Java tutorial
/** * * CobaltFragment * Cobalt * * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 Cobaltians * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ package org.cobaltians.cobalt.fragments; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.Cobalt; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.R; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.activities.CobaltActivity; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.customviews.CobaltSwipeRefreshLayout; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.customviews.IScrollListener; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.customviews.OverScrollingWebView; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.database.LocalStorageJavaScriptInterface; import org.cobaltians.cobalt.plugin.CobaltPluginManager; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.*; import android.webkit.JavascriptInterface; import android.webkit.WebSettings; import android.webkit.WebView; import android.webkit.WebViewClient; import android.widget.Toast; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /** * {@link Fragment} allowing interactions between native and Web * * @author Diane Moebs */ public abstract class CobaltFragment extends Fragment implements IScrollListener, SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener { // TAG protected final static String TAG = CobaltFragment.class.getSimpleName(); /********************************************************* * MEMBERS ********************************************************/ protected Context mContext; protected ViewGroup mWebViewContainer; protected OverScrollingWebView mWebView; protected CobaltSwipeRefreshLayout mSwipeRefreshLayout; protected Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private ArrayList<JSONObject> mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue = new ArrayList<JSONObject>(); private boolean mPreloadOnCreate = true; private boolean mCobaltIsReady = false; private boolean mIsInfiniteScrollRefreshing = false; private CobaltPluginManager mPluginManager; private boolean mAllowCommit; /************************************************************************************************** * LIFECYCLE **************************************************************************************************/ @Override public void onAttach(Context context) { super.onAttach(context); mContext = context; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); mPluginManager = CobaltPluginManager.getInstance(mContext); setRetainInstance(true); mAllowCommit = true; } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); try { View view = inflater.inflate(getLayoutToInflate(), container, false); setUpViews(view); setUpListeners(); return view; } catch (InflateException e) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onCreateView: InflateException"); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Restores Web view state. */ @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); if (mWebView != null) { mWebView.restoreState(savedInstanceState); } } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); addWebView(); preloadContent(); } @Override public void onResume() { mAllowCommit = true; super.onResume(); JSONObject data = ((CobaltActivity) mContext).getDataNavigation(); sendEvent(Cobalt.JSEventOnPageShown, data, null); ((CobaltActivity) mContext).setDataNavigation(null); } @Override public void onStop() { super.onStop(); // Fragment will rotate or be destroyed, so we don't preload content defined in fragment's arguments again mPreloadOnCreate = false; removeWebViewFromPlaceholder(); } /** * Saves the Web view state. */ @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { mAllowCommit = false; super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); if (mWebView != null) { mWebView.saveState(outState); } } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); mPluginManager.onFragmentDestroyed(mContext, this); } /**************************************************************************************** * LIFECYCLE HELPERS ***************************************************************************************/ /** * This method should be overridden in subclasses. * @return Layout id inflated by this fragment */ protected int getLayoutToInflate() { if (isPullToRefreshActive()) return R.layout.fragment_refresh_cobalt; else return R.layout.fragment_cobalt; } /** * Sets up the fragment's properties according to the inflated layout. * This method should be overridden in subclasses. * @param rootView: parent view */ protected void setUpViews(View rootView) { mWebViewContainer = ((ViewGroup) rootView.findViewById(getWebViewContainerId())); if (isPullToRefreshActive()) { mSwipeRefreshLayout = ((CobaltSwipeRefreshLayout) rootView.findViewById(getSwipeRefreshContainerId())); if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources(R.color.cobalt_blue_bright, R.color.cobalt_blue_light, R.color.cobalt_blue_dark, R.color.cobalt_blue_light); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.w(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - setUpViews: SwipeRefresh container not found!"); } if (Cobalt.DEBUG && mWebViewContainer == null) Log.w(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - setUpViews: WebView container not found!"); } protected int getWebViewContainerId() { return; } protected int getSwipeRefreshContainerId() { return; } /**c * Sets up listeners for components inflated from the given layout and the parent view. * This method should be overridden in subclasses. */ protected void setUpListeners() { } /** * Called to add the Web view in the placeholder (and creates it if necessary). * This method SHOULD NOT be overridden in subclasses. */ protected void addWebView() { if (mWebView == null) { mWebView = new OverScrollingWebView(mContext); setWebViewSettings(this); if (isPullToRefreshActive() && mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(this); mSwipeRefreshLayout.setWebView(mWebView); } } if (mWebViewContainer != null) { mWebViewContainer.addView(mWebView); } } protected void setWebViewSettings(CobaltFragment javascriptInterface) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1) mWebView.setLayerType(View.LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE, null); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD) mWebView.setOverScrollMode(View.OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS); mWebView.setScrollListener(this); mWebView.setScrollBarStyle(WebView.SCROLLBARS_INSIDE_OVERLAY); // Enables JS WebSettings webSettings = mWebView.getSettings(); webSettings.