Java tutorial
package com.squidpony.the.tsar; import com.badlogic.gdx.ApplicationAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputAdapter; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.ScreenViewport; import squidpony.FakeLanguageGen; import squidpony.panel.IColoredString; import squidpony.panel.ICombinedPanel; import squidpony.squidai.DijkstraMap; import squidpony.squidgrid.Direction; import squidpony.squidgrid.FOV; import squidpony.squidgrid.Radius; import squidpony.squidgrid.gui.gdx.*; import squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonGenerator; import squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.DungeonUtility; import squidpony.squidgrid.mapping.SerpentMapGenerator; import squidpony.squidmath.Coord; import squidpony.squidmath.CoordPacker; import squidpony.squidmath.RNG; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; public class TsarGame extends ApplicationAdapter { private enum Phase { WAIT, PLAYER_ANIM, MONSTER_ANIM } SpriteBatch batch; private Phase phase = Phase.WAIT; private RNG rng; private SquidLayers display; private SquidMessageBox messages; /** Non-{@code null} iff '?' was pressed before */ private /*Nullable*/ Actor help; private DungeonGenerator dungeonGen; private char[][] decoDungeon, bareDungeon, lineDungeon; private double[][] res; private int[][] lights; private Color[][] colors, bgColors; private double[][] fovmap, pathMap; private AnimatedEntity player; private FOV fov; /** In number of cells */ private int width; /** In number of cells */ private int height; /** The pixel width of a cell */ private int cellWidth; /** The pixel height of a cell */ private int cellHeight; private SquidInput input; private double counter; private boolean[][] seen; private int health = 7; private SquidColorCenter fgCenter, bgCenter; private Color bgColor; private HashMap<AnimatedEntity, Integer> monsters; private DijkstraMap getToPlayer, playerToCursor; private Stage stage; private int framesWithoutAnimation = 0; private Coord cursor; private ArrayList<Coord> toCursor; private ArrayList<Coord> awaitedMoves; private String lang; private SquidColorCenter[] colorCenters; private int currentCenter; private boolean changingColors = false; @Override public void create () { // gotta have a random number generator. We can seed an RNG with any long we want, or a String, or nothing (which // will use a random seed). rng = new RNG(0xBADBEEFB0BBL); // for demo purposes, we allow changing the SquidColorCenter and the filter effect associated with it. // next, we populate the colorCenters array with the SquidColorCenters that will modify any colors we request // of them using the filter we specify. Only one SquidColorCenter will be used at any time for foreground, and // sometimes another will be used for background. colorCenters = new SquidColorCenter[14]; // MultiLerpFilter here is given two colors to tint everything toward one of; this is meant to reproduce the // "Hollywood action movie poster" style of using primarily light orange (explosions) and gray-blue (metal). colorCenters[0] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.MultiLerpFilter( new Color[]{SColor.GAMBOGE_DYE, SColor.COLUMBIA_BLUE}, new float[]{0.25f, 0.2f} )); colorCenters[1] = colorCenters[0]; // MultiLerpFilter here is given three colors to tint everything toward one of; this is meant to look bolder. colorCenters[2] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.MultiLerpFilter( new Color[]{SColor.RED_PIGMENT, SColor.MEDIUM_BLUE, SColor.LIME_GREEN}, new float[]{0.2f, 0.25f, 0.25f} )); colorCenters[3] = colorCenters[2]; // ColorizeFilter here is given a slightly-grayish dark brown to imitate a sepia tone. colorCenters[4] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.ColorizeFilter(SColor.CLOVE_BROWN, 0.7f, -0.05f)); colorCenters[5] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.ColorizeFilter(SColor.CLOVE_BROWN, 0.65f, 0.07f)); // HallucinateFilter makes all the colors very saturated and move even when you aren't