Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.nest5.businessClient; /* * * <a href="" target="_blank">Piggy Bank</a> designed by <a href="" target="_blank">Jezmael Basilio</a> from The Noun Project * Table designed by Ral Inc from the Noun Project * */ import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import com.bugsense.trace.BugSenseHandler; import; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter; import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import android.text.format.DateFormat; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener; import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.AutoCompleteTextView; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.GridView; import android.widget.ImageButton; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TableRow; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.acs.acr31.ACR31Reader; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.nest5.businessClient.AddIngredientCategoryForm.OnAddIngredientCategoryListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.AddIngredientForm.OnAddIngredientListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.AddProductCategoryForm.OnAddProductCategoryListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.AddProductForm.OnAddProductListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.CloseTableForm.OnSelectTableActionListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.CreateComboView.OnCreateComboListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.CreateProductView.OnCreateProductListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.DailyObjectFragment.OnDailyObjectFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.HomeObjectFragment.OnHomeObjectFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.HomeObjectFragment.OnIngredientCategorySelectedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.InventoryObjectFragment.OnInventoryObjectFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.Nest5ReadObjectFragment.OnNest5ReadObjectFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.OrderForm.OnOrderFomrFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.OrderForm.OnOrderListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.PaymentForm.OnPayListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.PrintInvoiceForm.OnPrintSelectListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.SalesObjectFragment.OnSalesObjectFragmentCreatedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.SelectAddItem.OnAddItemSelectedListener; import com.nest5.businessClient.WifiDirectDialog.DeviceActionListener; public class Initialactivity extends FragmentActivity implements OnAddItemSelectedListener, OnAddIngredientListener, OnIngredientCategorySelectedListener, OnHomeObjectFragmentCreatedListener, OnAddIngredientCategoryListener, OnAddProductCategoryListener, OnAddProductListener, OnCreateProductListener, OnPayListener, OnOrderFomrFragmentCreatedListener, OnOrderListener, OnCreateComboListener, OnSalesObjectFragmentCreatedListener, ChannelListener, DeviceActionListener, ConnectionInfoListener, PeerListListener, OnDailyObjectFragmentCreatedListener, OnInventoryObjectFragmentCreatedListener, OnNest5ReadObjectFragmentCreatedListener, ScanDevicesFragment.SelectDevice, OnPrintSelectListener, OnSelectTableActionListener { public static final String TAG = "Initialactivity"; public static final int TOAST_COMMAND = 1; public static final int DELETE_ALL_COMMAND = 2; public static final int SEND_ALL_COMMAND = 3; public static final int TABLE_TYPE_TODAY = 0; public static final int TABLE_TYPE_ALL = 1; private static final int RETURN_FROM_DESIGN_TABLE = 5551; private static final int RETURN_FROM_OPENCLOSE_TABLE = 5552; private static final int OPEN_TABLE_ACTION = 55515; private boolean openOtherWindow = false; private int openOtherWindowAction = 0; volatile static boolean isPausing = false; private final BackUpOrdersHandler backUpOrdersHandler = new BackUpOrdersHandler(this); private final RecoverOrdersHandler recoverOrdersHandler = new RecoverOrdersHandler(this); private final MHandler mHandler = new MHandler(this); private final ContadorMinutos contador = new ContadorMinutos(this); private final BackUpThread constantBackUp = new BackUpThread(this); /*** * * * PRINTER OPTIONS * * * ****/ public static final char[] CLEAR_PRINTER = { (char) 0x10 }; public static final char[] FULL_CUT = { (char) 0x19 }; public static final char[] PARTIAL_CUT = { (char) 0x1A }; public static final char[] INITIALIZE_PRINTER = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x40 }; public static final char[] PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE = { (char) 0x0A }; public static final char[] PRINT_CARRIAGE = { (char) 0x0D }; public static final char[] ADD_N_DOT_ROWS = { (char) 0x16 }; public static final char[] PRINT_FEED_N_LINES = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x64 }; public static final char[] FINALIZE_TICKET = { (char) 0x15, (char) 0xFF }; public static final char[] HORIZONTAL_TAB = { (char) 0x09 }; public static final char[] JUSTIFICATION_CENTER = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x61, (char) 0x31 }; public static final char[] JUSTIFICATION_LEFT = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x61, (char) 0x30 }; public static final char[] JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x61, (char) 0x32 }; public static final char[] DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS = { (char) 0x12 }; public static final char[] SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS = { (char) 0x13 }; public static final char[] UNDERLINE_CANCEL = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x2D, (char) 0x30 }; public static final char[] UNDERLINE_SINGLE = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x2D, (char) 0x31 }; public static final char[] UNDERLINE_DOUBLE = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x2D, (char) 0x32 }; public static final char[] ITALIC_CANCEL = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x49, (char) 0x00 }; public static final char[] ITALIC_STYLE = { (char) 0x1B, (char) 0x49, (char) 0x01 }; /** * The current context. */ private Context mContext = this; private int lay = R.layout.home; Typeface BebasFont; Typeface VarelaFont; RestService restService; EditText user; EditText pass; TextView userName; ImageView internetConnectionStatus; TextView statusText; TextView deviceText = null; TextView saleValue; ProgressDialog dialogLogin; ProgressDialog dialogUpdateExtra; private Button pagarButton; private Button guardarButton; private Button todayTableBtn; private Button allTableBtn; // When requested, this adapter returns a DemoObjectFragment, // representing an object in the collection. DemoCollectionPagerAdapter mDemoCollectionPagerAdapter; ViewPager mViewPager; GridView itemsView; private AutoCompleteTextView autoCompleteTextView; TableLayout table; TableLayout dailyTable; TableLayout inventoryTable; // Saber si llama poner stampCard desde lista de promociones de usuario Boolean fromMyDeals = false; // Validar si botn redime cupn o sello Boolean redeemCoupon = false; Boolean redimiendo = false; View app; ImageView btnSlide; boolean menuOut = false; Handler handler = new Handler(); int btnWidth; static ListView ordersList; static TextView sale_name; static TextView sale_details; Bundle savedInstanceState; boolean validHome = true; private SQLiteDatabase db; private MySQLiteHelper dbHelper; private IngredientCategoryDataSource ingredientCategoryDatasource; private ProductCategoryDataSource productCategoryDatasource; private IngredientDataSource ingredientDatasource; private ProductDataSource productDatasource; private ComboDataSource comboDatasource; private TaxDataSource taxDataSource; private UnitDataSource unitDataSource; private SaleDataSource saleDataSource; private SyncRowDataSource syncRowDataSource; ImageAdapter gridAdapter; SaleAdapter cookingAdapter; static LayoutInflater inflater; AlertDialog.Builder builder; AlertDialog alertDialog; List<IngredientCategory> ingredientCategories; List<ProductCategory> productsCategories; List<Tax> taxes; List<Ingredient> ingredientes; List<Product> productos; List<Combo> combos; List<Registrable> productList; List<Registrable> ingredientList; List<Registrable> comboList; List<Registrable> registerList; List<Registrable> allRegistrables; List<Unit> units; List<Sale> saleList; List<Sale> salesFromToday; List<SyncRow> syncRows; private LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentOrder; private CurrentTable<Table, Integer> currentTable; private List<Registrable> currentList; private List<Registrable> inTableRegistrable; private LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>> savedOrders; private static LinkedList<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>> cookingOrders; private static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersDelivery; private static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersTogo; private static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> cookingOrdersTimes; private static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> cookingOrdersTable; private static LinkedList<CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> openTables; private String[] frases; private static int currentSelectedPosition = -1; private static int currentSelectedAddTable = -1; private long editItemId = -1; private int editingItemPositionInRegistrable = -1; private Socket socket = null; private DataOutputStream wifiOutputStream = null; private DataInputStream wifiInputStream = null; private WifiP2pManager manager; private boolean isWifiP2pEnabled = false; private boolean retryChannel = false; private final IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(); private Channel channel; private BroadcastReceiver receiver = null; public Boolean isConnecting = false; private String connectedIp = ""; public Boolean isConnected = false; // Todo lo del timer para actualizar label en la lista private static Boolean isTimerRunning = false; private static Timer timer; public static long currentTime; private long init; private long end; // Propiedades de lector magntico ACR31 de ACS Ltd. private AudioManager mAudioManager; private ACR31Reader mReader; private ProgressDialog mResetProgressDialog; private boolean mSettingSleepTimeout; private boolean mGettingStatus; private int mSleepTimeout = 255; private Button readCardBtn; private SharedPreferences prefs; private List<Promo> companyPromos; private User currentUser; private int totalSync = 0; //variable para contar cuantas synRows se han guardado con xito /* * Sync Server - Big Data Server Variables * * */ private static String deviceID; /*** * * * CONEXIN BLUETOOTH IMPRESORAS * * * */ public static final int MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE = 1; public static final int MESSAGE_READ = 2; public static final int MESSAGE_WRITE = 3; public static final int MESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME = 4; public static final int MESSAGE_TOAST = 5; public static final String DEVICE_NAME = "device_name"; public static final String TOAST = "toast"; private static final int REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE = 1; private static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT = 2; // Array adapter for the conversation thread //private ArrayAdapter<String> mConversationArrayAdapter; // String buffer for outgoing messages private StringBuffer mOutStringBuffer; // Local Bluetooth adapter private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter = null; // Member object for the chat services private BluetoothChatService mChatService = null; private BluetoothSerialService mSerialService = null; private String mConnectedDeviceName = null; private Menu mMenu; /**** * * * IMPRESION POR TCP / IP * * ****/ private TCPPrint mTCPPrint; /** * @param isWifiP2pEnabled * the isWifiP2pEnabled to set */ public void setIsWifiP2pEnabled(boolean isWifiP2pEnabled) { this.isWifiP2pEnabled = isWifiP2pEnabled; } /** * A {@link BroadcastReceiver} to receive the response from a register or * unregister request, and to update the UI. */ private final BroadcastReceiver mUpdateUIReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String accountId = intent.getStringExtra("USER_ID"); String accountName = intent.getStringExtra(DeviceRegistrar.ACCOUNT_NAME_EXTRA); int status = intent.getIntExtra(DeviceRegistrar.STATUS_EXTRA, DeviceRegistrar.ERROR_STATUS); String message = null; String connectionStatus = Util.DISCONNECTED; SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); if (status == DeviceRegistrar.REGISTERED_STATUS) { message = getResources().getString(R.string.registration_succeeded); connectionStatus = Util.CONNECTED; prefs.edit().putString(Util.CONNECTION_STATUS, connectionStatus).commit(); // Enviar email al servidor:, /* * restService = new RestService(sendEmailHandler, mContext, * ""); * restService.addParam("email", accountName); * restService.addParam("android", accountId); * //Toast.makeText(mContext, accountId, * Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); * restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); * prefs.edit().putString(Util.LOGGED_STATUS, Util.LOGGINGIN); * try { * * restService.execute(RestService.POST); //Executes the request * with the HTTP POST verb } catch (Exception e) { * e.printStackTrace(); } */ } else if (status == DeviceRegistrar.UNREGISTERED_STATUS) { prefs.edit().putString(Util.CONNECTION_STATUS, connectionStatus).commit(); message = getResources().getString(R.string.unregistration_succeeded); // Iniciar actividad de Account startActivity(new Intent(mContext, AccountsActivity.class)); } else { prefs.edit().putString(Util.CONNECTION_STATUS, connectionStatus).commit(); message = getResources().getString(R.string.registration_error); startActivity(new Intent(mContext, AccountsActivity.class)); } // Display a notification // Util.generateNotification(mContext, String.format(message, // accountName)); } }; /** * Begins the activity. */ @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.savedInstanceState = savedInstanceState; getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBA_8888); getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DITHER); BugSenseHandler.initAndStartSession(Initialactivity.this, "1a5a6af1"); setContentView(R.layout.swipe_view); checkLogin(); // add necessary intent values to be matched. intentFilter.addAction(WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION); intentFilter.addAction(WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_PEERS_CHANGED_ACTION); intentFilter.addAction(WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION); intentFilter.addAction(WifiP2pManager.WIFI_P2P_THIS_DEVICE_CHANGED_ACTION); manager = (WifiP2pManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE); channel = manager.initialize(this, getMainLooper(), null); mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); dbHelper = new MySQLiteHelper(this); ingredientCategoryDatasource = new IngredientCategoryDataSource(dbHelper); db =; ingredientCategories = ingredientCategoryDatasource.getAllIngredientCategory(); // ingredientCategoryDatasource.close(); productCategoryDatasource = new ProductCategoryDataSource(dbHelper);; productsCategories = productCategoryDatasource.getAllProductCategory(); taxDataSource = new TaxDataSource(dbHelper);; taxes = taxDataSource.getAllTax(); unitDataSource = new UnitDataSource(dbHelper);; units = unitDataSource.getAllUnits(); ingredientDatasource = new IngredientDataSource(dbHelper);; ingredientes = ingredientDatasource.getAllIngredient(); productDatasource = new ProductDataSource(dbHelper);; productos = productDatasource.getAllProduct(); comboDatasource = new ComboDataSource(dbHelper);; combos = comboDatasource.getAllCombos(); saleDataSource = new SaleDataSource(dbHelper);; saleList = saleDataSource.getAllSales(); syncRowDataSource = new SyncRowDataSource(dbHelper);; Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar tomorrow = Calendar.getInstance(); today.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); today.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); tomorrow.roll(Calendar.DATE, 1); tomorrow.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); init = today.getTimeInMillis(); end = tomorrow.getTimeInMillis(); //Log.d(TAG, today.toString()); //Log.d(TAG, tomorrow.toString()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); //Log.d(TAG, now.toString()); //Log.d(TAG, "Diferencia entre tiempos: " + String.valueOf(end - init)); salesFromToday = saleDataSource.getAllSalesWithin(init, end); updateRegistrables(); // ingredientDatasource.close(); mDemoCollectionPagerAdapter = new DemoCollectionPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager()); mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; mViewPager.setAdapter(mDemoCollectionPagerAdapter); mViewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(new ViewPager.SimpleOnPageChangeListener() { @Override public void onPageSelected(int position) { // When swiping between pages, select the // corresponding tab. getActionBar().setSelectedNavigationItem(position); } }); final ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar(); // Specify that tabs should be displayed in the action bar. actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS); // Create a tab listener that is called when the user changes tabs. ActionBar.TabListener tabListener = new ActionBar.TabListener() { @Override public void onTabReselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onTabSelected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) { mViewPager.setCurrentItem(tab.getPosition()); } @Override public void onTabUnselected(Tab tab, FragmentTransaction ft) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }; Tab homeTab = actionBar.newTab().setText("Inicio").setTabListener(tabListener); Tab ordersTab = actionBar.newTab().setText("rdenes").setTabListener(tabListener); /*Tab dailyTab = actionBar.newTab().setText("Registros") .setTabListener(tabListener); Tab inventoryTab = actionBar.newTab().setText("Inventarios") .setTabListener(tabListener);*/ Tab nest5ReadTab = actionBar.newTab().setText("Nest5").setTabListener(tabListener); actionBar.addTab(homeTab, true); actionBar.addTab(ordersTab, false); //actionBar.addTab(dailyTab, false); //actionBar.addTab(inventoryTab, false); actionBar.addTab(nest5ReadTab, false); currentOrder = new LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>(); inTableRegistrable = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); savedOrders = new LinkedHashMap<String, LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>>(); cookingOrders = new LinkedList<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>>(); //cookingOrdersMethods = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, String>(); cookingOrdersDelivery = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>(); cookingOrdersTogo = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>(); //cookingOrdersTip = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>(); //cookingOrdersDiscount = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Double>(); cookingOrdersTimes = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>(); cookingOrdersTable = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>(); openTables = new LinkedList<CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>(); //cookingOrdersReceived = new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Double>(); frases = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.phrases); timer = new Timer(); deviceID = DeviceID.getDeviceId(mContext); //////Log.i("AACCCAAAID",deviceID); BebasFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/BebasNeue.otf"); VarelaFont = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(), "fonts/Varela-Regular.otf"); // Lector de tarjetas magnticas mAudioManager = (AudioManager) getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); //mReader = new ACR31Reader(mAudioManager); /* Initialize the reset progress dialog */ mResetProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); // ACR31 RESET CALLBACK /*mReader.setOnResetCompleteListener(new ACR31Reader.OnResetCompleteListener() { //hola como estas @Override public void onResetComplete(ACR31Reader reader) { if (mSettingSleepTimeout) { mGettingStatus = true; mReader.setSleepTimeout(mSleepTimeout); mSettingSleepTimeout = false; } runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); }; }); } });*/ /* Set the raw data callback. */ /*mReader.setOnRawDataAvailableListener(new ACR31Reader.OnRawDataAvailableListener() { @Override public void onRawDataAvailable(ACR31Reader reader, byte[] rawData) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "setOnRawDataAvailableListener"); final String hexString = toHexString(rawData) + (reader.verifyData(rawData) ? " (Checksum OK)" : " (Checksum Error)"); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", hexString); if (reader.verifyData(rawData)) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mResetProgressDialog .setMessage("Solicitando Informacin al Servidor..