Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.tumblr.cardboard; import android.content.Context; import; import android.opengl.GLES20; import android.opengl.GLUtils; import android.opengl.Matrix; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.CountDownTimer; import android.os.Vibrator; import; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.KeyEvent; import com.bumptech.glide.Glide; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.tumblr.cardboard.gif.GifResourceDecoder; import; import com.tumblr.jumblr.types.PhotoPost; import com.tumblr.jumblr.types.PhotoSize; import javax.microedition.khronos.egl.EGLConfig; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.FloatBuffer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; /** * Displays Tumblr photo posts in 3D! * <p/> * Created for Tumblr's Fall 2014 hackathon. * Updated for Tumblr's Spring 2016 hackathon. */ @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") public class Tumblr3DActivity extends CardboardActivity implements CardboardView.StereoRenderer, Texturizer { private static final String TAG = Tumblr3DActivity.class.getSimpleName(); public static final String EXTRA_SEARCH_TERM = "com.tumblr.cardboard.search_term"; private static final int INVALID_TEXTURE = 0; private static final int STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_REFRESH = 0; private static final int STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PLAY = 1; private static final int STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PAUSE = 2; private static final float CAMERA_Z = 0.01f; private static final float Z_NEAR = 0.1f; private static final float Z_FAR = 100.0f; private static final float YAW_LIMIT = 0.12f; private static final float PITCH_LIMIT = 0.12f; /** * 16 photos + 1 refresh icon. */ private static final int NUM_IMAGES_STATIC = 3; private static final int NUM_IMAGES_DYNAMIC = 16; private static final int NUM_TEXTURES = NUM_IMAGES_DYNAMIC + NUM_IMAGES_STATIC; private static final int DESIRED_PHOTO_SIZE = 500; private static final float SCALE_TV = 3f; private static final float SCALE_TV_VR = 8f; private static final float SCALE_THEATER = 6f; private static final float SCALE_THEATER_VR = 20f; private final float SPHERE_RADIUS = 40f; @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") private final float FLOOR_DEPTH = 20f; private static final long PLAY_NEXT = 2000; // We keep the light always position just above the user. private final float[] mLightPosInWorldSpace = new float[] { 0.0f, 2.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; private final float[] mLightPosInEyeSpace = new float[4]; private static final int COORDS_PER_VERTEX = 3; private FloatBuffer mFloorVertices; private FloatBuffer mFloorColors; private FloatBuffer mFloorNormals; private FloatBuffer mRectVertices; private FloatBuffer mRectColors; private FloatBuffer mRectFoundColors; private FloatBuffer mRectNormals; private FloatBuffer mRectTexCoords; private float mScaleTV; private float mScaleTheater; private int mGlProgram; private int mPositionParam; private int mNormalParam; private int mColorParam; private int mModelViewProjectionParam; private int mLightPosParam; private int mModelViewParam; private int mModelParam; private int mIsFloorParam; private int mRectTextureUniformParam; private int mRectTextureCoordinateParam; private int[] mTextureIds = new int[NUM_TEXTURES]; private int[] mRectTextureIds; private float[][] mImageRect; private Target<?>[] mTargets = new Target<?>[NUM_TEXTURES]; private float[][] mModelRect; private float[] mCamera; private float[] mView; private float[] mHeadView; private float[] mModelViewProjection; private float[] mModelView; private float[] mModelFloor; private int mSelectedTexIndex = -1; private int mNumImages = NUM_IMAGES_DYNAMIC; private Vibrator mVibrator; private CardboardOverlayView mOverlayView; private TumblrClient mTumblrClient; private long mBefore; @Nullable private AsyncTask<?, ?, ?