Java tutorial
package filters; /* * * Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Eibe Frank, Olena Medelyan * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ import gnu.trove.TIntHashSet; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.Math; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.wikipedia.miner.model.Anchor; import org.wikipedia.miner.model.Article; import org.wikipedia.miner.model.Wikipedia; import org.wikipedia.miner.model.Anchor.Sense; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.ProgressNotifier; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.SortedVector; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.text.CaseFolder; import org.wikipedia.miner.util.text.TextProcessor; import stemmers.PorterStemmer; import stemmers.Stemmer; import stopwords.Stopwords; import stopwords.StopwordsEnglish; import util.Candidate; import util.Counter; import vocab.Vocabulary; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Capabilities; import weka.core.FastVector; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; import weka.core.Capabilities.Capability; import weka.filters.Filter; import weka.filters.supervised.attribute.Discretize; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayesSimple; import weka.classifiers.meta.Bagging; import weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier; import weka.classifiers.meta.RegressionByDiscretization; /** * This filter converts the incoming data into data appropriate for keyphrase * classification. It assumes that the dataset contains three string attributes. * The first attribute should contain the name of the file. The second attribute * should contain the text of a document from that file. The second attribute * should contain the topics associated with that document (if present). * <br> * The filter converts every instance (i.e. document) into a set of instances, * one for each candidate topic identified in the document. The string attribute * representing the document is replaced by some numeric features, the estimated * probability of each candidate being a topic, and the rank of this candidate in * the document according to the probability. Each new instance also has a * class value associated with it. The class is "true" if the topic has been assigned manually to * this document, and "false" otherwise. It is also possible to use numeric * attributes, if more then one manually selected topic sets per document * are available. If the input document doesn't come with author-assigned * topics, the class values for that document will be missing. * * @author Eibe Frank (, Olena Medelyan * ( * @version 2.0 */ public class MauiFilter extends Filter { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** Index of attribute containing the name of the file */ private int fileNameAtt = 0; /** Index of attribute containing the documents */ private int documentAtt = 1; /** Index of attribute containing the keyphrases */ private int keyphrasesAtt = 2; /** Maximum length of phrases */ private int maxPhraseLength = 5; /** Minimum length of phrases */ private int minPhraseLength = 1; /** Minimum keyphraseness of a string */ private double minKeyphraseness = 0.01; /** Minimum sense probability or commonness */ private double minSenseProbability = 0.005; /** Minimum number of the context articles */ private int contextSize = 5; transient TextProcessor textProcessor = new CaseFolder(); /** Number of human indexers (times a keyphrase appears in the keyphrase set) */ private int numIndexers = 1; /** Is class value nominal or numeric? * */ private boolean nominalClassValue = true; /** Flag for debugging mode */ private boolean debugMode = false; /** The minimum number of occurences of a phrase */ private int minOccurFrequency = 1; /** The number of features describing a phrase */ private int numFeatures = 14; /** Number of manually specified keyphrases */ private int totalCorrect = 0; /** Indices of attributes in classifierData */ // General features private int tfIndex = 0; // term frequency private int idfIndex = 1; // inverse document frequency private int tfidfIndex = 2; // TFxIDF private int firstOccurIndex = 3; // position of the first occurrence private int lastOccurIndex = 4; // position of the last occurrence private int spreadOccurIndex = 5; // spread of occurrences private int domainKeyphIndex = 6; // domain keyphraseness private int lengthIndex = 7; // term length private int generalityIndex = 8; // generality // Thesaurus features private int nodeDegreeIndex = 9; // node degree // Wikipedia features private int semRelIndex = 10; // semantic relatedness private int wikipKeyphrIndex = 11; // wikipedia keyphraseness private int invWikipFreqIndex = 12; // inverse wikipedia frequency private int totalWikipKeyphrIndex = 13; // total wikipedia keyphraseness /** * Use basic features TFxIDF & First Occurrence */ boolean useBasicFeatures = true; /** Use keyphraseness feature */ boolean useKeyphrasenessFeature = true; /** * Use frequency features TF & IDF additionally */ boolean useFrequencyFeatures = true; /** * Use occurrence position features LastOccurrence & Spread */ boolean usePositionsFeatures = true; /** * Use thesaurus features Node degree */ boolean useNodeDegreeFeature = true; /** Use length feature */ boolean useLengthFeature = true; /** * Use basic Wikipedia features Wikipedia keyphraseness & Total Wikipedia * keyphraseness */ boolean useBasicWikipediaFeatures = true; /** * Use all Wikipedia features Inverse Wikipedia frequency & Semantic * relatedness */ boolean useAllWikipediaFeatures = true; /** The punctuation filter used by this filter */ private MauiPhraseFilter phraseFilter = null; /** The numbers filter used by this filter */ private NumbersFilter numbersFilter = null; /** The actual classifier used to compute probabilities */ private Classifier classifier = null; /** The dictionary containing the document frequencies */ public HashMap<String, Counter> globalDictionary = null; /** The dictionary containing the keyphrases */ private HashMap<String, Counter> keyphraseDictionary = null; transient HashMap<Instance, HashMap<String, Candidate>> allCandidates = null; /** The number of documents in the global frequencies corpus */ private int numDocs = 0; /** Template for the classifier data */ private Instances classifierData = null; /** Default stemmer to be used */ private Stemmer stemmer = new PorterStemmer(); /** List of stop words to be used */ private Stopwords stopwords = new StopwordsEnglish(); /** Default language to be used */ private String documentLanguage = "en"; /** Vocabulary object */ public Vocabulary vocabulary; /** Vocabulary name */ private String vocabularyName = "agrovoc"; /** Vocabulary format */ private String vocabularyFormat = "skos"; transient Wikipedia wikipedia = null; public void setWikipedia(Wikipedia wikipedia) { this.wikipedia = wikipedia; } public Wikipedia getWikipedia() { return wikipedia; } public void setWikipedia(String wikipediaServer, String wikipediaDatabase, boolean cacheData, String wikipediaDataDirectory) { try { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Initializing Wikipedia database on server " + wikipediaServer + " with database " + wikipediaDatabase); } this.wikipedia = new Wikipedia(wikipediaServer, wikipediaDatabase, "root", null); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error initializing Wikipedia database!"