log.i(TAG, "setFullKeyboardOptions " + fullInPortrait + " " + heightPercentPortrait + " " + heightPercentLandscape); boolean isPortrait = isPortrait(); int kbMode; mNumKeyboardModes = sKeyboardSettings.compactModeEnabled ? 3 : 2; // FIXME! if (isPortrait) { kbMode = getKeyboardModeNum(sKeyboardSettings.keyboardModePortrait, mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait); } else { kbMode = getKeyboardModeNum(sKeyboardSettings.keyboardModeLandscape, mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape); } // Convert overall keyboard height to per-row percentage int screenHeightPercent = isPortrait ? mHeightPortrait : mHeightLandscape; LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.keyboardMode = kbMode; LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.keyboardHeightPercent = (float) screenHeightPercent; } private void setNotification(boolean visible) { final String ACTION = "org.distantshoresmedia.translationkeyboard.SHOW"; final int ID = 1; String ns = Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE; NotificationManager mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(ns); if (visible && mNotificationReceiver == null) { int icon = R.drawable.icon; CharSequence text = "Keyboard notification enabled."; long when = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TODO: clean this up? mNotificationReceiver = new NotificationReceiver(this); final IntentFilter pFilter = new IntentFilter(ACTION); registerReceiver(mNotificationReceiver, pFilter); Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(ACTION); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(getApplicationContext(), 1, notificationIntent, 0); //PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, 0); String title = "Show translationKeyboard Keyboard"; String body = "Select this to open the keyboard. Disable in settings."; // Notification notification = new Notification(icon, text, when); // // notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT | Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; // notification.setLatestEventInfo(getApplicationContext(), title, body, contentIntent); NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(getApplicationContext()); builder.setContentIntent(contentIntent).setSmallIcon(icon) .setLargeIcon(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getApplicationContext().getResources(), icon)) .setTicker(body).setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()).setAutoCancel(true).setContentTitle(title) .setContentText(body); Notification notification =; notification.flags |= Notification.FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT | Notification.FLAG_NO_CLEAR; mNotificationManager.notify(ID, notification); } else if (mNotificationReceiver != null) { mNotificationManager.cancel(ID); unregisterReceiver(mNotificationReceiver); mNotificationReceiver = null; } } private boolean isPortrait() { return (mOrientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); } private boolean suggestionsDisabled() { if (mSuggestionForceOff) return true; if (mSuggestionForceOn) return false; return !(mSuggestionsInLandscape || isPortrait()); } /** * Loads a dictionary or multiple separated dictionary * * @return returns array of dictionary resource ids */ /* package */static int[] getDictionary(Resources res) { String packageName = LatinIME.class.getPackage().getName(); XmlResourceParser xrp = res.getXml(R.xml.dictionary); ArrayList<Integer> dictionaries = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { int current = xrp.getEventType(); while (current != XmlResourceParser.END_DOCUMENT) { if (current == XmlResourceParser.START_TAG) { String tag = xrp.getName(); if (tag != null) { if (tag.equals("part")) { String dictFileName = xrp.getAttributeValue(null, "name"); dictionaries.add(res.getIdentifier(dictFileName, "raw", packageName)); } } }; current = xrp.getEventType(); } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Dictionary XML parsing failure"); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Dictionary XML IOException"); } int count = dictionaries.size(); int[] dict = new int[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { dict[i] = dictionaries.get(i); } return dict; } private void initSuggest(String locale) { mInputLocale = locale; Resources orig = getResources(); Configuration conf = orig.getConfiguration(); Locale saveLocale = conf.locale; conf.locale = new Locale(locale); orig.updateConfiguration(conf, orig.getDisplayMetrics()); if (mSuggest != null) { mSuggest.close(); } SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); mQuickFixes = sp.getBoolean(PREF_QUICK_FIXES, getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.default_quick_fixes)); int[] dictionaries = getDictionary(orig); mSuggest = new Suggest(this, dictionaries); updateAutoTextEnabled(saveLocale); if (mUserDictionary != null) mUserDictionary.close(); mUserDictionary = new UserDictionary(this, mInputLocale); //if (mContactsDictionary == null) { // mContactsDictionary = new ContactsDictionary(this, // Suggest.DIC_CONTACTS); //} if (mAutoDictionary != null) { mAutoDictionary.close(); } mAutoDictionary = new AutoDictionary(this, this, mInputLocale, Suggest.DIC_AUTO); if (mUserBigramDictionary != null) { mUserBigramDictionary.close(); } mUserBigramDictionary = new UserBigramDictionary(this, this, mInputLocale, Suggest.DIC_USER); mSuggest.setUserBigramDictionary(mUserBigramDictionary); mSuggest.setUserDictionary(mUserDictionary); //mSuggest.setContactsDictionary(mContactsDictionary); mSuggest.setAutoDictionary(mAutoDictionary); updateCorrectionMode(); mWordSeparators = mResources.getString(R.string.word_separators); mSentenceSeparators = mResources.getString(R.string.sentence_separators); initSuggestPuncList(); conf.locale = saveLocale; orig.updateConfiguration(conf, orig.getDisplayMetrics()); } @Override public void onDestroy() { if (mUserDictionary != null) { mUserDictionary.close(); } //if (mContactsDictionary != null) { // mContactsDictionary.close(); //} unregisterReceiver(mReceiver); unregisterReceiver(mPluginManager); if (mNotificationReceiver != null) { unregisterReceiver(mNotificationReceiver); mNotificationReceiver = null; } TKIMELogger.commit(); TKIMELogger.onDestroy(); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration conf) { Log.i("PCKeyboard", "onConfigurationChanged()"); // If the system locale changes and is different from the saved // locale (mSystemLocale), then reload the input locale list from the // latin ime settings (shared prefs) and reset the input locale // to the first one. final String systemLocale = conf.locale.toString(); if (!TextUtils.equals(systemLocale, mSystemLocale)) { mSystemLocale = systemLocale; if (mLanguageSwitcher != null) { mLanguageSwitcher.loadLocales(PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this)); mLanguageSwitcher.setSystemLocale(conf.locale); toggleLanguage(true, true); } else { reloadKeyboards(); } } // If orientation changed while predicting, commit the change if (conf.orientation != mOrientation) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); commitTyped(ic, true); if (ic != null) ic.finishComposingText(); // For voice input mOrientation = conf.orientation; reloadKeyboards(); removeCandidateViewContainer(); } mConfigurationChanging = true; super.onConfigurationChanged(conf); mConfigurationChanging = false; } @Override public View onCreateInputView() { setCandidatesViewShown(false); // Workaround for "already has a parent" when reconfiguring mKeyboardSwitcher.recreateInputView(); mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(true); mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_TEXT, 0, shouldShowVoiceButton(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()), getApplicationContext()); return mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); } @Override public AbstractInputMethodImpl onCreateInputMethodInterface() { return new MyInputMethodImpl(); } IBinder mToken; public class MyInputMethodImpl extends InputMethodImpl { @Override public void attachToken(IBinder token) { super.attachToken(token); Log.i(TAG, "attachToken " + token); if (mToken == null) { mToken = token; } } } @Override public View onCreateCandidatesView() { //Log.i(TAG, "onCreateCandidatesView(), mCandidateViewContainer=" + mCandidateViewContainer); //mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(true); if (mCandidateViewContainer == null) { mCandidateViewContainer = (LinearLayout) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.candidates, null); mCandidateView = (CandidateView) mCandidateViewContainer.findViewById(; mCandidateView.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); mCandidateView.setService(this); setCandidatesView(mCandidateViewContainer); } return mCandidateViewContainer; } private void removeCandidateViewContainer() { //Log.i(TAG, "removeCandidateViewContainer(), mCandidateViewContainer=" + mCandidateViewContainer); if (mCandidateViewContainer != null) { mCandidateViewContainer.removeAllViews(); ViewParent parent = mCandidateViewContainer.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) parent).removeView(mCandidateViewContainer); } mCandidateViewContainer = null; mCandidateView = null; } resetPrediction(); } private void resetPrediction() { mComposing.setLength(0); mPredicting = false; mDeleteCount = 0; mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; } @Override public void onStartInputView(EditorInfo attribute, boolean restarting) { sKeyboardSettings.editorPackageName = attribute.packageName; sKeyboardSettings.editorFieldName = attribute.fieldName; sKeyboardSettings.editorFieldId = attribute.fieldId; sKeyboardSettings.editorInputType = attribute.inputType; //Log.i("PCKeyboard", "onStartInputView " + attribute + ", inputType= " + Integer.toHexString(attribute.inputType) + ", restarting=" + restarting); TKKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); // In landscape mode, this method gets called without the input view // being created. if (inputView == null) { return; } if (mRefreshKeyboardRequired) { mRefreshKeyboardRequired = false; toggleLanguage(true, true); } mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(false); TextEntryState.newSession(this); // Most such things we decide below in the switch statement, but we need to know // now whether this is a password text field, because we need to know now (before // the switch statement) whether we want to enable the voice button. mPasswordText = false; int variation = attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION; if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD || variation == 0xe0 /* EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_PASSWORD */ ) { if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) == EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT) { mPasswordText = true; } } mEnableVoiceButton = shouldShowVoiceButton(attribute); final boolean enableVoiceButton = mEnableVoiceButton && mEnableVoice; // if (mVoiceRecognitionTrigger != null) { // mVoiceRecognitionTrigger.onStartInputView(); // } mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = false; mPredictionOnForMode = false; mCompletionOn = false; mCompletions = null; mModCtrl = false; mModAlt = false; mModMeta = false; mModFn = false; mEnteredText = null; mSuggestionForceOn = false; mSuggestionForceOff = false; mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait = 0; mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape = 0; sKeyboardSettings.useExtension = false; switch (attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_MASK_CLASS) { case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER: case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME: // fall through // NOTE: For now, we use the phone keyboard for NUMBER and DATETIME // until we get // a dedicated number entry keypad. // TODO: Use a dedicated number entry keypad here when we get one. case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_PHONE: mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_PHONE, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); break; case EditorInfo.TYPE_CLASS_TEXT: mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_TEXT, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); // startPrediction(); mPredictionOnForMode = true; // Make sure that passwords are not displayed in candidate view if (mPasswordText) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; } if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS || variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PERSON_NAME || !mLanguageSwitcher.allowAutoSpace()) { mAutoSpace = false; } else { mAutoSpace = true; } if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_EMAIL, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); } else