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; } }); SharedPreferences prefs = Util .getSharedPreferences(mContext); restService = new RestService(recievePromoandUserHandler, mContext, Setup.PROD_URL + "/company/initMagneticStamp"); restService.addParam("company", prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0")); restService.addParam("magnetic5", hexString); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } } });*/ } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstance) { super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstance); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstance) { this.savedInstanceState = savedInstance; } @Override protected void onStart() { super.onStart(); FlurryAgent.onStartSession(this, "J63XVCZCXV4NN4P2SQZT"); //mReader.start(); // If BT is not on, request that it be enabled. BT // setupChat() will then be called during onActivityRe//sultsetupChat() onActivityResult //recoverCookingOrders();//recover every single order that was on hold before the application was closed RecoverThread recoverBackUp = new RecoverThread(this);; isPausing = false; mHandler.postDelayed(contador, 60 * 1000); backUpOrdersHandler.postDelayed(constantBackUp, 1000 * 30); updateRegistrables(); //update all elements than can be sold (ingredients, products, combos) try { if (!mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent enableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(enableIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT); // Otherwise, setup the serial session } else { if (mChatService == null) setupChat(); //if (mSerialService == null) setupChat(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String deviceId = prefs.getString(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED_ID, "null"); String compid = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0"); String jString = "{device_id:" + deviceId + ",company:" + compid + "}"; BugSenseHandler.setUserIdentifier(jString); } @Override public synchronized void onResume() { super.onResume(); receiver = new WiFiDirectBroadcastReceiver(manager, channel, this); registerReceiver(receiver, intentFilter); registerReceiver(onSyncDownloadComplete, new IntentFilter(DownloadManager.ACTION_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE)); SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String connectionStatus = prefs.getString(Util.CONNECTION_STATUS, Util.DISCONNECTED); prefs.edit().putBoolean(Setup.IS_UPDATING, false); //mReader.start(); // Performing this check in onResume() covers the case in which BT was onResume() // not enabled during onStart(), so we were paused to enable it... onStart() // onResume() will be called when ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE activity returns.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE if (mChatService != null) { // Only if the state is STATE_NONE, do we know that we haven't started already if (mChatService.getState() == BluetoothChatService.STATE_NONE) { // Start the Bluetooth chat services mChatService.start(); } } lay = R.layout.home; setScreenContent(); syncRows = syncRowDataSource.getAllSyncRows(); //////Log.i("SYNC", "syncrows en db: "+String.valueOf(syncRows.size())); if (isConnectedToInternet()) updateMaxSales(); if (deviceText != null) { /** * Print over TCP / IP * * ***/ new connectTask().execute(""); } //Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(productos.size()) ,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (openOtherWindow) { openOtherWindow = false; switch (openOtherWindowAction) { case OPEN_TABLE_ACTION: showCloseTableDialog(); break; default: break; } } } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); unregisterReceiver(receiver); unregisterReceiver(onSyncDownloadComplete); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); if (mTCPPrint != null) mTCPPrint.stopClient(); //keepCookingOrders(); //OJO ESTO ES LO QUE FUNCIONA ANTES DE USAR LOS THREADS isPausing = true; backUpOrdersHandler.removeCallbacks(constantBackUp); BackUpThread hacerBackUp = new BackUpThread(this);; } /** * Shuts down the activity. */ @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); // Stop the Bluetooth chat service try { if (mChatService != null) mChatService.stop(); //if (mSerialService != null) mSerialService.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if (dbHelper != null) { dbHelper.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); FlurryAgent.onEndSession(this); BugSenseHandler.closeSession(Initialactivity.this); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); //mReader.stop(); } // // Manage UI Screens private void setSplashScreen() { setContentView(R.layout.splash); } private void setupChat() { //Log.d(TAG, "setupChat()"); mChatService = new BluetoothChatService(this, mHandlerBlueTooth); } private void setHomeScreenContent() { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); if (prefs.getInt(Util.INTERNET_CONNECTION, 0) == 1) { } else { // Toast.makeText(mContext, "No tienes conexin a internet.", // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { mMenu = menu; MenuInflater inflater = getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); SharedPreferences defaultprefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); boolean layouttables = defaultprefs.getBoolean("arrange_tables", false); if (layouttables) { MenuItem tables = mMenu.findItem(; if (!tables.isVisible()) { tables.setVisible(true); invalidateOptionsMenu(); } MenuItem mesas = mMenu.findItem(; if (!mesas.isVisible()) { mesas.setVisible(true); invalidateOptionsMenu(); } } return true; } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // Handle item selection switch (item.getItemId()) { case showAddItemDialog(); return true; case /* * Toast.makeText(mContext, " " + salesFromToday.size(), * Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); */ backUpDb(); return true; case if (isConnectedToInternet()) { onZReportSelect(); } else { return false; } /*case return true;*/ case mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (mBluetoothAdapter == null) { Toast.makeText(this, "Este dispositivo no tiene Bluetooth", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } showScanDialog(); return true; case showSettings(); return true; case showTableLayout(); return true; case showMesasLayout(); return true; /*case if (!isWifiP2pEnabled) { Toast.makeText(Initialactivity.this, "Debes Activar WifiDirect", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS)); return true; } statusText.setText("Buscando dispositivos..."); manager.discoverPeers(channel, new WifiP2pManager.ActionListener() { @Override public void onSuccess() { Toast.makeText(Initialactivity.this, "Bsqueda Iniciada", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } @Override public void onFailure(int reasonCode) { Toast.makeText(Initialactivity.this, "Bsqueda Fallida: " + reasonCode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); return true;*/ default: return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } } private void showScanDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); ScanDevicesFragment scanDialog = new ScanDevicesFragment();, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showAddItemDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); SelectAddItem editNameDialog = new SelectAddItem();, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showAddIngredientFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); AddIngredientForm addingredientDialog = new AddIngredientForm(ingredientCategories, taxes, units);, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showAddProductFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); AddProductForm addProductDialog = new AddProductForm(productsCategories, taxes);, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showAddProductCategoryFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); AddProductCategoryForm addProductCategoryDialog = new AddProductCategoryForm();, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showAddIngredientCategoryFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); AddIngredientCategoryForm addingredientCategoryDialog = new AddIngredientCategoryForm();, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showCreateProductFormDialog(String name, ProductCategory category, Double cost, Double price, Tax tax) { // guardar producto // Toast.makeText(mContext, category.getName(), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); Product product = null; try { product = productDatasource.createProduct(name, category, 0, cost, price, tax, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (product != null) { //productList.add(new Registrable(product)); /*Toast.makeText(mContext, product.getName() + " Creado Satisfactoriamente.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();*/ fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); CreateProductView createProductDialog = new CreateProductView(ingredientes, product);, "fragment_edit_name"); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Creando el Producto '" + name + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } } private void showAddComboFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); CreateComboView createComboDialog = new CreateComboView(ingredientes, productos, taxes);, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showPaymentFormDialog() { //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Seleccionada para pagar: "+cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition).size()); fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); PaymentForm editNameDialog = new PaymentForm(currentOrder);, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showOrderFormDialog() { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); OrderForm editNameDialog = new OrderForm(currentOrder);, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showPrintInvoiceDialog() { if (currentSelectedPosition == -1) return; fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); PrintInvoiceForm printOrderDialog = new PrintInvoiceForm();, "fragment_edit_name"); } private void showSettings() { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(mContext, SetPreferenceActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intent, 0); } private void showTableLayout() { Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(mContext, TablesActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intent, RETURN_FROM_DESIGN_TABLE); } private void showMesasLayout() { Intent intento = new Intent(); if (openTables.size() > 0) { Gson gson = new Gson(); String list = gson.toJson(openTables); intento.putExtra("mesasabiertas", list); } intento.setClass(mContext, TablesOrderActivity.class); startActivityForResult(intento, RETURN_FROM_OPENCLOSE_TABLE); } private void showCloseTableDialog() { //no muestra porque no ha cargado la vista, poner una bandera que diga si viene de alla y tomarlo en onresume o algo asi fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); CloseTableForm closeTableDialog = new CloseTableForm();, "fragment_edit_name"); } public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { IntentResult scanResult = IntentIntegrator.parseActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); // ////Log.i(TAG, String.valueOf(redeemCoupon)); if (scanResult != null) { } if (requestCode == RETURN_FROM_DESIGN_TABLE) { String result = null; if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { result = intent.getStringExtra(Setup.SAVED_TABLES); } if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { //Write your code if there's no result } if (result != null) { //load tables view and allow to make order for it showMesasLayout(); } } if (requestCode == RETURN_FROM_OPENCLOSE_TABLE) { Table actual = null; int clientes = 0; if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { actual = intent.getParcelableExtra("MIMESA"); clientes = intent.getIntExtra("MIMESACLIENTES", 0); if (actual != null) { //load tables view and allow to make order for it currentTable = new CurrentTable<Table, Integer>(actual, clientes); statusText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); statusText.setText(actual.getName() + " con " + clientes + " Clientes."); //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS",currentTable.getTable().getName()); } } if (resultCode == RESULT_CANCELED) { //Write your code if there's no result } if (resultCode == Setup.CLOSE_TABLE) { //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","volviendo de cerrar mesa"); actual = intent.getParcelableExtra("MIMESA"); //tomar mesa que se cierra, preguntar si es cancelar venta o pagar, si es cancelar borra de opentables, de orders etc y si es pagar, pone en currentsale y abre dialogo pagar if (actual != null) { //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","volviendo de cerrar mesa y no esta nulo"); //load tables view and allow to make order for it currentTable = new CurrentTable<Table, Integer>(actual, 0); //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","regreasa de dar clic en cerrar mesa con: "+currentTable.getTable().getName()); statusText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); statusText.setText("Cerrando: " + actual.getName()); openOtherWindow = true; openOtherWindowAction = OPEN_TABLE_ACTION; } } } // else continue with any other code you need in the method SharedPreferences defaultprefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); boolean layouttables = defaultprefs.getBoolean("arrange_tables", false); MenuItem tablelayouts = mMenu.findItem(; MenuItem showtables = mMenu.findItem(; boolean change = false; if (tablelayouts.isVisible() != layouttables) change = true; tablelayouts.setVisible(layouttables); showtables.setVisible(layouttables); if (change) { invalidateOptionsMenu(); } } /** * Sets the screen content based on the screen id. */ private void setScreenContent() { switch (lay) { case R.layout.splash: setSplashScreen(); break; case R.layout.home: setHomeScreenContent(); break; } } private final Handler mHandlerGet = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { JSONObject respuesta = null; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (respuesta != null) { int status = 0; try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // quitar loading dialogUpdateExtra.hide(); // dialogLogin.hide(); // Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(status), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (status == 1) { lay = R.layout.home; setScreenContent(); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Lo Sentimos, hay errores con el servidor pero en breve lo arreglaremos.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } } }; public void scanCode(View v) { redeemCoupon = false; IntentIntegrator integrator = new IntentIntegrator(this); integrator.initiateScan(); } @Override public void OnAddItemSelected(int item) { // Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(item), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // dependiendo de la posicion inicia la actividad necesaria para agregar // un ingrediente o una categoria o asi, y lo hace como un // dialogfragment con un formulario adentro. :) switch (item) { case 0: showAddIngredientFormDialog(); break; case 1: showAddProductFormDialog(); break; case 2: showAddComboFormDialog(); break; case 3: showAddIngredientCategoryFormDialog(); break; case 4: showAddProductCategoryFormDialog(); break; } } @Override public void OnAddIngredientSave(String name, IngredientCategory category, Tax tax, Unit unit, double costPerUnit, double pricePerUnit, double priceMeasure, Boolean editing, double qty) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Toast.makeText(mContext, name+" "+categoryId.getName(), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (!editing) { long date = System.currentTimeMillis(); Ingredient ingredient = null; try { ingredient = ingredientDatasource.createIngredient(name, category, tax, unit, costPerUnit, pricePerUnit, priceMeasure, qty, date, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ingredient != null) { ingredientes.add(ingredient); ingredientList.add(new Registrable(ingredient)); Toast.makeText(mContext, ingredient.getName() + " Creado Satisfactoriamente.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes createSyncRow("\"" + Setup.TABLE_INGREDIENTS + "\"", ingredient.getId(), ingredient.getSyncId(), "{\"name\": \"" + ingredient.getName() + "\",\"_id\":" + ingredient.getId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_CATEGORY_ID + "\": " + category.getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_TAX_ID + "\": " + tax.getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_UNIT + "\": " + unit.getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_COST_PER_UNIT + "\": " + costPerUnit + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_PRICE_PER_UNIT + "\": " + pricePerUnit + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_PRICE_MEASURE + "\":" + priceMeasure + " ,\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_QTY + "\": " + qty + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_DATE + "\":" + date + "}"); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Creando el Ingrediente '" + name + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } } else // se edito un ingrediente { Ingredient newIngredient = null; try { newIngredient = ingredientDatasource.updateIngredient(editItemId, name, category, tax, unit, costPerUnit, pricePerUnit, priceMeasure, qty); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (newIngredient != null) { ingredientes = ingredientDatasource.getAllIngredient(); ingredientList.remove(editingItemPositionInRegistrable); ingredientList.add(new Registrable(newIngredient)); editingItemPositionInRegistrable = -1; editItemId = -1; Toast.makeText(mContext, newIngredient.getName() + " Actualizado Satisfactoriamente.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes createSyncRow(Setup.TABLE_INGREDIENTS, newIngredient.getId(), newIngredient.getSyncId(), "{name: \"" + newIngredient.getName() + "\",_id:" + newIngredient.getId() + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_CATEGORY_ID + ": " + category.getSyncId() + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_TAX_ID + ": " + tax.getSyncId() + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_UNIT + ": " + unit.getSyncId() + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_COST_PER_UNIT + ": " + costPerUnit + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_PRICE_PER_UNIT + ": " + pricePerUnit + "," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_PRICE_MEASURE + ":" + priceMeasure + " ," + Setup.COLUMN_INGREDIENT_QTY + ": " + qty + "}"); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Actualizando el Ingrediente '" + name + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } } } @Override public void OnAddProductCategorySave(String name) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub ProductCategory categoryProduct = null; try { categoryProduct = productCategoryDatasource.createProductCategory(name, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (categoryProduct != null) { Toast.makeText(mContext, categoryProduct.getName() + " Creado Satisfactoriamente.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes productsCategories.add(categoryProduct); //create syncRow for syncronization with main server createSyncRow(Setup.TABLE_CATEGORY_PRODUCTS, categoryProduct.getId(), categoryProduct.getSyncId(), "{name: \"" + categoryProduct.getName() + "\",_id:" + categoryProduct.getId() + "}"); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Creando el Ingrediente '" + name + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } } @Override public void OnAddIngredientCategorySave(String name) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub IngredientCategory ingredientProduct = null; try { ingredientProduct = ingredientCategoryDatasource.createIngredientCategory(name, 0); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (ingredientProduct != null) { Toast.makeText(mContext, ingredientProduct.getName() + " Creado Satisfactoriamente.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes ingredientCategories.add(ingredientProduct); //create syncRow for syncronization with main server createSyncRow(Setup.TABLE_CATEGORY_INGREDIENTS, ingredientProduct.getId(), ingredientProduct.getSyncId(), "{name: \"" + ingredientProduct.getName() + "\",_id:" + ingredientProduct.getId() + "}"); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Creando el Ingrediente '" + name + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); // informar de cambios a lista de ingredientes } } //creates a SyncRow and tries to sync, if successfull deletes it, if not leaves it there for later synchronization retryal private void createSyncRow(String table, long rowId, long syncId, String fields) { SyncRow syncRow = null; try { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String deviceId = prefs.getString(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED_ID, "null"); if (deviceId.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { //Device not properly registered in nest5 big data. return; }; syncRow = syncRowDataSource.createSyncRow(deviceId, table, rowId, syncId, fields); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (syncRow != null) { if (isConnectedToInternet()) sendAllSyncRows(); //sync todas las que haya, si esta es la unica, total ser igual a uno y solo subir una, sino subir todas las que haya y habra un receiver para cada una. } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hubo Errores Creando el SyncRow '" + syncId + "'.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } //checks if there are old unsynced rows and tries to sync them private void sendAllSyncRows() { List<SyncRow> syncRows = null; try { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String deviceId = prefs.getString(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED_ID, "null"); if (deviceId.