Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input.Keys; import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor; import; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapLayer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapObject; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapObjects; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.objects.RectangleMapObject; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTile; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMapTileLayer; import com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.renderers.OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.List; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextField; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author krankai */ public class MapControlRenderer extends OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer implements InputProcessor { public static final int WORLD_WIDTH = 100 * 32; public static final int WORLD_HEIGHT = 100 * 32; public enum STATE { ONGOING, WIN, LOSE, PAUSE, END } private STATE state; public enum TYPE_INTERACTION { NO_INTERACTION, SEARCH_INTERACTION, OPEN_LOCK_INTERACTION, READ_INTERACTION, PASS_UNLOCK_INTERACTION, BREAK_INTERACTION } private TYPE_INTERACTION typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; private final Player player; private final OrthographicCamera camera; private final ShapeRenderer shapeRenderer; private final int drawSpritesAfterLayer ="Walls") + 1; private final int drawDetectionAreaAfterLayer ="Tiles") + 1; private Array<Array<Item>> listItems; // array holds the overall list of list items of all objects private Array<Array<String>> messageTree; // array holds the message tree (for all objects) private Array<Item> objectItems; // current list of items for one object private Item neededKey; // the required key to unlock an object (door) private Array<Guard> guards; private int indexForMessageTree = 0; private int indexRemainingItems = 1; // for safe locker (pass_unlock_interaction) private String latestObjectName = ""; // name of the lastest object in interaction with Player private boolean interactHappen = false; // indicate whether interaction happens private boolean latestDoorLocked = false; // indicate whether the latest door in interaction // with Player is locked or not private boolean doorHidden = false; // indicate whether the current is hidden private int[][] blockedWallUnitGrid; private final MapObjects interactionObjects; private final MapObjects staticObjects; private final MapObjects doorObjects; private final MapObject winningLocation; private RectangleMapObject currentDoor; // current door in contact, for hiding/showing unlocked door private TiledMapTile tile1; // tiles that, together, represent a door object private TiledMapTile tile2; // tile1 -> lower left cell ; tile2 -> lower right cell private TiledMapTile tile3; // tile3 -> upper left cell ; tile4 -> upper right cell private TiledMapTile tile4; // private Array<TiledMapTile> tiles; public Stage stage; public Label dialogBoxLabel; public Label descLabel; // description label, for inventory and read_interaction public Label titleLabel; public List itemList; public List inventory; public TextField passField; // to enter password -> unlock objects public TextButton txtButton; public MapControlRenderer(TiledMap map) { super(map); state = STATE.ONGOING; // ui components for "interaction conversation" stage = new Stage(); // create new player player = new Player(); player.setMapControlRenderer(this); // add map to player setPlayerToSpawm(); // add Player at spawming point of the map // extract a grid identifying position of walls -> for detecting collision extractBlockedWalls(); // stored in blockedWallUnitGrid // get list of static (blocked) objects staticObjects = map.getLayers().get("ObjectCollision").getObjects(); // get list of door objects doorObjects = map.getLayers().get("DoorCollision").getObjects(); // get list of interaction objects interactionObjects = map.getLayers().get("ObjectInteraction").getObjects(); // extract winning location winningLocation = map.getLayers().get("SpecialLocations").getObjects().get("winningPoint"); // initialize list of items, and message tree initializeListItems(); initializeMessageTree(); // initialize tiles // tiles = new Array<TiledMapTile>(); // initialize list of guards in the map initializeGuards(); // create camera camera = new OrthographicCamera(,; camera.translate(player.x, player.y); // create shape renderer shapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer(); } public STATE getCurrentState() { return state; } public void setCurrentState(STATE state) { this.state = state; } public Player getPlayer() { return player; } public Array<Guard> getListGuards() { return guards; } public OrthographicCamera getCamera() { return camera; } public int[][] getBlockedWallsGrid() { return blockedWallUnitGrid; } public MapObjects getInteractionObjects() { return interactionObjects; } public MapObjects getStaticObjects() { return staticObjects; } public MapObjects getDoorObjects() { return doorObjects; } public MapObject getWinningLocation() { return winningLocation; } // allow camera to move along with player public void moveCamera() { camera.position.x = MathUtils.clamp(player.x, camera.viewportWidth / 2f, WORLD_WIDTH - camera.viewportWidth / 2f); camera.position.y = MathUtils.clamp(player.y, camera.viewportHeight / 2, WORLD_HEIGHT - camera.viewportHeight / 2); camera.update(); this.setView(camera); } // initialize objectItems of items in the map private void initializeListItems() { Item item; Array<Item> list; // the overall objectItems listItems = new Array<Array<Item>>(); // add an old key + trash into the garbageBin1 ; listItemID = 0 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Old Key", 1); item.setDescription("An old key. Maybe it can be used to open a cell ..."); list.add(item); item = new Item("Trash", 2); item.setDescription("Filthy trash."); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add a key into wardrobe1 ; listItemID = 1 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Uniform", 3); item.setDescription( "Karvick's uniform. There is an identity card in his pocket. Maybe you can make use of it ..."); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add a modern key below the pillow ; listItemID = 2 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Modern Key", 4); item.setDescription("A large key. It seems that this key is used to open a big door."); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add an ice cream + frozen meat + a bottle into the fride ; listItemID = 3 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Ice cream", 5); item.setDescription("A chocolate ice cream. Very yummy."); list.add(item); item = new Item("Frozen meat", 6); item.setDescription("Ordered meat for Henry Karvick."); list.add(item); item = new Item("Bottle of drink", 7); item.setDescription("A bottle full of cold water. Best for hot days."); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add a crowbar into the racks ; listItemID = 4 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Crowbar", 8); item.setDescription("A steel crowbar. Very strong and sturdy."); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add a crinkle letter into the draining holes (in bathroom) ; listItemID = 5 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Crinkle Letter", 9); item.setDescription("The letter is in bad condition. " + "You can hardly recognize any words at all, except a number '6'"); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); // add the final key + an airplane ticket into the safe locker ; listItemID = 6 list = new Array<Item>(); item = new Item("Final Key", 10); item.setDescription("THIS IS THE KEY TO FREEDOM. Now, you only need to find the door to use it in."); list.add(item); item = new Item("Airplane Ticket", 11); item.setDescription( "XXX Airlines.