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (cacheData && wikipediaDataDirectory != null) { cacheWikipediaData(wikipediaDataDirectory); } else if (cacheData && wikipediaDataDirectory == null) { System.err.println("In order to cache Wikipedia data, specify Wikipedia data directory"); } } public void cacheWikipediaData(String wikipediaDataDirectory) { ProgressNotifier progress = new ProgressNotifier(5); File dataDirectory = new File(wikipediaDataDirectory); // cache tables that will be used extensively TIntHashSet validPageIds; try { validPageIds = wikipedia.getDatabase().getValidPageIds(dataDirectory, 2, progress); wikipedia.getDatabase().cachePages(dataDirectory, validPageIds, progress); wikipedia.getDatabase().cacheAnchors(dataDirectory, textProcessor, validPageIds, 2, progress); wikipedia.getDatabase().cacheInLinks(dataDirectory, validPageIds, progress); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Error caching Wikipedia data..."); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns the total number of manually assigned topics in a given document * * @return number of manually assigned topics (int) */ public int getTotalCorrect() { return totalCorrect; } public void setBasicFeatures(boolean useBasicFeatures) { this.useBasicFeatures = useBasicFeatures; } public void setClassifier(Classifier classifier) { this.classifier = classifier; } public void setKeyphrasenessFeature(boolean useKeyphrasenessFeature) { this.useKeyphrasenessFeature = useKeyphrasenessFeature; } public void setFrequencyFeatures(boolean useFrequencyFeatures) { this.useFrequencyFeatures = useFrequencyFeatures; } public void setPositionsFeatures(boolean usePositionsFeatures) { this.usePositionsFeatures = usePositionsFeatures; } public void setThesaurusFeatures(boolean useThesaurusFeatures) { this.useNodeDegreeFeature = useThesaurusFeatures; } public void setLengthFeature(boolean useLengthFeature) { this.useLengthFeature = useLengthFeature; } public void setBasicWikipediaFeatures(boolean useBasicWikipediaFeatures) { this.useBasicWikipediaFeatures = useBasicWikipediaFeatures; if (useBasicWikipediaFeatures && wikipedia == null) { System.err.println( "The Wikipedia-based features will not be computed, because the connection to the wikipedia data is not specified."); System.err.println( "Use MauiModelBuilder.setWikipedia(\"server\", \"wikipedia database\") to set the connection!"); } } public void setAllWikipediaFeatures(boolean useAllWikipediaFeatures) { this.useAllWikipediaFeatures = useAllWikipediaFeatures; if (useAllWikipediaFeatures && wikipedia == null) { System.err.println( "The Wikipedia-based features will not be computed, because the connection to the wikipedia data is not specified."); System.err.println( "Use MauiModelBuilder.setWikipedia(\"server\", \"wikipedia database\") to set the connection!"); } } public void setContextSize(int contextSize) { this.contextSize = contextSize; } public void setMinSenseProbability(double minSenseProbability) { this.minSenseProbability = minSenseProbability; } public void setMinKeyphraseness(double minKeyphraseness) { this.minKeyphraseness = minKeyphraseness; } public void setStopwords(Stopwords stopwords) { this.stopwords = stopwords; } public void setStemmer(Stemmer stemmer) { this.stemmer = stemmer; } public void setNumIndexers(int numIndexers) { this.numIndexers = numIndexers; } public void setMinNumOccur(int minNumOccur) { this.minOccurFrequency = minNumOccur; } public void setMaxPhraseLength(int maxPhraseLength) { this.maxPhraseLength = maxPhraseLength; } public void setMinPhraseLength(int minPhraseLength) { this.minPhraseLength = minPhraseLength; } public void setDocumentLanguage(String documentLanguage) { this.documentLanguage = documentLanguage; } public void setDebug(boolean debugMode) { this.debugMode = debugMode; } public void setVocabularyName(String vocabularyName) { if (vocabularyName.equals("none")) { setThesaurusFeatures(false); } this.vocabularyName = vocabularyName; } public void setVocabularyFormat(String vocabularyFormat) { this.vocabularyFormat = vocabularyFormat; } /** * Returns the index of the normalized candidate form in the output ARFF * file. */ public int getNormalizedFormIndex() { return documentAtt; } /** * Returns the index of the most frequent form for the candidate topic or * the original form of it in the vocabulary in the output ARFF file. */ public int getOutputFormIndex() { return documentAtt; } /** * Returns the index of the candidates' probabilities in the output ARFF * file. */ public int getProbabilityIndex() { // 2 indexes for phrase forms return documentAtt + numFeatures + 1; } /** * Returns the index of the candidates' ranks in the output ARFF file. */ public int getRankIndex() { return getProbabilityIndex() + 1; } public int getDocumentAtt() { return documentAtt; } public void setDocumentAtt(int documentAtt) { this.documentAtt = documentAtt; } public int getKeyphrasesAtt() { return keyphrasesAtt; } public void setKeyphrasesAtt(int keyphrasesAtt) { this.keyphrasesAtt = keyphrasesAtt; } public void loadThesaurus(Stemmer st, Stopwords sw) { if (vocabulary != null) return; try { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Loading the vocabulary..."); } vocabulary = new Vocabulary(vocabularyName, vocabularyFormat); vocabulary.setStemmer(stemmer); vocabulary.setStopwords(stopwords); vocabulary.setDebug(debugMode); vocabulary.setLanguage(documentLanguage); vocabulary.initialize(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Failed to load thesaurus!"