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { //Device not properly registered in nest5 big data. return; }; syncRows = syncRowDataSource.getAllSyncRows(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } totalSync = syncRows.size(); //////Log.i("SYNC", "syncrows en db: "+String.valueOf(syncRows.size())); for (int i = 0; i < syncRows.size(); i++) {//guardo cada row y si llega con xito resta uno SyncRow syncRow = syncRows.get(i); StringBuilder row = new StringBuilder(); row.append("{\"fields\":"); row.append(syncRow.getFields()); row.append(",\"device_id\":"); row.append(prefs.getString(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED_ID, "null")); row.append(",\"table\":"); row.append(syncRow.getTable()); row.append(",\"row_id\":"); row.append(syncRow.getRowId()); row.append(",\"time_created\":"); row.append(syncRow.getTimeCreated()); row.append(",\"sync_id\":"); row.append(syncRow.getSyncId()); row.append("}"); restService = new RestService(dataRowSent, mContext, Setup.PROD_BIGDATA_URL + "/rowOps/rowReceived"); restService.addParam("row", row.toString()); restService.addParam("sync_row_id", String.valueOf(syncRow.getId()));//se envia para que el servidor lo regrese y se sepa que row se estaba subiendo restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "empezando upload dataRow"); restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void updateMaxSales() { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String deviceId = prefs.getString(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED_ID, "null"); if (deviceId.equalsIgnoreCase("null")) { //Device not properly registered in nest5 big data. return; } restService = new RestService(updateMaxHandler, mContext, Setup.PROD_BIGDATA_URL + "/deviceOps/fetchMaxSale"); String jString = "{device_id:" + deviceID + "}"; restService.addParam("payload", jString); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Error empezando request de deviceid"); } } @Override public void OnIngredientCategorySelected(long id) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // tomar id de la categoria, buscar todos los ingredentes y populate la // gridview } @Override public void OnHomeObjectFragmentCreated(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub LinearLayout ll = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(; ll.removeAllViews(); String values[] = { "Combos", "Productos", "Ingredientes", "+Vendido", "Nuevo" }; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Button btnTag = (Button) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.template_button, null); btnTag.setText((values[i])); btnTag.setId(i); btnTag.setOnClickListener(typeButtonClickListener); ll.addView(btnTag); } SharedPreferences defaultprefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); boolean layouttables = defaultprefs.getBoolean("arrange_tables", false); itemsView = (GridView) v.findViewById(; statusText = (TextView) v.findViewById(; deviceText = (TextView) v.findViewById(; saleValue = (TextView) v.findViewById(; autoCompleteTextView = (AutoCompleteTextView) findViewById(; if (layouttables) { statusText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); //statusText.setText("No hay Mesa Seleccionada."); } else { statusText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); statusText.setText(""); } updateSaleValue(); pagarButton = (Button) v.findViewById(; guardarButton = (Button) v.findViewById(; pagarButton.setOnClickListener(payListener); guardarButton.setOnClickListener(saveListener); registerList = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); gridAdapter = new ImageAdapter(mContext, registerList, inflater, gridButtonListener); setGridContent(gridAdapter, comboList); ArrayList<String> registrables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Registrable actual : allRegistrables) { registrables.add(; } ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.list_item, registrables); autoCompleteTextView.setAdapter(adapter); autoCompleteTextView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) { String selection = (String) parent.getItemAtPosition(position); int pos = -1; for (int i = 0; i < allRegistrables.size(); i++) { if (allRegistrables.get(i).name.equalsIgnoreCase(selection)) { pos = i; break; } } if (pos > -1) { if (currentOrder.containsKey(allRegistrables.get(pos))) { currentOrder.put(allRegistrables.get(pos), currentOrder.get(allRegistrables.get(pos)) + 1); } else { currentOrder.put(allRegistrables.get(pos), 1); } makeTable(allRegistrables.get(pos).name); } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, "No Existe el tem", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } autoCompleteTextView.setText(""); autoCompleteTextView.setHint("Buscar tems para Registrar"); } }); autoCompleteTextView.setText(""); autoCompleteTextView.setHint("Buscar tems para Registrar"); // Tomar la tabla de la izquierda del home view table = (TableLayout) v.findViewById(; makeTable("NA"); deviceText.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mTCPPrint != null) { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); } new connectTask().execute(""); } }); } @Override public void OnSalesObjectFragmentCreated(View v) { Button closeBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; Button editBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; Button deleteBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; Button printBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; ordersList = (ListView) v.findViewById(; sale_name = (TextView) v.findViewById(; sale_details = (TextView) v.findViewById(; closeBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (currentSelectedPosition == -1) return; LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); currentOrder = currentSale; showPaymentFormDialog(); } }); printBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { showPrintInvoiceDialog(); } }); editBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (currentSelectedPosition == -1) return; currentOrder = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); currentTable = cookingOrdersTable.get(currentOrder); statusText.setText("Editando pedido " + currentTable.getTable().getName()); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); cookingOrders.remove(currentSelectedPosition); //cookingOrdersMethods.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersDelivery.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTogo.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersTip.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersDiscount.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersReceived.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTimes.remove(currentSale); openTables.remove(cookingOrdersTable.get(currentSale)); cookingOrdersTable.remove(currentSale); currentSelectedPosition = -1; //sendCommandMessage(DELETE_ALL_COMMAND); List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); // ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); makeTable("NA"); sale_name.setText("Nada Seleccionado"); sale_details.setText("No hay Detalles."); mViewPager.setCurrentItem(0); } }); deleteBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (currentSelectedPosition == -1) return; LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); cookingOrders.remove(currentSelectedPosition); //cookingOrdersMethods.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersDelivery.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTogo.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersTip.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersDiscount.remove(currentSale); //cookingOrdersReceived.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTimes.remove(currentSale); openTables.remove(cookingOrdersTable.get(currentSale)); cookingOrdersTable.remove(currentSale); currentSelectedPosition = -1; List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); sale_name.setText("Pedido Eliminado"); sale_details.setText("Selecciona otro para ver Detalles."); } }); List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); } @Override public void OnDailyObjectFragmentCreated(View v) { // Tomar la tabla de la izquierda del daily view dailyTable = (TableLayout) v.findViewById(; todayTableBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; allTableBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; todayTableBtn.setOnClickListener(tableTypeListener); allTableBtn.setOnClickListener(tableTypeListener); // makeDailyTable(TABLE_TYPE_TODAY); } @Override public void OnInventoryObjectFragmentCreated(View v) { // llenar el spinner con los ingredientes disponibles inventoryTable = (TableLayout) v.findViewById(; List<Ingredient> ingres = ingredientDatasource.getAllIngredient(); Spinner ingSpin = (Spinner) v.findViewById(; List<String> nombres = new ArrayList<String>(); String nombreActual = ""; for (Ingredient current : ingres) { String name = current.getName().trim().toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()); if (!nombreActual.equals(name)) { nombreActual = name; nombres.add(nombreActual); } } ArrayAdapter<String> adapt = new ArrayAdapter<String>(mContext, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_single_choice, nombres); ingSpin.setAdapter(adapt); ingSpin.setOnItemSelectedListener(ingSpinListener); } @Override public void OnNest5ReadObjectFragmentCreated(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub readCardBtn = (Button) v.findViewById(; readCardBtn.setOnClickListener(readMagneticCardListener); } @Override public void OnOrderFomrFragmentCreatedListener(View v) { Spinner addToOpenTable = (Spinner) v.findViewById(; TextView title = (TextView) v.findViewById(; if (openTables.size() > 0) { title.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); addToOpenTable.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ArrayList<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); nameTables.add("No, es una mesa nueva."); for (CurrentTable<Table, Integer> current : openTables) { nameTables.add(current.getTable().getName()); } ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(Initialactivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, nameTables); adapter.setDropDownViewResource(android.R.layout.simple_spinner_dropdown_item); addToOpenTable.setAdapter(adapter); addToOpenTable.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parentView, View selectedItemView, int position, long id) { int pos = position - 1; currentSelectedAddTable = pos; if (pos > -1) currentTable = openTables.get(pos); } @Override public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) { //currentSelectedAddTable = -1; } }); } else { title.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); addToOpenTable.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } } private OnClickListener readMagneticCardListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { /* Check the reset volume. */ if (checkResetVolume()) { mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Preparando Lector de Tarjetas..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; //mReader.reset(); } } }; // lectira manual de usuario, es decir con correo electronico, esto es un // metodo que viene del fragment de nest5ead @Override public void OnManualReadPressed(String email, Boolean redeem) { if (!redeem) { mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Sellando Tarjeta..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); restService = new RestService(recievePromoandUserHandler, mContext, Setup.PROD_URL + "/company/initManualStamp"); restService.addParam("company", prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0")); restService.addParam("email", email); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } else { mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Redimiendo Beneficios..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); restService = new RestService(recieveRedeemConfirm, mContext, Setup.PROD_URL + "/company/initManualRedeem"); restService.addParam("company", prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0")); restService.addParam("email", email); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } } private OnItemSelectedListener ingSpinListener = new OnItemSelectedListener() { @Override public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapter, View arg1, int position, long arg3) { if (adapter.getSelectedItem().toString() != null && !adapter.getSelectedItem().toString().isEmpty()) { List<Ingredient> ingredientes = ingredientDatasource .getAIngredientByName(adapter.getSelectedItem().toString()); makeInventoryTable(ingredientes); } } @Override public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> arg0) { } }; private OnClickListener tableTypeListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case saleList = saleDataSource.getAllSales(); makeDailyTable(TABLE_TYPE_ALL); break; case makeDailyTable(TABLE_TYPE_TODAY); break; } } }; private OnClickListener typeButtonClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(v.getId()), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); switch (v.getId()) { case 0: // traer todos los combos y ponerlos en el grid gridAdapter = new ImageAdapter(mContext, comboList, inflater, gridButtonListener); setGridContent(gridAdapter, comboList); break; case 1: // traer todos los productos y ponerlos en el grid // List<Product> products = productDatasource.getAllProduct(); // I need to arrange something like this: an object where type, // name, price gridAdapter = new ImageAdapter(mContext, productList, inflater, gridButtonListener); setGridContent(gridAdapter, productList); // Toast.makeText(mContext, // "Total de productos: "+String.valueOf(products.size()), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); break; case 2: gridAdapter = new ImageAdapter(mContext, ingredientList, inflater, gridButtonListener); ; setGridContent(gridAdapter, ingredientList); break; case 3: break; } } }; //ACA VOY REVISANDO CODIGO!!!! OnClickListener payListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hola", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); showOrderFormDialog(); } }; OnClickListener saveListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Toast.makeText(mContext, "Hola", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // showPaymentFormDialog(); if (currentList.size() == 0) return; String name = "Sin Nombre"; for (int i = frases.length; i > 0; i--) { shufflePhrases(); name = frases[0]; if (!savedOrders.containsKey(name)) { break; } } savedOrders.put(name, currentOrder); currentOrder.clear(); makeTable("NA"); Toast.makeText(mContext, "Venta Guardada con nombre: " + name, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }; private void setGridContent(ImageAdapter adapter, final List<Registrable> list) { currentList = list; itemsView.setAdapter(adapter); itemsView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) { // Toast.makeText(mContext, "" +list.get(position).price , // Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); if (currentOrder.containsKey(list.get(position))) { currentOrder.put(list.get(position), currentOrder.get(list.get(position)) + 1); } else { currentOrder.put(list.get(position), 1); } // Integer a = currentOrder.get(list.get(position)); // Toast.makeText(mContext, " "+a, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); makeTable(list.get(position).name); } }); itemsView.setOnItemLongClickListener(new OnItemLongClickListener() { @Override public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View view, int position, long id) { Registrable element = list.get(position); switch (element.type) { case Registrable.TYPE_INGREDIENT: Ingredient ingrediente = ingredientDatasource.getIngredient(; editItemId =; editingItemPositionInRegistrable = position; fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); AddIngredientForm addingredientDialog = new AddIngredientForm(ingredientCategories, taxes, units, ingrediente);, "fragment_edit_name"); break; case Registrable.TYPE_PRODUCT: Product producto = productDatasource.getProduct(; break; case Registrable.TYPE_COMBO: Combo combo = comboDatasource.getCombo(; break; } return true; } }); } OnClickListener gridButtonListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int position = v.getId(); // Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(v.getId()), // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); if (currentOrder.containsKey(currentList.get(position))) { currentOrder.put(currentList.get(position), currentOrder.get(currentList.get(position)) + 1); } else { currentOrder.put(currentList.get(position), 1); } // Integer a = currentOrder.get(list.get(position)); // Toast.makeText(mContext, " "+a, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); makeTable(currentList.get(position).name); } }; OnClickListener removeClickListener = new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { int position = v.getId(); Registrable selected = inTableRegistrable.get(position); // Toast.makeText(mContext,, // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); int qty = currentOrder.get(selected); if (qty - 1 == 0) { currentOrder.remove(selected); inTableRegistrable.remove(position); } else { currentOrder.put(selected, currentOrder.get(selected) - 1); } makeTable(; } }; private void makeTable(String name) { table.removeAllViews(); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = currentOrder.entrySet().iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>); // System.out.println(pairs.getKey() + " = " + pairs.getValue()); // it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.table_row, null); TextView tItem = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tQty = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tPrice = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; ImageButton rmvBtn = (ImageButton) tr.findViewById(; tItem.setText(pairs.getKey().name); tQty.setText(String.valueOf(pairs.getValue())); tPrice.setText(String.valueOf(pairs.getKey().price)); if (name == pairs.getKey().name) { tr.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#55222222")); } rmvBtn.setOnClickListener(removeClickListener); rmvBtn.setId(i); table.addView(tr); // Draw separator TextView tv = new TextView(mContext); tv.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#80808080")); tv.setHeight(2); table.addView(tv); inTableRegistrable.add(i, pairs.getKey()); i++; } } private void makeDailyTable(int TABLE_TYPE) { dailyTable.removeAllViews(); Double total = 0.0; DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,###"); TextView tv = new TextView(mContext); tv.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#80808080")); tv.setHeight(2); TableRow tr1 = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tItem1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tAccount1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tVal1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tTot1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; tDate1.setText("FECHA"); tAccount1.setText("CUENTA"); tItem1.setText("ITEM"); tVal1.setText("VALOR"); tTot1.setText("TOTAL"); tr1.setBackgroundColor(Color.CYAN); dailyTable.addView(tr1); dailyTable.addView(tv); //actualizar sales de hoy Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar tomorrow = Calendar.getInstance(); today.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); today.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); today.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); today.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); today.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); tomorrow.roll(Calendar.DATE, 1); tomorrow.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); tomorrow.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); init = today.getTimeInMillis(); end = tomorrow.getTimeInMillis(); Log.d("GUARDANDOVENTA", today.toString()); Log.d("GUARDANDOVENTA", tomorrow.toString()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); Log.d(TAG, now.toString()); Log.d(TAG, "Diferencia entre tiempos: " + String.valueOf(end - init)); salesFromToday = saleDataSource.getAllSalesWithin(init, end); List<Sale> usingSales = salesFromToday; switch (TABLE_TYPE) { case TABLE_TYPE_TODAY: usingSales = salesFromToday; break; case TABLE_TYPE_ALL: usingSales = saleList; break; } for (Sale currentSale : usingSales) { double totalLocal = 0.0; LinkedHashMap<Combo, Double> combos = currentSale.getCombos(); LinkedHashMap<Product, Double> products = currentSale.getProducts(); LinkedHashMap<Ingredient, Double> ingredients = currentSale.getIngredients(); Log.w("DAYILETABLES", " " + combos.size() + " " + products.size() + " " + ingredients.size()); Iterator<Entry<Combo, Double>> it = combos.entrySet().iterator(); Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.setTimeInMillis(currentSale.getDate()); String fecha = date.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "/" + date.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "\n" + date.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + date.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + date.get(Calendar.SECOND); String account = currentSale.getPaymentMethod(); while (it.hasNext()) { TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tItem = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tAccount = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tVal = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; Map.Entry<Combo, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Combo, Double>); Double value = pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice(); tDate.setText(fecha); tAccount.setText(account); tItem.setText(pair.getKey().getName() + " en Combo"); tVal.setText(dec.format(value)); tTot.setText("----"); total += value; totalLocal += value; dailyTable.addView(tr); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } Iterator<Entry<Product, Double>> it2 = products.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Product, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Product, Double>); TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tItem = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tAccount = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tVal = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; Double value = pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice(); tDate.setText(fecha); tAccount.setText(account); tItem.setText(pair.getKey().getName()); tVal.setText(dec.format(value)); tTot.setText("----"); total += value; totalLocal += value; dailyTable.addView(tr); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } Iterator<Entry<Ingredient, Double>> it3 = ingredients.entrySet().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double>); TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tItem = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tAccount = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tVal = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; Double value = pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice(); tDate.setText(fecha); tAccount.setText(account); tItem.setText(pair.getKey().getName()); tVal.setText(dec.format(value)); tTot.setText("----"); total += value; totalLocal += value; dailyTable.addView(tr); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tItem = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tAccount = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tVal = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; tDate.setText(fecha); tAccount.setText("-------"); tItem.setText("Ingreso por Ventas"); tVal.setText("----"); tTot.setText(dec.format(totalLocal)); tr.