Java tutorial
/* * Copyright(c) 2015 Marshal Chen * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package MyUltimateRecyclerView; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewStub; import android.view.animation.TranslateAnimation; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import com.example.saboorsalaam.veed10.R; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ObservableScrollState; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ObservableScrollViewCallbacks; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.Scrollable; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.URLogs; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.UltimateViewAdapter; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ui.DividerItemDecoration; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ui.VerticalSwipeRefreshLayout; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ui.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionButton; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.ui.floatingactionbutton.FloatingActionsMenu; import com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.uiUtils.SavedStateScrolling; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ValueAnimator; import com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper; import ObservableScrollView.ObservableRecyclerView; /** * UltimateRecyclerView is a recyclerview which contains many features like swipe to dismiss,animations,drag drop etc. */ public class MyUltimateRecyclerView extends FrameLayout implements Scrollable { public ObservableRecyclerView getmRecyclerView() { return mRecyclerView; } public ObservableRecyclerView mRecyclerView; protected FloatingActionButton defaultFloatingActionButton; private OnLoadMoreListener onLoadMoreListener; private int lastVisibleItemPosition; protected RecyclerView.OnScrollListener mOnScrollListener; protected LAYOUT_MANAGER_TYPE layoutManagerType; private boolean isLoadingMore = false; protected int mPadding; protected int mPaddingTop; protected int mPaddingBottom; protected int mPaddingLeft; protected int mPaddingRight; protected boolean mClipToPadding; private UltimateViewAdapter mAdapter; // Fields that should be saved onSaveInstanceState private int mPrevFirstVisiblePosition; private int mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = -1; private int mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight; private int mPrevScrollY; private int mScrollY; private SparseIntArray mChildrenHeights = new SparseIntArray();; // Fields that don't need to be saved onSaveInstanceState private ObservableScrollState mObservableScrollState; private ObservableScrollViewCallbacks mCallbacks; //private ScrollState mScrollState; private boolean mFirstScroll; private boolean mDragging; private boolean mIntercepted; private MotionEvent mPrevMoveEvent; private ViewGroup mTouchInterceptionViewGroup; protected ViewStub mEmpty; protected View mEmptyView; protected int mEmptyId; protected ViewStub mFloatingButtonViewStub; protected View mFloatingButtonView; protected int mFloatingButtonId; protected int[] defaultSwipeToDismissColors = null; public int showLoadMoreItemNum = 3; public VerticalSwipeRefreshLayout mSwipeRefreshLayout; // added by Sevan Joe to support scrollbars private static final int SCROLLBARS_NONE = 0; private static final int SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL = 1; private static final int SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL = 2; private int mScrollbarsStyle; private int mVisibleItemCount = 0; private int mTotalItemCount = 0; private int previousTotal = 0; private int mFirstVisibleItem; public MyUltimateRecyclerView(Context context) { super(context); initViews(); } public MyUltimateRecyclerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initAttrs(attrs); initViews(); } public MyUltimateRecyclerView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); initAttrs(attrs); initViews(); } public void setRecylerViewBackgroundColor(int color) { mRecyclerView.setBackgroundColor(color); } protected void initViews() { ///ANOTATIONS HERE!!!!! LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.ultimate_recycler_view_layout, this); //Annotation Use My custom view instead mRecyclerView = (ObservableRecyclerView) view.findViewById(; mSwipeRefreshLayout = (VerticalSwipeRefreshLayout) view.findViewById(; setScrollbars(); mSwipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(false); if (mRecyclerView != null) { mRecyclerView.setClipToPadding(mClipToPadding); if (mPadding != -1.1f) { mRecyclerView.setPadding(mPadding, mPadding, mPadding, mPadding); } else { mRecyclerView.setPadding(mPaddingLeft, mPaddingTop, mPaddingRight, mPaddingBottom); } } defaultFloatingActionButton = (FloatingActionButton) view.findViewById(; setDefaultScrollListener(); mEmpty = (ViewStub) view.findViewById(; mFloatingButtonViewStub = (ViewStub) view.findViewById(; mEmpty.setLayoutResource(mEmptyId); mFloatingButtonViewStub.setLayoutResource(mFloatingButtonId); if (mEmptyId != 0) mEmptyView = mEmpty.inflate(); mEmpty.