\nDATE: 12 Mar, 2025\nFLIGHT HOUR: 16:30\nFROM: Lanbagana, Homoca\nTO: Malag, Facas"); list.add(item); listItems.add(list); } // initialize message tree private void initializeMessageTree() { messageTree = new Array<Array<String>>(); // for search_interaction // message for the first case - index = 0 -> Found nothing Array<String> messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("There seems to be nothing here ..."); messageTree.add(messages); // message for the second case - index = 1 -> There are (many) items here messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("You found something. Which will you pick up?"); messages.add("Obtained 1 x "); messageTree.add(messages); // for open_lock_interaction // message for the third case - index = 2 -> The door is locked messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("The door is locked."); messages.add("You can unlock it using"); messages.add("Will you unlock the door?"); messages.add("The door is unlocked."); messageTree.add(messages); // message for the fourth case - index = 3 -> The door is unlocked messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("The door is unlocked."); messages.add("You can lock it using"); messages.add("Will you lock the door?"); messages.add("The door is locked."); messageTree.add(messages); // for read interaction // message for the fifth case - index = 4 -> Any readable objects messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("Something is written on the "); messages.add("..."); messageTree.add(messages); // for pass-unlock interaction (use password to unlock objects) // message for the sixth case - index = 5 -> Door with password lock messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("The door is locked."); messages.add("There is a card holder at the handle. Use the card obtained with the uniform?"); messages.add("A voice prompts for your identity ..."); messages.add("The door is unlocked."); messageTree.add(messages); // message for the seventh case - index = 6 -> Safe locker with passwork lock messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("Enter the correct password to open."); messages.add("The safe locker has been unlocked"); messages.add("Obtain 1 x "); messageTree.add(messages); // for break interaction (with door) // message for the eigth case - index = 7 -> Break the (office) door messages = new Array<String>(); messages.add("The door is locked."); messages.add("You can break it using "); messages.add("Will you break the door?"); messages.add("The door has been cracked open."); messageTree.add(messages); } // initialize list of guards private void initializeGuards() { String type, sheetName, direction; guards = new Array<Guard>(); // extract all guard objects in map MapObjects guardObjects = map.getLayers().get("Guards").getObjects(); // for each object for (MapObject guard : guardObjects) { RectangleMapObject rectGuard = (RectangleMapObject) guard; // if current guard is "not visible" -> ignore if (!rectGuard.isVisible()) { continue; } // extract values of attributes of 'guard' object type = rectGuard.getProperties().get("type", "none", String.class); sheetName = rectGuard.getProperties().get("sheetName", "", String.class); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {"Error: ", "'type' attribute not found"); return; } // if stationary guard if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("stationary")) { direction = rectGuard.getProperties().get("direction", "none", String.class); if (direction.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {"Error: ", "invalid value for direction attribute"); return; } // create the specified guard Guard specifiedGuard = new StationGuard(sheetName, direction, rectGuard.getRectangle().getX(), rectGuard.getRectangle().getY()); specifiedGuard.setMapControlRenderer(this); // add the corresponding guard to the array guards.add(specifiedGuard); } // if patrol guard else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("patrol")) { float secondDelay = rectGuard.getProperties().get("delay", Float.class); // create the specified guard (without setting mark points) Guard specifiedGuard = new PatrolGuard(sheetName, rectGuard.getRectangle().getX(), rectGuard.getRectangle().getY(), secondDelay); specifiedGuard.setMapControlRenderer(this); // extract list of mark points from the map String listPoints = rectGuard.getProperties().get("markPoints", String.class); String[] tileIndices = listPoints.split(","); for (int i = 0, indexX, indexY; i < tileIndices.length; i += 2) { indexX = Integer.parseInt(tileIndices[i]); indexY = Integer.parseInt(tileIndices[i + 1]); //"x: ", "" + indexX); //"y: ", "" + indexY); if (!((PatrolGuard) specifiedGuard).addMarkPoint(new Vector2(indexX * 32f, indexY * 32f))) {"Cannot add mark point ", "(indeX, indexY)"); } } //"Mark point 1: ", ((PatrolGuard) specifiedGuard).listMarkPoints.get(0).toString()); //"Mark point 2: ", ((PatrolGuard) specifiedGuard).listMarkPoints.get(1).toString()); // add the corresponding guard to the array guards.add(specifiedGuard); } } } // trigger the interaction with the next-to object (if possible) // Note: flip the interactHappen flag if Player is in appropriate position // for search_interaction: return the list of items in the object (if any) // open_lock_interaction: return the list contain (one) the key to open (if can be opened) private Array<Item> triggerInteraction() { for (MapObject object : interactionObjects) { // all interaction objects are guaranteed to be rectangle RectangleMapObject rectObject = (RectangleMapObject) object; //"object: ", rectObject.getRectangle().toString()); //"player: ", player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle().toString()); // search and find for the object in interaction with Player if (rectObject.getRectangle().overlaps(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle())) { String directionCheck = rectObject.getProperties().get("contactDirection", "none", String.class); //"Contact direction: ", directionCheck); //"Player direction: ", player.getCurrentDirection()); // check if user faces object in correct direction if (directionCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("all") || (!player.