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Returns a string describing this filter * * @return a description of the filter suitable for displaying in the * explorer/experimenter gui */ public String globalInfo() { return "Converts incoming data into data appropriate for " + "keyphrase classification."; } /** * Sets the format of the input instances. * * @param instanceInfo * an Instances object containing the input instance structure * (any instances contained in the object are ignored - only the * structure is required). * @return true if the outputFormat may be collected immediately */ public boolean setInputFormat(Instances instanceInfo) throws Exception { if (instanceInfo.classIndex() >= 0) { throw new Exception("Don't know what do to if class index set!"); } if (!instanceInfo.attribute(keyphrasesAtt).isString() || !instanceInfo.attribute(documentAtt).isString()) { throw new Exception("Keyphrase attribute and document attribute " + "need to be string attributes."); } phraseFilter = new MauiPhraseFilter(); int[] arr = new int[1]; arr[0] = documentAtt; phraseFilter.setAttributeIndicesArray(arr); phraseFilter.setInputFormat(instanceInfo); if (vocabularyName.equals("none")) { numbersFilter = new NumbersFilter(); numbersFilter.setInputFormat(phraseFilter.getOutputFormat()); super.setInputFormat(numbersFilter.getOutputFormat()); } else { super.setInputFormat(phraseFilter.getOutputFormat()); } return false; } /** * Returns the Capabilities of this filter. * * @return the capabilities of this object * @see Capabilities */ public Capabilities getCapabilities() { Capabilities result = super.getCapabilities(); // attributes result.enableAllAttributes(); result.enable(Capability.MISSING_VALUES); // class result.enable(Capability.NOMINAL_CLASS); result.enable(Capability.NO_CLASS); result.enableAllClasses(); // result.or(new LinearRegression().getCapabilities()); return result; } /** * Input an instance for filtering. Ordinarily the instance is processed and * made available for output immediately. Some filters require all instances * be read before producing output. * * @param instance * the input instance * @return true if the filtered instance may now be collected with output(). * @exception Exception * if the input instance was not of the correct format or if * there was a problem with the filtering. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public boolean input(Instance instance) throws Exception { if (getInputFormat() == null) { throw new Exception("No input instance format defined"); } if (m_NewBatch) { resetQueue(); m_NewBatch = false; } if (debugMode) { System.err.println("-- Reading instance"); } phraseFilter.input(instance); phraseFilter.batchFinished(); instance = phraseFilter.output(); if (vocabularyName.equals("none")) { numbersFilter.input(instance); numbersFilter.batchFinished(); instance = numbersFilter.output(); } if (globalDictionary == null) { bufferInput(instance); return false; } else { FastVector vector = convertInstance(instance, false); Enumeration<Instance> en = vector.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Instance inst = en.nextElement(); push(inst); } return true; } } /** * Signify that this batch of input to the filter is finished. If the filter * requires all instances prior to filtering, output() may now be called to * retrieve the filtered instances. * * @return true if there are instances pending output * @exception Exception * if no input structure has been defined */ public boolean batchFinished() throws Exception { if (getInputFormat() == null) { throw new Exception("No input instance format defined"); } if (globalDictionary == null) { selectCandidates(); buildGlobalDictionaries(); buildClassifier(); convertPendingInstances(); } flushInput(); m_NewBatch = true; return (numPendingOutput() != 0); } private void selectCandidates() throws Exception { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Computing candidates..."); } allCandidates = new HashMap<Instance, HashMap<String, Candidate>>(); // Convert pending input instances into data for classifier int totalDocuments = getInputFormat().numInstances(); for (int i = 0; i < totalDocuments; i++) { Instance current = getInputFormat().instance(i); String fileName = current.stringValue(fileNameAtt); int j = i + 1; if (debugMode) { System.err.println( "---- Processing document " + fileName + ", " + j + " out of " + totalDocuments + "..."); } // Get the phrases for the document String documentText = current.stringValue(documentAtt); HashMap<String, Candidate> candidateList = getCandidates(documentText); if (debugMode) { System.err.println("---- " + candidateList.size() + " candidates"); } allCandidates.put(current, candidateList); } } /** * Builds the global dictionaries. */ public void buildGlobalDictionaries() throws Exception { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Building global frequency dictionary"); } // Build a dictionary of candidates with associated // document frequencies globalDictionary = new HashMap<String, Counter>(); for (HashMap<String, Candidate> candidates : allCandidates.values()) { for (String candidateName : candidates.keySet()) { Counter counter = globalDictionary.get(candidateName); if (counter == null) { globalDictionary.put(candidateName, new Counter()); } else { counter.increment(); } } } if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Building keyphraseness dictionary"); } // Build a dictionary of candidates that occur as keyphrases // with associated keyphrase frequencies keyphraseDictionary = new HashMap<String, Counter>(); for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numInstances(); i++) { String str = getInputFormat().instance(i).stringValue(keyphrasesAtt); HashMap<String, Counter> hash = getGivenKeyphrases(str); if (hash != null) { for (String term : hash.keySet()) { Counter documentCount = hash.get(term); Counter counter = keyphraseDictionary.get(term); if (counter == null) { keyphraseDictionary.put(term, new Counter(documentCount.value())); } else { counter.increment(documentCount.value()); } } } } if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Statistics about global dictionaries: "); System.err.println("\t" + globalDictionary.size() + " terms in the global dictionary"); System.err.println("\t" + keyphraseDictionary.size() + " terms in the keyphrase dictionary"); } // Set the number of documents in the global corpus numDocs = getInputFormat().numInstances(); } /** * Builds the classifier. */ private void buildClassifier() throws Exception { // Generate input format for classifier FastVector atts = new FastVector(); for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); i++) { if (i == documentAtt) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Term_frequency")); // 2 atts.addElement(new Attribute("IDF")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("TFxIDF")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("First_occurrence")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Last_occurrence")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Spread")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Domain_keyphraseness")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Length")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Generality")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Node_degree")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Semantic_relatedness")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Wikipedia_keyphraseness")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Inverse_Wikip_frequency")); // atts.addElement(new