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Set custom empty view.The view will be shown if the adapter is null or the size of the adapter is zero. * You can customize it as loading view. * * @param emptyResourceId */ public void setEmptyView(int emptyResourceId) { mEmptyId = emptyResourceId; mEmpty.setLayoutResource(mEmptyId); if (mEmptyId != 0) mEmptyView = mEmpty.inflate(); mEmpty.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Show the custom or default empty view. * You can customize it as loading view. */ public void showEmptyView() { if (mEmptyId != 0) mEmpty.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } /** * Hide the custom or default empty view. */ public void hideEmptyView() { if (mEmptyId != 0) mEmpty.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Show the custom floating button view. */ public void showFloatingButtonView() { if (mFloatingButtonId != 0) { mFloatingButtonView = mFloatingButtonViewStub.inflate(); mFloatingButtonView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } /** * Add ScrollBar of Recyclerview */ protected void setScrollbars() { //ANOTATIONS HERE!!!!! LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); switch (mScrollbarsStyle) { case SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL: mSwipeRefreshLayout.removeView(mRecyclerView); View verticalView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.vertical_recycler_view, mSwipeRefreshLayout, true); mRecyclerView = (ObservableRecyclerView) verticalView.findViewById(; break; case SCROLLBARS_HORIZONTAL: mSwipeRefreshLayout.removeView(mRecyclerView); View horizontalView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.horizontal_recycler_view, mSwipeRefreshLayout, true); mRecyclerView = (ObservableRecyclerView) horizontalView.findViewById(; break; default: break; } } protected void initAttrs(AttributeSet attrs) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview); try { mPadding = (int) typedArray.getDimension( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewPadding, -1.1f); mPaddingTop = (int) typedArray.getDimension( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewPaddingTop, 0.0f); mPaddingBottom = (int) typedArray.getDimension( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewPaddingBottom, 0.0f); mPaddingLeft = (int) typedArray.getDimension( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewPaddingLeft, 0.0f); mPaddingRight = (int) typedArray.getDimension( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewPaddingRight, 0.0f); mClipToPadding = typedArray.getBoolean( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewClipToPadding, false); mEmptyId = typedArray.getResourceId( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewEmptyView, 0); mFloatingButtonId = typedArray.getResourceId( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewFloatingActionView, 0); mScrollbarsStyle = typedArray.getInt( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewScrollbars, SCROLLBARS_NONE); int colorList = typedArray.getResourceId( com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.styleable.UltimateRecyclerview_recyclerviewDefaultSwipeColor, 0); if (colorList != 0) { defaultSwipeToDismissColors = getResources().getIntArray(colorList); } } finally { typedArray.recycle(); } } protected void setDefaultScrollListener() { mRecyclerView.removeOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); mOnScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy); if (mHeader != null) { mTotalYScrolled += dy; if (isParallaxHeader) translateHeader(mTotalYScrolled); } enableShoworHideToolbarAndFloatingButton(recyclerView); } }; mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); } private void setObserableScrollListener() { mRecyclerView.removeOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); mOnScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy); enableShoworHideToolbarAndFloatingButton(recyclerView); } }; mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); } /** * Enable loading more of the recyclerview */ public void enableLoadmore() { mRecyclerView.removeOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); mOnScrollListener = new RecyclerView.OnScrollListener() { private int[] lastPositions; @Override public void onScrolled(RecyclerView recyclerView, int dx, int dy) { super.onScrolled(recyclerView, dx, dy); if (mHeader != null) { mTotalYScrolled += dy; if (isParallaxHeader) translateHeader(mTotalYScrolled); } RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager = recyclerView.getLayoutManager(); if (layoutManagerType == null) { if (layoutManager instanceof GridLayoutManager) { layoutManagerType = LAYOUT_MANAGER_TYPE.GRID; } else