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("none") && player.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase(directionCheck))) { // retrieve type of interaction String type = rectObject.getProperties().get("type", "", String.class); // if searchable objects if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("search_interaction")) { interactHappen = true; // set the flag for type of interaction typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.SEARCH_INTERACTION; // extract attributes' values boolean haveItems = rectObject.getProperties().get("haveItems", false, Boolean.class); int listID = rectObject.getProperties().get("listItemID", -1, Integer.class); // if object does contain items // -> return list of those items // otherwise -> return null if (haveItems) { // get the item objectItems ID if (listID == -1) break; else return listItems.get(listID); } } // if door object (open_lock_interaction) else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("open_lock_interaction")) { // extract attributes' values boolean locked = rectObject.getProperties().get("locked", false, Boolean.class); int keyID = rectObject.getProperties().get("keyID", -1, Integer.class); Array<Item> needKey = new Array<Item>(); Item key = new Item("Needed key", keyID); needKey.add(key); // extract the name of current door in interaction with Player latestObjectName = rectObject.getName(); // set the status of current door in interaction with Player latestDoorLocked = locked; //"locked: ", latestDoorLocked + ""); // if the door is not locked // check the position of Player before invoking interaction // -> return the required key to lock it if (!latestDoorLocked) { MapObject o = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); RectangleMapObject r = (RectangleMapObject) o; if (!r.getRectangle().overlaps(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle())) { interactHappen = true; // set the flag for type of interaction typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.OPEN_LOCK_INTERACTION; return needKey; } } // if the door is locked // -> return the required key to unlock it, or // the key with keyID = -1 ; indicate // that the door CANNOT be opened else { interactHappen = true; // set the flag for type of interaction typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.OPEN_LOCK_INTERACTION; return needKey; } } // if readable objects else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("read_interaction")) { interactHappen = true; // set the flag for type of interaction typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.READ_INTERACTION; // extract attributes' values String message = rectObject.getProperties().get("message", "", String.class); // set the name of the object latestObjectName = rectObject.getProperties().get("name", "Object", String.class); // return a list with one "item" contain the message; id for item = -2 Array<Item> l = new Array<Item>(); Item mess = new Item("Written Message", -2); mess.setDescription(message); l.add(mess); return l; } // if password locking objects else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("pass_unlock_interaction")) { boolean locked = rectObject.getProperties().get("locked", false, Boolean.class); // if the object has already been unlocked // -> return null; no interaction happens if (!locked) { return null; } // otherwise // -> return a list with first "item" containing the password, // and all the remaining items are ones that are inside // the object (in case of safe locker) else { interactHappen = true; // set the flag indicating the type of interaction typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.PASS_UNLOCK_INTERACTION; // extract the name of object in interaction latestObjectName = rectObject.getName(); // extract attributes String password = rectObject.getProperties().get("pass", "", String.class); Item passItem = new Item("Password", -3); // item contains password passItem.setDescription(password); // create the list Array<Item> list = new Array<Item>(); list.add(passItem); // if safe locker, add all the contained items into the list int listID = rectObject.getProperties().get("listItemID", -1, Integer.class); if (listID == -1) {"Error: ", "listItemID attribute not found"); } else { list.addAll(listItems.get(listID)); } return list; } } // if breakable object (here, break the office door) else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("break_interaction")) { boolean broken = rectObject.getProperties().get("broken", true, Boolean.class); // if object has been cracked open (broken = true) // -> do nothing, no interaction happens, return null if (broken) { return null; } // otherwise // -> return the required item to break the object (door), which is a crowbar in this game else { interactHappen = true; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.BREAK_INTERACTION; // extract the name of object in interaction latestObjectName = rectObject.getName(); int id = rectObject.getProperties().get("breakItemID", Integer.class); Item item = new Item("Required Item", id); Array<Item> l = new Array<Item>(); l.add(item); return l; } } } } } return null; } private void extractBlockedWalls() { // get map objects of ObjectLayer "Collision" MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get("WallCollision"); MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); // fill in blockedWallUnitGrid with position of static blocked map objects // 1 -> blocked 0 -> not blocked blockedWallUnitGrid = new int[100][100]; boolean isBlocked = false; for (int indexX = 0; indexX < 100; ++indexX) { for (int indexY = 0; indexY < 100; ++indexY) { // convert to position in world map Vector2 worldPosition = new Vector2(indexX * 32f + 16f, indexY * 32f + 16f); // consider center // check whether that position is "blocked" or not for (MapObject o : objects) { // retrieve RectangleMapObject objects that are blocked if (o.isVisible() && o instanceof RectangleMapObject && o.getProperties().get("blocked") != null && o.getProperties().get("blocked", Boolean.class)) { RectangleMapObject rectObject = (RectangleMapObject) o; if (rectObject.getRectangle().contains(worldPosition)) { isBlocked = true; break; } } } // fill 1 / 0 into the corrsponding tile index if (isBlocked) { blockedWallUnitGrid[indexX][indexY] = 1; } else { blockedWallUnitGrid[indexX][indexY] = 0; } // reset flag isBlocked = false; } } //"Test: ", " " + blockedWallUnitGrid[13][38] + " " + blockedWallUnitGrid[13][39] + // " " + blockedWallUnitGrid[12][38] + " " + blockedWallUnitGrid[12][39]); } // set Player position to spawming location private void setPlayerToSpawm() { MapObject spawmPoint = map.getLayers().get("SpecialLocations").getObjects().get("spawmPoint"); RectangleMapObject rectSpawmPoint = (RectangleMapObject) spawmPoint; player.x = rectSpawmPoint.getRectangle().getX(); player.y = rectSpawmPoint.getRectangle().getY(); // player.x = 50 * 32; // player.y = 79 * 32; } // check winning condition private boolean winGame() { RectangleMapObject rectLoc = (RectangleMapObject) winningLocation; return state != STATE.END && rectLoc.getRectangle().contains(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle()); } // perform actions in case PLayer loses the game private void loseGame() { // set state to PAUSE state = STATE.PAUSE; // notify Player dialogBoxLabel = new Label("Ouch!!! You have been found.", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); dialogBoxLabel.