Attribute("Total_Wikip_keyphraseness")); // 13 } else if (i == keyphrasesAtt) { if (nominalClassValue) { FastVector vals = new FastVector(2); vals.addElement("False"); vals.addElement("True"); atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?", vals)); } else { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?")); } } } classifierData = new Instances("ClassifierData", atts, 0); classifierData.setClassIndex(numFeatures); if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Converting instances for classifier"); } int totalDocuments = getInputFormat().numInstances(); // Convert pending input instances into data for classifier for (int i = 0; i < totalDocuments; i++) { Instance current = getInputFormat().instance(i); // Get the key phrases for the document String keyphrases = current.stringValue(keyphrasesAtt); HashMap<String, Counter> hashKeyphrases = getGivenKeyphrases(keyphrases); // Get the phrases for the document HashMap<String, Candidate> candidateList = allCandidates.get(current); // Compute the feature values for each phrase and // add the instance to the data for the classifier int countPos = 0; int countNeg = 0; if (debugMode) { System.err .println("--- Computing features for document " + i + " out of " + totalDocuments + "..."); } for (Candidate candidate : candidateList.values()) { // ignore all candidates that appear less than a threshold if (candidate.getFrequency() < minOccurFrequency) { continue; } // compute feature values double[] vals = computeFeatureValues(candidate, true, hashKeyphrases, candidateList); if (vals[vals.length - 1] == 0) { countNeg++; } else { countPos++; } Instance inst = new Instance(current.weight(), vals); // System.out.println(candidate + "\t" + inst); classifierData.add(inst); } if (debugMode) { System.err.println(countPos + " positive; " + countNeg + " negative instances"); } } if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Building classifier"); } if (classifier == null) { // Build classifier if (nominalClassValue) { // FilteredClassifier fclass = new FilteredClassifier(); // fclass.setClassifier(new NaiveBayesSimple()); // fclass.setFilter(new Discretize()); // classifier = fclass; classifier = new Bagging(); // try also // classifier.setOptions( Utils.splitOptions("-P 10 -S 1 -I 10 -W weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -- -U -M 2")); } else { classifier = new Bagging(); // try also // classifier.setOptions(Utils.splitOptions("-P 10 -S 1 -I 10 -W // weka.classifiers.trees.J48 -- -U -M 2")) ; String optionsString = "-P 100 -S 1 -I 10 -W weka.classifiers.trees.M5P -- -U -M 7.0"; String[] options = Utils.splitOptions(optionsString); classifier.setOptions(options); } } FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("19docs.arff")); PrintWriter printer = new PrintWriter(out); printer.write(classifierData.toString()); printer.close(); out.close(); classifier.buildClassifier(classifierData); if (debugMode) { System.err.println(classifier); } // Save space classifierData = new Instances(classifierData, 0); } /** * Conmputes the feature values for a given phrase. */ private double[] computeFeatureValues(Candidate candidate, boolean training, HashMap<String, Counter> hashKeyphrases, HashMap<String, Candidate> candidates) { Article candidateArticle = candidate.getArticle(); // Compute feature values double[] newInst = new double[numFeatures + 1]; String id = candidate.getName(); String name = candidate.getName(); String original = candidate.getBestFullForm(); String title = candidate.getTitle(); // Compute TFxIDF Counter counterGlobal = (Counter) globalDictionary.get(name); double globalVal = 0; if (counterGlobal != null) { globalVal = counterGlobal.value(); if (training) { globalVal = globalVal - 1; } } double tf = candidate.getTermFrequency(); double idf = -Math.log((globalVal + 1) / ((double) numDocs + 1)); // System.out.println(candidate + " count: " + candidate.getFrequency() + " // tf: " + tf + " glob val: " + globalVal + " numDocs: " + numDocs + " idf: // " + idf); if (useBasicFeatures) { newInst[tfidfIndex] = tf * idf; newInst[firstOccurIndex] = candidate.getFirstOccurrence(); } if (useFrequencyFeatures) { newInst[tfIndex] = tf; newInst[idfIndex] = idf; } if (usePositionsFeatures) { newInst[lastOccurIndex] = candidate.getLastOccurrence(); newInst[spreadOccurIndex] = candidate.getSpread(); } if (useKeyphrasenessFeature) { if (!vocabularyName.equals("none")) { name = title; } Counter domainKeyphr = keyphraseDictionary.get(name); if ((training) && (hashKeyphrases != null) && (hashKeyphrases.containsKey(name))) { newInst[domainKeyphIndex] = domainKeyphr.value() - 1; } else { if (domainKeyphr != null) { newInst[domainKeyphIndex] = domainKeyphr.value(); } else { newInst[domainKeyphIndex] = 0; } } } if (useLengthFeature) { if (original == null) { System.err.println("Warning! Problem with candidate " + name); newInst[lengthIndex] = 1.0; } else { String[] words = original.split(" "); newInst[lengthIndex] = (double) words.length; } } if (useNodeDegreeFeature) { int nodeDegree = 0; if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { try { for (int relatedID : candidateArticle.getLinksInIds()) { if (candidates.containsKey(relatedID + "")) { nodeDegree++; } } for (int relatedID : candidateArticle.getLinksOutIds()) { if (candidates.containsKey(relatedID + "")) { nodeDegree++; } } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error retrieving ids for candidate " + candidate); } } else if (vocabulary != null) { Vector<String> relatedTerms = vocabulary.getRelated(id); if (relatedTerms != null) { for (String relatedTerm : relatedTerms) { if (candidates.get(relatedTerm) != null) nodeDegree++; } } } if (nodeDegree != 0) { // System.err.println(candidate + " has node degree " + nodeDegree); } newInst[nodeDegreeIndex] = (double) nodeDegree; } Anchor anchor = null; if (useBasicWikipediaFeatures && wikipedia != null) { double wikipKeyphraseness = 0; if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { wikipKeyphraseness = candidate.getWikipKeyphraseness(); } else { try { anchor = new Anchor(wikipedia.getDatabase().addEscapes(original), null, wikipedia.getDatabase()); // System.out.println(original + "\t" + anchor.getText() + "\t" + anchor.getLinkProbability()); if (anchor != null) { if (anchor.getLinkProbability() != 0) { wikipKeyphraseness = anchor.getLinkProbability(); } } else { wikipKeyphraseness = Instance.missingValue(); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error retrieving the anchor for " + candidate); // e.printStackTrace(); } } newInst[wikipKeyphrIndex] = wikipKeyphraseness; if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { newInst[totalWikipKeyphrIndex] = candidate.getTotalWikipKeyphraseness(); } else { HashMap<String, Counter> fullForms = candidate.getFullForms(); double totalWikipKeyphr = 0; for (String form : fullForms.keySet()) { Anchor a1 = null; try { a1 = new Anchor(wikipedia.getDatabase().addEscapes(form), null, wikipedia.getDatabase()); if (a1 != null) { if (a1.getLinkProbability() != 0) { totalWikipKeyphr += a1.getLinkProbability() * fullForms.get(form).value(); } } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error retrieving the anchor for " + candidate); // e.printStackTrace(); } } newInst[totalWikipKeyphrIndex] = totalWikipKeyphr; } // System.out.println(candidate + "\t wikip Keyphr " + newInst[wikipKeyphrIndex] + "\t total wikip Keyphr " + newInst[totalWikipKeyphrIndex]); } if (useAllWikipediaFeatures) { // System.out.println(candidate.getBestFullForm() + "\t" + original + "\t" + candidateArticle); if (candidateArticle == null) { try { if (anchor != null && !anchor.getSenses().isEmpty()) { candidateArticle = anchor.getSenses().first(); } // } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } double wikipFrequency = 0; double generality = 0; double semRelatedness = 0; if (candidateArticle != null) { try { double pageCount = candidateArticle.getLinksInCount(); wikipFrequency = -Math.log(pageCount / 2000000); generality = candidateArticle.getGenerality(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { wikipFrequency = Instance.missingValue(); generality = Instance.missingValue(); } if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia") && candidateArticle != null) { for (Candidate c : candidates.values()) { // System.out.println("\t" + c + "\t" + c.getArticle() + " vs " + candidate + "\t" + c.equals(candidate)); if (!c.getTitle().equals(candidate.getTitle())) { // System.out.println("Comparing " + c + " and " + candidateArticle); double relatedness = 0; Article article = c.getArticle(); try { relatedness = candidateArticle.getRelatednessTo(article); // System.out.println("\t r" + relatedness); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (relatedness > 0) { semRelatedness += relatedness; } } } // System.out.println("\t\t" + semRelatedness); semRelatedness = semRelatedness / (candidates.size() - 1); } else { semRelatedness = Instance.missingValue(); } newInst[semRelIndex] = semRelatedness; newInst[invWikipFreqIndex] = wikipFrequency; newInst[generalityIndex] = generality; // System.out.println(candidate + "\t sem rel " + newInst[semRelIndex] // + "\t inv wikip freq " + newInst[invWikipFreqIndex] + " general " + newInst[generalityIndex] );// } // Compute class value String checkManual = name; if (!vocabularyName.equals("none")) { checkManual = candidate.getTitle(); } if (hashKeyphrases == null) { // No author-assigned keyphrases // newInst[numFeatures] = Instance.missingValue(); newInst[numFeatures] = 0; } else if (!hashKeyphrases.containsKey(checkManual)) { newInst[numFeatures] = 0; // Not a keyphrase } else { if (nominalClassValue) { newInst[numFeatures] = 1; // Keyphrase } else { double c = (double) ((Counter) hashKeyphrases.get(checkManual)).value() / numIndexers; newInst[numFeatures] = c; // Keyphrase } } /* System.out.println(candidate); System.out.println("\tTFxIDF " + newInst[tfidfIndex]); System.out.println("\ttotalWikipKeyphrIndex " + newInst[totalWikipKeyphrIndex]); System.out.println("\tfirstOccurIndex " + newInst[firstOccurIndex]); System.out.println("\tsemRelIndex " + newInst[semRelIndex]); */ return newInst; } /** * Sets output format and converts pending input instances. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void convertPendingInstances() throws Exception { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("--- Converting pending instances"); } // Create output format for filter FastVector atts = new FastVector(); for (int i = 1; i < getInputFormat().numAttributes(); i++) { if (i == documentAtt) { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Candidate_name", (FastVector) null)); // 0 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Candidate_original", (FastVector) null)); // 1 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Term_frequency")); // 2 atts.addElement(new Attribute("IDF")); // 3 atts.addElement(new Attribute("TFxIDF")); // 4 atts.addElement(new Attribute("First_occurrence")); // 5 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Last_occurrence")); // 6 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Spread")); // 7 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Domain_keyphraseness")); // 8 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Length")); // 9 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Generality")); // 10 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Node_degree")); // 11 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Semantic_relatedness")); // 12 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Wikipedia_keyphraseness")); // 13 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Inverse_Wikip_frequency")); // 14 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Total_Wikip_keyphraseness")); // 15 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Probability")); // 16 atts.addElement(new Attribute("Rank")); // 17 } else if (i == keyphrasesAtt) { if (nominalClassValue) { FastVector vals = new FastVector(2); vals.addElement("False"); vals.addElement("True"); atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?", vals)); } else { atts.addElement(new Attribute("Keyphrase?")); } } else { atts.addElement(getInputFormat().attribute(i)); } } Instances outFormat = new Instances("mauidata", atts, 0); setOutputFormat(outFormat); // Convert pending input instances into output data for (int i = 0; i < getInputFormat().numInstances(); i++) { Instance current = getInputFormat().instance(i); FastVector vector = convertInstance(current, true); Enumeration en = vector.elements(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { Instance inst = (Instance) en.nextElement(); push(inst); } } } /** * Converts an instance. */ private FastVector convertInstance(Instance instance, boolean training) throws Exception { FastVector vector = new FastVector(); String fileName = instance.stringValue(fileNameAtt); if (debugMode) { System.err.println("-- Converting instance for document " + fileName); } // Get the key phrases for the document HashMap<String, Counter> hashKeyphrases = null; if (!instance.isMissing(keyphrasesAtt)) { String keyphrases = instance.stringValue(keyphrasesAtt); hashKeyphrases = getGivenKeyphrases(keyphrases); } // Get the document text String documentText = instance.stringValue(documentAtt); // Compute the candidate topics HashMap<String, Candidate> candidateList; if (allCandidates != null && allCandidates.containsKey(instance)) { candidateList = allCandidates.get(instance); } else { candidateList = getCandidates(documentText); } if (debugMode) { System.err.println(candidateList.size() + " candidates "); } // Set indices for key attributes int tfidfAttIndex = documentAtt + 2; int distAttIndex = documentAtt + 3; int probsAttIndex = documentAtt + numFeatures; int countPos = 0; int countNeg = 0; // Go through the phrases and convert them into instances for (Candidate candidate : candidateList.values()) { if (candidate.getFrequency() < minOccurFrequency) { continue; } String name = candidate.getName(); String orig = candidate.getBestFullForm(); if (!vocabularyName.equals("none")) { orig = candidate.getTitle(); } double[] vals = computeFeatureValues(candidate, training, hashKeyphrases, candidateList); Instance inst = new Instance(instance.weight(), vals); inst.setDataset(classifierData); // Get probability of a phrase being key phrase double[] probs = classifier.distributionForInstance(inst); double prob = probs[0]; if (nominalClassValue) { prob = probs[1]; } // Compute attribute values for final instance double[] newInst = new double[instance.numAttributes() + numFeatures + 2]; int pos = 0; for (int i = 1; i < instance.numAttributes(); i++) { if (i == documentAtt) { // output of values for a given phrase: // Add phrase int index = outputFormatPeek().attribute(pos).addStringValue(name); newInst[pos++] = index; // Add original version if (orig != null) { index = outputFormatPeek().attribute(pos).addStringValue(orig); } else { index = outputFormatPeek().attribute(pos).addStringValue(name); } newInst[pos++] = index; // Add features newInst[pos++] = inst.value(tfIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(idfIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(tfidfIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(firstOccurIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(lastOccurIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(spreadOccurIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(domainKeyphIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(lengthIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(generalityIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(nodeDegreeIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(semRelIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(wikipKeyphrIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(invWikipFreqIndex); newInst[pos++] = inst.value(totalWikipKeyphrIndex); // Add probability probsAttIndex = pos; newInst[pos++] = prob; // Set rank to missing (computed below) newInst[pos++] = Instance.missingValue(); } else if (i == keyphrasesAtt) { newInst[pos++] = inst.classValue(); } else { newInst[pos++] = instance.value(i); } } Instance ins = new Instance(instance.weight(), newInst); ins.setDataset(outputFormatPeek()); vector.addElement(ins); if (inst.classValue() == 0) { countNeg++; } else { countPos++; } } if (debugMode) { System.err.println(countPos + " positive; " + countNeg + " negative instances"); } // Sort phrases according to their distance (stable sort) double[] vals = new double[vector.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = ((Instance) vector.elementAt(i)).value(distAttIndex); } FastVector newVector = new FastVector(vector.size()); int[] sortedIndices = Utils.stableSort(vals); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { newVector.addElement(vector.elementAt(sortedIndices[i])); } vector = newVector; // Sort phrases according to their tfxidf value (stable sort) for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = -((Instance) vector.elementAt(i)).value(tfidfAttIndex); } newVector = new FastVector(vector.size()); sortedIndices = Utils.stableSort(vals); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { newVector.addElement(vector.elementAt(sortedIndices[i])); } vector = newVector; // Sort phrases according to their probability (stable sort) for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { vals[i] = 1 - ((Instance) vector.elementAt(i)).value(probsAttIndex); } newVector = new FastVector(vector.size()); sortedIndices = Utils.stableSort(vals); for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { newVector.addElement(vector.elementAt(sortedIndices[i])); } vector = newVector; // Compute rank of phrases. Check for subphrases that are ranked // lower than superphrases and assign probability -1 and set the // rank to Integer.MAX_VALUE int rank = 1; for (int i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { Instance currentInstance = (Instance) vector.elementAt(i); // Short cut: if phrase very unlikely make rank very low and // continue if (Utils.grOrEq(vals[i], 1.0)) { currentInstance.setValue(probsAttIndex + 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE); continue; } // Otherwise look for super phrase starting with first phrase // in list that has same probability, TFxIDF value, and distance as // current phrase. We do this to catch all superphrases // that have same probability, TFxIDF value and distance as current // phrase. int startInd = i; while (startInd < vals.length) { Instance inst = (Instance) vector.elementAt(startInd); if ((inst.value(tfidfAttIndex) != currentInstance.value(tfidfAttIndex)) || (inst.value(probsAttIndex) != currentInstance.value(probsAttIndex)) || (inst.value(distAttIndex) != currentInstance.value(distAttIndex))) { break; } startInd++; } currentInstance.setValue(probsAttIndex + 1, rank++); } return vector; } /** * Expects an empty hashtable. Fills the hashtable with the candidate * keyphrases Stores the position, the number of occurences, and the most * commonly occurring orgininal version of each candidate in the Candidate * object. * * Returns the total number of words in the document. * * @throws Exception */ public HashMap<String, Candidate> getCandidates(String text) { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("---- Extracting candidates... "); } HashMap<String, Candidate> candidatesTable = new HashMap<String, Candidate>(); String[] buffer = new String[maxPhraseLength]; // Extracting strings of a predefined length from "str": StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(text, "\n"); int pos = 0; int totalFrequency = 0; int firstWord = 0; while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tok.nextToken(); int numSeen = 0; StringTokenizer wordTok = new StringTokenizer(token, " "); while (wordTok.hasMoreTokens()) { pos++; String