if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_URL, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); } else if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE) { mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_IM, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); } else if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; } else if (variation == EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT) { mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_WEB, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); // If it's a browser edit field and auto correct is not ON // explicitly, then // disable auto correction, but keep suggestions on. if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) == 0) { mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } } // If NO_SUGGESTIONS is set, don't do prediction. if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS) != 0) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } // If it's not multiline and the autoCorrect flag is not set, then // don't correct if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT) == 0 && (attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE) == 0) { mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect = true; } if ((attribute.inputType & EditorInfo.TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE) != 0) { mPredictionOnForMode = false; mCompletionOn = isFullscreenMode(); } break; default: mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_TEXT, attribute.imeOptions, enableVoiceButton, null); } inputView.closing(); resetPrediction(); loadSettings(); updateShiftKeyState(attribute); mPredictionOnPref = (mCorrectionMode > 0 || mShowSuggestions); setCandidatesViewShownInternal(isCandidateStripVisible() || mCompletionOn, false /* needsInputViewShown */); updateSuggestions(); // If the dictionary is not big enough, don't auto correct mHasDictionary = mSuggest.hasMainDictionary(); updateCorrectionMode(); inputView.setPreviewEnabled(mPopupOn); inputView.setProximityCorrectionEnabled(true); // If we just entered a text field, maybe it has some old text that // requires correction checkReCorrectionOnStart(); checkTutorial(attribute.privateImeOptions); if (TRACE) Debug.startMethodTracing("/data/trace/latinime"); } private boolean shouldShowVoiceButton(EditorInfo attribute) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } private void checkReCorrectionOnStart() { if (mReCorrectionEnabled && isPredictionOn()) { // First get the cursor position. This is required by // setOldSuggestions(), so that // it can pass the correct range to setComposingRegion(). At this // point, we don't // have valid values for mLastSelectionStart/Stop because // onUpdateSelection() has // not been called yet. InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; ExtractedTextRequest etr = new ExtractedTextRequest(); etr.token = 0; // anything is fine here ExtractedText et = ic.getExtractedText(etr, 0); if (et == null) return; mLastSelectionStart = et.startOffset + et.selectionStart; mLastSelectionEnd = et.startOffset + et.selectionEnd; // Then look for possible corrections in a delayed fashion if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(et.text) && isCursorTouchingWord()) { postUpdateOldSuggestions(); } } } @Override public void onFinishInput() { super.onFinishInput(); TKIMELogger.commit(); onAutoCompletionStateChanged(false); if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null) { mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().closing(); } if (mAutoDictionary != null) mAutoDictionary.flushPendingWrites(); if (mUserBigramDictionary != null) mUserBigramDictionary.flushPendingWrites(); } @Override public void onFinishInputView(boolean finishingInput) { super.onFinishInputView(finishingInput); // Remove penging messages related to update suggestions mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_OLD_SUGGESTIONS); } @Override public void onUpdateExtractedText(int token, ExtractedText text) { super.onUpdateExtractedText(token, text); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); } @Override public void onUpdateSelection(int oldSelStart, int oldSelEnd, int newSelStart, int newSelEnd, int candidatesStart, int candidatesEnd) { super.onUpdateSelection(oldSelStart, oldSelEnd, newSelStart, newSelEnd, candidatesStart, candidatesEnd); if (DEBUG) { Log.i(TAG, "onUpdateSelection: oss=" + oldSelStart + ", ose=" + oldSelEnd + ", nss=" + newSelStart + ", nse=" + newSelEnd + ", cs=" + candidatesStart + ", ce=" + candidatesEnd); } // If the current selection in the text view changes, we should // clear whatever candidate text we have. if ((((mComposing.length() > 0 && mPredicting)) && (newSelStart != candidatesEnd || newSelEnd != candidatesEnd) && mLastSelectionStart != newSelStart)) { mComposing.setLength(0); mPredicting = false; postUpdateSuggestions(); TextEntryState.reset(); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.finishComposingText(); } } else if (!mPredicting && !mJustAccepted) { switch (TextEntryState.getState()) { case ACCEPTED_DEFAULT: TextEntryState.reset(); // fall through case SPACE_AFTER_PICKED: mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; // The user moved the cursor. break; } } mJustAccepted = false; postUpdateShiftKeyState(); // Make a note of the cursor position mLastSelectionStart = newSelStart; mLastSelectionEnd = newSelEnd; if (mReCorrectionEnabled) { // Don't look for corrections if the keyboard is not visible if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().isShown()) { // Check if we should go in or out of correction mode. if (isPredictionOn() && mJustRevertedSeparator == null && (candidatesStart == candidatesEnd || newSelStart != oldSelStart || TextEntryState.isCorrecting()) && (newSelStart < newSelEnd - 1 || (!mPredicting))) { if (isCursorTouchingWord() || mLastSelectionStart < mLastSelectionEnd) { postUpdateOldSuggestions(); } else { abortCorrection(false); // Show the punctuation suggestions list if the current // one is not // and if not showing "Touch again to save". if (mCandidateView != null && !mSuggestPuncList.equals(mCandidateView.getSuggestions()) && !mCandidateView.isShowingAddToDictionaryHint()) { setNextSuggestions(); } } } } } } /** * This is called when the user has clicked on the extracted text view, when * running in fullscreen mode. The default implementation hides the * candidates view when this happens, but only if the extracted text editor * has a vertical scroll bar because its text doesn't fit. Here we override * the behavior due to the possibility that a re-correction could cause the * candidate strip to disappear and re-appear. */ @Override public void onExtractedTextClicked() { if (mReCorrectionEnabled && isPredictionOn()) return; super.onExtractedTextClicked(); } /** * This is called when the user has performed a cursor movement in the * extracted text view, when it is running in fullscreen mode. The default * implementation hides the candidates view when a vertical movement * happens, but only if the extracted text editor has a vertical scroll bar * because its text doesn't fit. Here we override the behavior due to the * possibility that a re-correction could cause the candidate strip to * disappear and re-appear. */ @Override public void onExtractedCursorMovement(int dx, int dy) { if (mReCorrectionEnabled && isPredictionOn()) return; super.onExtractedCursorMovement(dx, dy); } @Override public void hideWindow() { TKIMELogger.commit(); onAutoCompletionStateChanged(false); if (TRACE) Debug.stopMethodTracing(); if (mOptionsDialog != null && mOptionsDialog.isShowing()) { mOptionsDialog.dismiss(); mOptionsDialog = null; } mWordToSuggestions.clear(); mWordHistory.clear(); super.hideWindow(); TextEntryState.endSession(); } @Override public void onDisplayCompletions(CompletionInfo[] completions) { if (DEBUG) { Log.i("foo", "Received completions:"); for (int i = 0; i < (completions != null ? completions.length : 0); i++) { Log.i("foo", " #" + i + ": " + completions[i]); } } if (mCompletionOn) { mCompletions = completions; if (completions == null) { clearSuggestions(); return; } List<CharSequence> stringList = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); for (int i = 0; i < (completions != null ? completions.length : 0); i++) { CompletionInfo ci = completions[i]; if (ci != null) stringList.add(ci.getText()); } // When in fullscreen mode, show completions generated by the // application setSuggestions(stringList, true, true, true); mBestWord = null; setCandidatesViewShown(true); } } private void setCandidatesViewShownInternal(boolean shown, boolean needsInputViewShown) { // Log.i(TAG, "setCandidatesViewShownInternal(" + shown + ", " + needsInputViewShown + // " mCompletionOn=" + mCompletionOn + // " mPredictionOnForMode=" + mPredictionOnForMode + // " mPredictionOnPref=" + mPredictionOnPref + // " mPredicting=" + mPredicting // ); // TODO: Remove this if we support candidates with hard keyboard boolean visible = shown && onEvaluateInputViewShown() && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null && isPredictionOn() && (needsInputViewShown ? mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().isShown() : true); if (visible) { if (mCandidateViewContainer == null) { onCreateCandidatesView(); setNextSuggestions(); } } else { if (mCandidateViewContainer != null) { removeCandidateViewContainer(); commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection(), true); } } super.setCandidatesViewShown(visible); } @Override public void onFinishCandidatesView(boolean finishingInput) { //Log.i(TAG, "onFinishCandidatesView(), mCandidateViewContainer=" + mCandidateViewContainer); super.onFinishCandidatesView(finishingInput); if (mCandidateViewContainer != null) { removeCandidateViewContainer(); } } @Override public boolean onEvaluateInputViewShown() { boolean parent = super.onEvaluateInputViewShown(); boolean wanted = mForceKeyboardOn || parent; //Log.i(TAG, "OnEvaluateInputViewShown, parent=" + parent + " + " wanted=" + wanted); return wanted; } @Override public void setCandidatesViewShown(boolean shown) { setCandidatesViewShownInternal(shown, true /* needsInputViewShown */); } @Override public void onComputeInsets(InputMethodService.Insets outInsets) { super.onComputeInsets(outInsets); if (!isFullscreenMode()) { outInsets.contentTopInsets = outInsets.visibleTopInsets; } } @Override public boolean onEvaluateFullscreenMode() { DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); float displayHeight = dm.heightPixels; // If the display is more than X inches high, don't go to fullscreen // mode float dimen = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.max_height_for_fullscreen); if (displayHeight > dimen || mFullscreenOverride || isConnectbot()) { return false; } else { return super.onEvaluateFullscreenMode(); } } public boolean isKeyboardVisible() { return (mKeyboardSwitcher != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().isShown()); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (event.getRepeatCount() == 0 && mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null) { if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().handleBack()) { return true; } else if (mTutorial != null) { mTutorial.close(); mTutorial = null; } } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: // If tutorial is visible, don't allow dpad to work if (mTutorial != null) { return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: if (!mVolUpAction.equals("none") && isKeyboardVisible()) { return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: if (!mVolDownAction.equals("none") && isKeyboardVisible()) { return true; } break; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch (keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: // If tutorial is visible, don't allow dpad to work if (mTutorial != null) { return true; } TKKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); // Enable shift key and DPAD to do selections if (inputView != null && inputView.isShown() && inputView.getShiftState() == Keyboard.SHIFT_ON) { event = new KeyEvent(event.getDownTime(), event.getEventTime(), event.getAction(), event.getKeyCode(), event.getRepeatCount(), event.getDeviceId(), event.getScanCode(), KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(event); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP: if (!mVolUpAction.equals("none") && isKeyboardVisible()) { return doSwipeAction(mVolUpAction); } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN: if (!mVolDownAction.equals("none") && isKeyboardVisible()) { return doSwipeAction(mVolDownAction); } break; } return super.onKeyUp(keyCode, event); } private void reloadKeyboards() { mKeyboardSwitcher.setLanguageSwitcher(mLanguageSwitcher); if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardMode() != KeyboardSwitcher.MODE_NONE) { mKeyboardSwitcher.setVoiceMode(mEnableVoice && mEnableVoiceButton, mVoiceOnPrimary, null); } updateKeyboardOptions(); mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(true); } private void commitTyped(InputConnection inputConnection, boolean manual) { if (mPredicting) { mPredicting = false; if (mComposing.length() > 0) { if (inputConnection != null) { inputConnection.commitText(mComposing, 1); } mCommittedLength = mComposing.length(); if (manual) { TextEntryState.manualTyped(mComposing); } else { TextEntryState.acceptedTyped(mComposing); } addToDictionaries(mComposing, AutoDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_TYPED); } updateSuggestions(); } } private void postUpdateShiftKeyState() { // TODO(klausw): disabling, I have no idea what this is supposed to accomplish. // //updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); // // // FIXME: why the delay? // mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE); // // TODO: Should remove this 300ms delay? // mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler // .obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE), 300); } public void updateShiftKeyState(EditorInfo attr) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null && attr != null && mKeyboardSwitcher.isAlphabetMode()) { int oldState = getShiftState(); boolean isShifted = mShiftKeyState.isChording(); boolean isCapsLock = (oldState == Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS_LOCKED || oldState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED); boolean isCaps = isCapsLock || getCursorCapsMode(ic, attr) != 0; //Log.i(TAG, "updateShiftKeyState isShifted=" + isShifted + " isCaps=" + isCaps + " isMomentary=" + mShiftKeyState.isMomentary() + " cursorCaps=" + getCursorCapsMode(ic, attr)); int newState = Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF; if (isShifted) { newState = (mSavedShiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED) ? Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS : Keyboard.SHIFT_ON; } else if (isCaps) { newState = isCapsLock ? getCapsOrShiftLockState() : Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS; } //Log.i(TAG, "updateShiftKeyState " + oldState + " -> " + newState); mKeyboardSwitcher.setShiftState(newState); } if (ic != null) { // Clear modifiers other than shift, to avoid them getting stuck int states = KeyEvent.META_FUNCTION_ON | KeyEvent.META_ALT_MASK | KeyEvent.META_CTRL_MASK | KeyEvent.META_META_MASK | KeyEvent.META_SYM_ON; ic.clearMetaKeyStates(states); } } private int getShiftState() { if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null) { TKKeyboardView view = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (view != null) { return view.getShiftState(); } } return Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF; } private boolean isShiftCapsMode() { if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null) { TKKeyboardView view = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (view != null) { return view.isShiftCaps(); } } return false; } private int getCursorCapsMode(InputConnection ic, EditorInfo attr) { int caps = 0; EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); if (mAutoCapActive && ei != null && ei.inputType != EditorInfo.TYPE_NULL) { caps = ic.getCursorCapsMode(attr.inputType); } return caps; } private void swapPunctuationAndSpace() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; CharSequence lastTwo = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(2, 0); if (lastTwo != null && lastTwo.length() == 2 && lastTwo.charAt(0) == ASCII_SPACE && isSentenceSeparator(lastTwo.charAt(1))) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(lastTwo.charAt(1) + " ", 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; } } private void reswapPeriodAndSpace() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; CharSequence lastThree = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(3, 0); if (lastThree != null && lastThree.length() == 3 && lastThree.charAt(0) == ASCII_PERIOD && lastThree.charAt(1) == ASCII_SPACE && lastThree.charAt(2) == ASCII_PERIOD) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(3, 0); ic.commitText(" ..", 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } } private void doubleSpace() { // if (!mAutoPunctuate) return; if (mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_NONE) return; final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; CharSequence lastThree = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(3, 0); if (lastThree != null && lastThree.length() == 3 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(lastThree.charAt(0)) && lastThree.charAt(1) == ASCII_SPACE && lastThree.charAt(2) == ASCII_SPACE) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); ic.deleteSurroundingText(2, 0); ic.commitText(". ", 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; } } private void maybeRemovePreviousPeriod(CharSequence text) { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null || text.length() == 0) return; // When the text's first character is '.', remove the previous period // if there is one. CharSequence lastOne = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (lastOne != null && lastOne.length() == 1 && lastOne.charAt(0) == ASCII_PERIOD && text.charAt(0) == ASCII_PERIOD) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } private void removeTrailingSpace() { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; CharSequence lastOne = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (lastOne != null && lastOne.length() == 1 && lastOne.charAt(0) == ASCII_SPACE) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } public boolean addWordToDictionary(String word) { mUserDictionary.addWord(word, 128); // Suggestion strip should be updated after the operation of adding word // to the // user dictionary postUpdateSuggestions(); return true; } private boolean isAlphabet(int code) { if (Character.isLetter(code)) { return true; } else { return false; } } private void showInputMethodPicker() { ((InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)).showInputMethodPicker(); } private void onOptionKeyPressed() { if (!isShowingOptionDialog()) { showOptionsMenu(); } } private void onOptionKeyLongPressed() { if (!isShowingOptionDialog()) { showInputMethodPicker(); } } private boolean isShowingOptionDialog() { return mOptionsDialog != null && mOptionsDialog.isShowing(); } private boolean isConnectbot() { EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); String pkg = ei.packageName; if (ei == null || pkg == null) return false; return ((pkg.equalsIgnoreCase("org.connectbot") || pkg.equalsIgnoreCase("org.woltage.irssiconnectbot") || pkg.equalsIgnoreCase("com.pslib.connectbot") || pkg.equalsIgnoreCase("sk.vx.connectbot")) && ei.inputType == 0); // FIXME } private int getMetaState(boolean shifted) { int meta = 0; if (shifted) meta |= KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON; if (mModCtrl) meta |= KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON | KeyEvent.META_CTRL_LEFT_ON; if (mModAlt) meta |= KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON | KeyEvent.META_ALT_LEFT_ON; if (mModMeta) meta |= KeyEvent.META_META_ON | KeyEvent.META_META_LEFT_ON; return meta; } private void sendKeyDown(InputConnection ic, int key, int meta) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(now, now, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, key, 0, meta)); } private void sendKeyUp(InputConnection ic, int key, int meta) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ic != null) ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(now, now, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, key, 0, meta)); } private void sendModifiedKeyDownUp(int key, boolean shifted) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); int meta = getMetaState(shifted); sendModifierKeysDown(shifted); sendKeyDown(ic, key, meta); sendKeyUp(ic, key, meta); sendModifierKeysUp(shifted); } private boolean isShiftMod() { if (mShiftKeyState.isChording()) return true; if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null) { TKKeyboardView kb = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (kb != null) return kb.isShiftAll(); } return false; } private boolean delayChordingCtrlModifier() { return sKeyboardSettings.chordingCtrlKey == 0; } private boolean delayChordingAltModifier() { return sKeyboardSettings.chordingAltKey == 0; } private boolean delayChordingMetaModifier() { return sKeyboardSettings.chordingMetaKey == 0; } private void sendModifiedKeyDownUp(int key) { sendModifiedKeyDownUp(key, isShiftMod()); } private void sendShiftKey(InputConnection ic, boolean isDown) { int key = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT; int meta = KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_LEFT_ON; if (isDown) { sendKeyDown(ic, key, meta); } else { sendKeyUp(ic, key, meta); } } private void sendCtrlKey(InputConnection ic, boolean isDown, boolean chording) { if (chording && delayChordingCtrlModifier()) return; int key = sKeyboardSettings.chordingCtrlKey; if (key == 0) key = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT; int meta = KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON | KeyEvent.META_CTRL_LEFT_ON; if (isDown) { sendKeyDown(ic, key, meta); } else { sendKeyUp(ic, key, meta); } } private void sendAltKey(InputConnection ic, boolean isDown, boolean chording) { if (chording && delayChordingAltModifier()) return; int key = sKeyboardSettings.chordingAltKey; if (key == 0) key = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT; int meta = KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON | KeyEvent.META_ALT_LEFT_ON; if (isDown) { sendKeyDown(ic, key, meta); } else { sendKeyUp(ic, key, meta); } } private void sendMetaKey(InputConnection ic, boolean isDown, boolean chording) { if (chording && delayChordingMetaModifier()) return; int key = sKeyboardSettings.chordingMetaKey; if (key == 0) key = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_META_LEFT; int meta = KeyEvent.META_META_ON | KeyEvent.META_META_LEFT_ON; if (isDown) { sendKeyDown(ic, key, meta); } else { sendKeyUp(ic, key, meta); } } private void sendModifierKeysDown(boolean shifted) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (shifted) { //Log.i(TAG, "send SHIFT down"); sendShiftKey(ic, true); } if (mModCtrl && (!mCtrlKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingCtrlModifier())) { sendCtrlKey(ic, true, false); } if (mModAlt && (!mAltKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingAltModifier())) { sendAltKey(ic, true, false); } if (mModMeta && (!mMetaKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingMetaModifier())) { sendMetaKey(ic, true, false); } } private void handleModifierKeysUp(boolean shifted, boolean sendKey) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (mModMeta && (!mMetaKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingMetaModifier())) { if (sendKey) sendMetaKey(ic, false, false); if (!mMetaKeyState.isChording()) setModMeta(false); } if (mModAlt && (!mAltKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingAltModifier())) { if (sendKey) sendAltKey(ic, false, false); if (!mAltKeyState.isChording()) setModAlt(false); } if (mModCtrl && (!mCtrlKeyState.isChording() || delayChordingCtrlModifier())) { if (sendKey) sendCtrlKey(ic, false, false); if (!mCtrlKeyState.isChording()) setModCtrl(false); } if (shifted) { //Log.i(TAG, "send SHIFT up"); if (sendKey) sendShiftKey(ic, false); int shiftState = getShiftState(); if (!