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { if (keycode == Keys.F) { state = STATE.LOSE; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); } return true; } }); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); stage.setKeyboardFocus(dialogBoxLabel); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // reset the InputProcessor to this (MapControlRenderer) (from stage) private void resetInputProcessor() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); } // show/hide the Player's inventory based on its current status private void showHideInventory() { // create an array of names of Player's items Array<String> names = new Array<String>(); if (player.getInventory().size == 0) { names.add("Nothing"); } else { for (Item item : player.getInventory()) { names.add(item.getItemName()); } } // create the List panel to display the inventory inventory = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "dimmed"); inventory.setItems(names); inventory.setSelectedIndex(0); inventory.setSize( / 6, / 2); inventory.setPosition( * 3 / 4 - inventory.getWidth() / 2, / 2 - inventory.getHeight() / 2); // create the description Label to display description of each item descLabel = new Label("", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom-small"); descLabel.setSize( / 6, / 4); descLabel.setPosition(inventory.getX() + inventory.getWidth(), inventory.getY() + inventory.getHeight() - descLabel.getHeight()); descLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); descLabel.setWrap(true); if (player.getInventory().size > 0) { descLabel.setText(player.getInventory().get(inventory.getSelectedIndex()).getDescription()); } stage.addActor(descLabel); // create title: Inventory titleLabel = new Label("INVENTORY", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "subtitle"); titleLabel.setSize(inventory.getWidth(), titleLabel.getHeight() * 3 / 2); titleLabel.setPosition(inventory.getX(), inventory.getY() + inventory.getHeight()); titleLabel.setAlignment(; stage.addActor(titleLabel); // add InputListener to inventory inventory.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = inventory.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; String desc = ""; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = inventory.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= inventory.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the item objectItems inventory.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); // display the corresponding description in descLabel if (player.getInventory().size > 0) desc = player.getInventory().get(upIndex).getDescription(); descLabel.setText(desc); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the item objectItems inventory.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); // display the corresponding description in descLabel if (player.getInventory().size > 0) desc = player.getInventory().get(downIndex).getDescription(); descLabel.setText(desc); break; case Keys.I: // if the inventory is currently opened, press I again // to close descLabel.remove(); // remove actors inventory.remove(); titleLabel.remove(); state = STATE.ONGOING; // unpause the game resetInputProcessor(); // reset InputProcessor to this MapControlRenderer break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(inventory); stage.setKeyboardFocus(inventory); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); // change InputProcessor to stage } // carry out search interaction private void searchInteraction() { // if no items if (objectItems == null) { if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(0).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; // unpause the game interactHappen = false; // flip the flag again typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; // reset type of interaction to // NO_INTERACTION indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // create conversation box // for the first message if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(0).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); // dialogBoxLabel.setFontScale(2f); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); } // for every next message else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(0).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; // increment index } // if it does contain items else { //"class: ", "" + objectItems.getClass()); if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(1).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; // unpause the game interactHappen = false; // flip the flag again typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; // reset type of interaction to // NO_INTERACTION indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // in case Player choose "Nothing" -> does not pick anything if (indexForMessageTree > messageTree.get(1).size) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(1).size; return; } // for the first message if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create a String array of items' names Array<String> itemNames = new Array<String>(); for (Item item : objectItems) { itemNames.add(item.getItemName()); } itemNames.add("Nothing"); // add additional value - for not choosing any items // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(1).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); // dialogBoxLabel.setFontScale(2f); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // create objectItems of items itemList = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); itemList.setItems(itemNames); itemList.setSelectedIndex(0); itemList.setSize( / 4, / 3); itemList.setPosition( - itemList.getWidth(), dialogBoxLabel.getHeight()); itemList.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = itemList.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= itemList.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; //"currentIndex: ", "" + currentIndex); //"upIndex: ", "" + upIndex); //"downIndex: ", "" + downIndex); switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the item list itemList.