word = wordTok.nextToken(); // Store word in buffer for (int i = 0; i < maxPhraseLength - 1; i++) { buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1]; } buffer[maxPhraseLength - 1] = word; // How many are buffered? numSeen++; if (numSeen > maxPhraseLength) { numSeen = maxPhraseLength; } // Don't consider phrases that end with a stop word // if (!vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { if (stopwords.isStopword(buffer[maxPhraseLength - 1])) { // pos++; continue; } // } // Loop through buffer and add phrases to hashtable StringBuffer phraseBuffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i <= numSeen; i++) { if (i > 1) { phraseBuffer.insert(0, ' '); } phraseBuffer.insert(0, buffer[maxPhraseLength - i]); // Don't consider phrases that begin with a stop word // In free indexing only // if (!vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { if ((i > 1) && (stopwords.isStopword(buffer[maxPhraseLength - i]))) { continue; } //} // Only consider phrases with minimum length if (i >= minPhraseLength) { // each detected candidate phase in its original // spelling form String form = phraseBuffer.toString(); // list of candidates extracted for a given original // string // in case of term assignment more than one possible! Vector<String> candidateNames = new Vector<String>(); if (vocabularyName.equals("none")) { // if it is free keyphrase indexing, // get the pseudo phrase of the original spelling String phrase = pseudoPhrase(form); if (phrase != null) candidateNames.add(phrase); totalFrequency++; // System.err.println(form + ", "); } else if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { // check if it's a number & ignore if it is String patternStr = "[0-9\\s]+"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternStr); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(form); boolean matchFound = matcher.matches(); // false if (matchFound == false) { candidateNames.add(form); } } else { // System.err.println("...retrieving senses for form " + form); // if a controlled vocabulary is used // retrieve its senses for (String sense : vocabulary.getSenses(form)) { // System.err.println(form + " (" + vocabulary.getTerm(sense)+"), "); candidateNames.add(sense); } } // System.err.println("...conflating candidates"); // ignore all those phrases // that have empty pseudo phrases or // that map to nothing in the vocabulary if (!candidateNames.isEmpty()) { for (String name : candidateNames) { Candidate candidate = candidatesTable.get(name); if (candidate == null) { // this is the first occurrence of this // candidate // create a candidate object if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { Anchor anchor; try { anchor = new Anchor(form, textProcessor, wikipedia.getDatabase()); double probability = anchor.getLinkProbability(); if (probability >= minKeyphraseness) { // add candidate list // System.out.println(form + " (" + Utils.doubleToString(probability,3) + "),"); totalFrequency++; firstWord = pos - i; candidate = new Candidate(name, form, firstWord, anchor, probability); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error adding ngram " + form); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { firstWord = pos - i; candidate = new Candidate(name, form, firstWord); totalFrequency++; // if it's a controlled vocabulary, this // allows // retrieve how this topic is refered to // by a descriptor if (!vocabularyName.equals("none")) { candidate.setTitle(vocabulary.getTerm(name)); } } } else { // candidate has been observed before // update its values // System.out.println(form); firstWord = pos - i; candidate.recordOccurrence(form, firstWord); totalFrequency++; } if (candidate != null) { candidatesTable.put(name, candidate); } } } } } } } if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { candidatesTable = disambiguateCandidates(candidatesTable.values()); } for (Candidate candidate : candidatesTable.values()) { candidate.normalize(totalFrequency, pos); } return candidatesTable; } /** * Given a set of candidate terms extracted from the text computes, which * one of these are the least ambiguous ones Creates a vector of Wikipedia * articles representing their senses. * * @param candidates * @return vector of context articles */ private Vector<Article> collectContextTerms(Collection<Candidate> candidates) { // vector to store unambiguous context articles Vector<Article> context = new Vector<Article>(); // vector to store senses of ambiguos candidates and sort them by // probability SortedVector<Article> bestCandidateSenses = new SortedVector<Article>(); for (Candidate candidate : candidates) { Anchor anchor = candidate.getAnchor(); try { // if required number of context articles // is reached, break if (context.size() >= contextSize) { break; } if (anchor.getSenses().isEmpty()) { continue; } // what is the most likely sense for the given candidate Sense bestSense = anchor.getSenses().first(); double comonness = bestSense.getProbability(); double keyphraseness = anchor.getLinkProbability(); // add to the context all articles that map // from ngrams with one possible meaning // and high keyphrasenesss if (anchor.getSenses().size() == 1 && keyphraseness >= 0.5) { if (context.contains(bestSense)) { continue; } context.add(bestSense); continue; } // in case if not enough non-ambigious terms were collected // additionally collect other mappings based on // sense probability and keyphraseness if (comonness >= 0.9 && keyphraseness > 0.1) { bestSense.setWeight(comonness); bestCandidateSenses.add(bestSense, false); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error computing senses for " + anchor); e.printStackTrace(); } } // if not enough context was collected if (context.size() < contextSize) { // fill up context anchors with most likely mappings for (int i = 0; i < bestCandidateSenses.size() && context.size() < contextSize; i++) { Article sense = bestCandidateSenses.elementAt(i); // System.out.println("Adding best from ambiguous " + sense); context.add(sense); } } return context; } /** * Given a collection of candidate terms, each term is disambiguated to its * most likely meaning, given the mappings for other terms (context) * * @param candidates * @return hashmap of Wikipedia articles candidates */ private HashMap<String, Candidate> disambiguateCandidates(Collection<Candidate> candidates) { if (debugMode) { System.err.println("---- Disambiguating candidates..."); } // hash to collect candidate topics in form of Wikipedia articles // note: many values need to be recomputed, because different // ngrams can be potentially mapped to the same article HashMap<String, Candidate> disambiguatedTopics = new HashMap<String, Candidate>(); // vector with context articles