(mShiftKeyState.isChording() || shiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED)) { resetShift(); } } } private void sendModifierKeysUp(boolean shifted) { handleModifierKeysUp(shifted, true); } private void sendSpecialKey(int code) { if (!isConnectbot()) { commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection(), true); sendModifiedKeyDownUp(code); return; } // TODO(klausw): properly support xterm sequences for Ctrl/Alt modifiers? // See // and the output of "$ infocmp -1L". Support multiple sets, and optional // true numpad keys? if (ESC_SEQUENCES == null) { ESC_SEQUENCES = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); CTRL_SEQUENCES = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); // VT escape sequences without leading Escape ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_HOME, "[1~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_END, "[4~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP, "[5~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN, "[6~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F1, "OP"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F2, "OQ"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F3, "OR"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F4, "OS"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F5, "[15~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F6, "[17~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F7, "[18~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F8, "[19~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F9, "[20~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F10, "[21~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F11, "[23~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F12, "[24~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL, "[3~"); ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_INSERT, "[2~"); // Special ConnectBot hack: Ctrl-1 to Ctrl-0 for F1-F10. CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F1, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_1); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F2, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_2); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F3, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_3); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F4, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_4); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F5, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_5); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F6, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_6); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F7, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_7); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F8, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_8); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F9, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_9); CTRL_SEQUENCES.put(-TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F10, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0); // Natively supported by ConnectBot // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP, "OA"); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN, "OB"); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT, "OD"); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT, "OC"); // No VT equivalents? // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER, ""); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_SYSRQ, ""); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_BREAK, ""); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_NUM_LOCK, ""); // ESC_SEQUENCES.put(-LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK, ""); } InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); Integer ctrlseq = null; if (mConnectbotTabHack) { ctrlseq = CTRL_SEQUENCES.get(code); } String seq = ESC_SEQUENCES.get(code); if (ctrlseq != null) { if (mModAlt) { // send ESC prefix for "Alt" ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) 27), 1); } ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, ctrlseq)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, ctrlseq)); } else if (seq != null) { if (mModAlt) { // send ESC prefix for "Alt" ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) 27), 1); } // send ESC prefix of escape sequence ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) 27), 1); ic.commitText(seq, 1); } else { // send key code, let connectbot handle it sendDownUpKeyEvents(code); } handleModifierKeysUp(false, false); } private final static int asciiToKeyCode[] = new int[127]; private final static int KF_MASK = 0xffff; private final static int KF_SHIFTABLE = 0x10000; private final static int KF_UPPER = 0x20000; private final static int KF_LETTER = 0x40000; { // Include RETURN in this set even though it's not printable. // Most other non-printable keys get handled elsewhere. asciiToKeyCode['\n'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER | KF_SHIFTABLE; // Non-alphanumeric ASCII codes which have their own keys // (on some keyboards) asciiToKeyCode[' '] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE | KF_SHIFTABLE; //asciiToKeyCode['!'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['"'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['#'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_POUND; //asciiToKeyCode['$'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['%'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['&'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['\''] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE; //asciiToKeyCode['('] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode[')'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['*'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_STAR; asciiToKeyCode['+'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PLUS; asciiToKeyCode[','] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_COMMA; asciiToKeyCode['-'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MINUS; asciiToKeyCode['.'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_PERIOD; asciiToKeyCode['/'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SLASH; //asciiToKeyCode[':'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode[';'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEMICOLON; //asciiToKeyCode['<'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['='] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_EQUALS; //asciiToKeyCode['>'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['?'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['@'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_AT; asciiToKeyCode['['] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET; asciiToKeyCode['\\'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACKSLASH; asciiToKeyCode[']'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET; //asciiToKeyCode['^'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['_'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; asciiToKeyCode['`'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_GRAVE; //asciiToKeyCode['{'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['|'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['}'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; //asciiToKeyCode['~'] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_; for (int i = 0; i <= 25; ++i) { asciiToKeyCode['a' + i] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A + i | KF_LETTER; asciiToKeyCode['A' + i] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_A + i | KF_UPPER | KF_LETTER; } for (int i = 0; i <= 9; ++i) { asciiToKeyCode['0' + i] = KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0 + i; } } public void sendModifiableKeyChar(char ch) { // Support modified key events boolean modShift = isShiftMod(); if ((modShift || mModCtrl || mModAlt || mModMeta) && ch > 0 && ch < 127) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (isConnectbot()) { if (mModAlt) { // send ESC prefix ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) 27), 1); } if (mModCtrl) { int code = ch & 31; if (code == 9) { sendTab(); } else { ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) code), 1); } } else { ic.commitText(Character.toString(ch), 1); } handleModifierKeysUp(false, false); return; } // Non-ConnectBot // Restrict Shift modifier to ENTER and SPACE, supporting Shift-Enter etc. // Note that most special keys such as DEL or cursor keys aren't handled // by this charcode-based method. int combinedCode = asciiToKeyCode[ch]; if (combinedCode > 0) { int code = combinedCode & KF_MASK; boolean shiftable = (combinedCode & KF_SHIFTABLE) > 0; boolean upper = (combinedCode & KF_UPPER) > 0; boolean letter = (combinedCode & KF_LETTER) > 0; boolean shifted = modShift && (upper || shiftable); if (letter && !mModCtrl && !mModAlt && !mModMeta) { // Try workaround for issue 179 where letters don't get upcased ic.commitText(Character.toString(ch), 1); handleModifierKeysUp(false, false); } else { sendModifiedKeyDownUp(code, shifted); } return; } } if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { //WIP InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); ic.clearMetaKeyStates(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON | KeyEvent.META_ALT_ON | KeyEvent.META_SYM_ON); //EditorInfo ei = getCurrentInputEditorInfo(); //Log.i(TAG, "capsmode=" + ic.getCursorCapsMode(ei.inputType)); //sendModifiedKeyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_0 + ch - '0'); //return; } // Default handling for anything else, including unmodified ENTER and SPACE. sendKeyChar(ch); } private void sendTab() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); boolean tabHack = isConnectbot() && mConnectbotTabHack; // FIXME: tab and ^I don't work in connectbot, hackish workaround if (tabHack) { if (mModAlt) { // send ESC prefix ic.commitText(Character.toString((char) 27), 1); } ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I)); ic.sendKeyEvent(new KeyEvent(KeyEvent.ACTION_UP, KeyEvent.KEYCODE_I)); } else { sendModifiedKeyDownUp(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB); } } private void sendEscape() { if (isConnectbot()) { sendKeyChar((char) 27); } else { sendModifiedKeyDownUp(111 /*KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ESCAPE */); } } private boolean processMultiKey(int primaryCode) { if (mDeadAccentBuffer.composeBuffer.length() > 0) { //Log.i(TAG, "processMultiKey: pending DeadAccent, length=" + mDeadAccentBuffer.composeBuffer.length()); mDeadAccentBuffer.execute(primaryCode); mDeadAccentBuffer.clear(); return true; } if (mComposeMode) { mComposeMode = mComposeBuffer.execute(primaryCode); return true; } return false; } // Implementation of KeyboardViewListener public void onKey(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes, int x, int y) { long when = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); if (primaryCode != Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE || when > mLastKeyTime + QUICK_PRESS) { mDeleteCount = 0; } mLastKeyTime = when; final boolean distinctMultiTouch = mKeyboardSwitcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); switch (primaryCode) { case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE: if (processMultiKey(primaryCode)) { break; } handleBackspace(); mDeleteCount++; TKIMELogger.logOnDelete(); break; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT: // Shift key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct // multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) handleShift(); break; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE: // Symbol key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct // multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) changeKeyboardMode(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT: // Ctrl key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct // multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) setModCtrl(!mModCtrl); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT: // Alt key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct // multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) setModAlt(!mModAlt); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_META_LEFT: // Meta key is handled in onPress() when device has distinct // multi-touch panel. if (!distinctMultiTouch) setModMeta(!mModMeta); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FN: if (!distinctMultiTouch) setModFn(!mModFn); break; case Keyboard.KEYCODE_CANCEL: if (!isShowingOptionDialog()) { handleClose(); } break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_OPTIONS: onOptionKeyPressed(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_OPTIONS_LONGPRESS: onOptionKeyLongPressed(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_COMPOSE: mComposeMode = !mComposeMode; mComposeBuffer.clear(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_NEXT_LANGUAGE: toggleLanguage(false, true); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_PREV_LANGUAGE: toggleLanguage(false, false); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_VOICE: // if (mVoiceRecognitionTrigger.isInstalled()) { // mVoiceRecognitionTrigger.startVoiceRecognition(); // } //startListening(false /* was a button press, was not a swipe */); break; case 9 /* Tab */: if (processMultiKey(primaryCode)) { break; } sendTab(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_ESCAPE: if (processMultiKey(primaryCode)) { break; } sendEscape(); break; case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_UP: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_HOME: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_END: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_PAGE_UP: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_PAGE_DOWN: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F1: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F2: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F3: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F4: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F5: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F6: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F7: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F8: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F9: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F10: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F11: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FKEY_F12: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FORWARD_DEL: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_INSERT: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_SYSRQ: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_BREAK: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_NUM_LOCK: case TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_SCROLL_LOCK: if (processMultiKey(primaryCode)) { break; } // send as plain keys, or as escape sequence if needed sendSpecialKey(-primaryCode); break; default: if (!mComposeMode && mDeadKeysActive && Character.getType(primaryCode) == Character.NON_SPACING_MARK) { //Log.i(TAG, "possible dead character: " + primaryCode); if (!mDeadAccentBuffer.execute(primaryCode)) { //Log.i(TAG, "double dead key"); break; // pressing a dead key twice produces spacing equivalent } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); break; } if (processMultiKey(primaryCode)) { break; } if (primaryCode != ASCII_ENTER) { mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; } TKIMEUtil.RingCharBuffer.getInstance().push((char) primaryCode, x, y); TKIMELogger.logOnInputChar(); if (isWordSeparator(primaryCode)) { handleSeparator(primaryCode); } else { handleCharacter(primaryCode, keyCodes); } // Cancel the just reverted state mJustRevertedSeparator = null; } mKeyboardSwitcher.onKey(primaryCode); // Reset after any single keystroke mEnteredText = null; //mDeadAccentBuffer.clear(); // FIXME } public void onText(CharSequence text) { //mDeadAccentBuffer.clear(); // FIXME InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; if (mPredicting && text.length() == 1) { // If adding a single letter, treat it as a regular keystroke so // that completion works as expected. int c = text.charAt(0); if (!isWordSeparator(c)) { int[] codes = { c }; handleCharacter(c, codes); return; } } abortCorrection(false); ic.beginBatchEdit(); if (mPredicting) { commitTyped(ic, true); } maybeRemovePreviousPeriod(text); ic.commitText(text, 1); ic.endBatchEdit(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); mKeyboardSwitcher.onKey(0); // dummy key code. mJustRevertedSeparator = null; mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; mEnteredText = text; } public void onCancel() { // User released a finger outside any key mKeyboardSwitcher.onCancelInput(); } private void handleBackspace() { boolean deleteChar = false; InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; ic.beginBatchEdit(); if (mPredicting) { final int length = mComposing.length(); if (length > 0) { mComposing.delete(length - 1, length); mWord.deleteLast(); ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); if (mComposing.length() == 0) { mPredicting = false; } postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); } } else { deleteChar = true; } postUpdateShiftKeyState(); TextEntryState.backspace(); if (TextEntryState.getState() == TextEntryState.State.UNDO_COMMIT) { revertLastWord(deleteChar); ic.endBatchEdit(); return; } else if (mEnteredText != null && sameAsTextBeforeCursor(ic, mEnteredText)) { ic.deleteSurroundingText(mEnteredText.length(), 0); } else if (deleteChar) { if (mCandidateView != null && mCandidateView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint()) { // Go back to the suggestion mode if the user canceled the // "Touch again to save". // NOTE: In gerenal, we don't revert the word when backspacing // from a manual suggestion pick. We deliberately chose a // different behavior only in the case of picking the first // suggestion (typed word). It's intentional to have made this // inconsistent with backspacing after selecting other // suggestions. revertLastWord(deleteChar); } else { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); if (mDeleteCount > DELETE_ACCELERATE_AT) { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); } } } mJustRevertedSeparator = null; ic.endBatchEdit(); } private void setModCtrl(boolean val) { // Log.i("LatinIME", "setModCtrl "+ mModCtrl + "->" + val + ", chording=" + mCtrlKeyState.isChording()); mKeyboardSwitcher.setCtrlIndicator(val); mModCtrl = val; } private void setModAlt(boolean val) { //Log.i("LatinIME", "setModAlt "+ mModAlt + "->" + val + ", chording=" + mAltKeyState.isChording()); mKeyboardSwitcher.setAltIndicator(val); mModAlt = val; } private void setModMeta(boolean val) { //Log.i("LatinIME", "setModMeta "+ mModMeta + "->" + val + ", chording=" + mMetaKeyState.isChording()); mKeyboardSwitcher.setMetaIndicator(val); mModMeta = val; } private void setModFn(boolean val) { //Log.i("LatinIME", "setModFn " + mModFn + "->" + val + ", chording=" + mFnKeyState.isChording()); mModFn = val; mKeyboardSwitcher.setFn(val); mKeyboardSwitcher.setCtrlIndicator(mModCtrl); mKeyboardSwitcher.setAltIndicator(mModAlt); mKeyboardSwitcher.setMetaIndicator(mModMeta); } private void startMultitouchShift() { int newState = Keyboard.SHIFT_ON; if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isAlphabetMode()) { mSavedShiftState = getShiftState(); if (mSavedShiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED) newState = Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS; } handleShiftInternal(true, newState); } private void commitMultitouchShift() { if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isAlphabetMode()) { int newState = nextShiftState(mSavedShiftState, true); handleShiftInternal(true, newState); } else { // do nothing, keyboard is already flipped } } private void resetMultitouchShift() { int newState = Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF; if (mSavedShiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS_LOCKED || mSavedShiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED) { newState = mSavedShiftState; } handleShiftInternal(true, newState); } private void resetShift() { handleShiftInternal(true, Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF); } private void handleShift() { handleShiftInternal(false, -1); } private static int getCapsOrShiftLockState() { return sKeyboardSettings.capsLock ? Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS_LOCKED : Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED; } // Rotate through shift states by successively pressing and releasing the Shift key. private static int nextShiftState(int prevState, boolean allowCapsLock) { if (allowCapsLock) { if (prevState == Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF) { return Keyboard.SHIFT_ON; } else if (prevState == Keyboard.SHIFT_ON) { return getCapsOrShiftLockState(); } else { return Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF; } } else { // currently unused, see toggleShift() if (prevState == Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF) { return Keyboard.SHIFT_ON; } else { return Keyboard.SHIFT_OFF; } } } private void handleShiftInternal(boolean forceState, int newState) { //Log.i(TAG, "handleShiftInternal forceNormal=" + forceNormal); mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SHIFT_STATE); KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; if (switcher.isAlphabetMode()) { if (forceState) { switcher.setShiftState(newState); } else { switcher.setShiftState(nextShiftState(getShiftState(), true)); } } else { switcher.toggleShift(); } } private void abortCorrection(boolean force) { if (force || TextEntryState.isCorrecting()) { getCurrentInputConnection().finishComposingText(); clearSuggestions(); } } private void handleCharacter(int primaryCode, int[] keyCodes) { if (mLastSelectionStart == mLastSelectionEnd && TextEntryState.isCorrecting()) { abortCorrection(false); } if (isAlphabet(primaryCode) && isPredictionOn() && !mModCtrl && !mModAlt && !mModMeta && !isCursorTouchingWord()) { if (!mPredicting) { mPredicting = true; mComposing.setLength(0); saveWordInHistory(mBestWord); mWord.reset(); } } if (mModCtrl || mModAlt || mModMeta) { commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection(), true); // sets mPredicting=false } if (mPredicting) { if (isShiftCapsMode() && mKeyboardSwitcher.isAlphabetMode() && mComposing.length() == 0) { // Show suggestions with initial caps if starting out shifted, // could be either auto-caps or manual shift. mWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(true); } mComposing.append((char) primaryCode); mWord.add(primaryCode, keyCodes); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { // If it's the first letter, make note of auto-caps state if (mWord.size() == 1) { mWord.setAutoCapitalized(getCursorCapsMode(ic, getCurrentInputEditorInfo()) != 0); } ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); } postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { sendModifiableKeyChar((char) primaryCode); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); if (LatinIME.PERF_DEBUG) measureCps(); TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, isWordSeparator(primaryCode)); } private void handleSeparator(int primaryCode) { // Should dismiss the "Touch again to save" message when handling // separator if (mCandidateView != null && mCandidateView.dismissAddToDictionaryHint()) { postUpdateSuggestions(); } boolean pickedDefault = false; // Handle separator InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); abortCorrection(false); } if (mPredicting) { // In certain languages where single quote is a separator, it's // better // not to auto correct, but accept the typed word. For instance, // in Italian dov' should not be expanded to dove' because the // elision // requires the last vowel to be removed. if (mAutoCorrectOn && primaryCode != '\'' && (mJustRevertedSeparator == null || mJustRevertedSeparator.length() == 0 || mJustRevertedSeparator.charAt(0) != primaryCode)) { pickedDefault = pickDefaultSuggestion(); // Picked the suggestion by the space key. We consider this // as "added an auto space" in autocomplete mode, but as manually // typed space in "quick fixes" mode. if (primaryCode == ASCII_SPACE) { if (mAutoCorrectEnabled) { mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; } else { TextEntryState.manualTyped(""); } } } else { commitTyped(ic, true); } } if (mJustAddedAutoSpace && primaryCode == ASCII_ENTER) { removeTrailingSpace(); mJustAddedAutoSpace = false; } sendModifiableKeyChar((char) primaryCode); // Handle the case of ". ." -> " .." with auto-space if necessary // before changing the TextEntryState. if (TextEntryState.getState() == TextEntryState.State.PUNCTUATION_AFTER_ACCEPTED && primaryCode == ASCII_PERIOD) { reswapPeriodAndSpace(); } TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) primaryCode, true); if (TextEntryState.getState() == TextEntryState.State.PUNCTUATION_AFTER_ACCEPTED && primaryCode != ASCII_ENTER) { swapPunctuationAndSpace(); } else if (isPredictionOn() && primaryCode == ASCII_SPACE) { doubleSpace(); } if (pickedDefault) { TextEntryState.backToAcceptedDefault(mWord.getTypedWord()); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } } private void handleClose() { commitTyped(getCurrentInputConnection(), true); requestHideSelf(0); if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null) { TKKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (inputView != null) { inputView.closing(); } } TextEntryState.endSession(); } private void saveWordInHistory(CharSequence result) { if (mWord.size() <= 1) { mWord.reset(); return; } // Skip if result is null. It happens in some edge case. if (TextUtils.isEmpty(result)) { return; } // Make a copy of the CharSequence, since it is/could be a mutable // CharSequence final String resultCopy = result.toString(); TypedWordAlternatives entry = new TypedWordAlternatives(resultCopy, new WordComposer(mWord)); mWordHistory.add(entry); } private void postUpdateSuggestions() { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS), 100); } private void postUpdateOldSuggestions() { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_OLD_SUGGESTIONS); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_UPDATE_OLD_SUGGESTIONS), 300); } private boolean isPredictionOn() { return mPredictionOnForMode && isPredictionWanted(); } private boolean isPredictionWanted() { return (mShowSuggestions || mSuggestionForceOn) && !suggestionsDisabled(); } private boolean isCandidateStripVisible() { return isPredictionOn(); } private void