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY); dailyTable.addView(tr); TableRow tr2 = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.daily_table_row, null); TextView tDate2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tItem2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tAccount2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tVal2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tTot2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; tDate2.setText(fecha); tAccount2.setText("-------"); tItem2.setText("Acumulado por Ventas"); tVal2.setText("----"); tTot2.setText(dec.format(total)); tr2.setBackgroundColor(Color.GRAY); dailyTable.addView(tr2); } } private void makeInventoryTable(List<Ingredient> ingredients) { inventoryTable.removeAllViews(); Double total = 0.0; DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,###"); TextView tv = new TextView(mContext); tv.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#80808080")); tv.setHeight(2); TableRow tr1 = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.inventory_table_row, null); TextView tDate1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tItem1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tAccount1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tVal1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tTot1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; TextView tTotTot1 = (TextView) tr1.findViewById(; tDate1.setText("FECHA"); tAccount1.setText("CANTIDAD"); tItem1.setText("TIPO"); tVal1.setText("VALOR\nUNIDAD"); tTot1.setText("TOTAL\nITEM"); tTotTot1.setText("TOTAL"); tr1.setBackgroundColor(Color.CYAN); inventoryTable.addView(tr1); inventoryTable.addView(tv); for (Ingredient current : ingredients) { Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.setTimeInMillis(current.getDate()); String fecha = date.get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + date.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "/" + date.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "\n" + date.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + date.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + date.get(Calendar.SECOND); Double localVal = current.getQty() * current.getCostPerUnit(); total += localVal; TableRow tr = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.inventory_table_row, null); TextView tDate = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tType = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tQty = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tVal = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; TextView tTotTot = (TextView) tr.findViewById(; tDate.setText(fecha); tType.setText("E"); tQty.setText(String.valueOf(current.getQty())); tVal.setText(dec.format(current.getCostPerUnit())); tTot.setText(dec.format(localVal)); tTotTot.setText(" ----- "); inventoryTable.addView(tr); } TableRow tr2 = (TableRow) getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.inventory_table_row, null); TextView tDate2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tType2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tQty2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tVal2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tTot2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; TextView tTotTot2 = (TextView) tr2.findViewById(; tDate2.setText("------"); tType2.setText("-----"); tQty2.setText("-----"); tVal2.setText("-----"); tTot2.setText("TOTAL GENERAL"); tTotTot2.setText(dec.format(total)); tr2.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY); inventoryTable.addView(tr2); } public static double roundWhole(double d) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#"); return Double.valueOf(twoDForm.format(d)); } @Override public void OnAddProductSave(String name, ProductCategory category, double cost, double price, Tax tax) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if ((name == null) || (category == null)) { showAddProductCategoryFormDialog(); } else { showCreateProductFormDialog(name, category, cost, price, tax); } } @Override public void OnProductCreated(Boolean status, LinkedHashMap<Ingredient, Double> ingredents, Product product) { if (status) { Iterator<Entry<Ingredient, Double>> it = ingredents.entrySet().iterator(); StringBuilder ingredientes = new StringBuilder(); ingredientes.append("["); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double> ingredientPair = (Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double>); product.addIngredient(dbHelper, ingredientPair.getKey(), ingredientPair.getValue()); Toast.makeText(mContext, "Ingrediente: " + ingredientPair.getKey() + " Cantidad: " + ingredientPair.getValue(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); if (i != 0) { ingredientes.append(","); } ingredientes.append("{\"sync_id\": " + ingredientPair.getKey().getSyncId() + ",\"qty\": " + ingredientPair.getValue() + "}"); i++; } product.refreshIngredients(dbHelper); productos.add(product); //crear syncrow productList.add(new Registrable(product)); ingredientes.append("]"); createSyncRow("\"" + Setup.TABLE_PRODUCTS + "\"", product.getId(), product.getSyncId(), "{\"" + Setup.COLUMN_NAME + "\": \"" + product.getName() + "\",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_PRODUCT_AUTOMATIC + "\":" + product.isAutomaticCost() + ",\"_id\":" + product.getId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID + "\": " + product.getCategory().getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_PRODUCT_TAX_ID + "\": " + product.getTax().getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_PRODUCT_COST + "\": " + product.getCost() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_PRODUCT_PRICE + "\": " + product.getPrice() + ",\"ingredients\": " + ingredientes.toString() + "}"); //hacer la forma que cuando se reciba esto, se creen los ingredientes (la base de datos debe exportar la forma) } else { productDatasource.deleteProduct(product); } } @Override public void OnComboCreated(Boolean status, LinkedHashMap<Ingredient, Double> ingredents, LinkedHashMap<Product, Double> products, String name, Double cost, Double price, Tax tax) { if (status) { Combo combo = comboDatasource.createCombo(name, 0, cost, price, tax, 0); Iterator<Entry<Ingredient, Double>> it = ingredents.entrySet().iterator(); StringBuilder ingredientes = new StringBuilder(); ingredientes.append("["); StringBuilder productos = new StringBuilder(); productos.append("["); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double> ingredientPair = (Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double>); combo.addIngredient(dbHelper, ingredientPair.getKey(), ingredientPair.getValue()); if (i != 0) { ingredientes.append(","); } ingredientes.append("{\"sync_id\": " + ingredientPair.getKey().getSyncId() + ",\"qty\": " + ingredientPair.getValue() + "}"); i++; // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } ingredientes.append("]"); Iterator<Entry<Product, Double>> pt = products.entrySet().iterator(); int j = 0; while (pt.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Product, Double> productPair = (Map.Entry<Product, Double>); combo.addProduct(dbHelper, productPair.getKey(), productPair.getValue()); if (j != 0) { productos.append(","); } productos.append("{\"sync_id\": " + productPair.getKey().getSyncId() + ",\"qty\": " + productPair.getValue() + "}"); j++; } productos.append("]"); createSyncRow("\"" + Setup.TABLE_COMBOS + "\"", combo.getId(), combo.getSyncId(), "{\"name\": \"" + combo.getName() + "\",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_COMBO_AUTOMATIC + "\":" + combo.isAutomaticCost() + ",\"_id\":" + combo.getId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_COMBO_TAX_ID + "\": " + combo.getTax().getSyncId() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_COMBO_COST + "\": " + combo.getCost() + ",\"" + Setup.COLUMN_COMBO_PRICE + "\": " + combo.getPrice() + ",\"ingredients\": " + ingredientes.toString() + ",\"products\": " + productos.toString() + "}"); combo.refreshIngredients(dbHelper); combo.refreshProducts(dbHelper); combos.add(combo); comboList.add(new Registrable(combo)); } else { } } @Override public void OnPayClicked(String method, double value, double discount, int tipp) { currentOrder = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); int togo = 0; int delivery = 0; try { togo = cookingOrdersTogo.get(currentOrder) != null ? cookingOrdersTogo.get(currentOrder) : 0; delivery = cookingOrdersDelivery.get(currentOrder) != null ? cookingOrdersDelivery.get(currentOrder) : 0; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int number = checkSaleNumber(); //si falla se resta un numero de las ventas actuales mas adelante,. if (number > 0) { saveSale(method, value, discount, delivery, togo, tipp); Date date = new Date(); String fecha = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm:ss").format(date); //String fecha = DateFormat.getDateFormat(Initialactivity.this).format( // date); // imprimir, conectar por wifi y enviar el texto arregladito a la app de // puente String mesa = "DOMICILIO / PARA LLEVAR"; if (currentTable != null) { mesa = currentTable.getTable().getName().toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } int lines = 0; StringBuilder factura = new StringBuilder(); //factura.append("MR. PASTOR COMIDA\r\nRaPIDA MEXICANA" + "\r\n"); SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String empresa = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NAME, "Nombre de Empresa"); String nit = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NIT, "000000000-0"); String email = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_EMAIL, ""); String pagina = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_URL, ""); String direccion = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ADDRESS, "Direccin Fsica Empresa"); String telefono = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_TEL, "555-55-55"); String mensaje = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_MESSAGE, "No hay ningn mensaje configurado an. En el mensaje es recomendable mencionar tus redes sociales, benficios y promociones que tengas, adems de informacin de inters paratus clientes. "); String propina = prefs.getString(Setup.TIP_MESSAGE, "No hay ningn mensaje de propina configurado an. "); String resolution = prefs.getString(Setup.RESOLUTION_MESSAGE, "Resolucin de facturacin No. 00000-0000 de 1970 DIAN"); int currentSale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); factura.append(empresa + "\r\n"); factura.append(nit + "\r\n"); factura.append(direccion + "\r\n"); factura.append(telefono + "\r\n"); factura.append(email + "\r\n"); factura.append(pagina + "\r\n"); factura.append(resolution + "\r\n"); factura.append("Factura de Venta No. " + String.valueOf(currentSale) + "\r\n"); lines++; factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(fecha); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(mesa); lines++; lines++; lines++; factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(" Item Cantidad Precio\r\n"); lines++; Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = currentOrder.entrySet().iterator(); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Valor de currentOrder"+String.valueOf(currentOrder.size())); // Log.d(TAG,String.valueOf(currentOrder.size())); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>(); float base = 0; float iva = 0; float total = 0; ArrayList<String> productos = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> quantities = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> precios = new ArrayList<String>(); while (it.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>) it .next(); currentObjects.put(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue()); String name = pairs.getKey().name; int longName = name.length(); int subLength = 14 - longName; if (subLength < 0) name = name.substring(0, 14); int espacios1 = 4; int espacios2 = 12; if (name.length() < 14) { espacios1 += 14 - name.length(); } factura.append(name); productos.add(name); int qtyL = String.valueOf(pairs.getValue()).length(); float precioiva = (float) Math .round(pairs.getKey().price + pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getKey().tax); base += (float) Math.round(pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getValue()); iva += (float) Math.round((pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getKey().tax) * pairs.getValue()); total += precioiva * pairs.getValue(); int priceL = String.valueOf(precioiva).length(); espacios1 = espacios1 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios1 = 1 : espacios1 - qtyL; espacios2 = espacios2 - priceL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - priceL; espacios2 = espacios2 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - qtyL; for (int k = 0; k < espacios1; k++) { factura.append(" "); } factura.append(pairs.getValue()); for (int k = 0; k < espacios2; k++) { factura.append(" "); } quantities.add(String.valueOf(pairs.getValue())); factura.append("$"); factura.append(precioiva); factura.append("\r\n"); precios.add("$" + precioiva); lines++; } float propvalue = 0; if (tipp == 1) propvalue = (float) Math.round(total * 0.1); float descuento = 0; if (discount > 0) { descuento = (float) Math.round(base - (base * (discount / 0))); } lines++; lines++; factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\r\n"); factura.append("BASE: $" + base + "\r\n"); factura.append("Descuento (" + discount + "): $" + descuento + "\r\n"); factura.append("Imp.: $" + iva + "\r\n"); factura.append("SUBTOTAL: $" + Math.round(total - descuento) + "\r\n"); factura.append("PROPINA: $" + propvalue + "\r\n"); float precfinal = propvalue + total - descuento; factura.append("TOTAL: $" + precfinal + "\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); lines++; factura.append(propina + "\r\n"); factura.append(mensaje); String send = factura.toString(); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS",factura.toString()); // Enviar un string diferente que lleva la orden actual. // new WiFiSend().execute(comanda.toString());// enviar el mensaje de // verdad int[] arrayOfInt = new int[2]; arrayOfInt[0] = 27; arrayOfInt[1] = 64; int[] array2 = new int[3]; array2[0] = 27; array2[1] = 74; array2[2] = 2; StringBuilder builder1 = new StringBuilder(); for (int h = 0; h < 2; h++) { builder1.append(Character.toChars(arrayOfInt[h])); } StringBuilder builder2 = new StringBuilder(); builder2.append(Character.toChars(10)); StringBuilder complete = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(builder1.toString())) .append(String.valueOf(builder2.toString())); String enviar = complete.toString(); Boolean printed = true; try { if (mChatService.getState() == mChatService.STATE_CONNECTED) { try { mChatService.write(factura.toString().getBytes("x-UnicodeBig")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { printed = false; Toast.makeText(mContext, "No hay impresora bluetooth conectada.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { printed = false; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!printed) {//buscar impresora TCP/IP StringBuilder formateado = new StringBuilder(); formateado.append(CLEAR_PRINTER); formateado.append(INITIALIZE_PRINTER); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_CENTER); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(empresa); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(nit); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(direccion); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(telefono); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(email); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(pagina); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("Factura de Venta No." + String.valueOf(currentSale)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(resolution); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(fecha); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(mesa); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append("ITEM"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("CANT."); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("PRECIO"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); for (String actual : productos) { int pos = productos.indexOf(actual); String cantidad = quantities.get(pos); String precio = precios.get(pos); formateado.append(actual); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("x" + cantidad); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(precio); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); } formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append("BASE:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + base); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("DESCUENTO (:" + discount + "%)"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + descuento); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("Impuesto:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + iva); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("SUBTOTAL:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + Math.round(total - descuento)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("PROPINA:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + propvalue); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("TOTAL:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + precfinal); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(ITALIC_STYLE); formateado.append(propina); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(mensaje); formateado.append(ITALIC_CANCEL); formateado.append(FINALIZE_TICKET); formateado.append(FULL_CUT); if (mTCPPrint != null) { if (mTCPPrint.getStatus() == TCPPrint.CONNECTED) { mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); } else { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Estamos tratando de reconectarnos e imprimir. Si no funciona, reinicia la Red o la impresora y ve a rdenes para imprimir el pedido."); } } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Trataremos en este momento de nuevo de imprimir el pedido. Si no funciona, reinicia la red o la impreso y ve a rdenes para imprimir de nuevo la orden."); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); } } currentOrder.clear(); //NUEVOO makeTable("NA"); } else { alertbox("!ATENCIN!", "Esta venta no se puede facturar. Este dispositivo no tiene ms facturas autorizadas. Consulta el administrador, o si tu lo eres, ve a tu panel de control Nest5 y autoriza ms facturas. Para ms informacin:"); } } private static OnItemClickListener orderListListener = new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> adapter, View v, int pos, long arg3) { currentSelectedPosition = pos; //Toast.makeText(mContext, String.valueOf(currentSelectedPosition), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); sale_name.setText("Venta #" + pos + " en Cola."); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> order = cookingOrders.get(pos); // Log.d(TAG,cookingOrders.toString()); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = (cookingOrders.get(pos)).entrySet().iterator(); // Log.d(TAG,String.valueOf(cookingOrders.size())); while (it.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>) it .next(); sb.append(pairs.getValue()); sb.append("\t"); sb.append(pairs.getKey().name); sb.append("\n"); } // Log.d(TAG,sb.toString()); // sale_details.setMaxLines(cookingOrders.size()); sale_details.setText(sb.toString()); } }; @Override public void OnPrintSelect(int Type) { LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> imprimiendo = cookingOrders.get(currentSelectedPosition); Date date = new Date(); String fecha = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm:ss").format(date); String mesa = "DOMICILIO / PARA LLEVAR"; CurrentTable<Table, Integer> mesaActual = cookingOrdersTable.get(imprimiendo); if (mesaActual != null) { mesa = mesaActual.getTable().getName().toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } StringBuilder factura = new StringBuilder(); SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String empresa = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NAME, "Nombre de Empresa"); String nit = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NIT, "000000000-0"); String email = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_EMAIL, ""); String pagina = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_URL, ""); String direccion = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ADDRESS, "Direccin Fsica Empresa"); String telefono = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_TEL, "555-55-55"); String mensaje = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_MESSAGE, "No hay ningn mensaje configurado an. En el mensaje es recomendable mencionar tus redes sociales, benficios y promociones que tengas, adems de informacin de inters paratus clientes. "); String propina = prefs.getString(Setup.TIP_MESSAGE, "No hay ningn mensaje de propina configurado an. "); String resolution = prefs.getString(Setup.RESOLUTION_MESSAGE, "Resolucin de facturacin No. 00000-0000 de 1970 DIAN"); //int currentSale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); factura.append("COPIA DE ORDEN\r\n"); factura.append("NO VLIDO COMO FACTURA\r\n"); factura.append("--------------------\r\n"); factura.append(empresa + "\r\n"); factura.append(empresa + "\r\n"); factura.append(nit + "\r\n"); factura.append(direccion + "\r\n"); factura.append(telefono + "\r\n"); factura.append(email + "\r\n"); factura.append(pagina + "\r\n"); factura.append(resolution + "\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(fecha); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(mesa); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(" Item Cantidad Precio\r\n"); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = imprimiendo.entrySet().iterator(); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Valor de currentOrder"+String.valueOf(currentOrder.size())); // Log.d(TAG,String.valueOf(currentOrder.size())); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>(); float base = 0; float iva = 0; float total = 0; ArrayList<String> productos = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> quantities = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> precios = new ArrayList<String>(); while (it.