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the item list itemList.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); break; case Keys.F: int index = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); // if Player chooses "Nothing" if ("Nothing".equals((String) itemList.getSelected())) { // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); // confirm the selection dialogBoxLabel.setText("You choose nothing."); // end the "conversation" indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(1).size + 1; resetInputProcessor(); break; } // otherwise; // add the chosen item into Player's objectItems of items player.addItem(objectItems.get(index)); // remove that item from the overall listItems objectItems.removeIndex(index); // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); // reconfirm message dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(1).get(indexForMessageTree)); resetInputProcessor(); break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(itemList); stage.setKeyboardFocus(itemList); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // for every next message else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(1).get(indexForMessageTree) + player.getInventory().get(player.getInventory().size - 1).getItemName() + "."); } ++indexForMessageTree; // increment index } } // carry out open/lock interaction private void openLockInteraction() { if (objectItems == null) {"Error in locked door: ", "objectItems == null"); return; } // if the door is locked if (latestDoorLocked) { // end of "conversation" -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(2).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; neededKey = null; latestDoorLocked = false; // latestObjectName = ""; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(2).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // check if Player have the needed "key" to unlock boolean haveIt = false; for (Item item : player.getInventory()) { if (item.getItemID() == objectItems.get(0).getItemID()) { haveIt = true; neededKey = item; break; } } //"haveIt: ", "" + haveIt); // if Player DOEST NOT have the neccessary key -> end the "conversation" dialog // otherwise; let it go on if (!haveIt) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(2).size - 1; } } // second else if (indexForMessageTree == 1) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(2).get(1) + " " + neededKey.getItemName() + "."); } // third else if (indexForMessageTree == 2) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(2).get(2)); // create a List contain Yes/No options Array<String> options = new Array<String>(); options.add("Yes"); options.add("No"); itemList = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); itemList.setItems(options); itemList.setSelectedIndex(0); itemList.setSize( / 4, / 3); itemList.setPosition( - itemList.getWidth(), dialogBoxLabel.getHeight()); itemList.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = itemList.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= itemList.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); break; case Keys.F: // if Player choose "Yes" -> unlock the door if (itemList.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { // set "locked" to false in object of DoorCollision MapObject object = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); // set "locked" to false in object of ObjectInteration object = interactionObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); // set "locked" to false in object of ... } // if "No" -> end dialog "conversation" else { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(2).size; // end the dialog } // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(itemList); stage.setKeyboardFocus(itemList); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(2).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } // if current door is not locked else { // end of "conversation" -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(3).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; neededKey = null; latestDoorLocked = false; // latestObjectName = ""; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(3).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // check if Player have the requied key to lock the door boolean haveIt = false; for (Item item : player.getInventory()) { if (item.getItemID() == objectItems.get(0).getItemID()) { haveIt = true; neededKey = item; } } // if Player DOEST NOT have the neccessary key -> end the "conversation" dialog // otherwise; let it go on if (!haveIt) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(3).size - 1; } } // second else if (indexForMessageTree == 1) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(3).get(1) + " " + neededKey.getItemName() + "."); } // third else if (indexForMessageTree == 2) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(3).get(2)); // create a List contain Yes/No options Array<String> options = new Array<String>(); options.add("Yes"); options.add("No"); itemList = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); itemList.setItems(options); itemList.setSelectedIndex(0); itemList.setSize( / 4, / 3); itemList.setPosition( - itemList.getWidth(), dialogBoxLabel.getHeight()); itemList.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = itemList.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= itemList.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the item objectItems itemList.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the item objectItems itemList.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); break; case Keys.F: // if Player choose "Yes" -> lock the door if (itemList.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { // set "locked" to true in object of DoorCollision MapObject object = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", true); // set "locked" to true in object of ObjectInteration object = interactionObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", true); // set "locked" to true in object of ... } // if "No" -> end dialog "conversation" else { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(3).size; // end the dialog } // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(itemList); stage.setKeyboardFocus(itemList); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(3).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } } // carry out read interaction private void readInteraction() { if (objectItems == null) {"Error in read_interaction: ", "objectItems == null"); return; } // end of conversation -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(4).