switchToKeyboardView() { Runnable() { public void run() { TKKeyboardView view = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (view != null) { ViewParent p = view.getParent(); if (p != null && p instanceof ViewGroup) { ((ViewGroup) p).removeView(view); } setInputView(mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView()); } setCandidatesViewShown(true); updateInputViewShown(); postUpdateSuggestions(); } }); } private void clearSuggestions() { setSuggestions(null, false, false, false); } private void setSuggestions(List<CharSequence> suggestions, boolean completions, boolean typedWordValid, boolean haveMinimalSuggestion) { if (mIsShowingHint) { setCandidatesViewShown(true); mIsShowingHint = false; } if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.setSuggestions(suggestions, completions, typedWordValid, haveMinimalSuggestion); } } private void updateSuggestions() { TKKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); if (inputView != null) { ((TKKeyboard) inputView.getKeyboard()).setPreferredLetters(null); } // Check if we have a suggestion engine attached. if ((mSuggest == null || !isPredictionOn())) { return; } if (!mPredicting) { setNextSuggestions(); return; } showSuggestions(mWord); } private List<CharSequence> getTypedSuggestions(WordComposer word) { List<CharSequence> stringList = mSuggest.getSuggestions(mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(), word, false, null); return stringList; } private void showCorrections(WordAlternatives alternatives) { List<CharSequence> stringList = alternatives.getAlternatives(); ((TKKeyboard) mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().getKeyboard()).setPreferredLetters(null); showSuggestions(stringList, alternatives.getOriginalWord(), false, false); } private void showSuggestions(WordComposer word) { // long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TIME MEASUREMENT! // TODO Maybe need better way of retrieving previous word CharSequence prevWord = EditingUtil.getPreviousWord(getCurrentInputConnection(), mWordSeparators); List<CharSequence> stringList = mSuggest.getSuggestions(mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(), word, false, prevWord); // long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // TIME MEASUREMENT! // Log.d("LatinIME","Suggest Total Time - " + (stopTime - startTime)); int[] nextLettersFrequencies = mSuggest.getNextLettersFrequencies(); ((TKKeyboard) mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().getKeyboard()).setPreferredLetters(nextLettersFrequencies); boolean correctionAvailable = !mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect && mSuggest.hasMinimalCorrection(); // || mCorrectionMode == mSuggest.CORRECTION_FULL; CharSequence typedWord = word.getTypedWord(); // If we're in basic correct boolean typedWordValid = mSuggest.isValidWord(typedWord) || (preferCapitalization() && mSuggest.isValidWord(typedWord.toString().toLowerCase())); if (mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL || mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM) { correctionAvailable |= typedWordValid; } // Don't auto-correct words with multiple capital letter correctionAvailable &= !word.isMostlyCaps(); correctionAvailable &= !TextEntryState.isCorrecting(); showSuggestions(stringList, typedWord, typedWordValid, correctionAvailable); } private void showSuggestions(List<CharSequence> stringList, CharSequence typedWord, boolean typedWordValid, boolean correctionAvailable) { setSuggestions(stringList, false, typedWordValid, correctionAvailable); if (stringList.size() > 0) { if (correctionAvailable && !typedWordValid && stringList.size() > 1) { mBestWord = stringList.get(1); } else { mBestWord = typedWord; } } else { mBestWord = null; } setCandidatesViewShown(isCandidateStripVisible() || mCompletionOn); } private boolean pickDefaultSuggestion() { // Complete any pending candidate query first if (mHandler.hasMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS)) { mHandler.removeMessages(MSG_UPDATE_SUGGESTIONS); updateSuggestions(); } if (mBestWord != null && mBestWord.length() > 0) { TextEntryState.acceptedDefault(mWord.getTypedWord(), mBestWord); mJustAccepted = true; pickSuggestion(mBestWord, false); // Add the word to the auto dictionary if it's not a known word addToDictionaries(mBestWord, AutoDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_TYPED); return true; } return false; } public void pickSuggestionManually(int index, CharSequence suggestion) { List<CharSequence> suggestions = mCandidateView.getSuggestions(); final boolean correcting = TextEntryState.isCorrecting(); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { ic.beginBatchEdit(); } if (mCompletionOn && mCompletions != null && index >= 0 && index < mCompletions.length) { CompletionInfo ci = mCompletions[index]; if (ic != null) { ic.commitCompletion(ci); } mCommittedLength = suggestion.length(); if (mCandidateView != null) { mCandidateView.clear(); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } return; } // If this is a punctuation, apply it through the normal key press if (suggestion.length() == 1 && (isWordSeparator(suggestion.charAt(0)) || isSuggestedPunctuation(suggestion.charAt(0)))) { // Word separators are suggested before the user inputs something. // So, TKIMELogger logs "" as a user's input. TKIMELogger.logOnManualSuggestion("", suggestion.toString(), index, suggestions); final char primaryCode = suggestion.charAt(0); onKey(primaryCode, new int[] { primaryCode }, BaseKeyboardView.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE, BaseKeyboardView.NOT_A_TOUCH_COORDINATE); if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } return; } mJustAccepted = true; pickSuggestion(suggestion, correcting); // Add the word to the auto dictionary if it's not a known word if (index == 0) { addToDictionaries(suggestion, AutoDictionary.FREQUENCY_FOR_PICKED); } else { addToBigramDictionary(suggestion, 1); } TKIMELogger.logOnManualSuggestion(mComposing.toString(), suggestion.toString(), index, suggestions); TextEntryState.acceptedSuggestion(mComposing.toString(), suggestion); // Follow it with a space if (mAutoSpace && !correcting) { sendSpace(); mJustAddedAutoSpace = true; } final boolean showingAddToDictionaryHint = index == 0 && mCorrectionMode > 0 && !mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestion) && !mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestion.toString().toLowerCase()); if (!correcting) { // Fool the state watcher so that a subsequent backspace will not do // a revert, unless // we just did a correction, in which case we need to stay in // TextEntryState.State.PICKED_SUGGESTION state. TextEntryState.typedCharacter((char) ASCII_SPACE, true); setNextSuggestions(); } else if (!showingAddToDictionaryHint) { // If we're not showing the "Touch again to save", then show // corrections again. // In case the cursor position doesn't change, make sure we show the // suggestions again. clearSuggestions(); postUpdateOldSuggestions(); } if (showingAddToDictionaryHint) { mCandidateView.showAddToDictionaryHint(suggestion); } if (ic != null) { ic.endBatchEdit(); } } private void rememberReplacedWord(CharSequence suggestion) { } /** * Commits the chosen word to the text field and saves it for later * retrieval. * * @param suggestion * the suggestion picked by the user to be committed to the text * field * @param correcting * whether this is due to a correction of an existing word. */ private void pickSuggestion(CharSequence suggestion, boolean correcting) { TKKeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView(); int shiftState = getShiftState(); if (shiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_LOCKED || shiftState == Keyboard.SHIFT_CAPS_LOCKED) { suggestion = suggestion.toString().toUpperCase(); // all UPPERCASE } InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic != null) { rememberReplacedWord(suggestion); ic.commitText(suggestion, 1); } saveWordInHistory(suggestion); mPredicting = false; mCommittedLength = suggestion.length(); ((TKKeyboard) inputView.getKeyboard()).setPreferredLetters(null); // If we just corrected a word, then don't show punctuations if (!correcting) { setNextSuggestions(); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } /** * Tries to apply any typed alternatives for the word if we have any cached * alternatives, otherwise tries to find new corrections and completions for * the word. * * @param touching * The word that the cursor is touching, with position * information * @return true if an alternative was found, false otherwise. */ private boolean applyTypedAlternatives(EditingUtil.SelectedWord touching) { // If we didn't find a match, search for result in typed word history WordComposer foundWord = null; WordAlternatives alternatives = null; for (WordAlternatives entry : mWordHistory) { if (TextUtils.equals(entry.getChosenWord(), touching.word)) { if (entry instanceof TypedWordAlternatives) { foundWord = ((TypedWordAlternatives) entry).word; } alternatives = entry; break; } } // If we didn't find a match, at least suggest completions if (foundWord == null && (mSuggest.isValidWord(touching.word) || mSuggest.isValidWord(touching.word.toString().toLowerCase()))) { foundWord = new WordComposer(); for (int i = 0; i < touching.word.length(); i++) { foundWord.add(touching.word.charAt(i), new int[] { touching.word.charAt(i) }); } foundWord.setFirstCharCapitalized(Character.isUpperCase(touching.word.charAt(0))); } // Found a match, show suggestions if (foundWord != null || alternatives != null) { if (alternatives == null) { alternatives = new TypedWordAlternatives(touching.word, foundWord); } showCorrections(alternatives); if (foundWord != null) { mWord = new WordComposer(foundWord); } else { mWord.reset(); } return true; } return false; } private void setOldSuggestions() { if (mCandidateView != null && mCandidateView.isShowingAddToDictionaryHint()) { return; } InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return; if (!mPredicting) { // Extract the selected or touching text EditingUtil.SelectedWord touching = EditingUtil.getWordAtCursorOrSelection(ic, mLastSelectionStart, mLastSelectionEnd, mWordSeparators); abortCorrection(true); setNextSuggestions(); // Show the punctuation suggestions list } else { abortCorrection(true); } } private void setNextSuggestions() { setSuggestions(mSuggestPuncList, false, false, false); } private void addToDictionaries(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta) { checkAddToDictionary(suggestion, frequencyDelta, false); } private void addToBigramDictionary(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta) { checkAddToDictionary(suggestion, frequencyDelta, true); } /** * Adds to the UserBigramDictionary and/or AutoDictionary * * @param addToBigramDictionary * true if it should be added to bigram dictionary if possible */ private void checkAddToDictionary(CharSequence suggestion, int frequencyDelta, boolean addToBigramDictionary) { if (suggestion == null || suggestion.length() < 1) return; // Only auto-add to dictionary if auto-correct is ON. Otherwise we'll be // adding words in situations where the user or application really // didn't // want corrections enabled or learned. if (!(mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL || mCorrectionMode == Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM)) { return; } if (suggestion != null) { if (!addToBigramDictionary && mAutoDictionary.isValidWord(suggestion) || (!mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestion.toString()) && !mSuggest.isValidWord(suggestion.toString().toLowerCase()))) { mAutoDictionary.addWord(suggestion.toString(), frequencyDelta); } if (mUserBigramDictionary != null) { CharSequence prevWord = EditingUtil.getPreviousWord(getCurrentInputConnection(), mSentenceSeparators); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(prevWord)) { mUserBigramDictionary.addBigrams(prevWord.toString(), suggestion.toString()); } } } } private boolean isCursorTouchingWord() { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (ic == null) return false; CharSequence toLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); CharSequence toRight = ic.getTextAfterCursor(1, 0); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toLeft) && !isWordSeparator(toLeft.charAt(0)) && !isSuggestedPunctuation(toLeft.charAt(0))) { return true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(toRight) && !isWordSeparator(toRight.charAt(0)) && !isSuggestedPunctuation(toRight.charAt(0))) { return true; } return false; } private boolean sameAsTextBeforeCursor(InputConnection ic, CharSequence text) { CharSequence beforeText = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(text.length(), 0); return TextUtils.equals(text, beforeText); } public void revertLastWord(boolean deleteChar) { final int length = mComposing.length(); if (!mPredicting && length > 0) { final InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); mPredicting = true; mJustRevertedSeparator = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(1, 0); if (deleteChar) ic.deleteSurroundingText(1, 0); int toDelete = mCommittedLength; CharSequence toTheLeft = ic.getTextBeforeCursor(mCommittedLength, 0); if (toTheLeft != null && toTheLeft.length() > 0 && isWordSeparator(toTheLeft.charAt(0))) { toDelete--; } ic.deleteSurroundingText(toDelete, 0); ic.setComposingText(mComposing, 1); TextEntryState.backspace(); postUpdateSuggestions(); } else { sendDownUpKeyEvents(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DEL); mJustRevertedSeparator = null; } } protected String getWordSeparators() { return mWordSeparators; } public boolean isWordSeparator(int code) { String separators = getWordSeparators(); return separators.contains(String.valueOf((char) code)); } private boolean isSentenceSeparator(int code) { return mSentenceSeparators.contains(String.valueOf((char) code)); } private void sendSpace() { sendModifiableKeyChar((char) ASCII_SPACE); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); // onKey(KEY_SPACE[0], KEY_SPACE); } public boolean preferCapitalization() { return mWord.isFirstCharCapitalized(); } void toggleLanguage(boolean reset, boolean next) { if (reset) { mLanguageSwitcher.reset(); } else { if (next) {; } else { mLanguageSwitcher.prev(); } } int currentKeyboardMode = mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardMode(); reloadKeyboards(); mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(true); mKeyboardSwitcher.setKeyboardMode(currentKeyboardMode, 0, mEnableVoiceButton && mEnableVoice, null); initSuggest(mLanguageSwitcher.getInputLanguage()); mLanguageSwitcher.persist(); mAutoCapActive = mAutoCapPref && mLanguageSwitcher.allowAutoCap(); mDeadKeysActive = mLanguageSwitcher.allowDeadKeys(); updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); setCandidatesViewShown(isPredictionOn()); } public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { Log.i("PCKeyboard", "onSharedPreferenceChanged()"); boolean needReload = false; Resources res = getResources(); // Apply globally handled shared prefs sKeyboardSettings.sharedPreferenceChanged(sharedPreferences, key); if (sKeyboardSettings.hasFlag(GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_NEED_RELOAD)) { needReload = true; } if (sKeyboardSettings.hasFlag(GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_NEW_PUNC_LIST)) { initSuggestPuncList(); } if (sKeyboardSettings.hasFlag(GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_RECREATE_INPUT_VIEW)) { mKeyboardSwitcher.recreateInputView(); } if (sKeyboardSettings.hasFlag(GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_RESET_MODE_OVERRIDE)) { mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape = 0; mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait = 0; } if (sKeyboardSettings.hasFlag(GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_RESET_KEYBOARDS)) { toggleLanguage(true, true); } int unhandledFlags = sKeyboardSettings.unhandledFlags(); if (unhandledFlags != GlobalKeyboardSettings.FLAG_PREF_NONE) { Log.w(TAG, "Not all flag settings handled, remaining=" + unhandledFlags); } if (PREF_SELECTED_LANGUAGES.equals(key)) { mLanguageSwitcher.loadLocales(sharedPreferences); mRefreshKeyboardRequired = true; } else if (PREF_RECORRECTION_ENABLED.equals(key)) { mReCorrectionEnabled = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_RECORRECTION_ENABLED, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_recorrection_enabled)); if (mReCorrectionEnabled) { // It doesn't work right on pre-Gingerbread phones. Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), res.getString(R.string.recorrect_warning), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } else if (PREF_CONNECTBOT_TAB_HACK.equals(key)) { mConnectbotTabHack = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_CONNECTBOT_TAB_HACK, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_connectbot_tab_hack)); } else if (PREF_FULLSCREEN_OVERRIDE.equals(key)) { mFullscreenOverride = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_FULLSCREEN_OVERRIDE, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_fullscreen_override)); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_FORCE_KEYBOARD_ON.equals(key)) { mForceKeyboardOn = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_FORCE_KEYBOARD_ON, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_force_keyboard_on)); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_KEYBOARD_NOTIFICATION.equals(key)) { mKeyboardNotification = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_KEYBOARD_NOTIFICATION, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_keyboard_notification)); setNotification(mKeyboardNotification); } else if (PREF_SUGGESTIONS_IN_LANDSCAPE.equals(key)) { mSuggestionsInLandscape = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_SUGGESTIONS_IN_LANDSCAPE, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_suggestions_in_landscape)); // Respect the suggestion settings in legacy Gingerbread mode, // in portrait mode, or if suggestions in landscape enabled. mSuggestionForceOff = false; mSuggestionForceOn = false; setCandidatesViewShown(isPredictionOn()); } else if (PREF_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS.equals(key)) { mShowSuggestions = sharedPreferences.getBoolean(PREF_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS, res.getBoolean(R.bool.default_suggestions)); mSuggestionForceOff = false; mSuggestionForceOn = false; needReload = true; } else if (PREF_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT.equals(key)) { mHeightPortrait = getHeight(sharedPreferences, PREF_HEIGHT_PORTRAIT, res.getString(R.string.default_height_portrait)); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE.equals(key)) { mHeightLandscape = getHeight(sharedPreferences, PREF_HEIGHT_LANDSCAPE, res.getString(R.string.default_height_landscape)); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_HINT_MODE.equals(key)) { LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.hintMode = Integer.parseInt( sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_HINT_MODE, res.getString(R.string.default_hint_mode))); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT.equals(key)) { LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.longpressTimeout = getPrefInt(sharedPreferences, PREF_LONGPRESS_TIMEOUT, res.getString(R.string.default_long_press_duration)); } else if (PREF_RENDER_MODE.equals(key)) { LatinIME.sKeyboardSettings.renderMode = getPrefInt(sharedPreferences, PREF_RENDER_MODE, res.getString(R.string.default_render_mode)); needReload = true; } else if (PREF_SWIPE_UP.equals(key)) { mSwipeUpAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_SWIPE_UP, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_up)); } else if (PREF_SWIPE_DOWN.equals(key)) { mSwipeDownAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_SWIPE_DOWN, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_down)); } else if (PREF_SWIPE_LEFT.equals(key)) { mSwipeLeftAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_SWIPE_LEFT, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_left)); } else if (PREF_SWIPE_RIGHT.equals(key)) { mSwipeRightAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_SWIPE_RIGHT, res.getString(R.string.default_swipe_right)); } else if (PREF_VOL_UP.equals(key)) { mVolUpAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_VOL_UP, res.getString(R.string.default_vol_up)); } else if (PREF_VOL_DOWN.equals(key)) { mVolDownAction = sharedPreferences.getString(PREF_VOL_DOWN, res.getString(R.string.default_vol_down)); } else if (PREF_VIBRATE_LEN.equals(key)) { mVibrateLen = getPrefInt(sharedPreferences, PREF_VIBRATE_LEN, getResources().getString(R.string.vibrate_duration_ms)); } updateKeyboardOptions(); if (needReload) { mKeyboardSwitcher.makeKeyboards(true); } } private boolean doSwipeAction(String action) { //Log.i(TAG, "doSwipeAction + " + action); if (action == null || action.equals("") || action.equals("none")) { return false; } else if (action.equals("close")) { handleClose(); } else if (action.equals("settings")) { launchSettings(); } else if (action.equals("suggestions")) { if (mSuggestionForceOn) { mSuggestionForceOn = false; mSuggestionForceOff = true; } else if (mSuggestionForceOff) { mSuggestionForceOn = true; mSuggestionForceOff = false; } else if (isPredictionWanted()) { mSuggestionForceOff = true; } else { mSuggestionForceOn = true; } setCandidatesViewShown(isPredictionOn()); } else if (action.equals("lang_prev")) { toggleLanguage(false, false); } else if (action.equals("lang_next")) { toggleLanguage(false, true); } else if (action.equals("debug_auto_play")) { if (TKKeyboardView.DEBUG_AUTO_PLAY) { ClipboardManager cm = ((ClipboardManager) getSystemService(CLIPBOARD_SERVICE)); CharSequence text = cm.getText(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(text)) { mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().startPlaying(text.toString()); } } } else if (action.equals("full_mode")) { if (isPortrait()) { mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait = (mKeyboardModeOverridePortrait + 1) % mNumKeyboardModes; } else { mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape = (mKeyboardModeOverrideLandscape + 1) % mNumKeyboardModes; } toggleLanguage(true, true); } else if (action.equals("extension")) { sKeyboardSettings.useExtension = !sKeyboardSettings.useExtension; reloadKeyboards(); } else if (action.equals("height_up")) { if (isPortrait()) { mHeightPortrait += 5; if (mHeightPortrait > 70) mHeightPortrait = 70; } else { mHeightLandscape += 5; if (mHeightLandscape > 70) mHeightLandscape = 70; } toggleLanguage(true, true); } else if (action.equals("height_down")) { if (isPortrait()) { mHeightPortrait -= 5; if (mHeightPortrait < 15) mHeightPortrait = 15; } else { mHeightLandscape -= 5; if (mHeightLandscape < 15) mHeightLandscape = 15; } toggleLanguage(true, true); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Unsupported swipe action config: " + action); } return true; } public boolean swipeRight() { return doSwipeAction(mSwipeRightAction); } public boolean swipeLeft() { return doSwipeAction(mSwipeLeftAction); } public boolean swipeDown() { return doSwipeAction(mSwipeDownAction); } public boolean swipeUp() { return doSwipeAction(mSwipeUpAction); } public void onPress(int primaryCode) { InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isVibrateAndSoundFeedbackRequired()) { vibrate(); playKeyClick(primaryCode); } final boolean distinctMultiTouch = mKeyboardSwitcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT) { mShiftKeyState.onPress(); startMultitouchShift(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE) { changeKeyboardMode(); mSymbolKeyState.onPress(); mKeyboardSwitcher.setAutoModeSwitchStateMomentary(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT) { setModCtrl(!mModCtrl); mCtrlKeyState.onPress(); sendCtrlKey(ic, true, true); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT) { setModAlt(!mModAlt); mAltKeyState.onPress(); sendAltKey(ic, true, true); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_META_LEFT) { setModMeta(!mModMeta); mMetaKeyState.onPress(); sendMetaKey(ic, true, true); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FN) { setModFn(!mModFn); mFnKeyState.onPress(); } else { mShiftKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mSymbolKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mCtrlKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mAltKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mMetaKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mFnKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); } } public void onRelease(int primaryCode) { // Reset any drag flags in the keyboard ((TKKeyboard) mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().getKeyboard()).keyReleased(); // vibrate(); final boolean distinctMultiTouch = mKeyboardSwitcher.hasDistinctMultitouch(); InputConnection ic = getCurrentInputConnection(); if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT) { if (mShiftKeyState.isChording()) { resetMultitouchShift(); } else { commitMultitouchShift(); } mShiftKeyState.onRelease(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE) { // Snap back to the previous keyboard mode if the user chords the // mode change key and // other key, then released the mode change key. if (mKeyboardSwitcher.isInChordingAutoModeSwitchState()) changeKeyboardMode(); mSymbolKeyState.onRelease(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT) { if (mCtrlKeyState.isChording()) { setModCtrl(false); } sendCtrlKey(ic, false, true); mCtrlKeyState.onRelease(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT) { if (mAltKeyState.isChording()) { setModAlt(false); } sendAltKey(ic, false, true); mAltKeyState.onRelease(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_META_LEFT) { if (mMetaKeyState.isChording()) { setModMeta(false); } sendMetaKey(ic, false, true); mMetaKeyState.onRelease(); } else if (distinctMultiTouch && primaryCode == TKKeyboardView.KEYCODE_FN) { if (mFnKeyState.isChording()) { setModFn(false); } mFnKeyState.onRelease(); } // WARNING: Adding a chording modifier key? Make sure you also // edit PointerTracker.isModifierInternal(), otherwise it will // force a release event instead of chording. } // receive ringer mode changes to detect silent mode private BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { updateRingerMode(); } }; // update flags for silent mode private void updateRingerMode() { if (mAudioManager == null) { mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); } if (mAudioManager != null) { mSilentMode = (mAudioManager.getRingerMode() != AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_NORMAL); } } private float getKeyClickVolume() { if (mAudioManager == null) return 0.0f; // shouldn't happen // The volume calculations are poorly documented, this is the closest I could // find for explaining volume conversions: // // // Note that the passed level value is a raw scalar. UI controls should be scaled logarithmically: // the gain applied by audio framework ranges from -72dB to 0dB, so an appropriate conversion // from linear UI input x to level is: x == 0 -> level = 0 0 < x <= R -> level = 10^(72*(x-R)/20/R) int method = sKeyboardSettings.keyClickMethod; // See click_method_values in strings.xml if (method == 0) return FX_VOLUME; float targetVol = sKeyboardSettings.keyClickVolume; if (method > 1) { // TODO(klausw): on some devices the media volume controls the click volume? // If that's the case, try to set a relative target volume. int mediaMax = mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); int mediaVol = mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); //Log.i(TAG, "getKeyClickVolume relative, media vol=" + mediaVol + "/" + mediaMax); float channelVol = (float) mediaVol / mediaMax; if (method == 2) { targetVol *= channelVol; } else if (method == 3) { if (channelVol == 0) return 0.0f; // Channel is silent, won't get audio targetVol = Math.min(targetVol / channelVol, 1.0f); // Cap at 1.0 } } // Set absolute volume, treating the percentage as a logarithmic control float vol = (float) Math.pow(10.0, FX_VOLUME_RANGE_DB * (targetVol - 1) / 20); //Log.i(TAG, "getKeyClickVolume absolute, target=" + targetVol + " amp=" + vol); return vol; } private void playKeyClick(int primaryCode) { // if mAudioManager is null, we don't have the ringer state yet // mAudioManager will be set by updateRingerMode if (mAudioManager == null) { if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null) { updateRingerMode(); } } if (mSoundOn && !mSilentMode) { // FIXME: Volume and enable should come from UI settings // FIXME: These should be triggered after auto-repeat logic int sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_STANDARD; switch (primaryCode) { case Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_DELETE; break; case ASCII_ENTER: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_RETURN; break; case ASCII_SPACE: sound = AudioManager.FX_KEYPRESS_SPACEBAR; break; } mAudioManager.playSoundEffect(sound, getKeyClickVolume()); } } private void vibrate() { if (!mVibrateOn) { return; } vibrate(mVibrateLen); } void vibrate(int len) { Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); if (v != null) { v.vibrate(len); return; } if (mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView() != null) { mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.KEYBOARD_TAP, HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING); } } private void checkTutorial(String privateImeOptions) { if (privateImeOptions == null) return; if (privateImeOptions.equals("")) { if (mTutorial == null) startTutorial(); } else if (privateImeOptions.equals("")) { if (mTutorial != null) { if (mTutorial.close()) { mTutorial = null; } } } } private void startTutorial() { mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_START_TUTORIAL), 500); } /* package */void tutorialDone() { mTutorial = null; } /* package */void promoteToUserDictionary(String word, int frequency) { if (mUserDictionary.isValidWord(word)) return; mUserDictionary.addWord(word, frequency); } /* package */WordComposer getCurrentWord() { return mWord; } /* package */boolean getPopupOn() { return mPopupOn; } private void updateCorrectionMode() { mHasDictionary = mSuggest != null ? mSuggest.hasMainDictionary() : false; mAutoCorrectOn = (mAutoCorrectEnabled || mQuickFixes) && !mInputTypeNoAutoCorrect && mHasDictionary; mCorrectionMode = (mAutoCorrectOn && mAutoCorrectEnabled) ? Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL : (mAutoCorrectOn ? Suggest.CORRECTION_BASIC : Suggest.CORRECTION_NONE); mCorrectionMode = (mBigramSuggestionEnabled && mAutoCorrectOn && mAutoCorrectEnabled) ? Suggest.CORRECTION_FULL_BIGRAM : mCorrectionMode; if (suggestionsDisabled()) { mAutoCorrectOn = false; mCorrectionMode = Suggest.CORRECTION_NONE; } if (mSuggest != null) { mSuggest.setCorrectionMode(mCorrectionMode); } } private void updateAutoTextEnabled(Locale systemLocale) { if (mSuggest == null) return; boolean different = !systemLocale.getLanguage().equalsIgnoreCase(mInputLocale.substring(0, 2)); mSuggest.setAutoTextEnabled(!different && mQuickFixes); } protected void launchSettings() { launchSettings(TKIMESettings.class); } public void launchDebugSettings() { launchSettings(TKIMEDebugSettings.class); } protected void launchSettings(Class<? extends PreferenceActivity> settingsClass) { handleClose(); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(LatinIME.this, settingsClass); intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); startActivity(intent); } private void loadSettings() { // Get the settings preferences SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); mVibrateOn = sp.getBoolean(PREF_VIBRATE_ON, false); mVibrateLen = getPrefInt(sp, PREF_VIBRATE_LEN, getResources().getString(R.string.vibrate_duration_ms)); mSoundOn = sp.getBoolean(PREF_SOUND_ON, false); mPopupOn = sp.getBoolean(PREF_POPUP_ON, mResources.getBoolean(R.bool.default_popup_preview)); mAutoCapPref = sp.getBoolean(PREF_AUTO_CAP, getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.default_auto_cap)); mQuickFixes = sp.getBoolean(PREF_QUICK_FIXES, true); mShowSuggestions = sp.getBoolean(PREF_SHOW_SUGGESTIONS, mResources.getBoolean(R.bool.default_suggestions)); final String voiceMode = sp.getString(PREF_VOICE_MODE, getString(R.string.voice_mode_main)); boolean enableVoice = !voiceMode.equals(getString(R.string.voice_mode_off)) && mEnableVoiceButton; boolean voiceOnPrimary = voiceMode.equals(getString(R.string.voice_mode_main)); if (mKeyboardSwitcher != null && (enableVoice != mEnableVoice || voiceOnPrimary != mVoiceOnPrimary)) { mKeyboardSwitcher.setVoiceMode(enableVoice, voiceOnPrimary, null); } mEnableVoice = enableVoice; mVoiceOnPrimary = voiceOnPrimary; mAutoCorrectEnabled = sp.getBoolean(PREF_AUTO_COMPLETE, mResources.getBoolean(R.bool.enable_autocorrect)) & mShowSuggestions; // mBigramSuggestionEnabled = sp.getBoolean( // PREF_BIGRAM_SUGGESTIONS, true) & mShowSuggestions; updateCorrectionMode(); updateAutoTextEnabled(mResources.getConfiguration().locale); mLanguageSwitcher.loadLocales(sp); mAutoCapActive = mAutoCapPref && mLanguageSwitcher.allowAutoCap(); mDeadKeysActive = mLanguageSwitcher.allowDeadKeys(); } private void initSuggestPuncList() { mSuggestPuncList = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); String suggestPuncs = sKeyboardSettings.suggestedPunctuation; String defaultPuncs = getResources().getString(R.string.suggested_punctuations_default); if (suggestPuncs.equals(defaultPuncs) || suggestPuncs.equals("")) { // Not user-configured, load the language-specific default. suggestPuncs = getResources().getString(R.string.suggested_punctuations); } if (suggestPuncs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < suggestPuncs.length(); i++) { mSuggestPuncList.add(suggestPuncs.subSequence(i, i + 1)); } } setNextSuggestions(); } private boolean isSuggestedPunctuation(int code) { return sKeyboardSettings.suggestedPunctuation.contains(String.valueOf((char) code)); } private void showOptionsMenu() { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); builder.setCancelable(true); builder.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_dialog_keyboard); builder.setNegativeButton(android.R.string.cancel, null); CharSequence itemSettings = getString(R.string.english_ime_settings); CharSequence itemInputMethod = getString(R.string.selectInputMethod); builder.setItems(new CharSequence[] { itemInputMethod, itemSettings }, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface di, int position) { di.dismiss(); switch (position) { case POS_SETTINGS: launchSettings(); break; case POS_METHOD: ((InputMethodManager) getSystemService(INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE)).showInputMethodPicker(); break; } } }); builder.setTitle(mResources.getString(R.string.english_ime_input_options)); mOptionsDialog = builder.create(); Window window = mOptionsDialog.getWindow(); WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = window.getAttributes(); lp.token = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView().getWindowToken(); lp.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_ATTACHED_DIALOG; window.setAttributes(lp); window.addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_ALT_FOCUSABLE_IM);; } public void changeKeyboardMode() { KeyboardSwitcher switcher = mKeyboardSwitcher; if (switcher.isAlphabetMode()) { mSavedShiftState = getShiftState(); } switcher.toggleSymbols(); if (switcher.isAlphabetMode()) { switcher.setShiftState(mSavedShiftState); } updateShiftKeyState(getCurrentInputEditorInfo()); } public static <E> ArrayList<E> newArrayList(E... elements) { int capacity = (elements.length * 110) / 100 + 5; ArrayList<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(capacity); Collections.addAll(list, elements); return list; } @Override protected void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter fout, String[] args) { super.dump(fd, fout, args); final Printer p = new PrintWriterPrinter(fout); p.println("LatinIME state :"); p.println(" Keyboard mode = " + mKeyboardSwitcher.getKeyboardMode()); p.println(" mComposing=" + mComposing.toString()); p.println(" mPredictionOnForMode=" + mPredictionOnForMode); p.println(" mCorrectionMode=" + mCorrectionMode); p.println(" mPredicting=" + mPredicting); p.println(" mAutoCorrectOn=" + mAutoCorrectOn); p.println(" mAutoSpace=" + mAutoSpace); p.println(" mCompletionOn=" + mCompletionOn); p.println(" TextEntryState.state=" + TextEntryState.getState()); p.println(" mSoundOn=" + mSoundOn); p.println(" mVibrateOn=" + mVibrateOn); p.println(" mPopupOn=" + mPopupOn); } // Characters per second measurement private long mLastCpsTime; private static final int CPS_BUFFER_SIZE = 16; private long[] mCpsIntervals = new long[CPS_BUFFER_SIZE]; private int mCpsIndex; private static Pattern NUMBER_RE = Pattern.compile("(\\d+).*"); private void measureCps() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (mLastCpsTime == 0) mLastCpsTime = now - 100; // Initial mCpsIntervals[mCpsIndex] = now - mLastCpsTime; mLastCpsTime = now; mCpsIndex = (mCpsIndex + 1) % CPS_BUFFER_SIZE; long total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < CPS_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) total += mCpsIntervals[i]; Log.i(TAG, "CPS = " + ((CPS_BUFFER_SIZE * 1000f) / total)); } public void onAutoCompletionStateChanged(boolean isAutoCompletion) { mKeyboardSwitcher.onAutoCompletionStateChanged(isAutoCompletion); } static int getIntFromString(String val, int defVal) { Matcher num = NUMBER_RE.matcher(val); if (!num.matches()) return defVal; return Integer.parseInt(; } static int getPrefInt(SharedPreferences prefs, String prefName, int defVal) { String prefVal = prefs.getString(prefName, Integer.toString(defVal)); //Log.i("PCKeyboard", "getPrefInt " + prefName + " = " + prefVal + ", default " + defVal); return getIntFromString(prefVal, defVal); } static int getPrefInt(SharedPreferences prefs, String prefName, String defStr) { int defVal = getIntFromString(defStr, 0); return getPrefInt(prefs, prefName, defVal); } static int getHeight(SharedPreferences prefs, String prefName, String defVal) { int val = getPrefInt(prefs, prefName, defVal); if (val < 15) val = 15; if (val > 75) val = 75; return val; } }