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>); currentObjects.put(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue()); String name = pairs.getKey().name; int longName = name.length(); int subLength = 14 - longName; if (subLength < 0) name = name.substring(0, 14); int espacios1 = 4; int espacios2 = 12; if (name.length() < 14) { espacios1 += 14 - name.length(); } factura.append(name); productos.add(name); int qtyL = String.valueOf(pairs.getValue()).length(); float precioiva = (float) Math.round(pairs.getKey().price + pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getKey().tax); base += (float) Math.round(pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getValue()); iva += (float) Math.round((pairs.getKey().price * pairs.getKey().tax) * pairs.getValue()); total += precioiva * pairs.getValue(); int priceL = String.valueOf(precioiva).length(); espacios1 = espacios1 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios1 = 1 : espacios1 - qtyL; espacios2 = espacios2 - priceL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - priceL; espacios2 = espacios2 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - qtyL; for (int k = 0; k < espacios1; k++) { factura.append(" "); } factura.append(pairs.getValue()); quantities.add(String.valueOf(pairs.getValue())); for (int k = 0; k < espacios2; k++) { factura.append(" "); } factura.append("$"); factura.append(precioiva); factura.append("\r\n"); precios.add("$" + precioiva); } factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\r\n"); factura.append("BASE: $" + base + "\r\n"); factura.append("Imp.: $" + iva + "\r\n"); factura.append("SUBTOTAL: $" + total + "\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(propina + "\r\n"); factura.append(mensaje); Boolean printed = true; try { if (mChatService.getState() == mChatService.STATE_CONNECTED) { try { mChatService.write(factura.toString().getBytes("x-UnicodeBig")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { printed = false; Toast.makeText(mContext, "No hay impresora bluetooth conectada.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { printed = false; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!printed) {//buscar impresora TCP/IP StringBuilder formateado = new StringBuilder(); formateado.append(CLEAR_PRINTER); formateado.append(INITIALIZE_PRINTER); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_CENTER); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("CUENTA PEDIDO No." + String.valueOf(currentSelectedPosition + 1)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(fecha); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(mesa); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("NO VLIDO COMO FACTURA DE VENTA"); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x03); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append("ITEM"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("CANT."); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("PRECIO"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); for (String actual : productos) { int pos = productos.indexOf(actual); String cantidad = quantities.get(pos); String precio = precios.get(pos); formateado.append(actual); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("x" + cantidad); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(precio); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); } formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append("BASE:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + base); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("Impuesto:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + iva); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("TOTAL:"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("$" + total); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(ITALIC_STYLE); formateado.append(propina); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("DESEA INCLUIRLA?"); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append("SI: |____|"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("NO:|____|"); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(mensaje); formateado.append(ITALIC_CANCEL); formateado.append(FINALIZE_TICKET); formateado.append(FULL_CUT); if (mTCPPrint != null) { if (mTCPPrint.getStatus() == TCPPrint.CONNECTED) { mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); } else { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Estamos tratando de reconectarnos e imprimir. Si no funciona, reinicia la Red o la impresora y ve a rdenes para imprimir el pedido."); } } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Trataremos en este momento de nuevo de imprimir el pedido. Si no funciona, reinicia la red o la impreso y ve a rdenes para imprimir de nuevo la orden."); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); } } //currentOrder.clear(); //NUEVOO //makeTable("NA"); List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); currentSelectedPosition = -1; }; @Override public void OnTableActionSelect(int Type) { if (Type == CloseTableForm.CANCEL_ORDER) { if (currentTable == null) return; LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale = null; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> mesa : cookingOrdersTable .entrySet()) { if (mesa.getValue().getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentTable.getTable().getName())) { currentSale = mesa.getKey(); break; } } if (currentSale != null) { //currentTable = null; cookingOrders.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersDelivery.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTimes.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTogo.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTable.remove(currentSale); for (CurrentTable<Table, Integer> actual : openTables) { if (actual.getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentTable.getTable().getName())) { openTables.remove(actual); break; } } currentTable = null; statusText.setText("Orden de Mesa cancelada con xito."); } List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); } if (Type == CloseTableForm.PRINT_INVOICE) { if (currentTable == null) return; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> mesa : cookingOrdersTable .entrySet()) { if (mesa.getValue().getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentTable.getTable().getName())) { currentOrder = mesa.getKey(); currentSelectedPosition = cookingOrders.indexOf(mesa.getKey()); break; } } if (currentOrder == null) return; showPaymentFormDialog(); } } private void onZReportSelect() { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); mResetProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Recibiendo Informacin Actualizada..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; restService = new RestService(receivedZReport, mContext, Setup.PROD_BIGDATA_URL + "/databaseOps/zReport"); restService.addParam("company", prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0")); restService.addParam("reportDate", "04/01/2014-04/30/2014"); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } private void shufflePhrases() { Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = frases.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int index = rnd.nextInt(i + 1); // Simple swap String a = frases[index]; frases[index] = frases[i]; frases[i] = a; } } private void sendCommandMessage(int msgCode) { switch (msgCode) { case DELETE_ALL_COMMAND: StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append("N5AT-2\n"); new WiFiSend().execute(str.toString()); // sigue a SEND_ALL para agregar los nuevos compras case SEND_ALL_COMMAND: for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale : cookingOrders) { str = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = currentSale.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pair = (Map.Entry<Registrable, Integer>); str.append(pair.getValue()); str.append(" -----> "); str.append(pair.getKey().name); str.append("\n"); } new WiFiSend().execute(str.toString()); } break; } } private class WiFiSend extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> { protected Void doInBackground(String... msg) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { socket = new Socket(connectedIp, 8100); wifiOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); wifiInputStream = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); Log.d(TAG, msg[0]); wifiOutputStream.writeUTF(msg[0]); // textIn.setText(dataInputStream.readUTF()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (socket != null) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (wifiOutputStream != null) { try { wifiOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (wifiInputStream != null) { try { wifiInputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } } @Override public void showDetails(WifiP2pDevice device) { Toast.makeText(mContext, "Conectando con: " + device.deviceName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); isConnecting = true; WifiP2pConfig config = new WifiP2pConfig(); config.deviceAddress = device.deviceAddress; config.wps.setup = WpsInfo.PBC; statusText.setText("Conectando con: " + device.deviceName); connect(config); } @Override public void connect(WifiP2pConfig config) { manager.connect(channel, config, new ActionListener() { @Override public void onSuccess() { // WiFiDirectBroadcastReceiver will notify us. Ignore for now. } @Override public void onFailure(int reason) { Toast.makeText(Initialactivity.this, "La conexin fall. Reintntalo de nuevo.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); } @Override public void disconnect() { manager.removeGroup(channel, new ActionListener() { @Override public void onFailure(int reasonCode) { Log.d(TAG, "La desconexin fall, la razn es:" + reasonCode); } @Override public void onSuccess() { // fragment.getView().setVisibility(View.GONE); } }); } @Override public void cancelDisconnect() { /* * A cancel abort request by user. Disconnect i.e. removeGroup if * already connected. Else, request WifiP2pManager to abort the ongoing * request */ } @Override public void onPeersAvailable(WifiP2pDeviceList peerList) { if (!isConnecting) { List<WifiP2pDevice> peers = new ArrayList<WifiP2pDevice>(); peers.clear(); peers.addAll(peerList.getDeviceList()); // ((WiFiPeerListAdapter) deviceAdapter).notifyDataSetChanged(); if (peers.size() == 0) { Log.d(Initialactivity.TAG, "No devices found"); return; } else { fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); WifiDirectDialog wifiDirectdialog = new WifiDirectDialog(peers);, "fragment_edit_name"); } } } @Override public void onChannelDisconnected() { // we will try once more if (manager != null && !retryChannel) { Toast.makeText(this, "Se perdi la conexin con el canal, intntalo de nuevo.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); // resetData(); retryChannel = true; manager.initialize(this, getMainLooper(), this); } else { Toast.makeText(this, "Error grave!. Se perdi por completo la conexin con dispositivos. Reintenta Desactivando/Activando WifiDirect otra vez.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } @Override public void onConnectionInfoAvailable(WifiP2pInfo info) { // The owner IP is now known. // TextView view = (TextView) findViewById(; Toast.makeText(mContext, "Conectado a un dispositivo", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); /* * statusText.setText("Group Owner: " + ((info.isGroupOwner == true) ? * "Si" : "No")); */ deviceText.setText("Comandas conectadas."); isConnected = true; // InetAddress from WifiP2pInfo struct. // view = (TextView) findViewById(; statusText.setText("IP: - " + info.groupOwnerAddress.getHostAddress()); connectedIp = info.groupOwnerAddress.getHostAddress(); } public void resetData() { if (deviceText != null) { isConnecting = false; isConnected = false; Toast.makeText(mContext, "Comandas Desconectadas", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); deviceText.setText("Desconectado."); statusText.setText("Desconectado."); connectedIp = null; try { playSound(mContext); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SecurityException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } public void playSound(Context context) throws IllegalArgumentException, SecurityException, IllegalStateException, IOException { Uri soundUri = RingtoneManager.getDefaultUri(RingtoneManager.TYPE_NOTIFICATION); MediaPlayer mMediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mMediaPlayer.setDataSource(context, soundUri); final AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager) context.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); if (audioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM) != 0) { mMediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM); mMediaPlayer.setLooping(false); mMediaPlayer.prepare(); mMediaPlayer.start(); } } protected static void startTimer() { isTimerRunning = true; timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { public void run() { } }, 0, 60000); } private static class ContadorMinutos implements Runnable { private WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public ContadorMinutos(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } public void run() { currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // increase every sec threadMsg(); } private void threadMsg() { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); activity.mHandler.postDelayed(activity.contador, 60 * 1000); activity.mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } } public static class MHandler extends Handler { private WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public MHandler(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } try { SaleAdapter cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(activity, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; /*BLUETOOTH*/ @Override public void onDeviceSelected(String address) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Toast.makeText(this, "address--->" + address, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // Get the BLuetoothDevice object BluetoothDevice device = mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); try { device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(uuid); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } // Attempt to connect to the device mChatService.connect(device); //mSerialService.connect(device); } private void updateSaleValue() { Double total = 0.0; for (Sale currentSale : salesFromToday) { LinkedHashMap<Combo, Double> combos = currentSale.getCombos(); LinkedHashMap<Product, Double> products = currentSale.getProducts(); LinkedHashMap<Ingredient, Double> ingredients = currentSale.getIngredients(); Iterator<Entry<Combo, Double>> it = combos.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Combo, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Combo, Double>); total += (pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice()); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } Iterator<Entry<Product, Double>> it2 = products.entrySet().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Product, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Product, Double>); total += (pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice()); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } Iterator<Entry<Ingredient, Double>> it3 = ingredients.entrySet().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double> pair = (Map.Entry<Ingredient, Double>); if (pair.getKey() != null) total += (pair.getValue() * pair.getKey().getPrice()); // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } DecimalFormat dec = new DecimalFormat("$###,###,###"); saleValue.setText("Ventas del Da: " + dec.format(total)); } } /** * * FUNCIONES DE LECTOR DE TARJETAS MAGNETICAS ACR31 DE ADVANCE CARD SYSTEMS * LTD ACS LTD * * * * * Checks the reset volume. * * @return true if current volume is equal to maximum volume. */ /* Set the reset complete callback. */ private void showMessageDialog(String titleId, String messageId) { AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext); builder.setMessage(messageId).setTitle(titleId).setPositiveButton("Aceptar", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { dialog.dismiss(); } });; } private boolean checkResetVolume() { boolean ret = true; int currentVolume = mAudioManager.getStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); int maxVolume = mAudioManager.getStreamMaxVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); if (currentVolume < maxVolume) { showMessageDialog("Atencin", "Para leer una tarjeta Nest5 debes subir el volumen de tu dispositivo al mximo."); ret = false; } return ret; } /** * Converts the byte array to HEX string. * * @param buffer * the buffer. * @return the HEX string. */ private String toHexString(byte[] buffer) { String bufferString = ""; for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { String hexChar = Integer.toHexString(buffer[i] & 0xFF); if (hexChar.length() == 1) { hexChar = "0" + hexChar; } bufferString += hexChar.toUpperCase(Locale.US) + " "; } return bufferString; } private void checkLogin() { prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); if (!prefs.getBoolean(Setup.LOGGED_IN, false)) { prefs.edit().putBoolean(Setup.LOGGED_IN, false).putString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0") .putString(Setup.COMPANY_NAME, "N/A").commit(); Intent inten = new Intent(mContext, LoginActivity.class); startActivity(inten); } if (!prefs.getBoolean(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED, false)) { //forces logout so the user logs in again and the device gets registered prefs.edit().putBoolean(Setup.LOGGED_IN, false).putString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0") .putString(Setup.COMPANY_NAME, "N/A").putBoolean(Setup.DEVICE_REGISTERED, false).commit(); Intent inten = new Intent(mContext, LoginActivity.class); startActivity(inten); } } private void backUpDb() { //si hay syncrows sin guardar no descarga nada sino que las sube y luego la descargar, si no lo logra, no baja nada y notifica //por elmomento si hay filas, se trata de subir si hay conexion a internt y se dice q se vuelva a undri el boton List<SyncRow> syncRows = null;; syncRows = syncRowDataSource.getAllSyncRows(); if (syncRows.size() > 0) {//avisa que habia filas sin guardar en el servidor, revisa internet, si no hay avisa, si lo hay las sube y dice que vuelva a intentar if (isConnectedToInternet()) { sendAllSyncRows(); //alerta alertbox("Oops!", "Parece que hay registros de ventas o inventario sin guardar. Intentaremos sincronizar de nuevo y luego por favor presiona el botn otra vez."); } else {//avisa que no hay internet, si el problema persiste entrar a //alerta alertbox("Oops!", "Para esta operacin debes estar conectado a Internet. Conctate y vuelve a presionar el botn."); } } else { if (isConnectedToInternet()) { mResetProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Sincronizando Base de Datos, esto puede tardar unos minutos..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; saveFileRecord(); } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Para esta operacin debes estar conectado a Internet. Conctate y vuelve a presionar el botn."); } } } // Amazon S3 Upload Images guarda el archivo en base de datos recibe nombre // a usar para el archivo y sube a s3 private void saveFileRecord() { if (isConnectedToInternet()) { mResetProgressDialog.setMessage("Actualizando informacin. Esto puede tardar unos minutos."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); dbHelper.onUpgrade(db, 0, 1); Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { downloadFile(); } catch (Exception e) { } databasehandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } }; Thread mythread = new Thread(runnable); mythread.start(); } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Para esta operacin debes estar conectado a Internet. Conctate y vuelve a presionar el botn."); } } /*private final Handler fileSavedHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { // mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); // temporal abre actividad loggeado JSONObject respuesta = null; ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "LLEGUE"); try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR JSON"); e.printStackTrace(); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(mContext, "Error guardando registro de backup de base de datos", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (respuesta != null) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "CON RESPUESTA"); int status = 0; String name = ""; try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); name = respuesta.getString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR COGER DATOS"); e.printStackTrace(); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Toast.makeText( mContext, "Error guardando registro de backup de base de datos", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } // quitar loading if (status == 1) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "listo"); // Abrir Nueva Activity porque esta registrado // Toast.makeText(mContext, "Datos guardados con xito.", // Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); File file = DbExportImport.exportDb(name); UploadFileToS3 uploadTask = new UploadFileToS3(); uploadTask.execute(file); } else { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "noooo"); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Toast.makeText( mContext, "Error guardando registro de backup de base de datos", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } else { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Toast.makeText(mContext, "Error guardando registro de backup de base de datos", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } };*/ /** * Represents an asynchronous login/registration task used to authenticate * the user. */ public class UploadFileToS3 extends AsyncTask<File, Void, Boolean> { @Override protected Boolean doInBackground(File... params) { // TODO: attempt upload String accessKey = "AKIAIIQ5AOSHXVIRUSBA"; String secretKey = "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"; AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey); AmazonS3 conn = new AmazonS3Client(credentials); try { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "subiendo archivo"); conn.putObject("com.nest5.businessClient", params[0].getName(), params[0]); } catch (com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "exeption 1"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "exeption 2"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } // TODO: register the new account here. return true; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(final Boolean status) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); if (status) Toast.makeText(mContext, "Datos guardados con xito.