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); // remove actors from stage return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(4).get(0) + latestObjectName + ".", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); } // second -> display along the message written on the object else if (indexForMessageTree == 1) { // set the test of conversation box dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(4).get(1)); // create description/message box to display the written message descLabel = new Label("\"" + objectItems.get(0).getDescription() + "\"", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); descLabel.setSize( / 2, / 2); descLabel.setPosition( / 2 - descLabel.getWidth() / 2, * 3 / 5 - descLabel.getHeight() / 2); descLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); descLabel.setWrap(true); descLabel.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { // if user presses F again, "turn off" the displayed message if (keycode == Keys.F) { descLabel.remove(); // remove the message label resetInputProcessor(); // reset the InputProcessor to MapControlRenderer return true; } return false; } }); stage.addActor(descLabel); stage.setKeyboardFocus(descLabel); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(4).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } // carry out password-unlock interaction (using password to unlock objects) private void passUnlockInteraction() { // for door object if (objectItems.size == 1) { // end of "conversation" -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(5).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(5).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // check if Player have required card to unlock (obtained from the uniform) boolean haveIt = false; for (Item item : player.getInventory()) { if (item.getItemID() == 3) { // the required card in uniform - id = 3 haveIt = true; break; } } // if not if (!haveIt) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(5).size - 1; } } // second else if (indexForMessageTree == 1) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(5).get(1)); // create a List contain Yes/No options Array<String> options = new Array<String>(); options.add("Yes"); options.add("No"); itemList = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); itemList.setItems(options); itemList.setSelectedIndex(0); itemList.setSize( / 4, / 3); itemList.setPosition( - itemList.getWidth(), dialogBoxLabel.getHeight()); itemList.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = itemList.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= itemList.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); break; case Keys.F: // if Player chooses "No" -> end the dialog // otherwise; let it continue on if (itemList.getSelectedIndex() == 1) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(5).size; } // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(itemList); stage.setKeyboardFocus(itemList); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // third else if (indexForMessageTree == 2) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(5).get(2)); // create a TextField for player to enter password passField = new TextField("Full name", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "default"); passField.setHeight(25); passField.setPosition( / 2 - passField.getWidth() / 2, / 2 - passField.getHeight() / 2); stage.addActor(passField); // create button, goes with the textfield txtButton = new TextButton("Enter", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "round"); txtButton.setHeight(passField.getHeight()); txtButton.setPosition(passField.getWidth() + passField.getX(), passField.getY()); txtButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { // if player enters correct name of any guards -> unlock the door // note: in this case, we only check for the name 'Henry Karvick' String enterName = passField.getText(); if (enterName.equalsIgnoreCase(objectItems.first().getDescription())) { // unlock the door // set "locked" to false in object of DoorCollision MapObject object = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); // set "locked" to false in object of ObjectInteration object = interactionObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); dialogBoxLabel.setText("Valid name."); } // enter wrong name else { dialogBoxLabel.setText("Invalid name."); // end the dialog indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(5).size; } passField.remove(); // remove actors from stage txtButton.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); // reset InputProcessor to MapControlRenderer return true; } }); stage.addActor(txtButton); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(5).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } // for safe locker object else { // end of "conversation" -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(6).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(6).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // create a TextField + TextButton -> prompt for password to unlock the safe locker // textfield passField = new TextField("", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "default"); passField.setHeight(25); passField.setPosition( / 2 - passField.getWidth() / 2, / 2 - passField.getHeight() / 2); stage.addActor(passField); // textbutton txtButton = new TextButton("Enter", PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "round"); txtButton.setHeight(passField.getHeight()); txtButton.setPosition(passField.getWidth() + passField.getX(), passField.getY()); txtButton.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { // if Player enters the correct password -> unlock the safe locker // -> Player obtains all items in it // password: 3863 - get from object in the map String enterPass = passField.getText(); if (enterPass.equalsIgnoreCase(objectItems.first().getDescription())) { // unlock the safe locker // set "locked" to false in object of ObjectInteraction MapObject object = interactionObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); dialogBoxLabel.setText("*Clicked*"); } // enter wrong password else { dialogBoxLabel.setText("Wrong password!"); // end the dialog indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(6).size; } passField.remove(); // remove actors from stage txtButton.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); // reset InputProcessor to MapControlRenderer return true; } }); stage.addActor(txtButton); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // last - message when obtain items else if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(6).size - 1) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(6).get(indexForMessageTree) + objectItems.get(indexRemainingItems).getItemName()); // add the corresponding item into Player's inventory // player.getInventory().add(objectItems.get(indexRemainingItems++)); player.addItem(objectItems.get(indexRemainingItems++)); if (indexRemainingItems < objectItems.size) { --indexForMessageTree; } } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(6).