> mLoadTask; @Nullable private CountDownTimer mPlayTimer; /** * Notify OpenGL to create these textures. */ private final Queue<PhotoTexture> mWaitingPhotoTextures = new LinkedList<>(); /** * Notify OpenGL to update these textures. */ private final Queue<PhotoTexture> mUpdatingPhotoTextures = new LinkedList<>(); private List<PhotoPost> mCurrentPosts; private GifResourceDecoder mGifResourceDecoder; private String mSearchTerm; public void updateOrCreateTexture(int texIndex, Bitmap bitmap, boolean recycle, boolean force) { if (mTextureIds[texIndex] == INVALID_TEXTURE || force) { Log.d(TAG, "Request to create " + texIndex); synchronized (mWaitingPhotoTextures) { mWaitingPhotoTextures.add(new PhotoTexture(texIndex, bitmap, recycle)); } } else { Log.d(TAG, "Request to load " + texIndex); synchronized (mUpdatingPhotoTextures) { mUpdatingPhotoTextures.add(new PhotoTexture(texIndex, bitmap, false)); } } } private class PlayTimer extends CountDownTimer { /** * @param millisInFuture * The number of millis in the future from the call * to {@link #start()} until the countdown is done and {@link #onFinish()} * is called. * @param countDownInterval * The interval along the way to receive * {@link #onTick(long)} callbacks. */ public PlayTimer(final long millisInFuture, final long countDownInterval) { super(millisInFuture, countDownInterval); } @Override public void onTick(final long millisUntilFinished) { } @Override public void onFinish() { // First image that loads shows up in the "theater!" if (mSelectedTexIndex >= NUM_IMAGES_STATIC) { int photoIndex = mSelectedTexIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC; if (photoIndex + 1 < mNumImages) { int texIndex = mSelectedTexIndex + 1; select(texIndex); } else { select(NUM_IMAGES_STATIC); // the first load(); } } mPlayTimer = new PlayTimer(PLAY_NEXT, PLAY_NEXT); mPlayTimer.start(); } } /** * Loads photo posts in the background. */ private class PostLoadTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Pair<Long, List<PhotoPost>>> { @Override protected Pair<Long, List<PhotoPost>> doInBackground(String... params) { Log.w(TAG, "Loading posts for " + params[0] + " before: " + mBefore); return mTumblrClient.getPosts(params[0], mBefore); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Pair<Long, List<PhotoPost>> result) { if (Tumblr3DActivity.this.isDestroyed()) { return; } mBefore = result.first; mNumImages = Math.min(NUM_IMAGES_DYNAMIC, result.second.size()); for (int i = 0; i < mNumImages; i++) { List<PhotoSize> sizes = result.second.get(i).getPhotos().get(0).getSizes(); String url = sizes.get(0).getUrl(); for (PhotoSize size : sizes) { if (size.getWidth() == DESIRED_PHOTO_SIZE) { url = size.getUrl(); } } final int texIndex = NUM_IMAGES_STATIC + i; if (mTargets[texIndex] != null) { Glide.clear(mTargets[texIndex]); mTargets[texIndex].onDestroy(); } final Target<?> target; if (url.endsWith(".gif")) { PhotoTexture.GifTextureTarget gifTarget = new PhotoTexture.GifTextureTarget( Tumblr3DActivity.this, mGifResourceDecoder, texIndex); target = gifTarget; Glide.with(Tumblr3DActivity.this).load(url).asGif().toBytes().into(gifTarget); } else { PhotoTexture.TextureTarget photoTarget = new PhotoTexture.TextureTarget(texIndex, Tumblr3DActivity.this); target = photoTarget; Glide.with(Tumblr3DActivity.this).load(url).asBitmap().into(photoTarget); } mTargets[texIndex] = target; } mCurrentPosts = result.second; } } /** * Converts a raw text file, saved as a resource, into an OpenGL ES shader * * @param type The type of shader we will be creating. * @param resId The resource ID of the raw text file about to be turned into a shader. * @return the id of the shader */ private int loadGLShader(int type, int resId) { String code = readRawTextFile(resId); int shader = GLES20.glCreateShader(type); GLES20.glShaderSource(shader, code); GLES20.glCompileShader(shader); // Get the compilation status. final int[] compileStatus = new int[1]; GLES20.glGetShaderiv(shader, GLES20.GL_COMPILE_STATUS, compileStatus, 0); // If the compilation failed, delete the shader. if (compileStatus[0] == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "Error compiling shader: " + GLES20.glGetShaderInfoLog(shader)); GLES20.glDeleteShader(shader); shader = 0; } if (shader == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating shader."); } return shader; } /** * Checks if we've had an error inside of OpenGL ES, and if so what that error is. * * @param func the name of the function that was just called (for debugging) */ private static void checkGLError(String func) { int error; //noinspection LoopStatementThatDoesntLoop while ((error = GLES20.glGetError()) != GLES20.GL_NO_ERROR) { Log.e(TAG, func + ": glError " + error); throw new RuntimeException(func + ": glError " + error); } } /** * Sets the view to our CardboardView and initializes the transformation matrices we will use * to render our scene. * * @param savedInstanceState If the activity is being re-initialized after * previously being shut down then this Bundle contains the data it most * recently supplied in {@link #onSaveInstanceState}. <b><i>Note: Otherwise it is null.