Java tutorial
package com.sebasxogo2d.pantallas; /* * ################################################################################# # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # # ################################################################################# * * */ import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.Preferences; import com.badlogic.gdx.Screen; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.SelectBox; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Skin; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField; import; import; import com.sebasxogo2d.modelo.Mundo; /** * The screen where the user can change the settings of the game. * Implements the interface Screen to use the render, resize and the lifecycle methods. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas * @version 1.5 * */ public class PantallaOptions implements Screen { /* * Var to store a instance of the main class */ private MeuXogoGame meuxogogame; /* * An Orthographic Camera in 2 dimensions */ private OrthographicCamera camara2d; /* * SpriteBach to draw the textures in the screem */ private SpriteBatch batch; /* * If the user changes something in the settings */ private boolean changes; /* * Preferences to load the saved settings */ private Preferences prefs; // User Interface properties. /** * The stage handles the viewport and distributes input events. */ private Stage stage; /* * The skin to use for this user interface. * * The Skin class stores resources for UI widgets to use. It is a convenient container * for texture regions, ninepatches, fonts, colors, etc. Skin also provides convenient * conversions, such as retrieving a texture region as a ninepatch, sprite, or drawable. */ private Skin skin =; /* * Select boxes to select the language, dificult level, etc. */ private SelectBox<String> lista, sound, languaje; /* * Diferent text to use in the UI */ private TextField left, right; /* * The id's of the selected items in the select boxes */ private int idLista, idSound, idLanguaje; /* * Settings saved as a preferences. */ private String nivel, prefLeft, prefRight, estado; // Preferencias // Ui sizes and positions private final float xSBox = (float) ( / 1.7); private final float yLista = (float) ( / 1.33); private final float ySound = (float) ( / 1.59); private final float yLang = (float) ( / 2); private final float xLeft = (float) ( / 6); private final float xRigth = (float) ( / 3.05); private final float yText = (float) ( / 3.2); private final float backX = (float) ( / 6); private final float saveX = (float) ( / 2.4); private final float restoreX = (float) ( / 1.5); private final float buttonsY = / 6; private final float anchoSB = / 6, alto = / 20; private final float ANCHO = / 9, ALTO = / 25; /* * Volume of the sound in the PC version and Web version */ private final float VOLUMENSON = 0.2f; /* * Volume of the sound in the ANDROID version */ private final float VOLUMENSONANDROID = 1f; /** * Constructor which receive an object of the main class, initialize and create objects * for the properties of this class. * * @param xogo A instance of the main class * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public PantallaOptions(MeuXogoGame xogo) { this.meuxogogame = xogo; camara2d = new OrthographicCamera(); batch = new SpriteBatch(); changes = false; // Use the preferences loaded in the man class. prefs = meuxogogame.getPrefs(); //User interface stage = new Stage() { @Override public boolean keyDown(int keyCode) // Back android. { if (keyCode == Keys.BACK) { playSonBack(); meuxogogame.setComprobarSound(false); meuxogogame.setScreen(new Presentacion(meuxogogame)); // Back to main screen } return super.keyDown(keyCode); } }; // Load the Options panel cargarPanelOptions(); // Load the preferences to set in the Options panel. cargarPrefs(); } /** * Method who play a sound when the user choose to go back. This method calls to the method * of the main class 'sonBack()' (which load this sound) and set the volume to the value * assigned on the property VOLUMENSON. * * The method 'sonBack()' return an object of the class Sound, this class have the method * setVolume() where you can set the volume and indicatea to play the sound. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void playSonBack() { // It works only when the sound is enabled and the version of the App is PC or WEB if (meuxogogame.getSoundState() && !"android")) { meuxogogame.sonBack().setVolume(meuxogogame.sonBack().play(), VOLUMENSON); } // Otherwise it works when the sound is enabled and the version of the app is ANDROID else if (meuxogogame.getSoundState() &&"android")) { meuxogogame.sonBack().setVolume(meuxogogame.sonBack().play(), VOLUMENSONANDROID); } } /** * Method who play a sound when the user click in a button (Play, Options...). This method calls to the method * of the main class 'sonSelect()' (which load this sound) and set the volume to the value * assigned on the property VOLUMENSON. * * The method 'sonSelect()' return an object of the class Sound, this class have the method * setVolume() where you can set the volume and indicatea to play the sound. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void playSonSelect() { if (meuxogogame.getSoundState() && !"android")) { meuxogogame.sonSelect().setVolume(meuxogogame.sonSelect().play(), VOLUMENSON); } else if (meuxogogame.getSoundState() &&"android")) { meuxogogame.sonSelect().setVolume(meuxogogame.sonSelect().play(), VOLUMENSONANDROID); } } /** * Method which create all the element of the options panel using the classes of * the UI. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ private void cargarPanelOptions() { // Select Box with dificulty lista = new SelectBox<String>(skin); lista.setItems("Easy", "Normal", "Kappa"); lista.setBounds(xSBox, yLista, anchoSB, alto); lista.setPosition(xSBox, yLista); // Select box which allows the user to choose if want the sound enabled or not sound = new SelectBox<String>(skin); sound.setItems("Enabled", "Disabled"); sound.setBounds(xSBox, ySound, anchoSB, alto); sound.setPosition(xSBox, ySound); // Select box which allows the user to choose the language languaje = new SelectBox<String>(skin); languaje.setItems("English"); languaje.setBounds(xSBox, yLang, anchoSB, alto); languaje.setPosition(xSBox, yLang); // Text field which allows the user to input a new Key for move the paddle to the left // (PC version) left = new TextField("", skin); left.setBounds(xLeft, yText, alto, alto); // Text field which allows the user to input a new Key for move the paddle to the right // (PC version) right = new TextField("", skin); right.setBounds(xRigth, yText, alto, alto); // Button to save the changes TextButton save = new TextButton("Save", skin); save.setBounds(saveX, buttonsY, ANCHO, ALTO); save.scaleBy(2); // Listener to the button 'Save'. save.addListener(new InputListener() { public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { gardarDatos(); // Save the changes playSonSelect(); // Play the sound of when you click a button changes = false;// All changes saved, then there is any not changes to save. cargarPrefs(); // Load the preferences return true; } }); // Button for back to the main screen TextButton back = new TextButton("Back", skin); back.setBounds(backX, buttonsY, ANCHO, ALTO); back.scaleBy(2); // Listener to the button 'Back' back.addListener(new InputListener() { public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { playSonBack(); meuxogogame.setComprobarSound(false); meuxogogame.setScreen(new Presentacion(meuxogogame)); return true; } }); // Button for restore the settings to default TextButton restore = new TextButton("Restore", skin); restore.setBounds(restoreX, buttonsY, ANCHO, ALTO); restore.scaleBy(2); // Listener to the button 'Restore Default' restore.addListener(new InputListener() { public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { // We will back to the default settings and then allow the user to save this settings changes = true; setToDefault(); return true; } }); // Button for show the credits screen TextButton credits = new TextButton("Credits", skin); credits.setBounds(saveX, buttonsY - / 12, ANCHO, ALTO); credits.scaleBy(2); // Listener to the button 'Credits' credits.addListener(new InputListener() { public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { playSonSelect(); meuxogogame.setScreen(new Creditos(meuxogogame)); return true; } }); // Add all actors to the stage. Stage handles the viewport and distributes input events stage.addActor(credits); stage.addActor(back); stage.addActor(save); stage.addActor(restore); stage.addActor(sound); stage.addActor(lista); stage.addActor(languaje); stage.addActor(left); stage.addActor(right); } /** * Method which check if there are some changes from the saved settings. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void checkIn() { idLista = lista.getSelectedIndex(); idSound = sound.getSelectedIndex(); idLanguaje = languaje.getSelectedIndex(); if (!lista.getSelected().equalsIgnoreCase(nivel) || !sound.getSelected().equalsIgnoreCase(estado)) changes = true; // There is something diferent from the saved settings. // Only allows the user to input one single key if (!left.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("")) left.setText(left.getText().substring(0, 1)); if (!right.getText().equalsIgnoreCase("")) right.setText(right.getText().substring(0, 1)); } @Override public void render(float delta) { // Draw a diferent textures and background if there is some changes to save or not. batch.begin(); if (changes) batch.draw(AssetsXogo.textureOptions, 0, 0, Mundo.MUNDO_ANCHO, Mundo.MUNDO_ALTO); else batch.draw(AssetsXogo.textureOptions2, 0, 0, Mundo.MUNDO_ANCHO, Mundo.MUNDO_ALTO); batch.end(); // Check if there is some changes in comparison with the saved settings checkIn(); // Draw the user interface stage.act(; stage.draw(); } @Override public void resize(int width, int height) { camara2d.setToOrtho(false, Mundo.MUNDO_ANCHO, Mundo.MUNDO_ALTO); camara2d.update(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(camara2d.combined); batch.enableBlending(); stage.getViewport().update(width, height, true); } @Override public void show() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } @Override public void hide() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); } @Override public void pause() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); } @Override public void resume() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } @Override public void dispose() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(null); batch.dispose(); skin.dispose(); stage.dispose(); } /** * Method which load the saved preferences of the application. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void cargarPrefs() { // Level, default Easy if (prefs.getString("nivel", "pEasy").equalsIgnoreCase("pNormal")) nivel = "Normal"; else if (prefs.getString("nivel", "pEasy").equalsIgnoreCase("pKappa")) nivel = "Kappa"; else nivel = "Easy"; lista.setSelected(nivel); // Sound, default false if (prefs.getBoolean("soundState", false)) estado = "Enabled"; else estado = "Disabled"; sound.setSelected(estado); //Controls to move the paddle, if there it's something diferent than nothing then change it prefLeft = prefs.getString("controisLeft", ""); prefRight = prefs.getString("controisRight", ""); if (!prefLeft.equalsIgnoreCase("")) left.setText(prefLeft); if (!prefRight.equalsIgnoreCase("")) right.setText(prefRight); } /** * Method which save the settings in the preferences file. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void gardarDatos() { switch (idLista) { case 0: prefs.putString("nivel", "pEasy"); break; case 1: prefs.putString("nivel", "pNormal"); break; case 2: prefs.putString("nivel", "pKappa"); break; } switch (idSound) { case 0: meuxogogame.setSoundState(true);// Enabled prefs.putBoolean("soundState", true); break; case 1: meuxogogame.setSoundState(false);// Disabled prefs.putBoolean("soundState", false); break; } prefs.putString("controisLeft", left.getText()); prefs.putString("controisRight", right.getText()); prefs.flush(); } /** * Method which set all settings to default. * * @author Sebastin Cabanas */ public void setToDefault() { lista.setSelected("Easy"); sound.setSelected("Disabled"); left.setText(""); right.setText(""); prefs.putString("controisLeft", "left"); prefs.putString("controisRight", "right"); prefs.flush(); } }