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); // Enables and setups JS local storage webSettings.setDomStorageEnabled(true); webSettings.setDatabaseEnabled(true); //@deprecated since API 19. But calling this method have simply no effect for API 19+ webSettings.setDatabasePath(mContext.getFilesDir().getParentFile().getPath() + "/databases/"); // Enables cross-domain calls for Ajax allowAjax(); // Fix some focus issues on old devices like HTC Wildfire // keyboard was not properly showed on input touch. mWebView.requestFocus(View.FOCUS_DOWN); mWebView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { @Override public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (!view.hasFocus()) { view.requestFocus(); } break; default: break; } return false; } }); //Enable Webview debugging from chrome desktop if (Cobalt.DEBUG && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { WebView.setWebContentsDebuggingEnabled(true); } // Add JavaScript interface so JavaScript can call native functions. mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(javascriptInterface, "Android"); mWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new LocalStorageJavaScriptInterface(mContext), "LocalStorage"); WebViewClient webViewClient = new WebViewClient() { @Override public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) { executeWaitingCalls(); } }; mWebView.setWebViewClient(webViewClient); } @SuppressLint("NewApi") private void allowAjax() { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) { // TODO: see how to restrict only to local files mWebView.getSettings().setAllowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs(true); } } private void preloadContent() { String page = (getPage() != null) ? getPage() : "index.html"; if (mPreloadOnCreate) { loadFileFromAssets(page); } } /** * Load the given file in the Web view * @param file: file name to load. * @warning All application HTML files should be found in the same subfolder in ressource path */ private void loadFileFromAssets(String file) { mWebView.loadUrl(Cobalt.getInstance(mContext).getResourcePath() + file); } /** * Called when fragment is about to rotate or be destroyed * This method SHOULD NOT be overridden in subclasses. */ private void removeWebViewFromPlaceholder() { if (mWebViewContainer != null) { mWebViewContainer.removeView(mWebView); } } /**************************************************************************************** * SCRIPT EXECUTION ***************************************************************************************/ // TODO: find a way to keep in the queue not sent messages /** * Sends script to be executed by JavaScript in Web view * @param jsonObj: JSONObject containing script. */ private void executeScriptInWebView(final JSONObject jsonObj) { if (jsonObj != null) { if (mCobaltIsReady && isAdded()) { getActivity().runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Line & paragraph separators are not JSON compliant but supported by JSONObject String script = jsonObj.toString().replaceAll("[\u2028\u2029]", ""); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) { // Since KitKat, messages are automatically urldecoded when received from the web. encoding them to fix this. script = script.replaceAll("%", "%25"); } String url = "javascript:cobalt.execute(" + script + ");"; mWebView.loadUrl(url); } }); } }); } else { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.i(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - executeScriptInWebView: adding message to queue: " + jsonObj); mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue.add(jsonObj); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - executeScriptInWebView: jsonObj is null!"); } private void executeWaitingCalls() { int waitingJavaScriptCallsQueueLength = mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue.size(); for (int i = 0; i < waitingJavaScriptCallsQueueLength; i++) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.i(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - executeWaitingCalls: execute " + mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue.get(i).toString()); executeScriptInWebView(mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue.get(i)); } mWaitingJavaScriptCallsQueue.clear(); } /**************************************************************************************** * MESSAGE SENDING ***************************************************************************************/ /** * Calls the Web callback with an object containing response fields * @param callbackId: the Web callback. * @param data: the object containing response fields */ public void sendCallback(final String callbackId, final JSONObject data) { if (callbackId != null && callbackId.length() > 0) { try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSType, Cobalt.JSTypeCallBack); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSCallback, callbackId); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSData, data); executeScriptInWebView(jsonObj); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendCallback: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendCallback: callbackId is null or empty!"); } /** * Calls the Web callback with an object containing response fields * @param event: the name of the event. * @param data: the object containing response fields * @param callbackID: the Web callback. */ public void sendEvent(final String event, final JSONObject data, final String callbackID) { if (event != null && event.length() > 