Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015, Little Blue Frog * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * Copyright 2015, Little Blue Frog * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package nl.littlebluefrog.ld34; import com.badlogic.gdx.Application; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TmxMapLoader; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.ExtendViewport; import nl.littlebluefrog.ld34.actors.*; import nl.littlebluefrog.ld34.logic.*; import nl.littlebluefrog.ld34.logic.Character; import java.util.Random; /** * @author Johan Hutting */ public class LD34 extends ApplicationAdapter { private static final float TILE_WIDTH = 72f; private static final String TAG = "LD34"; private OrthographicCamera tiledCam; private OrthographicCamera hudCam; private OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer tiledMapRenderer; private GameLogicController mGamelogic; private InputHandler mInputHandler; private Stage mStage; private PlayerStats mPlayerStats; private StepStats mStepStats; private Player mPlayer; private RewardReport mRewardReport; private GameOver mGameOver; private BattleReport mBattleReport; private final String[] mLevels = { "tmx/level.tmx", "tmx/level2.tmx", "tmx/level3.tmx" }; @Override public void create() {; tiledCam = new OrthographicCamera(); int worldWidth =; int worldHeight =;, "world size = " + worldWidth + "x" + worldHeight); hudCam = new OrthographicCamera(); hudCam.setToOrtho(false, worldWidth, worldHeight); mStage = new Stage(new ExtendViewport(worldWidth, worldHeight, hudCam)); mGameOver = new GameOver(); mGameOver.setPosition(worldWidth / 2 - 150, worldHeight / 2 - 100); mGameOver.setVisible(false); mBattleReport = new BattleReport(); mBattleReport.setPosition(worldWidth / 2 - 150, worldHeight / 2 - 100); mBattleReport.setVisible(false); mRewardReport = new RewardReport(); mRewardReport.setPosition(0, 0); mRewardReport.setVisible(false); mGamelogic = new GameLogicController(this); mGamelogic.newGame(); mPlayer = new Player(mGamelogic); mPlayer.setPosition(tiledCam.viewportWidth / 2, tiledCam.viewportHeight / 2 - TILE_WIDTH * 2); mPlayerStats = new PlayerStats(mGamelogic); mPlayerStats.setPosition(new Vector2(0, worldHeight)); mStepStats = new StepStats(mGamelogic); mStepStats.setPosition(0, worldHeight - 168); Button buttonLeft = mGamelogic.getLeftButton(); buttonLeft.setPosition(mPlayer.getX() - (TILE_WIDTH * 2) - 8, mPlayer.getY() - (TILE_WIDTH * 1.5f)); Button buttonRight = mGamelogic.getRightButton(); buttonRight.setPosition(mPlayer.getX() + (TILE_WIDTH * 2) - 8, mPlayer.getY() - (TILE_WIDTH * 1.5f)); mStage.addActor(mRewardReport); mStage.addActor(mPlayer); mStage.addActor(mBattleReport); mStage.addActor(mPlayerStats); mStage.addActor(mStepStats); mStage.addActor(buttonLeft); mStage.addActor(buttonRight); mStage.addActor(mGameOver); mInputHandler = new InputHandler(mGamelogic, mStage); mStage.act(); } @Override public void render() {, 0.6f, 1, 1);; tiledMapRenderer.setView(tiledCam); tiledMapRenderer.render(); mStage.draw(); } @Override public void dispose() { mGamelogic.dispose(); tiledMapRenderer.dispose(); mStage.dispose(); mPlayerStats.dispose(); mStepStats.dispose(); mPlayer.dispose(); mRewardReport.dispose(); mGameOver.dispose(); mBattleReport.dispose(); } public void moveLeft() { tiledCam.translate(-TILE_WIDTH, 0, 0); tiledCam.update(); mStage.act(); } public void moveRight() { tiledCam.translate(TILE_WIDTH, 0, 0); tiledCam.update(); mStage.act(); } public void moveUp() { tiledCam.translate(0, TILE_WIDTH, 0); tiledCam.update(); mStage.act(); } public void moveDown() { tiledCam.translate(0, -TILE_WIDTH, 0); tiledCam.update(); mStage.act(); } public void displayReward(FieldType type, long amount) {, "display Reward " + amount + " for " +; mRewardReport.setTypeAndAmount(type, amount); mRewardReport.setVisible(true); mStage.act(); } public void hideReward() { mRewardReport.setVisible(false); } public void act() { mStage.act(); } public void nextLevel() { tiledCam.setToOrtho(false,,; tiledCam.translate(-272, -TILE_WIDTH * 3); tiledCam.update(); Random rng = new Random(); String level = mLevels[rng.nextInt(mLevels.length)];, "random level: " + level); TiledMap tileMap = new TmxMapLoader().load(level); mGamelogic.setBoard(new Board((TiledMapTileLayer) tileMap.getLayers().get(0))); tiledMapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(tileMap); act(); } public void displayBattle(Character mPlayer, Character mMonster) { mBattleReport.setPlayers(mPlayer, mMonster); mBattleReport.setVisible(true); } public void updateBattle(int dicePlayer, int diceMonster, long damagePlayer, long damageMonster) { mBattleReport.updateBattleStats(dicePlayer, diceMonster, damagePlayer, damageMonster); act(); } public void hideBattle() { mBattleReport.setVisible(false); } public void displayGameOver(GameStatistics stats) { mGameOver.setStatistics(stats); mGameOver.setVisible(true); } public void hideGameOver() { mGameOver.setVisible(false); } public void displayBattleResult(boolean escaped) { mBattleReport.displayResult(escaped); } }