doing anything. colorCenters[6] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.HallucinateFilter()); colorCenters[7] = colorCenters[6]; // SaturationFilter here is used to over-saturate the colors slightly. Background is less saturated. colorCenters[8] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(1.35f)); colorCenters[9] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(1.15f)); // SaturationFilter here is used to de-saturate the colors slightly. Background is less saturated. colorCenters[10] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(0.7f)); colorCenters[11] = new SquidColorCenter(new Filters.SaturationFilter(0.5f)); colorCenters[12] = DefaultResources.getSCC(); colorCenters[13] = colorCenters[12]; fgCenter = colorCenters[12]; bgCenter = colorCenters[13]; currentCenter = 6; batch = new SpriteBatch(); width = 120; height = 35; cellWidth = 8; cellHeight = 17; // the font will try to load Inconsolata-LGC as a bitmap font from resources. // this font is covered under the SIL Open Font License (fully free), so there's no reason it can't be used. display = new SquidLayers(width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight, DefaultResources.getStretchableFont(), bgCenter, fgCenter); display.setTextSize(cellWidth, cellHeight + 1); display.setAnimationDuration(0.03f); messages = new SquidMessageBox(width, 5, DefaultResources.getStretchableFont() .width(cellWidth).height(cellHeight).initBySize()); messages.setTextSize(cellWidth, cellHeight + 1); stage = new Stage(new ScreenViewport(), batch); //These need to have their positions set before adding any entities if there is an offset involved. messages.setPosition(0, 0); display.setPosition(0, messages.getHeight()); messages.appendMessage("Your affair with The Tsar's daughter has you in deep trouble deep in prison!"); messages.appendWrappingMessage("Use numpad or vi-keys (hjklyubn) to move. Use ? for help, f to change colors, q to quit." + " Click the top or bottom border of this box to scroll."); counter = 0; dungeonGen = new DungeonGenerator(width, height, rng); dungeonGen.addWater(12, 6); dungeonGen.addGrass(6); dungeonGen.addBoulders(15); dungeonGen.addDoors(25, false); SerpentMapGenerator serpent = new SerpentMapGenerator(width, height, rng, 0.15); serpent.putCaveCarvers(1); serpent.putBoxRoomCarvers(5); serpent.putRoundRoomCarvers(2); char[][] sg = serpent.generate(); decoDungeon = dungeonGen.generate(sg); // change the TilesetType to lots of different choices to see what dungeon works best. //bareDungeon = dungeonGen.generate(TilesetType.DEFAULT_DUNGEON); bareDungeon = dungeonGen.getBareDungeon(); lineDungeon = DungeonUtility.hashesToLines(dungeonGen.getDungeon(), true); // it's more efficient to get random floors from a packed set containing only (compressed) floor positions. short[] placement = CoordPacker.pack(bareDungeon, '.'); Coord pl = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement); placement = CoordPacker.removePacked(placement, pl.x, pl.y); int numMonsters = 25; monsters = new HashMap<AnimatedEntity, Integer>(numMonsters); for(int i = 0; i < numMonsters; i++) { Coord monPos = dungeonGen.utility.randomCell(placement); placement = CoordPacker.removePacked(placement, monPos.x, monPos.y); monsters.put(display.animateActor(monPos.x, monPos.y, '', fgCenter.filter(display.getPalette().get(11))), 0); } // your choice of FOV matters here. fov = new FOV(FOV.RIPPLE_TIGHT); getToPlayer = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeon, DijkstraMap.Measurement.CHEBYSHEV); getToPlayer.rng = rng; getToPlayer.setGoal(pl); pathMap = getToPlayer.scan(null); res = DungeonUtility.generateResistances(decoDungeon); fovmap = fov.calculateFOV(res, pl.x, pl.y, 8, Radius.SQUARE); player = display.animateActor(pl.x, pl.y, Character.forDigit(health, 10), fgCenter.filter(display.getPalette().get(30))); cursor = Coord.get(-1, -1); toCursor = new ArrayList<Coord>(10); awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(10); playerToCursor = new