Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 - 2016 Michael Rapp * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.ContextThemeWrapper; import android.view.View; import; import; import; import; /** * An abstract base class for all builders, which allow to create and show dialogs, which are * designed according to Android 5's Material Design guidelines even on pre-Lollipop devices. * * @param <DialogType> * The type of the dialog, which is created by the builder * @param <BuilderType> * The type of the builder * @author Michael Rapp * @since 3.3.0 */ public abstract class AbstractMaterialDialogBuilder<DialogType extends MaterialDialog, BuilderType extends AbstractMaterialDialogBuilder<DialogType, ?>> extends AbstractBuilder<DialogType, BuilderType> { /** * The resource if of the theme, which is used by the dialog. */ private int themeResourceId; /** * Initializes the builder. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, which should be used by the dialog, as an {@link * Integer} value or 0, if the default theme should be used */ private void initialize(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { int themeId = themeResourceId; if (themeId == 0) { TypedValue typedValue = new TypedValue(); getContext().getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.materialDialogTheme, typedValue, true); themeId = typedValue.resourceId; themeId = themeId != 0 ? themeId :; } setContext(new ContextThemeWrapper(getContext(), themeId)); this.themeResourceId = themeId; obtainStyledAttributes(themeId); } /** * Obtains the boolean value, which specified whether the dialog should be shown fullscreen, or * not, from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the boolean value should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainFullscreen(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogFullscreen }); setFullscreen(typedArray.getBoolean(0, false)); } /** * Obtains the gravity from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the gravity should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainGravity(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogGravity }); setGravity(typedArray.getInteger(0, Dialog.Gravity.CENTER)); } /** * Obtains the width from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the width should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainWidth(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogWidth }); int defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_width); try { setWidth(typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, defaultValue)); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { setWidth(typedArray.getInteger(0, defaultValue)); } } /** * Obtains the height from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the height should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainHeight(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogHeight }); int defaultValue = Dialog.WRAP_CONTENT; try { setHeight(typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, defaultValue)); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { setHeight(typedArray.getInteger(0, defaultValue)); } } /** * Obtains the maximum width from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the maximum width should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainMaxWidth(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogMaxWidth }); int defaultValue; try { defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_max_width); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { defaultValue = -1; } try { setMaxWidth(typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, defaultValue)); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { setMaxWidth(-1); } } /** * Obtains the maximum height from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the maximum height should be obtained from, as an * {@link Integer} value */ private void obtainMaxHeight(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogMaxHeight }); int defaultValue; try { defaultValue = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_max_height); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { defaultValue = -1; } try { setMaxHeight(typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, defaultValue)); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException | UnsupportedOperationException e) { setMaxHeight(-1); } } /** * Obtains the margin from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the margin should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainMargin(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogMarginLeft, R.attr.materialDialogMarginTop, R.attr.materialDialogMarginRight, R.attr.materialDialogMarginBottom }); int defaultHorizontalMargin = getContext().getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_horizontal_margin); int defaultVerticalMargin = getContext().getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dialog_vertical_margin); int left = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, defaultHorizontalMargin); int top = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(1, defaultVerticalMargin); int right = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(2, defaultHorizontalMargin); int bottom = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(3, defaultVerticalMargin); setMargin(left, top, right, bottom); } /** * Obtains, whether the dialog's content should be inset, from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the boolean value, which specifies whether the dialog's * content should be inset, should be obtained from, as a {@link Integer} value */ private void obtainFitsSystemWindows(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogFitsSystemWindowsLeft, R.attr.materialDialogFitsSystemWindowsTop, R.attr.materialDialogFitsSystemWindowsRight, R.attr.materialDialogFitsSystemWindowsBottom }); boolean left = typedArray.getBoolean(0, true); boolean top = typedArray.getBoolean(1, true); boolean right = typedArray.getBoolean(2, true); boolean bottom = typedArray.getBoolean(3, true); setFitsSystemWindows(left, top, right, bottom); } /** * Obtains the background from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the background should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainBackground(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogBackground }); int resourceId = typedArray.getResourceId(0, 0); if (resourceId != 0) { setBackground(resourceId); } else { setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getContext(), R.color.dialog_background_light)); } } /** * Obtains the message color from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the message color should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainMessageColor(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogMessageColor }); int defaultColor = ThemeUtil.getColor(getContext(), themeResourceId, android.R.attr.textColorSecondary); setMessageColor(typedArray.getColor(0, defaultColor)); } /** * Obtains the title color from a specific theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, the title color should be obtained from, as an {@link * Integer} value */ private void obtainTitleColor(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(themeResourceId, new int[] { R.attr.materialDialogTitleColor }); int defaultColor = ThemeUtil.getColor(getContext(), themeResourceId, android.R.attr.textColorPrimary); setTitleColor(typedArray.getColor(0, defaultColor)); } /** * Obtains all relevant attributes from the current theme. * * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, which should be used by the dialog, as an {@link * Integer} value. The resource id must correspond to a valid style resource */ @CallSuper protected void obtainStyledAttributes(@StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { obtainFullscreen(themeResourceId); obtainGravity(themeResourceId); obtainWidth(themeResourceId); obtainHeight(themeResourceId); obtainMaxWidth(themeResourceId); obtainMaxHeight(themeResourceId); obtainMargin(themeResourceId); obtainFitsSystemWindows(themeResourceId); obtainBackground(themeResourceId); obtainMessageColor(themeResourceId); obtainTitleColor(themeResourceId); } /** * Returns the resource id of the theme, which is used by the dialog. * * @return The resource id of the theme, which is used by the dialog, as an {@link Integer} * value */ @StyleRes protected final int getThemeResourceId() { return themeResourceId; } /** * Creates a new builder, which allows to create and show dialogs, which are designed according * to Android 5's Material Design guidelines even on pre-Lollipop devices. * * @param context * The context, which should be used by the builder, as an instance of the class {@link * Context}. The context may not be null */ public AbstractMaterialDialogBuilder(@NonNull final Context context) { super(context); initialize(0); } /** * Creates a new builder, which allows to create and show dialogs, which are designed according * to Android 5's Material Design guidelines even on pre-Lollipop devices. * * @param context * The context, which should be used by the builder, as an instance of the class {@link * Context}. The context may not be null * @param themeResourceId * The resource id of the theme, which should be used by the dialog, as an {@link * Integer} value. The resource id must correspond to a valid theme */ public AbstractMaterialDialogBuilder(@NonNull final Context context, @StyleRes final int themeResourceId) { super(context); initialize(themeResourceId); } /** * Sets, whether the dialog, which is created by the builder, should be cancelable, or not. * * @param cancelable * True, if the dialog, which is created by the builder, should be cancelable, false * otherwise * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCancelable(final boolean cancelable) { getProduct().setCancelable(cancelable); return self(); } /** * Sets, whether the dialog, which is created by the builder, should be canceled, when touched * outside the window's bounds. If set to true, the dialog is set to be cancelable, if not * already set. * * @param canceledOnTouchOutside * True, if the dialog should be canceled, when touched outside the window, false * otherwise * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCanceledOnTouchOutside(final boolean canceledOnTouchOutside) { getProduct().setCanceledOnTouchOutside(canceledOnTouchOutside); return self(); } /** * Sets the listener, which should be notified, when the dialog has been shown. * * @param listener * The listener, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link * DialogInterface.OnShowListener}, or null, if no listener should be set */ public BuilderType setOnShowListener(@Nullable final DialogInterface.OnShowListener listener) { getProduct().setOnShowListener(listener); return self(); } /** * Sets the listener, which should be notified, when the dialog, which is created by the * builder, is canceled. * * Even in a cancelable dialog, the dialog may be dismissed for reasons other than being * canceled or one of the supplied choices being selected. If you are interested in listening * for all cases where the dialog is dismissed and not just when it is canceled, see {@link * #setOnDismissListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener) * setOnDismissListener}. * * @param listener * The listener, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link * DialogInterface.OnCancelListener}, or null, if no listener should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the class BuilderType * @see #setCancelable(boolean) * @see #setOnDismissListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener) */ public BuilderType setOnCancelListener(@Nullable final DialogInterface.OnCancelListener listener) { getProduct().setOnCancelListener(listener); return self(); } /** * Sets the listener, which should be notified, when the dialog, which is created by the * builder, is dismissed for any reason. * * @param listener * The listener, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link * DialogInterface.OnDismissListener}, or null, if no listener should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setOnDismissListener(@Nullable final DialogInterface.OnDismissListener listener) { getProduct().setOnDismissListener(listener); return self(); } /** * Sets, whether the dialog, which is created by the builder, should be shown fullscreen, or * not. * * @param fullscreen * True, if the dialog should be shown fullscreen, false otherwise * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setFullscreen(final boolean fullscreen) { getProduct().setFullscreen(fullscreen); return self(); } /** * Sets the gravity of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param gravity * The gravity, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The gravity must * consist of the flags given in {@link Dialog.Gravity} * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setGravity(final int gravity) { getProduct().setGravity(gravity); return self(); } /** * Sets the width of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param width * The width, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The width must * be at least 1 or {@link Dialog#MATCH_PARENT}, respectively {@link * Dialog#WRAP_CONTENT} * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setWidth(final int width) { getProduct().setWidth(width); return self(); } /** * Sets the height of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param height * The height, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The width * must be at least 1 or {@link Dialog#MATCH_PARENT}, respectively {@link * Dialog#WRAP_CONTENT} * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setHeight(final int height) { getProduct().setHeight(height); return self(); } /** * Sets the maximum width of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param maxWidth * The maximum width, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The * maximum width must be at least 1, or -1, if no maximum width should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMaxWidth(final int maxWidth) { getProduct().setMaxWidth(maxWidth); return self(); } /** * Sets the maximum height of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param maxHeight * The maximum height, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The * maximum height must be at least 1, or -1, if no maximum height should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMaxHeight(final int maxHeight) { getProduct().setMaxHeight(maxHeight); return self(); } /** * Sets the margin of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param left * The left margin, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The left * margin must be at least 0 * @param top * The top margin, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The top * margin must be at least 0 * @param right * The right margin, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The * right margin must be at least 0 * @param bottom * The bottom margin, which should be set, in pixels as an {@link Integer} value. The * bottom margin must be at least 0 * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMargin(final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) { getProduct().setMargin(left, top, right, bottom); return self(); } /** * Sets, whether the dialog, which is created by the builder, should account for system screen * decorations such as the status bar and inset its content, or not. * * @param fitsSystemWindows * True, if the dialog should inset its content, false otherwise * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setFitsSystemWindows(final boolean fitsSystemWindows) { getProduct().setFitsSystemWindows(fitsSystemWindows); return self(); } /** * Sets, whether the dialog, which is created by the builder, should account for system screen * decorations such as the status bar and inset its content, or not. * * @param left * True, if the dialog should inset its content at the left edge, false otherwise * @param top * True, if the dialog should inset its content at the top edge, false otherwise * @param right * True, if the dialog should inset its content at the right edge, false otherwise * @param bottom * True, if the dialog should inset its content at the bottom edge, false otherwise * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setFitsSystemWindows(final boolean left, final boolean top, final boolean right, final boolean bottom) { getProduct().setFitsSystemWindows(left, top, right, bottom); return self(); } /** * Sets the color of the title of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param color * The color, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value or -1, if no custom color * should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setTitleColor(@ColorInt final int color) { getProduct().setTitleColor(color); return self(); } /** * Sets the color of the message of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param color * The color, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value or -1, if no custom color * should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMessageColor(@ColorInt final int color) { getProduct().setMessageColor(color); return self(); } /** * Sets the background of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param background * The background, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link Bitmap} or * null, if no custom background should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setBackground(@Nullable final Bitmap background) { getProduct().setBackground(background); return self(); } /** * Sets the background of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the background, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. * The resource id must correspond to a valid drawable resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setBackground(@DrawableRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setBackground(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Sets the background color of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param color * The background color, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value or -1, if no * custom background color should be set * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setBackgroundColor(@ColorInt final int color) { getProduct().setBackgroundColor(color); return self(); } /** * Sets the title of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param title * The title, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link CharSequence} or * null, if no title should be shown * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setTitle(@Nullable final CharSequence title) { getProduct().setTitle(title); return self(); } /** * Sets the title of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the title, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid string resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setTitle(@StringRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setTitle(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Sets the message of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param message * The message, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link CharSequence} or * null, if no message should be shown * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMessage(@Nullable final CharSequence message) { getProduct().setMessage(message); return self(); } /** * Sets the message of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the message, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid string resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setMessage(@StringRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setMessage(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Sets the icon of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param icon * The icon, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link Bitmap} or null, if * no icon should be shown * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setIcon(@Nullable final Bitmap icon) { getProduct().setIcon(icon); return self(); } /** * Sets the icon of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the icon, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid drawable resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setIcon(@DrawableRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setIcon(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Set the icon of the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param attributeId * The id of the theme attribute, which supplies the icon, which should be set, as an * {@link Integer} value. The id must point to a valid drawable resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setIconAttribute(@AttrRes final int attributeId) { getProduct().setIconAttribute(attributeId); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be shown by the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param view * The view, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link View} or null, if * no custom view should be shown * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setView(@Nullable final View view) { getProduct().setView(view); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be shown by the dialog, which is created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the view, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid layout resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setView(@LayoutRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setView(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be used to show the title of the dialog, which is created * by the builder. * * @param view * The view, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link View} or null, if * no custom view should be used to show the title * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCustomTitle(@Nullable final View view) { getProduct().setCustomTitle(view); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be used to show the title of the dialog, which is created * by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the view, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid layout resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCustomTitle(@LayoutRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setCustomTitle(resourceId); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be used to show the message of the dialog, which is * created by the builder. * * @param view * The view, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link View} or null, if * no custom view should be used to show the message * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCustomMessage(@Nullable final View view) { getProduct().setCustomMessage(view); return self(); } /** * Sets the custom view, which should be used to show the message of the dialog, which is * created by the builder. * * @param resourceId * The resource id of the view, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value. The * resource id must correspond to a valid layout resource * @return The builder, the method has been called upon, as an instance of the generic type * BuilderType */ public final BuilderType setCustomMessage(@LayoutRes final int resourceId) { getProduct().setCustomMessage(resourceId); return self(); } }