if (layoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) { layoutManagerType = LAYOUT_MANAGER_TYPE.LINEAR; } else if (layoutManager instanceof StaggeredGridLayoutManager) { layoutManagerType = LAYOUT_MANAGER_TYPE.STAGGERED_GRID; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unsupported LayoutManager used. Valid ones are LinearLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager and StaggeredGridLayoutManager"); } } switch (layoutManagerType) { case LINEAR: mVisibleItemCount = layoutManager.getChildCount(); mTotalItemCount = layoutManager.getItemCount(); case GRID: lastVisibleItemPosition = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findLastVisibleItemPosition(); mFirstVisibleItem = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findFirstVisibleItemPosition(); break; case STAGGERED_GRID: StaggeredGridLayoutManager staggeredGridLayoutManager = (StaggeredGridLayoutManager) layoutManager; if (lastPositions == null) lastPositions = new int[staggeredGridLayoutManager.getSpanCount()]; staggeredGridLayoutManager.findLastVisibleItemPositions(lastPositions); lastVisibleItemPosition = findMax(lastPositions); staggeredGridLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPositions(lastPositions); mFirstVisibleItem = findMin(lastPositions); break; } if (isLoadingMore) { //todo: there are some bugs needs to be adjusted for admob adapter if (mTotalItemCount > previousTotal) { isLoadingMore = false; previousTotal = mTotalItemCount; } } if (!isLoadingMore && (mTotalItemCount - mVisibleItemCount) <= mFirstVisibleItem) { //todo: there are some bugs needs to be adjusted for admob adapter onLoadMoreListener.loadMore(mRecyclerView.getAdapter().getItemCount(), lastVisibleItemPosition); isLoadingMore = true; previousTotal = mTotalItemCount; } enableShoworHideToolbarAndFloatingButton(recyclerView); } }; mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(mOnScrollListener); if (mAdapter != null && mAdapter.getCustomLoadMoreView() == null) mAdapter.setCustomLoadMoreView(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.layout.bottom_progressbar, null)); } /** * Remove loading more scroll listener */ public void disableLoadmore() { setDefaultScrollListener(); mAdapter.swipeCustomLoadMoreView(LayoutInflater.from(getContext()) .inflate(com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.R.layout.empty_progressbar, null)); } protected void enableShoworHideToolbarAndFloatingButton(RecyclerView recyclerView) { if (mCallbacks != null) { if (getChildCount() > 0) { int firstVisiblePosition = recyclerView.getChildAdapterPosition(recyclerView.getChildAt(0)); int lastVisiblePosition = recyclerView .getChildAdapterPosition(recyclerView.getChildAt(recyclerView.getChildCount() - 1)); try { for (int i = firstVisiblePosition, j = 0; i <= lastVisiblePosition; i++, j++) { int childHeight = 0; View child = recyclerView.getChildAt(j); if (mChildrenHeights.indexOfKey(i) < 0 || (child != null && child.getHeight() != mChildrenHeights.get(i))) { if (child != null) childHeight = child.getHeight(); } mChildrenHeights.put(i, childHeight); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //todo: need to solve this issue when the first child is missing from the scroll. Please also see the debug from the RV error. //todo: 07-01 11:50:36.359 32348-32348/com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.demo D/RVerror? Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getHeight()' on a null object reference URLogs.e(e, ""); } View firstVisibleChild = recyclerView.getChildAt(0); if (firstVisibleChild != null) { if (mPrevFirstVisiblePosition < firstVisiblePosition) { // scroll down int skippedChildrenHeight = 0; if (firstVisiblePosition - mPrevFirstVisiblePosition != 1) { for (int i = firstVisiblePosition - 1; i > mPrevFirstVisiblePosition; i--) { if (0 < mChildrenHeights.indexOfKey(i)) { skippedChildrenHeight += mChildrenHeights.get(i); } else { // Approximate each item's height to the first visible child. // It may be incorrect, but without this, scrollY will be broken // when scrolling from the bottom. skippedChildrenHeight += firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); } } } mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight += mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight + skippedChildrenHeight; mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); } else if (firstVisiblePosition < mPrevFirstVisiblePosition) { // scroll up int skippedChildrenHeight = 0; if (mPrevFirstVisiblePosition - firstVisiblePosition != 1) { for (int i = mPrevFirstVisiblePosition - 1; i > firstVisiblePosition; i--) { if (0 < mChildrenHeights.indexOfKey(i)) { skippedChildrenHeight += mChildrenHeights.get(i); } else { // Approximate each item's height to the first visible child. // It may be incorrect, but without this, scrollY will be broken // when scrolling from the bottom. skippedChildrenHeight += firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); } } } mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight -= firstVisibleChild.getHeight() + skippedChildrenHeight; mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); } else if (firstVisiblePosition == 0) { mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight = 0; } if (mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight < 0) { mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = 0; } mScrollY = mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight - firstVisibleChild.getTop(); mPrevFirstVisiblePosition = firstVisiblePosition; mCallbacks.onScrollChanged(mScrollY, mFirstScroll, mDragging); // if (mFirstScroll) { // mFirstScroll = false; // } // if (mPrevScrollY < mScrollY) { // //down // mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.UP; // } else if (mScrollY < mPrevScrollY) { // //up // mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.DOWN; // } else { // mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.STOP; // } if (mPrevScrollY < mScrollY) { //down if (mFirstScroll) { // first scroll down , mPrevScrollY == 0, reach here. mFirstScroll = false; mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.STOP; } mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.UP; } else if (mScrollY < mPrevScrollY) { //up mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.DOWN; } else { mObservableScrollState = ObservableScrollState.STOP; } if (mFirstScroll) { mFirstScroll = false; } mPrevScrollY = mScrollY; } } } } /** * Set a listener that will be notified of any changes in scroll state or position. * * @param customOnScrollListener to set or null to clear * @deprecated Use {@link #addOnScrollListener(RecyclerView.OnScrollListener)} and * {@link #removeOnScrollListener(RecyclerView.OnScrollListener)} */ public void setOnScrollListener(RecyclerView.OnScrollListener customOnScrollListener) { mRecyclerView.setOnScrollListener(customOnScrollListener); } public void addOnScrollListener(RecyclerView.OnScrollListener customOnScrollListener) { mRecyclerView.addOnScrollListener(customOnScrollListener); } public void removeOnScrollListener(RecyclerView.OnScrollListener customOnScrollListener) { mRecyclerView.removeOnScrollListener(customOnScrollListener); } public void addItemDividerDecoration(Context context) { RecyclerView.ItemDecoration itemDecoration = new DividerItemDecoration(context, DividerItemDecoration.VERTICAL_LIST); mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecoration); } /** * Swaps the current adapter with the provided one. It is similar to * {@link #setAdapter(UltimateViewAdapter)} but assumes existing adapter and the new adapter uses the same * ViewHolder and does not clear the RecycledViewPool. * <p/> * Note that it still calls onAdapterChanged callbacks. * * @param adapter The new adapter to set, or null to set no adapter. * @param removeAndRecycleExistingViews If set to true, RecyclerView will recycle all existing * Views. If adapters have stable ids and/or you want to * animate the disappearing views, you may prefer to set * this to false. */ public void swapAdapter(UltimateViewAdapter adapter, boolean removeAndRecycleExistingViews) { mRecyclerView.swapAdapter(adapter, removeAndRecycleExistingViews); } /** * Add an {@link RecyclerView.ItemDecoration} to this RecyclerView. Item decorations can affect both measurement and drawing of individual item views. * <p>Item decorations are ordered. Decorations placed earlier in the list will be run/queried/drawn first for their effects on item views. Padding added to views will be nested; a padding added by an earlier decoration will mean further item decorations in the list will be asked to draw/pad within the previous decoration's given area.</p> * * @param itemDecoration Decoration to add */ public void addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration itemDecoration) { mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecoration); } /** * Add an {@link RecyclerView.ItemDecoration} to this RecyclerView. Item decorations can affect both measurement and drawing of individual item views. * <p>Item decorations are ordered. Decorations placed earlier in the list will be run/queried/drawn first for their effects on item views. Padding added to views will be nested; a padding added by an earlier decoration will mean further item decorations in the list will be asked to draw/pad within the previous decoration's given area.