DijkstraMap(decoDungeon, DijkstraMap.Measurement.EUCLIDEAN); final int[][] initialColors = DungeonUtility.generatePaletteIndices(decoDungeon), initialBGColors = DungeonUtility.generateBGPaletteIndices(decoDungeon); colors = new Color[width][height]; bgColors = new Color[width][height]; ArrayList<Color> palette = display.getPalette(); bgColor = SColor.DARK_SLATE_GRAY; for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { colors[i][j] = palette.get(initialColors[i][j]); bgColors[i][j] = palette.get(initialBGColors[i][j]); } } lights = DungeonUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(decoDungeon, counter); seen = new boolean[width][height]; lang = FakeLanguageGen.RUSSIAN_AUTHENTIC.sentence(rng, 4, 6, new String[]{",", ",", ",", " -"}, new String[]{"..."}, 0.25); // this is a big one. // SquidInput can be constructed with a KeyHandler (which just processes specific keypresses), a SquidMouse // (which is given an InputProcessor implementation and can handle multiple kinds of mouse move), or both. // keyHandler is meant to be able to handle complex, modified key input, typically for games that distinguish // between, say, 'q' and 'Q' for 'quaff' and 'Quip' or whatever obtuse combination you choose. The // implementation here handles hjklyubn keys for 8-way movement, numpad for 8-way movement, arrow keys for // 4-way movement, and wasd for 4-way movement. Shifted letter keys produce capitalized chars when passed to // KeyHandler.handle(), but we don't care about that so we just use two case statements with the same body, // one for the lower case letter and one for the upper case letter. // You can also set up a series of future moves by clicking within FOV range, using mouseMoved to determine the // path to the mouse position with a DijkstraMap (called playerToCursor), and using touchUp to actually trigger // the event when someone clicks. input = new SquidInput(new SquidInput.KeyHandler() { @Override public void handle(char key, boolean alt, boolean ctrl, boolean shift) { switch (key) { case SquidInput.UP_ARROW: case 'k': case 'w': case 'K': case 'W': { move(0, -1); break; } case SquidInput.DOWN_ARROW: case 'j': case 's': case 'J': case 'S': { move(0, 1); break; } case SquidInput.LEFT_ARROW: case 'h': case 'a': case 'H': case 'A': { move(-1, 0); break; } case SquidInput.RIGHT_ARROW: case 'l': case 'd': case 'L': case 'D': { move(1, 0); break; } case SquidInput.UP_LEFT_ARROW: case 'y': case 'Y': { move(-1, -1); break; } case SquidInput.UP_RIGHT_ARROW: case 'u': case 'U': { move(1, -1); break; } case SquidInput.DOWN_RIGHT_ARROW: case 'n': case 'N': { move(1, 1); break; } case SquidInput.DOWN_LEFT_ARROW: case 'b': case 'B': { move(-1, 1); break; } case '?': { toggleHelp(); break; } case 'Q': case 'q': case SquidInput.ESCAPE: {; break; } case 'f': case 'F': { currentCenter = (currentCenter + 1) % 7; // idx is 3 when we use the HallucinateFilter, which needs special work changingColors = currentCenter == 3; fgCenter = colorCenters[currentCenter * 2]; bgCenter = colorCenters[currentCenter * 2 + 1]; display.setFGColorCenter(fgCenter); display.setBGColorCenter(bgCenter); break; } } } }, new SquidMouse(cellWidth, cellHeight, width, height, 0, 0, new InputAdapter() { // if the user clicks within FOV range and there are no awaitedMoves queued up, generate toCursor if it // hasn't been generated already by mouseMoved, then copy it over to awaitedMoves. @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if(fovmap[screenX][screenY] > 0.0 && awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) { if (toCursor.isEmpty()) { cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY); //Uses DijkstraMap to get a path. from the player's position to the cursor toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(30, null, null, Coord.get(player.gridX, player.gridY), cursor); } awaitedMoves = new ArrayList<Coord>(toCursor); } return false; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { return mouseMoved(screenX, screenY); } // causes the path to the mouse