</i></b> */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); if (getIntent() != null) { mSearchTerm = getIntent().getStringExtra(EXTRA_SEARCH_TERM); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchTerm) && savedInstanceState != null) { mSearchTerm = savedInstanceState.getString(EXTRA_SEARCH_TERM); } setContentView(R.layout.common_ui); CardboardView cardboardView = (CardboardView) findViewById(; cardboardView.setRenderer(this); setCardboardView(cardboardView); cardboardView.setVRModeEnabled(true); mScaleTV = cardboardView.getVRMode() ? SCALE_TV_VR : SCALE_TV; mScaleTheater = cardboardView.getVRMode() ? SCALE_THEATER_VR : SCALE_THEATER; mImageRect = new float[NUM_TEXTURES][16]; mModelRect = new float[NUM_TEXTURES][16]; mCamera = new float[16]; mView = new float[16]; mModelViewProjection = new float[16]; mModelView = new float[16]; mModelFloor = new float[16]; mHeadView = new float[16]; mVibrator = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE); mRectTextureIds = new int[NUM_TEXTURES]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TEXTURES; i++) { mRectTextureIds[i] = -1; } mTextureIds = new int[NUM_TEXTURES]; mGifResourceDecoder = new GifResourceDecoder(this); mTumblrClient = new TumblrClient(); mOverlayView = (CardboardOverlayView) findViewById(; Glide.with(this).fromResource().asBitmap().load(R.drawable.ic_refresh_white_24dp) .transform(new FlipTransformation(this)) .into(new PhotoTexture.TextureTarget(STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_REFRESH, this)); Glide.with(this).fromResource().asBitmap().load(R.drawable.ic_play_circle_outline_white_24dp) .transform(new FlipTransformation(this)) .into(new PhotoTexture.TextureTarget(STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PLAY, this)); Glide.with(this).fromResource().asBitmap().load(R.drawable.ic_pause_circle_outline_white_24dp) .transform(new FlipTransformation(this)) .into(new PhotoTexture.TextureTarget(STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PAUSE, this)); } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(final Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putString(EXTRA_SEARCH_TERM, mSearchTerm); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); load(); } private void load() { if (mLoadTask == null || mLoadTask.getStatus() == AsyncTask.Status.FINISHED && !TextUtils.isEmpty(mSearchTerm)) { mLoadTask = new PostLoadTask().execute(mSearchTerm); } } @Override public void onRendererShutdown() { Log.i(TAG, "onRendererShutdown"); } @Override public void onSurfaceChanged(int width, int height) { Log.i(TAG, "onSurfaceChanged"); } /** * Creates the buffers we use to store information about the 3D world. OpenGL doesn't use Java * arrays, but rather needs data in a format it can understand. Hence we use ByteBuffers. * * @param config The EGL configuration used when creating the surface. */ @Override public void onSurfaceCreated(EGLConfig config) { Log.i(TAG, "onSurfaceCreated"); GLES20.glClearColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f); // Dark background so text shows up well ByteBuffer bbVertices = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.RECT_COORDS.length * 4); bbVertices.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mRectVertices = bbVertices.asFloatBuffer(); mRectVertices.put(WorldLayoutData.RECT_COORDS); mRectVertices.position(0); ByteBuffer bbColors = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.RECT_COLORS.length * 4); bbColors.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mRectColors = bbColors.asFloatBuffer(); mRectColors.put(WorldLayoutData.RECT_COLORS); mRectColors.position(0); ByteBuffer bbFoundColors = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.RECT_FOUND_COLORS.length * 4); bbFoundColors.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mRectFoundColors = bbFoundColors.asFloatBuffer(); mRectFoundColors.put(WorldLayoutData.RECT_FOUND_COLORS); mRectFoundColors.position(0); ByteBuffer bbNormals = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.RECT_NORMALS.length * 4); bbNormals.