</p> * * @param itemDecoration Decoration to add * @param index Position in the decoration chain to insert this decoration at. If this value is negative the decoration will be added at the end. */ public void addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration itemDecoration, int index) { mRecyclerView.addItemDecoration(itemDecoration, index); } /** * Sets the {@link RecyclerView.ItemAnimator} that will handle animations involving changes * to the items in this RecyclerView. By default, RecyclerView instantiates and * uses an instance of {@link}. Whether item animations are * enabled for the RecyclerView depends on the ItemAnimator and whether * the LayoutManager {@link RecyclerView.LayoutManager#supportsPredictiveItemAnimations() * supports item animations}. * * @param animator The ItemAnimator being set. If null, no animations will occur * when changes occur to the items in this RecyclerView. */ public void setItemAnimator(RecyclerView.ItemAnimator animator) { mRecyclerView.setItemAnimator(animator); } /** * Gets the current ItemAnimator for this RecyclerView. A null return value * indicates that there is no animator and that item changes will happen without * any animations. By default, RecyclerView instantiates and * uses an instance of {@link}. * * @return ItemAnimator The current ItemAnimator. If null, no animations will occur * when changes occur to the items in this RecyclerView. */ public RecyclerView.ItemAnimator getItemAnimator() { return mRecyclerView.getItemAnimator(); } /** * Set the listener when refresh is triggered and enable the SwipeRefreshLayout * * @param listener */ public void setDefaultOnRefreshListener(SwipeRefreshLayout.OnRefreshListener listener) { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(true); if (defaultSwipeToDismissColors != null && defaultSwipeToDismissColors.length > 0) { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeColors(defaultSwipeToDismissColors); } else { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeResources(android.R.color.holo_blue_bright, android.R.color.holo_green_light, android.R.color.holo_orange_light, android.R.color.holo_red_light); } mSwipeRefreshLayout.setOnRefreshListener(listener); } /** * Set the color resources used in the progress animation from color resources. The first color will also be the color of the bar that grows in response to a user swipe gesture. * * @param colors */ public void setDefaultSwipeToRefreshColorScheme(int... colors) { mSwipeRefreshLayout.setColorSchemeColors(colors); } /** * Set the load more listener of recyclerview * * @param onLoadMoreListener */ public void setOnLoadMoreListener(OnLoadMoreListener onLoadMoreListener) { this.onLoadMoreListener = onLoadMoreListener; } /** * Set the layout manager to the recycler * * @param manager */ public void setLayoutManager(RecyclerView.LayoutManager manager) { mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(manager); } /** * Get the adapter of UltimateRecyclerview * * @return */ public RecyclerView.Adapter getAdapter() { return mRecyclerView.getAdapter(); } /** * Set a UltimateViewAdapter or the subclass of UltimateViewAdapter to the recyclerview * * @param adapter the adapter in normal */ public void setAdapter(UltimateViewAdapter adapter) { mAdapter = adapter; mRecyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapter); if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); if (mAdapter != null) mAdapter.registerAdapterDataObserver(new RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver() { @Override public void onItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeChanged(positionStart, itemCount); updateHelperDisplays(); } @Override public void onItemRangeInserted(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeInserted(positionStart, itemCount); updateHelperDisplays(); } @Override public void onItemRangeRemoved(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount); updateHelperDisplays(); } @Override public void onItemRangeMoved(int fromPosition, int toPosition, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeMoved(fromPosition, toPosition, itemCount); updateHelperDisplays(); } @Override public void onChanged() { super.onChanged(); updateHelperDisplays(); } }); if ((adapter == null || mAdapter.getAdapterItemCount() == 0) && mEmptyId != 0) { mEmpty.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } private void updateHelperDisplays() { isLoadingMore = false; if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); if (mAdapter == null) return; /** * fixed by jjHesk * + empty layout is NONE * + getItemCount is zero */ if (mAdapter.getAdapterItemCount() == 0) { mEmpty.setVisibility(mEmptyId != 0 ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE); } if (mAdapter.getCustomLoadMoreView() == null) return; if (mAdapter.getAdapterItemCount() >= showLoadMoreItemNum && mAdapter.getCustomLoadMoreView().getVisibility() == View.GONE) { mAdapter.getCustomLoadMoreView().setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } if (mAdapter.getAdapterItemCount() < showLoadMoreItemNum) { mAdapter.getCustomLoadMoreView().setVisibility(View.GONE); } } /** * @param adapter input param * @deprecated Short for some ui effects */ @Deprecated public void setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter adapter) { mRecyclerView.setAdapter(adapter); if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); adapter.registerAdapterDataObserver(new RecyclerView.AdapterDataObserver() { @Override public void onItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeChanged(positionStart, itemCount); update(); } @Override public void onItemRangeInserted(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeInserted(positionStart, itemCount); update(); } @Override public void onItemRangeRemoved(int positionStart, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeRemoved(positionStart, itemCount); update(); } @Override public void onItemRangeMoved(int fromPosition, int toPosition, int itemCount) { super.onItemRangeMoved(fromPosition, toPosition, itemCount); update(); } @Override public void onChanged() { super.onChanged(); update(); } private void update() { isLoadingMore = false; if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(false); // } }); } public void setHasFixedSize(boolean hasFixedSize) { mRecyclerView.setHasFixedSize(hasFixedSize); } /** * Notify the widget that refresh state has changed. Do not call this when refresh is triggered by a swipe gesture. * * @param refreshing */ public void setRefreshing(boolean refreshing) { if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setRefreshing(refreshing); } /** * Enable or disable the SwipeRefreshLayout. * Default is false * * @param isSwipeRefresh */ public void enableDefaultSwipeRefresh(boolean isSwipeRefresh) { if (mSwipeRefreshLayout != null) mSwipeRefreshLayout.setEnabled(isSwipeRefresh); } public interface OnLoadMoreListener { void loadMore(int itemsCount, final int maxLastVisiblePosition); } public static enum LAYOUT_MANAGER_TYPE { LINEAR, GRID, STAGGERED_GRID } private int findMax(int[] lastPositions) { int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int value : lastPositions) { if (value > max) max = value; } return max; } private int findMin(int[] lastPositions) { int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int value : lastPositions) { if (value != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION && value < min) min = value; } return min; } private com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.UltimateRecyclerView.CustomRelativeWrapper mHeader; private int mTotalYScrolled; private final float SCROLL_MULTIPLIER = 0.5f; private OnParallaxScroll mParallaxScroll; private static boolean isParallaxHeader = false; /** * Set the parallax header of the recyclerview * * @param header */ public void setParallaxHeader(View header) { mHeader = new com.marshalchen.ultimaterecyclerview.UltimateRecyclerView.CustomRelativeWrapper( header.getContext()); mHeader.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mHeader.addView(header, new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); if (mAdapter != null) mAdapter.setCustomHeaderView(mHeader); isParallaxHeader = true; } /** * Set the normal header of the recyclerview * * @param header */ public void setNormalHeader(View header) { setParallaxHeader(header); isParallaxHeader = false; } /** * Set the on scroll method of parallax header * * @param parallaxScroll */ public void setOnParallaxScroll(OnParallaxScroll parallaxScroll) { mParallaxScroll = parallaxScroll; mParallaxScroll.onParallaxScroll(0, 0, mHeader); } private void translateHeader(float of) { float ofCalculated = of * SCROLL_MULTIPLIER; if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { //Logs.d("ofCalculated " + ofCalculated+" "+mHeader.getHeight()); mHeader.setTranslationY(ofCalculated); } else { TranslateAnimation anim = new TranslateAnimation(0, 0, ofCalculated, ofCalculated); anim.setFillAfter(true); anim.setDuration(0); mHeader.startAnimation(anim); } mHeader.setClipY(Math.round(ofCalculated)); if (mParallaxScroll != null) { float left = Math.min(1, ((ofCalculated) / (mHeader.getHeight() * SCROLL_MULTIPLIER))); mParallaxScroll.onParallaxScroll(left, of, mHeader); } } public interface OnParallaxScroll { void onParallaxScroll(float percentage, float offset, View parallax); } /** * Custom layout for the Parallax Header. */ public void setScrollViewCallbacks(ObservableScrollViewCallbacks listener) { mCallbacks = listener; } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Parcelable state) { SavedStateScrolling ss = (SavedStateScrolling) state; mPrevFirstVisiblePosition = ss.prevFirstVisiblePosition; mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight = ss.prevFirstVisibleChildHeight; mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight = ss.prevScrolledChildrenHeight; mPrevScrollY = ss.prevScrollY; mScrollY = ss.scrollY; mChildrenHeights = ss.childrenHeights; super.onRestoreInstanceState(ss.getSuperState()); } @Override public Parcelable onSaveInstanceState() { Parcelable superState = super.onSaveInstanceState(); SavedStateScrolling ss = new SavedStateScrolling(superState); ss.prevFirstVisiblePosition = mPrevFirstVisiblePosition; ss.prevFirstVisibleChildHeight = mPrevFirstVisibleChildHeight; ss.prevScrolledChildrenHeight = mPrevScrolledChildrenHeight; ss.prevScrollY = mPrevScrollY; ss.scrollY = mScrollY; ss.childrenHeights = mChildrenHeights; return ss; } @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mCallbacks != null) { switch (ev.