Java tutorial
/* * AsTeRICS - Assistive Technology Rapid Integration and Construction Set * * * d8888 88888888888 8888888b. 8888888 .d8888b. .d8888b. * d88888 888 888 Y88b 888 d88P Y88b d88P Y88b * d88P888 888 888 888 888 888 888 Y88b. * d88P 888 .d8888b 888 .d88b. 888 d88P 888 888 "Y888b. * d88P 888 88K 888 d8P Y8b 8888888P" 888 888 "Y88b. * d88P 888 "Y8888b. 888 88888888 888 T88b 888 888 888 "888 * d8888888888 X88 888 Y8b. 888 T88b 888 Y88b d88P Y88b d88P * d88P 888 88888P' 888 "Y8888 888 T88b 8888888 "Y8888P" "Y8888P" * * * homepage: * * This project has been funded by the European Commission, * Grant Agreement Number 247730 * * * Dual License: MIT or GPL v3.0 with "CLASSPATH" exception * (please refer to the folder LICENSE) * */ package eu.asterics.component.actuator.ponggame; import java.awt.Dimension; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle; import; import; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; /** * The base class for all game screens. */ public abstract class AbstractScreen implements Screen { // the fixed viewport dimensions (ratio: 1.6) public static final int GAME_VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 400, GAME_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 240; public static final int MENU_VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 800, MENU_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 480; protected final AstericsPong game; protected final Stage stage; private BitmapFont font; private SpriteBatch batch = null; private Skin skin; private TextureAtlas atlas; private Table table; protected BitmapFont gamefont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/actuator.ponggame/gamefont.fnt"), false); protected BitmapFont darkfont = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/actuator.ponggame/darkfont.fnt"), false); protected BitmapFont highscorefont = new BitmapFont( Gdx.files.internal("data/actuator.ponggame/highscorefont.fnt"), false); Screen nextScreen = null; boolean screenSwitchActive = false; public void setNextScreen(Screen nextScreen) { if (nextScreen == null) { this.nextScreen = nextScreen; } } public AbstractScreen(AstericsPong game) { = game; int width = (isGameScreen() ? GAME_VIEWPORT_WIDTH : MENU_VIEWPORT_WIDTH); int height = (isGameScreen() ? GAME_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT : MENU_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT); this.stage = new Stage(width, height, true); batch = new SpriteBatch(); Texture.setEnforcePotImages(false); } public Texture loadImage(String fileName) { FileHandle imageFileHandle = Gdx.files.internal(fileName); if (imageFileHandle != null) { System.out.println("load image " + fileName + " ok!"); } return (new Texture(imageFileHandle)); } public void drawImage(Texture imageTexture, int x, int y) { batch.draw(imageTexture, x, y); } protected String getName() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); } protected boolean isGameScreen() { return false; } // Lazily loaded collaborators public BitmapFont getFont() { if (font == null) { font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/actuator.ponggame/gamefont.fnt"), false); font.scale(getScaleFactor() - 1); } return font; } public SpriteBatch getBatch() { if (batch == null) { batch = new SpriteBatch(); } return batch; } public TextureAtlas getAtlas() { if (atlas == null) { atlas = new TextureAtlas(Gdx.files.internal("image-atlases/pages.atlas")); } return atlas; } protected Skin getSkin() { if (skin == null) { FileHandle skinFile = Gdx.files.internal("data/actuator.ponggame/uiskin.json"); skin = new Skin(skinFile); } return skin; } protected Table getTable() { if (table == null) { table = new Table(getSkin()); table.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(table); } return table; } public void setScaleFactor(Dimension dim) { AstericsPong.instance.scaleFactor = (float) dim.width / 1920.0f; } public float getScaleFactor() { return (AstericsPong.instance.scaleFactor); } // Screen implementation @Override public void show() {, "Showing screen: " + getName()); // set the stage as the input processor Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) {, "Resizing screen: " + getName() + " to: " + width + " x " + height); } @Override public void render(float delta) { // (1) process the game logic // update the actors stage.act(delta); // (2) draw the result // clear the screen with the given RGB color (black), 0f, 0f, 1f);; // draw the actors stage.draw(); // draw the table debug lines Table.drawDebug(stage); } @Override public void hide() {, "Hiding screen: " + getName()); // dispose the screen when leaving the screen; // note that the dipose() method is not called automatically by the // framework, so we must figure out when it's appropriate to call it dispose(); } @Override public void pause() {, "Pausing screen: " + getName()); } @Override public void resume() {, "Resuming screen: " + getName()); } @Override public void dispose() {, "Disposing screen: " + getName()); // the following call disposes the screen's stage, but on my computer it // crashes the game so I commented it out; more info can be found at: // // stage.dispose(); // as the collaborators are lazily loaded, they may be null if (font != null) { font.dispose(); } if (batch != null) { batch.dispose(); } // if( skin != null ) skin.dispose(); if (atlas != null) { atlas.dispose(); } } public abstract void auxiliaryButtonInput(); public abstract void playerMovementInput(int index); public abstract void playerPosInput(int index, int position); public abstract void playerSpeedInput(int index, int speed); public abstract void playerDirectionToggle(int index); }