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } } // carry out break interaction (crack the door open) private void breakInteraction() { // end of "conversation" -> reset if (indexForMessageTree == messageTree.get(7).size) { state = STATE.ONGOING; interactHappen = false; typeInteraction = TYPE_INTERACTION.NO_INTERACTION; indexForMessageTree = 0; dialogBoxLabel.remove(); return; } // first if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { // create conversation box dialogBoxLabel = new Label(messageTree.get(7).get(0), PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); dialogBoxLabel.setPosition(0, 0); dialogBoxLabel.setSize(, / 5); dialogBoxLabel.setAlignment(Align.topLeft); stage.addActor(dialogBoxLabel); // check if Player has the required item to break the door boolean haveIt = false; for (Item item : player.getInventory()) { if (item.getItemID() == objectItems.first().getItemID()) { haveIt = true; break; } } // if not -> end the dialog if (!haveIt) { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(7).size - 1; } } // third else if (indexForMessageTree == 2) { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(7).get(2)); // create a List contain Yes/No options Array<String> options = new Array<String>(); options.add("Yes"); options.add("No"); itemList = new List(PrisonBreakGame.gameSkin, "custom"); itemList.setItems(options); itemList.setSelectedIndex(0); itemList.setSize( / 4, / 3); itemList.setPosition( - itemList.getWidth(), dialogBoxLabel.getHeight()); itemList.addListener(new InputListener() { @Override public boolean keyDown(InputEvent event, int keycode) { int currentIndex = itemList.getSelectedIndex(); int upIndex = currentIndex - 1; int downIndex = currentIndex + 1; if (upIndex < 0) upIndex = itemList.getItems().size - 1; if (downIndex >= itemList.getItems().size) downIndex = 0; switch (keycode) { case Keys.UP: // scroll up the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(upIndex); break; case Keys.DOWN: // scroll down the option list itemList.setSelectedIndex(downIndex); break; case Keys.F: // if Player choose "Yes" -> crack the door open if (itemList.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { // remove the door // extract neccessary attributes MapObject object = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); String layerName = object.getProperties().get("tileLayerName", "", String.class); TiledMapTileLayer layer = (TiledMapTileLayer) map.getLayers().get(layerName); int x = object.getProperties().get("lowerLeftX", Integer.class); int y = object.getProperties().get("lowerLeftY", Integer.class); // extract the tiles of the door tile1 = layer.getCell(x, y).getTile(); // lower left tile2 = layer.getCell(x + 1, y).getTile(); // lower right tile3 = layer.getCell(x, y + 1).getTile(); // upper left tile4 = layer.getCell(x + 1, y + 1).getTile(); // upper right // "erase" the door layer.getCell(x, y).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x + 1, y).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x, y + 1).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x + 1, y + 1).setTile(null); // set "locked" to false in object of DoorCollision object = doorObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("locked", false); // set "broken" to true in object of ObjectInteration object = interactionObjects.get(latestObjectName); object.getProperties().put("broken", true); } // if "No" -> end dialog "conversation" else { indexForMessageTree = messageTree.get(7).size; // end the dialog } // remove list of items from stage itemList.remove(); resetInputProcessor(); break; default: break; } return true; } }); stage.addActor(itemList); stage.setKeyboardFocus(itemList); // set InputProcessor to stage Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); } // others else { dialogBoxLabel.setText(messageTree.get(7).get(indexForMessageTree)); } ++indexForMessageTree; } @Override public void render() { if (state == STATE.ONGOING) { player.update(); moveCamera(); // check if Player is detected by the Guards for (Guard guard : guards) { if (guard instanceof PatrolGuard) { ((PatrolGuard) guard).update(); } if (guard.detectPlayer()) { //"Game over", ""); loseGame(); break; } } // search for the door in contact for (Object o : doorObjects) { RectangleMapObject r = null; if (o instanceof RectangleMapObject) { r = (RectangleMapObject) o; } if (r != null && r.getRectangle().overlaps(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle())) { currentDoor = r; break; } } // the door "disappears" when Player steps in // and "showed" again when Player steps out if (currentDoor != null) { int x = currentDoor.getProperties().get("lowerLeftX", Integer.class); int y = currentDoor.getProperties().get("lowerLeftY", Integer.class); String name = currentDoor.getProperties().get("tileLayerName", String.class); TiledMapTileLayer layer = (TiledMapTileLayer) map.getLayers().get(name); // if the door has not been hidden, and Player steps in -> hide the door if (!currentDoor.getProperties().get("locked", Boolean.class) && !doorHidden && currentDoor.getRectangle().overlaps(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle())) { // extract the tiles tile1 = layer.getCell(x, y).getTile(); // lower left tile2 = layer.getCell(x + 1, y).getTile(); // lower right tile3 = layer.getCell(x, y + 1).getTile(); // upper left tile4 = layer.getCell(x + 1, y + 1).getTile(); // upper right // "hide" the door when Player steps in layer.getCell(x, y).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x + 1, y).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x, y + 1).setTile(null); layer.getCell(x + 1, y + 1).setTile(null); doorHidden = true; // set the flag } // if the door is currently hidden, and Player steps out -> show it if (!currentDoor.getProperties().get("locked", Boolean.class) && doorHidden && !currentDoor.getRectangle().overlaps(player.getSprite().getBoundingRectangle())) { // "show" the door when Player steps out layer.getCell(x, y).setTile(tile1); layer.getCell(x + 1, y).setTile(tile2); layer.getCell(x, y + 1).setTile(tile3); layer.getCell(x + 1, y + 1).setTile(tile4); doorHidden = false; } } // update winning state if (winGame()) state = STATE.WIN; } shapeRenderer.