Vector<Article> context = collectContextTerms(candidates); // System.out.println("context " + context.size()); // for (Article a : context) { // System.out.println("context " + a); // } String id; for (Candidate candidate : candidates) { // for each candidate between 0 and several candidates are created // so its properites are copied to carry onto newly created // candidates // System.out.println("Disambiguating " + candidate); try { // assessing each sense of the candidate for (Anchor.Sense sense : candidate.getAnchor().getSenses()) { // System.out.println("sense " + sense); Candidate candidateCopy = candidate.getCopy(); double senseProbability = sense.getProbability(); if (senseProbability < minSenseProbability) { // System.out.println("Ignoring because low prob " + senseProbability); break; } // if unambiguous, add immidiately if (senseProbability == 1.0) { id = sense.getId() + ""; candidateCopy.setName(id); candidateCopy.setTitle(sense.getTitle()); candidateCopy.setArticle(sense); if (disambiguatedTopics.containsKey(id)) { Candidate previousCandidate = disambiguatedTopics.get(id); // update the values of the previous candidate by // the values of the new one // System.out.println("WAS1 " + // previousCandidate.getInfo()); // System.out.println("MRG1 " + // candidateCopy.getInfo()); candidateCopy.mergeWith(previousCandidate); // System.out.println("NOW1 " + // candidateCopy.getInfo()); } disambiguatedTopics.put(id, candidateCopy); // else resolve ambiguity } else { // to avoid multiplication by 0 // in cases where an ngram is never an anchor text // but appears as a title of Wikipedia page if (senseProbability == 0) { senseProbability = minSenseProbability; } double semanticRelatedness = 0; try { // compute the relatedness to context and the // commonness of the meaning semanticRelatedness = getRelatednessTo(sense, context); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Error computing semantic relatedness for the sense " + sense); e.printStackTrace(); } // final score double disambiguationScore = senseProbability * semanticRelatedness; // System.out.println("sense probability "+ senseProbability +"sem rel " + semanticRelatedness + "\t" + disambiguationScore); if (disambiguationScore > 0.01) { // this is a valid sense (there may be more than // one) // System.out.println("\t\tACCEPT!"); id = sense.getId() + ""; candidateCopy.setName(id); candidateCopy.setTitle(sense.getTitle()); candidateCopy.setArticle(sense); if (disambiguatedTopics.containsKey(id)) { Candidate previousCandidate = disambiguatedTopics.get(id); // update the values of the previous candidate // by the values of the new one // System.out.println("WAS2 " + // previousCandidate.getInfo()); // System.out.println("MRG2 " + // candidateCopy.getInfo()); candidateCopy.mergeWith(previousCandidate); // System.out.println("NOW2 " + // candidateCopy.getInfo()); } disambiguatedTopics.put(id, candidateCopy); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { System.err.println("Error disambiguating candidate " + candidate); e.printStackTrace(); } } return disambiguatedTopics; } /** * Given a Wikipedia article and a set of context article collected from the * same text, this method computes the article's average semantic * relatedness to the context * * @param article * @param contextArticles * @return double -- semantic relatedness */ private double getRelatednessTo(Article article, Vector<Article> contextArticles) { double totalRelatedness = 0; double currentRelatedness = 0; double totalComparisons = 0; for (Article contextArticle : contextArticles) { if (article.getId() != contextArticle.getId()) { try { currentRelatedness = article.getRelatednessTo(contextArticle); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println( "Error computing semantic relatedness for " + article + " and " + contextArticle); e.printStackTrace(); } totalRelatedness += currentRelatedness; totalComparisons++; } } return totalRelatedness / totalComparisons; } /** * Collects all the topics assigned manually and puts them into the * hashtable. Also stores the counts for each topic, if they are available */ private HashMap<String, Counter> getGivenKeyphrases(String keyphraseListings) { HashMap<String, Counter> keyphrases = new HashMap<String, Counter>(); String keyphrase, listing; int tab, frequency; StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(keyphraseListings, "\n"); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { listing = tok.nextToken(); listing = listing.trim(); // if the keyphrase file contains frequencies associated with each // term, // parse these separately tab = listing.indexOf("\t"); if (tab != -1) { keyphrase = listing.substring(0, tab); frequency = Integer.parseInt(listing.substring(tab + 1)); } else { keyphrase = listing; frequency = 1; } if (vocabularyName.equals("none")) { keyphrase = pseudoPhrase(keyphrase); Counter counter = keyphrases.get(keyphrase); if (counter == null) { keyphrases.put(keyphrase, new Counter(frequency)); } else { counter.increment(frequency); } } else if (vocabularyName.equals("wikipedia")) { // just use the title to denote manually chosen Wikipedia // articles int colonIndex = keyphrase.indexOf(":"); if (colonIndex != -1) { keyphrase = keyphrase.substring(colonIndex + 2); } Counter counter = keyphrases.get(keyphrase); if (counter == null) { keyphrases.put(keyphrase, new Counter(frequency)); } else { counter.increment(frequency); } } else { for (String id : vocabulary.getSenses(keyphrase)) { keyphrase = vocabulary.getTerm(id); Counter counter = keyphrases.get(keyphrase); if (counter == null) { keyphrases.put(keyphrase, new Counter(frequency)); } else { counter.increment(frequency); } } } } if (keyphrases.size() == 0) { System.err.println("Warning! This documents does not contain valid keyphrases"); return null; } else { totalCorrect = keyphrases.size(); return keyphrases; } } /** * Generates a normalized preudo phrase from a string. A pseudo phrase is a * version of a phrase that only contains non-stopwords, which are stemmed * and sorted into alphabetical order. */ public String pseudoPhrase(String str) { String result = ""; str = str.toLowerCase(); // sort words alphabetically String[] words = str.split(" "); Arrays.sort(words); for (String word : words) { // remove all stopwords if (!stopwords.isStopword(word)) { // remove all apostrophes int apostr = word.indexOf('\''); if (apostr != -1) word = word.substring(0, apostr); // ste mm the remaining words word = stemmer.stem(word); result += word + " "; } } result = result.trim(); if (!result.equals("")) { return result; } return null; } /** * Main method. */ public static void main(String[] argv) { System.err.println("Use MauiModelBuilder or MauiTopicExtractor!"); } }