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mRectNormals = bbNormals.asFloatBuffer(); mRectNormals.put(WorldLayoutData.RECT_NORMALS); mRectNormals.position(0); ByteBuffer bbTextureCoordinates = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.RECT_TEX_COORDS.length * 4); bbTextureCoordinates.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mRectTexCoords = bbTextureCoordinates.asFloatBuffer(); mRectTexCoords.put(WorldLayoutData.RECT_TEX_COORDS); mRectTexCoords.position(0); // make a floor ByteBuffer bbFloorVertices = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COORDS.length * 4); bbFloorVertices.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mFloorVertices = bbFloorVertices.asFloatBuffer(); mFloorVertices.put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COORDS); mFloorVertices.position(0); ByteBuffer bbFloorNormals = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_NORMALS.length * 4); bbFloorNormals.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mFloorNormals = bbFloorNormals.asFloatBuffer(); mFloorNormals.put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_NORMALS); mFloorNormals.position(0); ByteBuffer bbFloorColors = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COLORS.length * 4); bbFloorColors.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()); mFloorColors = bbFloorColors.asFloatBuffer(); mFloorColors.put(WorldLayoutData.FLOOR_COLORS); mFloorColors.position(0); int vertexShader = loadGLShader(GLES20.GL_VERTEX_SHADER, R.raw.light_vertex); int gridShader = loadGLShader(GLES20.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, R.raw.flat_fragment); mGlProgram = GLES20.glCreateProgram(); GLES20.glAttachShader(mGlProgram, vertexShader); GLES20.glAttachShader(mGlProgram, gridShader); GLES20.glLinkProgram(mGlProgram); GLES20.glEnable(GLES20.GL_DEPTH_TEST); Matrix.setIdentityM(mModelFloor, 0); Matrix.translateM(mModelFloor, 0, 0, -FLOOR_DEPTH, 0); // Floor appears below user checkGLError("onSurfaceCreated"); } /** * Converts a raw text file into a string. * * @param resId The resource ID of the raw text file about to be turned into a shader. * @return the contents of the text file */ private String readRawTextFile(int resId) { InputStream inputStream = getResources().openRawResource(resId); try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { sb.append(line).append("\n"); } reader.close(); return sb.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * Prepares OpenGL ES before we draw a frame. * * @param headTransform The head transformation in the new frame. */ @Override public void onNewFrame(HeadTransform headTransform) { GLES20.glUseProgram(mGlProgram); mModelViewProjectionParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_MVP"); mLightPosParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_LightPos"); mModelViewParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_MVMatrix"); mModelParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_Model"); mIsFloorParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_IsFloor"); mRectTextureUniformParam = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(mGlProgram, "u_Texture"); // load gif updates into OpenGL synchronized (mUpdatingPhotoTextures) { while (!mUpdatingPhotoTextures.isEmpty()) { PhotoTexture texture = mUpdatingPhotoTextures.remove(); updateTexture(texture.texIndex, texture.bitmap); } } // load new photos into OpenGL synchronized (mWaitingPhotoTextures) { // load downloaded photos into OpenGL while (!mWaitingPhotoTextures.isEmpty()) { PhotoTexture texture = mWaitingPhotoTextures.remove(); loadTextureInternal(texture.texIndex, texture.bitmap, texture.recycle); if (texture.texIndex >= NUM_IMAGES_STATIC) { // First image that loads shows up in the "theater!" if (mSelectedTexIndex < 0) { mSelectedTexIndex = texture.texIndex; selectPhoto(texture.texIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC); } else { // Put image in the right spot unselectPhoto(texture.texIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC); } } else if (texture.texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_REFRESH) { placePhoto(mModelRect, mImageRect, texture.texIndex, 1, 180, 30, SPHERE_RADIUS / 2); } else if (texture.texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PLAY) { placePhoto(mModelRect, mImageRect, texture.texIndex, 1, 210, 30, SPHERE_RADIUS / 2); } else if (texture.texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PAUSE) { placePhoto(mModelRect, mImageRect, texture.texIndex, 1, 150, 30, SPHERE_RADIUS / 2); } } } // Build the camera matrix and apply it to the ModelView. Matrix.setLookAtM(mCamera, 0, 0.0f, 0.0f, CAMERA_Z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); headTransform.getHeadView(mHeadView, 0); checkGLError("onReadyToDraw"); } /** * Draws a frame for an eye. The transformation for that eye (from the camera) is passed in as * a parameter. * * @param eye The transformations to apply to render this eye. */ @Override public void onDrawEye(Eye eye) { GLES20.glClear(GLES20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GLES20.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); mPositionParam = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(mGlProgram, "a_Position"); mNormalParam = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(mGlProgram, "a_Normal"); mColorParam = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(mGlProgram, "a_Color"); mRectTextureCoordinateParam = GLES20.glGetAttribLocation(mGlProgram, "a_TexCoordinate"); GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(mPositionParam); GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(mNormalParam); GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(mColorParam); checkGLError("mColorParam"); // Apply the eye transformation to the camera. Matrix.multiplyMM(mView, 0, eye.getEyeView(), 0, mCamera, 0); // Set the position of the light Matrix.multiplyMV(mLightPosInEyeSpace, 0, mView, 0, mLightPosInWorldSpace, 0); GLES20.glUniform3f(mLightPosParam, mLightPosInEyeSpace[0], mLightPosInEyeSpace[1], mLightPosInEyeSpace[2]); // Set mModelView for the floor, so we draw floor in the correct location Matrix.multiplyMM(mModelView, 0, mView, 0, mModelFloor, 0); Matrix.multiplyMM(mModelViewProjection, 0, eye.getPerspective(Z_NEAR, Z_FAR), 0, mModelView, 0); drawFloor(eye.getPerspective(Z_NEAR, Z_FAR)); // Build the ModelView and ModelViewProjection matrices // for calculating rect position and light. for (int i = 0; i < mModelRect.length; i++) { Matrix.multiplyMM(mModelView, 0, mView, 0, mModelRect[i], 0); Matrix.multiplyMM(mModelViewProjection, 0, eye.getPerspective(Z_NEAR, Z_FAR), 0, mModelView, 0); drawRect(i); } } @Override public void onFinishFrame(Viewport viewport) { } /** * Draw the rect. We've set all of our transformation matrices. Now we simply pass them into * the shader. */ public void drawRect(int texIndex) { if (mRectTextureIds[texIndex] < INVALID_TEXTURE) { // can't draw this rectangle return; } // This is not the floor! GLES20.glUniform1f(mIsFloorParam, 0f); // Set the active texture unit GLES20.glActiveTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE0 + texIndex); // Bind the texture to this unit. GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mRectTextureIds[texIndex]); // Tell the texture uniform sampler to use this texture in the shader by binding to texture unit 0. GLES20.glUniform1i(mRectTextureUniformParam, texIndex); // Set the Model in the shader, used to calculate lighting GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelParam, 1, false, mModelRect[texIndex], 0); // Set the ModelView in the shader, used to calculate lighting GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelViewParam, 1, false, mModelView, 0); // Set the position of the rect GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mPositionParam, COORDS_PER_VERTEX, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mRectVertices); // Set the ModelViewProjection matrix in the shader. GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelViewProjectionParam, 1, false, mModelViewProjection, 0); // Set the normal positions of the rect, again for shading GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mNormalParam, 3, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mRectNormals); // Connect texBuffer to "aTextureCoord". GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mRectTextureCoordinateParam, 2, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mRectTexCoords); // Enable the "aTextureCoord" vertex attribute. GLES20.glEnableVertexAttribArray(mRectTextureCoordinateParam); if (texIndex == mSelectedTexIndex || isLookingAtObject(texIndex)) { GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mColorParam, 4, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mRectFoundColors); } else { GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mColorParam, 4, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mRectColors); } GLES20.glDrawArrays(GLES20.