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); else Toast.makeText(mContext, "Error guardando el archivo en la nube, inntalo de nuevo por favor..", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "lelgo al final de la asynctask"); // mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); // Guardar referencia a archivo y empresa en nest5. } @Override protected void onCancelled() { } } /* * Recibe datos de promocion y usuario al leer tarjeta magnetica, o al * enviar email de usuario a API */ private final Handler recievePromoandUserHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Promo[] promos = null; User user = null; JSONObject respuesta = null; String mensaje = "Error de Comunicacin con Nest5, intntalo de nuevo por favor."; int status = 0; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (respuesta != null) { try { mensaje = respuesta.getString("message"); status = respuesta.getInt("status"); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (status == 1) { try { Gson gson = new Gson(); Gson gson2 = new Gson(); promos = gson.fromJson((String) respuesta.getString("promos"), Promo[].class); user = gson2.fromJson((String) respuesta.getString("user"), User.class); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); e.printStackTrace(); } // showMessageDialog("Listo", "Promo:" + // promos[0].name+" Usuario: "; // Llenar lista con adaptador de array companyPromos = Arrays.asList(promos); currentUser = user; ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<Promo> promociones = new ArrayAdapter<Promo>(mContext, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, promos) { @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { TextView textView = (TextView) super.getView(position, convertView, parent); Promo obj = getItem(position); String name = + " En: " +; textView.setText(name); return textView; } }; list.setAdapter(promociones); list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position, long arg3) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // enviar empresa, usuario y promocion que sellara mResetProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); mResetProgressDialog .setMessage("Sellando Tarjeta Nest5 de " + + "..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; int promoid = companyPromos.get(position).id; int userid =; SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); restService = new RestService(recieveStampsAndCouponsUser, mContext, Setup.PROD_URL + "/promo/beLucky"); restService.addParam("code", Integer.toString(promoid)); restService.addParam("id", Integer.toString(userid)); restService.addParam("frombusiness", "claro"); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } }); } else { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } else { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } }; /* * recieveRedeemConfirm Redime beneficios del usuario, recibe las * promociones y el nmero de cupones del usuario en cada una */ private final Handler recieveRedeemConfirm = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); Promo[] promos = null; User user = null; JSONObject respuesta = null; String mensaje = "Error de Comunicacin con Nest5, intntalo de nuevo por favor."; int status = 0; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (respuesta != null) { try { mensaje = respuesta.getString("message"); status = respuesta.getInt("status"); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (status == 1) { try { Gson gson = new Gson(); Gson gson2 = new Gson(); promos = gson.fromJson((String) respuesta.getString("promos"), Promo[].class); user = gson2.fromJson((String) respuesta.getString("user"), User.class); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); e.printStackTrace(); } // showMessageDialog("Listo", "Promo:" + // promos[0].name+" Usuario: "; // Llenar lista con adaptador de array companyPromos = Arrays.asList(promos); currentUser = user; ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<Promo> promociones = new ArrayAdapter<Promo>(mContext, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, promos) { @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { TextView textView = (TextView) super.getView(position, convertView, parent); Promo obj = getItem(position); String name = + " En: " +; textView.setText(name); return textView; } }; list.setAdapter(promociones); list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View arg1, int position, long arg3) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // enviar empresa, usuario y promocion que sellara mResetProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(mContext); mResetProgressDialog .setMessage("Redimiendo Beneficio Nest5 de " + + "..."); mResetProgressDialog.setCancelable(false); mResetProgressDialog.setIndeterminate(true);; int promoid = companyPromos.get(position).id; int userid =; SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); restService = new RestService(recieveRedeemedUser, mContext, Setup.PROD_URL + "/promo/redeemCouponBusiness"); restService.addParam("code", Integer.toString(promoid)); restService.addParam("id", Integer.toString(userid)); restService.addParam("frombusiness", "claro"); restService.setCredentials("apiadmin", Setup.apiKey); try { restService.execute(RestService.POST); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Error empezando request"); } } }); } else { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } else { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } }; /* * Recibe datos de promocion y usuario al leer tarjeta magnetica, o al * enviar email de usuario a API */ private final Handler recieveStampsAndCouponsUser = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); JSONObject respuesta = null; String mensaje = "Error de Comunicacin con Nest5, intntalo de nuevo por favor."; int status = 0; int sellos = 0; int coupones = 0; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 0"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (respuesta != null) { try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 1"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (status == 1) { try { sellos = respuesta.getInt("stamps"); coupones = respuesta.getInt("coupons"); } catch (Exception e) { showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 2"); } showMessageDialog("Tarjeta sellada con xito", + " con este ha acumulado " + sellos + " sellos y " + coupones + " cupones."); } else { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 3"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } else { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 4"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } }; /* * recieveRedeemedUser recive si redimio bien el beneficio */ private final Handler recieveRedeemedUser = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); JSONObject respuesta = null; String mensaje = "Error de Comunicacin con Nest5, intntalo de nuevo por favor."; int status = 0; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 0"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (respuesta != null) { try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 1"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } if (status == 1) { showMessageDialog("Beneficio redimido con xito", + " ha redimido un beneficio y ahora enamralo entregndoselo."); } else { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 3"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } else { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR 4"); showMessageDialog("ERROR", mensaje); } } }; //handle upload row to big data server private final Handler dataRowSent = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { //mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); JSONObject respuesta = null; ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","LLEGUE DE subir fila"); totalSync--;//no importa lo que pase, cada que trata de subir una fila dice que lo hizo, solo borra la syncrow de la base de ddatos si se guarda nuevo documento o se actualiza, de resto queda ahi, para un prximo intento try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR JSON en subir row"); e.printStackTrace(); //no se hace nada, la fila no se pudo subir y se debe subir de nuevo luego } if (respuesta != null) { //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","CON RESPUESTA de subir row"); int status = 0; int responsecode = 0; String message = ""; Long sync_id = 0L; Long sync_row = 0L; try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); responsecode = respuesta.getInt("code"); message = respuesta.getString("message"); //Log.w("MISPRUEBAS","Mesnaje del Servidor: "+message); //Log.w("MISPRUEBAS","Objeto respuesta: "+respuesta.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR COGER DATOS al subir row"); e.printStackTrace(); } // quitar loading if (status == 201) { //se creo un objeto nuevo exitosamente, se debe actualizar el sync_id con el payload //ok! status received, but still we have to check for code 555 that says everything done in Nest5 as expected. if (responsecode == 555) { try { sync_id = respuesta.getLong("syncId"); sync_row = respuesta.getLong("syncRow"); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","valores sync_id y sync_row: "+String.valueOf(sync_id)+" --- "+String.valueOf(sync_row)); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR cogiendo el syncId o el syncRow enviado por el servidor"); e.printStackTrace(); } if ((sync_id != 0L) && (sync_row != 0L)) {//se debe actualizar el valor en el objeto local porque fue creado como nuevo con xito en el servidor SyncRow sync = syncRowDataSource.getSyncRow(sync_row); String table = null; Long id = null; try { table = sync.getTable(); id = sync.getRowId(); //////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","valores table y id: "+table+" --- "+String.valueOf(id)); if (updateSyncIdInRow(table, id, Setup.COLUMN_SYNC_ID, sync_id) > 0) deleteSyncRow(sync_row); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("MISPRUEBAS", e.toString()); } } } else {//se present un error desconocido Log.w("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR desconocido al subir syncRow"); } } else { if (status == 200) { //se actualiz una fila, //ok! status received, but still we have to check for code 555 that says everything done in Nest5 as expected. if (responsecode == 555) { try { sync_row = respuesta.getLong("syncRow"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR cogiendo el syncId o el syncRow enviado por el servidor"); e.printStackTrace(); } if ((sync_row != 0L)) {//se debe actualizar el valor en el objeto local porque fue creado como nuevo con xito en el servidor try { deleteSyncRow(sync_row); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("ERRORES", e.toString()); } } } else {//error desconocido Log.w("MISPRUEBAS", "ERROR desconocido al subir syncRow 2"); } } else { if (status == 406) {//se hizo overlap con otra fila enviada desde otro dispositivo if (responsecode == 55513) { //confirmar que el http 406 si haya sido enviado porque el error era de overlap, el cdigo 13 dice que si //se debe pedir que manden una actualizacin de la fila, para tomar el valor que puso otro dispositivo que no permiti que este se guardara por obverlap try { sync_row = respuesta.getLong("syncRow"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR cogiendo el syncId o el syncRow enviado por el servidor"); e.printStackTrace(); } if ((sync_row != 0L)) {//se debe actualizar el valor en el objeto local porque fue creado como nuevo con xito en el servidor try { deleteSyncRow(sync_row); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("ERRORES", e.toString()); } } } } } } } else { //no hubo respuesta del servidor } // if(totalSync == 0) //mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); //ya no se muestra espera, solo se hace si hay internet, si hay errorres guarda row, si no los hay bien, si no hay internet guarda syncrow } }; private final Handler updateMaxHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); JSONObject respuesta = null; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR JSON en updateMaxHandler"); e.printStackTrace(); } if (respuesta != null) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","CON RESPUESTA de updateMaxHandler"); int status = 0; int responsecode = 0; String message = ""; try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); responsecode = respuesta.getInt("code"); message = respuesta.getString("message"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR COGER DATOS updateMaxHandler"); e.printStackTrace(); } ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ojo: "+String.valueOf(status)+" "+message); if (status == 200) { if (responsecode == 555) { //if registered, it doesn't matter if new are re-register, take minsale, maxsale and current sale for keeping them in the database. int maxSale = 0; int currentSale = 0; String prefix = ""; String nit = ""; String tel = ""; String address = ""; String email = ""; String url = ""; String invoiceMessage = ""; String tipMessage = ""; String resolution = ""; try { maxSale = respuesta.getInt("maxSale"); currentSale = respuesta.getInt("currentSale"); prefix = respuesta.getString("prefix"); nit = respuesta.getString("nit"); tel = respuesta.getString("tel"); address = respuesta.getString("address"); email = respuesta.getString("email"); url = respuesta.getString("url"); invoiceMessage = respuesta.getString("invoiceMessage"); tipMessage = respuesta.getString("tipMessage"); resolution = respuesta.getString("resolution"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR COGER DATOS de sales"); e.printStackTrace(); } int actualsale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); if (actualsale == 0) { prefs.edit().putInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, currentSale).commit(); } prefs.edit().putInt(Setup.MAX_SALE, maxSale).putString(Setup.INVOICE_PREFIX, prefix) .putString(Setup.COMPANY_ADDRESS, address).putString(Setup.COMPANY_EMAIL, email) .putString(Setup.COMPANY_MESSAGE, invoiceMessage) .putString(Setup.TIP_MESSAGE, tipMessage).putString(Setup.COMPANY_NIT, nit) .putString(Setup.COMPANY_TEL, tel).putString(Setup.COMPANY_URL, url) .putString(Setup.RESOLUTION_MESSAGE, resolution).commit(); ////Log.i("UPDATESALE","CurrentSale sin modificar: "+String.valueOf(prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, currentSale))); ////Log.i("UPDATESALE","maxSale sin modificar: "+String.valueOf(prefs.getInt(Setup.MAX_SALE, currentSale))); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","maxSale: "+String.valueOf(maxSale)); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","currentSale: "+String.valueOf(currentSale)); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","prefix: "+prefix); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","nit: "+nit); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","tel: "+tel); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","address: "+address); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","email: "+email); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","url: "+url); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","invoiceMessage: "+invoiceMessage); ////Log.i("DATOSINFO","tipMessage: "+tipMessage); } else { } } } else { } } }; private final Handler receivedZReport = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); JSONObject respuesta = null; try { respuesta = new JSONObject((String) msg.obj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (respuesta != null) { int status = 0; int responsecode = 0; String message = ""; JSONObject payload = null; try { status = respuesta.getInt("status"); responsecode = respuesta.getInt("code"); message = respuesta.getString("message"); payload = respuesta.getJSONObject("pay"); } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ERROR COGER DATOS updateMaxHandler"); e.printStackTrace(); } ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ojo: "+String.valueOf(status)+" "+message); if (status == 200) { double ventas = 0; double descuentos = 0; double impuestos = 0; double propinas = 0; double domicilios = 0; double llevar = 0; double tarjeta = 0; double efectivo = 0; int contEfectivo = 0; int contTarjeta = 0; int contDomicilio = 0; int contLlevar = 0; try { ventas = payload.getDouble("ventas"); descuentos = payload.getDouble("descuentos"); impuestos = payload.getDouble("impuestos"); propinas = payload.getDouble("propinas"); domicilios = payload.getDouble("domicilios"); llevar = payload.getDouble("llevar"); tarjeta = payload.getDouble("tarjeta"); efectivo = payload.getDouble("efectivo"); contEfectivo = payload.getInt("contEfectivo"); contTarjeta = payload.getInt("contTarjeta"); contDomicilio = payload.getInt("contDomicilio"); contLlevar = payload.getInt("contLlevar"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String fecha = DateFormat.getDateFormat(Initialactivity.this).format(new Date()); StringBuilder factura = new StringBuilder(); //factura.append("MR. PASTOR COMIDA\r\nRaPIDA MEXICANA" + "\r\n"); SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); String empresa = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NAME, "Nombre de Empresa"); String nit = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_NIT, "000000000-0"); String email = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_EMAIL, ""); String pagina = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_URL, ""); String direccion = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ADDRESS, "Direccin Fsica Empresa"); String telefono = prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_TEL, "555-55-55"); factura.append(empresa + "\r\n"); factura.append(nit + "\r\n"); factura.append(direccion + "\r\n"); factura.append(telefono + "\r\n"); factura.append(email + "\r\n"); factura.append(pagina + "\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); String labelVentasBrutas = "Valor Ventas Brutas"; String labelDescuentos = "Descuentos(-)"; String labelImpuestos = "Impuesto de Ventas"; String labelSubtotal = "Subtotal Ventas"; String labelDevoluciones = "Devoluciones(-)"; String labelImpDevoluciones = "Impuesto Venta Devoluciones(-)"; String labelVentasNetas = "Ventas Netas"; String labelPropinas = "Propinas"; String labelIngresosCaja = "Ingresos a Caja"; String labelDomicilio = "Domicilio"; String labelLlevar = "Llevar"; String labelEfectivo = "Efectivo"; String labelTarjeta = "Tarjeta"; String labelIngresoReal = "Ingreso Real"; String labelContado = "Ventas de Contado"; String labelTransacciones = "Total de Transacciones"; int totalEspacios = 32; factura.append(padRight(labelVentasBrutas, (totalEspacios - labelVentasBrutas.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(ventas), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(ventas)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelDescuentos, (totalEspacios - labelDescuentos.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(descuentos), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(descuentos)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelImpuestos, (totalEspacios - labelImpuestos.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(impuestos), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(impuestos)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("________________________________\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(labelSubtotal + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos), (totalEspacios - (labelSubtotal + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos)) .length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelPropinas, (totalEspacios - labelPropinas.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(propinas), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(propinas)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("________________________________\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft( labelIngresosCaja + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas), (totalEspacios - (labelIngresosCaja + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelDomicilio, (totalEspacios - labelDomicilio.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(domicilios), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(domicilios)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelLlevar, (totalEspacios - labelLlevar.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(llevar), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(llevar)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelEfectivo, (totalEspacios - labelEfectivo.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(efectivo), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(efectivo)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelTarjeta, (totalEspacios - labelTarjeta.