0) { try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSType, Cobalt.JSTypeEvent); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSEvent, event); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSData, data); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSCallback, callbackID); executeScriptInWebView(jsonObj); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendEvent: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendEvent: event is null or empty!"); } /** * Calls the Web callback with an object containing response fields * @param plugin: the name of the plugin. * @param data: the object containing response fields * @param callbackID: the Web callback. */ public void sendPlugin(final String plugin, final JSONObject data, final String callbackID) { if (plugin != null && plugin.length() > 0) { try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSType, Cobalt.JSTypePlugin); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSPluginName, plugin); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSData, data); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSCallback, callbackID); executeScriptInWebView(jsonObj); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendPlugin: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendPlugin: plugin is null or empty!"); } /** * Calls the Web callback with an object containing response fields * @param message: the object containing response fields */ public void sendMessage(final JSONObject message) { if (message != null) { executeScriptInWebView(message); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendMessage: message is null !"); } /**************************************************************************************** * MESSAGE HANDLING ***************************************************************************************/ /** * This method is called when the JavaScript sends a message to the native side. * This method should be overridden in subclasses. * @param message : the JSON-message sent by JavaScript. * @return true if the message was handled by the native, false otherwise * @details some basic operations are already implemented : navigation, logs, toasts, native alerts, web alerts * @details this method may be called from a secondary thread. */ // This method must be public !!! @JavascriptInterface public boolean onCobaltMessage(String message) { try { final JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(message); // TYPE if (jsonObj.has(Cobalt.kJSType)) { String type = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSType); final JSONObject data; String callback; String action; switch (type) { // CALLBACK case Cobalt.JSTypeCallBack: String callbackID = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSCallback); data = jsonObj.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); return handleCallback(callbackID, data); // COBALT IS READY case Cobalt.JSTypeCobaltIsReady: String versionWeb = jsonObj.optString(Cobalt.kJSVersion, null); String versionNative = getResources().getString(R.string.version_name); if (versionWeb != null && !versionWeb.equals(versionNative)) Log.e(TAG, "Warning : Cobalt version mismatch : Android Cobalt version is " + versionNative + " but Web Cobalt version is " + versionWeb + ". You should fix this. "); onCobaltIsReady(); return true; // EVENT case Cobalt.JSTypeEvent: String event = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSEvent); data = jsonObj.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); callback = jsonObj.optString(Cobalt.kJSCallback, null); return handleEvent(event, data, callback); // INTENT case Cobalt.JSTypeIntent: action = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSAction); // OPEN EXTERNAL URL if (action.equals(Cobalt.JSActionIntentOpenExternalUrl)) { data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); String url = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSUrl); openExternalUrl(url); return true; } // UNHANDLED INTENT else { onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); break; } // LOG case Cobalt.JSTypeLog: String text = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSValue); Log.d(Cobalt.TAG, "JS LOG: " + text); return true; // NAVIGATION case Cobalt.JSTypeNavigation: action = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSAction); String page; String controller; switch (action) { // PUSH case Cobalt.JSActionNavigationPush: data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); push(data); return true; // POP case Cobalt.JSActionNavigationPop: data = jsonObj.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); if (data != null) { page = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSPage, null); controller = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSController, null); JSONObject dataToPop = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); if (page != null) pop(controller, page, dataToPop); else pop(dataToPop); } else pop(); return true; // MODAL case Cobalt.JSActionNavigationModal: data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); String callbackId = jsonObj.optString(Cobalt.kJSCallback, null); presentModal(data, callbackId); return true; // DISMISS case Cobalt.JSActionNavigationDismiss: // TODO: not present in iOS data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); controller = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSController); page = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSPage); JSONObject dataForDissmiss = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); dismissModal(controller, page, dataForDissmiss); return true; // REPLACE case Cobalt.JSActionNavigationReplace: data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); replace(data); return true; // UNHANDLED NAVIGATION default: onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); break; } break; // PLUGIN case Cobalt.JSTypePlugin: mPluginManager.onMessage(mContext, this, jsonObj); break; // UI case Cobalt.JSTypeUI: String control = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSUIControl); data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); callback = jsonObj.optString(Cobalt.kJSCallback, null); return handleUi(control, data, callback); // WEB LAYER case Cobalt.JSTypeWebLayer: action = jsonObj.getString(Cobalt.kJSAction); // SHOW if (action.equals(Cobalt.JSActionWebLayerShow)) { data = jsonObj.