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, WorldLayoutData.RECT_COORDS.length / 3); // 3 b/c triangles checkGLError("Drawing rect"); } /** * Draw the floor. This feeds in data for the floor into the shader. Note that this doesn't * feed in data about position of the light, so if we rewrite our code to draw the floor first, * the lighting might look strange. */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public void drawFloor(float[] perspective) { // This is the floor! GLES20.glUniform1f(mIsFloorParam, 1f); // Set ModelView, MVP, position, normals, and color GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelParam, 1, false, mModelFloor, 0); GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelViewParam, 1, false, mModelView, 0); GLES20.glUniformMatrix4fv(mModelViewProjectionParam, 1, false, mModelViewProjection, 0); GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mPositionParam, COORDS_PER_VERTEX, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mFloorVertices); GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mNormalParam, 3, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mFloorNormals); GLES20.glVertexAttribPointer(mColorParam, 4, GLES20.GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mFloorColors); GLES20.glDrawArrays(GLES20.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); checkGLError("drawing floor"); } /** * Increment the score, hide the object, and give feedback if the user pulls the magnet while * looking at the object. Otherwise, remind the user what to do. */ @Override public void onCardboardTrigger() { Log.i(TAG, "onCardboardTrigger"); int texIndex = isLookingAtObject(); if (texIndex >= 0) { if (texIndex >= NUM_IMAGES_STATIC) { final int photoIndex = texIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC; if (mCurrentPosts != null && photoIndex < mCurrentPosts.size()) { mOverlayView.show3DToast(mCurrentPosts.get(photoIndex).getBlogName()); } select(texIndex); } else if (texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_REFRESH) { mOverlayView.show3DToast("Refreshing"); load(); } else if (texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PLAY) { if (mPlayTimer == null) { mPlayTimer = new PlayTimer(PLAY_NEXT, PLAY_NEXT); } mPlayTimer.start(); } else if (texIndex == STATIC_TEXTURE_ID_PAUSE) { if (mPlayTimer != null) { mPlayTimer.cancel(); } } } else { mOverlayView.show3DToast("Select objects when they are highlighted!"); } // Always give user feedback mVibrator.vibrate(50); } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP) { onCardboardTrigger(); return true; } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } private void select(int texIndex) { if (texIndex >= 0 && texIndex < NUM_TEXTURES) { if (texIndex != mSelectedTexIndex) { final int photoIndex = texIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC; final int previousPhotoIndex = mSelectedTexIndex - NUM_IMAGES_STATIC; if (previousPhotoIndex >= 0 && previousPhotoIndex < mNumImages) { unselectPhoto(previousPhotoIndex); } mSelectedTexIndex = texIndex; selectPhoto(photoIndex); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Selecting the same photo: " + texIndex); } } else { Log.i(TAG, "Selecting invalid photo: " + texIndex); } } /** * Moves the texture to the middle and makes it big. * * @param photoIndex the index of the texture to move */ private void selectPhoto(int photoIndex) { final int i = NUM_IMAGES_STATIC + photoIndex; Matrix.scaleM(mModelRect[i], 0, mImageRect[i], 0, mScaleTheater, mScaleTheater, 1f); Matrix.translateM(mModelRect[i], 0, 0f, 0f, -SPHERE_RADIUS); } /** * Move the texture back to its original location. * * @param photoIndex the index of the texture to move */ private void unselectPhoto(int photoIndex) { // First rotate in XZ plane. float azimuth = ((photoIndex + 1) * 300 / (mNumImages + 1) + 30) % 360; // Now get the up or down angle. float inclination; // angle in Y plane if (photoIndex % 2 == 0) { inclination = 20; } else { inclination = -20; } final int i = NUM_IMAGES_STATIC + photoIndex; placePhoto(mModelRect, mImageRect, i, mScaleTV, azimuth, inclination, -SPHERE_RADIUS); } private static void placePhoto(float[][] modelRects, float[][] imageRects, int