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft("$" + String.valueOf(tarjeta), (totalEspacios - ("$" + String.valueOf(tarjeta)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("________________________________\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft( labelIngresoReal + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas), (totalEspacios - (labelIngresosCaja + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(labelContado + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos), (totalEspacios - (labelContado + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos)) .length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelDomicilio, (totalEspacios - labelDomicilio.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(String.valueOf(contDomicilio), (totalEspacios - (String.valueOf(contDomicilio)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelLlevar, (totalEspacios - labelLlevar.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(String.valueOf(contLlevar), (totalEspacios - (String.valueOf(contLlevar)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelEfectivo, (totalEspacios - labelEfectivo.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(String.valueOf(contEfectivo), (totalEspacios - (String.valueOf(contEfectivo)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padRight(labelTarjeta, (totalEspacios - labelTarjeta.length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(String.valueOf(contTarjeta), (totalEspacios - (String.valueOf(contTarjeta)).length()))); factura.append("\r\n"); factura.append("________________________________\r\n"); factura.append(padLeft(labelTransacciones + " " + String.valueOf(contEfectivo + contTarjeta), (totalEspacios - (labelTransacciones + " " + String.valueOf(contEfectivo + contTarjeta)) .length()))); Boolean printed = true; try { if (mChatService.getState() == BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTED) { try { mChatService.write(factura.toString().getBytes("x-UnicodeBig")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { printed = false; Toast.makeText(mContext, "No hay impresora bluetooth conectada.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { printed = false; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!printed) {//buscar impresora TCP/IP StringBuilder formateado = new StringBuilder(); formateado.append(CLEAR_PRINTER); formateado.append(INITIALIZE_PRINTER); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_CENTER); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(empresa); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(nit); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(direccion); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(telefono); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(email); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(pagina); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x03); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("CIERRE DE CAJA Z"); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(fecha); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x03); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelVentasBrutas); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(ventas)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelDescuentos); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(descuentos)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelImpuestos); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(impuestos)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(labelSubtotal + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelPropinas); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(propinas)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(labelIngresosCaja + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelDomicilio); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(domicilios)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelLlevar); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(llevar)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelEfectivo); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(efectivo)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelTarjeta); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append("$" + String.valueOf(tarjeta)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(labelIngresoReal + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos + propinas)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(labelContado + " $" + String.valueOf(ventas - descuentos + impuestos)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelDomicilio); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(String.valueOf(contDomicilio)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelLlevar); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(String.valueOf(contLlevar)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelEfectivo); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(String.valueOf(contEfectivo)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(labelTarjeta); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(String.valueOf(contTarjeta)); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("______________________"); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_RIGHT); formateado.append(labelTransacciones + " " + String.valueOf(contEfectivo + contTarjeta)); formateado.append(FINALIZE_TICKET); formateado.append(FULL_CUT); if (mTCPPrint != null) { if (mTCPPrint.getStatus() == TCPPrint.CONNECTED) { mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); } else { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Estamos tratando de reconectarnos e imprimir. Si no funciona, reinicia la Red o la impresora y ve a rdenes para imprimir el pedido."); } } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Trataremos en este momento de nuevo de imprimir el pedido. Si no funciona, reinicia la red o la impreso y ve a rdenes para imprimir de nuevo la orden."); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); } } } else { //otro status diferente de 200 //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS",String.valueOf(status)+": "+message); Toast.makeText(mContext, "No hay registros del da para imprimir reporte", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show(); } } else { //respuesta = null //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Respuesta null de servidor"); } } }; public void downloadFile() { try { //set the download URL, a url that points to a file on the internet //this is the file to be downloaded prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); URL url = new URL(Setup.PROD_BIGDATA_URL + "/databaseOps/importDatabase?payload={\"company\":" + prefs.getString(Setup.COMPANY_ID, "0") + "}"); //create the new connection HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); //set up some things on the connection urlConnection.setRequestMethod("GET"); urlConnection.setDoOutput(true); //and connect! urlConnection.connect(); //set the path where we want to save the file //in this case, going to save it on the root directory of the //sd card. File SDCardFolder = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/nest5_files"); if (!SDCardFolder.exists()) { SDCardFolder.mkdirs(); } //create a new file, specifying the path, and the filename //which we want to save the file as. File file = new File(SDCardFolder, "initpos.ne5"); //this will be used to write the downloaded data into the file we created FileOutputStream fileOutput = new FileOutputStream(file); //this will be used in reading the data from the internet InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream(); //this is the total size of the file int totalSize = urlConnection.getContentLength(); //variable to store total downloaded bytes int downloadedSize = 0; //create a buffer... byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int bufferLength = 0; //used to store a temporary size of the buffer //now, read through the input buffer and write the contents to the file while ((bufferLength = > 0) { //add the data in the buffer to the file in the file output stream (the file on the sd card fileOutput.write(buffer, 0, bufferLength); //add up the size so we know how much is downloaded downloadedSize += bufferLength; //this is where you would do something to report the prgress, like this maybe //updateProgress(downloadedSize, totalSize); } //close the output stream when done fileOutput.close(); ////Log.i("PRUEBAS","Acabo el archivo"); //catch some possible errors... } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Handler databasehandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { ////Log.i("PRUEBAS", "LLego de bajar el archivo"); //showProgress(false); SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); dbHelper.onCreate(db); updateRegistrables(); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); } }; private int updateSyncIdInRow(String table, Long id, String field, Long value) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(field, value); return db.update(table, values, Setup.COLUMN_ID + " = " + id, null); //actualizar las listas de acuerdo a las cosas que se hayan hecho } private int deleteSyncRow(Long id) { return db.delete(Setup.TABLE_SYNC_ROW, Setup.COLUMN_ID + " = " + id, null); //actualizar las listas de acuerdo a las cosas que se hayan hecho } //handle downlaod database private BroadcastReceiver onSyncDownloadComplete = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context ctxt, Intent intent) { // Do Something //showProgress(false); //update database (delete it?) //prefs.edit().putBoolean(Setup.IS_UPDATING, true).commit(); Log.e("GUARDANDOVENTA", "LLEGO AL RECEIVER!!!"); SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); dbHelper.onCreate(db); //mContext.deleteDatabase("nest5pos.db"); //cargar en las listas todo otra vez //reload all info on app ingredientCategoryDatasource = new IngredientCategoryDataSource(dbHelper); ingredientCategories = ingredientCategoryDatasource.getAllIngredientCategory(db); productCategoryDatasource = new ProductCategoryDataSource(dbHelper); //here it should open the app and create the databse since it doesn't exist; productsCategories = productCategoryDatasource.getAllProductCategory(); ingredientDatasource = new IngredientDataSource(dbHelper);; ingredientes = ingredientDatasource.getAllIngredient(); productDatasource = new ProductDataSource(dbHelper);; taxDataSource = new TaxDataSource(dbHelper);; taxes = taxDataSource.getAllTax(); unitDataSource = new UnitDataSource(dbHelper);; units = unitDataSource.getAllUnits(); saleDataSource = new SaleDataSource(dbHelper);; saleList = saleDataSource.getAllSales(); mResetProgressDialog.dismiss(); } }; // The Handler that gets information back from the BluetoothChatService private final Handler mHandlerBlueTooth = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGE: switch (msg.arg1) { case BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTED: //mTitle.setText(R.string.title_connected_to); //mTitle.append(mConnectedDeviceName); //mConversationArrayAdapter.clear(); /*int lv = lv7.length(); String []s=new String[lv]; setPrinter(4,0);// setPrinter(10, 1); setPrinter(4); for(int i=d;i<lv;i++){ s[i]=lv7.substring(i-1,i); if(s[i].equals("n")){ setPrinter(3); } s[i] = RepString(s[i], "n", ""); printContent(s[i]); }*/ break; case BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTING: //mTitle.setText(R.string.title_connecting); break; case BluetoothChatService.STATE_LISTEN: case BluetoothChatService.STATE_NONE: //mTitle.setText(R.string.title_not_connected); BluetoothAdapter cwjBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(); if (cwjBluetoothAdapter == null) { Toast.makeText(Initialactivity.this, "No hay adaptador disponible", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } if (!cwjBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled()) { Intent TurnOnBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); startActivityForResult(TurnOnBtIntent, REQUEST_ENABLE_BT); } break; } break; case MESSAGE_WRITE: byte[] writeBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj; // construct a string from the buffer String writeMessage = new String(writeBuf); Log.d("Escribio al socekt: ", writeMessage); //mConversationArrayAdapter.add("Me: " + writeMessage); break; case MESSAGE_READ: byte[] readBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj; // construct a string from the valid bytes in the buffer String readMessage = new String(readBuf, 0, msg.arg1); Log.d(TAG, "Leido: " + readMessage); //mConversationArrayAdapter.add(mConnectedDeviceName+": " + readMessage); break; case MESSAGE_DEVICE_NAME: // save the connected device's name mConnectedDeviceName = msg.getData().getString(DEVICE_NAME); Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Connected to " + mConnectedDeviceName, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); break; case MESSAGE_TOAST: Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), msg.getData().getString(TOAST), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); break; } } }; private boolean isConnectedToInternet() { ConnectivityManager conMgr = (ConnectivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); if (conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo() != null && conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo().isAvailable() && conMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo().isConnected()) return true; else return false; } protected void alertbox(String title, String mymessage) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this).setMessage(mymessage).setTitle(title).setCancelable(true) .setNeutralButton(android.R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { } }).show(); } protected int checkSaleNumber() { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); int maxSales = prefs.getInt(Setup.MAX_SALE, 0); int currentSale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); int disponibles = maxSales - currentSale; return disponibles; } protected int addSale() { //se llama cuando se guarda una venta, solo se guarda si se puede facturar. el valor q esto devuelve se manda en fields y se agrega a la base de datos SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); int maxSales = prefs.getInt(Setup.MAX_SALE, 0); int currentSale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); int disponibles = maxSales - currentSale; if (disponibles > 0) { ////Log.i("UPDATESALE","CurrentSale: "+String.valueOf(prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, currentSale + 1))); ////Log.i("UPDATESALE","maxSale: "+String.valueOf(prefs.getInt(Setup.MAX_SALE, currentSale + 1))); prefs.edit().putInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, currentSale + 1).commit(); } else { return -1; //no se puede crear venta, no hay nmeros de facturacin disponibles. } return currentSale + 1; } protected int subSale() { //se llama cuando se guarda una venta mal y se reestablece ek valor anterior SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mContext); int currentSale = prefs.getInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, 0); if (currentSale - 1 >= 0) prefs.edit().putInt(Setup.CURRENT_SALE, currentSale - 1).commit(); return currentSale - 1 >= 0 ? currentSale - 1 : 0; } // Load image from url private class DownloadImageTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Bitmap> { ImageView bmImage; public DownloadImageTask(ImageView bmImage) { this.bmImage = bmImage; } protected Bitmap doInBackground(String... urls) { String urldisplay = urls[0]; Bitmap mIcon11 = null; try { InputStream in = new; mIcon11 = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Error", e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return mIcon11; } protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap result) { bmImage.setImageBitmap(result); } } @Override public void OnOrderClicked(int isDelivery, int isTogo, String note) { // al guardar lo que hace es que guarda un objeto Sale con fecha, metodo // de pago y valor recibido. // despues toma currentOrder y dic saveItem(Context mContext,int type, // long item_id, double qty) para cada uno // al recuperar un sale se hace // price = 0.0; Date date = new Date(); String fecha = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy - HH:mm:ss").format(date); //String fecha = DateFormat.getDateFormat(Initialactivity.this).format( //date); // imprimir, conectar por wifi y enviar el texto arregladito a la app de // puente String mesa = "-DOMICILIO / PARA LLEVAR- O -MESA NO REGISTRADA-"; if (currentTable != null) { mesa = currentTable.getTable().getName().toUpperCase(Locale.getDefault()); } int lines = 0; StringBuilder factura = new StringBuilder(); String newline = "\r\n"; String title = "-----COMANDA----COMANDA-----" + "\r\n"; String tableheader = " Item Cantidad\r\n"; String notas = "NOTAS\r\n"; factura.append(title); factura.append(mesa + "\r\n"); lines++; factura.append(fecha); lines++; lines++; lines++; factura.append(newline); factura.append(tableheader); lines++; int j = 0; LinkedList<String> productos = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<Integer> quantities = new LinkedList<Integer>(); LinkedList<Double> precios = new LinkedList<Double>(); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = currentOrder.entrySet().iterator(); // Log.d(TAG,String.valueOf(currentOrder.size())); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>(); while (it.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>); currentObjects.put(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue()); String name = pairs.getKey().name; productos.add(name); int longName = name.length(); int subLength = 14 - longName; if (subLength < 0) name = name.substring(0, 14); int espacios1 = 4; int espacios2 = 12; if (name.length() < 14) { espacios1 += 14 - name.length(); } factura.append(name); int qtyL = String.valueOf(pairs.getValue()).length(); espacios1 = espacios1 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios1 = 1 : espacios1 - qtyL; //espacios2 = espacios2 - priceL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - priceL; espacios2 = espacios2 - qtyL < 1 ? espacios2 = 1 : espacios2 - qtyL; for (int k = 0; k < espacios1; k++) { factura.append(" "); } factura.append(pairs.getValue()); quantities.add(pairs.getValue()); for (int k = 0; k < espacios2; k++) { factura.append(" "); } factura.append(newline); lines++; } factura.append(notas); factura.append(note); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentSelectedAddTable > -1) {//esto significa que esta agregando la orden actual a otra existente, para la mesa que este seleccionada LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> existingOrder = null; for (Map.Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> tab : cookingOrdersTable .entrySet()) { if (tab.getValue().getTable().getName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentTable.getTable().getName())) { existingOrder = tab.getKey(); break; } } if (existingOrder != null) { int prevDelivery = cookingOrdersDelivery.get(existingOrder); int prevTogo = cookingOrdersTogo.get(existingOrder); Long prevTime = cookingOrdersTimes.get(existingOrder); cookingOrders.remove(existingOrder); cookingOrdersDelivery.remove(existingOrder); cookingOrdersTable.remove(existingOrder); cookingOrdersTimes.remove(existingOrder); cookingOrdersTogo.remove(existingOrder); Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> itnuevo = existingOrder.entrySet().iterator(); while (itnuevo.hasNext()) { LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pairs = (LinkedHashMap.Entry<Registrable, Integer>) itnuevo .next(); currentObjects.put(pairs.getKey(), pairs.getValue()); } cookingOrders.add(currentObjects); cookingOrdersDelivery.put(currentObjects, prevDelivery); cookingOrdersTogo.put(currentObjects, prevTogo); cookingOrdersTimes.put(currentObjects, prevTime); cookingOrdersTable.put(currentObjects, currentTable); } } else { cookingOrders.add(currentObjects); cookingOrdersDelivery.put(currentObjects, isDelivery); cookingOrdersTogo.put(currentObjects, isTogo); cookingOrdersTimes.put(currentObjects, startTime); if (currentTable != null) { cookingOrdersTable.put(currentObjects, currentTable); openTables.push(currentTable); } else { int[] coordinates = new int[2]; coordinates[0] = 0; coordinates[1] = 0; CurrentTable<Table, Integer> tabletemp = new CurrentTable<Table, Integer>( new Table("Domicilio / Para Llevar", 1, coordinates), 1); cookingOrdersTable.put(currentObjects, tabletemp); openTables.push(tabletemp); } } List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); /*if (!isTimerRunning) { startTimer(); }*/ currentOrder.clear(); currentTable = null; statusText.setText("En Espera de Abrir mesa."); makeTable("NA"); lines++; lines++; Boolean printed = true; try { if (mChatService.getState() == BluetoothChatService.STATE_CONNECTED) { try { mChatService.write(factura.toString().getBytes("x-UnicodeBig")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { printed = false; Toast.makeText(mContext, "No hay impresora conectada.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { printed = false; e.printStackTrace(); } if (!printed) {//buscar impresora TCP/IP StringBuilder formateado = new StringBuilder(); formateado.append(CLEAR_PRINTER); formateado.append(INITIALIZE_PRINTER); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_CENTER); formateado.append(DOUBLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append("----COMANDA----"); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(fecha); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(mesa); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x03); formateado.append(JUSTIFICATION_LEFT); formateado.append("ITEM"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append("CANTIDAD"); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(SINGLE_WIDE_CHARACTERS); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); for (String actual : productos) { int pos = productos.indexOf(actual); int cantidad = quantities.get(pos); formateado.append(actual); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(HORIZONTAL_TAB); formateado.append(cantidad); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); } formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_N_LINES); formateado.append((char) 0x02); formateado.append(ITALIC_STYLE); formateado.append(notas); formateado.append(PRINT_FEED_ONE_LINE); formateado.append(note); formateado.append(ITALIC_CANCEL); formateado.append(FINALIZE_TICKET); formateado.append(PARTIAL_CUT); if (mTCPPrint != null) { if (mTCPPrint.getStatus() == TCPPrint.CONNECTED) { mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); mTCPPrint.sendMessage(formateado.toString()); } else { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Estamos tratando de reconectarnos e imprimir. Si no funciona, reinicia la Red o la impresora y ve a rdenes para imprimir el pedido."); } } else { alertbox("Oops!", "Al Parecer no hay impresora disponible. Trataremos en este momento de nuevo de imprimir el pedido. Si no funciona, reinicia la red o la impreso y ve a rdenes para imprimir de nuevo la orden."); new connectTask().execute(formateado.toString()); } } } private void saveSale(String method, Double value, Double discount, int delivery, int togo, int tip) { int number = checkSaleNumber(); int nextsale = addSale(); //se aumenta el valor de facturacin, //si falla se resta un numero de las ventas actuales mas adelante,. Sale createdSale = null; long saveDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> currentSale = currentOrder; if (number > 0) { createdSale = saleDataSource.createSale(saveDate, method, value, 0, delivery, togo, tip, discount, nextsale); } else { alertbox("!ATENCIN!", "Esta venta no se puede facturar. Este dispositivo no tiene ms facturas autorizadas. Consulta el administrador, o si tu lo eres, ve a tu panel de control Nest5 y autoriza ms facturas. Para ms informacin:"); } if (createdSale != null) { Iterator<Entry<Registrable, Integer>> it = currentSale.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Registrable, Integer> pair = (Map.Entry<Registrable, Integer>); createdSale.saveItem(dbHelper, pair.getKey().type, pair.getKey().id, pair.getValue());//ser que ac guarda el id local y sincroiniza asi por eso llega luego tod en ceros al volver a sincronizar? // Log.d("INGREDIENTES","INGREDIENTE: "+ingrediente.getKey().getName()+" "+ingrediente.getValue()); } //cookingOrders.remove(currentSelectedPosition); try { cookingOrders.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersDelivery.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTogo.remove(currentSale); cookingOrdersTimes.remove(currentSale); openTables.remove(cookingOrdersTable.get(currentSale)); cookingOrdersTable.remove(currentSale); //quitar mesas de las abiertas y quitar } catch (Exception e) { ////Log.i("ERRORES_REMOVE","HAY UN ERROR AL REMOVER CURRENTSALE DE COOKINGORDERS"); e.printStackTrace(); } currentTable = null; statusText.setText("Cuenta Cerrada Exitosamente."); currentSelectedPosition = -1; //sendCommandMessage(DELETE_ALL_COMMAND); List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : cookingOrders) { items.add(cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(mContext, items, nameTables, inflater); ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); salesFromToday = saleDataSource.getAllSalesWithin(init, end); ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(orderListListener); //currentOrder.clear(); //NUEVO //makeTable("NA"); sale_name.setText("Venta Guardada con xito"); sale_details.setText("Selecciona otro elemento para ver detalles."); updateSaleValue(); //pdate sale object to get saved items, since the object doesn't have them createdSale = saleDataSource.getSale(createdSale.getId()); //Log.w("GUARDANDOVENTA","Cantidad de productos: "+String.valueOf(createdSale.getProducts().size())); createSyncRow("\"" + Setup.TABLE_SALE + "\"", createdSale.getId(), createdSale.getSyncId(), createdSale.serializedFields()); } else { subSale();//fall uardando venta por lo tanto resetea el valor de facturacin actual al anterior. Toast.makeText(mContext, "Error al Guardar la venta", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } public static String padRight(String s, int n) { return String.format("%1$-" + n + "s", s); } public static String padLeft(String s, int n) { return String.format("%1$" + n + "s", s); } private void updateRegistrables() { try { productList = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); allRegistrables = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); inflater = Initialactivity.this.getLayoutInflater(); Iterator<Product> iterator = productos.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { // ////Log.i("HOLAAA",; Registrable current = new Registrable(; productList.add(current); allRegistrables.add(current); } ingredientList = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); Iterator<Ingredient> iterator2 = ingredientes.iterator(); while (iterator2.hasNext()) { // //////Log.i("HOLAAA",; Registrable current = new Registrable(; ingredientList.add(current); allRegistrables.add(current); } comboList = new ArrayList<Registrable>(); inflater = Initialactivity.this.getLayoutInflater(); Iterator<Combo> iterator3 = combos.iterator(); while (iterator3.hasNext()) { // ////Log.i("HOLAAA",; Registrable current = new Registrable(; comboList.add(current); allRegistrables.add(current); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /***** * * * Print over tcp / ip * * *****/ public class connectTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, TCPPrint> { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); String server = prefs.getString("pref_printerip", ""); int port = Integer.parseInt(prefs.getString("pref_printerport", "4098")); @Override protected TCPPrint doInBackground(String... message) { mTCPPrint = new TCPPrint(new TCPPrint.OnMessageReceived() { @Override public void messageReceived(String message) { publishProgress(message); } }, mContext, server, port);; return null; } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) { super.onProgressUpdate(values); for (String actual : values) { if (actual.equals(TCPPrint.STATUS_CHANGE)) { //hay un cambio de estado en la conexin con la impresora switch (mTCPPrint.getStatus()) { case TCPPrint.CONNECTED: deviceText.setText("CONECTADO A IMPRESORA"); break; case TCPPrint.DISCONNECTED: deviceText.setText("ATENCIN! NO HAY IMPRESORA"); break; case TCPPrint.CONNECTING: deviceText.setText("CONECTANDO..."); break; case TCPPrint.SUDDENLY_DISCONNECTED: deviceText.setText("ATENCIN! NO HAY IMPRESORA!"); alertbox("Oops!", "Por alguna razn se ha perdido la conexin con la impresora. Intenta presionando en el texto de conexin y si no funciona reinicia tu router o adaptador."); if (mTCPPrint != null) { mTCPPrint.stopClient(); } new connectTask().execute(""); break; } } } } } private static final Runnable sRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LinkedList<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>> cookingOrders = Initialactivity.getCookingOrders(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> cookingOrdersTimes = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTimes(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> cookingOrdersTable = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTables(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersTogo = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTogo(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersDelivery = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersDelivery(); String list = ""; String deliveries = ""; String togos = ""; String times = ""; String tables = ""; String opentables = ""; try { GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder(); gb.registerTypeAdapter(LinkedList.class, new SerialiserLinkedList()); Gson gson = gb.create(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","antes de la lista sigue el linkedhashmap"); list = gson.toJson(cookingOrders); gb.registerTypeAdapter(new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMap()); gson = gb.create(); for (Map.Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> orden : cookingOrdersTogo.entrySet()) { //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS",orden.toString()); } ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ya paso la lista sigue el linkedhashmap"); togos = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTogo); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","acabo el primer linkedhashmap"); deliveries = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersDelivery); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","TAMAP DE COOKINGORDERSTABE : "+cookingOrdersTable.size()); gb.registerTypeAdapter(new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapLong()); gson = gb.create(); times = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTimes); if (cookingOrdersTable.size() > 0) { //it can be 0 when there are orders but not assigned to a table gb.registerTypeAdapter( new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>() .getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapCurrentTable()); gson = gb.create(); tables = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTable); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","acabo el segundo linkedhashmap: "+tables); } ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Lista: "+list); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }; private static class BackUpThread implements Runnable { private WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public BackUpThread(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } // After call for background.start this run method call public void run() { LinkedList<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>> cookingOrders = Initialactivity.getCookingOrders(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> cookingOrdersTimes = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTimes(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> cookingOrdersTable = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTables(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersTogo = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersTogo(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersDelivery = Initialactivity .getCookingOrdersDelivery(); String list = ""; String deliveries = ""; String togos = ""; String times = ""; String tables = ""; try { GsonBuilder gb = new GsonBuilder(); gb.registerTypeAdapter(LinkedList.class, new SerialiserLinkedList()); Gson gson = gb.create(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","antes de la lista sigue el linkedhashmap"); list = gson.toJson(cookingOrders); gb.registerTypeAdapter(new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMap()); gson = gb.create(); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","ya paso la lista sigue el linkedhashmap"); togos = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTogo); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","acabo el primer linkedhashmap"); deliveries = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersDelivery); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","TAMAP DE COOKINGORDERSTABE : "+cookingOrdersTable.size()); gb.registerTypeAdapter(new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapLong()); gson = gb.create(); times = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTimes); if (cookingOrdersTable.size() > 0) { //it can be 0 when there are orders but not assigned to a table gb.registerTypeAdapter( new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>() .getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapCurrentTable()); gson = gb.create(); tables = gson.toJson(cookingOrdersTable); ////Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","acabo el segundo linkedhashmap: "+tables); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } threadMsg(list, togos, times, tables, deliveries); } private void threadMsg(String list, String togos, String times, String tables, String deliveries) { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); if (!isPausing) activity.backUpOrdersHandler.postDelayed(activity.constantBackUp, 60 * 1000); Message msgObj = activity.backUpOrdersHandler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString("list", list); b.putString("togos", togos); b.putString("times", times); b.putString("tables", tables); b.putString("deliveries", deliveries); msgObj.setData(b); activity.backUpOrdersHandler.sendMessage(msgObj); } } private static class BackUpOrdersHandler extends Handler { private final WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public BackUpOrdersHandler(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); if (activity != null) { String list = msg.getData().getString("list"); String deliveries = msg.getData().getString("deliveries"); String togos = msg.getData().getString("togos"); String tables = msg.getData().getString("tables"); String times = msg.getData().getString("times"); Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "lista: " + tables); // ...actualizo listas si son if (!list.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(activity); prefs.edit().putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS, list) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_DELIVERIES, deliveries) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TOGOS, togos) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TIMES, times) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TABLES, tables).commit(); if (isPausing) { Initialactivity.cookingOrders.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersDelivery.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTimes.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTogo.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTable.clear(); } } } } } private static class RecoverThread implements Runnable { private WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public RecoverThread(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } // After call for background.start this run method call @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void run() { Initialactivity.cookingOrders.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersDelivery.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTimes.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTable.clear(); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTogo.clear(); SharedPreferences prefs = Util.getSharedPreferences(mActivity.get()); String list = prefs.getString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS, "[]"); String deliveries = prefs.getString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_DELIVERIES, "[]"); String togos = prefs.getString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TOGOS, "[]"); String times = prefs.getString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TIMES, "[]"); String tables = prefs.getString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TABLES, "[]"); prefs.edit().putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS, null).putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_DELIVERIES, null) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TOGOS, null).putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TIMES, null) .putString(Setup.COOKING_ORDERS_TABLES, null).commit(); try { GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder(); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(LinkedList.class, new SerialiserLinkedList()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter( new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMap()); Gson gson = gsonBuilder.create(); Initialactivity.cookingOrders = gson.fromJson(list, LinkedList.class);//usar solo estos objetos para llenar los otros LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersDelivery_temp = gson .fromJson(deliveries, new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>().getClass()); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> cookingOrdersTogo_temp = gson.fromJson( togos, new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>().getClass()); gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter( new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>().getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapLong()); gson = gsonBuilder.create(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> cookingOrdersTimes_temp = gson .fromJson(times, new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>().getClass()); Set<Map.Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>> valoresTogo = cookingOrdersTogo_temp .entrySet(); Set<Map.Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer>> valoresDelivery = cookingOrdersDelivery_temp .entrySet(); Set<Map.Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long>> valoresTime = cookingOrdersTimes_temp .entrySet(); int i = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> objeto : valoresTogo) { LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> actual = cookingOrders.get(i); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTogo.put(actual, objeto.getValue()); i++; } i = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> objeto : valoresDelivery) { LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> actual = cookingOrders.get(i); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersDelivery.put(actual, objeto.getValue()); i++; } i = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> objeto : valoresTime) { LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> actual = cookingOrders.get(i); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTimes.put(actual, objeto.getValue()); i++; } Log.i("MISPRUEBAS", "Tables string: " + tables); if (tables != "[]") { //if any order is assigned to a table gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter( new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>() .getClass(), new SerialiserLinkedHashMapCurrentTable()); gson = gsonBuilder.create(); LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> cookingOrdersTable_temp = gson .fromJson(tables, new LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>() .getClass()); //imprimo cookingOrders int j = 0; for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> order : cookingOrders) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "-Orden No. " + j); for (Map.Entry<Registrable, Integer> entrada : order.entrySet()) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "--" + entrada.getKey().name + " : " + entrada.getValue()); } j++; } //imprimocookingOrdersTable_temp j = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> ordertable : cookingOrdersTable_temp .entrySet()) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "-OrdertableTemp No. " + j); Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "-Mesa temp: " + ordertable.getValue().getTable().getName()); for (Entry<Registrable, Integer> orden : ordertable.getKey().entrySet()) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "--" + orden.getKey().name + " : " + orden.getValue()); } j++; } Set<Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>>> valoresTable = cookingOrdersTable_temp .entrySet(); i = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> objeto : valoresTable) { //Log.i("MISPRUEBAS","Mesa: "+cookingOrders.get(i)+" - "+objeto.getValue().getTable().getName()); LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> actual = cookingOrders.get(i); Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTable.put(actual, objeto.getValue()); openTables.push(objeto.getValue()); i++; } //imprimocookingOrdersTable j = 0; for (Entry<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> ordertable : cookingOrdersTable .entrySet()) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "-Ordertable No. " + j); Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "-En Mesa: " + ordertable.getValue().getTable().getName()); for (Entry<Registrable, Integer> orden : ordertable.getKey().entrySet()) { Log.i("MISPRUEBAS2", "--" + orden.getKey().name + " : " + orden.getValue()); } j++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } threadMsg(1); } private void threadMsg(int ready) { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); Message msgObj = activity.recoverOrdersHandler.obtainMessage(); Bundle b = new Bundle(); msgObj.setData(b); activity.recoverOrdersHandler.sendMessage(msgObj); } } private static class RecoverOrdersHandler extends Handler { private final WeakReference<Initialactivity> mActivity; public RecoverOrdersHandler(Initialactivity activity) { mActivity = new WeakReference<Initialactivity>(activity); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { Initialactivity activity = mActivity.get(); if (activity != null) { List<Long> items = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<String> nameTables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer> current : Initialactivity.cookingOrders) { items.add(Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTimes.get(current)); nameTables.add(Initialactivity.cookingOrdersTable.get(current).getTable().getName()); } SaleAdapter cookingAdapter = new SaleAdapter(activity, items, nameTables, Initialactivity.inflater); if (Initialactivity.ordersList != null) { Initialactivity.ordersList.setAdapter(cookingAdapter); Initialactivity.ordersList.setOnItemClickListener(Initialactivity.orderListListener); } } } } protected static LinkedList<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>> getCookingOrders() { return cookingOrders; } protected static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Long> getCookingOrdersTimes() { return cookingOrdersTimes; } protected static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, CurrentTable<Table, Integer>> getCookingOrdersTables() { return cookingOrdersTable; } protected static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> getCookingOrdersTogo() { return cookingOrdersTogo; } protected static LinkedHashMap<LinkedHashMap<Registrable, Integer>, Integer> getCookingOrdersDelivery() { return cookingOrdersDelivery; } }