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mFirstScroll = mDragging = true; mCallbacks.onDownMotionEvent(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: mIntercepted = false; mDragging = false; mCallbacks.onUpOrCancelMotionEvent(mObservableScrollState); break; } } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); // if (mCallbacks != null) { // URLogs.d("ev---"+ev.getActionMasked()); // switch (ev.getActionMasked()) { // case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: // // Whether or not motion events are consumed by children, // // flag initializations which are related to ACTION_DOWN events should be executed. // // Because if the ACTION_DOWN is consumed by children and only ACTION_MOVEs are // // passed to parent (this view), the flags will be invalid. // // Also, applications might implement initialization codes to onDownMotionEvent, // // so call it here. // mFirstScroll = mDragging = true; // mCallbacks.onDownMotionEvent(); // break; // } // } // return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } @Override public void setTouchInterceptionViewGroup(ViewGroup viewGroup) { mTouchInterceptionViewGroup = viewGroup; setObserableScrollListener(); } @Override public void scrollVerticallyTo(int y) { URLogs.d("vertically"); View firstVisibleChild = getChildAt(0); if (firstVisibleChild != null) { int baseHeight = firstVisibleChild.getHeight(); int position = y / baseHeight; scrollVerticallyToPosition(position); } } public void scrollVerticallyToPosition(int position) { RecyclerView.LayoutManager lm = getLayoutManager(); if (lm != null && lm instanceof LinearLayoutManager) { ((LinearLayoutManager) lm).scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, 0); } else { lm.scrollToPosition(position); } } @Override public int getCurrentScrollY() { return mScrollY; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { URLogs.d("ev---" + ev); if (mCallbacks != null) { switch (ev.getActionMasked()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: mIntercepted = false; mDragging = false; mCallbacks.onUpOrCancelMotionEvent(mObservableScrollState); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (mPrevMoveEvent == null) { mPrevMoveEvent = ev; } float diffY = ev.getY() - mPrevMoveEvent.getY(); mPrevMoveEvent = MotionEvent.obtainNoHistory(ev); if (getCurrentScrollY() - diffY <= 0) { // Can't scroll anymore. if (mIntercepted) { // Already dispatched ACTION_DOWN event to parents, so stop here. return false; } // Apps can set the interception target other than the direct parent. final ViewGroup parent; if (mTouchInterceptionViewGroup == null) { parent = (ViewGroup) getParent(); } else { parent = mTouchInterceptionViewGroup; } // Get offset to parents. If the parent is not the direct parent, // we should aggregate offsets from all of the parents. float offsetX = 0; float offsetY = 0; for (View v = this; v != null && v != parent; v = (View) v.getParent()) { offsetX += v.getLeft() - v.getScrollX(); offsetY += v.getTop() - v.getScrollY(); } final MotionEvent event = MotionEvent.obtainNoHistory(ev); event.offsetLocation(offsetX, offsetY); if (parent.onInterceptTouchEvent(event)) { mIntercepted = true; // If the parent wants to intercept ACTION_MOVE events, // we pass ACTION_DOWN event to the parent // as if these touch events just have began now. event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN); // Return this onTouchEvent() first and set ACTION_DOWN event for parent // to the queue, to keep events sequence. post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { parent.dispatchTouchEvent(event); } }); return false; } // Even when this can't be scrolled anymore, // simply returning false here may cause subView's click, // so delegate it to super. return super.onTouchEvent(ev); } break; } } return super.onTouchEvent(ev); } public boolean toolbarIsShown(Toolbar mToolbar) { return ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mToolbar) == 0; } public boolean toolbarIsHidden(Toolbar mToolbar) { return ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mToolbar) == -mToolbar.getHeight(); } @Deprecated public void showToolbarAndFAB(Toolbar mToolbar, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { showToolbar(mToolbar, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight); showDefaultFloatingActionButton(); } @Deprecated public void hideToolbarAndFAB(Toolbar mToolbar, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { hideToolbar(mToolbar, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight); hideDefaultFloatingActionButton(); } public void showToolbar(Toolbar mToolbar, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { moveToolbar(mToolbar, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight, 0); } public void hideToolbar(Toolbar mToolbar, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { moveToolbar(mToolbar, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight, -mToolbar.getHeight()); } public void showView(View mView, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { moveView(mView, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight, 0); } public void hideView(View mView, MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, int screenHeight) { moveView(mView, ultimateRecyclerView, screenHeight, -mView.getHeight()); } protected void moveToolbar(final Toolbar mToolbar, final MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, final int screenheight, float toTranslationY) { if (ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mToolbar) == toTranslationY) { return; } ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mToolbar), toTranslationY) .setDuration(200); animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float translationY = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); ViewHelper.setTranslationY(mToolbar, translationY); ViewHelper.setTranslationY((View) ultimateRecyclerView, translationY); // FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) ((View) ultimateRecyclerView).getLayoutParams(); MarginLayoutParams layoutParams = (MarginLayoutParams) ((View) ultimateRecyclerView) .getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.height = (int) -translationY + screenheight - layoutParams.topMargin; ((View) ultimateRecyclerView).requestLayout(); } }); animator.start(); } protected void moveView(final View mView, final MyUltimateRecyclerView ultimateRecyclerView, final int screenheight, float toTranslationY) { if (ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mView) == toTranslationY) { return; } ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(ViewHelper.getTranslationY(mView), toTranslationY) .setDuration(200); animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float translationY = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); ViewHelper.setTranslationY(mView, translationY); ViewHelper.setTranslationY((View) ultimateRecyclerView, translationY); // FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) ((View) ultimateRecyclerView).getLayoutParams(); MarginLayoutParams layoutParams = (MarginLayoutParams) ((View) ultimateRecyclerView) .getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.height = (int) -translationY + screenheight - layoutParams.topMargin; ((View) ultimateRecyclerView).requestLayout(); } }); animator.start(); } public FloatingActionButton getDefaultFloatingActionButton() { return defaultFloatingActionButton; } public void setDefaultFloatingActionButton(FloatingActionButton defaultFloatingActionButton) { this.defaultFloatingActionButton = defaultFloatingActionButton; } public View getCustomFloatingActionView() { return mFloatingButtonView; } // public void setCustomFloatingActionView(View customFloatingActionView) { // this.floatingActionMenu = floatingActionMenu; // } public void showFloatingActionMenu() { if (mFloatingButtonView != null) ((FloatingActionsMenu) mFloatingButtonView).hide(false); } public void hideFloatingActionMenu() { if (mFloatingButtonView != null) ((FloatingActionsMenu) mFloatingButtonView).hide(true); } public void showFloatingActionButton() { if (mFloatingButtonView != null) ((FloatingActionButton) mFloatingButtonView).hide(false); } public void hideFloatingActionButton() { if (mFloatingButtonView != null) ((FloatingActionButton) mFloatingButtonView).hide(true); } public void showDefaultFloatingActionButton() { defaultFloatingActionButton.hide(false); } public void hideDefaultFloatingActionButton() { defaultFloatingActionButton.hide(true); } public void displayCustomFloatingActionView(boolean b) { if (mFloatingButtonView != null) mFloatingButtonView.setVisibility(b ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); } public void displayDefaultFloatingActionButton(boolean b) { defaultFloatingActionButton.setVisibility(b ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); } public void removeItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration) { mRecyclerView.removeItemDecoration(decoration); } public void addOnItemTouchListener(RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener listener) { mRecyclerView.addOnItemTouchListener(listener); } public void removeOnItemTouchListener(RecyclerView.OnItemTouchListener listener) { mRecyclerView.removeOnItemTouchListener(listener); } public RecyclerView.LayoutManager getLayoutManager() { return mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager(); } }