position to become highlighted (toCursor contains a list of points that // receive highlighting). Uses DijkstraMap.findPath() to find the path, which is surprisingly fast. @Override public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { if(!awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) return false; if(cursor.x == screenX && cursor.y == screenY) { return false; } if(fovmap[screenX][screenY] > 0.0) { cursor = Coord.get(screenX, screenY); //Uses DijkstraMap to get a path. from the player's position to the cursor toCursor = playerToCursor.findPath(30, null, null, Coord.get(player.gridX, player.gridY), cursor); } return false; } })); // ABSOLUTELY NEEDED TO HANDLE INPUT Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(stage, input)); // and then add display and messages, our two visual components, to the list of things that act in Stage. stage.addActor(display); stage.addActor(messages); } /** * Move the player or open closed doors, remove any monsters the player bumped, then update the DijkstraMap and * have the monsters that can see the player try to approach. * In a fully-fledged game, this would not be organized like this, but this is a one-file demo. * @param xmod * @param ymod */ private void move(int xmod, int ymod) { clearHelp(); if (health <= 0) return; int newX = player.gridX + xmod, newY = player.gridY + ymod; if (newX >= 0 && newY >= 0 && newX < width && newY < height && bareDungeon[newX][newY] != '#') { // '+' is a door. if (lineDungeon[newX][newY] == '+') { decoDungeon[newX][newY] = '/'; lineDungeon[newX][newY] = '/'; // changes to the map mean the resistances for FOV need to be regenerated. res = DungeonUtility.generateResistances(decoDungeon); // recalculate FOV, store it in fovmap for the render to use. fovmap = fov.calculateFOV(res, player.gridX, player.gridY, 8, Radius.SQUARE); } else { // recalculate FOV, store it in fovmap for the render to use. fovmap = fov.calculateFOV(res, newX, newY, 8, Radius.SQUARE); display.slide(player, newX, newY); for (AnimatedEntity ae : monsters.keySet()) { if (newX == ae.gridX && newY == ae.gridY) { monsters.remove(ae); break; } } } phase = Phase.PLAYER_ANIM; } } // check if a monster's movement would overlap with another monster. private boolean checkOverlap(AnimatedEntity ae, int x, int y, ArrayList<Coord> futureOccupied) { for (AnimatedEntity mon : monsters.keySet()) { if (mon.gridX == x && mon.gridY == y && !mon.equals(ae)) return true; } for (Coord p : futureOccupied) { if (x == p.x && y == p.y) return true; } return false; } private void postMove() { phase = Phase.MONSTER_ANIM; // The next two lines are important to avoid monsters treating cells the player WAS in as goals. getToPlayer.clearGoals(); getToPlayer.resetMap(); // now that goals are cleared, we can mark the current player position as a goal. getToPlayer.setGoal(player.gridX, player.gridY); // this is an important piece of DijkstraMap usage; the argument is a Set of Points for squares that // temporarily cannot be moved through (not walls, which are automatically known because the map char[][] // was passed to the DijkstraMap constructor, but things like moving creatures and objects). LinkedHashSet<Coord> monplaces = new LinkedHashSet<Coord>(monsters.size()); for (AnimatedEntity ae : monsters.keySet()) { monplaces.add(Coord.get(ae.gridX, ae.gridY)); } pathMap = getToPlayer.scan(monplaces); // recalculate FOV, store it in fovmap for the render to use. fovmap = fov.calculateFOV(res, player.gridX, player.gridY, 8, Radius.SQUARE); // handle monster turns ArrayList<Coord> nextMovePositions = new ArrayList<Coord>(25); for (Map.Entry<AnimatedEntity, Integer> mon : monsters.entrySet()) { // monster values are used to store their aggression, 1 for actively stalking the player, 0 for not. if (mon.getValue() > 0 || fovmap[mon.getKey().gridX][mon.getKey().gridY] > 0.1) { if (mon.getValue() == 0) { messages.appendMessage( "The AMED GUAD shouts at you, \"" + FakeLanguageGen.RUSSIAN_AUTHENTIC.sentence(rng, 1, 3, new