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); Runnable() { @Override public void run() { showWebLayer(data); } }); return true; } // UNHANDLED WEB LAYER else { onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); break; } // UNHANDLED TYPE default: onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); break; } } // UNHANDLED MESSAGE else { onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); } } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onCobaltMessage: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } catch (NullPointerException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onCobaltMessage: NullPointerException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } return false; } private void onCobaltIsReady() { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.i(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onReady - version " + getResources().getString(R.string.version_name)); mCobaltIsReady = true; executeWaitingCalls(); onReady(); } protected void onReady() { } private boolean handleCallback(String callback, JSONObject data) { switch (callback) { case Cobalt.JSCallbackOnBackButtonPressed: try { onBackPressed(data.getBoolean(Cobalt.kJSValue)); return true; } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - handleCallback: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); return false; } case Cobalt.JSCallbackPullToRefreshDidRefresh: Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onPullToRefreshDidRefresh(); } }); return true; case Cobalt.JSCallbackInfiniteScrollDidRefresh: Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onInfiniteScrollDidRefresh(); } }); return true; default: return onUnhandledCallback(callback, data); } } protected abstract boolean onUnhandledCallback(String callback, JSONObject data); private boolean handleEvent(String event, JSONObject data, String callback) { return onUnhandledEvent(event, data, callback); } protected abstract boolean onUnhandledEvent(String event, JSONObject data, String callback); private boolean handleUi(String control, JSONObject data, String callback) { try { switch (control) { // PICKER case Cobalt.JSControlPicker: String type = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSType); // DATE if (type.equals(Cobalt.JSPickerDate)) { JSONObject date = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSDate); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); if (date != null && date.has(Cobalt.kJSYear) && date.has(Cobalt.kJSMonth) && date.has(Cobalt.kJSDay)) { year = date.getInt(Cobalt.kJSYear); month = date.getInt(Cobalt.kJSMonth) - 1; day = date.getInt(Cobalt.kJSDay); } JSONObject texts = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSTexts); String title = texts.optString(Cobalt.kJSTitle, null); //String delete = texts.optString(Cobalt.kJSDelete, null); String clear = texts.optString(Cobalt.kJSClear, null); String cancel = texts.optString(Cobalt.kJSCancel, null); String validate = texts.optString(Cobalt.kJSValidate, null); showDatePickerDialog(year, month, day, title, clear, cancel, validate, callback); return true; } break; // ALERT case Cobalt.JSControlAlert: showAlertDialog(data, callback); return true; // TOAST case Cobalt.JSControlToast: String message = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSMessage); Toast.makeText(mContext, message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return true; // BARS case Cobalt.JSControlBars: String action = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSAction); switch (action) { // SET BARS case Cobalt.JSActionSetBars: JSONObject bars = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSBars); setBars(bars); return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetActionBadge: //TODO: @sebf prefer using get instead of opt for mandatory keys and output error message if an exception throws. Same for all following cases try { final String name = data.getString(Cobalt.kActionName); final String badge = data.getString(Cobalt.kActionBadge); //TODO: @sebf always check for nullability on mContext! Same for all following cases final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setBadgeMenuItem(name, badge); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetActionContent: try { final String nameContent = data.getString(Cobalt.kActionName); final JSONObject content = data.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kContent); final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setContentMenuItem(nameContent, content); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetBarsVisible: try { final JSONObject visible = data.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kVisible); final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setActionBarVisible(visible); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetBarContent: try { final JSONObject barsContent = data.getJSONObject(Cobalt.kContent); final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setBarContent(barsContent); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetActionVisible: try { final String actionName = data.getString(Cobalt.kActionName); final boolean actionVisible = data.getBoolean(Cobalt.kVisible); final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setActionItemVisible(actionName, actionVisible); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; case Cobalt.JSActionSetActionEnabled: try { final String actionNameEnabled = data.getString(Cobalt.kActionName); final boolean actionEnabled = data.getBoolean(Cobalt.kEnabled); final CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; if (activity != null) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { activity.setActionItemEnabled(actionNameEnabled, actionEnabled); } }); } } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } return true; default: break; } break; default: break; } } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - handleUi: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } // UNHANDLED UI try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSType, Cobalt.JSTypeUI); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSUIControl, control); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSData, data); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSCallback, callback); onUnhandledMessage(jsonObj); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - handleUi: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } return false; } protected void setBars(final JSONObject actionBar) { if (mContext != null) { Intent intent = ((CobaltActivity) mContext).getIntent(); Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); if (bundle == null) { bundle = new Bundle(); } Bundle extras = bundle.getBundle(Cobalt.kExtras); if (extras == null) { extras = new Bundle(); bundle.putBundle(Cobalt.kExtras, extras); } extras.putString(Cobalt.kBars, actionBar.toString()); intent.putExtras(bundle); ((CobaltActivity) mContext).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ((CobaltActivity) mContext).setupBars(actionBar); ((CobaltActivity) mContext).supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); } }); } } protected abstract void onUnhandledMessage(JSONObject message); /***************************************************************************************************************** * NAVIGATION ****************************************************************************************************************/ private void push(JSONObject data) { try { String page = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSPage); String controller = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSController, null); JSONObject bars = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSBars); JSONObject dataToPush = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); Intent intent = Cobalt.getInstance(mContext).getIntentForController(controller, page); if (intent != null) { if (bars != null) { Bundle configuration = intent.getBundleExtra(Cobalt.kExtras); configuration.putString(Cobalt.kBars, bars.toString()); } if (dataToPush != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kJSData, dataToPush.toString()); } mContext.startActivity(intent); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - push: unable to push " + controller + " controller."); } } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - push: missing mandatory page field."); } exception.printStackTrace(); } } private void pop() { onBackPressed(true); } private void pop(JSONObject data) { ((CobaltActivity) mContext).dataForPop(data); pop(); } private void pop(String controller, String page, JSONObject data) { ((CobaltActivity) mContext).popTo(controller, page, data); } private void presentModal(JSONObject data, String callBackID) { try { String page = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSPage); String controller = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSController, null); JSONObject bars = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSBars); JSONObject dataForModal = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); Intent intent = Cobalt.getInstance(mContext).getIntentForController(controller, page); if (intent != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kPushAsModal, true); if (bars != null) { Bundle configuration = intent.getBundleExtra(Cobalt.kExtras); configuration.putString(Cobalt.kBars, bars.toString()); } if (dataForModal != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kJSData, dataForModal.toString()); } mContext.startActivity(intent); // Sends callback to store current activity & HTML page for dismiss try { JSONObject callbackData = new JSONObject(); callbackData.put(Cobalt.kJSPage, getPage()); callbackData.put(Cobalt.kJSController, mContext.getClass().getName()); sendCallback(callBackID, callbackData); } catch (JSONException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - presentModal: unable to present modal " + controller + " controller."); } } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - presentModal: missing mandatory page field."); } exception.printStackTrace(); } } private void dismissModal(String controller, String page, JSONObject dataForDissmiss) { try { Class<?> pClass = Class.forName(controller); // Instantiates intent only if class inherits from Activity if (Activity.class.isAssignableFrom(pClass)) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(Cobalt.kPage, page); Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, pClass); intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kExtras, bundle); intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kPopAsModal, true); if (dataForDissmiss != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kJSData, dataForDissmiss.toString()); } NavUtils.navigateUpTo((Activity) mContext, intent); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - dismissModal: unable to dismiss modal since " + controller + " does not inherit from Activity"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - dismissModal: " + controller + "not found"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } private void replace(JSONObject data) { try { String page = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSPage); String controller = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSController, null); JSONObject bars = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSBars); JSONObject dataForReplace = data.optJSONObject(Cobalt.kJSData); boolean animated = data.optBoolean(Cobalt.kJSAnimated); boolean clearHistory = data.optBoolean(Cobalt.kJSClearHistory, false); Intent intent = Cobalt.getInstance(mContext).getIntentForController(controller, page); if (intent != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kJSAnimated, animated); if (bars != null) { Bundle configuration = intent.getBundleExtra(Cobalt.kExtras); configuration.putString(Cobalt.kBars, bars.toString()); } if (dataForReplace != null) { intent.putExtra(Cobalt.kJSData, dataForReplace.toString()); } if (clearHistory) { intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); } mContext.startActivity(intent); ((Activity) mContext).finish(); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - replace: unable to replace " + controller + " controller."); } } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) { Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - replace: missing mandatory page field."); } exception.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Called when onBackPressed event is fired. Asks the Web view for back permission. * This method should NOT be overridden in subclasses. */ public void askWebViewForBackPermission() { sendEvent(Cobalt.JSEventOnBackButtonPressed, null, Cobalt.JSCallbackOnBackButtonPressed); } /** * Called when the Web view allowed or not the onBackPressed event. * @param allowedToBack: true if the WebView allowed the onBackPressed event * false otherwise. * @details if allowedToBack is true, the onBackPressed method of the activity will be called. * This method should not be overridden in subclasses. */ protected void onBackPressed(boolean allowedToBack) { if (allowedToBack) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.i(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onBackPressed: onBackPressed event allowed by Web view"); ((CobaltActivity) mContext).back(); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.i(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onBackPressed: onBackPressed event denied by Web view"); } /*********************************************************************************************************************************** * WEB LAYER **********************************************************************************************************************************/ private void showWebLayer(JSONObject data) { try { String page = data.getString(Cobalt.kJSPage); double fadeDuration = data.optDouble(Cobalt.kJSWebLayerFadeDuration, 0.3); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString(Cobalt.kPage, page); CobaltWebLayerFragment webLayerFragment = getWebLayerFragment(); if (webLayerFragment != null) { webLayerFragment.setArguments(bundle); FragmentTransaction fragmentTransition = ((FragmentActivity) mContext).getSupportFragmentManager() .beginTransaction(); if (fadeDuration > 0) { fragmentTransition.setCustomAnimations(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out, android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out); } else { fragmentTransition.setTransition(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE); } if (CobaltActivity.class.isAssignableFrom(mContext.getClass())) { // Dismiss current Web layer if one is already shown CobaltActivity activity = (CobaltActivity) mContext; Fragment currentFragment = activity.getSupportFragmentManager() .findFragmentById(activity.getFragmentContainerId()); if (currentFragment != null && CobaltWebLayerFragment.class.isAssignableFrom(currentFragment.getClass())) { ((CobaltWebLayerFragment) currentFragment).dismissWebLayer(null); } // Shows Web layer if (activity.findViewById(activity.getFragmentContainerId()) != null) { fragmentTransition.add(activity.getFragmentContainerId(), webLayerFragment); if (allowFragmentCommit()) fragmentTransition.commit(); } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - showWebLayer: fragment container not found"); } } else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - showWebLayer: getWebLayerFragment returned null!"); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - showWebLayer: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns new instance of a {@link CobaltWebLayerFragment} * @return a new instance of a {@link CobaltWebLayerFragment} * This method may be overridden in subclasses if the {@link CobaltWebLayerFragment} must implement customized stuff. */ protected CobaltWebLayerFragment getWebLayerFragment() { return new CobaltWebLayerFragment(); } /** * Called from the corresponding {@link CobaltWebLayerFragment} when dismissed. * This method may be overridden in subclasses. */ public void onWebLayerDismiss(final String page, final JSONObject data) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSPage, page); jsonObj.put(Cobalt.kJSData, data); sendEvent(Cobalt.JSEventWebLayerOnDismiss, jsonObj, null); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - onWebLayerDismiss: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } }); } public boolean allowFragmentCommit() { return mAllowCommit; } /****************************************************************************************************************** * ALERT DIALOG *****************************************************************************************************************/ private void showAlertDialog(JSONObject data, final String callback) { try { String title = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSAlertTitle); String message = data.optString(Cobalt.kJSMessage); boolean cancelable = data.optBoolean(Cobalt.kJSAlertCancelable, false); JSONArray buttons = data.has(Cobalt.kJSAlertButtons) ? data.getJSONArray(Cobalt.kJSAlertButtons) : new JSONArray(); AlertDialog alertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext).setTitle(title).setMessage(message) .create(); alertDialog.setCancelable(cancelable); if (buttons.length() == 0) { alertDialog.setButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE, "OK", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (callback != null) { try { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put(Cobalt.kJSAlertButtonIndex, 0); sendCallback(callback, data); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + ".AlertDialog - onClick: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } else { int buttonsLength = Math.min(buttons.length(), 3); for (int i = 0; i < buttonsLength; i++) { int buttonId; switch (i) { case 0: default: buttonId = DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE; break; case 1: buttonId = DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL; break; case 2: buttonId = DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE; break; } alertDialog.setButton(buttonId, buttons.getString(i), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { if (callback != null) { int buttonIndex; switch (which) { case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: default: buttonIndex = 0; break; case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEUTRAL: buttonIndex = 1; break; case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: buttonIndex = 2; break; } try { JSONObject data = new JSONObject(); data.put(Cobalt.kJSAlertButtonIndex, buttonIndex); sendCallback(callback, data); } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + ".AlertDialog - onClick: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } } }); } }; } catch (JSONException exception) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - showAlertDialog: JSONException"); exception.printStackTrace(); } } /************************************************************************************* * DATE PICKER ************************************************************************************/ private void showDatePickerDialog(int year, int month, int day, String title, String delete, String cancel, String validate, String callbackID) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_YEAR, year); args.putInt(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_MONTH, month); args.putInt(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_DAY, day); args.putString(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_TITLE, title); args.putString(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_DELETE, delete); args.putString(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_CANCEL, cancel); args.putString(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_VALIDATE, validate); args.putString(CobaltDatePickerFragment.ARG_CALLBACK_ID, callbackID); CobaltDatePickerFragment fragment = new CobaltDatePickerFragment(); fragment.setArguments(args); fragment.setListener(this); mContext).getSupportFragmentManager(), "datePicker"); } protected void sendDate(int year, int month, int day, String callbackID) { try { if (year != -1 && month != -1 && day != -1) { JSONObject date = new JSONObject(); date.put(Cobalt.kJSYear, year); date.put(Cobalt.kJSMonth, ++month); date.put(Cobalt.kJSDay, day); sendCallback(callbackID, date); } else { sendCallback(callbackID, null); } } catch (JSONException e) { if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - sendDate: JSONException"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /******************************************************** * OPEN EXTERNAL URL ********************************************************/ private void openExternalUrl(String url) { startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(url))); } /****************************************************************************************************************************** * PULL TO REFRESH *****************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * Set the four colors used in the progress animation from color resources. * The first color will also be the color of the bar that grows in response to a user swipe gesture. * Must be called only after super.onStart(). * @param colorResource1 the first color resource * @param colorResource2 the second color resource * @param colorResource3 the third color resource * @param colorResource4 the last color resource */ protected void setRefreshColorScheme(int colorResource1, int colorResource2, int colorResource3, int colorResource4) { if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources(colorResource1, colorResource2, colorResource3, colorResource4); else if (Cobalt.DEBUG) Log.e(Cobalt.TAG, TAG + " - setColorScheme: Pull-to-refresh must be active and method called after super.onStart()!"); } @Override public void onRefresh() { refreshWebView(); } private void refreshWebView() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sendEvent(Cobalt.JSEventPullToRefresh, null, Cobalt.JSCallbackPullToRefreshDidRefresh); } }); } private void onPullToRefreshDidRefresh() { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); onPullToRefreshRefreshed(); } /** * This method may be overridden in subclasses. */ protected void onPullToRefreshRefreshed() { } /************************************************************************************ * INFINITE SCROLL ***********************************************************************************/ @Override public void onOverScrolled(int scrollX, int scrollY, int oldscrollX, int oldscrollY) { int height = mWebView.getHeight(); long contentHeight = (long) Math .floor(mWebView.getContentHeight() * mContext.getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); if (isInfiniteScrollActive() && !mIsInfiniteScrollRefreshing && scrollY >= oldscrollY && scrollY + height >= contentHeight - height * getInfiniteScrollOffset() / 100) { infiniteScrollRefresh(); } } private void infiniteScrollRefresh() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sendEvent(Cobalt.JSEventInfiniteScroll, null, Cobalt.JSCallbackInfiniteScrollDidRefresh); mIsInfiniteScrollRefreshing = true; } }); } private void onInfiniteScrollDidRefresh() { mIsInfiniteScrollRefreshing = false; onInfiniteScrollRefreshed(); } /** * This method may be overridden in subclasses. */ protected void onInfiniteScrollRefreshed() { } /****************************************************** * CONFIGURATION ******************************************************/ private boolean isPullToRefreshActive() { Bundle args = getArguments(); return args != null && args.getBoolean(Cobalt.kPullToRefresh); } private boolean isInfiniteScrollActive() { Bundle args = getArguments(); return args != null && args.getBoolean(Cobalt.kInfiniteScroll); } private int getInfiniteScrollOffset() { Bundle args = getArguments(); if (args != null) { return args.getInt(Cobalt.kInfiniteScrollOffset); } else { return Cobalt.INFINITE_SCROLL_OFFSET_DEFAULT_VALUE; } } protected String getPage() { Bundle args = getArguments(); if (args != null) { return args.getString(Cobalt.kPage); } else { return null; } } }