texIndex, float scale, float azimuth, float inclination, float yTranslate) { float[] azimuthMatrix = new float[16]; Matrix.setRotateM(azimuthMatrix, 0, azimuth, 0, 1, 0); float[] inclinationMatrix = new float[16]; Matrix.setRotateM(inclinationMatrix, 0, inclination, 1, 0, 0); float[] rotationMatrix = new float[16]; Matrix.multiplyMM(rotationMatrix, 0, azimuthMatrix, 0, inclinationMatrix, 0); Matrix.multiplyMM(modelRects[texIndex], 0, imageRects[texIndex], 0, rotationMatrix, 0); Matrix.translateM(modelRects[texIndex], 0, 0f, 0f, yTranslate); Matrix.scaleM(modelRects[texIndex], 0, scale, scale, 1f); } /** * Check if user is looking at object by calculating where the object is in eye-space. * * @return -1 if not looking at object */ private int isLookingAtObject() { float[] initVec = { 0, 0, 0, 1.0f }; float[] objPositionVec = new float[4]; for (int i = 0; i < mModelRect.length; i++) { if (isLookingAtObject(initVec, objPositionVec, i)) { return i; } } return -1; } /** * Check if user is looking at object by calculating where the object is in eye-space. */ private boolean isLookingAtObject(int texIndex) { float[] initVec = { 0, 0, 0, 1.0f }; float[] objPositionVec = new float[4]; return isLookingAtObject(initVec, objPositionVec, texIndex); } private boolean isLookingAtObject(float[] initVec, float[] objPositionVec, int texIndex) { // Convert object space to camera space. Use the headView from onNewFrame. Matrix.multiplyMM(mModelView, 0, mHeadView, 0, mModelRect[texIndex], 0); Matrix.multiplyMV(objPositionVec, 0, mModelView, 0, initVec, 0); float pitch = (float) Math.atan2(objPositionVec[1], -objPositionVec[2]); float yaw = (float) Math.atan2(objPositionVec[0], -objPositionVec[2]); Log.v(TAG, "Object position: X: " + objPositionVec[0] + " Y: " + objPositionVec[1] + " Z: " + objPositionVec[2]); Log.v(TAG, "Object Pitch: " + pitch + " Yaw: " + yaw); return (Math.abs(pitch) < PITCH_LIMIT) && (Math.abs(yaw) < YAW_LIMIT); } /** * Loads a bitmap into OpenGL. * * @param texIndex the desired texture index * @param bitmap the bitmap to put into OpenGL */ private void loadTextureInternal(int texIndex, Bitmap bitmap, boolean recycle) { GLES20.glGenTextures(1, mTextureIds, texIndex); Log.d(TAG, "loading texture: " + texIndex + " -> " + mTextureIds[texIndex]); if (mTextureIds[texIndex] != INVALID_TEXTURE && bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled()) { // Set the active texture unit GLES20.glActiveTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE0 + texIndex); Matrix.setIdentityM(mImageRect[texIndex], 0); Matrix.scaleM(mImageRect[texIndex], 0, 1f, (float) bitmap.getHeight() / bitmap.getWidth(), 1f); // Bind to the texture in OpenGL GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTextureIds[texIndex]); GLES20.glTexParameterf(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GLES20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); GLES20.glTexParameterf(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GLES20.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); // Set filtering GLES20.glTexParameteri(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GLES20.GL_NEAREST); GLES20.glTexParameteri(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GLES20.GL_LINEAR); // Load the bitmap into the bound texture. GLUtils.texImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, bitmap, 0); mRectTextureIds[texIndex] = mTextureIds[texIndex]; } else { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to load: " + texIndex); } if (mTextureIds[texIndex] == INVALID_TEXTURE) { Log.e(TAG, "Error loading texture."); } } private void updateTexture(int texIndex, Bitmap bitmap) { if (mTextureIds[texIndex] != INVALID_TEXTURE && bitmap != null && !bitmap.isRecycled()) { // Set the active texture unit GLES20.glActiveTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE0 + texIndex); Matrix.setIdentityM(mImageRect[texIndex], 0); Matrix.scaleM(mImageRect[texIndex], 0, 1f, (float) bitmap.getHeight() / bitmap.getWidth(), 1f); // Bind to the texture in OpenGL GLES20.glBindTexture(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, mTextureIds[texIndex]); // Load the bitmap into the bound texture. GLUtils.texImage2D(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, bitmap, 0); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to update: " + texIndex + " val: " + mTextureIds[texIndex]); } } }