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); beginRender(); int currentLayer = 0; for (MapLayer layer : map.getLayers()) { if (layer.isVisible()) { // tile layer if (layer instanceof TiledMapTileLayer) { renderTileLayer((TiledMapTileLayer) layer); ++currentLayer; // layer to draw characters and guards if (currentLayer == drawSpritesAfterLayer) { // draw player player.getSprite().draw(this.getBatch()); // draw all the guards for (Guard guard : guards) { guard.getSprite().draw(this.getBatch()); } } // layer to draw guard's detection area // note: even though detection area is RECTANGLE // , draw a POLYGON instead (POLYGON still inside the RECTANGLE) if (currentLayer == drawDetectionAreaAfterLayer) { for (Guard guard : guards) { endRender(); // first, determine the four vertices float nearLeftX, nearLeftY, nearRightX, nearRightY, // "nearer" points in Guard's POV farLeftX, farLeftY, farRightX, farRightY; // "further" points in Guard's POV if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("up")) { nearLeftX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width / 4; nearRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width * 3 / 4; nearLeftY = nearRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y; farLeftX = guard.getDetectArea().x; farRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width; farLeftY = farRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height; } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("down")) { nearLeftX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width * 3 / 4; nearRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width / 4; nearLeftY = nearRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height; farLeftX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width; farRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x; farLeftY = farRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y; } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("right")) { nearLeftY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height * 3 / 4; nearRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height / 4; nearLeftX = nearRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x; farLeftY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height; farRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y; farLeftX = farRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width; } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { nearLeftY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height / 4; nearRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height * 3 / 4; nearLeftX = nearRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x + guard.getDetectArea().width; farLeftY = guard.getDetectArea().y; farRightY = guard.getDetectArea().y + guard.getDetectArea().height; farLeftX = farRightX = guard.getDetectArea().x; } else { nearLeftX = nearLeftY = nearRightX = nearRightY = 0; farLeftX = farLeftY = farRightY = farRightX = 0; } // draw detection area;, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); shapeRenderer.setColor(1, 0, 0, 0.5f); if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("up")) { // the body (rectangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.rect(nearLeftX, nearLeftY, nearRightX - nearLeftX, farLeftY - nearLeftY); // the left side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearLeftX, nearLeftY, farLeftX, farLeftY, nearLeftX, farLeftY); // the right side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearRightX, nearRightY, farRightX, farRightY, nearRightX, farRightY); } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("down")) { // the body (rectangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.rect(nearRightX, farRightY, nearLeftX - nearRightX, nearRightY - farRightY); // the left side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearLeftX, nearLeftY, farLeftX, farLeftY, nearLeftX, farLeftY); // the right side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearRightX, nearRightY, farRightX, farRightY, nearRightX, farRightY); } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("right")) { // the body (rectangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.rect(nearRightX, nearRightY, farRightX - nearRightX, nearLeftY - nearRightY); // the left side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearLeftX, nearLeftY, farLeftX, farLeftY, farLeftX, nearLeftY); // the right side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearRightX, nearRightY, farRightX, farRightY, farRightX, nearRightY); } else if (guard.getCurrentDirection().equalsIgnoreCase("left")) { // the body (rectangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.rect(farLeftX, nearLeftY, nearLeftX - farLeftX, nearRightY - nearLeftY); // the left side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearLeftX, nearLeftY, farLeftX, farLeftY, farLeftX, nearLeftY); // the right side (triangle) of the polygon shapeRenderer.triangle(nearRightX, nearRightY, farRightX, farRightY, farRightX, nearRightY); } shapeRenderer.end();; beginRender(); } } } // object layer else { for (MapObject object : layer.getObjects()) { renderObject(object); } } } } endRender(); stage.act(); stage.draw(); } @Override public boolean keyDown(int keycode) { switch (keycode) { case Input.Keys.LEFT: case Input.Keys.A: player.setLeftMove(true); break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: case Input.Keys.D: player.setRightMove(true); break; case Input.Keys.UP: case Input.Keys.W: player.setUpMove(true); break; case Input.Keys.DOWN: case Input.Keys.S: player.setDownMove(true); break; case Input.Keys.SPACE: player.sleepWakeup(); break; case Input.Keys.I:"Key I: ", "typed"); if (state != STATE.PAUSE) { showHideInventory(); state = STATE.PAUSE; // pause the game temporarily } break; } return true; } @Override public boolean keyUp(int keycode) { switch (keycode) { case Input.Keys.LEFT: case Input.Keys.A: player.setLeftMove(false); break; case Input.Keys.RIGHT: case Input.Keys.D: player.setRightMove(false); break; case Input.Keys.UP: case Input.Keys.W: player.setUpMove(false); break; case Input.Keys.DOWN: case Input.Keys.S: player.setDownMove(false); break; case Input.Keys.ESCAPE: break; case Input.Keys.F: //"Interaction flag: ", "" + interactHappen); // if first time if (indexForMessageTree == 0) { objectItems = triggerInteraction(); // trigger interaction with the object // get list of items (if any) at the current object } // if no interactions with any objects -> break // otherwise; pause the game if (!interactHappen) { break; } else { state = STATE.PAUSE; // temporarily "pause" the game -> Player can't move } // for search_interaction if (typeInteraction == TYPE_INTERACTION.SEARCH_INTERACTION) { searchInteraction(); } // for open_lock_interaction (with door) else if (typeInteraction == TYPE_INTERACTION.OPEN_LOCK_INTERACTION) { openLockInteraction(); } // for read_interaction else if (typeInteraction == TYPE_INTERACTION.READ_INTERACTION) { readInteraction(); } // for pass_unlock_interaction else if (typeInteraction == TYPE_INTERACTION.PASS_UNLOCK_INTERACTION) { passUnlockInteraction(); } // for break_interaction else if (typeInteraction == TYPE_INTERACTION.BREAK_INTERACTION) { breakInteraction(); } break; default: break; } return true; } @Override public boolean keyTyped(char character) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { return false; } @Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { return false; } @Override public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) { return false; } @Override public boolean scrolled(int amount) { return false; } @Override public void dispose() { player.dispose(); map.dispose(); stage.dispose(); shapeRenderer.dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < guards.size; ++i) { guards.get(i).dispose(); } } }