String[] { ",", ",", ",", " -" }, new String[] { "!" }, 0.25) + "\""); } // this block is used to ensure that the monster picks the best path, or a random choice if there // is more than one equally good best option. Direction choice = null; double best = 9999.0; for (Direction d : rng.shuffle(Direction.OUTWARDS, new Direction[8])) { Coord tmp = Coord.get(mon.getKey().gridX + d.deltaX, mon.getKey().gridY + d.deltaY); if (pathMap[tmp.x][tmp.y] < best && !checkOverlap(mon.getKey(), tmp.x, tmp.y, nextMovePositions)) { // pathMap is a 2D array of doubles where 0 is the goal (the player). // we use best to store which option is closest to the goal. best = pathMap[tmp.x][tmp.y]; choice = d; } } if (choice != null) { Coord tmp = Coord.get(mon.getKey().gridX + choice.deltaX, mon.getKey().gridY + choice.deltaY); // if we would move into the player, instead damage the player and give newMons the current // position of this monster. if (player.gridX == tmp.x && player.gridY == tmp.y) { display.wiggle(player); health--; player.setText("" + health); monsters.put(mon.getKey(), 1); } // otherwise store the new position in newMons. else { /*if (fovmap[mon.getKey().x][mon.getKey().y] > 0.0) { display.put(mon.getKey().x, mon.getKey().y, 'M', 11); }*/ nextMovePositions.add(Coord.get(tmp.x, tmp.y)); monsters.put(mon.getKey(), 1); display.slide(mon.getKey(), tmp.x, tmp.y); } } else { monsters.put(mon.getKey(), 1); } } else { monsters.put(mon.getKey(), mon.getValue()); } } } private void toggleHelp() { if (help != null) { clearHelp(); return; } final int nbMonsters = monsters.size(); /* Prepare the String to display */ final IColoredString<Color> cs = new IColoredString.Impl<Color>(); cs.append("Still ", null); final Color nbColor; if (nbMonsters <= 1) /* Green */ nbColor = Color.GREEN; else if (nbMonsters <= 5) /* Orange */ nbColor = Color.ORANGE; else /* Red */ nbColor = Color.RED; cs.appendInt(nbMonsters, nbColor); cs.append(" guard" + (nbMonsters == 1 ? "" : "s") + " left", null); IColoredString<Color> helping1 = new IColoredString.Impl<Color>("Use numpad or vi-keys (hjklyubn) to move.", Color.WHITE); IColoredString<Color> helping2 = new IColoredString.Impl<Color>( "Use ? for help, f to change colors, q to quit.", Color.WHITE); IColoredString<Color> helping3 = new IColoredString.Impl<Color>( "Click the top or bottom border of the lower message box to scroll.", Color.WHITE); /* The panel's width */ final int w = Math.max(helping3.length(), cs.length()); /* The panel's height. */ final int h = 5; final SquidPanel bg = new SquidPanel(w, h, display.getTextFactory()); final SquidPanel fg = new SquidPanel(w, h, display.getTextFactory()); final GroupCombinedPanel<Color> gcp = new GroupCombinedPanel<Color>(); /* * We're setting them late just for the demo, as it avoids giving 'w' * and 'h' at construction time. */ gcp.setPanels(bg, fg); /* * Set the position (the center), using libgdx's 'setPosition' * method, that takes the bottom left corner as input. */ gcp.setPosition(((width / 2) - (w / 2)) * cellWidth, (height / 2) * cellHeight); /* Fill the background with some grey */ gcp.fill(ICombinedPanel.What.BG, new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.9f)); /* Now, to set the text we have to follow SquidPanel's convention */ /* First 0: align left, second 0: first line */ gcp.putFG(0, 0, cs); /* 0: align left, 2: third line */ gcp.putFG(0, 2, helping1); gcp.putFG(0, 3, helping2); gcp.putFG(0, 4, helping3); help = gcp; stage.addActor(gcp); } private void clearHelp() { if (help == null) /* Nothing to do */ return; help.clear(); stage.getActors().removeValue(help, true); help = null; } public void putMap() { for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) { // if we see it now, we remember the cell and show a lit cell based on the fovmap value (between 0.0 // and 1.0), with 1.0 being almost pure white at +215 lightness and 0.0 being rather dark at -105. if (fovmap[i][j] > 0.0) { seen[i][j] = true; display.put(i, j, lineDungeon[i][j], fgCenter.filter(colors[i][j]), bgCenter.filter(bgColors[i][j]), lights[i][j] + (int) (-105 + 320 * fovmap[i][j])); // if we don't see it now, but did earlier, use a very dark background, but lighter than black. } else if (seen[i][j]) { display.put(i, j, lineDungeon[i][j], fgCenter.filter(colors[i][j]), bgCenter.filter(bgColors[i][j]), -140); } } } for (Coord pt : toCursor) { // use a brighter light to trace the path to the cursor, from 170 max lightness to 0 min. display.highlight(pt.x, pt.y, lights[pt.x][pt.y] + (int) (170 * fovmap[pt.x][pt.y])); } } @Override public void render() { // standard clear the background routine for libGDX / 255.0f, bgColor.g / 255.0f, bgColor.b / 255.0f, 1.0f);; // not sure if this is always needed...; // used as the z-axis when generating Simplex noise to make water seem to "move" counter += * 15; // this does the standard lighting for walls, floors, etc. but also uses counter to do the Simplex noise thing. lights = DungeonUtility.generateLightnessModifiers(decoDungeon, counter); // you done bad. you done real bad. if (health <= 0) { // still need to display the map, then write over it with a message. putMap(); display.putBoxedString(width / 2 - 18, height / 2 - 10, " THE TSAR WILL HAVE YOUR HEAD! "); display.putBoxedString(width / 2 - 18, height / 2 - 5, " AS THE OLD SAYING GOES, "); display.putBoxedString(width / 2 - lang.length() / 2, height / 2, lang); display.putBoxedString(width / 2 - 18, height / 2 + 5, " q to quit. "); // because we return early, we still need to draw. stage.draw(); // q still needs to quit. if (input.hasNext()); return; } // need to display the map every frame, since we clear the screen to avoid artifacts. putMap(); // if the user clicked, we have a list of moves to perform. if (!awaitedMoves.isEmpty()) { // extremely similar to the block below that also checks if animations are done // this doesn't check for input, but instead processes and removes Points from awaitedMoves. if (!display.hasActiveAnimations()) { ++framesWithoutAnimation; if (framesWithoutAnimation >= 3) { framesWithoutAnimation = 0; switch (phase) { case WAIT: case MONSTER_ANIM: Coord m = awaitedMoves.remove(0); toCursor.remove(0); move(m.x - player.gridX, m.y - player.gridY); break; case PLAYER_ANIM: postMove(); break; } } } } // if we are waiting for the player's input and get input, process it. else if (input.hasNext() && !display.hasActiveAnimations() && phase == Phase.WAIT) {; } // if the previous blocks didn't happen, and there are no active animations, then either change the phase // (because with no animations running the last phase must have ended), or start a new animation soon. else if (!display.hasActiveAnimations()) { ++framesWithoutAnimation; if (framesWithoutAnimation >= 3) { framesWithoutAnimation = 0; switch (phase) { case WAIT: break; case MONSTER_ANIM: { phase = Phase.WAIT; } break; case PLAYER_ANIM: { postMove(); } } } } // if we do have an animation running, then how many frames have passed with no animation needs resetting else { framesWithoutAnimation = 0; } // stage has its own batch and must be explicitly told to draw(). this also causes it to act(). stage.draw(); if (help == null) { // disolay does not draw all AnimatedEntities by default, since FOV often changes how they need to be drawn. batch.begin(); // the player needs to get drawn every frame, of course. display.drawActor(batch, 1.0f, player); for (AnimatedEntity mon : monsters.keySet()) { // monsters are only drawn if within FOV. if (fovmap[mon.gridX][mon.gridY] > 0.0) { display.drawActor(batch, 1.0f, mon); } } // batch must end if it began. batch.end(); } // if using a filter that changes each frame, clear the known relationship between requested and actual colors if (changingColors) { fgCenter.clearCache(); bgCenter.clearCache(); } } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { super.resize(width, height); input.getMouse().reinitialize((float) width / this.width, (height - messages.getHeight()) / this.height, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } }